Has no Designs on the Presiden Hal Nomination. Ar nm INTERVEN WITH THE ERATOR, i I A ns analy Ambition i« tv I pjay Lite After His Daties sre Complete, ParuapmrmEn, Dee. 12 - Marie bave bees sot sflont mainly from ehington, connecting Qasy's pam | i he Tapas pomiatioo for pres ident. Quay was asked to duy shoot thy reported combine to pominste bim aud bot wiied: +] wounlde't take it on 8 gold plstier.” When que Hound tor his reasons he re Weil. for two reasons. The fret ix that 1 am pot 84 lor it, sed and the second is that 1 would pot live thirty days in the office. My only ambitivo ie to take 4 rest and | enjoy lite after 1 somplete my duties “lose thie mean that yon will tot seek a re section to the ssnatorsbip?’ “That.” soswated be, “depends on oir In reply to qasries ss to B ouTrHnt Btary 10 the effect that be would be in the BEES | cabinet, the seontor nid: “There is pot . word of tenth ie in” Sa HALE WS ALLEN 6. THURMAN DEL. Ihe “Did Noman “Pansed Poncetutly ts Fast Yesltardny Afternson. © Corres, 0., Dee. 12 Ex-Senstor Allen 4. Thurmso died this afternoon. He bid been in fairly good besith for one of his age, since bis recovery from injuries received in falling a month seo, and yesterday morning be was ling op reading when be suddenly became 1 | and gu physician wee onliad. Hemoon becstr mnootations anid pevst recovered Lae Desth was the ~ealt of & grados] wear: te joi out of the bis! «, said bie physwisn, snd the eud was 1} collapses which speed ily resulted in d des 3. Engineer eeniy Injured. PHILADELPHIA, 12 While x freight was being ee ww the yard ol the Pennayivasis railrosd at Birk stres to-night, the stores jampad the track. Ab express which leaves bers at 1007 RH id for Pittsburg was speeding by at the moment, sod the engine sirock the en The engine of the xpress was complet © aly wrecked and John Bhenberger, of Philadelphia, so ginesr, wee #0 badly jo- | jared that bie died shortly alter being fak- am to the hospital Toa teacks were _ blocked by the wreek sud the express was deliyed several hours, No passen- gore were injared. " ena Quakers ~ Recently National Convention “City will he Selected January 16th. rH SHA OUTSIDERS MAY NOT BE ABMITITED. rm -Ouly for Peorarne Arioatly EaoitisN Thevets, FHRILADRILPHIA, bold st Washington, Janoary 16 1806 for the parpose of fixing the time and | piace for the meeting of the Democratic x of Other hosiness. The teeciation cffsred by Gen. Co'live, vide socommodations only for delegate, tional committees sed members of press, will be soted Spon. Rrate Frenne *. HaAxrienv ng, or PH bas jot been eomplet.d. Torn 7 leet your leaving 811 285 (89 80 Lor general expen sa of the remmonwenith : Cleared Boy The Jarry. : Wenrapino, Pe, Des 13 Moa Chane - soy Howell ta & frees woman, having rendered & vardior this wesnr gp of | Cool guilty,” snd thersupon prisoner was immediately dacharged from casted. Hibs wie ehacged with | : poiscaing Miss Latvia Kaspp, 8 friecd, RT SO RIS Agrnsa, Dee. 1% Tonight Os. B. Bowers, Esq, was elected oily solilor | bas heen missing since Novo wher 20 Measnres wera takes bo wo of the sity bs kp. The stsmination of his Bor ke bse not hewn eomeinded, A Doobie Trugeay. Prarapsrrnia, Der. 18 Max G twinh too Iay shot bis wife ancl then B00 i a. Tha woman's resovery 8 J The shooting was the resait of or quasmels. Jikan A, Goldsmith Dead New Yors, Dee, 13 Jobin A, smith, the Iamems bores, Jo ahrerncon. | Pumuaverrais, Dee 11 -The tests mony given before the senatorial Invest gMtiog committee this afternoon shows thst the social evil fimrisbes in Philadel. | phis 10 as spalling extent, and thal, too i seemingly, through the swdifferation if not | also with the setasl consivanse of the police. It wad ww ors to before the 0 pitts thst 1 thirteen pobes distriste _comprining tie Lear of the cy, there were 620 bones of 1i-farom, sud of thie! _epormons Banter 25 wre in coe district, | Bite Conveation April: fl | Purnapmrrnis, Des, 13-51 8 meet antapany pombens aicat THE wen fof thie pamber it 8 claimed belong to the Amaigemated sseciation : ing al the execntive commiitee of Bepubs | o He | ther claimed that i per pent. ; Wate eomnities bald bere Thin even: 5 ing, # wea decided to hold tue Biste son: wention st Harrisvorg, April 23. 1806, tor dates for tpromutativest large In oon gress, 32 candidates for presidential elact: om, selection of might delegates-st-lnrgr to tbe Republican nations! convestion : and for the transaction of romtine basi : Slate Grange Sesion. © Wnstassronr, Dec. 12, ~The conven tion of the State Grange Pstrovs of Hae- _bendry, oocnpred the day 10 discnssing of resolution snd besring of reports. The report of the treasurer showed thet the _expenditares of the organization So Tess ‘mow than al sny previons tim ure of the day was an sddrees by Hoo. David Labin, of Cslifornis, who spoke iu favor of a bounty on sgricsitarsl pro date, This evening the nooveotion beid _ & late pession 0 bebind closed doors, FE SER pA Fick, Prines of Wales Injured. Lowa, Dee. 12. ~The Price: of Wales met with an scoidest that fors time cnnsed mach concern to those who were aware of the sffair, bat the irjary turns out to be trifle. The Prince was shooting oa Sir Ed. EAE in ward Lawson's estatein Backinzbamskire, “when be got some grains of powder in bis right es. The eye is now assuming its pormal condition. rp i A Rationsl Poolers in Session. New York, December 12.—-The trank line presidents are in session in the New | * Xotk Central building for the parpose of ‘organizing the bosrd of control of the re _ oently formed Joint Traffie associstion, and also to select the arbitrators under the terms of the pew agreetsent. Ths board of control will probably fix the sal: : of the arbitrators at $15,000, sn. Gompers « Kiectod Over McBride. Peg pectad happens Lr morroe® ave i Ewen iever bad ‘trapaporiation alten Flightbo ee tender i wall sheiterad daring the day in the tape i gasp and Bx f | bottle coutaittog tineturs of pax yom Fu {five children sarvive bim. He was 5 years old. ! two honrs to friends and neighbors, i Naticoal bauk, of Shatin oe stae coms | propestiien te Provide Artommotetions Der. 13 — Chalroons [rem Harrity bas insnsd 8 call for & meetio © | the Demoerstin nations! enmaities, to fo national convention 1o 1996, and for the | S wieny Bee Wet RWRY Was al TE sn in dageiter od Pwiah ow of Massachusetts, in the Democratic one tonal convention of 1302 req one log the | Democratic pational committes to pro | Fy siternates, members of Demooot © po Pet Bontiee. I Dee 13 At the Siete Lrenpnry 8 summary of reseipts and poy { mente for the fecal sear endieg Novem { peowipte Ware S148 411 10 »e Against 8123227 There wen irar tarred to the Bnkieg and BH 3710 tha jury) Bhs nn wea | S00 ; $1 § Fo we Awmhroet's bres, : i 3 i { pro tens. io pisos of W. A Ania we, who (rn MTs | E700 eity money loft by Ambnoes In Ooe i [iN A LY b It | i. The Patriots of Americn, & Secret Orgun- Ambrose’s Shortage Will Roach A Chicago morning paper says a es Probab ¥ $10. G00), Sm Ser es, RE | 60 | wy T Bt SP ilD. : H. Harvey, the author of “'Coin's Fi- sorporation with the seorvetary of state ist Bpringfieid. Ils. within the next Mew days. It is to be known as the "Pa: £96 Lownt vam Colonels Rest on Parr! awng | tricks of America.” and its sola ohiect Poon 0 pet's Flute af Tw ive Paes srr ona. Dee, 15 fr waem si ooh sey standard « Mimily toeduy that the muta of LC Amtoroe'n pecoante Woh Tha aly hax : ] : i . Bomith twat ¥ Sumpiated and that 8 short i louse 1,000 lodges in virions paris of Lae of fiver seven thousand dolinry Fo . eens Ted. Ir mena 8 wil reach 8 Hr wien the an dit ol completed. Ii 1 piven ont tosiay that Amheows | Boi 3 # 5 & 1 an sp Methodist preaete cpr toe bond Doss Piva Bor Am Tie pant CORE sys? FLOW, im flor tor Prevent whaasened bs fang Fire-Eptmy (opal avn, Doe 35 Thee tle 3 the 20 Fos fa Bed len ot ais oretinnd tia nil oars | tes oes ; 3 ew Ea 4ST : wie Muir Haseny AroRstiar | pen Ra Serie to ofl Gn enim | theron? have proven Tattle aed This® 2 0 we lind With Li se WEL: wilt pate wt ina pinds snie wl r% Bre, however, Hay ET 3 Partonn GEE natin WIL TAM OPE HAY YY he A Sr Pad Fray, : ik ong Atte Toop lo * many be Hiding #Foi 4 if PS fa a 3 Fd press Ime on Aaj tomy wrod om ob ai weg £Por Erareang Aeearas ns % sy san Frawoses, Dee dL word dw Yo EF A ( sm yentiay pert sinner : Mir SA LEY REFIT A BIN . od tN for Daesnty great Appisase in the soar! ram fh : WL Ree XK © apa Bisiied Maw ¥ Mota peinal Tel: prytetan by kK : Sosa] ae a 12 padhe d : WR Tama snd nnpasisbed, nt bie paired Ba romana of A ry of 4 Fraveh poe Pusinantes WATS Ri 5 a8 aint #2 gt I IRON SKIN P Peeniisr Cane Pigrsiek Waowd, i in New York, fe amrare HE HAS AN smer ewptored in PRIN “ts a Faieter bi Air TEER ¥ weg Ele hil there a Talla do Sova wiry with her own, Tews Thome to #oast Wn ey end AFT Wo # wits Eom Pro Hers for ox gS i. Eg ET $ : Fe 1 Was 8 : ANE Fea brittle y Tefatne wt LE i SR BEBE JE Noel Bond wilh Xx wt PERTH KrRGgery | us Yee i the Slread Ruiiwiay Sestems of Phitagrigia sy : be Ying un Thin Evsning Pricas prema, Dee 15 {op rdw Fmt ipl # witnees the insngantion of faa raiiwny strike Pil I ie trike id place it will praciienily tie up th al Pia wil SPCR a TALE The smpioaes of the npion that 4 12 strike wm ordered of the woltirgen or will go ont The devotion to wlohe was jrealiion 2s agresd upon at 8 Hestiog to-day. Preside nt 4 Svelantd #1 Hoses Waaginey u, 17 spd Bg gl oo Washington bo» “ Lh raed rpabiote redaroed to 23 p.m. tn the Violet, The Killed 55) daeke, 42 pactridpes, five power sod foar beset, Oops metnler of the oarty said thet no siarm pew have bees felt for the olin: of the preshiizns daring the vr J thet raged at Hatteras, dhs Vode party W shvnoel aod eversbaly bad a good re The trip frome Nertolk to Washingtin ws withaat they fant, Deack Faron 15 5 Miake Gerrrsnves, Ive. 15 . Derk of the Hoase ad I Fo resentalives Fdwar! MoPherson yesterday froma the ofeots of poison takes in pustake for other medicine, He wus sconstormad to tale a tonir ander 8 phy. sician’s certitieate aod acordentally got & wd mistakes sud af oboe but A wife md He ipstavily discovered bis medio! aid was samnoced all efforts were unseating. The Barial of The man Coreunvs, Dee. 15.~The faoeral rer vices of the Jats Judge Allen G. Tuor- msn were sondocted st the fami'y resi-| dence st 10:3) Setandsy morning by Rey. J. L. Glover, who has for years been a most iotimsate friend of the deceased. Al ter the services the Thorman elab called in a body to pay their last respects to the “old Roman.” The house was open for i mam NSS Cahir Mall Dead, Puinirssces, Dee. 18 —Kowrt E ‘Mall, recently elected cashier of the First of this place, acd closely with the bauking buasivess of | he commuoiy ¢ in the past twenty years, | yy FIL, Sawcartest Tos an Feaeth Taras * Reet Uampliment, gs se EDOED Mis WwW The Bappy Completion of a War Dragon In Hexl Life. few whi bash % taal tls ness birth of nniversal An Unsale Jail cent of In and wealthy. tu the TNT amd diliterate of the erth Yi have always wi th you, Nazareth. Christis their vine eXMup lars freinture ; ing even betsath the beggars g a homan heart that may bas x by their aid and srmpath) “igher realization of A Mead BAe wh YY CpREEr ass 1% = Tea i old Time Postige Bates | The state of In 1513 postage rates im the Und States were. Dingle letters by lan 4 miiies, B® fonts, eke, 10 cents, 180 miles, 125; cents; S00 miles, 17 cunts: 500 miles, 30 cents: over 500 miles, ¥ cents. Denble letters, twice the si Sgn rates. One oupoe at the rate of fogs Qh Jutrers, A Gummi Exosnpie. New York FEE Ane Fist " forestry wi SE rmiack daeetion, aod Is 8 ging fodiow. — 1% in the right Lampe for other states to i | Journal “COIN” FOUNDING AN ORDER | eret political order, fommded by William tof a popalar comic song, but it ie the | nancial School,” will file articles of in. | fam gaining adbevents in Framos and that is already able to boast of many | followrars in Russis, Germany, Fogland, | i Norway, Sweden, [fs the restoration of the bimetallic . Africa Charters, it is said, have been made | put and will be sent immediately to ot says that Feperanto i by uv) moans a | pew language, nor even a rervt dima | cory. This interpaticnal lsngoage hos | | been in Axisténioa nearly ten pears, and thers ave at [vast 10 0060 adberents in | : diffrent parts of the world ix oa Russtan zentieman, Dr. Zamenbof | of Warsaw, | graapmar in an hoor and all ite voea ta ; i lmry of words in a few dave ed the jeading comfritmtors ty the : etal o ans of the language, The Esper. | hes written Jishel : phe tian i fer Rob Cara reed and LrIver. ARR LEE Gl Ci valive "thing, H | exiracrd Dora a ostariinnie Tia Caw 7 gta wn ita £5 3 & - EA CMHER degrees. Be b arm sont it Sueded fire, It Will Be Somebody's Waterloa. Among the strange coincidences of his | ory none is stranger than that pow pre- | wnted fis Marviand where A man Caamed Booaparte is fighting for the -n- storship saint a man named W son. And it looks as if Waterloo were: aning to be svunged. A RIVAL TO VOLAPUK. Beparante fe the Name of » New Catrar- | ml Language. : Eaperanto is not the name of a new liquinr or of a new appetizer, nor that | pame of an artificial language which is eWay AND CLEARFIELD 4 x = DAILY xoerr BONY ige : Italy, Spain, the United Staves and even in some parte of | Among those most proficient in the | jJanguage ix 8 Frenchman, bearing the aristocratic name of DD Evssautier, He J RUTHWARD, The anther or originator of Feperanto | ! a :2 ua Hv ‘ EEESEBEEESeena)> gREBRESEELnNE SELEESR Palle Couek He calle it & univers] ban. | ia He sayy that me may learn ite | TRAINS IRAYR RIDGWAY, Eastward Pin A. TT wom, Train 4 16pm, Trin 4 78 Pm ,W. PREVOST, ; Murniter, Ee Wistenm Train Elle =m ni, 28p ww Ltd i“ EBy. mw IR woo, Lier Agr Pa, Max Muller writes if with the arent: aut mane and so Moss Tolstol wie is ane whieh, by the way, is utteriy to the Wels rak organ, for is A MEoRENY ¥ ALL EY Halil. Way, LOW GRA DE Frist HEN into, fact is, Esperanto hopes fo de | Volapnk altogether Verses may | (8 it, ned Yransistione of 1a j and Hamlet” have been pod This sew jangongs, Witch mene 0 5 Bows, is perhaps bet. { EA wer in Rossin than in any other | 0% Ruenia in ite birthplaen «Now 125 tx Fawn Dn and aller Suedsy July a, ti, trim atained Drie wowed nid © Histarg will ran a8 riod adios Lapgar ss 8 1 Hetty hd L & 5 From wn Orter and Lode Like wl Pieture of Calan bos § sive | ear] was fou wl He BIGE 4 the Taken Fa Ry yd 2% FLRERBUERUNES saeniary Faun Wil a BE ew wa BEE | WEE CEARNET er "woe : oh i de Ee a uk A A od MACE a bh a oy [A od Howlin Fainonei Kaw Sethisdvem : Rigo anetion i § © pe & Het Hank Nay, 4 i emven Driflwwoewt at 00 i parrtves ad Pitialucg we 0 5 om en £ min ven : betel wend ail de Wm. eriiving at Piiistarg at Bol 0 3% a Ra wen 0 BTR A EE OR TE AGERE SAL RYKESRR) SUERTENEDNT GRE i HELD ah Gs RE A WE ek Br i § » “0 i + . San 8h 1h Mali Ba leas PUtamaet 8s mand refs af Ii want 41 AH ~ ar. Xia §F eaves 5 borg aE pm and wer fers ad Dirifleood hh maw 0 MOCA RG, Cont Sy POANDE RMON Gen’! Puss Ages Pe Beech (‘reek Railroad YC 8&8 BB RK RK K Co. lessons CONDERSED TIME TARLE Hoa ip Remd 1en Sup Exp Mui y ; Mav 4i ¢ Rc rou Pay Maine hantors wont patatirant and neked for OUER 5 WEE Mr Arex When the slwiis sary pear Yom Bo 4 is ats 3 rie striek wenn | full comms o asont | seam flee foaeed 1 § ae Yoram wine hey ol : Baas bead PERE thse 1 pe 23 ped Sos ig thin lime dis iosing Saautiral vig di ¥ is FR Sl ers, amd es i Re Lie hg ir Er tai ory AMR % . 3 i re Taal Nes W rw wask of of the perk BHU ALEE BY Lat ge de RS GEN GLRLYY Inoue At Sutin wy Shar iowa rial Mand Aig Pai. ER, Wa pe rin tendont presumes ANIA BR ik Wir AD Fianed in Bin nadie LF EXPER Tr SLEBEERES Ni A ois Pe MOUSE iii BE T t i od YH Firoker Martens’ Negation Like Asirakiokmn., Martius, ax mn Cost ithe Parte oar TR watt wed NATL MANO be PE aided FrEviin woke MW curs Trin Hae xsd New Yank Tedraaln L et eel i adie sAvepiia Sa TG TW Pads iwviried aot Toes a. Terrnentia ie sland van KET Ng Susy ad 1 # New Yous py vie a ia BER, Ae 8 a. Tih © Ua tar Bidlg ear. Doliols 4 gusd inde vs ialione. | RN ASE 1E Ta, Pain 18 ¥ mE ia ermal ang ine feomven Ridgway at 39° ie Proposed Permasent Sgr Exhibition, Baars ine sed tate ST FEN ARiny SXOWRL Sutitey, «© Rane aod Intermediate dations. MicUadit THAINS FOR DRIFTWOOD FROM THE BEAST ANT =O1UTH TRAIN 11 Hwmvrs Palisade: pita BSE me Wakisingon wa a Beilin x88 8. 8. Vilhestsree, 005 oi dRilY . Toept Was Tay. arriving af Deiftaoeed al =F pom. wil Prlitaan parior oar iran Patladeiphiie Wilimansmat. - ERAN 3 iomves New York al 8 p.m adecphin, | EH poo Washington, i x. a Baitivgore, (1 pm Selly arriving of Drift sroend wl da om Pullman sieepl El] fran Phitisabel pai 10 Erte aod fromm. Wah. Uogtont wad Haslitnore to Wiliam arom § Dag Boke, Bedtimore wo Wllmeport, THAIN 1 saves Henovo at 8&5 a m., asl sAvept Sunday, arriving Driftwood 7; LA ah Ma BW mal had 5 ACY PE A Ea neiens of the permane Tn Taz Lard For Vateraps : A bill will be iptroduesd in the Vir Kina ogisiatare LnpoNIing i Srean the tax On cleamargaring ad compound fards | for the benefit of disabled Uophaderhia veterans It is caloulared that 64, 00 | per voar will be realizes by 16 FOHRNBONBURG BAILBOAD (Dmily sxoept Munday THAIN 19 saves Hidgway at 80 a.m. Jovy i ssnbuTg af Biba, m, arriving at Clermont SR he | TIRALN 36 saves Ciemont at H50 A IB, riving at a In. anh Hidgway at (200 noun wo on —————————— ahs oo yes Irom Philadel pit, :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers