VOL. V.--NO. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA. THURSDAY, MARCH 24, $1.00 PER YEAR. VISIT L. W. COO SD HPARTM. 0 af ALTOONA, PA. rand offer Save your checks. On January 1st, 18g9, 1 will give to the person return- ing the largest number of my Cash Register Checks Of stand: Will 3s Sept 1 1h Ful I Particulars Later on exhibition 1n yy I Patton Pharmacy. parFifth and Beech avenues, Oppo- site School building. ARDwarge. A woodman 1s known by his tools, and he is a good workman in the same propor tion that they are good tools We have the best line Mechanic's tools, complete line of paint brushes, carry the best line of cook stoves ‘and ranges, of Capello, Columbian, and Cinderella, all fully guaranteed. Just received all varieties of Gorden Seeds. Give us a trial order Furniture Department. x» Lid Come and examine ol new line of Carpets, Matu ngs, Rugs, Window Blinds, Cur tain Poles, Brass Curta Rods, Pictures. Mirrors, Iron Beds! Well, to make a long story short, we can fit you out from cellar to garret. Aticons om Taesday March Not Talking Strike. Altoona, Pa, Marck 22 The con. vention of District No. 2, United Mine Workers of America, opened here day. The district is composed chiefly of Cambria, Clearfield and Jefferson counties. The ohjert of the meeting is to confer with the operators regarding the reference of the Chicago agree ment which calls for a raise of wages and eight hours for a day's work after April L The morning session was occupied in bearing reports from the different localities. There are 104 delegstes claiming to represen: 14,000 miners, At the sfternocn session, was secret, National President ford delivered an address and = was formulsted which will be submitted to the operators to-morrow. The miners think the war scare will foree : Atlantic coast shippers to grant the concession demanded. The strike talk is not of a positive tone Held at $03 Wil Sowrn be BResoly The Patton Wooden Manufacturing ‘company is making several extensive improvements on its plant in Patton { Over 150,000 feet of lumber have been | purchased for building purposes and | Work is going on enlarging and over haaling the plant, some new mactanery will be placed soon, and before many ‘days the company wili be in 8 position to furnish all kinds of building material, ete. L. M. Patterson, the president of the company, was in Williamsport, Pa. on Tuesday looking after struction of the new handie and spoke machine, which is being manfactured in that city. The members of the company have carefully investi- gating their resoumees of this nity for obtaining hardwoed 10 erted into handle in great quality. Lome £0T. brig CHAEY « and spokes, and found it and of fomet be long antl the hum of the saw and blowing of steam will be beard at the new industry, which will be welcomed by Pattoniles shandanoe {he it will not School Roepaori The following is the report of township school in Patton for month ending March 2ist: Number 67; average sttendanoe, 57. Perfeot in attendance: are Dyooskey, St ¥ Sponskey, Edith Lansberry, Iva Lan ‘berry, Ftta Martz, Fdna Platt, re ephine Lasoy, Catharine Sponskey, Dennis Mitchell, Abraham Wilkinson, John W HKinson, Tiyan. Rponskey, ‘ Joseph Sponskey, Jose ph Lanoy, Walter Wotchacoskey, Oliver Tidswell Miss ing one day James Wilkinson, John Gregory, Joseph Mitchell, Mary Mitch. eil, Bertha Farabaugh. Regina Fara baugh. Frances Rolka, Thomas Bailey Crraa Duxpaax, Teacher RIO Nlasin 1 Fy hey amg Sy shila adie ¥ . A Bicyrie Offerd L. J. Kerr, proprietor of the Filth avenue bowling alley, is now offering a new Cleveland bicycle 10 the perwon making the largest score in ten pins Billy Moore, is at present in he having rolled © 268% in ten frames. Tre the jes, are of Theme whe are 0] lowing ciose after him are John Walk “Jack” Scheid, Harve Lingle, * Shorty” Brown, W. CC. Habbard Ed Moore and Dr. Worrell, The above score is Lhe largest ever riade on the alley and the other enthusiasts are making a strong effort : he Invincible sex * 0 ae Ro Pol? Lo hieeak Po Pos italia ¥ TENTS Mahaffey Scmane: The Mahaffey summer will re-open on Monday, April d 10a m., for aterm of ten welts, ander the able and efficient manage Prof 8. K. Rank, who by J. C. Williams, a graduate of the State Normal shoal, of Ind Tuition Teacher's grade, $s mar grade, $4.00; dress all Rank, prin: Normal Shea. GOrnel schoo . WN, at Wii bw passed May Erve Patton Order of Odd Fading templating the opera hoase and | A commitlies | secure data on which can be secur that definite arraznipemel made. The pe met with much enconrsgvm majority of the cit 3 3 ou 2 w ik dge., 3 % jet >. 8 izens of Closing 3a We are o Josing vial slow at cost in order spring goods tunity while i Patton Markets Subject to market changes Butter. a Cabbage 3 Buckw haat Potatoes ~ Onions... 3 MINERS STORE (0. | Limited DEATH OF HON. A. BARKER Ined Suddenly Friday, March A SKETCH OF HIS LIFE. Was a Member of Comgress A Perrson:d Fries of Abvabkom Lr Toe Hon. A. A Barker burg, and prodably resident of Cambria connty inst 44 years, died saddens stroke of appoplexy in Altosma Friday afternoon His death came in 4 surprise. He had been in or four days and Friday office of Dr Blackburn treatment for an indmposition that be had experienced a few days efors his death As he entered the office of rr. Black: burn, Mr Barker compisined of feeling worse than usaal and the doctor had him ite sofa in the office made b anfortable. It was was lving on the sods that he Preath was probably Vad of Fhwors best Enwn y Goring the fr ea £470 tf A Ateswmia (hires Hs 5 3 wnt 0 the te: reawive down on lhe axl Wie he Bregtherd hie last painless The fu Chane sw} place at Ebensbarg on Monday at 2 pm Rerviees were held in the Ebene burg Prestyterian chareh and were in charge of the 1. 0. OF lonlge of tha piace. Rev. Merle Anderson, Nis pas tor, preached the faneral sermon. His remains were followed 10 the Lioyd by & iar FRE GODIOOUrSE ef friends, including the differeat societies of which was 8 member. Among the many beantiful and appropriate floral offerings were ane from Patton Lodge, No. 1088 1. O. OF. and Wash- ington Camp, No. 23% P.O 8 of A of Patton. Lowok ww ner of the C4 dE Ty Foe Barker wrong oid i he had of this having have hewn 82 years lived the eh born in Loveli costors were were among he England: His ; 4 £3 the i won em 8 Je SEALER ERA, Me if 5 AL were Guile MWagre, ce FRE RAG ed ey 4 ani HE Bit Ri Ti WE (od ERT. DAD deavor be followed in Bis native ou anti] 1854. In he came 0 Pennwylvan in Carvolltaosn, November of Ln 4 0 | RART 3 es od remained for two years theeis $3 85 aE Eiensburg, where he remidiend After SouAng to Cambria county Barker continioad in the Mr farses baad. ness Bod in 1558 added to 4 meTcan lee business wihaoh then hi he foimmed unt Sine gaged in any mineh time in exlensively in the United ! States Mr Rarker was elected tn Congress in 1884 from the dstrict ouimiposes] of of Cambria Min Xiasiin, Neer bition Mr af having baery veal Dow, tions a great was Lh Maine He Yinooin Mans RB ChCis President Ey Was 1h ugnrated. Mr. Barker bel fraternal Row of Temple of Hos the Crrand waved wrged to 8 pam He Tesarizr a Logan a RL a bt PRAISES RES, i 4 £3 Grand ¥ Wis & ihe Ebenisbnry ” . PAY Ra Bown shames Le wii r In 142 0 a - T LAL Mr wun Barger EPG or Porc an Panky IRL If you are going to move and peed a new stove or range, drop in and ex- amine the Cinderella. Thousands in nee, an’ not ope failure. Sold by J E irk Hardware Co COUmCHE. PROCEEDINGS Of Mee ing Held Tier, Pa March Bern igh cine op Mont IRD, pe March wy Nigh Patton 1508 Patten eotyredl chars reguiar with LA very bare 1 Monteith Hub bard, Jones Anderson and MeCormick The minates of regalar meeting he on Monday night. March ITih, and spec inl meeting. Friday evening. March ith, were read and spproved The president appointed ing oommittess 0 TERETE bers this Monday WREST the wid prea t ii Omi Ea *3 RETR R year Finance bard, chairman: dD. Bair Street chairman: EP. Anderson Fire and Poli Bigir. chairman Lhe motes arr it tee. W P Mo fg E wie E i Mol ormick and {oma ties of Sehedd, and secomded Mol orovck, R tha WER by Carried east side Magee an propery Tenn Fours ried i Read ta 1 tor rece {In WN Ril property Fils Bamcli avenoes, and ers on Magee avenne, be an a Fi Ld Bi AZ homed ananimonsdy WT OX avenoe, bHelwesn Ba Avenpes, Dw walks down haar enotion of Hobbard, and seoopnded by Andere: wh, HE Was ananimotely Ry rend that the gnestion of hting streets be referred 10 Street { ciation Om motion of Habbard, snd seconded Sereid 21 was arr that animosly Tan § rest og gt a the Stewed { conmitiee vod to ssceriain who have not lad beard Brroug ho of Paton and Burgess td wRiks in Hw 5 Crp motion of Scheid, and secunded 3 eormack, 1 Was unAr carried that the Street Comnm ral referred to the LEENA i ¥ Ener § Fores, and seconded sasanimonsly carried ba Rw ais 2s Ae Hom oom tg Sa E eel al Monday, malar meeting as Adina Tre toe Dryers Whe wh by TL RIS ONIA COGN Wo Hon AX ard Banal {> Fo wel heredyy Fs the Attorneys Room Ebenstarg. Pa Ines. al 19 attending Wo wl Hoo in April 4 the peirposs of of said appointment, at and | pis ¥ Atte ever share Rid DETRGOS hleresiedg boo oi pe from Setarre ComIIng 3 of sabd fund 08 588 Mui HR of B Ww a Fed a peg amg 2 Tat aa WM De Waa lea bath ae a Rien: A5eT » Praeticas Palallhag etts, practic Nat Gral wy cond mitations of ocak, ssh mahog Woot cherry, walnut and Can paint a sign and hang wall paper. Uses nothing buat the best of materials. —y § C. 5 % op TS bh we jmtribaite the funds ORT 13 FINISHED + WR wi Laat WILL. KNOW SOON. The a A jem of May © Poop PA as to ue mdi West, Faa, March rancher Marin nited Rfates NAY val 22 Lannsten- ve ad voeats FT Key ant oon of the 1 Fryert Ld nt thas rem of the Pug , jeft Key his way io W ssbingte LET are rv West thas aflernoon i day. and Rear with Commander Marix spent several hours farther rey the officers except Paymast Carthy have recs in ie Ad Bers, # bere ast week This tos bee gov require ox idbibn BE The majorit Maire lexve Miami eave to-morrow foo Tamia Balms leg ving ; Marx sad soothe sonssde red ol “f teerhnical is Be bo Et Win WHET the he Armee on as was Thought a Baw dave y of the officers of tbe this afternoon for remasinder of (bem ee 2 3 An Tow SINAN given mer Wests ag could Sue wnt Adsl i Ww Ci cra or ne fn mander sai at completing Team If the tran ~hninew will arrive documents ti Troe TRA 8 mainty the rep Maine was Ht or aa ¥ oh ge DRURS Ow niers TaN RSET og an Sorings. Blair county as pastor of the Patton + has W a4 Tx WE MOOR EK ws # pplnted ME Wasson, who Was App of the M E chorh at Saxon, Bedford cou Loe chumh AR DRSLOT nly = Waa the 3 x 2% this Fring and evening sx period at TE ee strong « he should few fant is 1 , ATE PINT STS XeT Bogda 0 Fos in man mas arena ¢ akar 2 sunt LOT ape embers and Ala wen ows Be aa ATLA NaC Fe agement. Ee Line Spel WHS 1 ARO . . ; It is the purpose of the Sh 4 and Dave Low Cas Veh w ns Ee TALL : a atl a Ramee fon oud Tn aa ¥ 4 BE Dliances farnkh 2 fret em ASK WAS aaa ZL DL BRYe Er Diese Di RE we bo Bay omens fond h wilt M Wil: Pw oka y farther steps VERN To pete Loe OUIREISATION SUE MEouh airead vise Bnandal Ea ircaiars sent oul by the Ures son Springs company the indications are the Mountain house will not be open ped this season. It is reported on good anthorty thal the famous Be a resort will in the near future be turned into a military academy SRAWGE WETTING Fell = Loretto on Monday. $0 The Progrem Tow | ria County Pomoes Grange will convene in regular quarterly ses sion in the Parochial Hall imei om Monday, April th, 1998 The morn Dg Mews 3 Was the CRE order and on hearing PEAT A Sabor: inate Oranges, general ds be Aferns ar 158 Following = the program: “Wheat and I. Furrsh Thotien of tha Ww of mubewrd mate Granges.” Annie J. Beiter, “Advant separator,” Joseph anas and Pasa! Yabhuer, “The Me H J Bannan, Wrawbherry sadare,dohn F. Thoamns: Annw Fe Tax be Apr sn al CRETE will be Ge voted Foryas = rtereats of CE ATI, ON MERAY WL Pea Fug £5 nn rn Ae. PER aaTE a £35 a VIET £ TERI 3 Ideal Grange © a The: Cle be + i uly # nde pron : Program as Prima Thomas: sublert of “Coed Ferdinand KitZell of bye Basnan meg at ron Jed Wa, tates hort the Batley, editor Ff the lohrstown Daily an address > Roads” Lamette and Wm Cary: “How Bey Foyer Puy Woes Iain ho © eroned farmer 7 Warmes W and proprietor Personal Tie pr wt Tue 1% Patrons mg ha J 3 if | 4 AE GR wih TTR ren : wi at earh asssion orgs wnt music } will he met at ENN TT eT Foam attend By arder Bxeentive Gp W Carita GARRITY. Kent eX Peis b4% Fm, April Ist The sale of Westfledd bicycles All wands etal wd ANE A SpewiRily rR Wii be ged DeWitt s Little Early Risers, The famous fille pills ARAVA VE VHB VLH EWE LPR RL IVY Dry goods ~~ § and las TRE BEST QUALITY THE NEWEST STYLES TRE LOWEST PRICES Out of Town ; Purchasers # AVF THA BHI RB HHA PHIL L HH HS TH HHP VHP H BVH PD PVPS HVVBLALSV LEAR VBL WANN Admired by his friends. ial emi thee Tee 1 wind : oe waar ers wiih foie swt em af gels wo © ¥ ~ Tp 3 hat LM Dinsmore Bros., PATTUN. PAL
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