HUR SPAY. ¢: 00 PER YEAR. ~ ——All Sorts of — We have selected with satest care, to secure for you fhe. most pleasing designs : Men’ s, Boy's, Children’s we rng apparel. An excel- nt assortment for your in-. N'S ARTISTIC CLOTHING. You should see the hand. some line of Suits we are 15, $18. warping, as the people who indaige in by remepberanoes of H'S SUITS. Ve have the choicest a sortment in Patton. Our suits at 8, 10, 12, are very stylish. N'S NOBBY SUITS, 2 at In the mannish styles, We ary. the. best st jew from ) ; You mt sty see the i | and Dry Goods eialty. for the: ad arpets, mattings, 1g, oil cloth, oleum, window paints, oils, glass, C liver ploss. SOL irk Hdw. Spry 0 GE ] ‘3 $15 ERAL NEWS .. ‘Cleaned Here and Ther: Reporter. by the "Courier IT MUST BE STOPPED. Card Viaying om Sanday Aldmag Chars? [veel Bu Drisgrare Enrror Courien:-1 ask you for a few lines in your vaioable paper in or ded to give warning toa npmber of young men of Patton in regards to the playing of cards along Chest creek, a few hundred feet above the station Last snmmer this was carried on juite extensively, god this sper 1 ast be stopped. On a Sunday many people oid and young, in passing op the railroad cannot help but see these young men, old men, and many times boys, induig- ing in a game of poker. [1 will be well for these parties to take hisd and stop this, as [ will give no more warning, but arrest them and leave the law take its | CORES. It should not be necessary Lo give this | that obnoxions pastime shionid know it Lis a disgrace, not only to themealves, but to the general public and be town “of Patton, AN OFFICER. SUSPECTS WERE RELEASED: No Fvidesere Against Traliins Mel Pa Wopttiee ry Mav des, The two Italians who at Lilly, this county, of being two of (he men oi the wholesale murders in W (the night of Easter Bpediag Johnstown Friday night, fren the goests of Jimny Roth residing on Moore ¥me Ward, saving on Adbooron Aceon dations &t R31 Satardsy kitiy. (he man who wis Lhonghi Itonko Medina in Antonto Viders and has [a wife ving in the viuinily Hin wife was arrested sl Lie same Lupe Che was, bat wae released Lider by ¥ lon stable Deitrick. The other man i Andrew Crane sad bad nothing to do with the murders He was arrested the same day wean taken into custody becuse he soted in asa spicions manner on 8 trallt be tween South Pork sad Lilly Mustent a Grand Suiewss The Masical given in te ‘room of the public school Toesday svening was & grand su in every particular. To single the per Hormers out and give then just prakee world take to mach space, but can say, | that ench number given was recived by a hearty welconw of the large aud. {ence present. Prof Myers deserves fos credit for the manner in which ‘be is laboring to pay for the fine plano in the schoo! building. All the talnments given for the benefit of the | piano fond have been of 4 high grade, and the citizens will no doubt wan ime | patiently for the next poe lo lake Wire. arrestesd Horning fase It bia aril pith ARR A BA Bail Team At Paton. | All arrangements have been made to have a strong ball team this summer The club has been organized bat the {officers have not as yet been chosen, | | The work of repairing the ball ground | has been progressing rapidly and the ‘boys have booked the firstgame for | May 30th, when either Lhe Ebensburyg {club or one from Altoona will cross | bats with the Patton boys, 11 hasbeen | several years since Patton was repre. sented by a bail clab, and the citizens sbould give the promoters a helping hand and make the club at this place as strong as any in the county. 3 : : Is Now Rents. s Ex. Postmaster Mellon has com pleted ‘the work of removing the Cash Gro cory stock from the Yeager to his own public. Mr. Melion has made improvements in the store &nee © ing. one of which is an additions of a fine Cigar case. intivior presents ‘a fine and attractive appears ae - Edward solicits a share of many The VHT Pailiuli- Artima All members of feint Post 633 G. A. RE. You {your Post room on Sunduy 9:30, May, 27 bn uniform Lo atte sorial Services to be held Church Ww you wil a the Rev, Alexander CChareh ud Hee A, be condnotend ace ] All Lodges who w | be ready 10 forms iu Bue “the Church bedded by Grange Rand, not tater Parade will start ab 1000 By order of J. OO Lanes, Commander. WwW. HH Beri, Adjutant. hae Swe aniier FUE an 7 er Nalers anlar SEMDRIAL DAY wets from OG AL BH { Foaiprivmita General Orders Na 13 pA af Pimosyivania, Grand Army of the Republic, Penderiy Beant tifal that grea memory which draws ai to our Met | prial Dav: the day for flap and flowers kav mlgumriare wf iw and mowic, to be dedicated and given to those compares of ours whi are dream. Jog in the sleep of death: the day an which we give all aur thoaght to Those | glory crowned herve who heart. beats are wtithod forever and forever The choles phrases of prose and poetry: the swestost language af How. ars and fhe most beanfafol evmpdatnies of minke have been called on and colind from © AY ae to theme dowd oomirais give tribote to the memory of the Drave ova who shared srivatiins with ns in the Bold or with os Gand dangers on Angry ocosan’s bosom, and have CAanswered the alls altpe the fap HE 9 shal a veninr ¥ Ha inde swiftly, dlentiy moviog wi Loar hearts are danger and of during and of wffering. 5 5 ar thirty oar yours [Op hoes ¥ whe attuned bey the wy ’ blvouar and the batts; by resell thanm of wonmds, of prison b cof death, to wing aguan thar ahd weet cweng of loved and loving tell again Lhe vie weet Rbiry slanate somradteshin And the dear old ; sat of all national emblem abiadl tertiwined with rhe foe Lhe Pyptey And t TrIrOiTe ant af 4 Sid u: i Fon Re wpm Lhe 15 10 thr DIhase oninittoes of neers for Prine wy hiv Sai 1 nthe interest ¥ RE A300 by their o je 3 ff The wmoek of deco rR ie the day, Silden thi: Post is pd Bs Te aie Wie the Gran unty ates) 1 jiL | anly tt eels, Weddell in which Mersoriad Day is Use proper ue Herd Bn May Gab by rand Army of the Ko 2 ic. Diesnirae fain ay nlsnGer An is eed by bhome Win seek too divert the day for Pia Rporlinyg pur poss. Comrades and their friends, ewEpa pers and the peas ware raily are gdped to discontinogs the tee of any terun other than Menwrlal Day for Muy nih IV. Divine service on the Sanday proceding our Memartal Day in this jostance May 2T4h 0 wan important fos Ruai fo ap & : Ne S : ny & hs, Ba ading kid i Feria feutare and ail Posts will arrange fur $6 ehitirch ary ives | Churches, pastors and iwemmorial asd patriotic oh that date. congregations of every denomination, will gladly welcome the lirand Army of the Republic and officers and com mittees of Posts can arrenge with the ‘pastors for sermons refermog © the rescits achieved for christianity and bumanity throogh the sactess of Union soldiers and sailors V. Comrades sbonld visit the schools during the week of May Jist to 26 teil ing the children what Memarial Day means, telling them the story of the War and what it cost in hardships, prieations and suffering to preserve the oid fag anagllied and to keep our country undivided, Have the olild ren join with veg with flowers and SEVERN. Vi The Commander-ind an appeal to Comrades and ta contributions for flags with decorate the ten thousands of var vompsdes who He under He he dey of graves Powmls and Comrades Huang EP Huan Hag Claw. Binder win H phsac pave same ab Ue Rig oli So Hesdouariers tained SOMmPRO tS a ties to tadie pari bring of fhe the “tha relied $1011.10: total ammount pakd fur re. | list $88 141.4 ammount paid for working expenses, $30 4 4 total amount pad $A BA 18 ‘enjoy a THE MEN KU LED Week Nu Waesk Tory iis fw Paver East st romnlted in the death 44] evening atwol ¥ Haven station. Marks A enlliston th af tan men ooegred Cioeiik raiload Fr iclay inf Lowel were Harry Want The victioe Harry D. Jersy Shore A had wreck bad ovured the forenoon & short didanon cast the station and the tears had been learsd bast a sheet time before the oovirred, says the Look Haven Express An sasthonnd road train bad reached the spot whem (ha ancident oconred, and jost what canmsd it to slop where it did could aot be definitely asoer- the storks are conflicting. Chive: pooper? water supply of roabirt, Lhe Lrain was stopipasd and the Wxomiotive was rn Aon the road wo the water tank. In tha speantime another exsibonnd cos IFAD Tan nts the rear the fekin hat Tho engine wees i arwird over a gon The gaslidn and when the the men bawiien of The men Bad no A mrve efitex] the engin. % nepktg the 3 A ine eo a $s 3 tarsal, MILD MH says the thee prugine Ded £3 * an stag og Bye Lhe Mairi art i areatuir beer killed insdanlly Ey -t { the 1p Hae hash stor Ba 3 3 was fan Wat : wi A i TAIT WORE Wy + 3 Bom Wier BEG SOO FELLOW RIALSIHS A Span Pm iy vai Eas owilien dd al repurd gave Masher of sem Lemiostin die ring he during repors, 12.085, Sor, Hs 3 the vienr M8 181: total 13 saspensons nelaon fis ¥ w ih mere hvrn rd natated va ew ss The withdrawals ang purnbes to 12 =r in WorRg EBCRIRDIOE SIE and 405 past chef patriarchs Seven eniRmpments were institoted, re $3 Saal 3 serbia ad nnd B Nx, LabaRs orpanimed and six surrendered Number of patriasels relist, L300; shor of widowsd families, rellevmd, &, paid for the relief of patriarchs, §68,- S80.3%: paid for the rellel of WiC towed fannilien $020.05 paid for education of orjshants, $210 60 paid for burying of dead, $150008. 20; pad for special for relief and working expenses $85. #28 12: incowee in amount of meoeipla otal amount of" reoeipls, Hk i id 41238 mam panels, PIL ALL GS, decrease in ameta, $8071.78; Aso ts ro rata per member, $27.34, number of weeks sick 19.458 The encampments in Peonsylvania daring the past twenty-nine years have disbursed for the purpose of preventing and relieving distress $1591 848.31. Popsbcr Exeinsion to Phat fay. in order that those employed during thee week may bave an opportunity Ww a day's outing and intl frigtuls, the New York Central bas arranged ran a very ow pale sxoursion, Ww Mahaffey amd Patton on Sunday, Jute Hed. wtartifig at Philipsbuy train at S00 & pol stalichs, stop ping The rale 3% fod retires wii Bio & tered tate Plilipsbarg $1.3 from Cle bow: pales Irian 1a: Paton af oe SE aT sed Pears thinataiy yor Rhee Duane. time of special train, rabies from Re RN S48 Eu yey vs itd ru the Beech and residents of ooliision Lows shail 5 Wi CRP al ol Feporied by the i Were Present o Evenir REPORTS ARE MADE. wivpet Cowimbites Fostraetes] Mevting to be Called. A Spewiad Paton Borough Council nwt 0 ses sion Monday evening with nsemabers prveent as follows: President Campbell | Cor : dell, Hartshorn snd Cornelis The | Congress of the Riate from which they | oome. swing was subeaitted by the therefore. should influence all such abe _sentees to take remsonable precagtions aguinst being omitted from snomers Anderson, MoCormivk, Winslow, minutes of meMing heid Monday sven. ing, May 7, vere reid and approved, Rtreet Comities: SPuartans, Pa, May 11, be00 “We the members of the Streel Come mites, after due oousideration of the OmileSoDs are most itkedy matter of grading necessnry lo briog the sidewailol on the south and ew side Property to proper grades would recommend that grading of said sidewalks be dooe by the Boro Connell with the understanding (hat » of Sobol eos Mid grading x completed the Sebo My 4 permanent pavimest thereon. Rigoed- HO. Winslow, E mick, Frank Auderson.” Said poppies Also reporied Bupervisor of Charfield PMs or Laak with new Wwnship road reports were made by wad comaiiies ¥ RRR, meh ele Tr was carci Thal Mires 5 V8 report on prades od sides walks adisgeent tw Sohood property be copied = ped arn ptedl Om msobion, of Corde Hnriahorte, i was srsiit bens fa spp waimel Ga 2ivil engineer to tay out Third arene, Also won Chest Creel Land & ho prove Bh Campainy anol seal atieet Lg throngs He Ina. On mobs of Carpebion exonded by Andersosl, it wae carted that § Borges aml Borough Atorsey be mn. strated o write Superintendent Aber. she relative new mairosd epost on Fourth avenge $4 siructed to procure printing of side waik blank from Patton Pohlisdung iM PRAY. Cordell, it wis carried submitted tn Council at reaative pain on table. On motion of Cornelius, seconded by inst essing, stein’s communication, which was pe- Cpeivedd May § instructed to mscertain if he b using Filth avenue wp. On motion of Cornelius, seednded by Anderson, it was carried that report of Borongh Solicitor relative 0 subposn. filed again Fitd avenue paving, which was heard at Argument Coart several woeks ago, be accepted. On motion of Winslow, seconded by Cornelius, it was carried that con. sideration of Grade Ordinance, which waa veto by the Burgess, le Isidd ‘day in Jane, on the table indefinitely. On motion of Corpeline, seconded by Me Cormick, that Council order an arc avenue. The vote resulted as follows: Youn Corneline and MoCormiok; Nays Hartshorne, Winslow and Cordell; Campbell and Anderson not viling. A ecammionivation was received rom Patton Witer Company relaive 0 where Horough grades the streets 8 should lowdr water mains ofc, os per conien mignon woveria Years 53 af slow, derson. wea Carried thal coinunicas seu We asionded In 5 HE AY. G8 1 f Hartabo Eid That Ue A sitar poon PoRasr, slated Filth avemse address T Co serselitia, on Monday Board | township fed to moet Connell in a body rela Live to opening of sbrest to lersect Citiser sumer hoe Cie Csareed apd pubilislied Broan press of sition will do sotumidon in Janos ~ : roads in which jo equip Cm saotion of Cornelits, seconded by | tematic one tors ? ad sfvty applian Cordell, Xt nis © saree that cloel be ¥ ¥ app radlroscts are putting forts th gulp their cars, and some On mationt of Winslow, seciscied by ‘them have ston akon steps to 4a 3 £ ? * ta that petition ails fis Palitier aAveiie swer.. fe ties back ut fo Paneer avende sewer, os a Ee J & ] 3 Sn ' A Pesmsivania official at Philadelphia, Faye tie Record, speaking for his rosd, Anderson, it was carried that § Gold. idle hes equipped be held over ontil next that efforts would be rade to get back meeting, and that Street Comumittes be non Ha for by ‘away fram 1 Cspaipped, it woald be difficult to get back. as the law would not permit them “to be hgubed in traina jug witnesses for case of oljretion’s expipped, howsver, by the furwign Toads apon wich they might be time thrid expired, but this was sol HAPORTANS 10 Mi ™ Uma, sive Prrsans Awuy From Home Paring June. The ooant of the people in the United States will begin in all parts of the country June 1, and end in the cites two woudes later and in the rest of the country before the close of the moath. The people are to be coupled at thelr places of residence, bat as many pers ‘mons and families will be away from their homes daring June there is some | dsngper that sach persons will not be If thew are not coonted, the Socality ie: which they live will be mis represented to that extent, and in some came this misrepresentiation may be enough tt effect the representation io lowal pride and stats pride, Sneh oovgr in the large cities where familes close their hones and go sisewhere for the sammer. The ocenrrence of the Parle Puris exposition this year is likely to inoreame the number abeent froon the Sot In all places of contemplated absence the bead of the Bunily is noested by tion in their places of residence, fas the Cerise Office to commanioate with the supervisor of the district in which he livese inforpustion regarding his answers (o he questions which He in also requested ta leave are ta be aun win soca yer te es gh Wir Wing will agres 1 meaches the sntimerdior on Bis rodpds Buel ine formation might beller Wf as 3 menorasinm In writing, as in that svete ane Lo which snawers are de 14 wees 5 Sas hw iis ese Likely to fogs Tha 0% ht sid iy Hat alvn ia ail Darms and oan fit ing establishinents ane nie eonntry tig taauhie the IREN 3 Fok un FL oi Hin loealite a stent wel § wens By taing justive Tad 1 SF a 4-0 | ; i Rs Yad Bim wate and san CHEE in tarions of its {aie Fagnipping he Cars The final extention of sx manths granted by the ntersiate commerce fast, Loothe rail their cars with oem, will expire on August in view of the pear approach of that date, the forth sirong of af Bet 7 thelr cars Bx Se pot property on mn their own oes af {te oars Ut MErY , wend awn Hoe all those oot provided Apgust | Those that were home after that date spot They could be whan the desireable, as every road preferred to | egiaip its var according to its awn plan. Caras Mone Laying. "Tha csrner stone of the new church at Loretto will be laid on the first Sun. with impressive eres monies. The orator of the day will be Ri Rev. Archbishop Kane, President {ight on corner of Foarth and Beech | of the Catholic University at Wash: ygptem, D.C Asaled proposals for the arection of an Tron Bridge over Little Chest Ureek in the Horough of Patton will be re- seivedd uf the County Commissioner's Office, Thensburg, Pa, aulil 2 o'clock pom. Tnesday, Juse 13th 1900. Al fill to be seco panied by bond for the amount of the hid as a guarsniee of stdin vet of bidders Sepa rites bails for Masonry and Superstract Part Ere Thy egy transt Pian and specifioations can be seen al iE she Usenty Compitssioner s Uioe Rpocesafnl bidders will he PRATT x3 Tu Gigs AR % TT Jae Fn Ee Va EWN ree amd LF gaathie tha inane af the riatte Of el A. Bepsian B.S
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers