11—NO. 3. ew |ears Santa Claus Head- quarters for DOLLS! DOLLS! Christmas Tree Candles and {runam ents, Christmas Cards, Mirrors, Kmives, Musical Conds, Razors, MaresnTR, Toi] ic Articles, Cristmas Candy, re & 5% Toys, Books, Novelties, Perfumus, Smokers’ Goods. Games, Notions, Blocks, Albums, Toilet Cases, PATTON. CAMBRIA CO. OOK, SALMOND & COWDE AO) TH PUBLICS ols Rol by the Teachers Honor is Subs 1 of A Large mitted PERFECT ATTENDANCE Sehidars Whose Nam's in the Lint Faib wing We are gid that present at the close of anther large lint of pames of § whe have been perfect to atte nano, good in deportment and excelent in progress. Last month woe permitted the names of quite a number of pupils to be placed on the roll of honor who were good in conduct and progress, but were not perfect in attendance This month quite. a number more done good work in their stndies, but yrs] one or more days, which of corse affects their good Pe ork, hindce, thelr names do not appear fn this month's roll. Following are the names: igh Se Fond Rallie Holter, Minnie Holter, Hy the Apprar third ¢ we thas fhe fo sath Virgie Dale, Lizzie Brewer, Fred MoPherson, Walter Mellon, Carrie Crowell, Fala Puirick, Pelicitas Short, Eva COrsin, Mary Hunter, Ruth Reese, Harry Mellon, Howard Swank. iy H. Hissar, Principal, Girasnroat Se hoo Mammie Jones, Rosy Leard, Edith ¥ Holter, Arthur Thomas, Bella Tarn hull, Agnes Donnelly, Edward Me Tigue, Charley Crowell, Carl © rowell, Agnes Hunter, Lizzie Hornaoer, Annie “Mellon, Lizge Wilkins, Edward Short, Tillie Short, Leonard Burkey, Uleavan Cooney, Lee Williams, Jerry Noonan, Albert Wilkins, John Fedor, Alfred Dodson. Angeline Drunard, Fdoa Sridewcn. Anna Biller, Mary Crowell Mary Bortman O. BE Lagyenry, Teacher. Resend Intermodiate Howard Bloom, Mary Hornaoer, Joweph Radeliff, Hobert MePherson, .Peariah Beaver, Blanche Brideson, bi Prescott, Emma Haden, Fliner Ler Ladies (oid Pens and Holders: Crowell, Howard Tate Anna Corredins Gents Fountain Pens. Fine Christmas Candy ONLY 10¢. PER POUND. C. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy, Opposite School Building. averywhiore, seer all the stocks in town, then cotpe and see us, and If we don’t ve voit better styles and better goods r the same money then don’t bay from ui Re member, Je don’t sell shoddy, We let others do that, What would make a than a de pieces of Turntare fike this: TF iat a ¥ If gem can’t come, fo the (ity to us for wit Kin brood tin, MEmBer, we are THE LEADERS. MER BROS. Johnstown, Pa. 125 Market 8t. Telephone No. 140, SME Bi more write | Bessie Swank, Andrew Forpadiey, : Bernard Nattall, Leo MeTigoe, Lora ' Brewer. John Bohatila, Edward Me TRAD, Bennie Wilking, Emma Ross, Harrison | Short, Renben Heist, Haogh Hasler, {Thomas Sheehan, Jomeraaxe C. DowLER, Teacher Firet Intermediate. | Carrie Holter, Katie Nornadley, John Reese, Victor Spencer, Cire 2 ate. Cirace Langhlin Charies Wilks, Gertie Bauman, George Myers, Eva Birr, Dora Beckwith Clarence Bi Ww alter Beckwith, Thomas Fiaher John Ted Smiston, Anna Bowman, James io peline Edna Diehl Edward Letts, Edit b Tate, Onenr Hertzog, Anna MoMat) Hon, Jennie Spencer, Carl Lager. Forma M. ZDOMERMAN, Teac Hak esmcnsd Primary. | Edith Spencer, Dan Jones, Cody Leon, Louis lesrde, Venaita © rowel, Ward Wolmlage, Edwin Scanian, Jul i Koshoek, Charies Me Mabon, Js mrp bine | Short, Frank Hppuik. Jennie Bruno, haries Abbott, Hertha Abbott Charles LGradwell Feott, Hews, Zella Wouter, Irvin Myers, © tormens Biller, Henridtta | Northnagle, Henry Pennington, How. ard Shankwiler., Minne Beokwih LUhing Jones, Dan Jinkins, Johan Osle- van, Wilson Timaman, Somegi Joly Magaoiner Lo Barren, Tew her, First Yriveary Paul Barton, Race! Haden, Mary CHervietl, James Glass, Lillie Willams, Vinoent Bortman, Earl Wilson, Willie Pepchers, Edna Swank, Jalia Myers, C Angie Bhavna, Dora Prescott, Plonnmine i Smale, Thomasine Holter, belie Moo Cormick, Anna MeCormiek, Mary Ox jovani, Samuel Simmons, Lacy Me Hon, Peter Lungren, Uhas Langre n, Blantbe CDPescer, Girne [heck £4 3 Mh ory Yoon ard, Ann on Crook, Thurman Jac kn, Es? : i Tara Bharti, bas rE Jackson Veda Jodawton, ¥ iwi Burkey, Waller Behm “rk y, David Txadin Peter Oscher. Willie Jenkios, inebel. Andrew Prygosda Ge FOIE Anny Wiss ieher : Auber dir 2 £210 of ‘From Fiitiadalpiia Fress, A rity SPY + Fides the burning silver heresy as dedivered, with besatiful steriopl Theodore ¢ Knsaf hdl last evening 7 4 thas popaiar hvttive melhiod hating the cranks with the Hgol aah of sennd wit 4 Pha 4 Chat show up the crag Yee in ladiorouws aggressive Car ipaign Money League, i Putte PRE, thie iis SETY £35 EX law School Mr Kaa duced by Witham RB. Tucker, of the Seund Money League, of the Board Trade, A wri house Friday oignt frie at Patten pestofion sortion Of Org Soapmal »ieinat Hiversity § was in sits and ah ¥ Fame 4 of The Trials od 1 : What shall | do? | with this malarial attend to my Lar | do as others have Sr ; Malarial Bitters, they are unexcelied {and will act favorably on all the ‘tions of your system, and restore to vigorous action. They sre simply Bpeer's Wine, with sue Bh herts and | roots as physicians use daily thar : practioe for the cure of malaria iy ped t func - then in Attention Commies we comrades of Grand Army Pos 3, 633 are resjuested not to fall to fond a specia meting on Saturday rafterpoon Dee 14 at 2 0 clonk sha in LG nods hail, Patton Pa. Money to Loan. In sums of $200 to $10,000 on ap- proved real estate security. For par ticulars address J. C. Patrick. Patton, Pa. -94u AT Er # PA v PUABLIC SPWOOL LETTER Fhe sebhords of Pattom are Sil nee sulrig fre Nis heir nteres and Progress. in Friday, Deswember dth, the Patton Senile soma pletad th wir thin month’ cork with the following report for the entire biiding: Whole namber en potleed. 450: average attendance, UN per cent sows, Wii, number of 4 3 LEE prem; % bye ry any daring the month and comprise the will of honor, 159: whole number of visitors, 14 Daring the momth 35 pew pripis werd admit teal inte the different gravis and a few pupils have been tirnppesl from thee polis thus making the work of clase fication more diffions fre the tench In the month’ & rod of honor no pupils name appears who has framed any days from the work, We are sorry that quite a number of the ppl in al Ate Sole PELE] had to be left out of the honor roll be- canis they fell short in attendanos one day. Wa made allowance for sach Jas month and permitted their names to be published, hoping that 31 wx wi enpottrage them, yet this month re eesti The mines syd ration, they tall below the mark No one Knows fetier than the jescher how mich careless attendance affects the interest of a pupal and retards progress in gen. erg Suntly nie Iris 34 exonne ahold he allowed to mar the chidren's good record in sohond, We are glad to Bot # that Patton has had no epreionion wii Tegan, Faryuiey Biv whieh has interfered Ww ith the children Ging ti wpb Imiring Institate week our faithful janitor, JC Myers, was quite seriotsly 11, bot iw ow able to resnine his wor as Asan) Miss Josephine Dowier, teacher if Revond Intermediate grade, visited ner home in Barnsde, { oarfinid SORGIY, during Satorday and Sunday last. "Phe walls of the High School rom have been adorned by "the portraits of this Bee most popular American posts vi Heyunt, [ongteliow, Ww Mittin, Holmes and foweatl all Ransonesy fem, dnd nearly fe size. T hss fine pictures add greatly to the ap- pi APATC oof the room, And are Wary appropiate for any school room. he sohionks were favored with very fue viaitors daring the month, wir copcipded 1 the direetors and patrons, who are most 0 berated (1 the welfare of the schooie have been, like the leachers, closely confined to their respective places of emplivy ment Monthly report cards were given Wo all the pupils this week &hvt nd A GET phe aepunt of cach pupil's attain. i copdaed and advandenient in their studien. These reports require a great deal of care snd extra work by thie teachers, and we sipeersly Dope that the parenia will carefully exanune these and co-operate with the tend har in encouraging the children to bry inant seviuire x betier report mach sevens month, This i» an age of progress snd than pups 5 Whi Fa meray i to meh Arif along with the tide, are prepaniog A Very weak found ation for their future saceess, By way of sdmoniton, hit these inaguring lines, by Fila Wheeler Wikox Fyne {3 Hy sehr, LE were! evan od BEI oi ay fae HO Hyamant, . B WHAT THEY SAY. Following aie = Fow fiemx Takin Foon Fae! The Parron oa third genre lat week youth and ia many Bo alae about Muanitar The Par RIE. HIER TON § Rik #% Ban finished Raw ¥ Boh wad Gi Sted i hp 1s Arsen lig fan mg ERIE, One at aur Proms v 3PA a tn third } Lisiragr paid si mar drensl Bu ol GLIOWIRE 8 3 swhrtoast In artes Ay £5 ET SE {y Leary. domed x: vir Win, tertrude Wit Marie N Bender, Marie. Ww ae ing gr bat He oI aR il ase Ey _ De aigie, Hedi ¥ 5 ily bs wad a ox seus date EL I~ dtie Rie ha Cg rile >: age. fr diy . Teach Hw Fs » "wil Posies } ote for sale cheap of easy payments. Ib ve es important that § ou look over this * and see Mr. Mellon if you con- templating Patton Plush caps, dress wear, Si to $1.50. B a , THURS haying a property in DAY, | EC EMBER INS © NERS CASE i His Opin- Morning THE COMA . Seip at JUDGEMENT 15 GIVEN toy WANT TH Fooapera tina ly. fgaine Lloyd oud Pion BLE 50, come to be Rows 14 3 Sw hie nh han * fire arid been much die every part of the county, was set. tied at Frenshorg Monday marning so far an the couris of Cambria can settle it by the filing of Judge Parker's opinion in the matter The Judges roling is 10 the affect that. ander existing laws, Cambria Aountyis sommissiondrs fhe reer only M00. per annom for their seey loom, without regard to the number of days they may have put in. Consequently ndgeent aibowed AMIDA comm waner J, G0 Loy A in the smn of $RN1 AD, and against Conimis loner PE Dillon in the stm of $58.50 To go | briofly into the history of the case: The Act of 1558 fixie the cotpen. sation of the sounty commissionsrs $3.50 per « day; an act of the sth of March 1872 relating to Cambri fa county alone, Axed with Mm pEnaRtion Ar BN er Anuny in wu of any rate per cine The sommislonear under ad tee of the counsel -M. D. Kittell who be Heved the Act of 188% opened the At of 1872, enterad their Dill for services a the rate of 8350 per day. Tow Fou nty Auditors, under the ake view of thelr cotinmael WwW. H Sechiler sah the orders of the cOMDsENRerd at the rate a 5 per day, and an appeal was taken by Commisdorer {morge M. Werta, on which the above Spinion wk Biel Mo favor of the appellant. The appeal was taken with referents tor Last Yoke Kiklaren LY Ve ARN $s? ave Been nn Droara. In an arbied yond the Mab Foy \ Wave of nat werk it is stated tively that tha Patron lay Manuik niant at Patten net Monday, tha ul In reference lo Was ing “lay there and that the clay will be Es to Patton where it will be man. ufactnredt. The same article condemns the Mahaffey Board of Trade for not ooking after the interests of their town and having the plant located shivee instead of at Patton, The sri oho ba Bardly worth replying to ait ge Gn any facta. Ax in the EE La ¥ Re prom. part tha at Mihaly Lat sit foouded first place none of the owners of the Praron plant were at MakatYoy Mon. day, nor have they ever met thers, and have never considered such an iden as tie tertile hesln of the Mahal fey Valle vw Wave editor has ev dvd 15 Lhe edit to know why the plant was Patten he should come here and we will shew and tell him Within Bonded fest of the works aver seven font of the fire clay, which has Deen we if Lhe roost reliable sn tey and immediately slay Soa Boe eval thivk Shut Ww presucts $33 Liye ith a fe ated 81 touted by tile LANEY ts SEY in fan pds Tony fwt Burn the slay LoURlioay moans Mahatley x ¥ t Essel tae natural Ln wty RRR we rticins CoaniY for Coalpart i. ¥ MetCarmiek, wrpieyt Mosbannon a ] Poesia OAL Te BEI wr ted i in tentre Fim GN 0% A wi Bd Thais PIER ERG OLR FE a Th A good restatrant io best oculion in Patton Address postoffioe box 513 frp particulars, Patton, Pa. met Fine line of chains, buttons, ole, men’s jewel ry, rings for bol days. Bll. { Lpromecitor 8 paced | a a} aed Comte | enanty z pia Fe CRhong were ; runoing after with 4 Rolle ar of the Valley Wave wanta al wm 0 — fest grade of | plants in 18G%. ORE, 5M WALSON ACHUITTED Os Ted Charges Matte hs Bh MW. C. And Theanns Kelly. The citizens of Patton wer much interested 0 the case Of agree YG} Jasnuit and batters again = \ ison, pr sprietor Gf the nm mer Simd i dy Ib HOO Warren, prow itor and an awsait and buttery with intent ta Rit a Phos Kebhy erin wend i Aan ao- defer dant and the rimecttor in frst one To pay the costa the Commonwenith fo pay the 8) wa atael Lm The one w afiernonn and evening at 4 o'el retired. The Warren vary Rain el me for th antii Toes | Tock when the jury rests grew ant of a row in Mr Wilson's barroom and sosording Wo the | proseculors’ testimony Wilson is alleged to Warren's arm ami of herwise Injored Bing, and aller being piilod away fom Warren fost to fring heavy beer ginmees at Kojiv, wi was strnk on the head by tac of hen receiving aly cota in the mend Wilsan i abe svt to uve moaae thin the tha afte of Kad 3 daring and after Kelly ef) thee hone Thin testimony wis cotnpletely cone radioed bry tte testimony Tg the fervlant and wii hire gh Cs triad moeh Interest was taken in the oars owing to the conflicting witness 00 either de Ih the testimony given on the defend. arse wide {1 Appears that Mr Wilson was attacked and his lif threntened and that be wax only acting in wedf defense and trying to preserve peace, and that the attack on hime wos pre neditated Thi vase Wak ane be mest closely contested of any tried this term, P. Little and F. J. (PUonror, Fags, resented the promecuiion, and W, 3 Reohler, Reni Samery ill and Alvin Frans, Fags. took care: of the defenss, Abort a dos witnesses tomtifled on af the prosecution, while over Ive were catied ors to hap snes The case was given evening without of coursed, both sides nr ied al fds fray. ils LST Av # al ah SP Po Tg posi fe Apis thw BI RETO an STABBED Ar HASTINGS Feller Saya Wi Ken mtoil Wile Waking Along 5s Nye, Peter Swope, who Gees pear 5 Law rence. was stabbed on the hand lust Batariay night at Hastings bt Philip Cesk, whi makes Re home 3t thie Cand Lis tan Auge rs were almost weve red fromm hin bef Bad. The Hastings Tribane says that Me Mapripe, bern at sont thee anera Bons thelr wiv to the East Fond Where the 3 Baas BUY thelr Buggy While ng | » Wargo's hotell in the Paul we di re ] iy a, hat they paid fio him and walked on They timed nt wot far, Bowever, ganptid Crook came fa made BEY &L Mer Swareds wife when ber a hie hand to ward recelvinge & dangerous Aft hh Hext dents ing Urol a blow, which felling: Bin 16 bho gros, went to the Cirnve hotel and gamut The Rive! It was apd that the kaveddes of pee Singers wink the joints sev. Aeon. and to Okey Hs fingirs will THEY atx RIES vats EEE : 13% A in hasbmrsd Threw 3 hinw, Wag Oo Baal fee ent eRTa EL ¢ Bar HWarrivd Yharaday. #45 AREER at Lhe Wemt wilds young Minge bat of Lage Haw SEA shi % 4 ried, 8 _Fetpuctet Mins GIDE i one PIPER Fd ine Lpgaat werkding co Te by foe nia Mr apsst ren Esra Tai ede?’ SF PE ang TO Nhe Inde. Bie Phase cake sid Wort Ger Sas 4 ram treat’ f hay RING ik gr in Hppg iy Purtain. ; sstire AVIRA ROOTS sbi nvenne, ran on regards vr Has, Meilon, Lang ratshn at resioed she month of December ick's gallery on Fifth Men's Hook gi wes Big, The, $1. BELL. ALTOO] ied ap on Monday have bitten 4 plece out of in company with His wife, had : ars far the Lived thie A, PA. GUBLE & (0. AL rOONA PA Open the Doors Ot Fairyland 3 anta Clans has sent thomsands of oy young us Chirist- and old; are wide open 3 : - 5 eating CI HE STAR OF BETH 3.800 candle power strong is blazing a rings in our It is one of the exhibitions ever welvome for you as it # great skylight area. greatest electrical shown in Central Pennsylvania. Think of 205 electric globes stodding a great ball of spruce on every side, and think af the wonderful sight it must be. BUT This 1s only one of ats MEG Ty i: “The Old Woman That in A SHOE” IS HERE! iE The greatest shoe, big as 2 Hinsd with thousands of Dolls, gver Lhe top, Fin he, J very kind, that peep aides, and wherever a of the psro ving pi twee is found au at Bring the Children In! ane of the sights of thelr Hives, aud will dlelaghit the old as well ROE : SF, TAX Nee (Gable & Co.’ FAIRYLAND OF 18 9 5. Coane and see the wonderful assort. mpntE of beautiful goods, and see how handsome gifts Christan B]iaby yar money will bay —here Wm.F. Gable & Co. ALTOONA, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers