PIL A 1 soiENIT — aio nr - . 3 CONGRESS Cectyias s Rival of Bothe Penns ATH aaa San spots are comparative ¥ ard Bir Bayi Droehe is best Known fe yi vania Railroad ¥ » a Wn ss a» i # fo 9 hiss 1000 : BUNA SRYTARGH : i fame Phe roan BRO Sm 3 0 3 #3 pate $ ihas d ‘ Senats I - Ra EY Table 4 or th ‘ ey wn £9 rita Are Say f § ¥ 5 ‘ SL : believed tha th } EY @ ta Tn tha wenats Tuvsd a rosolution ember 20, 1307 ii the surince : : ; . aL . : Bay Yer ¥ a Lian ip NED} i aon aotion, and wns Froud 15rd a i SAA Sam A 75 3 PRIVY SIPIR § po pr fms Main Line. rashes In thin le sry linea Baers: | f Bie} Ld f Rit | mires Foe xan . 4 no : 8 Fastwurg Peer TATIOUSIY 2X aie, IM Profan. 7 ; ; y : 4 Ae ; (arm Arai dda tion, w {aor @ tevelandg Hx irsyial EB Oe § 3 oh brs i givar Organi 1 anawh Paiopnig LEE see e BEER ve ; wo 3 anestion whe thar thesa ~ ” We w | abont the formation of lishinip:, op FOIUOR WOR moor strixed {wr Eleter CNTY The HWE : i Np uly { Vice versa, Renalie the momination Fo James : : wk dsye Every ton of Atlantis water wham allan of Montgomery ougmy, Ha Ww, a Passer Clover Fer Poultry. | The farm horse is at a disadvantagn | Ha A staid She $ ay Panes Sote sory of gresn food is absolute | too often from) not having his coat | evaporated, yields eigity er A rc A 7 Marsh: A a | rmsion uuEBt he an entering wel Pittehury Eprom * Fusriine tatiy ly necessary for osnfined fowls, and | properly cleaned and looked after. | of salt; a ton of Pacific water neve enty- Allentown ; Foot unity between v and South Fantiine, 4 _ clover seems to be more to their taste | There can be no question that regu- | 0ine ponnds, Arctic asd Antarctic. The Renare Wednesday 0 La a ges reiEataw Await. Tek days than any other vegetation. During|lar grooming, rubbing and general Wwatere yiald eighty-five pounds to the bi! appropriating Faas a wsiaist 2 cambria and Clearfield. the summer chopped clover shonld be cleanin ug of a horas makes him {eel ton, and Dead Nea water 187 pounds, * cpie wee $F ampeiaizin ES ix sooth wad kept in the yard at all times, and in | better, puts him in better spirits and | Photographie have recantly been ane. avs | he expo BORCIRP fusn d * Glen Campbell 44% Mabaffer kus a me 1 the winter a commercial food, known | renders him in every way a better and | ceanfully taken under water at a dis Fhe Senate cimmittsa om commerca | SHpMngs of timwars and rea: Fan Wotovier 50 H tinge 615 Gur as clover meal, should be fed. Clover, steadier worker, A pol cleaning i tance of ten or twelve fost Thacamera PRIRY ay fd repo! id vorse y | ) : : L y : Sy, o i Set 8 ied EY 4 Kuvins fans ey iw either green or in taeal form, is a sort produces an equ al effect with a oot ple ' wwas carried by y dives 4 fiaht wy ut ; J, Pap a en tn i= 12 : ® | og Js iar d teen iv 1 sre ving 4 : rw wis at “id a m A erin liad by an elects lamp carried viding for river ‘and martor im re- § EONS ip An Bar Bite on phd] at 1 ¥ Matuathoy ut To Labs of balancing ration between grain and | of quarts of grain, and therefore is a supplied : q PE Westover O30 acting 548 yor - Sensex TUCTRE BEaE883 Morning train for Patton and 4 Treeson mT. * on meat, and will take the place of any other vegetable food. Itis rich ia lime, much more s» than either bar. ley or wheat, and provides a necessity not only for egg-production bat for vary necessary and economical opera- | in the divers tion. So do not deer: time spent in x grooming time thrown away Bab down the farm horse, make him shine like the animals employed npon at tracks, express and Livery teams, Jt Poh "ia Ere SRrrs; i iy * is Janeiro, Brazil A {yorinan firm, it 1% rev ¥ ¥ + . Ah | pine apon the gariker saranles pure ingotin, derived from coal ¢ Pussgr ry mAs A ard for Ea TREE Ln Phe opoyarr. | men gnder tha cea gms trind ar £ y ma = ? : g : xi ¥ 1 es i i vf » ; ig By silty i rem he Patton or 2 } in the bay of MA RKETS, Hrudiey * RY OF £8 arriving ol Cresson st S06 Norhwerd ) rrgROn for Makathey t rg Jie Kavioe 02 rad 1 vik Patron [ee Pon for pe Hastings for Mahaffey (123% Gap bar Mas Jutliy 4 we Westover 14 Lae the proper and healthy growth. of ¢ Yeu i kat 2 Ta * h ‘ . Tard 3 : : A x he, ho ¥ i pays to do it. M. Sam; Perkins 1a ohish promises ©» supplant the ve ; SE ic Ir air action | A Tava He La frame. — Atlanta Journal, ‘ PITTSBURG, Apt 2 ARsmmoon min fae Put Rye an Fee Farm, Field and Fireside i table iadicn. as other Jves have | ye ay Feed, : Sl wr. asta , . Pin Ar ea Grain. roar wad feed wim Cresson sf lk mares iE ek sors BALE fe LD AT NS, : $F Mw “er, Huet Junetion Rye is nearly or quite as natritions Cutting Clover For Fowls, : as wheat, its greater amount of husk ; Cat ¢lover has eas 1) be rasa. : tae 23tent or bran being partly compensated bY nized as one of the hast of Bulky wine its lessened amonnt of starchy flour ter foods for pou ry. A cloyer ent. and greater proportion of pitrogencus ter is ercesding! eomvenient. hut matter, which helps to make muscle. | where sneh a mae shine i% fot at han 1. : bs Bye is not xo much nsed as stock feed | a home-mads La devised, | Der of theses small nlanets hava erate Senstie ph . OTH. Winter patmste. sls 4B Hutehive FR Word. lags it would be if the grain wars not! Take a stont 44 ; : : ZT trot Pasa Ast E y{tan aTsrted wit} prot, wi H al AANA rarity Loon "wii by i id : $74 Ye ¢ and are orasiicaliv io flanssatient iy : ; : ‘ . - ‘ 4 a" BRT : “i @ 3 . % i500 nein the hive for the Ame by a 18 BAbTer et v3 14 : ti ’ igri % invmr 8 y y po - is pas saddam A hid bi ik & Cone iA unl als +1 oe ahortion in breeding stock. A winter » larze proportion of the stock kept on farms is with young, it wonld | be nusafe to feed it very extensively. | But for working horses, not pregnant | mares, we have foupd rye an sxesliont and toot strengthening feed. Jtmey | be given whole, provided it is fod with | Ey # ato ; : PE wo : : cantiun, or after it is boiled. A still) CS I np | wiz horse power being ragniead to rates Tueslay, rrangol tran iis better way is to grind the rye with at | Ferd ag Hy Mo Aenih Y= ha Saraperatnry of dn srdinary car for PRU 9 : hours | BUI Fife Pagan bolting, and applying some of ths rye jis pb 8 e wanby four nasties frost OF Jezrags 15 Tp the vias Et adn: Faint eli meal to wet, ent hay or straw, =H NTL) 8: a? fo” riaag Yi iz awtimatald that ae x wensrats | . arr { CHEESE. GT YOK. Le NBENSED TIME TABLE. atu ante ot st spn To Cure Hams, : ; : v : " 0 i — i 8X] ne hag . r= .s Ee aaa Fruits and Vecstadiss Take the hams and shonllers and | oT : Ww aiinsad 55 hava heen the oi i es Lo 1 BEANS. Hand-p cheelts, rab them well with salt on = BAL is DeOYEN Th DEY een M9 PX Delage rr PUTA LORS—V oi both sides, lay on a declining board so | as to have drainage, and cover the : 3. den dind 1 tat Nacoubos ff the pa | - flesh side well with salt. Takealot — on | oF A a Ne a nD. Drinfiv e gnedd the provisions 1: had Poaitry, of fise saltpeter a ahd work in at end 1% 8 pestle: shaped af ii ir, sanars at the altar having Lived more thay twenty bases dec by the cam wed 8 Eng hy CHICKENS, ¥ pair stad and around the centre bone. Lat them | lower end. To this are attached three | Fears in captivity. Jt was 8 ppthnn fa Dime a A PS Ay I Ine litEBAIS WD be 2} or four days. Have a : sharpened ataal plates, AN 20 gested, : from Malaces, AF DIAas red a rita - Xp o : . . LAr the ipl : wi } Euaneeia aad Quin, es clean barrel ready clean od all tha Set them in the wo wl and bolt secure. | more than twenty feet in length, La xn AMA Mest Agein and leave the | CINCINNATI ’ | bs Ligh wy diy Ne bea Tk segs tal fen ‘ ans i 5 13 . ih . oy Farid Sei a t 100 : : bloody salt from the meat, pack in [¥. Any blacksmith can make these [rincipa { was darks, and rt with fi nis command | FLOUR... : ; oo SE WHEA: 2 red : mgd ou. 3 est snake aver conulaminal 13 ta | waa : : C1 LABBAGE v - 9 X at ¥ § 59 Pe § " x 5) hd 3 house of the London SAR = A a : : CNL ey ok wx ® the barrel, rind downward and ont | plates, and they can be sharpened on fad, nsualiy, ones peg, Although SURRE BAL i IRATE wn : ‘ward, por and cover with a hrine of | ! tha @rin: Tut: ar With this. ona can Lore rime 3t Fog Ly ¥o wpaath 5 : Pe iy ti) : ’ ' : ' : : 3 ! 3 | : o 2 : ” : 2) o i ¥ *¥. : a . 5 s 4 pure salt aud water that will bear np | ;€at ap clover as the housewile chops From records of an i STH font Aaimoretration th Meise of | 4 : a «28. bat a an egg. Hams from hogs weighing West in her tray, but a Sow moments her of observations, r. Gerhards the house Tgesd if patriotic fervor | Bd Ih re iene : iY Pailtpeur eB $0 250 to 840 pounds dressed weight heing iy 0 fut s aBoient for ‘» vr Egat draws tian © nel BALGNRN Shar tha Wan Rvsal a : Ry x a 18 i : : a. ely Sean Fo. Pa y » » . 4 ~ - i ' snag : . 3 x " % 34 oi?" ih eviea wt ox wi wh n = 083 r RB LAN 3 roBX § A IA. ¢ "3 en § EWES Len $n me ¥ Pan = should remain in this fourteen days. large flock —America mn Agricnitansi, catia Fall Straan Goes got ex? » h SE PHILADELPHIA ps 1M 9 ’ sl i Ste i ake them out, drain and | 34 8 warm current sast of forty degrees vik ate In th sae Thursday | RN A an 2 2 ey 5 Lrewy ThAAfGSG HB on Y T é ¥ jet y i Deen or Shallow Culture For Carn® or “ i Lal To Tat i vane a yd y i es ps No dred i il § i 3 Pun Re Lom, sek Haves, Wikia dry two or three days, then smoke V., 811 Das no rapid move 3 ean FP CORN No. 3 mized ! ; Lranitery axira ¢ & 1. wag i & fouw Vs GINA : ; x. i iv : % * $a Ra p a # io 4 vig i 3 a * ¥ L e : them. Soon after wmoking cover and Shallow cuitare, for tae following of sixty dagrees W : that the Eaten four tension of the ad LAWS | ATR. No. 3 white ot cb ttn. Watts PEE aa . Fatt BUTTER A i il "4 ned Lone: Cleat wid, eaatter and sew up in any kind of clean cotton: reasons. current does not anyw hers tanch tase ie “ oo | Ete Pa. firsts i *witon. oar r ie Dali, Punteiutaws be . ; a BYATATS SARE] jarger seqhnard 4f tha United S ar 3 ha I A PD : cloth, and have a barrel of dry, clean’ a 5 whl 3 iarger seaboard of the United Btates, atl | arance oommitiss on the executive, | wy, BR wadiord, Buflals and wood ashes ready. Cover the a— yiels The be ohiatned, : pothing to do with the © ikintivs ar Jdiots A SN iriori pe FEW Youu ? ie - as pants a alla to its ar $sugh trast Porsisy ; 3d No Lange ’ Prete An Wer APT Bee Pa o1i te 5 304g 5 4 i Sm Hie SE amis id Hamas with three or four inches of ashes, lay hor ae plas > Te and that on the Great Ban 8 Pra fr rOGRAsant 1} sha | W I No. #1 : a tr Heals nls sitt Haws _a Jin otie layer the test you can ani FoR ht aR a practically no ourrent. The warm rand | Nu RE Shannt he 500000 emer. | : $7 BR trains eavtog 1yriee aide P. 3. Cattang the roosts tas earn sol 1S vit lar SET enL en ise : : ; i wr ; ¥. 41, Sata “cover again with ashes, so the mea: > hy ig Po a old streams Lee irregular muvenients | OA’ ts Waite Wena General SUp'L loomrn in direct contact with other plant is arorded. In a largs samber nae liable to definite chas ees with sea F BUTTER reamery i x . : § v } Mio af Pes pieces until all are packed an: 1 sive | uf eiperimoents made at the Missour:, fans 3 foe sik vey * 37 f Bogrs hn : Fiemme of Poeun. % \[ Di Tn s 4 I New Yook aad Iilinois stations, it = Serals amandment ye Tmdinn ape | TE O&A Dvision ered. Keep the burrel in some ont = York snd Hiinois stations, it has ation Bid, J for the free | xyrasz Whos osha LIBERTY FALLS CREEX », ~ pb - ; # bry it shouse from the influnencs of moistare. Organized Lana's Naw Methods, antey of doe ndian lands was non- | Gy » o ye Ours are kept in the smokshouse, >4t a great change has beau going he bya OE 55 10 1M ne rea i = SATE, : CLEARFIELD and the other day on city cousins atid stance 1wjurions to the com pian it. an Within tha ast fow wears thary ata amar trent for the ratification i Bitte, IER 1s 540g Bs Vad 4 3 rey OE Yuxit Cruel : ; A AN Bath 1p e bs a hig . n . Sa WW the Raminoie rent RA RAE None 00d, a 1,4 ial em Pt the doctor ate dinner with us, aud we | 10° extent of the injury will be largely hay grown up a strong sentiment io | concurrsd after biog natin pri | Ty, 160010 1,100 the. ; ; 3 NI a rDHon bad ham from December, 189€, and governsd Ly the amount ol MUSIAre {iene of arbitration pot only in labor position offered ve confersncs to | Far gut steers, 00 ta JN Ma ; : — Pals Jisetion they all declared it first-class — Texas | there is in the soil at the time the cantroversies, but in international die. PAUL the Kiowa Comanche and Ap. | Common, 700 to %0 ibe . a ¢ ry 1 8 Lativessbarg Ae ws : 3 a 5 » 4 : . 3 sehe troaty iad fallen under x point of a i : Haw itor Btock and Farm Journal. i Fools ara growa, Is very dry weather phies, Ts sentiment has made 10. seam ma antiam of the HB "mg porte | Mediu na. ‘ 3 A nde Viaduet — — the injary 18 marion [a wat westhor if kar or . eo Lit hig solpiiafuge wir, | wm hii nas : . hi ; jd Posse Made Crate F * . 3 gaif felt in labor KADIZATIONS uh FID the Bil hike 3 in fat oe Ww i wisn. | Heavy : a . al) ws » a ” . “ « . Pe : 3 Bridge Quickly @ Crate For Shipping Poultry. | it 13 of comparat rely Utils conser jamglation Maziy of the States have concurrence on ail the Senate mend | Boughs sad stags 3 2 : Co Whether one desires to ship pare. quence. appointed boards of arbitrators, and ™iD's a pases. i ay glia bred poultry for breeding Purposes, + 4 Ausacreofecoracanl 3 # pocent events hava shown how nseful Aran bis Ao ie Eye ae oc Prime 5510 105 he, well 3 3% 18 oe Lemer) E Market 23 a . : a 3 is is San $e sational militia i re Bed 2a WN Me Ld or live poultry to market, the crate from weeds sad prope they may be. The boycott has come joried to the house Wednesday with | Sead; Ti HE Sa. Liergunt © Sgured herewith will serve most ad. the surfacs by surface tiisgs for less 4. he rezarded as an un-American, ral EASE amendments AMON nihil iv ar str | been clear iy shown that the cutting or praaiag of the roots 12 in every in- Wan - ~ - sg #2 2 By 8 HN UX kt ne ws & Lah 1&8 va Ld 4 3 i 5 5 8 xp K oy & re 3 i Z 44 » ao 4 i oh sg rent sunday vantageously, while it is so vory easily money a 1 with loss effort than BF gipdictive method and has fallen iuto PESELY ‘or Sischey wag Cails.. .. crews at DaBlols Se Rigg ‘ Wade that one need spend but little deep tillage. great disfavor, Lie foreptoat. Iaisr president ia made sub- Fuir wo good amie i bg ia laf rani er ied Re > na dh 1 iy nin : hia fowls for ship- | 5. The land ia lef in a condition to leaders of the coBIry ave Pervistent in serviceable matoriai used dy the mili | hater Dati the Hin . . . wed, i £3 1 & Had th FT ¥ 3 Se ama® ¥ + wai Cal al aed 5 A sainets at Clearfield with Pm ak +¥ Datdied the next : ReRBGT, vod peacesbie methods Compared credited al Laer VAaae i a 214 us IIT oe Ir & x ZOowWn bo grass, wheat or 4 hus at # syn haw aw : tL WIth fansa O01 8 (AW Fears ago they are Bill wen? through [ta asl | ra 1 ' ; 1887 1 New Work House TN ad tay he 1 TO TAXKE EFFECT NOV 15 189? tid 3 ® Co ei a Po 3 : : Sry : ) X : House Wadnesday in the | ye fad lie Uokels al Twa sents Der alin ttaan if ridged, as will be the ease in 4.4 professional agitators haws very adoption of the Anal cunference report, | Sa : i Jaan ? * -» vst at tha Aina a ? . al i awe: a sa 4 AR PAN. ] ORES moi 8 Edawird U. Lapey, son. Pas Agt, deep tillage. Experiments atthe Mis. jis inflnenes compared with what and the remainder of LAS Say Was “00 a:b. § pot Rochester NY tow ” 5 Eirik ais 4% Years ago. Birikes sen dmenta 16 Ne Indian BPP | ests 4 Jretioay TX 1 WO vw Badnre ontering Are AN oxoews large ! £80 5 aah qT Bat = 5 ® " ¥ # ; p i : ’ crate PoR rorernr. fof soul 18 larz S&T IN Gry s2Raaus taan In sors and then tha strikers ars mras i Sepals p sadn regacdingg the opening | labsibu f > 3 587 BL poe faves are pald on trains rom all ations : : g - Wiuol es es 4 EL aheew 5 tioket 0s x maintained the desired size, using one that is made | samabiy dne to the fact that thamnleh yp ni the recent ike Fugege V. wit or A point of owder, and | Aris 3 £ ie sir WE Pa amendment gen $a] vy Bonfer. inch preferabl Saw it through from |, tritated rer ; hav ; | ok 3 ; R z £ (13 more evenly distributed over the i... if he sonld have done so, but his nonco i vials frees homestand | Buraaiae im = : RR Co Lessee, 3 3 vi " — : i s ti i : % ba # 3a that direction fared. Afthe Tinuss = Heres Thal ppusition. . ited vi 33 nidensed Time Table the dotted lines in the perfect, and thereby more active ; the sections apart and (L.n from the ordinary deep tilling ject an em 1 id nd n re, Besdfont. Buffhio sod AE WG ANG Une = be b bray igh? fomva op or wi ei iL : | |= : Py grocer’ bas Br £ be hottes prot eta] from washing sal ther Ape vais ia favor of law abn ding Ae glows » be tar: A in by the | Pirrsh (ror & Eastera 3 4 Te “ sp RE s § A a eX#ciilive and judicial 4 AL, faves Jersey bors, Willarnaport, Phillies ¥, ror pv oo 5 7% Ag Sian 1 th : 03-4 ery muoa more mveniently very couservalive Walking delegates . Wat wan : cand Tar passe Tet Yay ail stallions : sau} station show 13a: by S330% tal taey had a n the consideration of the Sen I Maan $lati —, Mae da Ty ~ wy Pg BO gg Pasesn gers are rey peated ta ond roles tek ¢ ¥ siatnre within the Sree food ’ : ; | - lage the wosatars withar 28 UTA IO0L gen (ise varaged axcept as 8 id x re tation Sil ha substitule for the | Be : : % | we batore vitertug the car. An es “hare | similar deep titied plots. This je pre. by all means to retrain trom wiolenea | Of the Uncompahgrs reswevation was | of thin boards—throe-eighths of an 4, . i 1 i be mad Ci a > a ul tillage implenie 3% Pela w oid have brongdat 3 CG Sas Tha tewies 8 anferses 10 | Railr oad. side to side in three or more places, 83 surface, mors nuiform in depth, more ao Mr Sherman valerian of the Indian | iabior conferanes i : itin h ale DOT conleranes In Nt Louis he made Committers doelired thar the free Romie § oie Bag ai anaral histic, wcaniary speecd, bul grea yin gid Cost the Governs | Fast ward wines then he has male another 30 LU 0 Men? Hod Wd ta demires to ell ate it from the ard Bas the support | = mm. Pulp Wm 38 Wostovee intarior 5:2 Er haan x * 2 i Mauer cub spread the ne in the corners, caitivators. When theses deep tillag i as shown, and the crate is complete. jgplenients are weed, the fae t} : : t will be well. however, to tack a | De Twine He 3 ART sepfecitiag viglenes and dae AT ‘piece of cotton cloth or buriap about | yyrface is instead throws in ridge 182 ia favor of peaceable ma digits, he bill pay the Bowman acti Hores Run iz ds Bie a Kerem? ; the sides, to keepontdralts. In such | 4nd 1he farrows ase left bare 10 eva fees Habs Sg ar i AERTEAu Ing Si AA ean ha nt a crate fowls will go at single #IDTENS | porate the TE : tence has passed and that ther 2 ar upp von furminiod, Lh i i y; TR I KX id rates and the crate will be very light > —Ozrange Judd Farmer, Sirt~ 0 4 yb ve E 3, . so x ® 2 TR Ws Taylan Forma : decided reaction In the best corn growing sections 4. Dusag of Missouri, soma : : » laze iz almost now, Wiiaress 1850 vears ag The farm Lorse dessrves as mueh | FO7» ¥-eTeas ten years ag | tem wes ridienled by the wm feed, care and general attention as the |, city horse, We d) not appreciate 1, oi ids ba forms what an active factor in farm industry i [t stiould not be forgotten however, ‘that the weeds must be kept Jown, If the horse actually is anti! deprived of | : ' a owing to long continued wet weather We have recently read 3 for a soasonm. a5 the | es ¥ es re 2 x6 bis services for a sua Tass the the weeds get tha start of the farmer, erable interest the repo bility of the animal is im- Hi Sadispensahi if ua Certainly pa : he must use that system of tillage which bas been patented ; Teascns Try hnmaie and econome j which will most effectually aad most scientist, by which a tssae i promptly destroy these pests. Ofilan. that will take tae place of the 0 we should take all reasonable care of : oy : ; a beast of 80 great importanca, aimin (times deep fallage at this juncture is skin, and be absorbed as the HE g. necessary. As soon 3s ths weeds have Lisals He takes the muse lar po to preserve him in the best of health, rele kill ‘ gth and spirits for as loo a | Deen completely killed, however, the tion of th riod of ofitable service as 3 i land shouid be made as nearly level a3 renoves tha ner a3 I outer layers perio pr . pot | possible and kept in that condition membrane Tae i i ¥ - 3 oo $5 > af ed, ki how awn yp Ad ” The farm horse nsually does not | : thronghont the remainder OF 8% Sel i roan he EE Hal i 3 : in ] : rar : es : : om : i : : uw receive the quantity of grain feed, the ! The i 2. ble time 10 8 solution of pepaine "he St n Easter Sunday | Umand afer Nov 0 IWS gesenger twin ios rds wp on Sundays be old theory that in dry times the fhres are fm . H pe de +: Fa § 3 3h a 1 Ray ing and the winter blanketing | 4, 1) lige was Tegassary in order to gested. T! : : : 2 rr Cation re AT. W5 8 veiling via Phit Y i “ x La ald cRALed, ae 2RhEIRDCG 18 1040 TURR0- ‘ 4 as x h BP : : { 2a My vad How lost er ie Fn webeipiad i orn Cras Dean WH Hn msport that the city horse is favored with, | “plow the moisture up to thesariace,” ad with zallic actl and it 3 A. program : aay "i e=dwa Halgway, oii : ti x 4 miia Ave Phils and suffers accordingly. Any horse | ical : . h Seals An ; tad ihe The window wil bear the | Jews, Hediond, sesso, Buffon Hr a A Wil Phill t hard work requires a reasonable |’ TAI rong. ALY on. isture | stated that large surfaces from Wich © copowing msoription the 3 | Hochoster connecting at Solnseibang with dephis and Desding catimad at Jemey Shire a ant of ain. Has will Bt take | brougut to “the sarface at this time the skin has been removed | SER tad im rmernory Jpn {| F&F twin 1 Sar WiehX, han Arend ei wo Fal Bw Ry. st M Rai amo : y ‘ i . » . ; pry are 3 wi ita Ba J 04 ff Periss 13 Sw the vl Ey ain. oa for will be quickly evaporated. Any roots or accident may be healed in har Tore At Lf th r 11 states a ¥ my Bradford. Sohne Phi ry be Pesiio a Taiiroad ane piace gr * 2% 1 that are cut in the process will, prove Hime by means of this tissae 4 % : ak x ; : Lrg. SLadwa B31 Tae, Spd E PALE STR LE ITR netting Miited: wl the last few years grain has been far ar. fants. and das x Rt. 3 x ; : Sen ry 1 ¢ 1 nuebiate stalions, for Dal ml Pinar eas Beil with the RN 0 Rochester and cheaper, coasidering its nutrients | very injurions to the plants, and deep | jirapare i 1 and ls:d uy the ryv sur a aw oy rLrEt yun DE, PAT or i tillagre at such ms 12 the worst ; eh Bas previonsly been ster: fry Aen in vial j 18 : tn £6 hr a ca Ne A wicsgy of the than hay. So itis double folly to foed | gy tE, 50 3 ho time is ihe Wois: face, Which Ras ® heen seri. a natn, with Cwmbran §oaiSed divisson of the bay aatirely to the exclusion of grain. | yr 1 Waters, iz Farm. Field aod igto its plas Pha union of the tie. | Vina ha : tie sam he 4 Ha tor fi L 5 rave. FE an, eyenel NG a ; : ’ i 4} Hie prosy eForts of Mr aril, prasident o rie NO mins (5 tae Miners Cas wy. ald other b Tew come fiom the {eaders ware used ar strouziv as poss restored bie in favor of ariutration aad azaissy visieace —~Indianapoiis Joulaal The Farm Hare. ——————— =% ‘HE ¥ bw og esl Wola $i 4 4 * & Rha bi tw 3 > i 4 YE i 8 To Replace Naturals § 4 E hays onil “xp yreugae Ie Eww - ILaAlIng i Ed o Shin 101 5 F thing that could bs done — Professor i: Nurth vemtern railway Of course a little hay, say eight or ten | a hut ee fistie while, and the nssae forms a Test of the ration be grain. Feed | The counterfeit silver dollar dated Satie that answers the purpose sf Pars has 8 i - 4 a * ial Ra id hk a BEER 323 : 7 : from six to twelve quarts per day of a 1804 has run against the fact that it ides iar TIEN nown substance. and is Likely. when ih. sith mai he : . a EE fh: os dy; ap Suits Re, mae ite oy gording as the horsu works, lightly or with notice from the mint that no sil.’ a it fartt : HS ad he yn pra ify a 1 the ry we m Panysuta wie D8 | 0 : wh a paar to pay. i ASR arther pec! fected, to entirely ver | plein tn anak: it $031 : Wb Express from t } FTE, Na 5 wt af the KH hich is thas fur- heavily. ver dollars were coined that vaar. : : : rhs fs Bua an LSE : se ; Fireside. sue and the sarfac tage sins pounds o day, is necessary, but let the ire "3 pags he skin to a degree beter than any | Mrs Frask fuien Grads y “1 and Panxesawm tt Exmress Iwan bo ; hae . tare of oats and cracked corn, ac- | contains too much silver, and also’ oi : : . HA : fin i Geadford and taternpeding ae Liu riidren are provided with w arm meals, i move the necessity for skin grafting |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers