DREGS MEDICINES, CM la _W. Mk; • [l'd S 9 Oiree ourtlyman ~7 U 0_ FT'aynesoro', May 24, 1867. ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKS! EIL WALTER et WM MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS , IN illumuncrels, 2b fiats , tones, 4.c,, 4c., lir-fall attention to cur adetorttnant of the hove, compri,ing - the in:wetst and m os t u p roved stylee kiuring the achanta,ge rf ‘Vater-power, and It ',Onf," experience in Oil? STONE CUTTING BUSINESS, we are able to till-mien; at the shotteA nottce and on most retionable Germs• Live us a call at our near Antietam Junc tion, on the Waync,,hoio' and liagerstown Turn pike, two miles troui the, former place. Post Office a.tdres, Wayit:hboro . , I'a. N. D. Oricrs can be left WA, Wal!tez end ill receivo prompt attentio4,l,. .IAW. & 111{0. April 3—tf. A' ILL I. PIAILVITUE, ETC. 's • • - • f 71.1. E utidersigng 4 having 1 the Ittost intpravements to his Mill, (formerly Pr. .1 - Az's) announces to the public that he is now loanutacturing a superior nitacie of .P A IJ. I FLOU.R. which will be-delivered to pusons at market prices. ile has also on hand a supply of MILL STUPP of all kinds, which be will wholesale or retail at the deliver if desired; at the bluest market rates. Having refitted his Mil with the most improved machinery he feels that he is enabled to give g..ricinl satisfaction. tiffs Flour in sacks can he had at Groce ry, where orders may be left. The highest mail et price pail tor li • I:: 7' dcl.verod at the Mill. COUI'ER ATUFF wanted. • mar 21-01 DAVID PAT rEP,soN. _IE4 lit -1 3 S -7 'IRE,' :TES raillit; undersigned would inform the public gen. J. entity that be has rurcharied the Livery hero ore ootied by eriintilla Wvagtcy, and is lull} ow prepared to poet, the wants of the com• triunity in his line of business. lie has had all his carriages neatly re. • s • paired and refitted and his Mirage are 411111"-• silo. gentle and fart t.racel e rg. Par. nee conveyed to any point desired, at• umpanie i by a careful driver. (Mice one door west of Hoyden's Bold, where an attentive Loatler w ill be in attendance at all tenni of the night and day. • No &drat will be spared to accommodate all whc may vitroutze. bun. •;lee 17 tf . Wll. 11. FUN K. . ' 301111 --:Boot and Shoemak6r, '.FOl:lta the cit i 2 of Waynesboro' and the public generally that he is.new prepared to put 1. 1 , to order FAIR-S7T.ICHEII AND SCOTC!i• BOTTOM WORK omit kinds. Petsons wanting work done in his brie are requested to hand iii their orders early so that ho may be enabled to ascotn 7 zood 'to all customers promptly. Ile will use his best endeavors to give satisfaction, both as regards the titling. as well as the quality of work made by Lint: us none but the l'Efe Y BEST IVORKMEN and the BEST' MATBRIAL will be used by him. lie most restp rctfully solicits a' share et public arronago. ,at his Owe of, business, in Dr. 1. N. bein;ely's dwelling house, up stairs ' july 21-187 U. Notice to the Public I undersigned is running a Line of Stagoa 1 from liagerbtown to Gattyshurg, leaving formes Olen oil Monday, Wodne,aday and Friday, at 7 o'- •elock,,A iti., pusaing by Leitersburg, Waynesboro', Monterey and Dierammt springs, Fountain Dale e.ne Faitfi-id;arriviug at Gettysburg at half, past out o'ehek a nd returning from Gettysburg on lay. Tbaraday awl Saturday, arriving at !lagers. wan to Make minuet:him witli'the 5 o'clock . Irons is Baltimore. 7:11 t_ n. auIIEITMEE DI; ALER IN DRUGS, Chemicals, PATENT :MEDICINES, PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, S N - T S , TARNISUESE9 • dre, dze. - - 0 --7- 'O3 - "P1 siciansMealt".with at 20 percent. discount. Wayisesbore!,Egot el Itu!ltling, March 27,1868 See Here • Read This NOTICE ! Tim subscriber has just returned front the East rich a-large-stock of Goods, such as BOOTS._ SHOES, a Amos, BALMO: itAs and all kinds Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys, Women, Misses and Children, which be is selling ,it prices-that will please; - ' -- HATS OF EVERY STYLE . for Men and Buys, Cops of all the leading styles to suit .and lit any head., ' We bmght our stuck cheap and arc determined -to-sell accordingly. Notions 1 Notions ! Notions ! 1 - REATI777IE I.IST. Shirts and Drawers G.tuntlets, Suspenders Dating Gloves Paper Collars Fur top Gloves Buck. Gloves Hosiery Sheep Skin Gloves Wool knit half Hoe Lisle Thread Gloves Cotton Half Hose VVool-knit G loves --- Gcrmantown Half Hose Butte , llies Black bilk Ties Fancy silk Ties - Broad End Ties Lsdrrs & Gents Pa cuffs Linen handkerchiefs l'ocket Books Por tin o n ies Brushers • Pocket Knives Cloth Brushes Peu Knees • rsha‘ing Brushes Nail Knives Hair Brushes Fancy Soaps Tooth Brushes Perfumery Shoe Brublics Allauus Crbiahs Pins and Needles liazarri Lead Pencil's • Gum Caps • Slates Violin strings ink • Note Pap, r Pcn Holders Envelopes Blacking Hair Oils Monarandas Toys: Carpet tacks Crocha Needles .Vartcy toys, &c &c. &c, and so fourth. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, American, 5a ks and English; Seth Thomas and o• ther Clocks. Jew( I , y of every description for La dice, Gents, Misses and Children at 2reatly reduced prices. Finger Rings, a large stock, plain Gold, Fancy Sett, Chased and Fancy Finger Rings; Silv er and other Plated Rings in great variety, watch chains, Guards, ILLons, Bracelets, Charms, Bleeve Buttons. Gold Pens and Pencils; watch chain hooks keys, SIX, Trunks, Canes, Umbrellas, Baskets, Mats, Ira{lacer, I :tart Bags, R. H. Bags; Tuttacco, Oignra and bnutf. Uunilies, Fruits, •Itai 'ens, Nuts and Confectionari a of ull kinds• tome one, come nII, and—bay. Tbankful for past lavers be hopes by a desire to p;e:teeto merit a liberal bbare of public patronage EZEISIEL ELDLIN, Oct 1,1'469. CITEAP"COONEY.” BOOT AND SHOE STORE! rflll E tubscriber has just teturned from the city 1 and is naw opening for exatninatinn a' large and well selected stock of Hoots and blume. Having had a long time to become acquainted with the Boot and :hoe trade, nu doubt if you favor him with a call you will buy as he will self cheap and warrant the work. All rips mended free of charge. Give "Cooney" a call, U. It U CS: Sept 25-ti Boot and Shoemak ing. 1110 subscriber would inform the public that he 1 is at all times prepared to make to order Gents Coarse or fine Boots, also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses. including the latest style of last ing Guitars. Repairing done at short- notice, and unmsures taken in private families if desired. 'tihep on Rust cltreet, in the rouni, rornterly uccuited by J. Elden, us a flour said feed store. TilOct. 3. lIOLLINGSWORTIL juty 23 —tf NOTACE• Notico is heteby given that applicati.m will he made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania ftir the incorpciretion Of the Waynesboro' Savings Bank, to be located at Waynesboro', in Franklin county; with general banking and discounting privileges, with a ciliate! of twenty thousand dollars, with the privilege to increase the same to the 'mit of two hundred thousand dollars. june 30-t- Amos] DR. J. A. RUCHES' Ring Bone, Bone Spavin, Splint and Curb Remedy. • Astute 'cure or truntey refunded. - iEaeh psektge contains full ducctiods. Price $3. AU orders ad dressed to bit .f. A• 111;611E8, July 14 Gm] WAYNE6I3ORtY L PA. Way nua,!.9r4 , Fa. THE KIDNEYS, The Kidneys me two in ,number, situated at the upper part of the loin, surrounded by fat, and con sistieg of three parts, viz: the Anterior, the Irk. tinier, and the Exterior. The anterior absorbs. Interior consists of tissue or veins, which serve as a deposit for die urine and convey it to.the exterior. 'the eiterier is a conduct or also. terminating in a single tube, and called the Ureter. The ureters are connected with the Wad der. The Madder is composed of .various coverings oy tissues, divided into ports. viz: the Upper, the Low er, the Nervous, sad the Mucous. Ihe upper ex pels, the lower retains. Many have a desire, to uri nate without the ability ; others urinate without the ability to retain. This fregitently •occurs in chil dren To cure these affections; we must bring into ae lion the muscle's, which are engaged in their va •ious functions. If they are neglected, (have! or Dropsy may ensue. The tender must also be made aware, that how ever slight may be the attack, it is sure to effect the bodily health and mental powers, as our flesh and Wood are supported from these sources. ' GOUT, OR RHEUMAT TISM. Vain obscuring in the loins is inflictive of the abOve diseases. They. occur in persons disposed to acid stomach and chalky concretions. THE - GRAVEL. The gravel ensues from neglect or improper treat mt nt of the kidneys. These 'organs beim; weak, the water is not expelled from the bladder, but al lowed to renia ; it becomes feverish, and sediment. forms. It is from this deposit that—the stone IS formed, and gravel ensues. DROPSY - is:a collection of water in some parts of the body, and bears different names, according to thelparts of fected, viz: when generally diffused over the.body, it;~is caned Anasarea ; when of the abdomen, :In cites; when of the chest s Hydrotheraft. TilaaVaar4l 4 Delia:okra highly concentrated compound Ex tract litichu is decidedly ONE OF THE: BEST REMEDIES FOR DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, ;WIN uys, GRAVEL, DROPSICAL,wELLrms.. RHEUMATISM, ' and.gouty afflictions. Under this head we have ar ranged I)ysuria, or difficulty and -pain - in passing water,,Scanty secretion, or small and frequent dis charges of water; Strangury, or stopping of water; Ilemaluria, or bloody urine, Gout and Itheurnatisur of & lhe kidneys, without any change in quantity, but increase in color, or dark water. It was always HIGHLY- RECOMMENDED by.the late Dr. Physick, in these affeetitma Thin medicine • INCREASES TEE POWER OF DIGESTION, and excite; the absorbents into healthy exercise by which„the watery or calcareous depositions, and nll unnatural enlargements, as well as pain and inflam• motion, are reduced, and it is taken by men, wo men, and ehiliren. Directions for use and diet ac company. PHILADELPHIA, PA., Feb. 25, 1807. 11. T. 11coniotti, Druggist : Dcart Sin —I have been a sufforer, fir upviard of twenty years, with gravel, bladder, and kidney rif lection, during which limo I have used various me dicinal preparations, and been under the treatment or the moat eminent Physicians; experiencing but little•reliuf. Having seen your preparation extensively adver 630, I consulted with my family physician in re gard to using your Estract Buchn. I did this because I had used all kinds of advet• tiscd remedies, am' hail found them worthless, and some quite injurious; itt fact I despaired of e ver ge t. fing well, and deteranned to use no remedies hero atter unless I knew of tha ingredients. r It was this that prompted the to use your remedy. As you ad vertised that it was composed of buchu, cubebe, and juniper berries, it oceerred to me and my physician as an excellent combination, end, with his advice at / ter an examination of the artic'e, and consulting a• gain with the druggist, 1 concluded to try it. I corn menced its usa about eight: months ago, at which time I was confined to my room. From the first bottle I was astonished and gratified at the beneficial effect, and _ after using it three weeks, was able to walk out. I telt much like writing you a full state ment of my case at that time, but thought My im provement might only be temporary, and therefore concluded to defer and see if it would efrect a per, feet cure, ka.owmg then it would bp of greater value toy ou, and more satisfactory to Me. i ant now able to report that a curo is elpcted af ter using the remedy for five months. 1 havb not used any now for three months and feel as well in all respects as I did, Your Matti being devoid army unpleasant taste and odor, A .NICE TONIC AND INVIGORATOR OF THE S-178Tpl, I do not mean to be without it whenever occasion may iegnie its 1140 in such tiff ctione. NfoCORMICK. Moult] any doubt Mr. McCormick's statement ho refers them to Pie it:Rowing gentlemen : lion. Wm. 1/113LER, ex-Governor, Penneyiyani4. Hon. Taos. 11. Ploantios, Phila 'elphia. lion. J. E. Krox, Judge, Philadelphir. non: J. S 111.1.eit Judge, Pliilsdelphia. lion. D. R. Poinsa, r x•Govcinor. Penn's. lion. Elms l‘gyis Judge, Phil idelphia. lion. R. C. Galas, Judge, United Sillies court. lion. 9. W. WoouvrAitp, Judge, Philadelphia. lion. W, A PORTER. City Solicitor, Phila. 11011. Juns B1OLF:R, rx Governor, California. Hon. H Auditor Gen , Washington, D. 0. • and many ethers if nec.•ssary. ' ` Sold by Proygists and Ikt'eri fservirber. 80,- ware of asuntestinbg. Ask for Ilelmbola's. 'lake no oliwn - FUTON— SI 25 per bottle. or 6 bottles for $ 1, .50 Deliverol to any midress. besMibe symp toms in nil ;Communications. Address H. T. lik.:1.M1101.1), Driq and Chnni cal Warehouse, 594 13r.ladway, N. Y. -" . „ "ONE ARE GENUINE T 3 N. lass dime up in iiimi.l-iiuroved wripper, with fac-,iniite of my Vtiemiciii _Warehouiu , and -sign .p. T. ii.pl';M BOLD. L 11.1. WHITMORE, :Wholade and Retail Dea fer is F i URNITURE Carpets, pREENpASTI-E, PA. I. 11. WIIITDIQii,E , Would call the attention of all who are in need of Furniture Maßrasses, Looking Glasses, Cerpete, to the fact that he has a larger stock pa hand, at his rooms on the southeast: corner of Centre Square, than all shiffiar establishments in the county com bined, and that he can and does offer inducements to Housekeepers and others. in want of goods in his line, such as no other Carpet Dealers can do. He has on hand upwards of 100 Bedaeads of over 25 different styles, Fanning in price from $5 to $75 ea ch." More than 00 Bureaus, of 45 different styles, from *7,50 to $75 each. Upwards of 000 Chairs, of all styles, from $1,25 to $35 each. Rocking Chairs from $1,50 to $9O. Full Chamber Suits, solid Walnut, horn $6O to $2OO each. Cottage Suits, 'from $ 3O . to $9O each. Tete.a-Tetes and Sofas, from $2O to sWeach. Spring seat Parlor Chairs, from $3O to $6O per half doxen. Lounges from $7 to $35 each. Marble top Parlor Tables, solid Warkut, from slo' to $35 each. Wood top Parlor Tables, from $2 to $l3 each. among which are 2tl different styles. *Also Extension, Isreakfast, Dining and' Hall Tables; in endless variety. Wardrobes, Bookcases, Writing Desks, Library Tables, Secretaries, What Nots, Hat Racks, • Piano Stools, Umbrella Stands, ('amp, - Office, Hall and Library Chairs. Safes, Sideboard's, Shake, Doughtrays, Cupboards, I!frislisiaridg, liAlso, a large stock of all kinds of Mattrasses, suph as Hair, Husk, Palm Leaf, Wool and Straw, at prices from $4 to $4O. Spring Mattrasses, Spring Bed Hottotne. Swinging and Rocking Cradles. The highest cash price paid for Carpet Rags. We have a large stock of Carpets always on hand such as Biussells, Ingrained, Stair, Ball and all kinds of Alattings; — ' and all kinds Floor Oil Cloth, at low ,nukingOlasses;lll - m - Thiit Walnut Frames to Fancy Ovals in Arch Tops, in Built and Rose wood. Also, Childrons' 13uggies and Hobby Hors t;s, Picture Frames and Mouloings-of—all—deserip tions, and at lower prices than can ho had else where in the county. He' also sells Wholesale to the trade, all of whom he reguestslo call and lenrn prices before purchasing elsewhere. FP' Rag Uar pets inn& to order. MOWERS AND DIAPERS FOR IS A LE . January 14-0". ' ALEX. LEEDS, N -vt door to the Town Hall, hie now on hand fine Fssortment of . 