Aiulps of France tn he Er i Square” | the Ladies’ Home Journal "One even~ | ing when an elaborate display of fire | works was given in his honor he stood | {on tne balcony of the White House, | | together with Mr. Buchanan and Miss of he Tulleries during the Parts This banquet was entire Wy a woman 26 years old, The ‘number of guests ee, was 24. 050. This included dee cream men, dishwashers, mid pooks. On the day of the 9 Potel was on the ground magnifvent costume, surrounded all army of subordinates and bicycles to carry her orders ) Chronicle. Wo ri tor the. Women of Indl, Mor to 8 fiend that It bas heen : that only the OE enment of the high class women of in help come to the Indian wom: yf lesser rank, and the medical k of English women i8 evidently to greatest and most powerful lev. ¢ raising the fron door that shuts the eastern women from western free and culture. Further that It is | ortunate fact that there are ng | gtremious opponents of any | in the position of Indian wom: an mont of the women them. §, It fs known to be ho uncom. ing for the mother of the fam to refuse to eat and make herself everybody else wretched fone of | | [0 or ary robust health { this occupation may be the means of malting her well Biers is merely allowed to go The Kleeve of Sammer, The sleeve should receive special doration in making summer 18, and certainly the variety is rent encugh to allow every one to se & particular type suited to her ments, The long sieeve is a ) muttonleg shape reversed so the fulness is all at the wrist, t Is gathered into a coff, ie a orite fot and elbow sleeves, va. in fSnigh, will be a feature of wns, while the modified bishop nishied with a turn-back salt, | be ehosen for the late spring tail ywn. An association of fabrics is 10 the beanty and good style dressy sleeves. Fine sheer ba white or a deep cream tint packed, shirred or run with | i to make the under al are worn with the foulard dross which has sleeves In | wor thiree quarter length; and gt front and Jeep saflor collar of ime fabric, ornamented with rick are frequently added to accentu- | Bat ides. Chiffon, mousseline de Lover lace are also ntik Sis nebien. when & very SA A es i SAAS Ca Se - layers and his visit to orien n 1860) he was J President Buchanan's guest, and oc- cuptod apartments of the executive mansion looking over Lafaysite writes William Perrive, lane amidst great cheers. When dine | i ing with his hosts he would escort | Misa Lane to the table seating him | golf at hor right. i somewhat bashful i ceremonies apparently hored him. But while he was with Miss Lane and the drivers, detectives, caretakers | His manner was: and most publie coterie of beautiful women of her set it was noted that for the first time i since he had besn in this country he | seemed to show the manver of a gal ‘lant young { pleasing. One of the merricst morn | : ings she had with him was at x gv | nasium In Washington attached to 8 : female seminary. rip i suspended from the celling he swung | English woman, who has gone to Phmctice medicine, states ; int tha enlight | i and the Prince together succeeded In | gentleman desirous of | {In the brass rings himself one by one across the room, and the whale sarty laneh od hoartily hix nranks on the rope iatder Then mo foil to plaving tenuing Miss Lane conquering Mrs. Thompson and the Duke of Newcastle: it was next the turn of the victors to piay against | i paeh other and Harriet who was one of the most robust girls of the day, | {speedily onthowled the Prince and put his muscle to shame” A Means of Livelihood, There is a great deal to be said for | : poultry raising, both as a nmeans of Jivelihood and as a pleasurable occu pation. especially for a woman who lives ont of but adjacent to the city. and strong for it mehns an open-air existence to her. As a business investment, very lt. tle sapital will bring axcslient returns, A woman ig more fitted for this varl- ety of work than a man, for, though | she may Ixck physical strength, there Are the many little essentisis——care fulness tonder treatmbnt. thrift and attention-—which are the hackhona of guccess fn poultry raising, which she | alone Is enpable of handing. As an investment, besides the rais ng of poultry for the market, the eggs are to be considered. ter for the beginner to attend to but | one branch of this work and which branch will prove the more remuners | tive, deepens upon one’s market To raise poultry ome must be In close | proximity to a city, but that is not 80 absolutely necessary if eggs alone Sg ure in one's luvestment, for these may he shipped. Af to the fowls themselves, purée | bred or first-crosa fowls are better lay. [ers than the average barnyard birds, | and very little more expense {& en tailed in wioeking a piace with such | L Of the non-seiters, leghorns are the | best layers. Wyandottes are also good | thoderately good setters, : and both the Plymonth and rocks are i excellent Mrds. Cochins and hrahmas dered quite smart to ‘make » Re . of course, | an maka it in ornamental ways, | read ing of beads und gems on are very Jisappointing. It is not neo | essary for the smateur poultry farmer to lay in a large number of birds A i few birds of good laving strain, and | with eggs from these hatched for the | following ‘season, will be all that Is the De nae worker. four fashionable women 1 ine baubles for pt : great dificaty seems to ll ething reully new, One. Et beads and pearls, Hoth | A id irregular in size and re pon the changes her ready wit 3 pon rubles, emeralds, gold 2 crystals, arlentals, Ve. | is supple Lut has a rough surface. : necessary, Give the birds plenty of Croom sand liberty and keep their nest ‘runs clean and they will thrive~- i American Queen. Panne frieze Is a pew material that Halrpina with jewelled + thon, g ha The latest French the large turquoise buckles. White pigue gowns are strapped {with bands of white suede cloth by | | way of novelty rather than for pract | ! cal uae, The new veiling dlaplays gold spots, | iP which Is a pretty fashion, but pot one | {| that is Hkely to be approved of by ithe coulist 1 Alzlon stockings are the latest. | Silk stockings, of course, with yellow | | 0 eagles in a line running up over the | y i Inala, and on either side of them 1 violets, fe girl seers 16 he tht on of the reserved chair, | yingly unabashed an i 8 dozen deep block tlew kK and stare. This gap: the arch enemy of thy who realizes that hi | s invariably fall to com} vie at in this way. ] Gay Hetle low shoos have red heels, {the front part of the shoe, in which | P the eyelpt holes for the lacings aie Laer, being ted and the lacings light { drab silk : i in | CWisnesday evening by | Washington, It is het FENSIONS GRANTED William Caldwlt Celebrates His 100th Birth day Steel Milk fo Close . ~ Twenty Ss Ea the past week were the | Joseph Odum, Neffs Mill, H. Stuffer. Fmeworth, $5 "David £. Brown, Orwigsburg 8%: Jacob Hoecl), | Pranklintown., $% Lock Haven, $3. Natbaniel Beerly, Mileaburg, $106; John EBinglelon, Dan. | Domw—Xo. 2 win 2 salir. hel Among the pensions granted during | Bax—Ne 1 timothy follow ma! | { : William ay Spd om > Byes--Sn, a ads: 2r. = Thise senate Pasa Authorizing the election: - fuatic of the pace in vach ward of ha divided {ato wards having a popularion of 2000 or mire. : Providing for the publication in _p- % | arate pamphlet form of & certified list 3K B Fancy Berateht Winters, | 33 Clover No 10. Fre No | white nid. ton Browp mid Aiings Lies aia Bran, nik. ; : : | Bema Wheat Benjaniin Motter, canpon, $12; William Pope. Husting | don. $10. Christopher (0, Lang, Vance ville, SR: Andrew J. French, MeVey. Ctoawn, EN: James M, $10; Nathan L. Vandyke, Freeport, $12; | | Elizabeth Brooks, Geneva, 85 FB. Wright, | Lough, Drunkard, $8; Lenors B. Kirby, | | Pittsburg, $8 in rourt at Romerse!l a f Koox., Warren, ! i Mary | Jacobs Creek, $8; Lauta pro ond Olio, fresh. | Raflroad Company. awarding $2284 { to James OC. Begley, Ltr. whose ¢hild was killed, tally fniurwl and who was hb Cpemusaently disabled waen A Pou privania railrosd freight engine 1m into an express train in Johnstown, {in July of lam year. For his own in wife fa a H the Wndber adi ie es ; VoFisrpee Winter Patent a jury return Exaws- Navy, por boshel. fod a verdict against the 2 Pennsylvania | Ont. a Pater. Prodasts Brovess Elgin eresmery. Ohio ervanery | Phase . Pano counts wed | Cxxeny. CH, Baw. a. Kew York, sew | : Breve. gy ih Car EA Arvaend Frais and Yeguisiio 232 oe 2 x 1% 11 i110 1} Poraroim Faney white, ¥ ha Cagpaat-~per | tarral.. Onitxs por Lushel SR NR BALTIMORE RE Wena Na Fed. Copneatiidmenl oon, PEAT : Boas, | i hie wifi's injaries and SX pense ined. dent thereto, 21.144, and for the death | i pf Bix ehild, $700. The court would | pot permit recovery for the death of | his wife, holding that it was not clear | . Parse 2 white, Lu : Lo 4 :Breren- Creasey, axtm. | The Greensburg & Southern Flee | . tric Railway Company has filed with | recorder plans for five | £758 } Frove- Patent, iy shown it was due to the sceldent. ‘he county heaneh Hoes Youngwood Heela, Lady Pivaxant: the along the Pittsburg nixon: the thi Latrabe, with a spur to New Alexan Hine ix © mn Mammoth and sovond pike {ino 16 Iadwivh, traversing the will traversed North Man to Papeete 49 mites of frack. fJeorge Eatinna, Lyears, smd six feel tall. was drowned eax twand : Cops Na inn i ERTS ml, from Greenshars wo | Enos-titate and Penna dria: the fourth from Greensburg io fmporiant | i streets in Greensburg, amd the fifth the | | porough limits The five branches will | : ! Prine heavy, 100 10 1600 ha. 8 5 ie colored. aged BR | Fat boilers Cin five feet of water at Conneaut lake ¥ upsetting of 4 beat His wife whnessed the acc ‘dent. wan too hours Bh Jast fn Pittsharg ie Iroquois elub hones bast chant of MceReesport, and Homer © Wednesday conferring with J. WW, gnder the laws of Delaware as the Im. perial Dirvgoods Company. Capital, $1.000.000, age, was killed by a #t Altvona Wednesday, Cox lived the life of a hermit sand when IW. WW. Keenan on : coiffure shows | ‘the halr cotled low on the nape of the 0 neck, : French sliver buckles are very | stylish and compete in popularity with + hom, SO AR a AN the hillside, they found enough hed: ding to fit a mansion and safclent Sothing to start A store. The coroner wid the goods fo defray faneral ox Perse. The pew Reformed choreh at White ak, Romerset county, was dedicated, free of debt, by Rev. Mr. Truxal of Meyersdale. The churph is located in the center of a vast farming district, and In pursuance of an old time cus Tove the conmiry folks brought thelr was served to ail on the churmh ot. The men were employed by the mnrovemenis for the Pennsylvania raliroad, jored are: Thomas Brennen, Maloy and Mike Dediore, an Iiallan Bt Is thought all will recover employ of a brewing company. was fromen «tif while making repairs in the cold storage vanln on out Into the sunshine his Hips orn [ed blue and biz muscles became 30 heads are . one of the noveltines for hair decors | righl that he was npabie to move, Aplieation will be miade at Harris emangh Neel Company. 8 corporation practicaily formed to absorb or merge the Cambria, Pennsylvania, Bethls. Ploenix, Aldn Wood and sevéral minor steel and iron manufaciurirg companies, Mrs. Frank Dunlap, wife of a prom tdrank tex mamile from oan advertising swaple package, and it Is theaght the tea was poured into 4 cup that prev: fously ventalned strychnine. by tvtives a i af ity Tr Cuonemangh heen xd to Mourning purges or pocketbooks — | wrfortupate missomer—coms in black | leather finished with gun metal, the | design simple and having only a ze a beading at the edge. Handsome flowered sites are made will Stewart, cashier of the First Nation. | 4 al bank of that oity, were In Carlisle : a RE a3 nx arene i Bog EE eriaes Plunk relative fa forming a dregoods | u. trust. The concern will be chartered ! Extra. phedium weight withers 3 Looe to choles, LL ae P Medium, LL Thomas Cox, 8 veteran, ©% years of shifting engine | had : | Lambs, good to chiles, the authorities vishled his shanty on Lambe, somos to air, + chipped | Spring leasie. avid A. Eberts, a carpenter in the He bad been {in the vault tws hours snd when ak. burg July 1 for a charter for the {lon pent citizen of New Castle, died Bone t day merning from poisoning. Siw The grand uey + of Lawrence Souity : irae bill We ad weiing anony- 3 calculated | ty mislead de- CA Ommtis to mir oxen, osm to 5h His ody was roeoversd In Jess His home was in he worked He was the chef at Join K. Skelley, a drygoxds mer : Ged pips Hl baskets with them al a big dinner By the premature explosion of a heavy charge of dynamite threes men sere horribly Injured near Latrobe Lantractor Ldiscowmaging pow The in. Witham | to be axpested In some uf Uiose labor i pontroversies amd | trade is etnlcamraged be reports of el satisfactory comlition of winter wheat | {over a large portion of the country. The joint eosnty ei across the sl ork. | Juries Afr. Begley is given $21.00, for | Brien - Ohio creattery.. A SAA A I IRAN EN PHD ed of onlers re Mlonses wi | would be sustained hy emplo} are tent PRLADELPHIA Frove- Winter patent Wararo No Tred Cony No, 3d mixed | Egas Pennayivas Anis Greta of | the hood Appropriations caused by | Governor Stoue’s reduction, amd to be 5 pakl In four annual lowtallments, so det %34 x to require the money to be paid dur. | ‘ng the present year. im g. ment was refectind hy a vote of j | BW. The following appropriation bills | passin finally at the afternoon scant: NEW YORR. Waxat-«No Bred, 4 White Nis, Sea Potrss-0moanery Ln LIVE STOUR Central Stoek Yards, Bast Libasty Og CATTLE wk wy Prive, (S00 1 1400 Ba, Meine Fold to L000 (sl, 5 50 $00 Boteher, 000 to 1000 tix Ceanmong To cod? far tells Mileh oiimn, sacl Extra mich cows, sank | Elasvwsonss Flas, os a Te gon J ies Reavy Bogs LLnL , Cra ie ta a. sEtnRAzLE g5202358 Wa lata EEessuses EESS Ww SLs a. Common to fdr. we dw & LY Lats Yok io Boped slipped OF ae Cu G8 Ca a we EN tit - dese Erg ah gx Bn w = ws ht sias Veo commen to ry Wn Youd, conumon =savy.. Rom kK Nk AFFECTED BY LABOR STRIKES. AR SR re Bank " Sieariogs and Railway Earnings Indi cals Salisiaciory Business Conditions. XG Dun & Co's Ww seRly review of Trade says: The labor situation in many parts of the country is still ser fously sosertied and constitutes a rea | son for Besltation ia some industries saaditions But guick decision satisfactory wise siimuiate. in As for spring wheat, the crop wis put. fn under sery favorable conditions | and there have been few uneatisfac ory reports May G4 por cont in excess of 1900 and U32 pir cent over 1880 remect & cob | : tinued activity 1} 3 Bry: at New York bank cleartn $ 50.1 por cent over S00, with the leasing cities outside of New York | ty ks of 27.1 per cent over 1900 and cent aver 18M The cessations of i manip sintion Jn corn cantrititted Ww roaderuffe. operations which % would other | 1 o'viock: iby Mr AX the misimurs rate of interest at ros 3 wilt a : = - XB of all charters of incorporation | The senute Lill compelling accidents | in companies to keep 3 reserve fupd ¥ in thelr treasary was atpendisl a0 as not to apply to companies wihikeh ens ploy paid agents, and then pasted | foaily, After passing the following bill tio aily the bhwouse sdjourpet until Regulating proceeding in court im came of absence or disability of (he . | judi of any judicial district by % Low Jmige Of an adjoining dtutrict The Plhon road bil was amended Ford of Allegheny so ax to | whieh bonds for romd purposes shall | [ be famed at 4 instead of 3 per emt : and ind aside : delphin | SInny. ; op! Wa Founding Home and Maternity | aie L boepiztal of Besanten | town hospital (to the Mary M. Packer hospital | Sunbury. ot | Haven hospital, 5) amen the Snyder bill, appropriating | Aa EE RRNA Sm CN PAT AH Slit a Aa AR HA 5 Railroad earnings for B i 4 ; for printing. These bills were pamed finally fa | « the sengte: Appropriating $10,000 for the Phils: | | Poteotory in Montgomry | i; oc RE Appropriating E5000 1m the Bt Jos | Approprinting $20,000 to the Allen The Focht bill appropriating $2000 Appropriating $10000 to the Lock : THURSDAY. Mr. Coray of Luzerne moved to! | BLOOOO00 to cover the deficiency in The neu i wa! Bethesda home, Pittshary 35,000 Chilnren's Ald society of Peanwiven. | in, $10.000; Pennsylvania Memotial howe, Brookville, $7.000: Penpsyivin- | Lia Imstitution for the Blind, S8% 400: Alina hospital, $15.000: State urd | of boalth, R100dM:; St Vincents hos pital, Erle, $1000: Western Penmiyl vans Institytion for the Blind, Pils burg, Eo: Ladies of the G. AR. home, Hawking Statlen, $15.000: Ege | Ear, Throat and Nose hospital Pits. | burg, $3000. The house adjourtisd until 9 a ou to-day. The seoste pet Lat B30 olcleck this morning and ree :omadnedd in until next Monday night at 9 o'clotk. The Mushibronner hill mmending ihe | "ingbarg “rinper” law was panied | Swily pir oa : ey Pittsbu rg, Johmstown, Ebens’ burg & Eastern R.R Continent Tine Tutte i fet Xo. sm ZARISN ®=83 : Be wins ee Be Eg . Azgan pe SATE Gh fizan WE I RBzeo SE Fass TE no BRITS a. ABZ3C RgSgsa Philadelphia & I Readin : 3 [mis Eolas nls : soasion only 20 minutes, | (me ‘after which adjournment was maben Beech Creek Condensed Time Table. od i aba Nor Na wm Dm Pe foe $e Io His 12 w ¥ 5 Amag ; i saree? <3 J < Bas bfetipniy re CT Munson Winttitng Gitlintown astitu xxowe SEU BEREL FnRARENELERENY “5 & 8 ges 22 54: wl wk Ng aa iv w i Pein sport Pilla & Reafting RIL wr Withtumepornt ¥ Ix Phiiadst Shia x sh Nlgar BINAGUS Ar v XY vi Filla ares 3% dEUENBRANENEYEEEE x og Ge eEEe - re aed mle w 288Y ® 2 & } we B te York will dlsnge oars »t Pittsburg & Trains wave a ; Cmntell And Hewreortinret as pei oe) x LE RRA mf * a arficd with the 1g Conus tes . itisbarg miiway. 8 ried and P AriEh {Cambria axed 43 i uneyivania: and ep 3 _®.ax vi Railway, CONDENSED TIME TABLE. In effect Fob 1, 1000 NORTH BOUND: : po hie! | legacy {Stn Fam »% Ho na ae oi SC pncashsic Mongrove. me. ia fa NIM an Nanay. rei E hanew'y 1 to » LA ad} usa er 3, aman HEESS J Kengaasaesng spay
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers