PATTON COURIER MARCH 17, 188. rl ene TNE OF THO The bladder was created for one pur- pose, namely, a receptable for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of discase except by one of two ways. The . way is from imperfect action of the The second way is from a treatment of other diseases, CHIEFY CAUSE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kid- neve is the chief cause of bladder troubles. So the womb, like the biad- der, was created for one purpose, a and if not doctored ton much ix not liable to weakness or disease, except in rare cases, Tt is sitnated back of and very close to the bladder, therefor: say in, discas: or inconveniences ma ested in the kidneys, back. Sai or urinary pas is often, by mistake, attributed to emale weakness or womb trouble of some sort. The error is easily made and may be as easily avoided. To find out correctly set your nrine side for twenty-four hours; a sediment or settling indicates kidney or bladder trouble. She mild and ex- traordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney and ladder remedy is soon realized. If you need a ticine you should have the best. Atd ts fifty cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bottle and pamphlet, both sent free by mail, upon the receipt of three 3-cent siamin te cover cost of postage on the hottie. Mention the Patron COUIRER and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N.Y. The pro prietors of this paper guarantee the genuineness of this offer. Children and adults tortared by. burns, scalds, injaries, eczema or skin diseases may secure instant relief by psing DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve It; ® is the en pile remedy. (. W. Hodg- Lins, Patton Pharmacy. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 1 VAN WILSON, Surgeon Dentist. Giradua ie Philadelphia Dental Colioge, Special attention given io the paserva- Lions oof the tntural teeth. Artificial teeth a specialty. Laonst Building, Patton, Pa DR. S. W. Worrell, | PHYSICIAN AND BURGERON, Office in (Good Building, Room No. Sa-Gesersi Surgury asd the Eye a Specialty. srtle will reoeive prompt attention, DR. W. |. DOWLER, Physician aud Surgeon. Office in Mellon block, next door to Postoflice, Patton, Pa. All enlis day or aight, promptly responded | Dr. V. A. Murray, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. {iffice in Ariington bicek, next Ww Postoffive, | Patton, Pa. Al bight cslix nesponded to prongs. { husaane of The sicr, nose and throat © ven special attention, HEFCE HOURS ~T i ll Al toBa mand Bi lpm, FAA {Business Educaton. The Agcde mon Reboot of Business, Alte» ne. Pe. will give you 3 gradustiog course in Book-Ree ping, shortiisnd, Typewrititg. Posmpanstip and English Branches far Ue PRICE OF DONE § # : ARE YOU READY For winger Does your hester give you wuttafnetion® Don't pat ap with teonblew Thal sutsoynd you st year, CONRULT as abet hsmting your house, either by hoi@eir, hot water Gr sled. Can give sou estimates on | any work. GOULD & BEEZER. 3s PATTON, CHEST SPRINGS FOUNDRY. We are prepared to do all kinds of : Sosy Mihinery, iron kettles, stoves, | Bop irs, plow points, plow re : ur charges are reasonable, pairs, rooetal Liken in exchange for new work. a-yr CHEST SPRINGS, PA Reuel Somerville, KS FREE. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. PA. ' Deeds Recorded at YOUNG MAN! (Don't Forge! fo Read Eviory Ward Lor 25 cts. may be taken { BTR, ! mean persans 10d {subscribers for one ‘one of Loe the Stat. ithe Erie ‘has had wi art, and his work has always proven {he mailed if fthentlars write the ‘to all a trial i A NAN hb a hl rg DICKERS IN DIRT, Phe mabirg ap io Date ¥riday, March 2. Chest Creek Land & Improvement company to Charles M. Letts, Patton; consideration, $225 Theresa Grassherg: ta CO bria & Clearfield Railroad company, Carroll, $700. Frederick B. ep ef al ot al to Joseph Ciray Taylor, Patton, $1. ux to George W, Trustee, Susqgoe- David Baum et (rooderkam al, hanna, $1. Chest Creek Land & Improvement jonpany to Mrs. Ada A. Warren, Patton, 8235 Chest Creek Land company to Mrs Patton, §5 Spangler Improvement company to Isadore Miller, Spangler, $106 et & Ada Improvement A. Warren A Famous German Doctor's Work Consumption is now known to be eurable if taken in time the German remedy known as Otto's Cure, having been found to be an almost certain cure for the