3LOCKS r I delentod by himself with great care a large and well selected assortment of ivallitliai,; of Swise,'English, and American Manufacture ; JEWELRY cheaper than ever before sold in Waynesboro , ell the latest styles kept conrtantly on hand. Every variety of Cull buttons. A fine assort- ment of FINGER AND .1.11.1 R RINGS. Solid Gold. Engagement and WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thimbles and shoals,' Castors, Forks, and Spoons, Salt Collars, and Butter Knives of the ccl• ebreted Roger Menu factureot reduced rates. SPECTACLES - 4 01 r ., MEV To suit eyerylgt!y% eiveo. Nevi glsosea put in old , . Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry promptly and neatly repaired and warranted. ALE'S. ',Epps, Sort oor to the Town Ilan, under the Photograph G dLTV July 31. NOTIOE, • .4.C4anceifor Bargains ! 11113 subscriber is now offering the stock of RHADY b 1 &AU CI, rTIENG fornwrly kept by the .106- Gee. Bender, Esq., 4T AND BELOW COST FOR GAS!! A re.tv supply of ;nun and boys' Clothing just re. coved Gum A. Jarrett of Baltimore. Ittl. All goods warranted and mule in the beet man ner. Those who d. s:re to purchase Clothing at the lowest fLpres wilt do well to call at the old stand S E. corner of the Dimond. 'Bug 25•tf A. E. WAYNANT. Tailoring Estalqllishment c 1 : subscriber would respect fully announce to the of Waynestiori', and vicinity that ho -Las caninence.l • the Talning business in the dwelling house of Mrs. 8. T. brotherieb, opposite toe Bowden - 11t.tve. and is now prep .red to In ike all hinds of de - thing to order, which be - will guar. antee to give satisfaction.' l(e asks a Vi tl. aug 25•:f GEORGE BOIMSEII. 131,,Otering: .I.;:!rbcrilag liin subscriber informs the public that he cop tinues the Barbering busineatt in the robin no; tuff to Mr. Iteid's tirocery Store, and is at alt times memd to do heir cutting, shaving, sharapoo l w a g etc. in the beat style. The putter' Igo of the lab ie is respectfully solicited. Aug 23 1867 I .l'he highest cailt price will ba paid .0 Cam frogs Ser.tre drlivcrrd at the works of the , LO. .GEISER'S PATENT SELF-RGUIATING CLIANICHRIRAIII2OIIIIIS No Implement more important to the farmer than a FIRST-:CLASS, GRAIN THRESHER AND CLEANER—for none pays him so well and epeedi- IY. The above cut shows he ONLY GEISER MA CHINE now built under the immediate eye of the •J inventors themselies, with all the additional im provements made during the pest 18 yerns, end now withfiral class workmen and material this machine justly stands high up above all of its clasti. As a Thresher it le equal to the best, as a Cleaner it is su perior to any existing machine. This is admitted .by all honest competitors. Indeed it is the only machine that really can, by one operation,thorough- Iy thresh and clean grain At for mirket. But the fact that grain direct from this machine commando from 2 to 3' cents a bushel more than grain direct from any other machine, settles the question of its superiority, as a cleaner ovsr all others. Impartial judges at all the State and County Fairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in competi tion witblother leading machines, always agree that it is more simple—more easily understood and op erated by those unskilled in machinery—more dura ble,—threshing as much and yet cleaning better— with legs power and more comfort to hands than any other machine in use—and besides all that is sold for less money according to capaejty. These lacte are further attested by the thousands of pur chasers, some of whom have had them in use for 'the last 18 years. To supply the wants of all, we now make 4 sizes, viz: From a 2 Horse Railway or 3 Horse Le . ver Power,—to' a - ten Horse Lever power, with prices ranging from $l9O to $360, without power. We also make the latest int proved triple-geared Horse Powers suitable fur each size machine ranging from $9O to $135, and ' all fully and fairly warranted. For further infor mation scud for Circular and Price list. Responsible Agents warkttcl in terrrtory not-intro ritteed. Address TIIE GEIz , ER MANUFACTITILING-00 WAN ti ES Franklin t'o, jnn 21—tfj Pen np "CORNER, BUG STORE," DBE. J. BIM S A 111BERSON Constantly on hand a full line of We sell you but corals of the best quality and at prices satisfactory to all consumers. Special attention given to the—compounding - of prescriptions. It. member the 4g - li-truer Drug Store" and give us a call.= J. BURNS ANIDEIIiON, M. D. °Pt 14- WILSON SHUTTLE SEWING MACIANE s a wonderful nchiev. monl of invention, gi nitig For sIMPLICITY, LUItABILITY al d BEAUTY it Etaria4 unrivied. For Family sewing and ratnufacturing. a• gent Mee competition, fir stnx a uOrmin, Malmo, FRIXINO, corintan, TUCKING, BINDING, BRAIDING QUILT ING lIUYPLING, GIATtIBUING, 9Rd GATIINItING alld UN at the same taw. These machines are Item and Ltater-nusmo.— Thu hate thc ISger 81- . lCTTLltzuticion and the fiTIf.ONG EBT and BEST FIEEDII93 D...vicic in use. They can be imitated with plain cover, orna mental cover, or full cabhaut cover, an I at vices ran ging from *2O to 4,2124. Agents wanted. A. E. Waynant, agent, fir the counties of Franklin, part of Washiistoa and Fred. tuderick, NJ. 8. t. cur. Diamond, Way neaboro,Pa sep22-lf I'PHE undersigned respectfully• announce to the it4ens of Waynesboro' and OW ilillbliCtgeffil l ally that they have associated tketnselves together in' the Tali...ring business and are now prepared to m .ke tnen and boys clothing of all kinds to order at short netiee and upon reasonibletiti rtnr. taatis• sootier' in silicoses gu traLleed. Call at the old stand of Jacob F. Reittinger. JACOB F. Ia:BINGER. eepl-tfl JOHN 1101.1.1NOSWORTIL ripll E subscriber announces to the pnbli: that he I is now running at Wagon regularly tetween Waynesboro' and• Greencastle, and is i.reriared to Jo till kinds of hauling on reasonable tenni. Liu will be tbsukful fur a share of public potronate. tinders I,•ft at the thug Store of A.S. Buimbrake will receive pronyt etteniim— upr 28 —ti GREAT'BARGAIXS FOR OASIILV 'Rerun & Fassrz intend doing a regular casts business, commencing the Ist day of Aprth 1870. They . ore determined to sell goods as cheep as they can to sild. All they ask is to give them a They are very thankful toe ?tat favors and trope a continuance of the same. • tio.r ' IZOUZER Jr FRANTZ. W. A. PRICE. GRAIN SEPARATOR PROPMETO4, T .:;C E Sffi E Ht, AS' , I3I'ANT. Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnirlies, Glass, Putty, 4.e. 40., Spices ground or unground; Kerosene, Perfumery, Toilet and Fancy Articles, 09. otc. oto ___-- TEE I3IPROVED BUCKEYE Stitch Alike on Both Sides. is., do 1:1-1Ln"AMI.*Ja.•41111..-fr ACCOpkINIODATION WAGON, -;, NOTiCE. I'IKESEILLE: MEXICAN ROW! I -I A S .received a fresh stock of gondi, and is ai m. t daily making addition •to liie stuck. 110 I . , =ll Prime Rio Coffee, Brownea Coffee, T Brown 'and Crushed Sugar, Loaf Num, Powdered White Sugar, Carolina Rice,, rrs Syrups, supwrior in quality and low in price, cog P. Mee and N. Orleans Molasses, v"*.. Corn Starch. Chocolate. sweet do., Pickles, Catsup, Mason's Crackers and Cokes, a G. A. Salt, Fine Sail; =I • Sugar cured Hams. I offer the above at reduced giicee, notwithttand, ing they arc on the "rise in the East. Cove OYSTERS in 1 and Vlb. cane, always on hand, Bold by the cln or dozen. lie warrants: thorn good. Whoa you go to Pic nice; or to the mountain, cemo where , you got good oysters and cracker», chum &c. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY. Layer Raisins, French Currants, Candies, Oranges, Len» one; Dates, Citron, Prunes, Apples, nuts of sevezaf kinds. FOB BAKING AND JIEiCKEAIIf.—We hove good and purelexaracts of Lemon, Orange, Vanilla, Strawberry; essences of Lemon4Cinnonoti, -- & — c. Epet,the Eng. leoda for mating Biscuit. GLASSWARE.-1.90k at our cheer got.letsolish ee, castors, tumblers, flasks. molasses cane, lamlfil chimneys, &c. We hive the best anti cheigimat in Own. !QV E 1.1 rip wA R E.—A n unrivaled nssort menet. fufl g stock, lower in price than ever. 4, Ten sets,jeups tul saucersornent plates, soup do.,Tea, blither, and Breakfast do. We havelthe reul granite, no dump ! tion in the quality. We have the common_ ware, newotock.',l Are invited to looklat our knives and forks, butcher knows, largo spoons, common allinta and •silver ted yea htid t bte spoons, clothes baskets, buckets tubs, market baskets, school do. NO'T'lONS.—Toilet Fpape, perfumery, combg / pocket bookarratteps Fnit cap letter and•uote papef Superior Whole Oil, Best Kerosene Oil, Olisinical Olive Soap, Barlow's Blue Indigo, Wick Yarn, Besides many useful articles always ou hand. Country produce and "greenbacks" token in exchange for goads. I am hankful fa pabt nonage and solicit a continuation of the. few at th,: FAMILY GROCERY store., PORTABLE AND STATIONARY STEAM ENGINES. lIA VING increaFed lacilties for mat uenturing Portable and Stationary steam_ Engines at short notice, of sizes from two to ono hundred and filly horse-power, I would call the attention of persons wanting portable engines for thrtonhing grain, &c., as I am now prepared to turni,h them at short notice. lam also prepared to furnish logs, puleys,"&c., and all work in any line of Lusi ness. Persons ip want pl any thing in roy line will please call arid examine my work before Luyin elsewhero. For farther particulars scud for cirrulnr. GEO. FltloK, Wayticsituro'. sip 10 If] Filial,lin Co., Pa. WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY, • IF.O. B. HAWKER having withdrawn frona, 1.1 the firm of Adams & Hawker, the subscriber informs the public (Let he contin 1.1e6 the Conehinak ing business in all its branches, at the old *dand. lie will at all times have a supply of nevi buggies, different kinds, on hand; alSo second handed ye. liepiiring done At short Lode°. lie uses the best material and employs good - mtchanics. lle returns his thanks to be public for their liberal pa tronage and by attention to business and a di:.po- Atkin to accommodate hopes to merit a liberal share of the same in the future. jau 1.1 to JACOB ADAMS. /(111E undersigned would most respectfully in fens t4o citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity tyt ut he has opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover &, Wolff 's Dry Clouds em porium, and keeps constantly on hand a good sup-: ply of COOK & COAL STOVES• MORNING GLORIES, etc,. at prices to snit Its times, All kinds• of work done in his line with testness and dispatch, such as roofin, spouting and repairing. You will find it to your interest to give him a call before purchasing,elsewhere. The sign is the Big Red Coffee Pot Always on the Post. Thank;ul fur past fryers he hopes for a continuance of the same. Bills Payable within 30 Days. The subscri%or informs the public that. he still continues the Butchering ',winces, and is prepared to supply persons as usual, at the Basement of the Walker pioperiy, Muhl street, Waynesboro', on Alan ;ay,Tbursday and eaturday °Coach weak, with a prime article of tierf, Veal and Mutton. All bills fur meat mat le paid within 30 days. lie will slaughter the best stock the market will afford, sod by attention to I witness hopes to merit a continuance of the public's patronage. in sr tf T.J. CUMNINGEIAM. D W. MINER FIAV ING been adreitte.l to Practice Law at the several Courts in Franklin County. alt tarsi. /Las entrusted to his care wi 1 be protr.ply attended' ) I/flice address--Alercersburg, Pa. jan - - - - - E. AltkßE - 450N,.M.:D., ei• PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, WAYNESBORO*, PA. " 01E:0 in Walk( eo building one done Root Of ri"d.:lll_ttic. - • [jurii3o-1 W. A. REID PURE SPICES Call and examine. ,No trouble to allow gootie. HOUSEKEEPERS Waynesboro', June 2,1870 GEORGE FRICK'S ItitGlNlt 1101 lIS, WAY NE.,llOllO', FRANKLIN CO., Pit. MANUFACTURF, NEW TIN STORE. Yours Resprctfully, CLAYTON M. FREY. BEEF I BEEP 1 JOHN A• 1-12'S,,SONG ATTORNEY A C LAW, VV. .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers