VILLAGE RECORD. ---. 0 .10.0 b.::: Thursdajtiliar 112 111110„, Die-Dayten, Ohie.,,hsa jnit 'Cleo* a Mai or weighing 660 lbs. io eaid that forty fdity ettiin444 moth atfedaed fortieth 'tioniertioe of that Atireh` at Salt Like 'City 'hit **reek. oar loads of eggs passed through Totedoime day lait- weelN , The - shipinent contained and 'Mir& hindied and , sixty tliOudaitd eggs. - ' - ' • itirA pine chute which tan been ant tii.e±nee for: ectrenty peens le the proudly chiriohed beirlooai of . Mr. Vincent, a farther of Carlisli 3 Ohio. . . . Outni)erland, Zlotyland, on Moro day, the Municipal election resulted in the choice of alt'ipablican Mayor and a Demi , - °ratio City Council, one hundred and thirty colored men voting.-Th Orin the Senate 'on Friday, the Pension Committee made in adverse report on, Mrs Lincoln's Pension Bill, which was , 'placed upon the wilender. The principal objection raised against it was her already large in .lne—arisint-fienr-some $6O 001. ' ite.The Anti-Slavery society of Pennsyl vania wound up its, affairs and closed its ex istence on Thursday last. Two meetings were held in the Assembly Buildings, Phila delphia, one in the forenoon, the other in the evening, in “commessoration of the various reforms which have bi eisn accomplished by it during the past thirty-two years," and with the close of these meetings ended the lie and labap of the society.. . - , orbits Hugh, Ludlow etasses Brigham Young among the wealthiest men — f — in he world. An idea of his great riches may be formed from the fact stnted•by Ludlow that a single New York housh-has invested, sixty Ailfions in seeuritias on his , account, and hie possessions in Great Britain enable him to be the third largest depositor ia the Bank of England. coal o 'orators are ahead ht work —preparing-the prices-for-the coming_season, fearing that if they leave things alone coal will be too cheap. They are manipulating that great and favored instrnment, tire begat+ strike. One strike is in progress, and it is hoped•tm extend this through the whole coal region. the movement to bring about a suspension in Lehigh and Wyoming fails a decline in the price of coal may be looked for," and we may therefore confidently be lieve that this movement Will not fail if the coal orerators 020;1101p it. .The elections throughout France on the Governmental changes proposed by the Emperor took place on Sunday, and during the day the arrest of Republicans was active• ly carried on. Paris voted Repub/ioan and gave a majority of nearly 45,000 against the Plebiscite. • In the Departments fhb latest repot ts give large affirmative majorities. All the prominent positions in Paris during the night were occupied by troops, and every. preparation made to mow down the people with lead and steel on the first indications of an ou:break, —The annual eonvoCation of the Penn sylvania State Sunday School Convention will be held in Harrisburg on Tuesday, nesday and Thursday, &the 14th, 1-sth and Nth, when George Stuart is expected to preside. Each Sunday School is requested to send two or more delegates. The names of those expecting to attend Should be sent to Rev. Thomas H. Robinson, D. D., chair man, or Jno. bl. Saytord, Secretary of the local committee of arrangements in Harris burg STseretarles of county 'organizations are re quested to immediately send their address to tbci State Secretary, Lewis D. Vail, Esq., 703 Stamm street, Philadelphia, so as to re (tem printed details. Viler° there is no organization, the Secretary wishes to cones pond with some earnest Sunday sohool work er, and requests 'that 'his or .her name be for warded to him. , 'GRE&T HAIL SToft6i;—A very disastrous hail -storm passed over' Philadelphia en Sun day afternoon last. The despatch says for nearly thirty minutes there was a continuous fall of huil.stontis 'from the size of a pea to seven inches in circumference. The damage done greatly exceeds that of thi.. 'great hail storm of September, -1868. The greatest force of thistortia was along Broad street, and in -the souther° section of tbevity. Oa the south side of Chesnut street above Eighth hardly a . piine of s glarlii is left. On Broad street niaay,Charches had theiF stafa: ed glass Windows destroyed. The front of .the Comments! Hotel, as fur as windows are considered, hi a peftect wreck. The loss way bo computed by thousands of dollars.— Reports from the outskirts indicate - the al most total' destruction of ' the fruit trees, which were just is blossom.' At 9 P. 'ltt. the hail still remained io piles in the streets. serSotne tobacco chewers take especial , delight im equirtinoobaeco juice over the pavetuents,./nuch to.tbe detriment of clean .clothing And the annoyanee'of female pedes trians, who run the rink of having :valuable dredaesluined by the filthy practice. —Paper cuLars at 10 cents per. .13.1! at C. N Beaverla. a- uft..For,iteßte time nssfacral''lo.44ll.,?/AT had hofn.,Ochen,fd p , 4 ,l9llin N tit ii. ,t4thleeti 101 days itsittlarurCpagy‘Tile,yrlpA, 1 701 '?' extrerne We r p ees is rat, al . the iittelligeigmfiroot - that ''ion in kites that It is , -corrAngNnA..,rtat ,l'ar,„o. • -il l . •• Indianiiillegnie thethisieveanatAlreesiittre of GovernmentAttgavmrtmeat r watOo.,4l-. fill treaty stipulations, but it is doubtful whether it these had_, been ,literally_ apt prOmptlY fulfilled a rte. coal: long . have been postponed. Tbiiiiiiife riti.'h hi:pfpkilng, towards tbe Pacific slope, and.iia hia.progress be must tread upon and push. : the Indian, not, only on,hut.over,and ; off his reserves,-- Philanthropy in , this ease is useless tail out of the question:: 'Hard is it nity seem,. the- Indian miter give "way- to' the white man; barbarisin Oat Vanish before civilizOiiiin-,—` , The Big Hero expedition will probably en 'counter the Sioux in their coarse and come in 'oonfibit, with theni; and this will inaugu- rate the war, if ft benot sooner cOmmeneCtl.'• The frontier people are determined to bring the savages to quiet'submission, or to • ex terminate them. Fitch of Neteda expressed their sentirnenrS when 'he said, 'q ant in favor of havin• the dirt. Indian the human wild beast, banished from Eastern literature and the Western frontier." Gm. Sheridan has'all winter been preparing fer this bloody eu mer a wor. - , an. as t o war seems inevit able we hope, that his hands may be free to do what he pnrpuses to do, give the Indians a lesson in fighting which even their savage instincts coinprebend and .feel. Send mentality andlid glove.warfare will not an swer for the Indians of the plains. A cam- Valgr - 1 - i -- Whieb - ih — all — liritig the tribes to the feet-of-the leaders of- our-military cohimns, ready to enter into treaties of peace and set tle upon limited reservations, and too cowed ever again to dare to break faith with their conquerors, is the Sort contemplated by Gen. eral Sheridan, and we hope for a successful issue to the campaign. After this year we shall probably have no more Indian wars, if the Lieutenant 'General is 'allowed full swing with even his limited 'force of troops, 04„.0n Wednesday. evening, May 4tb, the following note was dropped from a 'bal loonrhigh in the air, moving in a southeast rly direction T—test Montpelier, 131. • UoTlrrillatic — lt — waS ---- faltened to a Wire' piece of wood and iron, weightiug about one and a half pounds: "Sailed from Toronto; April 28, for New York; met with adverse winds, ' and •by a sudden movement of the balloon, La grange was thrown out, I suppose as near as I could determine ' over , the southern part of Michigan.' Notkno wing bow to manage the ship, it has been tossed. to and fro in all di rections since he fell but. lam alone and no earthly poWer can save me. I drop"the'se lines hoping clothe human will find them and' communicate to my parent's the tidings of my melancholy fate, To heaven, to heaven, I e . commit My soul: • Pleassenthhem this note. Ralph 'Lawrence, Upper Canada. - [Signed] "BkitTirA LAWRENCE." r' The New Orleans Commercial takes occasion to berate General Longstreet for daring to appear in the ratification proces sion of the colored men of the Crescent Qity on the 30th ultimo. It says : To the great credit of our people let it be said that in this black precession there *ere but five 'or six men who were 'known to have been opposed to Radicalism, and who risked life and sacrificed property in their efforts to defeat its encroachments. Those of this class who attracted most attention were, first, General Longstreet, of the Confederate army, trlio rode in a carriage literally covered with the 'stars and stripe's," some of them, per. haps, trophies oi his. own 'gallant troops in Virginia, thousands of whom are now lying in their silent graves, while their once be. loved commander is bore consorting and fraternizing with their slayers. The same paper is frank enOugb to say, however, that ''the occasion was ode eminent. ly calculated to elicit tiro enthusiasm of the negroes, as the Constitutional Amendment specially invested their race with political rights heretofore denied them. Their re joicings, therefore, were natural and prom .and to their credit, we say it, their condaet on the occasion was very commendable.— Good order and decorum characterized their proceedings, and all over .the city their pro cession was undisturbed." Lieut. Gon. Sheridan leaves New York to day en route to. the Indian country. He will he in Omaha in a feat/ days.— Omaha Rei It will be a great satisfaction to the people who are constantly exposed to murder and robbery by Indians ~— to see among us ,the man-who is doing more than any one man has ever done to place the Indian question before the country and the government in its true light, and to carry out measures for the protection of the lives of men, women and children. upon the frontier; Sheridan has struck the key note of the Indian ques tion and theenthusiastn of the frontiersmen in, is not,strange when it. id, con sidered thai Sheridan has made 'the' life of the frontiersman and.the lives of his wife and little ones more secure from savage butchery. What more , noble work has it ever fallen to the lot of man to do :e—South Feiss Netts: • " Hon. John' Morrissey, of Now York, pro poses soon resigning his seat io Congress on account-of ill health, lin has only been in nis seat one day this session. Brick Pom eroy will be a candidate for his scat. —Last week a /nap named Thos. Crone, .ning !roc) the forks on the Leitersburg Torn eas instantly killed in a out °lithe Cum . ber• pike to the Pennsylvania line,,and will he. a laud Valley XI. 'Extension, near }lagers. grcatimaprovetient to that section of the town: The embankment gave way. county —Berard. LOCAL MATTER 44 iiF;otpli the annual electron fot • :141:0* teel4l4.lrprise Building Asswillt.• '% : tisql#:.**.t.licff*:***, last, the folloiii‘ 4-4P:1 10 494:;,*i.041 4 04,50 serve the Goan. )0$ Hoover, Seorotary—A. D. Morganthall, "Viiiiiifier;=r - J.-H. Clrebs; Lewis Forneyi.AeDi• Jasoaße]L• „ nest tiv'ening, i frid'ajr; "Abe lbfleiring; individuals were sleeted-offrcers• of the-Way nesboro' Building Assoi3iition for. 0013 s'extr t President—g : M, • Vice 'rresidont-J: 3.. Crebs L . . `" •• Cloipki at Leeds'.. • • *LA good sills show-4).otitttelwoeM,f7l , ,,-, ,Isse•Sed•adtrt. of Fairy asv, ;1= Stooe4 a A. '' • 11 oop g-Cough is pressiO4 tiv,%Somapf o'n!farinera 13 avwflaisitatimrta planting. i fr3tit, no fa;i: has. oPt betn 4ara B g9d bi•froaf.' ' 3 • • Liiiirrbit'Skrz.= - ISee idVertisement . uuf Jonas Shotkey,: rA. 10.14ocOa t , like greenbacks, at& sooroe `this week. , BACON—Nice count/ .sides for sale by Reid. Pori SALE.—A Coif crib, nearlj Enquire of. the Printer. • • • Foa hit aeociad-han4n4 roofing, window sash and frames. ,4tiquire this Ve notice that Clarence, Beaver. has the most complete: stook of Gents paper mil lers in town. AU styles and sizes. DEAD Mr. Geo. Bowman, died in Ha. gerstowo, on Friday a week, in the 79th year of his are a lifetime resident of that 'lace. im.Another supply of Ladies new bats just received by C. N. beaver. Give him a call. They are, indeed, cheap. *The woods present, a' most inviting ap pearance. 'Jan we not have a social pio nic ? _Women with big 'feet (there are none in Waynesboro') are reklioing over the fat that long dresses are again corning into fash ioa. RELICITOITS MEETING.—The annual o r Saiiramental meeting will be held in Price's Church, near this place, oci Friday the 20th instant. .13 U TOEI ER IN d —Messrs Hooy_er - AHert. man have re-commenced theliiitehering busi ness. Shop next door to Mullan's Hotel.— See adv't. • REMOVED.—The,bas been - 21 - rfilsereon' to - the - Sitv - eretnith Shopo Leede, nest, door to the Town Hall. NIINNEEtY MEETING.—The annual, meet• ing of the Snow nin Socitty, will be held near this place, on Saturday the 4th day at Juno. • RErottr.—We call attention to the Repor of the - Enterprise Banding Association. will be seen that the Association is in a pros porouscoodition. CHOICE MEATS.---4t be seen by refer ence to our advertising columns• that T. J. thanningham'ontinues to supply the publie with choice meats, Monday, Thursday and Saturday. ' , tThe Igrowing, grain is making rapid strides toward, perfection, promising an un usually early harvest. Wheat heads have al. ready made their appearance; in one field, at least,.in this vicinity. NEWSPAPER. hik - OVEMF.NT.—The .- last Mercersbarg Journal, despite the "finantial pressure," comes to us in a new dress and en larged form. The . Journal .is'a sprightly sheet. ' We 'congratulate frietid StnS. upon its neat and handsome appearance. WANTED.-A good practiced Bread and Cake Baker and Confectioner wanted' mediately. One who updorstanas the busi ness thoroughly and is winiug , to make him. self generally useful, will please apply at the' Waynesboro' Bakery. HIRAM 14NNEBtItGER. ILL.--On 'Tuesday night Geo. Bender. EN., of this place, had a sudden attack of apoplexy, and at this writing, Wednesday morning, doubts of his recovery are enter tained. Mr. B's health has been declining for some time. PACIFIC EXTRESS.—The Ponna. R. R. runs a fast train called the Pacific Express which makes no stop between Philadelphia and Harrisburg, and but two stops according to the - schedule, benison Harrisburg' and Pittsburg,' This train beats the N. Y. 'Con: tral R. R to Chicago by two hours and a half, WILL THE STREETE BE REPAIRED?--This question ,we hear frequently asked. We will leave the !Town• Fathers' mike answer. It is in the range-of possibilities (not , probabil ities)thitt our cross streets will he put in good condition some time . dariti the 19th contUry. 13" The Hagerstown Free Press Eiia'the authorities of that place are issuing,tOntieto the amount of $10,000,, with coupons Aat tached, to pay the "Decbert Judgement:"-- Vitas "Dan" the only Reb. ia , the place "pit ted' ont" during the excitement attending the late Slaiehoider's Rebellion ? Are there not others, there, who covet similar green back greasings? • "My , Maryland" sheald'nt show partiality in this respect. Maas Tuawrixt.—We Understand that the Preildent and - Directors of did Marsh Thrnpike clamPaily have awarded', the', cou traot for the construction of the road, to Mr. Dillon, his bid being.s249B per mile, and the lowest. The road is St Antlee in length; run- Secretary—Jerome Beaver, ' Treiattierl;-4. , Direetore Grove, Jacob Reinioger,,,:raecib toulter ON . B'Oivie.t, A. D. Morgan than, Report of the' atter 21.estaiiation next meek. IMPROVEMENTB.!-411118., far. :this 84118 . 011 . there have been an unusual ninoutivolltiild , log; and' epairink done in our toitin.':‘ 'We notice that Mr' J. WelfersheigeilireModel.. iog_and_repainting his dwelling house, (Air. merly Fisher's)' on Main street. Whemeom• pleted it promises a neat and-attractive ap.; • .1I f 1 _ At ° the West end of Main street Mr. Geo. Foreman has added some very important its , provements to lie. work, blinds, etc. It looks inviting as a pri vate residence, bat other improvements which are to be added to the grounds, will make it more so Mr. Geo. Middowt, one of our neighbors, has added a fine back building to hia•dwelL ing, and is remodeling the, front, as is also 117 r. 31arsin-Geiser — who joins buildings with him. — Other eitizens_atei i i : and a number of rtew houses are in' course of erection. • Aralle_lirowilouse oellar—aktirrgi:go "bravely oa." • copy of the South Pass News, dated April .?.3, published at South PaSs CitY,.Wy oming Territory, is before us, in which we, find the following reference to our friend, Ma'. D. S. Gordon : Dior Gordon, with his command, arrived here-a-few-days-ago. The Major manifests a disposition to do all in his' power for the protection of our citizens again%t 'the raids of the savages. This is Something: which the people of' Sweetwater hppreoiate, - Etta prospecting and' mining will no doubt soon be extended into exposed localities where white men have never dared to stay long enough to develop while is known to be 'a rich ()di:intl. A little 'of. the Sheridan Baker policyiti what - the hostile Indians of Wyoming need, find Maier Gorden is the men to give it to them. .—ln the absence of railroad facilities citi zens should encourage all efforts put forth to secure good roads. Turnpikes' enhance the business interests of both countrymen and townsmen, the stook -inaking'u handsome' re turn 'indirectly if not directly.. To °latish the legiesabaeks"'ovee tightly When such opportlinities 'are afforded, ny-wise and pound•loolisli." some of the patrone of the Record ever think bow the editor manages to live through half a dozen or 'more years, from time to time laying in supplies of paper, ink, &a. besides the time - ocoupied and expellee incurred in sending accounts to them as many.timee as they are years 'in arrears for.subscription. We fear than, •of them are Kist . thinking on such subjects. ater*F.berkings of Cate out streets have been thronged with pretty lasses, many neatly at, tired, bat others adhering, to the pavement sweeping dresses. We think it time this about which, in our eye, thore•is neith er grace nor beauty, should le abandoned'. In a neat gaiter boot and well turned ankle there is some attraction. Find an old "batch," Wu care not how •contrary or ill grained be may be, and he will agree with rts in this particular. HARD CHEBK.—We overboard a conver• sation the other day. About a half dozen composed the group. The subject was two men, and the contention which of them pos. seißed - the hardest cheek. A decision was finally' arrived at, only one of the party dis ,4hting. The individual thus "elected" was no doubt well classed, but we have several, delinquents it, our mind's eye, either of whom can top his "brass,' considerably.' lerThe beat of Bread and'ltuik eau now bo, bud on TuesdaYs ani Fridays until fut then netlee. , Ladies' Ice Cream Saloon in full blast. Give me a call for you know spare neither time or material to give you all satisfaction. oowe one, come ail. • Ur . Gov. Geary has 'refused to sip the hill graatiog a' pension to Mrs. Elizabeth•F. Rice, ividow.of Perry A. Aim, 91 Mexcorsbnig. deced,, on the grounds that. it went' establish•a dsogerons prebadent. - He has also refused to sign' the bill 'in creasing the salaries of the Associate Judges of Franklin county.. . . ~$9,,,.Rev. Dlr. Everett, Pastor of the Afath erau'COogregation at Gettysburg, says , .the 'hds 'beim called to the , La.theralt t3l'Oretteasilti. leirru' that • he has siguified his acceptance.. Thit'ailur,y)s 81000. tterg. N. Beaver will receive a new sop. ply of Moa'a Boy's bate on next Saturday, you will do wOl by giving Lim a call, 11. 11 EN NEB HEGER. • THE NEW lterraoan..%--Oonsiderable oltemept hatvinven ;algid in„;Pkokineou, kevr _ 164 NOwtclo to*lsphipe, ini'eged to the prt toiNind the uirthern slope of the tonih t liountaii, - • !'‘ • .g sit. Meniing was?ie,id tt•Vipt.9 ... rl,taveru . iriday 1141 ; t tithe 7Citchen's ship. Twelve . t o• wleta lr dollars ' " were titriofibla'; titiriniSttital ft elk itplinthtlid . to solicit further subscriptions, reported eight thmisand - dollare additional on Saturday:- • . 4t meetiug,Of ! the • citizens of Newton . L ` • fownshit; told' alffiAisbriville, on Saturday, ladverrer eight lhousand-dollara.mete , ,eub; scribed, and entonlitteetillitike.tipplAntiti'd to 'Canvass the township. • The peoplC of Smith 11,iii,IfdliftA bih*son end Southstitpipa,. : . 2 will: dot4ittess::do . •Ope• thing towards thy •*nae•24ll6: - ..14iii5ti..411, having recently ptiolissid'•.•ette . 'lli:Pond Furnace property; awl ftichmond L. Jones,. Esq., representing'i'laniiitier' of lleading Cap italists, are largely.interested in the proposed ; road, and will doubtless contribute handsome. ly towards "the sinews of war."' '• Some years ago'i'subsCriPtion was slatted for a road from WaPaeiborO', near the !Org. land line, to Scotland; on the Cumberland Valley Railroad;.. Why not unite the, two piojecta, and let the new'rotid be a continu- . , one line from iliC''''Sni , nehabni 'the I Potomac ? Carlige Volunteer. The last thing out and the best thing out, • la the flying Balloon with the "bottom out." ' Go see "the bottom out," a grand Balloon is soaring through' the sky, in the midst of its grand, majestic and heavenward flight out comes the bottom, down comes , apatie„ dry goods, gyoceries, and a hundred other things, and last but not least comes Hats down, down, down, untirthey reach the low est depth. This picture Is ou exhibition free of ohar_e and ma •be seen at an • hour from 6 A. M. to , 9 P. M. in Updegraff's Hat window opposite Washington House, --lhoerstowardotet_fail_to_gaze_on_it.__Then - at the 15 and 25 cent boys legborns. Boys wool bats at 50 cents, Mena' straw that will last all summer at 20 cents and see other. hats iu propOrtion and you will find that what we have been telling you in these columns for the past 1111 I ICI tter true and a little more so as regards cheap bats. o iuside 'and take a FIRES IN ?all MOUNTAIN. --Two large fires raged in the South, Mountain on Sun day and Monday, one in this county, on the right of the turnpike, sweeping from New man's in a northwest course for miles back, and tbe,otber in Franklin County, starting south of Fayetteville, and running to the top of the mountain. Notwithstanding Ugener al turn out ot the people to "fight" these fires, die destructbm ,-of was—very great. Some fencing WIIII also 'burnt , fer Ephraim D. Newman and William:Sheppard, we are.told.---Geleythyrg Compiler. • Bea—Outirendets will confei'a tatot by tee fusing to. Inen . kkis,:hi,p - eilion s ,. of means who are - uot subicribers. THE FIVE GH,EAT§TaTiss.-11 the House basis of 27,5 trienihere bf Catigreesehould be adopted for, the next ton Ytitirti, 'Ohio, will have 21. members, Indiana 12 and 'lllinole 19; total' ler the thitie'States; 52' meniberti: This is nearly one : fifth Of all the Efotthe.—.; It 19 nearly equal to the nutolier of members of The imperial 'States of Net* York and Penn Sylvania, which twill hate 58 members be tsbeen them. The five States lying Bide by side will Oast 110 votes in the next House, or within 28 votes of a tnajority of the whale Unioo. There are' thirty.eight Statr4 in the Union', but practically the political'powei the'legislature 'of Gotiniess add in the elec tion Of President and Victor President, •is in the five States we bait,' thentioned- , -New York, Pentisylvania, Ohio, Indiana and United with the smaller Sta Les they will carry, they Will be irresistible.. •is probably safe to say that after 1880 'a major ity of all the people in this el:lnbar - Will re. side •within their borders. They .are the seat of American empire. Look at their present majestic populations : Now York, Penusytiruzia, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Hero is a population within a million and a half of tho whole population of the 111.1ioo in 1840, thirty years ago. SPECIAL lIMTICES; A CEN ILE NIA N who suffered • for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the ef fects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all Nebo' heed it, the .receipt and directions E trmik , ng the pimple remedy by whicb ho•was cured. Nufferers wishing . to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do so by addtots•_ ins, in puttee' confidence, JOHN.B. OGDEN, • 'malt 141 'No• 42 Cedar street, New York. TO CONSUMPTIVES. THE Advertiser, having, been re.itored to health in a few weeks, by a very Simple remedy, after hay- Mg suffered several years with a severe lung'aßec tiom, sad that dread disease, Consumption—is anx ious to make kuowsi tolislellow-sufferers the means of cure. • • , . . To all who desire it, he, will vend a copy of the Preicriution used (free of chaNe), with the direc tions fur preparing and using the same; which they will fitid a small Crtaic Pole eIiNsoMPTIoN, AVMs. 13noiscuivs, etc.,. The object. of the • Advertiser in. sending the Preacription is to benefit the afflicted, aniJ apiead information which ho conceives to he in-, valuable; and, he hopes every safterer will try hit remedy, as it will east them nothing, and aisty'piove a fileebiliti .. PartiCs wishing the prescription; will pleage-id dress „ Itcv: F.O vyAltu A. mayl4) Williamsburg, Kings Co., New York. "I'vct" l- 1 • id Alereerelmeg, , ou the , 3oth alt..;\ MARY E. LIG [ITN Elti aged J 4 year,s,• 7.l. , lnourbe turd 10 days. 06 Os inst ,• at 'Church 11111i..1Ur JOHNNANDI4IIISMITII, is the 03tb year of his age., In Quiney tolinebip,.on the 3rd ins tint, .13ALvwsNlygLy sand Imonth land 12pa* f the s 244 4 Witt Non *Me* , town. hip,lgt. TH. 415' AN El, at in ad ?mimed g On the 3jklithlt., in laprolinburg, MART TOrIiffEVNES, aged 114. yeah, 7 menthe :2644.9,446. Fvv.SAb PHILADELPHIA,. klettday, Ebb flour market fe_wft4Out_eirame. worthy', of spioial • - nitre' ne - - deciand or shipment, and the operatilMb 'JO, consumers are confined td 'thiiic iiiiiuididte .wantev ,, Thessles foot , up_-.900- , barrekt r in. cludieir.superfins at 864.37®4.621 ;,-,aittree at 134,,871-®6 12i, Pennsylvania 'obeiee.. at 85.5086.25, Indiana and Ohio do. do. at 06. fanoy brands at 66.75@7„ accopint,ta itlewfletir" fitmSt $5 25. i ':dirrandltrine adra,, ht Biala at $5 75; without luyera; There is a fair demand for prime wheat at lormer quotations, but; the offerings are light; inferior deseriptione are almost un saleable, sales of Western and Pennsylvania red a t ';131 ZU(DI.4O. !Rye lattgOtt fOoth, $1 J 3 - to 11.06 for' WeiiMi and' Peittisyktiniti...? Corn is quiet, but without essential change, sales of 4,000 bushels -prime Pennsylvania and Southern yellow at $1.12, and 1,000 bushels old Western , at:sl.lo. Oats remain , as last quoted, sales of Western at 60@)02o, and Penns,•liania" at 03©050; and :light Delaware - The subscriber is now supply persons with a prime article of Lime for Whitewashing. Plastering, &c, Ternis reasonable.' may 12—It The subscriber cautions the public against trey. passing, upon' his farm by cutting ddivn of reritoving timber therefrdm. He is deterutivred-tci-enftiree-the---- law in the future against all persons who fail to comply with this notice. may 12-3 w ., JAPOB,C. STOUFFER. • Strayed from the premises of the subscribe: about the 11th of April last, a White sow, with a slit in one, ar, and tassels under' the jaws. A liberal re, ward will be paid for such information as will lead tolersecovery. J. S. FUNK. may 12-3 w B if CliE It I N,GI _ The subscribers announce to_theistrientla and the__ public that they have resumedthe Butchering busi ness and will continue to furnieh choice articles of Beef, Veal and Muton in the Basement next door to the Waynesboto i Hotel on :Monday and Thurs., :y olden • • •' thanks for past patronage and respectfully solicit a continuance of tho same. 12= if Notice to Teespasticia! , Having been ann oyed by personas running over, my 'gra in Ind 'grans, bieithing fences desen v ealiacials ly on the Sabbath nay, and also•dragging . dead aol male on the premises, carrying off fruit, wood and rails. I warn 61 such that hereafter the far gilt, be enforced easiest all trespueserv., •may 12. 7 11 t . ;, M.A.,O9RDON. 'Mgt 1 -233E12210 Bills Payable witbizi.,3o 14ays. r 4 1 \ 4. The subscriber informs the . public that be still continues the Butchering iinismess, and is prepared to supply pe . nlous l as st the BOSPMCIII of the ItioLier,ty6iNitt• stifet, Monday, Thursday ari Sattirday ornadh vfeell;with, a prime article ef , Beef, Veal end Mutten,;. MI bills for meat must l.e paid cvithiii 36 dayi. He wilF•slanghtec.the best stock, tae,rartrket will atford, and by attention iobusiniss hopes to :Vera, a continuance of the public's patronage. may 12- 7 tf T. J. CUNNINGHAM. l'llll4ll T ikit ' E Vie ! The subscribeptautounces to the put.lllo that be hes purchased•tbe right :of Waihing,ten to nsbip. for the. Fairview fleobiliee.an4 has for sale ludivid. nal rights and hives. ThiS is the only move'ablis comb hive that hes its sides and comb frames hinged to the front that the hive is easily 'opened and the combs examined.: This hive has three glass' sida ' so that the bees can be seen at work anti seeing, :double sides is folly-adapted for wintering bees Out of doors. Bee keepers will do weli te 'call and 'amine this hive. •,H. X. STON Of 4 ) 1+ miles'South.ei Waynesboro'; ' • • May 12— 5t •• • '! •,• , •., . 1870. 01 2 .1 RING:: 1870. New Gitiods! New Prices! MILLER & BEAVER Have just received their first supply of Spring ands tfuminer Goods to which they invite the attention of all who wish to durchase . good, Goods at greatly reduced figures. Their Spring' stock' is complete in every department, and having had the advantage of th e r eee nt c tecline in the L'astern market they flatter, themselves that they cari compare figures with any house in. the County. In the Dry Goods depart.: meat they have black and.fancy-.S,lks, plain and, fancy Delains, all colors Alpaccas and Impress Clothe, plain arid figured Poplins,.Chintz s, Lawn,. Piques, Brilliintr, plain and barred Cambrics, Nain souks, SwisseS,-lidu lie, Cloth, Cassimerea, (plain and fancy) Sattinetts. Jeans, Cottonades, Linens, &c. Their line of Notions is full and complete., Be low is appended a list of the leading articles Hosiery,• .Neck Ties, • Gloves, Suspenders * M ittr, Switches, Corsets, Chignons, Collars, , , , If c. kerdlticfs,' Cull% "frimmings, Bows, Buttons. Their stock of Groceries, Hardware, queenswars. Cedarware,, Oil Cloths„ -Carpets, &c., is large, and was selected to suit the trade. All they ask is an examination of their stock to be convinced of the truth. ' May 12, 1870. '4 700,000 3,600,000 3;100,000 1.700,000 1,700,000 14.700,600 ENTERMISE:BIIII.OINR ASSOCIATIO TAE report or the Enterprise Builtling ' A ssocil lion at its annualilneeting,,enJing April 7,•IttFO. Receipts for Dues, Fines, Transter Pee; Interest, &e., including the pre mium on 42, shams sold have been The expen-ditnies for printing, t_ation mit, shires withdrawal, secretary and at; ton:tires salary, dace inclaai us 43 shares paid in full have been $8,904. Leaving balance on hind , . , • . 'The present cor,ditiori,of the associa-. tion is 42 shares paid in till - ' *8,401. Dues, Fines, interest, kesi. 41 1 )1 1 .1ids 307 Dalance on hand. . • Ded4ct amount;,,oveeliahl, Assets, $.3.68 8 41 ' A rnountßaia ern escit abste ) : 112 tlO, l . Present velum oft " ~;" k 9 A' net:gain et 58.1 per cent. on Ibtr - aincnint, in on a abase. J. ‘l 7 . MILLER,: nay 12 ftw l'seJintrer. LINEI -LIME! JONAS %JOCKEY. NOTICE. $8,91.1. $8;686, , ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers