V.—NO. 15. PATTON, CAMB} CO, PA., THUR SDAY, MARCH 10 NOES - $1.00 PER YEAR. VISIT L. W. COOK'S D ao dd HPARTM. — LNT STORE, TOONA, PA. rand offer Save your Checks On January 1st, give to the Deron return- ing the largest number of my Cash Registe Of Staridurd make. exhibition Septontar Full Particulars Later ar Strong “My mother has been using Panee’s Cmisay SE EE renee pucuiar women. Patton Pharmacy. par Fifth and Beech avenues, Oppo- site School building. ARDware CATHOLIC STATISTICS From the Now Directory of the Roman hiuareh, The Catholic Directory for 18608 has lately ben isened. The Directory cons tains a list of every Catholic the United States, and its present ape pearance was looked for with cage as it is supposed to contain the first gener oial condition of the Catholie. chy in the United Sta weedy parent The Directory shows that the OC of the {ni amonnis te # R38 82 arate parmsh in rieeds i} sauthent PEC af the nomoers re H fem that has ever atholie Arte The targeat population ted dincess in the United States is that of New York as it comprises ita domains 825000 people Chicag second, with 850 (06: Boston next, with 806 000; Brookivn with a population of 500 006 Then comes Philadelphia, with sols. St lLonis has bot 119.139, It shows that there are 13 Arebbush ops in the United States, 77 Bly 2.774 clergy m in religions orders and 8.137 of the scalar dor srination Ti mak ing a total of 10,814 Ca “There are 5.08 charehos priests, and 3.477 charches, making Leharches There are 5 105 stations ‘and 18 universities 25 seculnr seminaries with stadenisa and 72 religions seminaries, with 1.871 students. There are 215 colleges for boys and 814 academies for girls. There are 3,638 parish schools, with an enroll ment of 819.575 pupils. There are 48 orphan asylams, which 33088 orphans are kept. The charitable institutions namber 757. The children in Catholic institations number #68 0564. wWitivin ba ROFLIIR 1565 09 ps, YEE Tr: ies & $< Sa i wit onli ved ana chiaples ere 2.8002 Ale The Almmahouns: Anpes Bide The bid of Keppie & Campbell who were awarded the contract for bailding the annex to the Almshouse was §7,0682, (says the Mountaineer Following are the other hide: David James, Johnstown $7.241; Davis & Clement Fbenshurg $7, 855: FP. Gillen, Gallitzin, 88 00: Wm, Lioyd & Son, Johnstown, §7,700; Justus Volk, Booth Fork, §.171: J. A. Shoe- maker & Co, Fbenshurg, $5541.91; Saly & Lucas, Johnstown, $8,756; Oliver Evans, Ebensburg, $85.264 9, Edward Overdorff, Johnstown, $5,155; lavonin Overdorfl, Brushvalley, Indiana, 88.724; W. H. Smith & Bro, Julinslown Bs 295; ‘J. 8. Davis, Ebensburg. without plumb. Ling, $6.500; with, $4978 . He The Cot BIER is in receipt of an tanded article dated at Westover, March 5th, and signed “RB which states, among many o dom and foolish things, that a cloud passed over that towr a few nights ago and wae described as like blood in enlor, and at times presenta the appearance of a big ball of fire. The writer did Had the Snakes, #X~ Pa Mew Foam va4¥ 4 THE LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS SOLD BY THE SHERIFF Friwos most of t Mond March 7. ~The in pores Fivaxharg oo vy, Mareh 7 Fhwnsbarg, Terast of Bier 1 ¥ > Nagle in a house and ot in Hanis faRen in £ Fix niin Building & lan TAM execution at suit of Asso in. hased by the pi sintif¥ for pun Sherif 'a sales hb Hartman in Haslfings, Tr 3 ES 5 WW sananaty Lio $09 ar the arg boy day he interest of Teress An of tamd in taken In Ax eeatiom Arr Williams, wis sold to Matilda Swope for $175 r & Loan forp the Weakiand and Gaarge Faker in a house and lot in The Equitaide Buildin Asso Thomas and Ee Spsquehanna Township plaintiff boagid of Peter D a house for gx Molinire and and in in exscution at Independent Building & Loan Association, of Altoona The writs were stayed in the cases of property of J. F. Marks, in Carroll Township; Thomas Lance, in Barr and Blacklick Townships; Francis Bearer, in Carrolitown, and Charles Lather, in Susquebanna Township. thie is wo tagen The Miners Mass Menting As per call a miners’ mas mesting was held in the Firemen’s hail Monday night at which District President Geo. Harris, of Reynoldaville, and Jas W. Kildaff, of Gallitein, both made vary able addresses in regards to an organi zation of the miners in Patton. which afterwards was consamated by a large number of members, and some action n the near future will be taken by same, Delegates from Patton will sent to the convention to held Altoona on the 231 of this month which gathering both the miners and operaters will be represented he weting in Firemen's hall wan well tended and the addresses made wore listened to very attentively and it trusted bay the COURIER thal a suitable of wages will be granted by which the can make a good, fair and honest living It would better for ety corned tte be at at be Ar- is a fn (18 the OperRiors, a scale al Laney certainly be all Cow fusnrance (os the COURIER apn the first anny statement of the Patton Cow Insurance Company, which orgasization was established in Patton about ane year ago. The state. ment shows that the company is doing a very nice business and has pro ba of great At present wriling it Eimewhere in pears tal van Wo A MOTI benefit to its many members NEW TELEPHONE LINE wwniimy Fed Johan i» Tine May he Fx teed od Patten the stockholders of the af A miei re . § { Pee Fale phone company was held at 2 o'elock the Becord other business iT was dew capital stock It was alse decided to at the Anderson house Monday Among LEO Pi $2,000 to §7, eanstract a line afternoon, savs fede to the from iW to Loretto te plarchase Fhensburg, it sa i AIR) from own to Hastings, that the Spangler w near future for told, ine aret witl Barnes. 3 rent Opens and J i, We are remain the same, 81 50 per month which is vers the {rites ix wmsidorati Hy The move 6 BL when extensive service is the stock of FO PO the CoMmpany i to extend the servies te the northern part of the county are stare which speak well for the com. pany, which is to be congratolated upon the way in which they the lines. The company ix well aged and the i yim rates Man. patrons will appreciate their move in increasing the efficiency of the service vertainiy STATEMENT Incncial Suit ament of Mate Instirancs Co. JAMES MELLON See's aro owdlewtesd Troan PI fae be Firs: ae nde oe paid FLO Y emer * lmnied Fists by by 5 OC Yeager Thevnas Lervshory Fin : i. A. Ms tv pone EY 5 fF avis of fend and farooed i MLE Sey wiv 58 printing #1 Comin Ten werd atthe ©2n w Fostnem Mellon srawt ava nding FORMAN (a NTE Servlary © 1 0, Mining OMeinls Addresses. addresses of DMs United Mine Headquarters Main stree!, Following Are Lhe trict No. 2 offloers Workers of in br of the America Troxeil's building, Cadiitaan, Pa Ail commanications intended for the district offfee should he addressed to the District Secrelary Treasurer, James Wo Killda®r Gal. litzin, Pa I nimt eid Harris Pa Francis Lodi sre = . eounty, President i Ley JoTerson Seale buy Lite fiat wip % wer Angin President Cambria 2 Lan Bn Taeywsig MCHA AN, Pa Exyeaniive £4 aanty, Patrick MeGowan, Pa Box M4. Sou Pa Box 548 aunty, Pa. Bois O° Board Lindsey, Jefferson county Fedward Wicks, Canhr th Fork, ra county, mes Napier, Mines, T1 Py I mgs 1 1 dT ATT, 140 Morrisdale Clearfield learfiald connty, Pa NEW COUNGIL ORGANIZED NEW CHIEF OF POLICE Md nrmiek, A Fak bs f OMew, Pa, March 7th. Patton Bor. Cotneil met #YeRIing In regular wewmsion with he following members present as per eoll eslls Habe bard, Monteith, Jone and Leadbetter Eiretod lerson and <eheid Fis hy §* % ation, otigh Kessler of on Wadnesday faineh mines arenting mse ting were road snd Fors Wm ford pressiated his meport PUT oN aud H Tost Sand of and MED Treasurer year on motion of Monteith, seconded hy Jones, it wax ananimonasly carrioel thug it be Thr Lives Ane woepted and referred orm Lew Weis lar carried Lin ms and seonded that the Manufacturing By Monteith, it was bill of the Patton lay of FMB fur wewer pipe he accepted and Clerk instructed to draw order for the MHNPADRY LR YIE On motion of Monteith, and seconded by Kessler, it was ananimously carried that the following resolution he passed : Be it resolved that permission be and is hereby granted to John Gantz ta erect a set wagon scales in front of bis property on Fourth avenne, the wane Lo he Ee not inter fers with public travel and under the supervision of the Street Commissioner, sald John Gantz at all thoes to keep sams in such condition that dam. pedestrians, vehiclon be reapansible for result by reason ar oanstroo- said Borough of Patton, have the the right to the sume and ol af placed =o ti) nao Ages ERY resiit to ar borses atid to such damages as may of a defective tio theron shall, at all take np therenndur or make seh other public vd wnediti sy timo, A SPURT pipes 1) sents ber A said John Giant ty hee np rae AR may 3 AERA y. aceseptanos of this ution hy Pty it contract 14 repdace and pay all dantages mentioned afiorvsnid Ti to Cloned folluwing j= aod wees sided tat it f13¢ 9! tition was preset tesd nf Mi SAREE) th, Leadbetter it till ME MM On and hy WAR carried he held over next rauiar To thax Patton Beers Pat hat OY Burgess and Town Council of We, wan the undersigned Borough, board walk on the of Magee and Fifth avenaes be lowersd and the steps re. aK the same a a detriment Buxinoss Fifth ave pedestrians pease tite | ros pect fully ask the northeast corner mys end wi consider $4 tr Lhe pro perty An OWiers incon venienee on 145 Le, and dangyrons ta U io and iimb cofved one vote and Holes four Cormick not Holes duly elec tod The next was sf ree! van Wil Hoe to Tr sioner for the cneing yaar. RF wore pominated Jotrem and Hiram Wilkins biadiof “kins AID aon Aa Jraries Wa HH hal op offlew of we position, was: aleoted ta thn Baroneh Tre aranimaons SITY Year R. Somervilis, [3% 3 Fay. aml y toad tes Thi dBi -3ijitis ee th { Ppt Sadie tor for OPPOoRi tion On motion of ¥ hy Jones, it Lis ofl Year. hw having no 5 ubbard, $1653 2 conded Was it RITES thal (oaoinai meed on i t and 34 Most ays of Lie eh HONG Vear On motion 1 $ x basil P3tiite el IVY NNER aE gnanirionsy Boe rr aR hy reg. March carried that the election of Engi alar held the next night, iter } meeting Monday, dist id me inanimounsly carrivad that the Clerk vary be $5.00 per month; Police $50 00 per man 1, $80.00 per year, 20 cents per hour for act and 18 sents for labor on stoveta On motion Hubtsrd, onded by Scheld, it was carrind that Borough ville he instracted to Un molting ¥ onded] by Jone S RRGArY rough Solicitor, Street (om 1iMmOner iki weTVicoe per hone done of and sec. ananimously Solicitor Somer defend Chief of Police Woomer in the case of the Com- monwealth va said H which came is to he tried JL MITIOr, at Ebensburg an Taesday, March Sth Conneil then adjonrned to next regular meeting night 21. IEW meet at March Al EE All who are interrested housekeeping should examine the Cin. derella Stoves and Ranges. The extra large and high oven smbodied in their baker Roald, guaranteed and secommended by J. E Kirk Hardware Uo in good construction insures a good Admired by his friends. To Test Alle: Tay Law . -~ W not state as to whether he ohuerved AnY snakes or Lreen ion, The advice of the COURIER to would-be war fanatic is that he less freely in hard cider and kesp batter hours and te about being enlisted among the first to CARITY a musket Badd i Girvwenie, F Marks WW. Cowher H CC Warmn A Repwher I. MM Patterson. ettel Rameryville «we Fad. A. Mellon, an 8S. W. Worrell re FA, has a membe rsh A woodman is known by his tools, and he is a good workman in the same propor- tion that they are good tools We have the best line of Mechanic's tools, complete line of paint brushes, carry the best line of cook stoves and rang iS The Mahaffey that last Wednesda: Sarr, an employee of the Beech Creek ral road, and who was of Patton, undertook to jonp moving engine, but he miseale the speed at which it was mon a false step can=edd him to a way an lo povegve & fracture of the leg The fracture was a bad one hot aside from that he was uninjured. Dr Ben. nett, the railroad surgeon, rexiuesd th fractary ef injured member 3ET8 p of 84 in good stand. in CW Hodgk t th riod : At the close of special court Monday © sp {ang ing. raring lhe of of ita exint. tr a 5 ® oy i. a : id : evening a petition of the Al WJ Dopnelly @ 31 VAR Dromiiiy DRIG seven Cisims x ; ho y . ” i y F : 1 . = ged { ake pany WAR presented to Ww H by, #7 % | dard ana much of ta sucess 8 Q0¢ To he i . . . alin he rofl. : : : 2 Judge Barker, that a writ of Jo B Asin untiring efforts of the former secretary, eat Chas. F. Lehman . . certiorari he bring up the wu Wills James Mellon, who resigned a few daya Tian lihb Bundy ; m ra, of Gale Wi Lewis ago and John ali 4 ; of test. his place for the ensuing vear.. Persons 0. C. Window 3 ¥ ry : alien Vm Craner cows should avail themselves opportunity hin vis. this 3 rept itr iN toana Coal Ai : imbibe Co a arking TI fn pn ae cy ~e is 4s Wii troubled ranted to . rei re it J slice Ji at h My § puis Cinnte was elected to is 2 : > itzin township, for the purpose soviet ing the Senutitaioamty of the WW Spencer YA Miva Tomi ru hile wind clothes tax law. This will be Cambria HH Dill. MM. Crain. . ga initial case in this line, ax the matter J RB Coraelias Jos. H. Hubbard oo tested here Moun of Mont : by Kessler, it was unammousiy carried that the following bills be accepted and havi ng of the trem heer John “tare Bacfraresd unity ‘a git Wit iege wat TF ant Yb Ek of bweomin : tum ts Camiatte wavs a3 len Yes evening John has not yet been £3 moth teith, and seconded Boeady for the T laineer. Landiord John RB t comfortably situated in his new hotel ™ asgal Mabafley, Pu, i now prepared to furnish the best ac. av eler Capello, Columbian, and Cinderella, a former resident Dinsmore Bros., PATTON {iroamer ix VI Chirelh Notioe aon a Ate! Clerk mstincted to draw orders fur the Patton Water Co, BSH for water rent fur the month of Feheaary: Jas. Mellon, £4.25 for ¥ § 3 x ai ¥ 3 hill rendensd. Howard BW 3 +333 ¥s oes will be STN PA Fine Millinery. ; Sane the Aukdine, at and is A aadint Eptscopal © 16:30 a meeting ring and h HT pot bid] the Preag hing al fall in auc xplomives, £54, (¥ month CHAT DN to the traveling public class after per the is furn. Epworth Leagne at £30 pm. Subject furniture as 0 he 4 ming sermon. “The Li of ; : tity malic i this part of the Eno rn mebicn, | Lan: vy Haoasowit SUCRE, vy id examine the Clndereila Hange HIRE 5 ar alations F 3. §. 3 # : He has had the Kuie, ¥ y i a Pood gil mepionieiet ariel Kil PERUAIEIe0 A interior of hose Randay twdorw > at for chief Febroary ¥ Pings wen ed ng every FHICE. MTV OES Tos ILO AA Gne fa all fully guaranteed. Just received all varieties of Gorden Seeds. Give us a trial order. town ‘council then adjonrned HE 4 The COURIER wishes Any aay die 2 2 By i Vuong 4 ¥ eo and has hopes saving the yt wer abundant i the cathe of Mo armick, Anderson and Joho Sebeid by Prindible. The Clerk new Uoancil ta order Hubbard ick prespce at linia Wiis Mare Pp Libesry hay Exercises a Niece ii Padres LORD, and hak tv the oy i wan fe pred HPO 1 k. Frank Hiproimes {per BL A Geo Vali Cinderella than mm any i hy 3 The exercises on Library an IRIE Le West ( wha fax 4 <3 tie aA wit tw Gramma hogs, scalded, scraped and bung them, BES YaTR YY nu her of visitors were the Pe piis af the cadtend the WW {' Ary ten was elected E. Wil emparary rendersd the and and salted husband was over wis oleetend Lincoln's birthda clerk. Wm t 1ent ay ug eral Cth * ii} Hiv 3% gy aud gh % i a Floadnd 1iiiN nid : in ia resipnal in Depar n . Bi ha toe march lor dispissal. Library das pe o if yet] hy ; k member of waned], which, on motion Bev. 1. PP. Hawkins nteith Biv wreak “RY 3 a ’ preach at 16:30 zm - Fis Y Fioters avenue, Patton. Four roonu : Wis acre ple Uy Sandav MM arch 13 3 oA 3 von il » i tary FR RE Bie Yalliiasreni = : ANAAY, Mal i a 5 . : . . lel At A Darga he next Sanday schol at 83% 4 nn 4 he members of the Janior Le . : PS CFE a a8 entertainment “1 Floats welcome recitation Anew a sw veral vedidew 3 i added Furniture down to the hi rrp y greatly Leadbetter then pespect- in will occur again in abe! three weeks . torn Trt welling on : i Ma Jones, and seconded Lhe Lao Come and exaniine our new line of Carpets, Mattings, Rugs, Window Blinds, Cur- tain Poles, Brass Curtain Rods, Pictures, Mirrors, Iron L Beds! Well, to make a long I have a nil story short, we can fit you out Which Iwill scl from cellar to garret. ladies kid | HDX. CO. Misiness wis the election of Alex 14] - : Sy ser i agg tae Erman Mon. 3 frame dwelling a permaaert preside Pir : All moder Friday M Beith was noimanated notion of OLIN, March ele. on ith, in Hibbard aeCndedd, he the ta} WAN Hil the SANS Taam dW Aik i cd Ai % 4 las Spee On April oth will have a Grand Opening of my millinery store when you can see my new line of Spring Hats all stvies and shapes and at all prices, a ¥ Paiiner avenue GLUE with Lhwaer 8 yi ATL.b 0 hae of ladies AM candidiites mode conven itl tireene and J Parnell 1 ng id cheap id all eavi wl weil Will be we All of above properties are in good of t fitted Aso they al $1.45 and all are cordially noiniiated as tor office 3 clerk and gpen a ve a Eoveisvs i while cert LOW Ad ANNA DD sa ry in the inte The Mil gloves xt dws Mas A volle¢ction wil of the Juniors, fur the hallot (ireene Parnell e themiture being duly H. 5. Wocmer and G. D. Holes wera nominated as candidates for the posi- tion of chief of police for the ensuing year, and upon a ballot Woomer pe- SRsQIng by ane, rest ner Als | wish to announces that thie ser vices of Miss Allee A. Asheroft have beret sec tired in trimming depart- ment. Mrs. Anna Dartt, PATTON, : hem will make votes and il prove a fiat inyone with any capital PARNELL & COWHER, Real Estate Agents, tiood Building, Patton, Pa. anid condition fle hom hosing Out stock any EF oeth Bor &% 00 stock in our store Woll Cire) elected. ny make Don’t miss this oppor while it lasts, Call at once. MIBKIN & KUSNER. ciosing out wider to tod af cost in spring tunity reid | ANE Cand tr vest nent Beginning to-day til the 26th 1 will make the set of teeth fia $5. Dr J Vax Wrsax nung un. room for our est or $12, eB ER is PA.
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