VILLAGE RECORD. 1747,116:111110 - 31110 13 C) 3EL OP. irhuroday, November 3, 11870. BALI REGISTRY.—The following sales of Real. and Personal property are now to be jound in our advertising columns : Heirs of Henry Cordell, Real Estate, tagbington townsbip, November 5111. —1)-11-11artman,-personal_property, Pikes• vile, November 7. Peter Rouz3r, building lot:, Piltest♦ille, November 11. Jerome 13eaver, Formal property, Way nesboro', November 12 John Stoler, real estate, near Mt. Hope, November 17. John Johnston, real estate, near Shady Grove, November 19. •(leo. 1., Knopper, real estate, near Quin cy, November 22d, J It. Welsh, house and lot in Waynesboro', at rivato sale to Januar • 2d 1872. ittirThe capitulation of Nets was signed on Thursday night, and the city occupied by the Germans. The whole number of prison• era captured by the Germans is now tepre• tented to be 173,000. A Berlin dispatch intimates that the French had rejected the --teriett-44-4e_ . • thought now that the fall of Metz will lead them to reconsider their determination. A dial:atoll from Versailles, of Wednesday's date, to the London Timcs, says that it will be a few days yet before the German will be ready to bombard Paris. Both armies are making active preparations for the contest. • The dispatches of correspondents who have visited Metz since the surrender, represent that actual starvation would have been the fate of Bazarue's army if he had waited three slave •;••••Iris soldiF-7--- longer before capitulating. lilts solffieTS oesired to he against the energy rather than — Ato of starvation, but Ire told rbe - m th-io— ho effort would be useless in their weakened condition. Ilazaine possessed the confidence --0-1-14.10-tr_o_ops,_but he i 3 bitterly assailed by Ganitketta, who accuses him of treachery to . • strrrender-crf-Metz-i3-re•arded in Londori as favorable to the negotiations for peace, and the rumors of a Regency, throtig,h the agency of 13azline, are renewed. The last summons to surrender has been sent into Paris, and if it is not complied with the born bardeneet will be commenced• .Uismarck has issued •a circular in which be reviews the un Prance can have no hope of prolouging.resist ance, and that Paris should at once accept the terms offered to it for capitulation. Oth erwise he anticipates fearful suffering to the two millions of people within its walls, whom file besiegers will 'not be able to feed after the horrors of bombardment, siege and star ration have forced them to yield. The French army o_llo_l,o4e was preparing for move ments which have been checked by Ban tine's surrender. The 'Government at Tours has _issued a proclamation denonocing his action ns a betrayal of the Vrench people, and calling on the nation still to persevere io their tfforts fur the Republic. Princes Frederick William end Frederick Charles have been made Field Marshals as a'reward for their victories over the armies of Baztino and McMahon. There has been no fighti c og re cooly except an engagement on the railroad between Amiens and Rouen, in vrhieh the French report themselves to have, been the ictors, P. S.—Later despatches from the Prus- sian headquarters at Versailles Onto that a battle occurred near Fort St. Penis, on the north of Paris, on Friday, in -which the be. siegink lomat; were driven back. The French troops built entrenchments on the position which they had taken, and the attack on them was renewed on Sunday by the PM Mans with success. The entrenchments were captured, and the French retreated to St. Thc losses on both sides were heavy. King William has sent invitations to the soy creigns of 'Germany to come to Paris to wit. tress the bombardment. Ily way of London it is stated that it wilt be commenced to-day. Prisoners recently captured report that tl ere is a scarcity of provisions in the fortifications, and that women and children arc approach• tog the Prussian lines, althvia4ll warned that they will he shot, preferring instant death to starvation. An oUleer on You Motlko's Staff anticipates the bowbarliment will be finished in two or three weeks 'TuE UNIVEII3AL AvErt. a Un my journeys over the c3utinent—through Turkey, China, Japao, Peru; Chili, Paraguay, Brazil, and Wilco, nod the United State— in them all (o some extent and in some to a great extent, 1 have found the universal Ayer represen led by his family medicines, which are often held in fabulous esteem. %V hetherlhey win their marvelous v4putation by their cures, I know not, but 1. know they have it to such a degree that it ireyeatly gave me a diatin• guished importance to have c.►ute from the pakaa country. (Field's letters from abroad. te ,The Indians in the west are reported to be„dying in thousands of the small-pae— lla plains are-covered with painted corpses, •awd the stench is. dreadful. tar Tho election in South Ceram f,r GoreFuer, Congressmeo and • members of the Legislature, resulted in a R üblioan violet/ by twaoty doused majirity. ,fey„ The Numerate carry three Oongreabion• ui obirinto is thi•Siate by an aggregate l iorit7 of 63-.-31eyord being elected by 15, Neer bj 11, Lea Sherwaoll;-bi2T. LOCAL MATTERS. Mir Anvil s —Special attention is dittoted to the new idvertigements in this isne. liirSoo auction notice of E.. 0. Winger. Woo!. . alli. Spectacle. and Olookp, all styles, at Alec Leads'. $lOO ItEWARD.-.-J. B. Wolfavabergor of fers the above reward for s mare, buggy and harness stolen. See adv.. in another column. ON HAND.—Mesere. Stover & Wolff are now opening out, their sopply of new fall and winter goods. WANTED—Coro, rotAtoes anci wood, on sooount, or in exchange for cloche, watches, jeweliy, spectacles, Ac., by A. lir.Ena. T 0 BE R.EmoyED.—The Theological Sem• inary of the Reformed Church is to be re moved from Mercersburg to Lancaster with• Tniine year.. The bniklinga—will-be—ocetwi ed by ItAerceraburg College, SpLD.—?lr. John 4. Ervin recently sold about thirty acre* of hie (arm near this plan, with the improvements thereon, to John ,-ItiliparE9-oor—ths-aum-of-15,00, grvin will advertise the balance of the farm with a trace of intowntaia bind for sale in onv neat issue. ui.Blesers. Wert; & Kuria, who hove e• rected a new breweryir - Chambersbarg, have put up tbe necessary machinery, and commenced boring an artesian well, which is to supply the brewery with pure water.— The Opinion says the drill in use wnigbs 900 pounds, and is worked by one of Frick klSolsfroaazs-sia-horse-steam-engines. NONTEREX SOLD —The Montere with the farm eootaining 245 acres was sold at public sale by the assignees of Mr, Ying• ling, on the 27th ult., for the sum of $15,001. Purchaser, A. J. Jt. Magruder, of lingers. town. The furniture and other contents of 11-e—ltator learn—were—taker the lo—we_leern—were—taken at the ap• praieewent 8. N. -Schindle of llagere tows. air An election for Governor, Congress- men, etc., was hell in West Virginia on Thursday last. Itepnblieans concede the State to the Democrats by a mitinity rang in from 1 000 to 1 WO.-- _ K S. 'frozen was re-elected Clerk of the Courts of Berkely county.- --We congratu late tbo bloior upon this, his second success• ful .heat.' 5r Daniel Niswander, of Dayton, Rod, ingham county, Va., formerly of this noway, hes been arrested for horse stealing It ap• pears that he made regular trips hack and forth between Pennsylitania and Virginia io the horse business, and was finally arrested at thccinstanee of.two I'ennsylvaniaus, who followed on his trail. We are informed, says the Ppositorq, that the' horses in question were stolen from a Mr. Shortie, residing near Welsh Run, in this county, several Mouths io the possession or traced to this man•Nis wander week before last. They were insured in the York Insurance company, and we be lieve the amount of the insurance paid to the owner. Until the close of the war he resided in Antrim township, Where he gave hie time alternately to preaching the Qospel and swap• log horses. SPARE THEM !—Dotb't, kill the Partridges. Rear in mind that the law protects them for three years. ]Jere is the section SECTION 2d. That 00 porde° shall kill, capture, take or have in.his or her possession any 4uail or Virginia Partridge, for the pe riod of three years, under the penalty of five dollars for eaoh and every bird so killed or had in possession or exposed for sale. See pamphlet laws, 1870, page 10U8. LADIES' FURS FRIQES FOR 1870.—1 n our experience for 20 years as makers and dealers iu Ladies' huts, we have never known them to be as low in price, neither have we over had so complete a stuck comprising all grades and qualities. We can-only ttay, come and see. One Hundred and Seventy Sits of Furs, new goods, bought for cash and war• ranted as represebted, we tell you what they aro, how they wear, and bow they do up when old. Old Furs cleansed. altered and resurrected, Cords, Tassels, Buttons, Lin fags, lfur Trimmings, &e., at Updegraff's Hat, Glove and Fur Factory. Ladies' Dog Skin Gauu tie ts, our own make, almost as neat us a kid, and will wear five times as long, warranted. Sec the Blankets, Rubes, Gent's Furnishing Goods, Travelling Bags, Canes, Umbrellas, do. Opposite the Washington Hagerstown. A R t ans, CIIANCE for bargains in ready. made clothing. New supply just received. Suite at 0,50, $l2, $l6 and upwards. Goods from the celebrattd Clothing House of Wan moker & Brown made to measure. A, g WAYNANI, Y. E. corner Diamond. 'dr Buckeye and Wilson IMproved Sow. kg Machine& Same stitch as Rowe, Singer, Wheeler and Wilson, at half the money Warrranted for three years. Terms oasy. A. E. WAYNAI:q. Premature grwmge of the Lair ahonld be prevented, and the best and sorest preven tive is liall'e Vegetable Sicilian flair Re netver. POTATOES.—Goodrich and Whitesprout rolitoeb for salt at Ateid'a Qroccr3. Thanksgiving Proolam ation. In continuance of an honored State and national custom and in devout acknowledg ment of human dependence upon Almighty favor, I do hereby appoint Thursday, the twenty,fourth day of November next, as a day of general Thanksgiving aid praise. Being the same day, and for the same ends and uses, set forth by his Excellency, the President of the United States, in his proclamation of the twentyflrst instant. Penney Ivania,unsurpassed in blessitigs,should not be surpassed by any in acknowledging her gratitude to sod. Let us, , then, as citi zens of the commonwealth, abstain, as far aa possible, from our usual avocations on that day, and our respective places of worshir ; and let us there, and in the festi vines of our assembled families at our cher. ished homes, rejoice in the goodness of God, and render thanks to Him for his loving -kindness and_flis _abundant mercy toward us. Let our thanks giving and praise find exierasion in dedicating the day to deeds of benevolence and charity, and in ministering to, and alleviating the wants of the poor, the needy, and the suffering; so that all may 'rejoice and be exceeding glad.' To do good and to distribute, forget not; for: with such sacrifices God is well pleased. Let us invoke Divine favor upon' our ibe loved State and nation, and pray that all who are called ,to administer their govern meets may be actuated by the 'spirit of wis• dom and understandio:, the s itit of °nun- eel and might, the spirit o . now e. ge, an the fear• of the iLord! Given under my Hand and the• Great Seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this twenty eighth day of Oo• taker, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy,.and of the Com monwealth the ninety-fifth. JNO. W. GEARY. By the Governor; F. JORDAN, Secretary of the Commonwealth /TALL'S VEGETABLE - SICILIAN HAIR hive/4 i viiA ITS EFFEOT.IS AI IR A CU LO S It is a perfect and wonderful article. cures bald ness. Makes hair grow. A better dressing than any "oil" or "pomaturn." Softens brash, dry and wiry hair into Beautiful Silken Tresses, But, above all, the great wonder is the rapidity with which it cektops 1 4 . HAIAI TO VrO 041.C;INAL COL- The whitest acid worst looking :Asir reit:toes its l • outhful beauty by its use. Jr does not dye the hair, ut strikes at the root and fills it with new life and oloring matter. The first application will ea good; you will see he NATURAL COLOR returning very day, awl IIEFORE YOU KNO VP IT, be gone, giiing place to lustrous,-shining and beau tif ullocks. . Ask for Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer; nootlitr. article is at all like it iii (Erect. - See that each bottle has our private Government Stamp over the top of the bottle. All v(hert- are im It. P. H ALL & CO , Nashua, N. H., Proprietors fur sale by all druggists. [act 6-1 ma., TIME -ELX.AiTaALWIL • On the 21st ult , by tho Rev. I. N. flays, llr. T. J. M'LANATEIAN to Miss BECK. 11,?, A AUSTIN, both of Chatubersburg. On the 18th ult., by the Rev W. T: Low• or, Mr. WM. M. TABLER to Miss MARY B. VAUMSTEII, both of Beckley County, W. Va. I the same day, by the Rev. J. Quigley, Greencastle, Mr. G. W. CARBAUGII 'to Miss ELLA M. BOWMAN, both of that place. Oa the 25th ult.. at Gleeconstle, by the Rev. T. T. Everett, Air. GEO S. "SWISH ER to bliss LIZZIE TRACY, ail of Way nesboro'. In this place, at the residence of the bride's parents, on the Pith utt., by the Rev. E. 0. Forney, Mr. B. F. WINGEIM, of Chem. paihn, P 1 , to Miss MARY C. FOIINEY. At Harrisburg, on the 25th of Oatober, by Rev. J. A. DeMoyer, Mr. JOHN M OAKS, of Eacisville, to Miss JENNIE M. OAKS, .of Massoysburg, Huntingdon Co., Fenno. Nat = •mot ,, ~~7r~~i ~_~ Oot. 19, of pulmonary consumption, in Daton, Ohio, Miss. JENNIE A. CORMA NY, aged 35 years, formerly of this county. At Mt. Hope, on the Bth of September last, JACOB lir,Nßy, son of Jacob and Margaret A. Summers, aged 4 months and 5 days. PIIIIADELPUIA, Oct. 31.—The flour mar ket is moderately active and piece are well sustained ; sales of 1,500 bbls , including su perfine, at $4 50®$4 75, extras at ssss 50, Pennsylvania at $6 35®56 75. Rye flour may betquoted at ss®ss 75. The wheat market is extremely quiet, sales of 2000 bushels of Western red at $1 38® 81 39; 800 bushels of Delaware at $1 25® 81 32; 400 bushels of prime Juniata at 81 35 Rye is steady at 930 , for Westera Corn is dull at the recent decline; sales of yellow at 78@800., and 1500 bushels of Western mixed at 75®77e. Oats are firm at the re cent advance; sales of Western and Pennsyl- vania at 53®550. PUBLIC AUCTION • TH E subscriber will sell at public auction, at his store in Quincy, on Saturdiy, the 12th day of Nov., afternoon and evening, the following goods:, BOOTS AND SHOES, Ready-Made Clothing, flats, Dry Goods, Watches, Notions, dr^. The auction will be continued during the week following. (in all sums of $5 and up wards a credit°, biz months will be given, plircha• sera to g iva notes with approved secutity. pov3 J. R. !Smith, :Met E, U. WINGER. AUCTION OF COLTS! THE subscribers will sell at public unction, in quinsy, on Monday, the 7th dry of Nommber, thu following nurses and gulfs 41 Sucking Colts, 2 yearling Volts, 2 sig-year old Horses, 1 five-year old Mare, a fide Trotter. To he'sold on ninety days cretin, prochavers to give notes with approved w in ity, to be paid at the Fir,t f i Nationat Hank in Wis)tiosboro% Sale commtnco at 10 o'clock a. m, ppvt!?lt , STROSSIDER it BRO. D. S. SMITH Iles a complete assortment of Ladles, Glentlemen,s, Misses' and Children's BQOTS, SINS IND:11111MS. Call and see:goods and get prices. TIIOIISON'S "GLOVE FITTING COR SETS, at SMITH'S. • SCHOOL:BOOKS and SCHOOL STATIONERY of all kiode:et SMITH'S Town Hall Store. HATS AND CAPS, A full WA now ready, consisting of all the I•,test styles, at Ties, Suspenders, Gloves, everything in that 4nct; at - SMITH'S Town Hall Store. VALUABLE FARM AT PUBLIC; SALE Blr era; of the Orphnn's Court of Franklin Co., ;ii will expose to Public sale, on the premises, on TUESDAY, THE 4 22 D OF NOVEMBER,"I47O the following described Real Estero situate in Quincy township, riz : The MANSION FARM ! of-Geo.-Krieriper,-sen4-doed_,-containing f 6 2 krr anti 98 Perches, beat . guatity d i prif stone Land, in a high state of cultivation, 4 ocreo, more or lehrt, of which are well-wogsith thriving timber. The itn- p•orcmcnti are, TviroN3tory HOUSE , (weatherboarded) a Tenant II ou.e, Log item, Wrigan Shed, Hog Pen, and all other necesso.y outbuildrng•. There err also ore ,the premises CHOICE FRUIT 7REES. such as apple, peach, dtc., and — a - Weil of never-failing water. l'lll4 is one among the, best grain-producing farms in the township; is ;blunted one mile North of the village of Quincy, and bounded by Innis of A. Cot k. Dr. J . - I.lurkholder, A brrn., lincpper, Alex and others. Salo to commqnce at 10 o'clock or, said d •y when terms will be make krt.twn by J. It entra r auct. GEO.. 1.. KN EPPER. nOv3-t9 Administrator of (ico. Kncpper, ar., dec. 1870 New Goods! New Prices! MILLER & BEAVER Have just received • their fist supply of Spring and Summer th.oila to which they invite the attention of all who wish to purchase good Goods at gristly reduced figures. Their Spr.rig-stock is complete in every department, and having had the advantage of the recent decline in the Eastern market they flitter themselves that they cart compete figures with arty house in the Cdunty. In the Dry Goods depart ment they have black and fancy Silks, plain and fancy Delains„ all colors Alpaccas and Empress Cloths, plain and figured Poplins, Chintz a, Lau Piques, Brat inn, plain and barred Cambrics, Nain• nooks, Swisrcs, Cloth, Uassimeresi lain and fancy) Sattinetts., Uottonades t Linens, &c. "Their line of Nitions is lull and complete. low is appended a list of the leading articles ' Ilcsiery, Neck Ties, Gloves, Suspendtra, Mitts, Switches, Corsets, Chignons, ' Caws, Ilanikerchiers, Cuffe, Trimmings, Bows, Duitorea. Their stock of Groceries, Hardware, Qucensware, Cedarware, Oil Cloths, Carpets, &e., is larg e, arid was eel . cted to suit the trade. All th ey ask is an examination of their stock to be convinced of the truth. Nov. 3,1870. $lOO REWARDS ALman about, 5 feet 10 inches tall, sandy hair and side whiskers, hired a BAY MARE: from the undersigned on Tuesday, October 25th, 1870. to go to Mercersburg, and having failed to return in the time specified, the owner fisheyes that the mare has been stolen. The said mare is about 10 years old, right froet foot split, left hind foot immediately above the hoof marked with a scar. She is a long, thin mare. abut 16 or 17 hands high. The left front knee is skinned, Hight I.ind kg wind gall on pasture. She is also a good traveler. Also, a good BUGG y, tined, seat and bark, with t rown cord, and of the mar ufacture of Peiffer & IttairgrCriinbers burg. A set of new silver-mounted Harness was on the mare when driven away. The above reward of 4;100 will ha given for the recovery of the Mare, buggy and Harness. Information shout t be ad dressed to J. R. WOLIERSBEIItiEIt„ nov3 -if Greencastle,. Franklin Co, Pa. MILLINERY GOODS ! o TO THE LADIES ! 73" -- MISSES STICKLE & GORDON announce to the Ladies of Waynesboro' and vicinity mat they are now in receipt of a general assortment of Millinery Goods, such us Riboons. Lacer, Flinger, and other fate style Trimmings. They invite the Likings, in call assil examine their stock. nov3 tf. For Guns, 'enknife Blades, Repairing Family Corn Sheilers, Call on JeIIArSTON. unit 3-ti MILLINERY GOODS . ! 111 THE LADIES: il Vic ilS ei;c C. di! " ftll f i ° s l ut iNt plyo C t nile6wEMß has Millinery goodsd n a allies are invited to call and examine tier stuck. no! 3 - tf SALB e N 0 TE . The subscriber notifies perrons who gave Q tea at his sale on the 214 of February last, thalthu Same fall dye at ItheZFirst National Back on the gig Inst. (nov3) A. E. PRICE. WANTED.—I tail exchange gooJs at a fair market ?rice for BACON, LARD, Butter, Eggs, Cot• ton Rags, small Onions kf 04.4vered imractliately, lf!,inik Wets, Ac. W. A. lit;11.1. I,frot,), OILLEBRATED BLOOD CLEANSER - _ PA NACEA PREPARED AND SOLD BY ~ Kz defahm. ! . l 474:, C et atii: BEAD WHAT THE PEOPLE SAT OF DIL FAHRNETS BLOOD CLEANSER. For want of space we present only a few of the testimonials given ns. Punzatawny, Pa., Juno 18, 1870 . Da. rAtIIIITET'S 81109. & co.—Oa:flown: Your Blood Cleanser is the only patent or populae medicine that I ever sold, or used sayseir, that operated precisely as repre sented; and the only one that combines the essentials necessary - to-cleanse-the-hloodi-regulate the liver and purge the system at the same time. Yours truly, D. 0. CaLIESITE. August 1, MO. P. Rntmrtet. t s Montgoinery, Pa., says: "Your:Medicine, the Mood Chooser, has sold morn rapidly than any other we have yet undertook to sAll • and ebould it continuo co, the agency for the solo of It rill to qulto a desirable thing." SUITE'S. August 1, 1970. F. FOLIITII3fA7I, Dravalat, Waynesboro, Pa., gals: "I am now Balling at tho Nixtecnth dozen since January last, Pleasant Hill, Ohio, Aug. 12, 1870. Dn. P. FAMINET'A Dans. Is Co —Gentlemen: If your Ble , KI Cleanser is introduced it will sell well. I have calls every few days from persons to whom I have inn. If I can get It well introduced, I think I eau sell 12 dozen errry tree'. Please send suo 12 dozen Plena Cleanser to Covington, Ohio. I will send draft, for it in a Pzw a Your friend, JO/121 rturrErt. Eider Henry ITerabbergcr, Moody Din, Pa., who re cently ordered a dozen Lottles for loud l y na:‘, moltes under Of nay be, 14701 "I ant inueh yleared with your medicine. 11,ellevo it to be what it h recommended, I barer led part r•C a bottle and can say, in reality, the good !feet t produred on ;ay system is worth double Ma price cf dredicine." Panictraker,Mmti run, Pa, Buys: "I' bale been of with the worst form of Erptpe no doctors ) nothing for me. After using 040 bottle of your I:lediCiLo 1 rust:Lain:li cured." Joliet, 111 , 13,11170. Pu. PAITIINET—Dmr A fAt n practicing phyffli•tan rtaftfl - pLacc, A , I AnAttel - c7.tcuairm - uso;trt - ynttr - InAnitctne, - 1. , A•1 Can recomrnen.l 11 to nil phrliclans generally. I first s^fl the Hood Cleanser i n :ay ran's ease, and. it aeted. s. charm. Itestacaruny, .1 A11E.3 It. LEAY, 2t. D. F. Tfarbannb, of Wayne born, nays: "Pertrorly illy doctor bilk cost i. 0., on r.n overage, about $7O a year. Hilo() using ylllr inobit ine I have had 110 OCZ.I9LJEL to call in a doctor with nip fon Hy.. Fo^ sale by F. Fourthman, Dr. J. B. Ambersoo, and A. S. H nebrake. Wavnesloret; F. B. Winger, Quincy; F. B. Snively, Shady Grove; Boozer & Fr n z. Iliteshew & Gebr, ltinz,v,old, John Hostetter; Greencastle, and Druggists generally. Oct. I.3—tf PUBLIC .SA T E. =MMMS! • mi,ltince, in ' THE 12111 DAY,,OF NaVENIIIEIt NEXT; the foll"wing prreonal proprty, to wit RFIRST:RATE 111114CEI COWS 2 extra fine IfFir4g, (one wi!ft call) 1 fine large Uheiter White Brood sow. I FAMILY MARE, six years o!d; 1 liulgy, 2 Spring Wagons, one top, I double strive! plow, 1 s..:t i.low gears, good as nevt;2_sets harness, 1 riding ',rid 11 1 end bij cow chains dung and shaking forks, shlvels, gond spade and pick warden hoes and rakes, 1 digging iron, I set but:her fixt seven are errai 1 good Ten-TtteStove and pipe, cook_titove,_2_l:n,listoves, (goad na new) Ori'n tal and G/84 Burn r; sawn 4e cutter. stutfer and lard press, new, Beekner's in ike; t Mel Mean, one good (Jock, hedste ids, 1 sink, and a varie ty of other aritles riot necesairy Sa!e to commence at 10 o'clock nn said when the terms wll, be made known by _ _ Pct. 27 ts) VALUABLE TRACT OF LAND Trim suircriber offers at Private Sale a Tract;of II improved , -atone Lin I, situated about 4 mileg from Woyneeboro'. on the Wayneslmro' and tirerneastle turork., adjoining lulls of Jeremiah Gord,n, Bamuel Snavely, Jahn lit:co, and uViers, containing gi AL C) it MI , mire or fees, 3 of which me well sot with thriving tim' er. Ail under good fencing. tP If the above land k n sold private's , on or be-. fore SATURDAY, NOVEM4ER 197 H, 1870, it will be offered at public sale on alit day nt 2 o'clock, P. M., in front of Nlullan's Hotel, in Waynesboro'. P.rsons See tic land will plc He call on the submiher OA 27 ts PUBLIC SALE. THE sub.criber has a number of CHOICE BUILDING LOTS which he wi 1 sell at pub lic's:dr, Int Pikesvile, on Friday, Norember !no. TERNIS—One-salf of tL•e purchase money to be phi in six moaihs from day of sale, the at.- maing t all to he paid, in two Null mulls( ply ments. Sate to commence:at 10 o'clescic A: M. 0ci21.2t. $ PETER ROUZER. PUBLIC SALE. ix 7 ILL be so'd on the prentkes„by the under , V signed administrator of John btoler, deed, Oa 7'hurotloy, _November 17th, 1870, al that tract of lard situate in Quincy township, adjuiaingl ends of Geo. Small, Samuel mill, Singer heirs and Jesse )3car, about ono mils from Mobut Hope, containing 21 .4a. a M, SI and 15 Ye rches. The land is a fine quality of'lime• stone in good order, with a fine apple orchard, and n•:ver failin; water Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M.. when terms will be made known by - JOHN STOLER, ott, 27—te] Aurrer of Jbo, Stoles, se., dec'd, PaintingandPaper Hanging. lIE subscriter announce.' to the citizens sf Way nesboro' and Its vicinity that he is prepared to do all kinds of house painting and paper hanging. Prices reasonable. and satisfaction in atl cases guar anteed. "118NRY SPlt N KUL oct 20.3rn0s . PRIVATE SALE. ri. subscriber offers at Private Sale his House and Lot of Ground. "ateu 1 14 miles south ui Waynesboro , ou the Itingg-ild (Old.) Ifoad The lot contains 1 14 sacs, more or 1.0, with a story and a half Lag House, titable, Buggy Shed, Uakeeien, Cistern, &c. thereon. There ars also on the lot a Sanely of choice fruit trees, grapes, &c. oct 20-31 • L. C. BRACKBILL, - . PHOTOGRIPHEII, :B. E. Corner of • the Diamond, WAYsnmuto% PA., rr AS at all timrs a tine assortment of Picture lat,r!dir^* and 51ortlginv Call and see s i ad men victims ! Tune 9 if. sale at his 9 SOAPS OF .9EES, JEI{OME Or:%V.Fltt. (I. V. ,Nova, suet ron SALE. JOHN JOHNsTUN. Tills is the Trade Mark of the genuine "Dr. Falirnev's Blood Cleanser or Panacea," of which Dr. P. rahrney, of Chicago, Ill.; is sole proprietor. The great demand from the Middle and Southern states tumid% necessary to open another laboratory and office at 'Waynesboro, Pa.,which is conducted. by Dr: P. Fahrney's BrotheriAr. Co. 'This preparation was established in 1780, and has now been prepared in liquid _form for more F dun 18 years. In January or ebruary, 1870, an ether party commenced to prepare a similar article, which should not be mistaken for ours. As for " Dn. FAMIIPEI O I9 BLOOD animate on PA.RACEA," and accept no others. We will freely send a copy of "Dr. P. Fahrney's Messenger" to any address, which gives the history and uses of the BLOOD Cmsreszn, testimo nials and other information. Address Dr. P. TAIIRNITO BROS. A CO.; rilynorboro, Franklin Co., Pa; David Beater, Fairplay, Maryland, in a letter date& May 23d, writes: "Your medicine bears Avery good name wino them that have bought. I think it will recommend holt I have a bard place to sell medicines, for-we have so many doctors around us, and they oppose all patent medicines." —c___ David Fox, of Pleasant 11111, Franklin Co. Pa., says: "Titla is to certify that I have been of feted with Dyspep. eta fora number of years, I used ono and a half bottles of your Bleed Cleanser or Panacea, and nm free to Mato that the benefit I received 1 worth to zoo more than . tifty dollars." Clear Spring, Isaorio. Da P. P.I.WZNET'S PROS. Cu.—Dear Mrs: I embrnee a few moments for the purpose of letting you know how the medicine takes with es. I think it just a capital ar ticle. It was some time before :( could get the people to. believe In its great value, but have finally succeeded, any have sold six bottles within tho last few da s. LillEii2aUi northumberinna, Pa., Juno oth. Dr. n. D. ?deny, says: "I have sold several bottles cf your medicine, and i 6 has thou far proved satinfactory."., Va., April, MO. The. P. rAmtgP k Co.—Gent/mien : Y'our pled!. come gayer perfect satisfaction to all who hero tried it. I t not threo bottle , ' mys-lf, and think it co invaluable medi cine for *lto wholo system. Yours t ru y, J. U. I.I.t.IIILTON 4 CO. 17. 11. Brown, Mb hope, Pa., eta recent date, rays: "/ could j iO2 ?up rot bottle fur your medicine sooner than d, without.. Bev. L. J. Bell, of Smithburg, 'Ara , rays: "M father luti been eill , etrd with Bronchitie f.r eighteen ye-0. Your medicine kas made a now maw of him." Jacob Shover, as p! Any person who uses tho Blood Cleanser tv/11 find it well, t 4 bawl it constantly in tho isauly." "Tho Fahrney Panacea or 131 ort Elcansftr has become standard familydicine."— rilla,ye .1:cco; d, Waynesboro, Yzr-Atrgtbt-IS,IS-31. "%Pm:Me .Propliego ;NeeAmal, terrier! nears ago. FAURNEY'es EIOOD CLY,MVSER —,PrOla cur personal acquaintance with hr. F. Fdlirney, and from the reputa ",is-of-the-abov.,a medie.' , C , in thoeamsulali- whore Ito lived, we can cheerfully recommend it to a fa : trial, to all who may need a Panacea for the phrsioni maladies a mortality, not I the trent l'anacra for at dis. oases shall be ruled In tun 1 , ON( . 1 of the tree of life. 'NEW GOMM NEW GOODS! ait - iiii;iii 'l4l to the large and, well assorted 13 DC FALL ji: opened at PRICE & HOEFLICIP For the season's tratle.ron , i tin,g'nf o'l the late rw. cities of the 14 y, arid at cOry cflerip Flees to slit alt rosnkirid. So just dr .p in nn':l see the vatic,' col-. lectiun of Vey tiuoils, Groceries end Notions. All tbe late styles of jt►dics' Dress Goods, Alpacoas, Poplins. Cassimers, Cbtbs, Velvets. Velveteens, COrtl4, i.erseys. Tweeds, Jeans, Sauce t.s, Paisley, Shawls, Plain Breakfast anti Shoulder Shawls, Detains, Merinos, Cashmeres, Twills, .11ohairs, Chignons and Switches, ' Boots and Shoes, Rubbers. Carpets, wool and ilonse-ma le'. • Ott Cloths for tables and ft 'qr. Window Shades in Oil and Holland, Blankets white and grey. oat, 13 —lB7O. Valuable Small Property AU' 41ED 11E1 Alffiii AIL. H.. 11E HE subcriber offers fis tree * a desirable small property. citunted about 21 miles from Waynes boro', near the Waynesboro' and Greenc•stle turn pike, consisting 7} Acres best qu iiity Limestone Lind, six of which are improved, the balance well set with thriving timber. The Laptovements are, a TWO &war LOG HOUSE, Frame Stable and a vpriety of choice fruit trees.— For further pirticuiara app►y to oct 20- 4!) NOTICE. , - Persons intrehted to the estate of Geo. Bender, dec'J, are requesteJ to call end make settlemerm Accounts remaining unsettled after Nov. Ist, 1870, will be paced it:t i the bands of a Magistrate for col lection. A. E. WAYNAN'I'. :Sept 29-31 drier. NOTICE. XT, OTES given at my safelFebrnary 231, 1870. 11 will become due at the Ist National Bank of Wayneaboto; November 23d, next. oct 20 3t DANIEL HOLSINGER. -- - - .. • -- . _ . . . .. D)3. 57 -7-eXliiiii3l l ,, et t Peiiett-p.n t tt.iirrt/ Itof:lan 951 Arch 8*; Prof. Dalton, 11.5. i W. • 4,4 bi„,„ cadet...era, 0.. and 1)r. Grosse, at ebarlette. N. C. are mak- ins ortenishing \ en re• of all' 6. 1 as Id \by their great • Cancer.intidates a,, .4 _ wanton' the knife or auntie y" - __. , e 4 e \to • die tae. stud with but little •Zt RE el . ' pain. Every / root and fibre is 0, .'-' .._.. trilled and re • . mined. if taken In IA \ 0 r 1 emerald can noire:tarn. thetas t ::: 0 1 ... 011.2 , ,.. rm. Casson, with their •p• Iv. begin neat. meats, r..esling oar td) t Ult l till sdror ti se meats. No others - hire dame • insistent*. None other should ewer be used. For parinentarn send for caroidar.eaU, or addressitabors, '"-• • • • rep 22 -awl Jl.;*r ED—A lull cluck of ft shoemakers and saildlero, at ROUZER & FRANTZ'S, .lurw. GA. )e - com m u nit i• now d iveic GOODS Such as Empress Ma., .apps, &o Rob Rep', Pikes resk, Oassiwero, Long Shavels, Square Shawls, JOHN SCOTT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers