: Prop roid By the Primatol. oH Glesned Here and There by | the “Con il Reporter. 1 NSTITUTE when win ota in Pasion ss Feb | Faary X5E. 0%. sve pn he are being | to the holding of thes frat fa Lon tate hr 1 the Meio Bpluccial church 1 toon. wm . 4. Thomas, who has tharge ents, informed the among the Well Enawh | and able speakers who will be in ndsace will be Dr. Rothrock, Hon | doo. A Woodward; Dr. Warren, State t: Prof. Heiges: Hom. Geo York: Prof Hamil 1 ntendent of Institutes. i Al Sapa men ar known {to be the best speakers of the dav, | which wili be s be draw cand for the | instite The. Commonwealth of Pennsylva pin furs hew the funds for tie boMing of the agricaltors! nstitates in this Sony and the sitieonn of Patton should feel highly homered in having 3 ing fur 1996 held sour town Hearty encursgement should i {be gieen to all who are. on commitices : : A Wont Dees. stil) Bro. Williams continues 10 a member of the Mo to be pulled over fue! i | : : Senehers Bt Work Again. The sehonls of Patton, after a week’ . vacation, reopened on Monday. The | weather being wifavoruble, and quite 8 pamber of the pupils especially | Cihme of the Primary grade, suffering with the measles, 1 sawed an wososl ‘number of pupils to be abesnt, and | Lopetadone been perfect in their attendance. The teachers all spent their Christ. | woes ache had | wna vaeation Gn diffrent loogiitios, the magority of them being entertained | a their homes. Miss Smith, Second Pa possined in { pat eit darlor Eis work of vacation: Miss Wilson, Primary leacher, en- fowl the evonfrrty of hed hese Pittsharg, Intermediate teacher, spent the week in Bellefonte, among her gecple of that prammntic town: Miss Dv ir, Recond Intermediste teacher, visited her home in Bursside, ClearBeld county; My. Lafferty. Goramniar Sebond tencber, sojourped smong bis Kindred and friends of the gentle sex in ChoayBell G15. Hobbeed, principal circalsted among relatives and friends bn Beect Crees, Lock Haven sad Jersey Bhore Tre feschers retnrned on Sefacday jet, emcept Mise Zimmer, who re , meted anti Monday, becaoee of § ae gre toad mterented. and well i CREE me at The teachers and poplis sem snx- fom to resigns (held work, sad the 1 reoond of thee this Tar, hob prog daily. meponnt Miss Zimmerman, Firs in which she of furiber particaiars we have Bot Been informed. Ww very snperbed ate wenn FRE IT THE The Main Building E Desstroved Friday JT WILL BE REBUILT. eaves Work by Pirie Wine Foaght ihe Wicked Fiaswiw. Om Friday night aboot 9 oloek Patton wis visited by a destroctive fire, iti which the large main building of the Patton Clay DManufeetariog which was aboot completed, Night. \ rompany, ; Hineinding aot of pew machinery and sued an order fw bi fixtures, was entirely destroyed oomsren, Alarmed and sorprised. but wi that the fee wis at Whe pew clay plant, which wonld have sown given employment to a large pmmber of men, they were shocked, and Fasbed to The works al Hoe. The | five company Was Soon on Uw mene, ‘bot wes considerably baffled Lwhen they WR pearest howe connection, which Wb on Palmir svenoe, was too far away to Cpe of any ose, but together with other poe opie, cvwpded, after » Outhful strogeie, in ne the large engine, engine Boss and dry homes, Which were Kune xed to the buraed bolidimg. The fre, which originated on the third floor at the west end, was be | pond control when fra Alsovered and | nothing could be Done but Wo Wry and vhber in Canoe the chow prox meity. ie motion was orriaired When the pesple of Paton Ans heard the slarm of fire they wens, of Comet ion an order Ww me of BOF. Wise fo ne or scocunt eed Dry voods Lattempt to render sedans as the! pundered, ctr) chewed {1 n anything i oy G Th: main bulicing was 80xiM fret , Toe Last Misting Herd Fn ile OM Your Somabiiesatia. trian Atieuted vn. 1, 1905, with the rho tg ps present: I. RB Bell PP Young, FP. Wise and Ralph Leisch : James Melion, tax oollector, Ww in parsnance to reduest council and dhowsd » balance of 3) tmron for last yewr of $5219 and mked that» sehate of Lincoln MeNiel and Oncerer granted 5 the amar bedng overcharged deduct from thelr £2 3 a Amott, which i= he eary fn in: amount of $3.36 rose ao ste sppointed sires ou miler to vestigate claim off Jon amir! for damagen fron kidening a Mellon Revers: sommuniostions cand held over anti sexy meeting. Un drawn in favor The i was orderes maotify the Peansyiy ania Baird Cpe pany to extend hop { walk on Lang avenue to oe frond. Then he Renel Somerville, 8h draft an drdinsnce Axing the grade on] Filth avenue snd | report the same ot fext meeting. After : several other goisiions were dimcamend wore fad to} by Pim He Also: That will benefit who make it all I bereby resolve that dar- ing the coming year whenever ‘or anything that is sold in a midern Department store, that before buying it any where | who were sob firemen, they counell directed the 4 borough solicitor, will first write to TE eoanedl adjotirned (to meet the Brat Tuesday i» the New * Your. To be Heh in La Sls, ro Momtay. Fomwary Sa The C2 ambeis Conk id s Pos mn Grange | Xa BP of BH, for samples, and arices, and d of trade, who isn't dete : of work done, kbs marked bvprovemant can and sco the work «| Pup and pay heir repeat 2 vehiool. The majority of hoe people in Patton have never been through the {pew sohond, and seen (he many phos | at and #xtplient vantages there n than the childrea this | the d pe ea highest = x or clock Saturday morning. foods of oar wows. The Pevitations ut a mile east of oy the pupits bs refalned and exhib Sed in the different rooms, whieh We ave siways glad 10 have visitors done by the a the carrying a baikler's ik of $5.00 The Keep the Boys on . Farm,” Mss Lo i The boilers and fire kilna, which a he and, though several the speakers © aad (hor stories Bigh and was ool alto Sali at Locelts. on Tt i | ad ; 1 andy, Jan. “h see Bow ‘much money | can gether ander roof, the pooZers not hav. a, Mesting to) be nailed to order, penpily = 4:30 Sinale Altes : ’ ia diipead of sa fol ng quite Somplete thetr comtrset of As the building and the machinery 1 therin contained Bad sot bean turned in ranoing order, toe loss will a routes "Sub ie dina. ’ the sontractars, Hubbard & Wise sod | ein by Mom ors rs the fim. which we foraiehing wm | Afternoon « sail open i 23. hin. ete, Which reaca from o'elock sharp. for this sew Ban to $10,000, Hubbard & Wine | gon 10 be as fb eh “How 0 | of secretary of P.| aboxit the plant will not exceed $500 a ® companys ml gi directors of P. of H. Fire Insurance TEW | prens iese by, were sot fnjured 3 puouny. This ssssion will clowns at. We v ote to go I. woos a the different insurance |$ sick Sor fe parpons of a frsing Home. m Central Penmayioa: | companies, which the building as 0 | cate for mtbr | in the tons mia. It is a work of art that wured in, wdjost the los, whrk lo Grange. (will peceive a weleome every- rebuild the consumed batiding will be | ha event mw | comn wiwhere. pe {Bo ty Mrs H J. Bannun; eit of at 7:30 otelook. bY Heury Jone; subject for dia- | lime to the company, which was the [| porrigh: to } forme = ste 0808 of 1. Fire I g i We int you to have one. TR | opened by John WeCreery: oy by the fire originated, bot nothiog definite BW Gili “What Infloesoe Do At | oan be relied upon. The cate G0 | tractive Homes Have i the Formation Wort ak the Fire. i. pean { War's Yry Yourg, were so wll red. the vost exaetivg | amd was broken. of people: At the those of the pro: pl & young MAB, | pram the distrabution of candy sud the vehicle, and bis oratiges began and many a young injured, bat he imeedi- por was made glad, snd many an ta Ha Butt weed 3 pureed The Altoona Times BANE that Rex. : Father Ei oil, formerly of St. Mary s o Church st Altoona bot now of | Lowetto, will sail for Europe in Jao ] nary and will visit Rome, as & repre sentative of the American Catholse | ps orical society of Philadelphia, J ol aie: Toterating. sa. | tistics for the society. He expects to ibe abeent on his mission shout ten | er Burgiars 1 Malativy. = The Mahaffey Valley wave says that ithe * of thw Jimmie are at work. One night set week they : 1 entered | the shop of Mr. Diehl sod took ne ivening, | : with a crowbar an entrance wie effect. ow wn he basement, Sines then | : fi atiompts have thyme td gk wi hair, the of [mbliski, of Fru Her Bam: is Anribe. Tecsived at the Coeniza. Ta hg celebrated ate Ee Fan Hoe Pay your posal box rest 8 once. orien het was awakens Bo the fact somes from ? making oibers Bupipy.” s Mork more could be sald of Ue exer cinos. bot space forbide Yet a word in regard tthe decorations whieh were beautifel, showing much thought aesd akeill om the part of that comout. tee, and proviog that a staunch bears and willing hands can do woaders when required. May the Christos days of the fwinre be jus as bright and Joyal Eder Wikio Dead. oO Willas who waa the editor “at the eniiees fasdger, died at his posidenes tn Philipsburg op Saturday, December Dat afer an tines of analy afew days. He was aged 8 yoars and Cwm a omember of the Mosanie lodge Librand Army of the Republic and Bay. al Arcsoum, besides Delopging several other societies connected with Coharebes of whnh be belonged funeral took place on Tuesday whes his remains were laid to rest. Mr Williams was 3 brighe and fenrions pewspaper mas snd woe hdd in high exten by ai w has Bnew hin i | wan il i Preschare PH adinadn The “comitiee of the ereditors amd 1 Sepositons of the defunct Bank of Du} | Boks, Clearfield Cuanty, mel Tuesday and decides to deciare s dividend as soon as the necessary orders can be so cured from Court. The dividend, it is believed, will be fy per cent. which wonid mean the distribution of more phan $50,000 Wanted A good strong boy to hoard with | | bakery, Patton, Pu. 3tf The Joswe Pax. ove of the young men who rertainly deserves much credit ing shi benve manoer in which be worked in trving 4 give the siygine house and eopine on Friday night, received an ugly one, in pome Master, of the baok of bis left haod, which will probably jesve A wenee for the remadnder of his | ffir The cut is over in inch jong and Suite deep. Eidoey Rosesaley ahs received a severe injury on ose of bis limbs by falling frome the tap of the sagine Bouse striking the engine. Roveral other people who were as sisting in trying 1s sive that balding mond engine received slight injaries and met With very narrow escapes, be. sides raining a considerable aruount of their clothing. [tis right amd pager fiir the company, whose iuterests they were looking after, to make some sory of 4 recompense for their hassardoos nd faithfol work, Tlie ¥ ature ¥ ive Prodeniiaen Om the Munday bere the big fre at 4 wr Patton Clay Massfactering Come pays works, superintendent E MoElfresh deeming it 8 Gecessity nn couse of See to have good protection mand the works, procesded at once ta wr wakes main which passes d- roost by the plant, tapped in bw pisews and ordered five plugs put in and had thay serived sooner than they did, thers nono Pee least doubt but that the fire of Friday night would have heen averted. With this protect- ‘fom in the Minre 3 fire will certainly stand a podr show ak this plant when it is rebuilt, Wheat Greand. F. Marks, wishes to annonce to the ‘public that be is prepared to do all kinds of grindisg at his mill in Patton. Special attention given fo the grinding ‘of wheat. Perfect sstisfiction gus. : ation by John McCann, Good music and singing will he dpevial feature of the meeting as Every day is will be rendered by the quarteties of Concord and Highlaod Gesages. All fourth degree members ave cordially myvited to sitend By Order of Excontive Committe Gee. W. Gagner? Bast. uy the Fosker. “Pl the Tinker” i of 1b elias and it contains vesily a such gr of fete clus stag effects. The illuminated | Battery Park scone in the third pet | and lakes of Killarney ape exellent During the of pleoes of tage mechanism, apd or play clearly the wotiderful advance. mend this season I sage earpentersiiy. | i The purchase of The jeoessary stenery | fur any piece of realism necessituten the outiay of 3 voniiderable sam of ‘money, and failare Weans mare than the public realises. At the stings opera house on Friday svering, Jan wary 3 i CE Om Saturday, December Hat, Joseph, infant son of Mr Madison, died. The funeral services, whieh were conducted by Hav. Was wom, were held on Monday, December £841, at J o'viovk. Minar riot Al the residencs fn Patton, on Dec Seth, (585 by Rev. Chas W. Wasson, Win Lundgren and Miss Annie Hanson, both of Pals The following letters memmals the postaffice as Patton for the wen end ing Saturday, Dec. 258, 188 J. W. Bonn, Mrs Mertie Bloom, Mm Milton Kirkpatrick, Miss Hadie Rhodes 2% Mrs, Geo. Cremrdhard, Sacxed Persors calling for ihe above letters will picase say they arg adver E A Mmiox P.M aod Mrs, Joseph of Mr Lasdgren. Goods all over the store are redirced fn pre. x ose of nt he » surphis stock Before ine ntory the last of the mouth. We want our ouroftown customers to share the bar se gains with those who live mm thi a vad ty. 2% ve » Wm.F. Gable & Co. ALTOONA, PA. if specially interesied ure te uf and we will send you copies of Altoona contaiming Special Sule ads eh i waisdd be imposgibic fo pring in oub-af -taRn DEEETA.
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