lEEE seraurati. iericnta.3 BB.UGS AND MEDICINES, 4131, - 1.:0:4 MB PLA PM, dre. &c., Go to Fourthman s =EXUI:I--T:ff , QZ)-6MIA--CI)X;IaUXI Waynesboro', Bay 24, 1807 ANTIETAM MARBLE WORKS ! S: WALTER do ROi MANUFACTURERS AND DEA&ERA IN Monuments, Tombs, Beadstorres, dtc„ ke., WE call attention to stir assortment of the a have, comprising the newest and most ap proved styles. Having the advantage Of Waterpower, and a long experience in the STONE CUTTING BUSINESS, are are able to AU orders at the Aortc4 notice and on most reasomtbleterrno. Clive thi a tail at our Yard. near Antietam Junc. or. the Waynesboro' and Hagerstown Turn pike, two mites from the former place. Post Office address, Waynesboro', Pa. N B. Orders can'be left with John Walter and ill receive prompt attention. H. W. & BRO. April 3-If. THE undersigned would inform the public gen. orally that he has purchased the Livery here. ofere owned by Franklin Wonky, and is fully prepared to meet the wants of the corn mnnity in his line of business. is He has tied all his carriages neatly re paired and refitted and his horses are ,11.0 t. safe. gentle and fast travelers. Par ties conveyed to any point desired, an. eompanied by a careful driver. Office one door west of Bowden's Hotel, where an attentive hostler will be in attendance at all homy at the night and day. No elf et will be spared to accommodate all whc easy patronize him! Oa 17 if WM. H. FUNK. DENTIgTRY. A. K BRANISITOLTS, PE NTIST, IIAS permanently Incited in Waynesboro', for the purpose of practicing his profession in all its branches. He will be thankful to all who will itVOT him with a call, and will endeavor to give entire satisfaction. Having bought T. D. French cut, he can be found at all times in the office formerly occupied by him. Notice to the Public ! rIIE undersigned is running a Line of Stages . 1 from Nnt:ersrot••n toliettyshurg, leaving former place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 e lock, A. M., passing by Leiteraburg, Waynesboro', Monterey and Clermont Springs, Fountain Dale line FairsolJ, arriving at Gettysburg at half past four o'clock nod returning from Gettysburg on Tues lay. Thursday an& Saturday, arriving at lingers. :own to make connection with the 5 o'clock train riir naltimpro. ANNA WASSEN. may 14-'69 JOHN A• HTSSONG, A T'rOIINET Al' LAW t Practi c e . • t I I e A e V vernl 6 eboeurentealdnraiP.rt the Hess entrusted to his cam will he piomptly attended to—Poet office address—Mereersbarg, Pa. lan Hy Lumber, &c. • • THE subscriber has for sale Chestnut Shingles, railings, Plastering Laths, tihingling Laths, Pine Lumber from a half to one inch. All other 'Mrs of bomber furnished to order. Also Oak, Pine and Chestnut Woou by the load for sale en the ; round.. He has also 1 C E for sale. ali23—rf I A 8 MONN. TOON. J. FILBERT, INIERCHANT TAILOR', AND ARUM FOR SINGER'S SEWING MACHINE. Xr. U. MOLASPES.—The rtibacrihera have just II received a !rime /ut of New Orleans Molasses fur the boltdiiys. PRICE & HOEFI.IOII 10,0500 itaimnsi WAltrZeD 1 Eifiß9ollll LIWYBK z• • OF FORMS. Br, FitAliiiE CROMBIG Esq,, ' Member of the Philedelphte Her, ENURED& TROROWILY REVISED ET 9, J. VANDERSLOOT, Elm, Member of the Philadelphia Map 608 pp. l2mo. Jaw Style. 82.00, • THIS UNEQUALLED BOOK concerns the property, business, Individual rights, and social priv. li eges o f ev er y one, and effort!. a fund of legal knowledge that to many will make it worth its weight in gold. The simplicity of its instructions, the comprehensiveness of its subject, the accuracy of its details, the facilities afforded in its perfect as, rangement, and the conciseness and attractiveness of ire style, es well as its cheapness, make it the moat desirable of all legal hand..booke, No effort Of expense has been spared in adapting it thorough ly to the times, and affording in it the most recent and useful infotmation. IT 00ETAINE THE Constitution of the United States, With Amendments., General Bankrupt Laws, Pension Laws, With Necessary Forms; Internal Revenue Laws, Yost-Office Regulations, Eto., etc. TOGIITHER WITH THE LAWS OF ALL THE STATES IN REGARD TO Acknowledgments, Credits, Natural iz it ion, Administrators, Debts, Notes, Affidavits, Deeds, • Obligations, Agents, Divorce, Partnerships, Agreements, Dower, Patents, Alimcny, Exchange, Penalties, A ppetile, Executors, Pet iti one, Apprentices, Exemption, Powers, Arbitrations,_Guardians, Pre-cmp tione v - A esignees, Hotels, Receipts, A ssia nments, Landlords, Iteleases, Awards, Libel, Rights, Bills, Liens, Slander, Boarding, Limitations, Tenants, Bonds, Marriage," Vessels, Carriers, Masters, Wards, Codicils, • Minors, Wills, Copyrights, Mortgages, Etc, etc. Plain and Simple Instructions to Everybody for Transacting their Business According to Law; the LecalTorma Required for Drawing u teary opera; an Useful Information in Regard to the Government of the United States, and the Various State Governments, • etc•, etc. AGENTS WAN= LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS ere offered to a gents everywhere. This work is the most complete of its kind ever published, and presents excellencies that commend it to all engaged in the affiirs of ev ery-day life. Every Fernier, Business Man, Trades.. man, Laboring Man, Politician, Property Holder, Bankrupt, Professional Man, and every one having a Family, will find it interesting, instructive, valua ble, and full of information, SEND MR OUR LARGE AND HANDSOME KIYTY-Ft►ITR PAGE CATALOGUE of nearly One Thousand standard and choice works. Its character throughout is such as to command the conidence of all experienced canvassers, and the approval of the public. SINGLE COPIES of Everybody's Lawyer sent to any address, postage• paid, on receipt of price. Par terms to agents, and other itlformation, ad• dress JOHN E. POTTER SC, CO" PUBLIS HERE, 614 and 617 Ransom Street, PHILADELPHIA, spr 7-3roos NEW GOODS MILLER & BEAVER'S! THEY have just received their first supply of I. Fall and Winter goads, to which they in vile the attention of the public. Among which they have a full assortment of mort."sr arc,c•Dis Alpnccas, Brocade, Luatres, liombazine,striped Mohair, Buff Percalle, White Pique, Victoria Lawn, Brilliant. swiss Mull, Nainsook, Black and Fancy Kids, Cloths, Cassimeres, Ital. Cloth. Muslin, Ta ble Diapers, Towling, Counterpanes, Cottenadas, Carpeting. Matting, Oil Cloth for Table and Floor- Queensware, Cederware, Glassware, Cutlery, Gro ceries, a full line. Our assortment in every depart: meet is more complete than heretofore, and we are offering every inducement to purchasers, at the low est prices. All we ask is a trial before purchasing elsewhere. We will endeavor to show gods at such pikes as will convince you of the fact. We tender our thanks to the community for their liberal patronage bestowed upon us, and hope to merits continuance of the same. For Bacon, Lan!, Butter, Eggs, Rags, Arc., the highest market price will be paid in exchange for merchandise. If you are in want of WALL PAPER, we are in rz , ,celpt of a Sample Book wit hall the latest styles; any style desired can be furnished in a law days notice by applying at Nov. 12, 1869 Cough Cold or A Sort, Throat, Requires immediate attention, Ds lcct often results in an incurable R~hung Disease. RoNCHIAL Brown's Bronchial Trochee , x < c `? - , OC , . will most invariably giveant retie instf, For Bronchitis, Asthma, Asthma, Catarrh. Con sumptive end Throat Diseases. they have a sooth ing effect. SINGERS and PUBLIC SPEAKERS us e them to clear and strengthen the voice. Owing to the good reputation and popularity of the Troches, many worthless and cheap imitations are offered, which are good fur nothing. Be sure to obtain the TRUE • Brown's .Bronchial Troches. BOLD EVERYWHERE. nov 10 6m BAEZ WANTED! FORNEY & SONS Will pay the highest market price for 650 cords of Bock and black Oalt Bark delivered at their Tan nery in Waynesboro'. Hides and bkins taken in and weighed at the Cellar of C. Bathes shoe store, for which the high est market price will be paid. ar 21-1870. • Vinegar for Sale. • The subscriber has a large quantity of prime der Vinegar which he will retail by the gallon or barrel at mance* price. mar 21 2nio BENJ. F. FUNK. With Amendments; ~4'Ki7:: ~~ ~ I]'Tx With Postage Rates; M & B.'s. STOP ANDS,SEE . %V. A. %SID ■ Family Grocery Stare , Coliducti ' his bust. woo at small erpetole .cello at loortuicao for the /Indy motley'. Aro you In 'rapt of • PURE SPICES, il g Prime iltio Coffee, &wormed Coes% Drown and Combed Stisar, Loaf sugar, Powdered Whits Mugu ? C a rolina Mr" Ili syrups, superior In lushly any} low in pie., ge P. Rico and N. Orleans Wham .. Corn attach, Chocolate, sired do., - oi. Pickles. Catsup, Mason's Cracker. and Cakes, co, G. A. Sait o Fine bait, • = Family Flour in in paper sacks, Call and examine. No trouble to alum goods. Shucked OYSTERS regularly received Outing& out the proper season. Cove oysters in 1 and 21b, cans, always on band, sold by the can or dozen. • BRUIT AND (CONFECTIONERY, - Layer Raisins, Seedless Raisins, French Currants, New Jersey Cranberries, new and excellent quality Can dies, clear toys for the cifldren Orahoes, Lemons, Dates, Cit •on, Prunes Apples„Dried. Cherries, nuts of sereralekinds. FOR AKING.—We have good and pale ex• Inlets of Lamm, Orange, Vanilla, !Strawberry ; ea. mamas of Lemon, Cinnamon, dm. GLASSWARE.—Look at our rots for only 85 eta, cheap geblets, dishes, castors, tumblers, flasks. mo• lasses can., lamps, chimneys, &c. We have the best and chest A S In town. QUEENSW ABE.— An unrivalled assortment full stock, lower is price than ever. Tea sets, cups ane saucers meat plates, soup do., Tea, Dinner, and Brdakfast do We Lt. s the real granite, nodecep tion in the quality. We have the common ware. new stock. HOUSEKEEPERS Are invited to look at our knives and forks, butcher_ knives, large spoons, common albata and silver plated tea and table spoons, - clotbes.baskets, buckets tubs, market baskets, school do. NOTIONS.— Toilet naps, perfumery, combs, pocket books, pencils rdt cap letter and note paper Superior Whale Oil,. Meet Kerosene Oil, Chemical alive Soap, Barlow's Blue Indigo, Wick Yarn, country produce and "greenbacks" taken in exchange for goods. I am thankful fox past pa, tronage, and solicit a continuation of tht same at the FAMiIX GROCERY store. yn entinya" Eehrva NEW STORE. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS COON & STONEHOUSE WnUL D respectfn y inform the public the they have now opened at their new room, on the southwest corner of the Diamond, in Warms• hero' a large and we eelectpd stork of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Queeneware,, Cede/ware, Shoes, Car pets. Oil Cottle, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush• es, Fish, Salt, and ail kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are al new and fresh and have been bought for cash at the law declibe in prices. We flatter otiosely°, that from our long experi- ence in business, and a determination to sell gcoda at smal profits, we shall be able to offer unusual inducements to a buyers who desire_li,) ervininui ey. Please call and see for yourselved. We have a large and we assorted stock of sta ple and fancy Dry Goodsi•embracing Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts,Jeans, Tweeds, Cotionedes, Cords, Den ime, Stripes, Checks, Gingham°, Linin and Cotton Table Diapers, Crash for Towele.Calicoes, Deloins, Alpaccas, EMT DRESS GOODS, Triings, Shawls, Brown and Bleached Sheeting and Shirtinga, Tickings, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinds o: country produce such as Bacon,Lard, Butter, Egg* Dried Fruit, Rags, &c, Nov. b. 1868. ' - • OMNIBUS LINE! HE subscriber informs the public that he is now I proprietor of the Buss line running daily be tween 'Waynesboro' and Greencastle, heretofore run by Wolfersburger & Stoner. With good horses and a first-class four-horse Omnibus he is enabled to convey passengers to , and fro with comfort and convenience. His Buss will leave Waynesboro' at 5i A. M., arriving at Greencastle at 7, making quick time and sire connection with the first Passenger train at 8i A. M. Leaves Greencastle at 5 o'clock, P. M., ar riving at Waynesboro' at R 45. He is himself Pro prietor, Contractor and Driver. Delivers Adams Express matter to and from Greencastle. All Ex press matter expressed the same morning and through to Waynesboro' the same day it arrives. Persons wishing to send 'goods by Express will do well by giving him a call. Persons wishing to go to Hagerstown should take this route. The train leaves at 9 15 making connection with the Wash ington County Railroad. aug 20 tfl , J. E. WOLFERSLIERGER. NEW:,TIN STORE. THE undersigned would most respectfully in form the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that helhas opened a new Tin Store on East Main street, opposite Stover S. Wolff 's Dry hoods em porium,aanil keeps constantly on hand a good sup ply of COOK COAL STOVES, MORNING GLORIES, etc,. at prices to suit the times. All kinds of veldt done in his line w;th neatness and dispatch, ouch as roofilg. spouting and repairing. You trill Lind it to your ktercst to give hint a call before purchasing elsewhere. The sign is the Big Red Coffee Pot Always on the Post, Thankful for past favor► be hopes for a continuance of the erne. Yours Respectfully. CLAYTON M. FREY. RYE FLOUR, Cozn Meal aad Hominy,- all fresh and good; for see by Drx 24 REID h WAYNANT. s sole-p~obr- of t6i See Here Read ThiS : B-HE subscriber has just returned from the East -- with a large stock of Goods, such as BOOTS. SHOES, GAITERS, BALMO• RAM and all kinds Boots and Shoes for Men and Boys, Women, Misses and Children. which he is selling at prices that will please. Ii A T-S -0 F E V E - E Y suit and fit any head. We b night our stock cheap and ars determined to sell accordingly. Notions! Notions ! Notions ! READ THE LIST. hirts-arol-Drawers--gauntlet Suspenders Driving Gleves Paper Collars Fur top Glove. Buck. Gloves ' Hosiery Sheep Skirrtinovee Wool knit Half Hose Lisle Thread Gloves Cot ton Half Hose Wool-knit Gloves Germantown Half Hose Butterflies Black Silk Ties • Fancy Silk Ties Broad End Ties Ladies & Gents Pa cuffs Linen_Handkerchieh Pocket Books Portmonies Brushes Pocket Knives Cloth Brushes Pen Knives Shaving Brushes Nail Knives , Han Brushes • Fancy Soaps Tooth Brushes --Perfumery Shoe Brushes Albums Combs Pins and Needle' Razors Lead Pencils Gum Caps Slates Violin strings Ink Note Paper Pen Holders Envelopes Blacking Hair Oils Memoranda. Toys Carpet tacks Crochet Needle's Fancy toys, des ,Scc. &c. &c. and so fourth, GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, American, Swiss and English; Seth Thomas and o ther Clocks. Jewelry of every description for La. dies, Gents, Misses and Children at greatly reduced prices. Finger Binge, a large stock; plain Gold, Fancy Sett, Chased and Fancy Finger Rings; Silv er and other Plated Rings in great variety, watch chains, Guards, }lkons, - Bracelets, Charms, Sleeve Buttons, Gold Pens and Pencils; watch chain hooks keys, &c. Trunks, Canes, Umbrellas, Baskets, Mats, Valises, Carpet Bags. 11.,11,1tags; Tobacco, Cigars Ind Snuff. Candies, Fruits, Raisens, Nuts and Confectionaries of all kinds. Come one, come all, and—buy. Thankful for past favors he hopes by a desire to please to merit a ilberal share of public patronage. EZEKIEL ELDEIV. Oct. 8, 1P69. W. A. RElo CHEAP "COONEY". BOOT AN SHOE STORE ! THE subscriber has just returned from the city land is now opening for examination a large and well selected stock of Boots and shoes.. Having had a long time to become acquainted with the Boot and thoe trade, no doubt if you favor him with ,a call you will buy as he will sell cheap and warrant the work. All rips mended free of charge. Give "Cooney" a call. C. RUTH ES. Sept 25-tf, Boot and Shoemaking. THE subscriber would inform the public that he is at all times Prepared to make to order Gents Coarse or fine Boots, also coarse or fine work for Ladies or Misses. including the latest style of last ing Gaiters. Repairing done at short notice, end measures taken in private fatuities if desired. Skop on East Alin street, in the room formerly occupied by J. Elden, as a flour and feed store. THOS... IiOLLINGSWORTIL July 23 —tf Boot and Shoemaking 1 THE subscriber announces to the citizens of Waynesboro' and the panic generally that he has commenced the Boot and Shoemaking business in' the dwelling house of Dr. I. W. Snively. (back building, up stains) and that - he is prepared to put up work of all kinds to order at short notice, which he will guarantee to give satisfaction. He will use good material and employ the best workmen, and therefore asks a share of the public's patronage. ap 7-1 t .1, FORD. - COACHMAKING. HE subscriber announcers to hie friends and the public that be has purchased the Coach Pactory formerly owned by Israel Hess, and is now engaged in the above business, on Main street, at the East end or Waynesboro'. Having a knowl edge of the business, and emyloying none • but practical workmen, and by strict attention to busi. netts he hopes to merit a share of patronsgs.• All kinds of new work on hand and orders filled promptly. jan 14 If GEO. 13. HAWKER, POT.S.TQES. CHOICE cooking poyetues for sale by IV. A. REID Ai Si ail Nigpium . IN 614 ' ,:‘ ChCmicals, PATENT MEDICINES, PREPARATIONS FOR THE HAIR, OILS, PAINT,S, I'ARNISHESIES. dre• ace. (17 3 P h -sicians dealt with at 20 per cent. discount. Waynesboro' Hotel Building, WAYNESBORO', PA, March $7, IsBB NOTICE ! la H.. WHITMORE, frioksale ami Retail - Beater us Carpets, GREENCASTLE, PA. I. H. WHITIIIO,REi Would call the attention of all who are in need of Furniture Mattresses, Looking Glassini,-Carpets, to the fact that be has a larger stock on hind, at his rooms on the southeast corner of Centre Square, than all similar establishments in the county com. bitted, and that he can and does offer Inducements to Housekeepers and others. In want of goods is his line, suck as no other Carpet Dealers can do. ' He has on hand upwards of 100 Bedsteads of ever 26 different kyles, ranging in price from $6 to $76 each. More than 50 Bureaus. of 25 different styles,• from $7,50 to $75 each. Upwards of 600 Chairs, of all styles, frbm $1,25 to $95 each: ' Rocking Chairs from $1,50 to $BO. Full Chamber suits, solid Wa intit, irons $6O to $2OO each. Cottage Suits, • from $3O to $9O each. Tete-a•Tetes and Sofas, ' f r om po to $BO each. 8 rip , seat Parlor Chairs from $3O to $6O pet , all dozen. , Lounges from $7 to $35 each., ' Marble top Parlor Tables, solid Walnut, from $lO to $35 each. Wood top Parlor Tablets, f r om $2 to $l3 each. among which are 20 diflerent styles. • Also Extension, Breakfast, Dining and Hall Tables, in endless variety. Wardrobes, Bookcases, Writing Desks, Library Tables, Secretaries, • What Nots, Hat Racks, Piano Stools, Umbrella Stands, Comp, Office, Hall and Library Chairs. Safes, Sideboards, Sinks, Boughtrays, Cupboards, Washstands. Also, a large stock of all kinds of Mattresses, such al - Hair, Husk, Palm Leaf, Wool and Straw, at prices from $4 to $4O. Spring Mattresses, Spring Bed Bottoms. Swinging and Rocking Cradles. The highest cash pries paid for Carpet Rage. We have a large stock of Carpets always on hand, each as Brussells, Ingrained, Stair, Hall, and all kinds of Mailings, and all kinds Floor Oil Cloth, at low prices. Looking Glasses, from plain Walnut Frames to Fancy Ovals in Arch Tops, in Guilt end Rose. wood. Also, Childrins' Buggies and Hobby Hors es,-Picture Frames- and Mouldinga deserip. - lions, and at lower prices than can be had else. STYLE • ere in e i n . e .e s" mesa e o be trade, all of whom he requests lo call end learn nicea before purchasing elsewhere, rar lig Car• eta made to order OWEn3 END REAPERS FOR 5A.T..;,. ALEX. LrEEDS, N -v. door to the Town Hall, boo ow on koala fmo p3dorttoent of "z ..., dalalted by himself with great care. a large tad well selected assortment of gavall3o 4 , pt Swiss, English, snd American Manufacture; • JEWELRY oheeper than ever before sold in Waynesboro , all the latest style!, kept constantly on hand. Every variety of CO buttons. A fine assort; ment of FINGER AND EAR RINGS. Solid Gold. Engagernantand WEDDING RINGS, Silver Thimbles and sheeldo,' Castor., Forks and Spoons, salt Cellars, and batter Knives of the cab ebrated Roger Menu facture, at reduced rates. SPE,CrACLES To suit everyboOy's oyes, New gimes put iv old frames. • Clocks. Watches, and Jewelry promptly and ally repaired-and warranted. ALEX. LEEDS, ,Next oor to the Town Ball, under the Photograph retie I July 3t.. Barbering: Barbering: MAE subscriber informs the public that he con j. tinues the Barbering business in the room nett door to Mr. Reid's Grocery Store, and is at all times pepared to do hair cutting, shaving, shampooning Mc. is the best style. The patronage of the pub is is respectfully solicited. W. A. PRICE. A ag. 23 1867. For G mum, ° Penknife Illades, Repairing Family Corn Shellers, Call on J. H. JOHNSTON. may 28-10 mos] NOTICE. The subscriber informs the public that he has p 05 0 ,11.431.1 the Saw Mill formerly owned by David Royer. near Buena Vista Springs, 200 yards from the pike, and is now prepared to fall orders for all kinds of sawing. lie Koperto get a share of pay tronage as he will make his bills as low as the low. est. 'epr 7 4w MICRA El. BONDER, Fresh Lime! TAEsubscribers have now female at their Kilns, 3 miles East of Waynesboro', Fresh Wood. burnt Lime for Whitewashing, Plastering, tcc. which they are prepared *n deliver at short notice as cheap as the cheapest and good as the beat. They will bawd a supply on hand during the season. apr.2l-31n HE,tO &BROTHER. FOR SALE. Your'Femily 11.0:ios, all good leaden. Boqulra of :be rRI N' rE,R, april 28-tf -AND Newest, Bast., Cheapest xeir Ve313;31111 ICClA:rialrlrl CEORCE BENDER sir , HO morn opened up an spike new gook of mis les Ant row dm- AND BUMMER Afl of whieb has been Obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. JARRETT, Bal timore. Every Raul sold Is WARRANTED 'to be of the boat custom Make, and the material just what it Is represented td be. A full assortment of GENTS FURNISHING COODS always on hand, such ae Under Clothing, Gloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &a, All we ask is, that you give us one trial, and you will always buy, for remember we do not keep badly made clothing and the goods are all of the a 1. otyie. May 4 ly] OEOIIO.II CRICK'S STEIIII lINGINECWORIS, WAYNEttBORO', FRANKLIN, 00., PA. M ANURACTUNE PORTABLE. AND:STAT ONARY STEAM EN.GINES. HAVING increased facilities for manufacturing Portable, and Stationary gleam Engines at short notice, of sizes from two to one hundred and fifty horsepower, I Would call the attention of persons wanting portable engines for threshing grain, &c., as I am now prepared to furnish them at short notice. lam also prepared to furnish shaft logs, pu'leya, &e., and all work in my line of [mai. ness. Persons in want of anything in my line will please call and examine my work before bliyiLg elsewhere. For further particulars send Ibr circular. GPO. FRICK, • Wayn attire. Franklin (10,,,.Pa. •ep 10 ti] aDr. P. Pahmere eldibrOad Most Ilearshar Panacea," is a tuedicine that in as resentment SO to Sham who are afflicted, baring used it in sir orb - i a u m a lolyw, S d a f d on u i r s e l , a l front a u s f x tl mess w th- y th e • aart i le a medion•poeiinglMOse a shal - mild purgative, it is well•to keep it always Slimily when than are 'Mildews es them snidest is .Ms at other sielmess It Ss emspeantled fres inedieltud Rook Lam!, Am% dada sad Xardall which are said to be 'manly tree from poises. Ws ere perseually acquainted with she proprietor who. ---'--- was our family Physleisit tor saviaar year', and we rare at eu• time raised from a bed ofslalstlita wad* tambsent."—ffirieSisa lhseU4r ON". "'MVO 81.0611 Siusanr—lrrem oar perms* sequain ea with Dr. P. Pahrney, end ham the rm. potation th•above named *Wish» is the war tenuity where be lives, we caa eteedully resew, mend it to a fair trial to all whir mayoured a ransom . ter Ow physisal maladMist mertality,antil the owl Passau far a mown shall bit bust In ham tree Life...-Pslo/MNO Ifiritithrifea • /told by F. Fourth:nap, Waynesboro, Riteobsw & Cielti, Ringgold; Wm. B. Roby, Quincy; E.. 1 Small, Mont Alto ; L. J. SelLilmitbburg, Md., anti Druggist's gencrallT s act 2a I y WAYNESBORO' COACH FACTORY. l ('P.O. B. HAWKER having withdrawn from 1.1 the firm of Adams do Hawker. the sehseribes informs the public that be continues the Coschmake ing business in all its branches, qt lbo old stand. He will et all times have.* supply of new liciggieg, different kinds, on band I also aecond.handed ve. hides, Keptiring done in Aunt notice. He VMS theibestlmaterial and employs good mechanic's. returns bin thanks to be public for their liberalps• tronage and by attention to business and dispor sition loiaccotnmodate hopes toimetit a liberal sham of the same in the Autgre. jut 14 tf JACOB MOMS. JOBIFJPII DOVGIAS, A TTOENEY.AT-LA W. Waynesboro'. PL. PRAOTIOES in the several courts of Fsantlia and adjacent counties. Weal- *hate leased and sok) and Firs Insurance effected on reasonable terms. dee 10 WAYNBSBORO' LIORP. HE subscriber having purchased the interest es,. A ,J. R. Wolfe:Amer in the Waynesboro* Livery? will continue the basiness at Bowden's Hotel Sta ble. Camfortable conveyances; and fine -traveling horses furnished at all hours. Parties conveyed to soy point desired accompanied with a careful driver. An 'Umbra Hostler will always be in attendance. Thankfol for past favors he respectfulty solicits a share of the public's patronage in the future. sep 3—tf S. P. STONER. NOTICE. PERSONS indebted to the late firm of Frantz & Snively, will please call upon the undersign. ed. In whose hands the books and accounts have been left for set lement and close their accounts by_ note or otherwise, between this end the first of A. pril next. I N. SNIVELY. feb 17—if. Flour and reed. Aprime article of Family Flour from Amsterdam Mill, for sale in sacks, at reduced pijces, of the Drug store of Dr. J. 11. Amberson. Also of Lidy Frick & Co. He will also deliver Flour by the harp rel, and Mill Stuff to any point desired. Orders may be left at Ambenon's Drug. Store, or at the Post,Oilee, DAVID LOLIR. F.Oll SALE. The subscriber offers at Private Sale. 1 new Mc. Ceriniek Self-Raking Reaping and Mowing Ma. chine combined, No, Z or 8 as the purchasermay delire. Apply to lady, Russell& Co., Waynesboro'. mar 31—tf . JOHN W. GOOD, OLD IRON WANTED.II The highest, Mail price will tie paid fey Can Irce *rape delivered at the make of the f ti GEISER M. CO. Waynesboso.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers