OL. VIL—NO. 28. PATTON, MBR r— i 1A CO. PA. 21.00 PE R YEA he Store Where You Get Y our| Money's Worth, wf We have selected with! atest care, to secure for the most pleasing designs Men's, Boy's, Children’s vearing apparel. SSsoRment for your in- ou should s see the hand- Sot line of Suits we are 58 Fave the choicest as { me it in Patton. Our 8,10, 12, $15 sn ry stylish. EN'S NOBBY SUITS, In the mannish styles, 2, carry the best styles from beat makers. You should wee the $1.25, $2 iL 0 You know where 1 can buy the finest. ds for the He rpets, mattings, , oil cloth, r ive so the Jargest paints, oils, alas. Oliver plows, ete. The le ading stoves Ideal Red Cross, Capello, Dockesh Ranges ive us a call and see for yourself. Very Respectfully, k Hw. &Furto., | C.C. GRENINGER, Mgr. An excels Gleaned Here and There 3 the “Courier” Reporter. COUNCIL IN SESSION. A. CC. Yerger Eieetod Borough Engineoy. Monthly Bills Paid, Patton borough ecuncil met fo reg lar session Monday evening with mem- ‘bers present as follows: President | Campbell, McCormick, Anderson, {or dell, Winslow Cornelius nad B fartshorn, The minutes of meeting held Thorsday evening were read and sppiprove al, Chairman Winslow, of the Street LCoammities, ubatoel that vitisens residing ‘on West Palmer avenge wants they wide walks not constructed yet to be pm down, if not, those who liave them ‘down claim they, will remove same i Street Committed aleo reported delapi- tated condition of walk in front of postoffipe building, known as the Chas Patton property. I'he Finance Commitee brought be fore council the important daty of levy. Ling the millage for boroagh lax, and on motion of MoCormick seconded by Cor (dell, it was carried that said pkatter be tabled nntil next meeting night Applications from H.C. Yerger, Leo Ir Ayres and CP. Col petved for the office of borough Engin wer, IH UC. Yerger wis elected by & vote of 4 to 3 on the firpt baiiot. A comrannication was reosi ved from J Giagliardi asking council to grade street “in front of bis property on Fifth avent a& he wished to put curbing On motion of Winslow, Anderson, tabled anti] next meeting v The following pet £5 pounctl: fins were re in place sccrtidesd it was carried that same Lak I ns fr § Feary le wour Honorable Uounell and Burgess of the Berouzh of Patton We, the ondersigeed o | fax pavers of West Beech avenue, spectiully ask that yom oiling 4 grading frown the corgi of By es hy Fifth avenues Lo regulis grade pe resicdeine of WW. £0 the road, “We pra y that this Boer heats ¥To hE Ley fos Bless Lingle, rainy BeANONS align bocome 8 the properly OWnETs On Lh lower of the road, destroying property in general’ “Simed: HE Barton, HL 5 IV, Murray M.D, O% Sisters, I Mirkin, W. W, Btratifl, BE Somerville CW. OC Hinge On motion of Cordell, weoonded by Uornolios it was carried that same be aid on table until next meeting sight The following bills were read, and on motion of Winslow, secmsded by Me. (Cormick, it was carciead taal same bw while Iwas ang Buck, tS St ‘accepted with the exception of oie | from Patton Clay Miz. UG, a8 jhe | the council to Inquire if said company | would exchange the pipe, and clerk be Uinstrocted to draw orders: | Pablishing company, $3.65; | Good Eletric Light company, $17.71; | Patton Water company $40.00; Patton | Clay Mig company, $11.85; W. J Gui | $60.00; James Gilliece, $3.10; and the | following for street work; Hiram Wilk- | ins $41. 81; James White, $15.80. Dan. | | Jenkins, $15.63; Enoch Short, 25 cents; | Jno. Edwards $14.00; Paul Short, $5.35; | James Mulligan, $24.50; Jos. Karibeim 12,00 Ambrose Kartbhelm, $14.00; Wi ‘ard Woomer, $8.00, W. T Robinson { was present and asked council to ad- | gs | yanoe part of paying for grading on | Fifth ane Beech aveaues. Om fof McCormick, seconded by Cornelius {it was carried that an order be drawn in favor of Mr. Robinson for the sam of 0.00, | On motion of Cordell, seconded by | Cornelius, it was ecarsed that #1 adjourn. Esa Ped wt Hoasstings Mrs. Bridget Gray, of Hastings, did “at her home in that place w Ratarday, dane 2, of beart disase, al ha [52 years. She is survived by and six daughters, ali grown andl womanhood, Her hasband, UC. IGrny, was killed seven years in g siruck by a train {ha crossing In that place | vices were held Monday ihe Catholic « Gray has many FPriten. is Xx EF oy al chitrel al Fastin. * pelativos residing fant actonnt with Pitt & : please feave at Pit & Sele ‘and receive rew ard. Try Mellon's for your grovers, Of Powpcica fariage Ee i Loder fy dow mute mewer WH rehanmd were too small’ ? Pape pli & il shaken up, able to move around by the aid of & fow Patton | =P Geo, 8B. awning, and after they had recovered from the fright, they tried to make the motion the PROGRAMYE be Hebi al {Front Kperinge Pignd INH The following ix the progranime of Cambria Connty Pomona Drange meet. inig to be held in the (enge Hall at Chest Springs Monday, June 18th Morning session begins at 9:30. dress of welcome, Mm. 0 A Willis; papponse, 8. 0. Kaylor: Report of Sec retary of Fire insurance company. : pecitation, Isadore Bendur: essay, En mitt Davis; “The bright and dark side of agriculture, Jobn Ricketts: Query SL Basiness of the “Pomtal Tk Westrick; vecitation Min. fsa the Grange TW. Hughes; £1 Thoanas A held at 4 x5 H. at 1 Sows! Afternoon | PERRY, Savings Banks’ Lizzie: Dab nie Farabsogs dane for Bs meme “md. Roads,” filth degree someon oh ihoK. Evening at arias {hima §i Ri, J Ty he 730 Foon “Haman Progression, essay, John “Pamporanon for the Farmer Perdinand Kittel, wis This semmion will be Fmilin dl savin, address, wri ress, Thomas: Fach: Rev. The exoroies with mos MARRIED WEDNESDAY. Faitam as Promos Takes a Wile, oS Tower, ne oo ew. On Wednesday, June 6 at high noon, Bos Tower, of and Miss Sarak Byres, of New Washingion, were anited in holy wedloek af the bone of the bride's parents, in lhe latter Tar, {F Burmide performing immediate FART ipies 3 Sa Las [Finca Hey ver, 0d the ceremony before a few friepds. Aller dinger te ~ pi if Foi ont the Bees nd i al Pox Ta Aide veda To . i 3 ik Sunday allernoon shorily after wreival of the Philipabirg #X: HEPES Nein, Tadd’ stannch nbn pied Inmpnng 4 frien st tiie’ snide by bullding., The awning of Mirko & Knaper was down, and Lhis, po doubt, saved Bix life qa it broke Uw fore of the fall. This “friend of Teddy's ma yellow dog, whish had been locked in the Moshannon Coal Co, offios and bad tried several plans to get oul, but a8 tna got desperate anid The animal was badly hut al present writing i» It was quite amusiog Do, several people were standing ander the COURIER representative beleive that there had beens & beaty storm and in stead of hail falling it bad turned the dogs (¥ looee. The Excursea to UVation Ope of the largest trowds ever seen in Patton arrived here Sanday about C140 o'clock on the New York Central | Alma, $3.50; Geo. Lanford, $3.50; How-' Railroad from Philijebarg and Biers mediate points along the line Over a5 tickets were sold, and, with pumbor of children slong with the ex cursionists swelled the number lo over 00, It was a nice day for an outing and the many visitors enjoyed tiwir trip. The hotels and restaurants Weve kept busy feeding he hungry, sad “0 hue Be a Ce AR Eran aad Bol Lar} BE wk WT FAs Bid Alar eR OEE IHNEN Wh Worry & THOMPRON, Ad. hy lands of JP iE apparieniiries cba lasl and will be sob along a SUDPABOGS wedding of M6 ihe second story window of the { pred tried the win. PUBLIC SALE OF VALU ABLE REAL ESTATE. ‘Phe pndersigned will expose to Po bo He Sale at Yeohley's Hotel, in the Bearongh of Patton, on Monday, June 11, 1900, At 2 O(] ck P. AM the following described Real Estate to wil: All that certain tracl, piece oF paireel of land, formerly the Stagart & ¢ Fitzpatrick 1 ‘oval mining rights excepted | situate, ying amd being in tte Twp of Chest, (abo ane -haif mile from the limits of the Boroagh of Patton Spnty Af Carghria, State of Penns peminded amd described an follows Betinniag at a post on line of Jaco Yaboer, thence by same Roath eighty-six and onehalfl (86( vat 5 Sivas or. degrees Weil two! handrod ard sixtenn Zia Be sic 32 iF £5 Hie fr pen § ¥ and « cA Breer eyrth haved of threes RIXEY = by jand of Jacob sabaera Nore 4 (BAL degrees West Two hundred and sixtewn 3 thenon afd West t iene and i EG LP & og pero 84 Bard and others Ely. pists rtd No three 0 depress East seven 47 perches Lo & post tive plow of heginmng, had pnety were ata sev ently tao T3 perches La peservaiion of reYREInE fitter sepa 2 meres nf cos the land. Tes land Wi paris to de Known A LNG AT tose aon how or Teens wii &i5T Cy 4 Hay VATE fo ho SRE Xi pedi fea Tih Sl Ree nt BY fan ed EE Xa orth Ahi degrees Past sharon North ogres thei NoelhN 11 depres East thence Narth 3M dejrees East perrhes, thetoe North #8 degrees Fast 6 perches, Nort degrees in 43 pee Toa Past #4 MN rerrhes 1 Br sree Noah & parchien; iy Rd is Wi therioe Pant perches BO pointers, thence by land of Hens y Render, South 63) degrees Fast perches to 8 sugar, lhende Routh a4 degrees West 74 perches Wo tow County line, thence by same sre 163 perches to the plies 5f begins eontalning 1 sores mare or fo, x ing erected thereon four dwelling hpeen atid necessary onthaildings: and being the sane property the titie to which become vested in the Galitzn Baildisg & Loan Association, by dowd of DW. Coulter, Esq, High Sheri of Cambudia Obunty, dates the 27th day of December, A, D. 1397, and recorded in the Recorder's Offfoe of said coanty, in Pend Book, Vol 127, page 377. (GGatisTid B. & 1. Assi, CGallitzin, Pa T. 4. Irs, Selicd Johmstown, Pa or, W. BR CoNgab, Read Estate Agt. Wil Net Hanis tee Cars Notices were sent out by all the large railroads in U1 8 stating that alter last Priday no freight cars wii be received by ane road from and dher at the pectin 2 waless eguipped with automatic couplers and safely brake sppliances in scoundanos wis the extabiak od © CREST re time ® Lhe L penn Te aw vy the Interstate COST iE was TH couniey shonb plhismoes on in order 10 A i Lime to odd th safety Laren i the roads sue went a 4 un 2 Laima various stages to the operalaon Fay Cen neoesliry Lh Cpties pe we Bu ; cmon howe. Winuagion, wei, a PecTILlDg B prog * # Urgent Need for Men to Enter this Service, ‘MAY (GO TO MANILA. wre aise Regateed to Sercs on the New Hattbabips Fortes efforts are being toade by Ma- ior W. B. Biddle, recruiting officer in charge of the district embiracing Penn sylvania, Delaware, and Western Naw | eraey, to enlist the rersaining 1.506 ive the Marine Corps. its quota of A000 men, in seoirdance with the Act of March 18 of fast Year The need fir these reoraits i6 so argent | that instend of recruiting only in ma port towns the Navy Department has departed from its sensi fea ard ia now invading the interior count During the past year Major Fiddle Tian eatabitehed offices in the filowing still open. Harrisburg, Noo MH Wilkesbarre: No. street. Lancaster, and the latent one 19 be opened] 8 af Ne 228 High streot, Pittabnrg. The main office Wi patel at No. 1825 Market street, with a branch at No 8 Vine street Philadelphia Major r Bide wii open mother ow Pablic Sqasre, gs teweryti lg Tw eeling, " Va. £30 next Thumsiay. Pennajisania i» toe bsener Stade from which 10 enist re % apd it ix noticeable bn Lhe ere. the Peuneyvivima men are of the best chiles oblainabie, mentally, sod pliys aly. Ban espesially wants Toy Me erm ment has i tntioned KL hz | ak Fk) ville Awl May A malian : Honotain Kesreage and & Here A : marine grard © aka Hut % fopy with % jiaied Bi LET #EELY Wen, oR, Sil tof the Marine in thee inter Chery ud : anedy of The service Wis ts nol 1 Bp wondured at." he ade, “ax the BAR ¥ Ios BRT pha in he prabilie nine] stil the Spa baly war The warine is populaely KEppe wed to be a sailor or ot vive fap be he ds Dl & wail bat a sosdier serving Ou & RAD of- War. Seatintios of the past viear which. jth April show that Pennsyl in fr represent in jhe ¥ nd that mes from this a eae Shan £ras Tana Levey Niate are serving in all parts of the world on tand and sex The hwo sation Wn Philadelphia enlisted M8 men; Harris Bary wis second with 220. Lancaster third, 71: Beading, 80; Willlamsport, p23 ilar, 5% and A3 at the Gib making a | total of 1.006, In enlisting these men (237 were rejected. Of the latter, LMS lacked the required physique, $01 were ander size, 457 could pol peed, 104 could not write, $29 were short sighted, 228 were : for back of and defective teeth, 218 rejected for malformation. Of those | accepted, 911 were born in ihe United Qeates, #4 were born abroad, but were astualised hefore entering ibe service. Napoleon said that every soldier of France carried a Mambal's hasen } in his knapsack. This policy is 20w wm in the Marine Corpe obtainable is bmiach nf nd every private bas a right We to be ND Jor Leperid if he gratified, Major Hid idle expicts to get the quota to Bl ap the coigs Vay shortly, rresming raphdly, sOTYUe, aspire is prog krl¥ “e Yodiaasvka Man Cali Lm emg. Albert Clawson, of Indias, who Pie ecntly brought sai 25, Lie Poin BATIK sma Bad ree Ney damages frof ox £3 BOE ERE w was awarded Pastor mangh, and James McKain, ensbarg, assisted by Policeman Rhoades of Gallatin, Thorsday afternoon srrest- od “Mickey” tramps ws the part - Barnesboro, mited the P. RB. ig. They in this State, and these offices are No. 98 North Thind street, | 1H North Queen {orig Wi Bie lige jacket, |i ar AL aki, 3 Larine an | hl x A COUTIaEOn Mo THE TORS. amino the Law Rew to Kerth » Bed £ SEER FoR. JL Ofoers Bdward J. Sharretis of Dwrey: Samus! M Sayder, of Cone of Wilk: and threes other x whe robbed the Trramtinee's office in Ehensbary and the postoffices mn Hastings, Spangier snd thin county, and dyna ju station at Windber Wel sone Hine ago. Ph len were taken into costody tive codes ovens near (iallitzin amd taken ta dohmptann on idan Acksnmos dation it 935 Geloek Tharsday even spent the night hedipud the a it the Cantrsi Police Station sod al an enniy = F: wprsiag Were taken graph gallery atid Baul their pletures taken. Friday afternoon the quartetie wan chained together snd accompanied to Hastings where criminal charges were preferred against them Friday after- moon. It reported that the Den were mwen in the ait of robbing the pimtaffice ab that place. Dutectives from Pitsburg, Altoona, snd the Jobastown polos bave been ging far Walsh wiv proper ane Some Lime AR be was seen iB Sohnato wn by Neil the latler Was & member : the sited Burg- riday bo 8 Meal phe of 1d G8 bar hee grew Swept Hie 0 aE RFT WHER & Pg ihe gang ek HM did 5 had pan i west The [wes Fe pOT Y fuliow ing roan et shildren were dragged : shoe brook Gran aeir Medan, Fa. arbin Toy Sea ii aang ant ¢ 3 SRE ayy SORTER Bay snd 3 msler Wan We tHe retor arms clasped gh was too gress for Je s Arms, ard ae the Bunsen were 0 gave a lant despair sped woman and fled of saledy Lire to Hr fh Pears seed x AL the § an Wo sale Tobmers Bisoris Contirmet taken from ihe At0% reoert of ihe 0 Sows by Judge “ln a SRMEpIGHE IO this report of veiwers appointed Lo is wis benefits to property benefiled by | graing aud paving Fifth avenoe in Putton Borougs, exceplions oyerraied and the report of viewers confirmed absolutely.’ The iW ahrmtown | Hone ae Barker Mond following Rand in the Mines James Seymore, of Carrclitown, agreed abot 38 years old, was killed in one of the new mines af that place Saturday by x fall of cold He was engaged io making an mndermice when De Was caaght. His [ather, Philip Seymore, alee of the sale place, SUrvives, aa do postral brothers and sistem. Fasersd Thers iem were held Tuesday morning in Benedict's Catholic chureh at Car oe afer which the remains were aid to rest in the church ceroelery. oe scliowsl anid borough tax sol paid v Friday will be collected by the Lon stnlshe with costs. Jad MErLiox, C ok. Bridge Letting. for the ue Ted ah fron Bridge 5 the Boron I (Sewi Wha Ae TONG a ancl ars Pv ETRE REWRTIOR Liana re ud ht AEE ot ei
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