PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, JUNE 6,190. AD 0 5 % i 4th | TH abbr, : R in 5 IMER Aare ¢ the Otveryanes WH Be Hers Tivis | Cimmintons Appian wish Ale Cammpared we Progem | witl celibate the ever glor- | urth of July in great shape this Preitu tary Srrugsmenta were, : and enthoslastlo mat. | i Committees dite H.C. Yerger. | - § Of course the forgoing commiliees are subject to some changes and al + levations and al ast two new commit | a on will be added transportation as in Good's Hall. nt pleas votlined nd A the chair, Mr. Bell stated! the gathering and said Kinkend, BAS Moors Sports WW C. Thece, Thos (brats Decorations 3 Ay Hat rd dhs GR 1H Mallon Ly, Jor H. | AR “ CC Raroy 5 . te Go dieln, pers yekjud Bg EWN froty num, Eimer : oh Nichole | Ln Chas. Rbodly, Masie Howard 1. Dissmors, Bandford. Fanitaation oo 3 Hane fer, Li sonard Berkey, Geo, BE ol (Wai, Martin, G Jess, Ho we, Col kf AL Nolan, IX SHR Dale, W. L. Thompson, Geo. wd parade, They will ba annesinced in : {ine timo throngh thes columns, . Another mosting was held at the | {name place on Toosday evening to i hi the report of the finance commit. The chairman, M. 4. Lewis, ro Hon progres and gave a list of the , | subscriptions already goaranteed, tor | which assare beyond the shadow of a chee doubt the successful culmination of | ; othe project On motion it was ordered that the advertising and printing 'ommittes gi ahead at once and get nit the necessary paper fur posting, A suggestion by E. W. Gireene that | the picnic under the auspices of the Catholic chareh and also the one to be , fiven by the Patton Fire 0. No. 1 be , Ineorporated in the celebration and ad- | yertised with the other attractions was artied ananimoasly. | No definitly program bas been ar 3 ranged as yot, but the differvot com- Inittecs are hard at work, and it goes {without saying that the celebration kts will be one of the best, and biggest ever a held in the county. | The base hail commitiee is masking rrangements for ene or more games on that day and the masic committee will wen that there are brass bands, 1 bra corps and other masical organi tations present galore. A fantastic parade and Rabe band ne will be one of the features, while the od to by Eimer Smale | | g up the Board of | of oon ascension and parachute descent is wn it was decided not to on tho amount tote all that was 8 possitfle, Damen 4 of tise preseist big: celebration in Patton sivic and industrial parade will em- i ! brace all of the societies, fire compan- | lies and other organizations it is pos wible to get together. | The sports will fnclade races of ev ery kind from hose to potato races incin- iwive. Two hig dances and pienios will | ibe held ut Bhort's Grove and Fireawa's | | Hall by the (Catholics and firemen el {pectively and an orator of renown is | expected to tell the assembled malti- ‘tude what a glorious country we live ¥ in. Alive and cluy pigeon shovting bills tournament is on the sud 4 bal | amoung the possibilities, The pyrotechnic display will be | Lnomething never before seen (n this nection, and will embrace daylight feo | works as well as those seen after dark. | {AR in all it will be a day without & i doll moment fn it and it bebooves every citizen of the town to pul Wis shoulder to the wheel and aid in i. success, TEN Fhuk. LET THE Eat REAM. Corpus Christi Haaday. Thursday, June 6, is Corpus Christi time elaborute reremonies were held. In recent years these ceremonies have | "C | been heid on the Sanday following. On| | {Bunday, June 9, should the weather be | favorable, the ceremonies in the Catholic | 0. | charch, this place, will be unusually im § 1 | pressive. The procession around the | | cemetery will take place as formerly. which the procession will be 1 The Ebensbirg council of the K nigh lof Columbus, numbering about fift { men from vitrlons parts of the county wilt assemble in Carclitown and al Geo. | ; LO. Brady, Meade B. Cowher, Wm, H. | Samption er LR Someriille, de BE ‘ Ww Prine Day, formerly a holy day of obliga tion in the (Catholic church, at which | | Highmass will be at ® o'clock, after | PE RR i NEW BOD ORGANIZED! A | Schoo! Dire ctors Elected Ofh- cers Tuesday Night. 5 PRESID DENT. PERTINENT PARAGRAIHS 9 ps i Pithy, i 3 Pointed, endilings, Perivising 5 People and Places ~Rimabeth the infant daughter of Dr. | and Mra. J. B. Noonan, disdl on Monday | evening after an lines of shout ten : days nnd was buried Wednesday mors. | ing #130 Glolork in bbe Uldnelio cone 1 ANGLE | tery. The little one was four years | odd. This ia the second child the family | ho inet within the pest two Db Weeks and chile ta an ricdial iyi 3 An example i in Arithmetic oo Two young nen from Lorette came inte olir store Monday last, Mr. Mo Fenghior “Tom.” a4 be la known by his frivmde, sold them as llows: Our pr - Wo HH. sndturd Chotsn Toeirarer Again fa the Mow Serene, : wont fn, Bir Werd Sworn th wind Wot Mebe ler ‘RErantaln of Byron W, $a Haeevondingt fon newman New Men | in diverted to bbe King's 5 Lik BOW | summer By FERRY ETN. : nd Laehioot Ehody knows King | his profession and Cable corps from this Fond the Ler. He Patton boraupgh council had another lapee of memory on Monday night and forgot fa attend the regular weted By the selection of Hon. W. menting. brs eeident Hartshorne Lingle a8 chairman and Bd A, ‘Metin $1.6 wanted fo get envagh fogether fo weretary. For president of ih 3 ‘allow his resignation to be seoeptad, | WW 0 Sandford named Mr. Lingle and | nt withont avail, : |W. C Habbard presented Mr. Sand. Wen, 8 Dalton, a Sodialist Labor | ford, Four ballots were taken which | {orator of Now York, delivered a posgited ih a tie. Mewes Murray, | ¥ ye 3 § rd wn id 1 Jr lengtiiy address from the porch of the Tomer and Sandford voted for Lingle! Now we have 3LALSRE rated the above TWO CASES and Prlirr Honma iast night Hea was fa ! and Mesars Hrahbhard Mal ton and Lin. ‘merely for your Benefit. Showing y il that on $16.00 worth j sroduced by Waiter Rowley, a well- ‘gle voted for Sandford. The latter of our kind of goods each man saved about $3. 50. | uown loenl Socialist. Was eliosen on the fifth ballot by 1 vote ; g “= Donpslly's big Bon Ton adver of 4102 : TWAS TIL A pi Fo wa ae yg thsement on the fourth page speaks for. For the position of secretary, Dr tL : DOES TH AT b AY? We think it does. itself, Bead the prices quoted and Murray placed in! pomination W. (0 SY, (Ine dollar saved is three earned. It comes so easy too at our store, then save money by following the in- Hubbard aud the motion was seconded | structions given, iby W. H Sandford. No other eandi- Best stock in Patton, Largest, tvo io one, . Fresher, Clean- +5 Are you op to date? fs the ques. dates were presented and he was est and most up-to-date. tion propounded by Mirkin & Kasser chosen usacimonsly. On motion of, ‘Mr. Sandford, the salary of the new Shirts, WW They tell you how you cati be at small meretary will remain the same as that an in ts. IN gd Sioves, wk : (of bis preducessor, §73 a year, oil : 2 Hxpende. F738 yeas ‘class of Haberdashery. lie. Yeekley, of Portage, was the | Nominations fir treasurer being in COME HERE-SAYE M frost of his brother at the Central “order, Mr. Togor named the present | Hotel over Supdsy. ‘incombent, WH. Sandford. Mr Only One Priced F House North of iki in Cambria Co- We aim to please you all. ~ Editor W. H. Eokenrode, of the | Bfabbard presented the name of Bd A. | The Keystone Clothiers and Shoe | ‘Mellon, Mr, Mellon decli ned to al- a iHown N wa, i id on ening. . was in town Satur. ow the sae of bis name and Me. Hob Direct, y Opposite the Bank, { Blak Clay albwant Susie, : 1: Pair “On Tap” Patent Leather Khon, 1 Foie Ponrl Soft Hat, I [(mperial Tie, £31 oi h Eason ; The Paton Borough selioo! Board met and organaed Tuesday eveaing. Assisted by A8 qu. oid beird met and faisied ap the | tractors. A number C¥onets bustaess snd the new members | SNS Were sworll In at B30 o'clock. The! ache VEOR SHAE atterare W. © Hubbard and Ralph Tomer, sucoeediog Geo, H. Corfinan | cand ©, 0 Crowell | A temporary organization was i ¥ 5 a §3 fier} 3 fir} pe figs I% Total, This first young man sald, Wd on ov am gad § came to yon Tom, I woal have paid jast $20.00 for the sme ciin : of giads where | formerly bought. He _andonbtecly naved an puieh ak be sald or mde aad as iE amosots toe 0 conld well afford to come to uioand be well paid for the day's time a 4s gutting exactly what he wanted, QUESTION, did it pay him? FIT DID, WON'T IT PAY YOU? We think so. { This other young tnan’s bill amounted to $15 5.50, and as he bought exactly | she same suit and “Op Top! Som and almout same furnishings be saved about the same Honey. we i BE The “ Lin their new advertisement Lu this lasae. : or any % bard substiloted that of Jas Melion. ~W. P. Kane, of Brookville, 8 & Ty, ballot resulted ue follows: jpnewt of his brother, George Kane, of por Sanford. Murray, Toser and this place. Sandford. ~4%. A. Sharbaugh, the popular Car. For Mello Hubbard, Lingla and olitown merchant, wasn tows Friday Mellon. i (evening, On the second ballot Mr. Lingle Mr. and Mrs Arthur Moors, of changed bs vote from Mellon to Sand. Flemington, Pa., are visiting relatives fird, electing the latter by a vote of ‘+ in town. tol : : —.Chiefof Police Ryan ls out resplen. | President Lingle snuounced that be ‘dant in a handsome pew uniform atid would appoint his committees at the | chapenu. Bext meeting. An joainment "i Pe ~Prof. Herman Jones.of Ebensburg, ba Jak - " Puencay : a. was a atton visilor on M¢mday, bes elected foe the ensuing erm. ti | «Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy, of i Frugality, were here on Tuesday. enurt NEWS Hurry Gantz ls now employad in & j Fronsndings of the Jane Term Now hi we a brick yard at Clearfield, : ~*And what is so rari as a day in Jone : Jane weddings are ripe, i i 3 i STOPS PRIN OF ALL KINDS Cures the Cause. Rl heumatism, slit uf Eheushnrg. ; : Court convenad at Ebeusburg on Ge | Monday morning at Wo ‘clock with a Judge Barker on the bench lowing wers smong the niotions and | petitions prescribed: g Petition of citizens of Unrroll od Clearfield townships for viewers to g * wet don regis The fullowing program has been pre- low mut ee 4 o 9, wil gin | | pared for the Cambria cousity Pomona Sg wn Bo dlah alice - Grange, which will convene al Man | ro ranatisr of honor Hoens em 1 Ln Lami BBG Me SEHD ster Grange Hall on Monday, June to Andrew IL Carrelitown 17uh. boron gh. Petition of H : Musie, | istrator of Jus, Address of Welcome, Geo. W. Garretl. for coder to sell | Response, T. W. Hughes [ream Separators,’ DG, Grflith | Essay, Mrs. H. J. Basan. Query Box. AFTERNOON 158 ofOaneEl POMONA GRANGE. Spratus, Joint i Etc., Cole, 5 eles Use it for Neuralpma, Swellings, Bruises, Burns. Seid Cholera, Dysentery, Cramp, Toothacl Ne wt Seating Wi be Held a1 Mussiar £8 Monday, Tass 30 SRE of Lewin Yours for comfort, I Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors of Magic Cough Cure, : = “ Toothache Drobs, (.W.Hodgkins Ad badd Li Li Haug in > Caisaad, 3 I Sharabaagh, adi ain ’ agh, private apie oertal (timber ia Carroll townsldp. Bo | fied and approved by the pourk In the case of J. A. Blair va. J. Noli E A Raper, Martin Schroth, ge. Motion for judgmeot amoant ade MORNING BO CLIK, Gecensed, 3: - i: d : Sharbn ag 4 4 land J. | garnisbees, LD dganst Earpd ; gn foe Lhe fendered 10 Lhedr answers Rantine Basiness, | Bevitativn, Minnie Farabaugh. Masie . In the case of Coalport Bank ve Ro Essay, Mrs Charlotte Wills, i F. Notley. Leave granted to dle sup. { Address, GW, Oster, secrutary of the | plemental affidavit of defense. ! executive committee of the Penpuyl Petition of citizens of Chest town: | Cvania Bale Frange : ship to have viewers appointed for the Bamay, Mrs. Owen BE Joos, : laying ont of a publle road, : EVENING T30 0K. Petition of itigens of Hast ings : hh % Lge sil BEY Ros ; Duet, Lulu Bannan snd Peter Wyland, | Fre sugh for the ap pointment of bd Me bh as shi ; oF 2 a FER Reoituti CHE Li Erie Carrie, og nx IEE DR ae HES Ba Te Va i: Br WH. Wiliams. {Jas Col dept by the. sgmation of dressers. The beautiful Suits ami attractive Furnishings Essay, Emma Yair. I that we are displaving this season are so easily reached in | Addruss, S. O. Thomas. ! In reestate of Charles Druas, late pi ying inl : asuy l A Gfih degree session for of Gallitzig borough, deceased, RE. price that the neglecting to appear in the proper make up 1s { ring the degree of Pomona will be hel bh to bravd you a back number. (at 490 o'clock po mo. The evening ses- . . ys {sion will be open to the public. Mem: A $10 Suit, a $2 Hat, a 5¢ Shirt, a soc Tie, a hers are requested bo being thir soug | $3 Shoe and a 98¢ Suit of Underwear ‘books with them. { Russluth HES. 3 > * Corn Cure. a did Are You Up to Date? No excuse for being ‘behind the procession of fashionable : 5 enped gun far d: Cresswell, Ea, appointed auditor to enoug pass upod exeeptions, if any be tiled, | and report; distribution of the funds In Uhands of Philip J. Deus, exeenior, Application of John V. Leonard for ‘a transfer of retadl liquor loemw | granted to J. W. Anoa lately deconsed, | BEsoLveDp, That the Comprudes of | {in Elder township. Graoled. Peter J. Kaylor Post No. 833, GA R,, Report of commissioners £ Pation extend their post hearty and | | Patton horou igh nto wards, : sincens thanks to the Bev. Patisar Hea | Petition of vitizenn of Plast sR Bors : ad the ladies of St i who 08 gh tor Hp point nent of Burgess, on Mem-/ : generous | wd hy x wh | convert the seediest looking individual into a regular We want to improve your appearance and are 4 t your trade. 3 = tier to gat {Will fashion plate. ‘willing to divide profits with yom in. or | i VEY RRR ii viding | CK Dints. Sor Sasi, ; - ag L$ 5 to = yi tee Smits, plain small collar, $1.2; i Good wam of young mules and al | new set oft harness for sald mules will | Ed pa'wgill at 2 bargain, Also a good re-| A frigerator. Call on or address, Joseph | 1 Schepansit Patton, Pa. ! $ i 5 Boys’ Ves yg & KUSNER J Ly
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