or Castor OH, t ts Harmless and Pleasant. 1 : Morphine nor other Narcotic : its guarantee, It destroys Worms & It It relieves Teething cures Diarrhoea and Wind Troubles, cures Constipation assimilates the Food, regulates the IN Hs POULTRY YARD. A Peapic. in the neighborbiood af Cres ) are amazed at the number : Shas this man drives to market When asked what tan cams ot witig wo prolific, lie stu all a & certain fon pet ind het RE ’ 2 thot kept Lis enw BY got pot : the Card Tarnished theny wi stimuine to eg Jered uso pean Paaiicy Migturs be bie Dab and Ww side by Loe Co. Terra Hante, Ind. Every in the poultry business is inter. in the health of lus hens and their | f et experience (n Ee iwitia] ow give of wach dis. e ible ol 0'era and roup | order direct from Ameri , Terre Haute, time and effoctod a pkite cure : ord, Propietor Norwood | 8 This remedy On scoot of the Republican } Convention at Philadelphia, ‘the Pennsylvania Railroad | company will sell exearsion tickets to hiladelphia from all statlongon its i rate of one fare for 1 the round trip be sold-and good going Jue 15 to 10 inclusive; and returning to June 26, in- ancients beleived that ri the work of a Gemon Ww Any one who has had atic or inflamnmstory © Fhouttation agree that the infliction is dems. oni enough v w waln Lise bulk never been vialmied that Chamber a's. pain hatin vronld cast out dee : a, hot it will cure rheamatism, sod hundreds bear testitnony to the truth One application re- telven the pain and this quick relief it affords is wlome worth many foe sale by Patton RHA AA AAR Anericnn Na childrimgor ' and nataral sleep. ALTOONA, Remembe r that we ‘all charges on Dry when the money with the dér—and we woyou Tews for the rooqs an other stores di Tren : DAY yoods ; 3 it ddress all GABLE & (CO, 1320-22-24 11th Avenoe, ALTOONA, PA. y Ours is the quickest Mall Order Store in | the State. a o "Kennedy. Roasoke: Tenn., KAY “1 cannot say too moch for DeWit's witch hazel salve. One box of it cured | what the doctor called an incurabid ulcer on my jaw.” Cures piles and all akin disenses. Look out for worthless imitatipos. Wantnd. Christian man or ‘woman Lo qualify | for permanent position of trast in your Pirwlows home County. $550 yesrly. self-addressed, stamped envelope to EB, 8 Wallace, General Secretary, Uorvoran Building Wasldngton, DO. opposite Treasury Department. 20H) The easiest and mow effective method of purifying the blood and io yvigorating the system is to take Dw : Witt's litte enrly riers, the famoas little pills Tor Seundng the liver and the bowels CW. Hodgkins, Patten Pharmacy, Nothin! Notice is hereby given ho paren others that hervaller there shall loafing or loopging in and wl Wain of the LO wh Buiiaing adults found {he foafing in and abo ‘troated as respasbers, 1. by the police and ol ber fait clog he law dipsets Arr Ag mosey Hy edfeott ATEN | out vis regulation jiraed eomts tar par Sits | WY Po gA¥ wl ny kab AR Jatiag the ERT, £ {had stomach bri: VEORTS and gave up hope of being vored Gil 1 began to ase Kodol dyspepsia cure. It has done savior of my lite.” kinson, Alghany, what yon eat, Pharacy. Tenn. It digests Can deeiarod Bt is distribated Cn demands of hie ot ape Comes 9 i [and w Ywworna ia 4b Csligaatdy 3 bards Are : retparkably x fhe contoul of Ber fare Umly the pres p file and a ual | ders are displayed. : Ferns 230 W. Hodgkins, Patton ier desiz ning of me so mach good Teall it the Writes W. BR. WiL | C. W. Hodgkins, Paton . ge set LF the Bible TIX PORTRAITS IN THE WALL OF THE FAMOUS MARBLE ROOM. A %kabh of Stone In the Treasury partment That Shown a Perleet r fe of ineen Victoria snd iriber : of Bow in Interesting Piciares, Tie often repeated statement that haont xentiment in oan fhe Treasury w Fa 5 marie a Addy Unole Sam is wit Cfawtrated in a department, Id whlch cost ne ; sirhough stil a bod » of Beauly, niger an srnataental chemise The poor wrod which isn has wolen mapy a curious tiie, the roam Iie few Ea, HO eae in which General Grant reonivedd the | gtiests who attended his Gres inaugarak Ball Is now used as a cash room. Long vears ago, when the ar Hite who planned the interiof of the Poon | saw his dresiu reall whe fhe painters and decorators had coniplet el thelr labors amd visitors wore al lowed th gaze upon ite magnificenes, it iro be the Hpeet © in thie country. Men and women © oe tioanl and international fame have danced upon the marble Hoors Ww here toslay stand counters and deaku. Tho pret whol sat the famonsiy beaatifo have days, where grip 2 ard Leaps ear ix willl retained and no on nhless i be the spiritg af those Who ape adorned the foot, on the sieall ar of sn handle IE 60 00 cach year shronghout the Tuited Dirvass ie iy gallery in vi of ml twellen Rep Ape oy dong es ors Bat it is amt wis SPOWR up Ee feel ore Bidtes This fara partment poses for a pusher of 3 earn of the treasure) ned for 1his pur axis The grow gw Mriment ply art the plage fs Bod Sf Sr Lins econ io wie a Fs or EY od GERI ham hewn this Becossaty, Jomt pepmtalion even Capek oof the Royerhonars Fhe 1 psn bE he won Fegtare nf | tresury ae rad Woh sad Piatiore On 8 serhide rove of tg kaown Tar inrereut fo daar of epection of ha hailing The interior 8 sonstractsd of marble : hponght fra sunny Hal, from Frade and fron Vermont FF ¥ Spduaer was thee goer was but Jerk, ad A.B Bury ae grit Flags Mot Chel was SOPRA RY of Tie (reasaury Chin assistants were WOE 4 and 1. FF. Hartly. This informatio prc line od BY Pwo rosie slabs ahead i Rbave 1h Al Cw itieut faust Sahat said | mephe Ter, Lowe mrkable. It moa of bimek Vermont rans #¥ pi > Phas post 1 tredunrer when WoO Waist wae Moadiert Was thy ie marie a Rg Bernt begin mar be Flevaed fps, LE Eris, i Ifmll 10 ad French CR atk fan! Lew fhe wrddinr, 3 TET ¥r Jat EAAE the vhin The dsover red Yo on ir od | startled by the awe Lite forming the Ln A Tull aide © vi The raditional ike ia Limi & shawl covers the whidingivhors, Qua Reraus few oF She ad i hannet TE spun] spent cot aenty al the hiring tv is BY’ ¥ hap CEE Eee ae odie drawn Birt : thaugh PERRY he face of Queen Vora true fife. In Pein ok fe PE of Gromgioation bo draw “hed fren 4 os ga | pesrtion af the The fave af dria on the marlde has te no etd of Anrosement. while a FPiglish women who | equntry for the purpose of 2 Chrtating Fadegosr convention hedng taken through IPAsery parizoent, they were shown the face of their beloved (queen. They wes great fy aminzed al the Llieming, am! many eyvelamati of boxe and veneration were sxprissed. While admiring the Bariars one of the that the Eng aliiaid purchase Hw of Poung aed visitas] this Fite miing a RSE Yop tise de EIR young women decia sed fish governusent warbie square. The prt Li iff Sey xodilior iu wor right band eqrmer Sak Fils Wine AN The sion they are ssifitary ROY which oh fist an SOR F pene 4 sreniory clont times have teached the Pde and has shreds eliiy Cexactiy what you want, ¥o fn mime wee | payirhology UNFINISHED TALES. i | Stories Phat Cathar Begin and Pind ceo peo E A ctaally begun i it Larges hile to Finish. Bo aaintity of i 84 vibes tn fi wrk : id a pt bbe Gf Ws VERY $id Ee Iricikens began “The : frond he @7 AR Fin ory Te at had be fs dae ME EA] Hi rqabied fa sos idid ; ARF ending dithenit Pain poate 8 4 ge wae apce of Weise} A wars so, wheh the eller editing New York Sako a PRD curious iru finn kth Sa Lager 3 good Tou Busney Ledger. & very impecnniotus iterary man seat Hy Was Lhe to Bonner ihe frit chapters of 8 most e3citing sory w lich gave promise of | being just (he of hing which ropdders 1 of The jodger saad The wrory we 80 septa amd ran on OB at interruptediy and very suvcassfally for abot four weeks, when all of wu amiden the anthers mvintien gave Hae, the Dfa of Hig be contd oot go oan with fhe tale. and he lied to go to Mr Bone por and sar so ffaankdy The next number of The Ledger ap grraredd withont expectind pstall ment of the hut with a brief wits thar owing to the wenden Hiness of ii Larther publication temporarily suepend sd This was 14 give thal ad peracn a a uptearion dinner. 00W aus wavs triad stdry ta the offert Girt haey. IIR was wis of Hes 0 on, v opever saw the Hgbt Kew York {ominereing Advertiser. HE Got THE INTERVIEW. A Story of Amos Cummings nnd Ses retary of Xtate Sewaed, 11 was while Anion & a mds ad eon A wr Ooty Mea el Sir ha bbw Lincoln's Rant ia Pus canick it tary eg olen ta ger Brie, Mr. 5 3 ALL Je x sare You Are wn gmt 1 po £5583 taking vp © Hak eR Ai £0 G61 do rail pnt d conan nivel i grea vik ard Arnie awn, gmat tell see mg an” ser anly fol 1 arn it alen one of 1he best inted ever published he msl of Lhe Ran wanted lat PRR with i Hn da 3 Foe Simuliciey of ¥ famariemt thine 1 eve sass U ha Mo Impew 0 Wynd, TW ut fhe lecture af Artvaaus Ward, then (quite nakiawn, Mor mann debversd at xibany The pull PHeE Was fualiinnaide, cunservalive amd proper ea degree. Wanl discaur aged Soaily flor ote of Big be things shld had het with no respons There's 2 Toke. Kuddents. the fan of the whole ener tainent came Hie an weaianche The auditor began to fitter, then 10 mugh. then to rear and at the end of 5 min gies was positively in a Hyater dirian, 11 was an Higstration of the af mamoctation aml went went, precisely the same as that whith produces patties when there are Ni copier In Sites amd po Snancial difBenities” rhe saw or hoard OEY EL stappesl aml % hl ak John Sherman an Hime. who Was Lary gear Lid ) will mets 1 fdrst Roda ploture npon the senator Pus Ape KRonshiy ol Lin ® Fags Thin Saat odd 1B Name Bane? All ba Curk, tarry ican Naws: Avanos ed Hisetinpa pry omptly tended 10. | ] H. iain hind Patton, 12m, and § pom oe in to BRe Far aad mo the rat von JUSTICE OF THE PEACH Tenyr and 1 and rent entist! Office in Young Boflding, next to P.O Noam ta fice Hours: tab pay DR. S. W. Worrell, PHYSHIAN AND SURES, Pa ad Baliding, Room No. 3 Sr Caseral Suigury and the Eq Sosciiity Al £11 peed ioe pve a thelition M AHAFFEY HOUSE Mahai¥ey, {learfleld Un ee TE Se pa at The Ba bai Mags Geonoy Fligousass Prov's. Parnell & Cowher, A eertu for LIFE AND ACIDENT REA) BRTATE Mal FIRE, Soom Pane Nag Or. Vv. A, Marray, & SURGEOX. 3 nel Sp HH and Fraps hawt ae Y » oe heir 4 BLE gi wy wperinl ® sydd. Er HE Bast Hw a fas oe TH Rn . ws Reuel Somerville, Artors vat-Law, Patron. PA. Lows irr Shee Cronos Bailing. Ki Lommel pugs ovn 4 SEP SEAS psiNation OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa CAPITAL PAID UP, $100,000.00. SURPLUS, $10.000.00, Fh SRE, i a EEE aE a igs sdeansil i Wa H. Ba Praridant. Caster, The Delineator IS THE- Woman's Favorite Magazine, and is ened by the lmons fashion publishers, Toe Butterick Publishing Co Limited T to 17 West Thir Leenth Btreet, a on York, at me miarkaiuy tow rate of $1.00 3 sahsoription. per copy. Of all fami! 1m (hue great clerer tiv ih and es He serum ended he ihm phen nea, Beeline, Beauty, ast frenhne anid atid, NEPORIDY the (up Lay Oe TaAgRInes gl vant or Wain & TRArs iy 5 FO DEER AY oF Boldnael Heoaligkins, Patton, Fifth Pew ug aranbe Brot FL Kuss $9 Hin © ivy TREE +h Creek Instn fet. § andensed Time Table. Jan 9, 9% Patton New Miliport TARR Mitrhaile lem reid Lead lend Bigier Wallapwiong LYM Patt pmbarg | BEE Ww $ Pai ERT . 3 .. vi wn BE Re A FEEIPTELMNERUIET LENA as r pom Bandas cha BY dit ay aiabur Fomdiaa x Faster 1 Branch. Matfer fr Metiows, Sates Hooserlidest at TS am, 120 TR wv Glan Onnphed! ol S35 x oa, Exel Fniuing RPA WE 1 Pe 4 mt dorsey Shae Mish Hadi shigeter mand Patton arid Atvision of the Matatles with the » yagh RY B.oH Northrup fpiery agent amp, Pa Philadelphia & Reading Railway. Engines Burs | Hard Coad No Bmoke. Humps Fre 2¥3 Depot; Faw LX BE ROWE. BAIA § mo vig Hastie 30a an HE po Tamagns, Mee Erie i nash Ee Gi, fe Be } imremphrt ak flow sant at the duped, 4 resiilonioes stan $b ER Tiise hw" 4 ~Y nia Railroad. a effeet January 22, 1906 Main line § ave peed Boa wid. FoR press, wes ie natty th Weel Ame Aaily in i IR Weel Any ¥ pans a ; asain Xx i gi : Fol 3 : Wowk hes Uambrin & Clearfield Division. Meat i wnt. Ashden eno, we Pation TA sn AYPIVIDg al {Tes Prgiinn Nov 0 at 48 pone arriving at Oressn EATS He LRKprthwasd my meriving at Ma wi t3ben t Aira ii af Lomy o Pie L arniving a Mahal ad manipbwll al 7% fn effect Sept. 11, Waitin Tia iba at BX a. I RY ery PIhE wm. Naso ainl wes nEATRElEY & ;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers