- AAR RR A ae Hustling Borough--All the Your Neighbor— Enterprising Busines serving of Liberal Patronage—Keep Your Eye Peeled for the | atest and Best, f Al Copy for Advertisenicn 1s ' Fte., Can be Left with ness jor the Hasty 14/8 E ¥ i Byars has taka grntey Lim a wife. He 168i fern on hawt 8 g and wis married a li Jay svening. bgpd hed yf (ed at opee on an Ther. %4 5 fs bay at hrme ih hiffer. ar Whar spent y with his brit hor, W. Shaffer, town, He starts to ir Keme on ay, Blanchard, Ww, asecompanying him, Mrs J. M. Notley and son John, of | ssboro, are spending a fow days and. Mrs, OC. M. Behaeffer, at | Moms. i L. Mitchell and Bob Me of Giallitzin, drove over on Qrtar- ! oon and spent Sunday with and family. no A Gunn sitended the wedding Evans at Harrisburg on Wed ; evening. y. Clark returned from New York . Notley pont a few days io Eb. this week. A VALUABLE PUBLICATION. ehh paivese aly 1 the passenger department innsylvania railroad company the 1991 edition of the Bum carsion Route Book. This work | sil to provide the public with | dptive notes Of the principal sea. | and mountain rosorts of the East, over seventonn hundred different | combinations of rontm. The been compiled with the great. : 0 and altogether it is the most and comprehensive hand of summer travel ever offered to i o 4 4 cover is handsome and striking ned in eolors, and the book on: | ernl maps, presenting the ex goutes over witlel theleta wee sold. | book fa profusely Hlust rated with u tone « cuts of scenery at the 8 yomOrta and along How of the | nin raflrond. d after Jupe 1 this very inter k may be procured at any | wily tiekot offloe at the nomi: | rice of ten cents or upon applica. | to he general office, Brosd Streot | by mall for twenty centa. A Ciao Cotngh Midicine aks well for U Thamberlain’s | medy when droggists use it wn families in preference to “I have soid Chamber: | h Remedy for the past five | with complete satisfaction tb. if and eugtoniers,” Hays Sang af 1 ways ned it in my own Caraily I for ordinary fi onghs arid eld {2 — cannot be long lived be- | cane to lives requirers nonrisbment. | is not nourishing until itis dic} dA disordered stomach cannot | od, ft most have assistanoe. pepsia carn digests all kinds thout aid from the stomach, it to rest and regain its na I functions. Ils elements are t sare as the natural digestive fluids | it simply can't help but do you | . Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, W. Hodgkins, Patton. : William Wegdard, of Decatar, Ia, > for savers years and four one | ae Bottles of Foley's Kidney new ; reniedy | for sostivencss. 1ain's Stomach and Liver Tab- | — box fpuarantend. dail , N. 3 oq a oublod with | Gossip x onde di trip to SBhiffer's , News Items, Patt. Reames ditty im f the COURIER. 5 Apariy was tendered Mise Mame last Friday night. The sven geantly at cards Those present Frama Shee Neff, Anna Er luke EC ammaons Sller on HE WAR ATE Very wy, Dr. Bean's te Moildain, Pen Concerning People Happenings About by Jo sh Printing, Subscriptions, who is Authorized to and You and who are De-! Men Cransact © on hand ¥ RANSACTIONS | i REALTY Progertios iin This End oF the Comnty That £7 Fr pimandl lands Heoontiy bana Wealth Haran Sa Flier tyownsd Mies Clortrude Vin Dreward and Miss Catherine Joves, of Pittsburg, are sperding a few weeks with Mrs An Cibrew Lantey, and Gertrode Noonan, of Patton, (petit oa few hours in town on Tuesday. the Corpus Chrlsti Day exercises on Sunday at Carralltown Hastings, $12 The Misses Ads and Celin Mellon | Jacob Kirkpatrick of a: Is rick Prov berg, Hastings, 812 Juonh Kirkpatrick Britto Miller, Jobo 8 Killenset al to J. A. Adolfsen t al. Barnoshors, $135. : Hilarion B. MeMupllen ab ux to Mar. ‘tin Mannion, Clearfield, $4,000 A large crowd from town attended Henry Tanux to Francis J. Hart Dann, Hastings, $560, Mr. Goldstein, of Patton, spent Toes | day evening in own, Cowit Beckwith spent Tuesday even: Ling in Glen Campbedl. Tuesday. A Sprajeed Ankle Quirky Unread. | YAt one time 1 suffered from a severe ‘8 pprain of the ankle,” says Geo E. Cary, | itor of the Guide, Washington, Va. | “After using several well recom. metided medicines withant success, 1 ried Chamberlain's Pain Balm and am : | pledged to say that relief came as SOO spendily followed.” Pharmacy, Hastings, and C. Ww. Hodg- kiny, Patton. Call at Gon’ # Pharmacy, Hastings, lor OW. Hodgkin's, Pattan; and get ia free swaps of Chamberlain's Stomach snd Liver Tablets. They are Lan gic gant physic. They also improve j and rorulate the Heer and bowels. They | | are cay to take and pleasant in effect. sot. suecpesfiilly | compete with his healthy rival IhiWist's Lithie Enrly | tara: the farnois paid fur constipation, Veet] pemove the cause of your troubles {Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, apd UU tw Hodgins, Patton. Bdward Huss, a well known business _Angia Hogus et vir ot al to Conrad Reig et al, Carrolitown, $200. Mary Thomas et Vir to Frank J oO Neil Gallitzin township, $800, : : ba: Phas Gialiitzin township, 3 H. J Easley drove to Ebensburg au cwnshig, $1 John A. MeGuaire oft ux to Frank J. Spangler jmpt. company to Frits Daniel, Spangler, $50, as | began ita nes and a complete care Sold by Gunn's rengthon the digamtion Lan active epergetic man with a torpid | The billions, treed, nervous man dan. Hvir and yoo may know that his liver ERAS EAIRETRy Chk A E i» g E Spanghie hnpt. company to John thicken, Spangler, $50. Jacob Kirkpatrick of al to Giamaria Latiziay, Hastings, $25 Witiis J. Nugent to Geo. W. Gooder FR, Susgrehanna township, $60, Ebensburg B. & LL association to “Was (Gibbons, Chest Springs, $400. Cuirk Retief for Asthusi Mis Maude Dickens Parsons, Kans, writes: “I suffered eight years wilh asthma in its worst form, eral aitacks during thé last year and wan not expected to live through them, Lard iL has ever baie! Te 3 gv 1 beg reali sy ate radial” You may ss well expect Lo Ton a stéatn engine without water as to nd ‘ia torpid when he does food, ar feels dail aad § often bean Reddy bokels 1 Stomach , $ will restore Fain Hew ric $a ETI i tone, renew bis vila y man of Ballsbury, Mo., writes: 1 wish | + A. Fo Hay for the beaefit of o hors, that 1 Uwe a sufferer from Jumbngo and kid Ipey’ trouble, and ali the remedios a {took gave me no reiief. 1 was indoced { i § ¥ 3 § : ptsied.”” All Drnggiste. i Mr James Brown of Puta: oth Ya, {ovr 90 years of age sullured for years Phivais ‘eians could not help him DeWitl's with a bad sore on his face i Witch Hazel Salve cured him perma. Bently. Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, ani C. W. Hodgkins, Palion, Danger, disease and death follow neplert of the bowels, Use DeWt's Little Early Risers to regulate them and voo will add years to your life and paver gripe. Gonn's Pharmacy, Hast ngs, aed C. W. Hodgkins, Patton, i Aosurgieal operations ls nol neces. salty to cure piles. DeWitt's Witeh never fails Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, and C - W. Hodgkins, Patton. ne Allen Halverson, of West Prairie, | Wik. says: “people come ten miles to buy Foley's Kidney oure,”” while A. J. Spero. of Helmer, Ind, says: “It ia the medical wonder of the age” All Druggista, zel Salve. The certain pile cure Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, and C. Ww. Hodgki ns, Patton. i he Do you da embossed station ary? 1 The COURIER is now in a ition to posi the Inst i Scars | faiuie vou, with letter heads, pots # | heads, envelopes, or in fict embossing any kind, ws cheap as the cheapes batter than the best. Give usa 5. if to your years. Easy to take, Hize! Salve saves all that expense and Beware of counterfeits. Rozema, saltrheum, etter, chafing, ivy poisoning and all skin tortures are quickly cured ly DeWitt's Witch ha- The lack of energy you feel, the {backache and a run down in (generally, all mean kidney disorder. Filey 8 Kidney ¢ cure wil} restore you 3 4 BED arid despair, One Shitate 5 Reh % lyon. Safe and sare [to Lry Foley's Kidoey eure, and af. for breakfast w ter the use of three bottles, | am . 3 : battle of your Kool Sn bs stomach for balf an hous ‘and ean now eal my hres other monks with s relish is thoroughly dig ernais Kodol rape iis wel troahies,)” HBF Texus, CWwhist von eal Hastings and OC. WW, Heedpkiog Bl ¥ harn macy. BERLE Ces EY ee a isa ao larE HG Ie IV eustigly Was RNY 5 ookire nade mi: a well orris Silver, North > Stpatiord, N. found relied tropes a stabborn cough, dda i 24 LET care fiaun’s Pharm Hastings, and © W x has cared thousands and ib will Buia XEi. Ira DD. Reekand, writes: “My little boy scalded his leg [from the knee to the ankle 1 used Runner Salve immediately and in three wwe kts time owas aloosd cntively healed, © want tao recone 3 to levery family and advise them to keg ‘Banner Salve on hand, as 2 sa ure pomedy tor sealds : Druggists rs Digests what you eat. Itart ite ially digests the foodland al 1s Nature in strong thening atid Teo stoseting 1 the exhausted | Haeative or guns. 161s the latest discoverad digest ant and tonic. No other preparat cho approach if in efficiency. jt stantly relieves aod permaneatly Dyspepsia, Indi n, Hoar rth Flatulence, Sour ; Bick Headaehe iast ralgi all other results of impor act di astion, | | Foley’ Ss K idney. Cure Prepared by EC. Dewitt a Cos Chisago. O. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Gunn's’ Pharmacy, Hastings Things in a, i Soh gh ie frames: kinds are our cpecialties, Stamps Kodo! dyspeisia one digests YRRNER & FRY. Hodzkins, Hastings, Pa. Manufeetn rer of and Dowiors in All Ki nels of Worked and Rough [.umber. 1 kinds of pore Hes 2 work : e fronts, Ww indow end door Cintra “tit 4 of al 5 Doc, sash, moniding, ole, always page Ma went har, : air shirt w yet in most In Bpita +f The oold, safe is & steady deman walsta, hind tk The wl Wa | wiyles, Ary Alindes Canty BO enh A finer grade, neatly Tucked, at 0 Cannh, Dimity waists, in dainty stripes, st ah path Percale waista, in an sxopiiont shades, tucked front aad bas fawn and Madris waists, in pretty shades and great variety, at $1.00, Handeome waists at $1.50, $2.25 to $3 50, in great variety and all sizes, and iso A fascinating line of white waisis in ovary style Don't wait. They are goiog fast. Try the New Idea Paper Patterns Ah wren 100 kote We give Trading and Premium I. WW. COOK'S, New furniture and the best possible Service at C. C parlor. tichuer's to msorial chairs and no waits ANTHON Y ANNA, FRO OR Ti Cotlections promptly attended to, Seah tela Ga x x Wi a ea fiander in Tend falas, HL Geo. Sim melsberger, LIVERY AND FEED STABLE HARTI NON, Syeveiaond Monte on Poaitry and gnine Wn Heovanse you've not buil ding SHup- Regular Price | Altoona, Penna. 3 poant | Solid } had my Comfort. I began using Foley's Honey snd Tar Will open at Clearfield, Pa., SATURDAY, JONE 29, And close THURSDAY, AUGUST 1901. Literary As- BYRON W. KING, Sehont of Orstory, EN in the cy 18 at You can save from 20 to 30 per cent on all rohan ise. unty to buy Gar Price, Regular Prices Onr Pries, Rigid A pound, Me. 3 poids, 3, 8 pounds, 3. {orn Starch 1 pound, He Leica boi T cakes, Hu, 18 ealea, o. 1 pound, Se. ive Esser Erg ph ang curniinre. WE ee Bufiabs, ist, ¢ a The Eminent Kidney and Bladder Ja VIG Rochester & Pitts (ONDENSED TIME TARLE 4 May 18, 1001, | The Discoverer of Swamp-Ror ar Werk ia His Laboratory. ¥ Ek A a PM \ M mvs Pundsaiawney av rs widen degtiis are cavsid ig, kaart faliurs uf Kidney ead fn ad. at attack any male 1 by call, by mail aso al i Root and Ha Ww L De 4 8, Pn AW SA 35% 3 ab Te 2» mention this ngney : Paini in Head ide and Back. For vears | saffeisd with pain To the Dead, pain in the side, aid in the wraail of th bak Iwas Bervegs and constipated and could not in and other pvaselind ron ie tried p Then i tried Celery | 24! . Ine pas cag enred me aad Th Rise mate & ne Ai baaner, © didi Tr Seg ~. y. Celery Kings vires Cionati patton sad hot ervey : Pion §oiver med Kidaey Divo, 2 OW. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Gunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, DR. FENNER'S a %® SHE 3 W GE Sr Sasa nL, s Pharm macy, Lon 5 GrNN, Pras Te Lo Gunns R. F. B. EVANS, SENTINT, FEASTINGS, PA Soa a aa % rercial Hotel, Bara: Y I iwi a i ST sSLaAy Parnell, Cowher & Co. Agonis 7 | sae LIFE AND APCIDENT i ‘the | makes kidneys and | bladder + tights : on or aly. 3] ke Yay. anphetld i : All Es LAPKY, : i a iene Agen, Rochester, N.Y
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers