THE PATTON COURIER, MARCH 17, 188. Onion sets at Cash Grocery. Dr. A. Laino, of Gallitzin, spent A. R Frvckimd, of Baricsboro, LE For fine cakes and pies go to Dane {Sunday with his wife's parents, Mr. was a welcome visitor to Patton Mon- bakery. {and Mrs. Andrew Lees. day. Onion seta for sale at Patton Supply | The Patton Coal Co. is putting in a Qnecial attention is called this week Oo. Store. new boiler at the Columbia colliery 14 the new advertisements of A. C. Fred 8. Kelly came up from Johns. | while the works are idle. Fisher, wall paper dealer of Patton |. W. Hodgkins has recently had the and Wm. Murray's Son & Co, of town on Monday. Children’s fall and winter costa at front of his store be santified by having Altoona a fresh cont of paint added. | = 8 : Mirkin & Kusner's. ” . GO | Phe familar face of W. 8. Kregar, a Patton Markets. SLENART Colleges of 2h ar tories hate Cg Le re em oa They say the cook at $ ty we | traveling salesman of Pittsburg, was Subject to market changes: CARRIAGE AND SARNRES MFG. 08. W. 5 FAATT, Sudy; EIARARY. INN, { tanrant is No. 1. -16tf ’ Rutter % conte pit prynd ——— JC Ww f Ch m seen on our streets Monday. Cabbage S CONS Jr pos . OC. West, of Chicago, 111, spent! . a . > & eo 7" 7" asdaales : Sains ” our town. oi Pe i PW. Beeman, Esq., of Madera, Bre 6 4 Aosen am ' ' ' Tae d | was a pleasant caller at the COURIER Potatoes 0 “bushel : Ciriey 1 me Wm. Ingles spent Sunday with Gl i « on Friday of last week. ae ’ > Mixers Sore (Co, | Limited | daughter, at Glen Richy, Pa. Mise Laura Hammond, of Johns : | Get your spade and hoe sharpened - town, is visiting at the home of Albert 5 | soon time for garden making. | Curvin and wife on Fifth avenue. You re Not 0 Hata, CHPS and mufflers, also gloves H. H. Hubbard, who has been visit- ¢ at cont at Mirkin & Kasner's. ing his parents at Beech Creek for the The Cash Grocery is headquarlers past ten days, returned to Patton on for everything in the grocery lines. Monday. js visiting relatives in town this week. (County Pomona Grange will be held in Oontractor M. M. Crain made a the Parochial Hall at Loretto on Mon- business trip to Spangler Wednesday. day, April 4. 1 i Rea guditors statement of the bor- Geo. Bent, who was an employe at { ough accounts in another column this the Columbia colliery, has accepted a a RAJ), Jc | week, position at South Pork. He moved his Onsh Grocery. The McCormick Rod and Gun Clab family to that place on Tuesday. | See change in Buzaar ad this week. ‘meets every Saturday afternoon for When you take a trip to Ebensburg ns ; ; S108 vy i At Hastings Opsra H on Friday | | practice. nop at the Rlair house and you will be | Nout Rodkey, a prominent business sed all right. Accommodations ex- ‘man of Spangler, spent Monday in cellent and rates moderate. 69-tf, Friday {our town. Cassius F. Baker, representing the Ow ¢ | a Linn, of Beech Creek, is spend. M. I. Wilcox Company, of Toledo, O i Kusner's. te below at Mirkin & a few days Among friends in Patton maunfacturer of awnings, ele, Wie looking after business interests in Pat Oysters on the half shell at City | chi week. - ton Thursday of last week Restaurant. | St. Clair Bishop and John Keys, of an Thursday 9 ae. ! Philipsburg, are stopping in town tor The editor of the COURIER wishes to i a (live the Cash Grocery one trial and | afew dyn thank C. M. Letts, proprietor of the 45 YOU Ww ould be 1 you will call again. - City Restaurant, for a neat box of ,.. chris Viinntn a i Ths new Goldstain block will soon be | Again oe COURIEE debs i p —e Colombia Mixture smoking tobacco. ) ou were jocate d near- resdy for occapancy. 5 RE ony ? Charley certainly has a wine head as er the €( l uator an d vou ; Go to Dsus’ Bakery for your fish dd the present could not have sent to any ‘on ’ : fresh bread and cakes. | Green a Taam ro “Pini: | one who could appreciate the favor any Are MN it ol taming such - Next week will appear the report of en Strat oT radish, ete, ab one than the writer. 2 } uran ; ; the Patton Public school. ¥ The Carrolltown Single-Tax Club Now is the time to fix ap your board . ead . A few more niov days will bring out] oe Tt shocid be done before some a. Ts or as you would if youl the tralling itis hunter. one has the misfortune to fall on same Mera James B. Pu and Dr. were t ] k RIP th . Oambria county is certainly on the 4 nrobably receive serious injuries pr gan. ik da: oo 0 look over C| ternperance order this week. ; +. H. Sloan; recording secretary, Ur ; a The nd Hike the rest of the | Don't say advertising doesn’t pay Joseph V. Mauncher; treasurer, Law ha rgal ns we Are ofter- eat ie os, the te {Just becnnse you tried it one day and rence Volk; lecturer and correspond. - ha : Go oi ay 8 On PH got no returns. It's astrong and clever ing secretary, J. 8. Foley, ng in to in usner and see their... who can drive in a nail with one Ap exchange say RADE : : 3 An hange says that the newspaper fine line of fall and winter coats. -1t blow. Fix. field is a wide field of roses and thorns, C LOTH | N G, Roaders y in swig nob iiss setuli BE | Mr. Goldstein, of South Fork, spent When You FoRst the preacher the un. Sb OES the new ade in thes COURIER Monday in Patton hustling the work £OCiy mile, When you Teast the an- Joe Murphy in “Kerry Gow” at Hast- ;, his new building along, which he godly the preacher smiles. If you HATS igs Opera House Friday night. Don’t axpects to take possession of at an roast the sgloon man the teetotaler ’ it. early date. : smiles, when you roast the testotaler C A PS SH | RTS ’ » the saioon man willingly sete them up ” ¥ A L Riggs and T. M. Thomas, of Mim Hoxie Smith, who has bee : pl Rien aud TM. Thomas of Mim Roxie Smith, who hae Mon yo wear youre « wicked man. GENTS FURN- HD we visitors atton citing her sister, Mrs. J FE Parnell, _ oo» you pray you are a hypocrite. If ¥ the past Sh ry WE duu E ¥porit y. of Palmer £rasye for © pas bi you have an opinion you get ctased, ISHINGS. : ¥ yoo ip re Notdny Wy Te herbs = Po oand if You don't you are a nonetity, Seton sm iA —————— night in Patton the guest of his brother, ton, Pa., Satarday. : The preacher knows one thing. the You can always find FRESH GROCERIES At our store and of the very 1. Wyland came over from Spangler best quality. Our store is headquarters for everybody Prices are as low as the low- est. MINERS STORE ¢ LIMITED. values for your money | AT — ————————— JasdbisbbbssbbbisbibbbbbissbbabIIRERMIRMREISRRIISRMMIA MARI AMA LALA LALA UA LLY wis) H. G. Dill. The COURIER is under obligations to saloon man another, but the newspaper Woli & Tho [ npson. John 8. Morphy, of Brookvilis, Pa. the Corner Drug Store for a beantiful man is expected to know everything. transacted business in Patton one day box of Lowney's celebrated candies Inat week. which are considered the finest and prarest on the market, se : : : E £ E FE & t E = gE : 7 (Governor Hastings has designated . Ls Clennine Cosmo Buttermilk S ap, our Ladies’ Dress Skirta lined with tals All sizes Fleetric Sewint ean. alan mrt TY ogapnt eo Babbar wered Brid wtb. valenieair: Ploagiched $i Moshi sobd Slaw ha coular price 7 cents; sale prio se fetta and finished with velveteen bind. Hesuohed Tih Massing, sold #lsew here April 6th and 22d as Arbor days in Robt. A. Kinsloe, Jr., of the Philips. (0 reg : ; : proved and warranted, 25 in paper, : . Sidi at Res ve sn 4 Fekae ah bors. ev gg Pennsylvania burg Bituminous Record, visited his jg. ar B ¥ ing worth $1.25: our price 38c each min i This Week: when we ent sale Oe LO * YA brother. Editor W. A. Kinsloe, over ’ i. (Good's store is headquarters for * : ’ farmers to purchase ad goods a Sanday, and while here made the Dr Warner's Coraline comets, sold Cambrie lining, sold regular by other : CoURI¥R a very pleasant call. regular at 81; our sale price, 88 pair. merchants at 5c: our sale price Je yd reasonable prices. Bldg ik : ir t ; A. Dibble, the genial traveling sal Thos, Whitehead and Ed. Morris who were employed at the Columlda on le Daas Ce man of Johnstowri, had business in this : Tetious Baby Powder. A rare com- i ; ; : place on Saturday, enlliery, left on Friday for Briabin pound af borated lalcum for infants; Y : BR horn spring roller, cheap al ito; sale where they have secured positions in worth 25, 10e box. : IB ER price 7 cents Patronize your home bakery and the United colliery at that place. : : buy your bread from Dans, oppo ny Li Palmer house, P Father Isadore, pastor of the St Mary's Catholic charch of Patton, has | HER ] Rev. D. M. Cann, pastor of the resigned his charge. At present writ- ww B hurch Clearfield, Men's Silk Saupend ald olan Potter's Five Quarter able ai} cloth, ple at a Was» (ing i has Bot been learned de Bait y SpapunhOuh mv sine. the same goania others ask 132 sir =ale where tw wale oe $4 ie A ep erp oe SC Special Sale of HOUSEHOLD DRY "+ W. J. Pyle, a traveling salesman of man. : Philadelphia, was looking after busi- The Ladies of the M. I. Society of GOOD news Interests in Patton on Monday. English Lutheran church will have : > ; EY fresh home made bread, pies and cakes sivsl am . inal Fish, meat, lard, syrup, vinegar, for sale at the Er store of tie. ] trond any pe gingham, the fy ' 1 v .ly ; , ; Unbleached table linen 58 inches four, piaton, ouiota, Apples, red Mi Evans Saturd = re a - Zane — tN sok a8 lancaster. We went to the jnagnet last week with a determined wide worth 39¢ yard; sale price 27e beots, radishes, scur and sweet pickles Misses I $ day afternoon ee | purpose to get goods for nome use that would make a sai : : and evening March 19th. { : 3 \ y at Cash Grocery 8 : hitherto unpar allelled. We succeede d in the frst part and ices ; ). H. C. Warren his large crew | 5 hy if its Fat % eon, of c busily Ta a =e we : proceed at once to the second part. 3 s Age * i orn the millinery department of painting the residences of Samuel Bd- | Priendship K : Gold ~ #%.inch full bleached table linen. It the Bon Ton stor. mistou and Wm. Cramer. LJ Kerr's gpg sos i fl Bo il Co Read Eve ry iterm. i. worth ft, but our price for sale is Rev. Chas. W. Wasson is attending ‘block on Fifth avenue is also being sale price 10c each. y are the Central Pennsylvania Conference jreated to a coat of paint. of the Methodist Episcopal church at On Friday a match game of ten pina Danville this week. will be played in Kerr's bowling alley | ; | ished for the benefit of Patton Castle No DOMESTICS. - yard Ladies’ umbrellas 36 inches, natural opal i a ey Samp! solo | | 502, Knights of the Golden Eagle Be Da fen | Swias for sash curtains sbi LS. 176, wood handle, paragon frame; our sale | Each rolling team will be composed of valae le; our price 13c. 5 . . J yriee 430 each in the M. E. church Sunday night en- PRper nt the contest will be very, Giood heavy ticking, the 10c quality Satin Finished Nainsooks soid at 15¢ titled, “Fear ye riot oh Israel.” | exciting. per yard elsewhere; our price per yard 0 : 3 CO y TOW J. Edwin Parnell and M. B Cowher FOC. Rev. N. O. Patterso i d t have each received a new Phenix bi- Sunday with er ror Ee 42-inch pillow case muslin, not the s¢ Linen Lawn per yard cycle. They took a spin on the cinde er ey Shore and will remain a tow! Harkey Rea Table Damask, 64 inches © heap qu ity, per yard He. = Boy %' Silk Suspenders, made to sell path along the P. . R. on Tuesday. w id by others at 25¢; our sale lac. at 100: during this sale at S¢ pair days the coming week to complete price 9c. Large size cotton towels sach Hon. James Karr, of the Peale, Pea- | arrangements for moving on the fleid. | White Star unbleached muslin, per ; 3c cock & Kerr Coal Co., denies that the The Baptist pulpit in Patton will be yard a : Patton Coal Co, has booked a U. 8. supplied by Rev. J. H. Rowe, of Rarnes- | 3c. Turkey Feit clio, the Se kind; sale, Navy contract for 400,000 tons of coal. boro, next Sunday. Sti heavy. Bather Hekinws, sativ price per yar : : ; © Ladies fine leather pocket books finished, worth 25¢; « sale price pe 25 places dress gingham compris A lodge of the Ladies of the Grand William Allen, a miner employed bY wii worth 25¢: sale price 19¢. Sialicrl NOIR Je) Sup Sepnevpe all the new styles and patterns . Army of the Republic will be organ- W. H. Piper & Co. at Lilly, was found | regularly for 10; sale price per yd Te ized in Patton in the near future. | dead along the Pennsylvania railroad To miss this Sale 1s like ! losing money. FS this The movement is under the auspices of at McGarvey early Sanday morning. Qale 1s Like fi ding meney. Mrs. Kinkead. The back of his head was crushed in, ‘ : broken helow the knee 5-4 all-Linen Table Ce Prin; : Ex-Burgess of Philipsburg Edward his left leg was : . Sd all-Linen Table Covers. Fringe, x . \ + al i < LOW] A 4 ; 3 . Rid SERS i A 1 + 3 3 Porterhouse McCormick, present vd his right arm dislocated, showing colored] border; ele Se sack. “ E BO N O N eng na 180, A en Tiedt Councilman of Patton borough, presi. that be had probably been struck by a J) yard 16¢ dent of Miners Brass and Reed Band train while walking on the tracks . : i » of Patton, and last but not least treas- Manager J. Leon Replogle, of the PA ! 1 ON, PENN A. urer of McCormick Rod and Gun Club Johnstown base ball club, yesterday go. +h Pi oy ch Plaid D Cie 28 inches of Patton, made the COURIER offica a placed an order with M. L. Woolf for . Warth ro Ee ep Ladies’ salonsd border xndkepehicih : « Ades core nraer ¢ rene very flattering call Tuesday evening a full complement of uniforms for the yard. Ladies’ well made night gowns, sold Large and small size patent safety s0id for 5c; our price cts and while in the editor's presence Johustown team. The suits wil be | regains at Soe; ale price 29¢ each pins sold in other stores at fc, sale produced the only genuine Spanish. gray, the shirts to have the letters’ Ji i price 2¢ dozen Cuban mummy in existance. It is A C” worked in maroon on the breasts. | | over 300 years old and is certainly 8 The caps and stockings will be black | Gok ol Sets kid ; itn. cotton. toweln:. XY 01. Fak Kiack “ : ust ask Ed. about it. He and the belts of heavy leather. J hns- | ght Calicos, (not the c¢ ind ), Arge size cotton towe 3 "ast Black Satine. ‘ould be cheap Rest Indi calio id Saslonty: te Ey 3nd ¢ o vy leather. -Jo | worth 5c y pie he P match them at 7c; sale price dc each | at 19¢, sale price 9¢ yard | Bop Mdige blue calico, worth 6c; sale } i : i Plain felt window shades with Harts sale commenced Monday, March ~th ends March 19th.
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