« PUBLISHING co, Proprietors BE Winn Guixs, wditor. A _ TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One copy, one yer, (6 advance, aa Advertising mies made ROO TE pon Ae ; No papers Siacontinied until all arrose are aid, nnlexs Entered al the Posting al Prat tine fas sind ba eine taal Ioatier, Mellony Cash Grocery ! «$1.00 plumbing. -1 New line of infant's conta at Mrs. Dartt's. - 2612 J. B. Reed came up from one day last week, I. T. Bradley, of Loretto, transacted | business in Patton Monday. Senrfiald #1 the option of the KM. Wilson, of Dubuis, among Patton friends Friday. Halt and smoked meats received wine a week at Mellon's Ciish Grocery. Mr and Mrs Bert Bock, of Bradiey, | ylaited among relatives in Patton Sun- Cash la a power at our store try os i ay a _ Children's Reefets at Mra Dartt’s. B B, Read came up from Mabafley ost line of New Vegetables daily ? | Record. Children's dimbty dresses at Mrs. | Dartt’s. - 2612 foe cream at the City Restaurant holesale and retail Bd. A. Mellon made a business trip 10 iamaport yesterday. ? K._ Baird and wite, of Altoons, » visitors to Patton Sunday. Daniel Hertihan, of Bentley Creek, Pa, wan a visitor to Patton last week. | B. A. Risbell, of Johnstown, was a business visitor to tive place last week. ; What is Patton going to have in the y of celebration on the Fourth of ’ Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dodson and son are visiting friends in Philipsbarg this ‘Miss Elizabeth Flick, of Hastings, * j relatives and friends in this place | 0 Kartel winrs a pleasant smile r the arrival of a big boy at his Ho A. Ford, neo Bessie Wolfe, | visiting her brother, John Walle, of venue, Eggs, Butter and Cheese (Cream, Switacr and Limburger), at Mellon's | Mrs. ww. Palton u K Piper and of Lilly, w wire calling on Miller, of ‘Huntingdon, repros- | 2 the Penn Mutual Life Insurance was a visitor to Patton last goods are alike to Putman Pade yes, as they color all fibers at one Sold by C. H. Perry, Chest and the retail trade | yesterday by the score of 13 ¢ » game was called in the xh Col. J. L. Spangler, of Belleforite, was | among the many visitors to Patton list week. Charles Rhody and daughter, of Pat ton, were in Cresson lasl, evening —- Lhe next attend {oretdn Many Pattonites will Leorner stone laying at | Sunday. W. P. Shaffer, yard'boss at the lay | works, spent Sunday with his family at Lock Haven. Harvey Lingle of Patton, was an arri- Fhilips- | val in town Monday evening. burg Ledger. Misses Mary Martine and Sara Val Lome, of Bellefonte, Patton over Banday. Attorney SBamerviile ix in Baltimore and Washington this week on 8 bux | ness and pleasure trip. Miss Mand Litzinger, of Chest ‘Springs, spent Saturday and Bunday | | among friends in this piace. Catcher Edward Murphy, of the Johnstown baseball club, has been signed by the Syracose eam. a Castle of the Kuights of the Golden Eagle will be organized at Westover in the near futare with over 60 charter . members. The Windber Era entered on its sec ond year with the issue of May 25. The Era is keeping Spake ¥ with the rapidly growing mining town Over 1,000 banks will have te be sup plied with new currency pistes, under the currency act of March 14 It will be four to six months before all can aa these plates. The Patton public schools closed | Wednesday, after a sucomsful term of | {nine months. A literary entertainment was given in the evdoiog, which was largely attended. An exchange says a slick canvisser is | going about the State swindling ladies, | Ho represents himself as being an agent | for a silk mill selling dress patterns | An advance payment ix anked in pearly every instance. It js suid that the people of Bomerville have been viciim. | \ anteed ond to the extent of $1,000, Frank Tillman, who for two yours ) bad been porter at the Henderson ho Patton won the ball game from West) | ted, Windbher, was found dead in bed at the hotel Sunday morning. Tillman's where for ‘home was at Schellsbarg, | many years he had been driver for Dr. | Ely. Doctors decided that the man. died from heart disease and a coroner's | boro, Pa, are visiting Mrs. Wood- house’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell, f Mellon avenue, this week. : The very finest. The ne plas ultra. creme de la creme. W. L. Daggett, and W. A. Mellon, Patton, Pa. inventive gimins has produced & yaoco pipe which has a whistle in the in order to enable the smoker to mmon a cab without taking the pipe from his moath. Joseph Welteroth, of Williamsport, has been engaged by the Patton Hard- ware company to look after the tinning and plumbing department. He comes to Patton well recommended. attended services at the St Catholic Church yesterday in a body. Rev. Father Edwin preached a fine sermon to that organization, Just received a full line of Fairbanks dist globe valves, sizes pp to 1 inch, Try a Fairbanks disc va Ive for atosm r water and you will use no other gale by J. C. Goold, the plumber. 4b | / Aleck, some Travelers say the hotels of Cairo, s the best in the world, They good as the best Dontinerte a, better than the best American: ‘and extremely belter than he ble London hostelries of which ¢ hear so much about, An Indiana county swain, whose sweetheart would not marry him be he was bow-legged, had bis legs ten and made straight, irl will marry him. It is hoped he will never have cause to regret that it was not his neck instead of his: logs that he had broken, EX. Word came to this office Friday of at week just as the Review war giv press that the camp of J. H. on Cutrey Run liad been des. The eatap and pquip: t a great deal 300, van font of Jog inquest will not be held, years old. Strain rashes “how the “Eattios, and now ut He was 4% from his old orchard containing 1,500 predictions ils frat does nol seen to, bes hurt at all by the winter. The Jock for a big prop in Nittany valiey alen encouraging, aud he likely be loaded with all the frail will be 1a bar a they “ile dJoraey NE rE Herald. An old engineer says that when a fast Pswhere thenir: 5 confined the nitieal resistance ix tre ‘miendons. He has known weak box car ‘doors and roofs to give away Marcellus Counell No. #48, ¥. M. L, Mary's. and pass another train Hinto a fgune in places, and always dreads to through the tunnel arches at fn “Just put voar apen hand oad the window before you reach the tunnel”! he sas Hand #1 werd node ore asi When pressure Ww you enter the sreh Trisw in How a Every town ls Wis Aokmart more loafers than it nevdas, Winhian or two arnold fory that the town he batter off without, sis Lhe gbreet sorners and wake about the women, a man who an khiotie laugh preity girls Fiat i Find world hel Win atand ein tauphn Lg hid thine Iu RAY 3 every anything, scores of men with the ca. boost of their trousers worn sinooth na gloss, men who can tell you about how the war goestion should he set. tiled, the weather, and how to ran other people's business, bat who have ‘made a dismal fallave of their own. wilX, CASTORIA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought 8 the 7 a 2 Signature of hd «ag it; J 0. Harper Co. makes 8 a specialty of | cireniated Hiteablor, Miss Emma Ulrich, visited friends in ‘through Mr. | Highest (irade at $40, He says that contrary his | ete : Lens wil wgeh” rimh | The following ia a list of advertised letters remaining in the Patton Post May 26, 1900. To Office Raturday | obtain any of these letters the appii- 1f not called for within two weeks thoy will be sent to the Dead Letter Office: Miss L. A. Bogle [or Boyle: William | (hares, Albert Hoyt 2, Louis LeRoy, 11. FB. Miller, Aug Quinch, 8B Meriner Tobias Westover, : E. WiLL GREENE, Postinaster. I consider it not only a pleasure but pn duty [owe to my neighbors to tell i nhont the wonderful cars effeted in my case hy the timely tse of Chamberiain’s salle. cholera and diarrhoea remedy. 1 was taken very badly with flax and procured a bottle of this remedy. A few domes of it effected a permanent pre. ing it to others suffering from that dreadful disease. W. J. Lyneh, Darr, WW. Va. | take pleasire in reccommend. This remedy is sold by Patton Pharma, OC. W. Hodgkins Powder, cheap at Mellon's Cash Arocery. Hastings Haildiog & Laon Association | to Jacob (Haaser, Hastings, $150. 3 P. Churchill et nx to John A. Ada. zeny Hastings, $335. cant should call for “advertised letters’ i Howard Himmelwright ot ox to Web- | $1,287. ster Conl & Coke Company, Allegheny, H. J Conway, by the Sheriff of Cam. | i bria County, to Gallitzin Building & Gallitzin township, | Loan Association, #0, I. L. Christy st. al, by their sttorney- infact, to Owen Cunningham, Cambria $2.600. John J. Weaklund to Curt Hornauer, : Carroll, Po. Michael Bircs st ux to Nicholas Sid ilke, Susquehanna, $120. £ next week. Lanrenos Eekenrode et ux to Mary J. Driscoll, Hastiogs, $600. Archibald Kirkpatrick ef 0x to Jos eph Garrity, Elder, $15, Hastings Building & Loan Associa tion to Dominick $150. Rodge, Hastings, Daniel Hayden ot ux W. J. Donnelly, Patton, $n, Executor of Lavi Luther to John (. Himmel, Carrolitown, $500. Sylveniags Bichards ef Frick, Reade, $340. ux to Max This Space is reserved for PITT & SEELEY. Watch for their new ad Elisabeth T. Oresswsll of vir to An drew Strittmater, Cambria, $1,600 Festos Lloyd et ux to M.D. Cambrian $1 040 Charles Jones by the Commissioners Mary Jane of Cambris Coontly Evans Cambria, $i 14, Assignee of KB. Wigton & Bon, 0 Beech Creek Railroad Company, Car rail, Bh Jobin Magnion to James Campbell of al, Susgquebianna, $25,000. Jahn Mannion of ux 10 James Camp beil ot al, Bosgorhanna, $25,900. Themas Wilt et ux to Jobn Hennessy, , Clearfield, $2,200. Joseph F. Cooper to Charles IAlion, Jr BL Augustine, $5 secured Smith, the former Agent in Patton, the Agency for the Crawl ford bi- cycles mn this viemity, ‘and can sell you théir We have ‘Second Grade, Boysand (Girls at $25 and the Second Grade “5 = > a $ $ x at Every wheel guar- and kept in repair for the sason. We will sell vou a wheel on above con- ditions. If you want a wheel for the day. come and see us. George Keister, a Penps valivy peach That's Harper | grower, predicts a crop of 1700 bushels hiskey in thred languages. Sold by Keystone, Shoe M £H shers iC Juthtters, and Furnis them, Joseph A. Gaontaer et ax to Beech Grove Grange, No. 1,185, White. $1. Mary Davis bo Elmer E. Davis, Black. lek, $1. Eimer B. Davis et ux to Charles Me Fadden, Jr, Blacklick $2500, John M Crape to Alloonas Coul & Coke Company, Gallitzin Township $1. Trastee of James Murray to William | Wherry, Cambria, $96. John W. Kephart, Master, to J. 8 Killens, Burneshoro, $5 tg Bails With Snakes, W. (i. Bergstrimmer was plowing in bis fleld near Chambersburg a few days ago when he plowed up a nest of black snakes. ‘him. Bergstresser gob the better of two of the snakes and was in the act of dis Three of the reptiles attacked Kittel, Below Central Hotel When you want a vist my shap, Feervthi i hk A clear A gigan Customer. Fre 3 x 3 asi clea np-lerGalc . toy toe yore tod thea ti East i h aves for the { Clear fie as dry ¢ roage in work guaranteed. this 5% Ine. Please give me a cal Garfield Wilkins patching them when the third snake, five foot in length coiled itself about his itrabe in dagigir of being overcome, Bergstosmer saw thal be was A ropnd on the plow wis Joos, and securing this te Best the snake coiled about | him, receiving several bruises before = laying Lhe snake. UTNE. Jack Haven Express Arm Briokio ol Clutries, son of Mr. and Mm EE 1, Witson, formely of Patton, hut who now reside at Ashville arm broken bebtween the elbow and wrist recently. Several years ago Charles had the misfortune 10 Some a part of his right hand by it coming io contiset with an edging saw at the mill of Hunter & Baughman, which at one times was jocated pear Patton, ¥ § x ; x. . gga wt ¥ New stool daily ab Medan A Hud Linney. had bis lefl Then he turned his attention to the other reptiles and killed The fight lasted about ten min utes und Hergetresser was nearly over- Hi gave up work in the field know! ledge and atl knowledge which of we the we Are Josiussed GILLS Iv risiey Are the fod Ir Moore, They qk ¥ cure all Wo Hedge He Alp. liver and bose! trouble. © iow Patton Pharmady. ans Tables cure headache Rip In Next Week's Paper Yours for Good Goods, Eto. at 0, NEL WOLF & THOMPSON, Clothiers, PATTON, PA. Clone shave or first-class hair cut Es % [HOT CR hs Eg % PEI iz ’ t Hive AR (Our garments are noted aracter and quality, and ur correct Ba lease You. $18.00 Pe Soy 3 ait 5. PATTON, PA oofing, Spouting 3 ae atl ey aE and all kinds of vthing made to order out oN Tm Copp eT or ron. An Plumbing a The Patton Jeweler.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers