"1.7 A - cHEAP 14,40H0t0 1. "1,;;T:' ISOSDeriilt)o, 1,r4, ti PRICE & MULENH, A large assorimea - of very ' "cheap "cheap goods, bought at the late decline in prices, and consequent ly will be sold coricipMtilinglY low. 2' The price of all kinds of goods having declined in the Eastern Markets, the f aubscrihers assure their friends that they can offer ;thein superior indilcements thiarsea son. With a large stock, inaelect front, and prices, and 'qualities tn. please; therinviter all to tome and' see and judge for themselves. P'or desirable style . of goods and . thrrabilitY-Of fa bric they pay particular attention,,so that their cnsl. comers can always rely on getting the worth 01 their, money in purchasing from them. . --LOOK AT THIS _PAL 11E11. lEWL,A -IFZ .of articles and see if yoii are not in wont of some herein specified. tight an Hein andos, ==l Delains, Alpaca Ltistre, Debaizes, Chambrg, Sheetings, Shirtings, Diapers, Crash, N apkins, Towels, Hoop Skirts direct from the manufacturers, Arabs—a beautiful wrapping, Prints at 6,8, 10, 12i, Hosiery and Gloves, Feathers by the pound, Oil Cloths tor Table, Stand and Floor. Ttlhs,•Churns and Buckets, Boxes, Kegs and•Kee tura, • . ' I • % nil. fixtures, Latins, Gingham; Chintzes, Poplins, Taniertines, Braize, Percales, Cheese—a good article. Mackerel in and whole Barrels, Cottonades—a tine assortment, Leather Mitts for garden making, Hoes, Spades and Hakes, Shovels, Forks and Brooms, Pekin; 'Jeans, Ermine Cloths. apr,7-18211 -SP-RING : GOODSI Brown Bc. Walter, MT. 11.61" E, Tlr AVE" just rewire jai _of Spring Goods, bought at lowest gold premium Tricot and will be - soares:lo* - mi Okay can be purchased anywhere. Coll4ind examine our stock before r uichasin g elsewhere 13 ito & 'WALTER. Mt: • • WAYNESBORO' BIM CONFECTION 7 1 /11HE subscribers announce to . the pnblia that I they have opened a Bakeryand Confectionary on Main street, Waynesboro', opposite the "Bow den House", where persems at all times can ix sup plied with fresh Bread, Rolls, Pretzels, all kinds of Sweet Cakes, wholesale or-retail. -,/t. full supply of Ca ntlieso slSitittilfruuts,•etc.,•alitiao on hand., ICE CREAM regularly taupplied during the season. 11 dying erected atconviderable . ,expense tt first class Bake House they feel confident that in this department of their business they can give general pausraetion". Tney therefore solicit a share pf pub lic patio nage, may s—tr S'E'W"• STORE: RINGGOLD, Mil WILLIAM STE WART has been to the City and.laid in a large supply of Ladies,,Misses and Children's Shoes, of the most fashionable styles. Men and Boy's Shoes, both coarse and fine, Men's Congress Gaiters; also Straw Bats. The public are generally,,invited to come and examine for them selves. All •wl.o will,buy of him' will reeiiive satis faction, as he will sow all rips gratis. He also keeps sugar. coffee, molosseS anti eirops, pepper, alspice and mignon, mackerel. letter paper, envelopes, steel pens, pen holders, kerosene, &c. A lot of .he best leather on hand, Work manu factured to order st short notice and upon reason able terms •Be returns thanks to the public for peat patron age and hopes to be able-to.rnerit a continuance of the same may 5, 1870. EXtCUTOK'S'NOT.ICE. Notice is hereby given that Letters 'Testamentary to the Estate of Henry W. Funk, I ete of W ebbing ton township, deed, have been granted to the utt-. dorsi:med. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please snake immediate. payment, and those having claims present them fully autheuttcated fur settlement,. may 5--fit MARGA RET • FUNK, Es'rz. Farm liana Viranted. A form band who understandv the management of horses•will find employment with the subscriber at liberal•wages, may 6- tt $2,000 A YEAR AND EXPEI n 8 To agents to sett thd celebrated WILSON SEW— ING MACHINES. The best machineiri the world. Mitch - Vita on both, sides.; ONE 1 1 .16013tRE-WITHOUT Me:Am .14riti,Itirthtir OtSrtletttusA addreeWN. 9th tit., ?Matra, Pa. Vita:y.s-3m 626—,T. "c•Lsog MPROVED 'Tsveli t3-teiveDulLr Family SelivinK ; Machiae:. T 'Cli . ear., est First .Ciais :Ma( hula . 19 op . ittarko. "'Agents"'Ag ents wanted ia .every .lAerat commission al: iovreth, eor terms, a ntl, pitatilar,agress; S. Hsu- Cie.u.kAgetit, N. 700 dh;tatntit tS't , Phila. Pa. may lm raR S M E.. - 'hie subscribes offers fortsulf;Cogh,PAtafr Locust andlehAstntiC Posta. Saddleiliboi• in PlkekTilig Corni tro tati*Ol/Ati clkotifittrnearnnd Grua. Rep4rAng, c4ralul!y and Avaihrlnia at idlo - rtjit t ice. l'itrrocro witiAo it Cal!: • J. IitTRTMEINi , ,„ . .I' , ::;j'V..: ~.G 1 ,..!5- 4 /::i ,)' ICZNIZ:3 mg ems, Prints, Chocks, COttonadee, Denims,. urge stOC SLZ ASEM A N & MORT. Wm. STEWART D. PA.TTERE3ON. ',/ii.r.±,fixAii44,:tos, 1 ii, 7 41.. 10 4 , ‘ - 4 • J 71' 5 1 4 "1. ~,;. i,..t. .'4' . , - 4. "' ' • :` t: fL I 'i. 1, "i i:: r) M We are now receiving our first supply of at lower prices than they , have ,been • for aeverat years, to which we call the attention of all whO wish to buy CHEAP GOODS. A full ossortmeOpfClot Men and Boys west,,at • ,A. B. dr. A full assortment Of Deliinti and all kinds of sum mer goods for Ladies Itt.' A B. & Co'.. Bleached and Brown Uti4lins selling low at . A. B. & Co.'s. . - A heavy stock, of Ingrain, ImporteJ, Rag end all kinds of Carpet at Cil Cloths and Mattings a largo lot at, •, ' - A. B. & Co, s. Wall and WiWdoiv Paperiolgieatlaiiety at ' ' A. 13.,:5. Co.'s. Ladies and Misses shoes cheap and good at ' . A. ad & CO*'6. We have a full assortment of all kinds of Dry Goods, NotionS,'Queepsrvore, Hardware, and Gro ceries to which we call your attention and feel con Silent tha t bve can 'give . you full satisfaction in re gard, to price sod quality. rir Give us a , cal]..El AMBERSON, BENEDICT &CO. apr 7-1370. -AVM STOVER ; :/ WOLF'S STORE, East Main Street, Tra)inesboro', Pa GOODS SOLD. AS LOW /LS ELSEWEEERE. Just Received, a fine assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' auaaca tiocidta,i) At Greatly Reduced Prices. All Goods in Stock Redßeed to the Luieet`Prices of the day. Prints from 6 t 0.121 Cepts,for the best, and •also 'tit Co!hi's.' Brown :Musline, 1. yard. wide, at 124 Ob., and cll'other 9itiode adeordingly cheap. We.lnvite inspeptiona may _ swovEll-& . WOLFF. 111.1110.110110' LIVERY! t, Eteubscriber having purchased .the interest 94/ I . LPL Woitetalsergerain Weyhtsbaro'Ld,i,eryf, wul continue the inn.inessr. at ;Voio d en's Oeh,Sta• Cawfurtallic conveyances and' Ate, traveling horses furnished , atall . hours. Plirties conveyed to any point desired acconipaniyd. with.a caiefu I driver. An attentive niWny'slie in attendance. Thankfdl for past Lvers he respectfully solicits a sharalif thopuhlic'epatreautge in the frittm.., ceP l 3—tf d. P. IS WINTER; ' 4"t - • For sale, at W. A, TRITLE'S new Stove aturTi. store. He has on hand a large stock of the above stoves, all of the late irorroved kinds. There is added to the Morning of this year an oven, which is neat in appearance. It is a good Baker. You can heat Irons. Bake, Boil, Roast, Stew, and it does not interfere with the operations as a Parlor stove. In regard to the blast of some Stove Dealers, who say that -their particular stove takesAess coat and gives more heat than the Morning Glory, you can put that kind of talk down as a Blow•wel 1, as the Morning Glary has been Gold (in this part of the country) for four-years,-and-in-that—timel_have put out over three hundred of them, and never had, to take one back because it would not do its work. or it_salis_not_vvhat I sold it for. Now that cannot be said of any other 'stove ever offered - ithis mar ket. That is the proof which is the stove. I have other styles, or heating stoves for coal or wood. Heating Furnaces put up and warranted• 31y Cook Stoves are of the best in market for coal er—wood, all_vverranted_good_Bakers. Also ti new Parlor Cook stove, something that can't be excell ed. Samialsaik-msge. Sheet-Iron and other wares of the best kinds, and at low rates. On hind, the best Clothes Wringer i 4 Alsa-tt_gacuLan.tLeheap Washing Machine. at short notice. Job work of all k n stn my litre' done at low rates. The only place in town where you can get your copper work done, being the only Copper Smith in the place. Oet 1) DR. JllUn,,ris—A-intimitso s, - , — ftv /VB. it Co.'s. We sell you but geOds of . the best quality and at prices satisfactory to all consumers. t • 'special atlention•gteen to the compounding of prescripiamS. ' ' • ••". lieniClubi‘l the "(tomer Drug Sfoie." anJ givo us a call. J. BURNS A M BERSON, M. D. • aP. 1 4i , • . , • „ ,; - - The Buckeye machines are elegantly finished, and extremely simple in construction. They have the strongest und 13xst FREED:6 DE: VICE, which will not get tut of °Mei, sou BILEAE NEEDLEIi. They amte thread, and for FPEEEr, EASE' OF oI'ERArION, and neat subttantial sewing'on both light a nd heavy material are not excelled. ISTIfCH MAKE ON Itoll-1 x1111:1; ; will HEM, FELL, TIGCIC, Haven.GATrien; etc., in short, do Lill fire- work any other firi,t-clase shuttle machine will tlo, end do it Just As wild., while they COST BUT HALT TUE IdaSEY. The ltueliEYX 19 the only lICENSED Shuttle Ma— chirke!soid•lp!:t her pritur, , ,• , equil W , the;;beet'!;itit ,i; tfie teettmotiy '6l'exiii:iii•tited:oliesu tors ani judges of sewing 'within , e. Cull and exemjneut the eluthr ing :store or Geo. Bender, k:sq., or itt res 'dente, on Church street. mar 17 tf ..Ni i I s S ri S no E ti l ic K e:to iST th i e C i K a i. d : i i es ,L i & d. 1 1% , Z. riy A rt . e G sb O or R o pO un iki d vpc.ll . 2 . iy tAat ipey,ii.tve . initened a 41,iii•liperv. antl3Faii,- Or Store in the &Welling 4i/use of Dr. t .N: :in atrrly , and have (' band a (resit and lull ii iii! of Illiilttuny 1400titi aial`FOlex 'Aittelva etii:fi "as bonnets, 1,1 ate, niitbone . , Floivi..ra, C,oll.tti . entre.: . t.s,aiche 14, )41 o.ci, Ohio-now, Jet .N.t.ii, a it,l, 'l' ancy good a genprOy.— Lotrive: ttra.iiivittit s to - . call at .t examine tbeir *tuck. , . '' ' !gni ' " • .. ~. ... • : , • ..N: 0 T. , .1. C.: .E ... . . ~ • pE i . iidiiiri • Judquted to ,the late finn ofErantz & 6nively, will please cell upon the yndereign ed. in seno 4 n • hands thei b301,s and in counts. have been den fur Ai t lentent anlelose their accourAts`by note or ottleteisev.bettynetb this end the 6ftter• of A pril next. ' " ' ' • I' N. t , NIVE.I.Y. feb 17—tf. • • .. • • • " nit koliNEidlrOilifill:' T H E TURNER DRUG STUB," "PROPRIETOR, T. C.,RIESSER, ASSISTANT. , Constantly on itanti a fall line of Drugs, ' 'Chemidals, • Patent Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Putty, &c. &0., Spices ground,or. unground; Kerosene, P.erfurriery, Toilet and Fancy 'Articles, etc. etc. etc. ECONOMY, SIMPLICITY, DURABILITY. BUCKEYE LOCK-STICH FAMILY SEWING MACHINE PLAIN FINISH, $32. FINE F1N15H,1337. 4, E. wAYNANT, Agent. itEIV-7411.11:111NEtt:17 FAN - tY' STORE. Ica . 41w3 Rtm. , D. B. RUSSELL & SON•at the sign of The Big Red Horn, will keep constantly on hand and for sale a large assarOckeri,t of 'Stoves and Tinivate.,, ' " COOK STOVES! tinware House Furnishing Goods Large iron and Copper kettles And other useful oracles at the sign of the BIG RED HORN, Waynesboro', Pa., where - a ar: .1- fottment o Cook STOVES, NINE-PLATE STOVE,S o the latest Improvements, th - e — very - test — in7t market, at the Cheap Tin and Stove Store of D. B. RUSSELL & SON. EVERYBODY THE ,IMPROVED BASE BURNER, W.• A. TRITLE. Sold at Retailbv PINIXTAWE.. made of the best Tin in the ,market, and wauanted at the siin Orthe ' • .g , , • # 44 33JAg; 3tl.c)cl 3E3aina.” • D.B. RUNS ELL keeps constantly on !hand a large assortment of House 'Furnishing Gaods for sale cheap. Pure No. 1 Kerosene Oil and a largli assortment of Lamps. • Washing Made; .Easy by, calling at the eign.of the qtlig Red Horn" and getting the best Close, Wringer ever, made. FOPPersons iu want of Stoves, Tinware, House Furnishing Goods, &c. &,c,, can get full value for their money by calling on D. LI RIT'ISELL & SON, , Sign of Alti`.l3lo RED HORN." ,Waynesboro', Pe SAVE YOUR' FRUIT ! DR. Y .U,SE, - PATENTED JANUARY 21ST, It3r3Bs Thisiotho,'lrest,Dry House sver offered to ; the public÷" It dries Fruit in half the tinio . reqUired by' th's old method. It'ilrirs Uniformly anti perfectly.' ' " •' '4 Le Fruit dried by it returius'inOre of the nsteral flavor.' It is elisilfm'cuta;ed.: • ' • ' „ It Bares luol:' ' It ix durable and' portable. • • • It has 14 feet'ef dryinq• surface. aed:tieo'flieur at fife sign of the ' BIG 11ED 1101iN ind•lee'vesiottr ' r4ders ter' thcni • - ; Natoli 24, 1137 J." (warranted to giie satiblactien.) Iron aye, Japaiined• Waire, uo : eta,' Churns', Knives and forks Spoons, Ladles, PAR,LOp. STOVE,S COAL STOVES &c ll: B. Rinsttr. & SON, ISign of the Riq Red Worn,. Waynesboro' 'Pa T L. PELLIG: CEISERVATENT j !Ecf-f i IEGtitATING OW N S "N t A t qli? HP , No' Ithignmene innre imriortent vi EFe farmer tllnn n ; Gr',ll.A ,TPRIESHaIt . ANT) (ILEA NECt—Tot mine iiirs'hirti so well and speedi ly. The nbove, but'shdaysi . the ONLY OLITTE:1? ,M nevi bail t . the'lMM ectiate eye dr 'the . itiverstorti thetnstiaYes,'Oitfif all the tbittitioial itii pi-oveinents made 'dhrii - fg the Irt'st 1 •Years; . 'ntitt irotir With first class workinin and Material stria r>S':rchiFto justly stands high, tip' above - all its 'or 'cla'si; ' A's ri l'hieaher h is eq Mil to thi beat, as It Cleatterlt,is perior to any existingMaehine; This is by all .honest 'coropetitoin: Indtkitl it itithd tent g . machine that really can .11V on e'eperation, thorad h ly thresh and clean grain fit tor' mathet. • Butrthe fact that grain direct from this machine commands . from 2 to 3 cents a bushel more than grain direct kora any othgr mathlite. settlea the gilthtion Of 'itS superiority, as a' cleaner over nil others. Impartial - judges at all tht kitate and County, Fairs where it was thoroughly and practically tested, in cohmeii-_ tion' withlother leading :Machines, always agree that it is more simple—more easily underalood and op erated by those unskilled in rdachineiy-Lmore dutra ble,-s- threshing as muck and yet cleaning teller— with le4s power and more cbmfOrt to'hands than an 'other atachibeih •use—nod besides ell that is sold for less money according to' capacity. These Sc s are ur era es OA .y t.o ousel' s o pur— chasers; some of wll'oirt have had them in use for_ the last 18 years. To,supply the wants cf all, we now make 4 sizes, viz: , From a 2 Horse liailwa3T or 3 Horse Lever Power, to a ten Horse Lever power, with prices banging from 43190 I to $360, without power. .We also make the' latest tri le—geared Horse Powers suitable for each size machine ranging from $9O to sl3s,.and all•fully and fairly warranted. For further infor— mation send for Circular and Price List. • - Responsible Agents wanted in territory not intro duced. Address THE GElaklli M A NUFA CT CHINO. CO., WA Nauman', Franklin Co., Penns, jan 21—tf] ALM BLVCIOOD' ANTIETAM 2A_Careltlir AND MI ILLS W F I-R NI GOOD & DIZTCAL,Ir 9 Who are prepared to furnish and rnake to order, Sash, Doors, 'Shutters, Stairing, Moulding, Scrolling, Flooriug,, Sawing, Plainioe, Turning and Grinding. We are also prepared to do POST ,BORING, and in shod• anything , itrour line of business— Wishing to enjoy the success and ,sustain the rep utation of the former proprietor. we-will try, to bell or make - anything for you, you _want_or_neett in our line; make i t as well as we can, and sell it as cheap tdi we can, with justice to you and us. 'Address OM/ el. M. RTC A w aynesboio', Pp., ' Factory 1 mites South of ,Waynesboa, Pa.- Having leased the Antietam Mill ti A. M. Good ,& Mathew Metcalf for a term of years, who will conduct and continue; the manufacturing and fur nishing, of all kinds of Building Material, I com mend them to. your patronage„ believing that ,thry will deal with you upon lair principles of boomr and integrity. , • , , The public will accept our grateful thanks for the liberal patronage we have had , ynor limp& while c ondueting said 'busin - esa. • , •i' • , • 'ours Respectfully, Feb. WHY PAT FROM' FIFTY-FIVE TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS - FOR A S EWI UG: •MAC MB E. . When you can get one warranted not to get out of order and to do as mo c k wo r k as any Family Machine made, and ail fur THIRTY-FIVE DO., , • ; • ',lt-4r ALL MACHISS, WARRANTED PER FP,l4l''in every reepet t. ALEX.T.LEEAIS,. atelt-maker and Jeweler, A g't f McLean Ss. Hooper xevsi tg Mathirset Mar 10], Waynesboro', Pa. FAIRVIEW MILL ! FAMILY .FLOIJR, ETC. fr HE undersigned having refitted and added el theiatest improvements to' his Mill, (formerly Fr .niz's) announces lo the palm th•ft he is now mansitacturing a superior article of Pita:lLl' FL 0 U which will be delivered to pt. mons at market pritra. He has also bn.hand.a supply of JII LL a7' u F of all kinds, which .bc• wholesale or retail ht the' 1f ill, or deliverlf n at' the lowest market Fates. Hay.itic•iFtittiAd%,his Mill witn the most improved" maeinhery feel that he is enabled to give general satisfaction; • . His Flour in sacks can be bad at.lfehrsi.'Proie ry, wherfi orders may . be left. The bighe:si market price paid for W ht . FAl' delsvered fit' the Mill, COOPER STUFF mulled. • , niur ta 1/A VIE PATTERSON. NOTICE. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH IN l',11(12.8 "VILLE T =MEE frouzirre m FftA:oz iintond. doing a regular cash bus - mese, commencing the Ist thy of Aptll,l6-7t). They aro tietertomed to sell goods nr• cheep as they cane Iv; rfolr,li••- All' they-asks is to give ilium They 'a're very thanloul lot!.p.tst favors :trod. thipa a contlauttepe s Pi the tame• , • et.ir'-'4tl • ' HOUZER & Fitkivrz. PEACH 110,TTO1W ROOFING •SLATra. A heci supply urthu bUutluality Peach Bottou 131.miing ou Land uud for meo by-' • • 1:11 IAtT, Jr, (;hittrit.ertstiurg, Pa. , A 1,90, exrertencol wer.irnenjot‘y9ytl2 catty to put ort ltooft4 at aho hot uottee %Lod iu iltu very beat man " o:Very ltvtif N . ..44E1 . 11'001 ) ' •Aii}ity t U. Efik:R1 4 ,46,-tv • 014'8 ,am , ChoutbfrauttrF, Pa. Ayer% SEtt§apatilla, MATE OM METCALF Wll don't deceive the Public us to the secret of Felling goods Eunchsnhj eve ntlend ba!es of — Banlaupts=whert =fortuneslivCbs - in - the-sea - of-adversity - and-wejnvite tha-attr-tition— it to supply themselves with stub sricles Ihoe.l, or a T-r.0..k, erstnine our fitte;stoUk witie h w,tlt.be' who wan cheap et th — e — lsil:ll4,7,prrier of ;he D rinor.,d, Jim only store iri vitAt Avlrtre, you. can get ;‘, ti pplie 'with/ the follooring ettici;4e, z • " H a ts, Bootoi,49lines,r ' "C nd iei And 'Drunks, („%, we lie, A I lads of , Clackers, Notions. such as • • Pliptr Colin T-i; 'Ladies' Hosiery, - liosiery, •• • and f;ents';. , Gloves. Gloves, _ Gouts' Paper Cul 3 :4, ruspendcw Sur 4titi - Xitfurriertss, Gents and , Kens:cue and Onisanitis, Canes and Umbrellas, Ink and 'robucco and Cigars, • ,I'ebs,rq d l'enci Is, , I.ke:,4Scc. find everything p..rtitining to this busitiesS. A fresh supply just' rdeoived thlio •for . Cash. Dont fa4,10,ca11.1 nov 19 GI;IFEIS UNdErli'rAlNl GOOD "DIA/VIONZ" GAtl. The unilersigne,l haiie . e'pnrcha , p.l Mr. Ihnirf-: , ton's Gallery, is now pi4Tired•eduicture,'in the hic:hest .style of the art. He' I gi.ve spec :ink attention to lar . ge, photograph,. f or FRAMES, CASES, 4C,, ,We will always have on hand a:firie asaintmqat. of Frames, to which we invilo•attentton. Pictures ,taken in cloudy ;'a3 ' . q1,11 weather., N.. 13. Particular attention in taking pictures of children. june Il—tf L. C... 134 I.OIOILL, , ANTIBLITIVUL9 Fino , Y . " . 0 he undersigned enspl the above named 1 Woolen Factork'A,) . ",l6AA'S,V,. BAliq and SHELLER. WhO_VVlii blisiaeN, under the firm mane of .}.NII, W.d3A1:111 , 11•L'11,f,121i.. Th e y wilt riinnufactur l e of th'e best niat , rial and in good stile a getwral variety of Woolen Goods, such as , • „ lam tllttn4.l) lor Me=yeix liberql p;klroanre ex lo me, ar;a req.em fully s.dicir that the SllllO may he conatmed.to the rem, firm. , mar 31—tf ALeso.i.g. - 14.42,0:5 9 :CZ 1 1 100TICE is hereby given that Henry Yingling of towliship; Frant.lto.c.mot). by deed of voltirit.4ry tisbignmetit has conveye , .! 'estete to the underL•iin . e4 lur tae tieriefitt.f his crea tors. • And lib, th.i,a6,lgnoes are anxious to couver: the property and c'ettle their accounts ss bpeeJily comp.itild.., with the mtere,ts of tole creditors; they deetre . thst ltle•f aetiltois thrt,r;:irj irMg at , once, nod thOhe Wilt) areVOUt,e,ted army Yine:iirm• will come forward rmr.fettcstecy rind frptke payment. rzt,e, DO 1441,A5, 1.1: VI SANDERS, A t:3 ign *Ts% ACCuritiMODATIOU 11H E sub st caul', a zo: the t he is now runiliti4 n W'ti , 4 ori* tetwee'ir Viiaynt find Jinni is prvirtred to do all kinds of hauling oi. term's. rlii VVlii btf tbPriloul for i•tr! potronlit,e.• () f ilers left rit the !hog Sforo oi• will retriire prtitopt attenuvn. *) - 28 7 -4,1_ ! D. W.'miNE 17. 11144,/f RS: G-,. 1.,::}1.0.1441 1 11-1.1tIt.ER too ju s t.. n , .1.(4.-1;4).1'n 'Ain kiipply *of 1,- , ,..1 Nl,ktiefer y go+l,li ...klitm surinviled to titil and (:.143111ira; Our stock,. upil '2s—if • . - . ion PiUllarYElife Mixt/ 12L00.0. The reputation thiaez alent medicine enjoys, derived. from its cures, any of which are truly tarvellous. Inveterate ;twee of Scrofulous (lis le% - where the system temed saturated with )rruntlon, have been elided and mired by it. crofelons aadetlons and isorders whiehivereag,- :avated 'by . the :'serofu nis contamination until nc, have been .radically iers in almost every FCC , tion of the country, that the public scarcely need to be informed of its virtues or uses. Beroftdons poison hi one of the most destruc- ' tire enemies of our race. Often, this unseen and 'unfelt tenant of the organism undermines the con stitution' and invites the attack of enfeebling or fa tal diseases without exciting a suspicion of its Otikerfee. ; 7lAgaifo irliersiths to pew ,itirepticSit thfoughlortt the betty, antrtffen, goine faVorable occasion, rapidly develop into one or bther of its hideous forms, either on the surface ornmong the vitals. In the latter, tubercles may be suddenly deposited in the lungs or heart, or tumors formed in the liver, or it shows.its presence by eruptions on the skin, or foul ulcerations on_some part of the body] 7lfenzettlie Amnion:Vase of a bottle of this Sarerapcirpfa is ailvisaidereven when no active syre'ptoms of Allstate appeal". Persons af flicted with the complaints 'generally find immediate relief, and; at length, cure, by the use of this SADSAPARILL.4: St. Antho tty's Fire, Rose or Erysipelas, fetter, Salt if heave, Scald head, Elnyworm, Sore Eyes, Bore .Ears, and other eruptions or visible forms of Scrofulous disease. Also in the more con cealed forms as Dyspepsia, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Fits, Eptielpsy, „Neuralgia, and. the various Ulcerous affections of tne muscular and nervous systems. Syphilis or Venereal and, ilfereurial cases are cured by it, though a long time is re quired for snbduing these obstinate maladies by any medicine. Put long-continued use of this medicine will cure tile complaint. Leacorrhoot , or IFltifMa, Utet•ine Meertitions, Female Diseases, are commonly sbonrelieved and ulti mately Mired' by its purifying and invigorating effect. lifinute directions for each case are found enr-AlmanacTstinplied-gratis. R hen ,n..:tirTn= and Gent, when caused by accumulations of ex traneous 'matters in the blOod, yield quickly to it, as also Liver Complizin ts , Tarp idity, Conyea tion,orTnyhtnmation.--of the Li ver, and 'fa an (fief., when arising, as they often do, from the rankling poisons in the blood. This Alt SA PAIUTZA:I I a great.;restorerl for the strength and vigor of the system. Those who are Lan guid and Listiess, Despondent, Sleepless, and troubled with Nervous !Apprehensions or .Fears, or any of the affections symptomatic of 'Weakness, will find immediate relief and con• vineing evidence of its restorative power upon PREPARE) BY Dr. Jr. C. A.IFED & CO.,Lrovell, Masai Practicat and Analyticat Chentiat s. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. A. S. BONED 11Ali Elvbluggig-.-Arent. Wrecked , . raily round l,eaci. U'LARESCE; N. BE.A.V EB. •.. ~,•„ PROOTRE YOUR. Pl ( Yrtilik%-Eir,Ult A , • v, A MBROTY PE, 04 1; ; , ;(.11"f PE, Blankets and Coverlets, Jeans, Cassimeres, Satinetts,, : Yarns, &c. Custom yvoik ptotrtptly attened to np 28—If MILLINERY GOODS 1 TO T11111I:' WADIES °.
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