discase. Asthma, bron. chitis, croup, coughs, colds, pneumonia and all throat disses are guickly cured by Dr. Otto's Great German Remedy. Sample bottles of Otto's Care are being given away by our agent, C. W. Hodgkins Large and lang sizes 25 and BO canta Doubdlea the Pleasure of a Prive. A fine carriage doubles the pleasure of driv. ing. Intending buyers of carriages or bare fess cay save dollars by sending for the jar , free catalogue of the Elkhart Carriage Haroess Mig. Co.. Bikbart, ind. YOUNG WOMAN’ Here is a Chanee for You to Become x MUSICIAN! BY PROF. W. P. McBRIDE, A. M Vaiauble Offer, The young lady or gentleman who | will secure twenty new cash sabmeribers 8. for one year for this paper at one dol Jar (81.00) each, will receive a free | ‘term (viz: twenty-four lessons, which are valued at $10.00, of one hour) Masical | tions for six or three each lesson being from the above great Instroctor. Trial sabscrip- months at 50 cis and counted * New Subecrib- ribo’ we on our ste, new Ast or i, but ail must be * By “New Saba alreaqy IH you will secure ax 75 year at one dollar $1.00 esch, we will pay : for three terms, making Bend ol 2a - fessnns. names entered on the Prof. W. P. McBride is recognized as het Muoxichl Instructors in become in whrh 10 Jearpedd ansieian, He is a gradaste of rie, Pa, and alse of University. Prof. MeBride le experience in this field of Normal, Rochester satisfactory and effect uad in every Way. Sample copies of the Courier will desired. For further par Parron Pus Co, Fabhilshers A Great Medicine Given C. W. Hodgkins is now tions, Away. ackage o the jee 's elery ing. herbal remed Boning from nervous ‘If ladies su ‘orders and constipation will ose = remedy they wiil soon be free from the Attorney-at-Law, Patron, PA. Office in tie Good Building. JAMES NOLAN, Attorney-at-Law, | Patton, Pa. Office in Ciood Bailding.-10tf. WH DAVIS, — Attorney and Counselor at Law, EBENSBURG, PA. All legal tasiness proply stiended Office in Parker Building TOBACCO and CIGARS The fhuimt line in Patton at G. I. FITZPATRICK'S Restavrart on Magee avenues, near P. R. R. depot. ! ME Als AT ALL HOURS. Your Watch may need Regulating. Lot uslook at it. Nocharge for examination. If {t oeeds attention we'll tell you, and i Pus would have us puttin shape we'll doi iat a regular charge that Fou won 1 oo . y 5 TOLLE PATTON HOTEL, WM. A MELLON, Prov'x, Firstclasi posomn: adations, Table supplied | with the best the mgrict affords. Chole WINES and LIQUORS 1 at the Bar HR, The Patton Jeweler. IV! AHAFFEY HOUSE Maliaffey, Clearfield Co., Pa. Avorn ations frst class. Best of Liguors | and Wines at the har. Siahiing attached. GEORGE FERGUSON, DRUNKENNESS Es ven sirionily in tea, der of or soup, und the pa ent will base all taste for drink without Soo | tag why; Dis safe, sure and reliable; one box | will cure any ordinary hig Price $1.00 post. | : paid; Troe mrticulars in plain envelope for 2c stamp, TIE CARTER THEMICAL CO, in South Second 8t., Philadelphia. headaches and backachea that have ‘caused them so much suffering. It ia nie It nicki cures b indigeation, eruptions of T | the skin and all biood diseases, sizes 25 and 50 centa Large One Minute Ea Cure, cures. GOOD SALARIES! LIFE POSITIONS! IN UNCLE SAM'S SERVICE The reach of all mal Naw is thee Lime Lo aw} 33 ge wih and tewals pertare wiarwi! : pu, Wot rand fares of Saami» Ems. &y Kv rer Taidy the National Civil Service [nstitute N.Y Arence Wasbiagroo, 0 OL Per 50 YEARS’ PERIENC E men stroty, blood pure. 3618roaden. rd ¥ 92. Washington, ame of This your tation | submoriptions as fast as taken (as to have the | lista, a weil publ lisbers who will be pleased to answer all communioa- Iviag free THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE ‘and weakness, loss ‘conditions of wasting away, THREE LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD “CASTORIA,” AND ‘PITCHERS CASTORIA,W AS OUR TRADE MARK. I, DR. SAMUEL PITCHER, of Hyannis, Massachusetts, was the originator of “PITCHER'S CASTORIA/ that has borne and does now bear the fac-simile signature of This is the original “ PITCHER'S CASTORIA, same on ei ery the Zoe ' which Nas io iia wr used in the homes of the Mothers of America for over years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see [7 » the kind you have always bought and has the signature per, of 2 No one has authority from me to use my rn. cept The Centaur Company of which Chas. H. Fletch President. March 8, 1897. sR iis It Clo cunt FS A Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your chi Id by Aaccepuing a cheap substitute which some druggist may ofter you {because he makes a few gredie nts of “The Kind You Have Always more pennies on iti. the in. which even he does not know. Bought” BEARS THE FAC-SIMILE as i ors Insist on Having The Kind That Never Failed You. THE CENTAVS COMPANY, TY BURKAY STRICT. SEW YORE SITY fraternity, a BOTHm®=S ~ BUILT I, The Quickest Mail Order House in the Staie. £ TA POR ~~ YOUR _. BENEFIT « - * 3 % ‘ it 4 y TERA # # » wife or ORR * 3 ding of | gusts: erdersd by Waa, met # fi | 3 2 3 ROIs Jy » 5 % i 2% oF % ¥ wargeyy end ¥ ! UNCLE SAMS MAIL SERVICE AND STORE aan : { ¥ ¥ & \ SHOPPING pleasant and eritral Pennsylvania, We. preps. Pusioqc and Eiprose but for Cash oalv. Seat Goods at Luwest Prices vour Money Back if yos went it. Troubles an Lung Troubles and tion Can An Eminent New York Chemist snd Schentist Makes a Free Offer to Our Readers The distinguished New York chemist, A. Slocum, demonstrating his dis. covery of a reliable and abwalute for consumption Pulmonary entosin and all bronchial, the and cheat diseases, stabborn ecatarrhal affections, general decline Renh sna aid will send FREE BOTTLES ail differ eit. of his New Discoveries ALY afflicted reader of the Pariod Uo RIER Taber wi, lang COURTIR, of {a L writing for theo, His "New Scientific Treatment” cured thousands permanently hy timely use, and he considersit a sim pi ie professional dat ¥ to ane humanity to donate a trial of hiv in Science daily develops and this great chemunt, perimenting for years, reatiits as beneficu humanity as nn Hg oh { bry modern genius, Hin assertion lang troubles and plo curable in any climale pro “heartfelt {ot tors of i his American an {aries in Lo in all parts Medic al ex parts COC chial, chest an of onsumption, whi means speedy and certain dead Simply write to T. A Slocum, | ; 88 Pine street, Now York, giving post office amd express i freee medi ine "will he promptly mufferers would talkee vantage of His generis pn Please tell the Dovtor his «Mor in the PATTON UK ng Tee paiien As Lira sallering anh that are YL By Hind ios pitRg 153 bea Care LEE inng i wy 4 Mla reas EELS | Histanst ppm On Wl Wi Rik ti Hi BAW things which There are three Little thing more work than things created they are tiie bee and DeWitt's Little Ear the last being the famous little pill stomach and liver troubles Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy any other No-To Bae for Fifty Centa £31 uaranieed tobnaoup Ball cure Mmahios wenk SOc, $1. All druggists | One Minute Cough Cure, cures. That is what it was made for. to the merits of Remed Y ax and oMelent alles chamberlain’s cough of Inost preparations It broke an exceedingly dangerous cough mat in 24 hours, and in gratity for, I¢ inform yo never he without of the remedios am general. It is the one thounand. Niece To i desire Wo one the valuable wy the market dexire to it ani vous alo Per gi yd your nigh esteem held hy petite pened y ten ii. Downey, Ind. For sale W. Hodgkins. Democrat y aM Patty edit by What Dr ALE Saller Says. Ruffalo. N. Y Gem From my Joes PROTA newled ge. gained in observ. tr Lhe. t of vour Shilol’s i of Tvane conmimpts pres Holy to aay it is the mo abiie renn wiy that has ever been Fas fo Casi TE A wt petri bee 13 wht £4 my attention it Serial y md many from wid % k tarner Drug Store att pian stands SX0rent ren Caorge WW Alem TFia'y re which also the fir croup troanbies, gharmacy and a BP & Bwindi; Ww Ld thi are anxious to do a litle gx s world and can think of no anter or belter way do it recommending One Minute coug! Joonsump- tion and all other serious In ng troubles i that follow neglected « ew pleas an hy 4 } to Frye » - 1 Care as a preventive of pneumonia eodid 5 | Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy. Poonsvivania Odd Follies, official organ of the “The Riftingw'’ Grand Sire of Philadelphia, gave puting of of the Ould in Penusy Th or Suivi Fu i Vania # Fas LEY Through J.B the 6 Nich son, the work vant: rebilp io Pennayl 5 hrotiors dlowin number working HL viamber of - GAR ane Wis ii ARE i families poll for Byrd bs baey » Rr HW - tyre ir sigaesiad relief, Arnage anpay bvani ie RTD 044 aeleded the pontribate of och of order R1 a%0, 851.73, mak The Penn { hes - Be wa 2 iF ANG 0 vs four foes in member widows oon Persiv ivania con. 1503.84 to the Wildey in IRTA, to ham barsbirgy anffere Bi A510 wD Noort hy ree £13 Tee re po Nido ded Bian in "82 tn and Woinonnsin, NTR to Chi re your, io fiw: iW Y: 1875, 48: ISTH $1 667 13; wpa, 81196 nestawn suflererg re, ™ 4 wi la sie loi and Of Oy /E (WY Total, 5 (W7 % Washington and Palimore, To Washington seanion, the company has arranged for a series of low.rate tenaday exciomdon to the National Capital, to leave Pittsburg March 17, April M4, and May 12 Round. trip tickets will be sold at rates quoted helow, good going on special train in. dicated, or on train No afford visit in Railroad An opportunity LO while nt Pennsyivania JTONR ie burg at S110 pm, and returning, tickets will be good on any | regular train exoept vania Limited. These tickets will i oY ar their limit. Special cars and will leave at 10:58 ate, §7.35 number of passengers not the running of Lhe Company reserves the 3 2X. trait Viekata of Wa - at T'nion Ticket the Pennsyl Raltimore id Ca within through wl to sts yp $ gnc =f ain parlor oot hes {pees A mm Shogld the he ati float to warrant wowrial train, ier ty BArrY EE 3 Spans ty thin regilar » Pitisboryg, Avanne, , ‘ ih 'nion Station i rent oneal abave For Close Out Nook pit Wrestle in oar store mae room fr Ar bo ima Latin BLpor- Le it lasts. Cadl at ones MIRRIN & RUSNE CABTOILIA. H. " wey y THE» DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve Cures Plies, Scalds. Barns, Ripans Tabujes, Ripans Tabules cnre ditzine Ripans Taboles eur ORDINANCE Ast Oriani the (roperiy Wap FX A Flows wagh NO. 42. Tax ri the Rnmvnning thwsiers hE Ase ie aT Adjacent $3 ath amd or Burgess and Town Borangh, and it the inthority of actaal NECTION He if enpeted nine by the af Patton aie ted hat vised reid i feral hy the same, whersns, tae af on Beech avenue, comet ing the sewer on beginning at ailey year Fifth avenue and ending in Chest Ri4n 0 ATH pro and Ald i ascertained ta be af sewer there MAKING A dollars 3in wil id ted and virdninesd in assessed all the Pr dM Bowing Prop. adjacen gail Strvel. wrwer, tthe following oth Treas of the did tad same go a eae fe gn ge de Bw i BNE ofl aE rd Co Hungary, President of Council, Clerk Burgess NGS, CAIRERNY, the v the thi of February, . PRINDIBLE, Burgess, 4, leaving Pitts carrying 8 throng sleeping cars to Washington, alae he the most won ; LE Ghia wy ; in whew colin al conwipgliong Famed irs a box orte me ded and AEE Lo ¥ al drusgists Announcement. I hereby annoanes myself as a can. didate for the nomination of Assembly subidect to the roles of the Republican party roof Cambria county An me RJ YOTHERS Hastings, a Ie your Beslth Your Bapidiess 1a your Throat clear Keep ihe Hund and rd bralnisnivwnys CUS A va TE THO. INHALER: wl tosh re iat 0 mean a ’ hy BME TR ov Avhrs : fk shus a CONN 38 pate 0, , TiscEr Nan, i, Ca . . (et Your FIRE INSORRANCE = James Mellon, J. P. and reliable com- (ood panies, CfMoe corner of Fifth and Magee Aves Patton, Pa. - FirstNation'l Bank OF PATTON. Patton, Cambria Co, Pa CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00, SURPLUS, §30,000.00. Accounts of Corporations, Firms Individe: als and Banks rvwived den the mont vor. his era consistent with safe and svtervative hanking Stemmship tieXets fr wale Sor al? the laadin Hines, Povetin Duffle pavable in the principe i ecition of the O14 ad All oe dence will have onr prompt and personal attention Interest paid on Le depoatis A E PaTrox, Wx H Sasnrombd, President. Cashier. arnell & Cowher FIRE LIFE AND ACCIDENT oe Loans and Real Estate. OFFICE IX GOOD BULLD'G Telephone Connected. Pome MCALL & JOHNSON, PROP. Is the place to ranging in prices up. All meat guar he fresh of quality. HONEST WEIGHT! buy your meat from 6 cents ranteed to the best YY hed 1 ana And mone: worth no sale. is our motto. 3 your VS or sa HAVE YOU TRIED US YETY McCall ® Johnson, Patton, Pa. Great Bargain Sale at QUINN'S, JOANSTOWN. The entire and Misses’ sold at a Wa wil aver, of Ladies’ furs will be sacrifice in prices ay of these goods be sold, and it is ] to buy cheap as they can come and pot a bargain. Wao sell the best yvard-wide bleached muslin at 3ie vard. Outing cloti at 4¢ yard. Ginghams al 34 yard, Cut prices on ladies’, misses’ and children’s underwear, the lowest made *T QUINN'S. Mia ping stock als aud greed i not They everybo ivi Hee must IHILURR an
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers