Mea Mae 01d fasta Clams botond A doll 3nd does to sleep, Me'd Hike $0 have the baby's friend Dive me a woolly sheen. Me'd like a Bouse to keep my dott And iotsof nzzer Bingy: Med Hike to have a prety poll Tat Isvighs and talks and sings. But when yon write to him for ms, Reo sere and tell kim, mus eT. Dat he can keep dom all 3 he i send a haber hroaser. Eine H. Faron, a AMBER G L A SN, A cums AS sto {Coprrisht. HES, by American Pros Asis thi | Ia Louisville I met old Colonel Hablin, and he urged me to go home with him, “My people ary all off on a visit, and yom know what it is for a soeiabde old follow to be left alone,’ said be. “And, “by the way, yon may not know it, hat I have one of the most attractive places jn Kentocky, rambling old house, bait x my grandfather, and all that wart o thing. Wait now before Aeafining, § © 1 must mention a stronger indoee Rt ope that a pontlenian can hamiiy with band mint onder ober colored gins, Dim 't quite catch thai, do yon? 1 ex | plain, and sou mos pardon we if 1 ap | pear to rapible a Hirtle In Kentoeky during the Jatter part of the spring, sil ‘of the summer and the first half of the Aall, a clodbopper oan live almost ax poll ns one of the hiooda And why? Be be can go along the spring branch : “and gather mint, can hang about a still house until somelxdy gives him 8 quart of ligoor io get rid «f him, and then all he bas to do is to grab a Randfol of Wagar, go away somewhere and Live L during the off time, when the sharp of the frost has raked the earth, be can’t get the mint, and therefora can’t lve completely, Now, 1 bave suffived from this inoompleteness of living and have at last provided against it. I have a mint hothouse, and more than that, the son rays are mellowed through am: ber glass, and’ ~~ The old gentleman smatehed out a red bandaroa bandker. chief and wiped his month. “Have yom po basdkerchief?’ be asked, noticiog thet I bad not wiped my month, © What sort of & man are you getting to be? But what do you say? Going with me?’ sy ATL ¥ Uwon my shoulder be affectionately aid his hand, aostesdy with emotion, snd looking straight into my eves be said: “This werd is pring to he devil as fast as it can, nnd when [ meet a man who is willing to turn aside and take an interest in me, why, I gad, it moves me, #ir. Now I'll tell yom what we'll do," be added faking my arm all torn ing mt abont. hare an old fashioned southern Christ. Om my place are a number of ne that were born thers, and 0 them the revival of an old baliday memory will be—well, 1 hardly know what to eall it, but yon shall seo for yourself.” “i Wo went straightwuy to the railway Lomation, the old mun talking incessantly of his disappointment st the weakness of Christsuss in the north. 1 let him talk, It wan likn the babbling of as old and dearly resoembered stream whose ehanvel is worn deep and which holds many a tender recollection, many a rein. fnlscent gurgle. I had known him dur he rm many years. Once be was in the : state Jegisiatuze. aed 1 as a newspaper | correspondent had reported bis speeches. 1 liked hie, took the kink ont of his sen: tances, made him say things to please | his people, and be warmed toward me. On the train I ent and watched him, Hving in the past with bis. Anoid| man’s charm is to live in the past. To | be a of the present makes him too worldly, a lover of money, snd a greedy ol man i a blight upon the face of the earth. I sat and booked at this oid man, and I thought of the days when bin life was Jordly ; when dusky bands elnpped in ae at his return from school; when; the music of his boonds sroased at dawn his sleepy peighbors. when proudly be Jed to the altar the belle of the neighborhood. It was easy to review his lite. In a» acelety foruver gone his It was dusk when we got off at a eta tion. A negro win had just lighted a lantern adjusted it as be came toward he er bed him if be bad i aa oe ries “De carriage, sah.’ the pegru answered “We a el dat you wap gwine come all de way ho ae by yo's'f, er, he, he!" The colone! laughed. “The old sconn- oh rel ‘knows ie,’ he said. “And you ; knew that 1'¢; come back sober, eh?’ ‘Ob, yas, (2 , 0' co'se I knowd dat Si dat yo wan gwine drink dat onsartin stoff got de best at oe alugside o' mint ‘dat de sun's shined on through yaller glass, er, he, he!" The scoundral’s working me for a qgink,” said the colonel. laugh. popiied i her Bip, an ad Christinas, and how dream “We'll go ont there and froan you ard aboot to ht tbat {from you, told me that the up yander when you ‘58 which we could see dimly outlined fn | bave the deepening dusk. The negro was in advance of ns. He rn ae ole | inel's remark, and 1 saw his white teeth gleaming. ‘Ain’ no usé’n er man tryin ter hide his wind from Mars Lem,” he said, joiting himself with a | t Net er bit oy nse, care he gwing read er man's mind hike one deze yora hooks wid er lather kiver on it “160 on, Fou scoundrel! the colonel “Yar sah; dnt’s what 'ee 20in. “ Awething been going on since 1 Jefe?’ SN sah const mach, Sam stabbed him, an de doctor say he ain’ tgwine Ith That gol "¥ ak, sah, nn Miles Parker woz Aung : ba er colt day defo’ yistidy, sn da say | fairy ws opera iis a memory of other aire, buat this promght op nothing that I had ever; op Be SIOnR dat cme o his laigs got ter come of’ ee “Yas, sab, an ole Miss Nancy Les Erie | gwine git played, snd 1 lay thers with my eyes {wide open, entranced. There was a wud - trod an er round soek an foil ‘Jeon she aint will, care ane 57 old ' “What “Yan word ter Mr an Hicks dat ho woz or bar faee liar, an eriwat sundown [ead Mr | hicks ridin torward de cop’ # hones, ap | dara no te lin whut baz happened by dis ima’ : “Wall, you've all fines 1 Jolt. Hip drive ns bone © The pext day wan the dny bafora ily delights Yits now and 3 3 i had a nj Ehes ful ¢ did I find this od id jriac Wh that in feery LOTHEr A TORMICA WAR hid: ing. The load creak of the old windlass at the well was a ery from the past There had been killing frosts. but now thio ait was softened with Indian sam. iF morning | the colonel took me to see his mint bed | not a dram. mers hazy breath. At ear {The carriage driver boversd pear os, grim, sly, bal! laughing sore Te Ay inn EPL 1 AD: 4 rn i {ie vip dealt goon ew af airs, Put wait a glans’ bo san, turned npn him sway and attend to I'll take a stick to wh 5. mingte. You tell the nigg going to give (hen an aid Christman Toll them-anen, wonn anid childven-—to be in front of the lag houses early in the mowning. Do yon hear: “Tews 1 vera?’ eried bewing almost 0 the ground fashioned fh GA negra, yu I thanks do Lawd Early the next morning, before the | winter birds began to twitter, I heard ; of the | had not been | ecnfiped to the tenants on the colonels | place, but had jnelndad those who lived | the negro assem ling in front nous. The invitations on some of the adjoining farms The eclonel was early astir ing it to oroe remarked Rinas Vision at ‘em down thers omy the face of the earth Ix yom Happiest people the nly real philmoghers, knsow what I've wot fr them? maay for the elo bdreg the men and women. nears has always thought Yong ea WL A hat ta Baws socugh eggnog Ww to ich. a ghovpee op before day and | Drink | wm #fraid that you | Lh PORE ged BURY of hire We Fig mate a wash kettle full of 3. that. Amber plies I asnend bom that Twas not. 1 told him that it was really better than the wand weg 3 see that you have pod Jived too bag in | Weil, Jet ns go down snd | i par io What a day thot was! With ao yoke of | steers the negroes Grow An enormous branch, sid he, mint that grew along the this pleased him "TAR the porth open up. hickory Jog into the yard, bored anger holes into it, gunpowder and Jarred the neighborhood. i | They ran foot races; they danced and | SADE SIADge songs At noon they wers | feasted and at evening they took their departare, some of thers wabbling a they walked. And now I bave come toa mystical part of this recital lieved in the mysterioms, have mildly Booted at it—practical owl, striving to deal alone with plain realities—bur 1 am impelled, sven at the risk of being charged with untruth, to tell of some thing that occurred during the night that followed our palsy merrymakiug. Until late the colonel and I sat in the parior, a room which once had been richly adorned, bat which was now dingy with faded finery. 1 admit that we had talked a great deal adont the amber glass I confess that the ald man, 2a be sat in arocking chair oprosite me, beraane: shadowy and snosrtais. Tae knowledge thas 1 lay dowa npon an old borsehair sofa I had nh Ing to KAY, mt the colivel sontinndd 1 ta Hie Geel, with Bik ite wenidirfal resources, Gonil not sel Ge that was his to BOL Bet np such at hristmas ud the one wa Badd jnat seetr. OX conde mun thers under sxnber glass oy be made there, aod hickory | be Blown ssander with guiow der. bist po such a spirit of the past cogld be in. yoked TT didn't argues with ham | eouldn’t It must have been about midnight when the old fellow, getting up ami feeling about for something which he did not find, tumed to me and sad. “I'm going into the other room and le down. An idea for the betterment of taper id wy country, sir, bas just cocarred tof nie. and 1 most needs go and work it out. You may go to yoer room or lie there, just as yon please.’’ He fombled his way ont, and I oun tinued to lie there. My head was clear, | yet everything 1 locked at appeared to have an amber cast, the pictures, the furniture, and expecially an old harpsi. chord in the corner. It was an ancient | Lstrumen:, with spindle legs and with | sah, an Cap'n Bowls mont le was hashed, I fancied | ‘Then it must sil have been » dream, and T was willing to Jon it goss a sweat i nightmare, bot at breakfast the nem | that waited on the tahie asked me if 1 | did not try tow Clank : Pike Lacker Juice Jn gat aid sionel pie if | have had a eimpin tune to rola me, bn ars that [ime Eom 1 yore? Ind Moses yers it thunder when he went up inter de mountains, sah? Did Aaron gers de bells dat was iied tor | | his grarments? 1 reckon I does years, sm He brought a julep to my room, and hand. | Under araber | Den't let that point get away | | aan, and eggnog for iibsat Be © {were off again, be hat be was 20 I have never be { gamed at the ined Baad it writ v on of soy veel Tor T remembel that for a few minntes | knew pons and then, opening my eyes, I was con- soions of # Might ip the roca, pot the Iamplight, for that had gune ont; not merely the moonbeams thet fell in at | the window, bat a lamivons. hazy fog. It sesaned to flost abont, Yes, §0 was fearing, for it eroaned the room and hoversd near the harpsichord that it had po existences except in my own fancy. and vet I watched it futon. Iv. Soddenly I sew motion, quick, m- : puisive——a Tow BEng Risave, White, | facniikes~swept above the keys of the tardy an Jim Bates got inter or squabble. an Sam | ald ipdtirpment. And then thers came » sft aud thrilling linkin Es 3 ! mal does anything of 1 toee other people's aige? Because the Iu dog is at once the sinerrest futterer and the most socckesful choerer that the ho | | man race ever had. A good dog always gives up the feeling that we men and women are 8 sort of gots Ni other ant: he kind. The eat a A IE SA AN fn Sal Poly san the rom “Par my Eely foond me fair And will plack me for her halr, And 1 shall go with her where she gost.” OF pare aot, 4h 1 care ‘met for the King or for | the quasi Though thie fairest ever seen, ae | treats ni ax an inforior. and the horse | I knew | : Swity in ; a tad that 340 will treat ne The ok wa Jaren OY, methine of His Peer ane! He mings th Cypha 3. Chie sey FUEL HEE { wie tery, fin : antadted to walk vib =i 1 Bnew | : that it was a fancy, but 1 was afraid to move Jest 1 might frighten the vision { AWAY. The tinkling ovesed, and thon thera sagan the most Har telons) iy bean tif) air I ever hoard, the love sung ID 8 © 4 vary In pearly all tones there It was new in its dedi {rver and over agri 1 Wal known. EW Osi ToRE den darkentog of the room, sud the mo. ap and down, whistied the tune, I went I went hack to the sofa and lay down, bar ¥ Sak BOL AY fact that Wo ars eg Svs ti Hes $i Teen {5 Lmto sarh a delirium of delight eight j wild and fit sate ml rah fat Amd when we dont bad moceli IY ut home, the dy o" ap lovingly at our feet and loo wo oand ben ar — ios inten Re 5 whee, A 3% § Waid, Mi 5 onrs Fite ony £5 3 Sam tH SE baad NR EVIL iY. ao i Et goin 5 3% i 3 4% per frien Bed 8 GY 4 4 as & deal : B fy LH Pae the pend passed along mrarte : ¥ i pd . But the vinizt ; | For it knew | Bh hot passed Hang the primes Troms the bod sores the i [who is a womiin and a sues striger, 8 way. del wore mu in 8 sang, And §oidaii Hive forever 19 58 ay Yamlile thes only bent Da bead wereld wr lek, ; frie abit Hat stiden to the cnrper wher oF grew et oF wll LAs fatrest. themph wn maa] ; And crowned 18 with 8 iss Het go one sy durier mining With a : ts a solid ress for the fomdiiess of meg | Jove, buy nero ly t6 peers the manuf : for dogs, 3 : {ond nnril either nen or I arcs, and, walking | ronning, like a son reflect. | ing rivales, through my head. dropped | to sisep nod awoke with a jomp The whistis it Not a bar of it came to me pan was shining. The tans! I strove to : of t trigneniag jogs of woasd F pile the night; maid that ba thonght he beard | ns tapping on his door. Then I said nothing to the old pian abvmt that tans. It wonldn't come. And yet [felt 38, beard it bs Aad thos it was day after flay. fSahe i800 whistio 12 4 thin throw it away, bot iW owaw i stroctad £ posed ts the wenthe : i oN {ner by several Duchess Than by those Ing en 20g wnt all 4 vee to rateh * tie viston, bat all day 1 strove to catch Egos uhelte (ing gradually warns sway, The treasures srs ing deen within are of | pow Boston Transer to the old man's doer, still winstiing it, ! 4 i and tapped to arcnss him, but his snore | ing was the only answer 1 recaived, so tins | | the tune still : which fa the eolonel during ; al if wii pyver come th an worry difleront beangs from what they are pt. The Didest Wooden Buoilding, Japnn puesisses what oldest SEO wien wrt asa in tha wwii el Comba o£ 1} and iw witantad in Nar, which roRre Mra Ea ie vial building is in oh] La rues 8 3et si Phos art tranE res sa Toa reuidenon,. The ied i ig ty arsed ae Peg ik . ik reste 0% RE A TDI The Fook ve 0S RE nin and slowed exioriinn yy Ima ing power, considering the trying ¢ Bwate it has Bad to emlore for over 1.200 years A peculisr featne abomd the fogs of w the baliding is on that. in the parts BX r the loge are thin wg wiwnt need iw of - Bich Host ped position, the wood hav wi the storage CO RILN a bon Cher Yow, wi Ade B Bresen in Youth's Companion OMAN AND HER WOES, fn singing appropriate hrmag . spother friend, A Topas mas of x practical torn of mind has wade a will regulating his . own faveral A friend who is a parson i to come from a distance and say a prayer. Another friend, who is pot a parson, not even 8 church member, in to wake a shart tall Another (riend, fo request three musical fricids——an- other woman sud two mento join her wis os 8s young fellow who jearned the yerboard while “on the rad’ for a mesic hoase, is to preside | ms ha arpan. The wadertaker by not fo wear a ping Bat, or a hig diamond ead, or a dressy Prince Alber coat, or in any manper Hers Are Just a Few of the Handicaps of the Sex. First ~~ Exoenting on the sly she in inhumanly barred from nsing a clparetis Rowand wetihn 5 net allowed to make tarad articie Third — When she bots with any mem. | rarely hss the | tha tthe sox she | privilege of paving it 17 she lowes Fhiy the fr for sone | Fonrth «Sha is nnahls to una tended to the theater Fifth dbo cannot pron dapre more than throes times in Ri sncoesking with a partner whom she likes without being | sezpoctind of a tendency to Hirt {othe enfin Sixth —No matter how put onthe | | parbon who «hail say the first prayer her madd or her miillinerecsba du pod permitted the than © Dear me 0 Reventh —~She may not chaff the waiter at a foretgn tabls d'here al though she kuows his hoguasge perfect iy and Jonge to take advantage of the oar chases of showing that she knows it i great antiquity snd have hewn wen by. : Eoropeans doris Fours. ir mastornd mee~wemid Charlee jle-naatind THREE CAME A SOFT, treart atid bummed noftly. Bur the bom. ting pradually grew less, and one day i New it comemd And then I wished & I Bad lost soonething Apt ber Christine Wha Bro and 1 wrote 1 5 the i hassel, ailing fine ¢ aig y 1 said in want © Bamwriigir sofa ~ How Wank oy : my fedree £58 Shea was full Hi # peonl it 3 OR Raat Cre lana ons waded. the point of writing © me Wikies hey porsived may etter 1 arrived Ubristiias ving 7 weather was cold, and we did not Walk hems 1 wire ond ny, ery hing bad been distarbed Thers Was fhe Warpaiehs wd and the wifa [waited for the Sioned in an Jet bo war silent. [85K ont ny pipe and Behe oo Suddenly le bees svrviak ¥en dion’ oliject to smoking late day, do you!’ SOB, mo, for 1 smoke myself, but if Bay wham Pk it's just the same to you, ene of my clay pipes? 1 your stent scrter riles my stoma remember that mint bal Weel, 1H night, but I don't wane amber glia. My dear boy, ie HY LaoRn 2 ~ Kip Ehret id man Yon The my a Cpantly inate 3 fen sl Taal thirve a3: id anni. only of rire nding, ¢ i" They pores ul fabrics of Persian, and Turk mh mano iactare lok from all parte of 5 ed Building. fine on the Lawyer One of the jeading young lawyers o Washington Wont away by o& harry Betis th Rik clerk Eh the word Are sharare fla had an of gity, ywhere a plied her wail wanted sune letters forwarded to bm that hie was expecting, and so instrocted Wie clerk 1% a fetter. He addressed it in Mak afl o i fies 1 Ivix key Capt be wag in ao a ta a 5 wis ied git . Dp OTRBILLING TINKLE | ! 1 : Cnimasedt aval Laaoud Rey mt ed y sen | COB ICTR | four anita mind Prat # And ha wwe Bis oun sare max fo ineire delivery ot Fie inclosed Bis postal lepers were forwarded, mad hing «7 a quandary ecb amd found that the box and be had shat iT HEY Sey until le rey but vay iow madd, cars A Reemith w Fla jovke Lh HW Yer ! spread hs wan gs royce e- NE 10, And YEP YER Ea 3 Lg XHAER Ean Fhe Splders ¥plenbag Marhine : sachine of ard ded Av an ig alin parefal { ns Ariana ef of a ih RE 5 fe Talis, £ hodes, jonprde ti several ol Cm osingle th 4 Sate mal 8 Speen of thee thas be gained when if i® Riow | apider’s thresd an wo see EL ix her place, bat sat down in the old from ench of Lhe { § G00 manne soak of spward , funy spinerel puss, Chess 4,000 separate threads unite at to parada the | Covirtaes of amber gas, bat onots : : RET. 5 | ing the single inaded the holes with | ming fann which the the tain opening of the spiteret, Himneut | wpider spine its wali ~5t. Lois Kept at this | : elatin | Bnpporiers. very keen wen of nmuell, and i Cmnrioed at ! Piscatoriad soeisty at thie Holborn 5 sanrant that sven some of ing that makes a man sicker ian to | Was much of a good thing. And U A good thing, but'—hers the oid man gagged — "but Idan't want BBY more I'll get you a clay pipe’ We sat op anti] pearly midnight ain. BR st lay down cn the sofa. It was a} © had recentiv bell a pape or viger. gery theveforn should net Soke, is i then to ow Fish sod Tobaoes. The Aptinareotic evisty enn, the fh of the sea apwng Fish are snown to bave a 1s this Week w ren § ia the reediest a fie won ld decline a bait which he a rouwehed by an anger whose hand AL a mL DATROIEN angling mings : pipe would be aug og Withont ona py ia / ¢ i ebigef ple SORE TN a Ye mstua aster Gages then the colonel went to los roan | : time before 1 went to sleep, but dosed | off at last, and with a sensation of tight J awoke The tune was tink! en the Barpeichord. 1 raised nment. | sanid see MBRIYeLNE Air vio 1 : gs S § 3» pe dlerinet aa 1 bad toon 01 $0 yintoa, bat the bemperi fal ad ae the year le 2 aw. I listened ceased, and then, whistling the tune, ria to the colonels room apd aromas a bom “What! , penta the day HR bere did von hawt thr? Ir was ny jacther's tune-—shw composed 10 pees y down and perer nly it except on Christmas night. Leal him of the vision, ane | tepuct, with ihe tears rolling do cheeks Is wonderfnl, be sal have often wished that I eunid that tune, but I have no enr for There's a muosic teacher not : Bere, apd early in the morning we ig aver amd have him take it down, We talked a long time, and I wi timed the tops over and over. Amd 1 Lv down with iz strong and sisar on 0 niind, but when 1 awoke 10 wae poo awk Hila ii Te cyst a "ier of Chin F {to write © Fone ' 1 mon; | fair awarded ¢ daguerrsotypes Ea | into the posts possession aod farished UC rennrediate 4 testimony of Lie deb Lente Low sent aspired a Nobile Powe, It wax the ate Dagoerrsctypist Hes wpe whe epired Longfellow ‘Roa watha, © Me Hesier was the mist vininent of Jats profes. {asmdon Ww. of 2 54 yap RE egy fixed PER 5, ashy 3 343 5 A Red ioe of vf Minuebaha #1 a mig uf the CHITIE ie 33 % Takin g Fan Ea win Fosier sae of CIEE oiraeun Tor The Mr oh i v $i 3 wa wn eg Rial A GRRsS Bix powing With: Dis Munalure an: Cpliments on the By bal i LAE af N ! villa | peri A Fatal Triangle, the tripple furaed by the vashvitle, Atignta and Baos shay T0000 goon soadiers shed during tive war. The great bat Witkin “ more | tlom of Nashvie Marfreeshors, Uhiek irain, Kooxvilie Sel the Powers foot In thas reaon. | pari | featur hibited — nor have I sine then been able 10 teeall it jnarall a musician ia the id hose, that I may give him the wotes before daylight drives them away. Orie Read. But I have piade my arrangemen’s lo | ; entoh it pews Uhirigtraas 1 am going Bie wah Lay relat i 150 old. — Naw Yur Liwkimt Monn BRITT EES, L ‘hattare aga, tks Bade they betwesn Chattanooga and Atlanta In po other vf the conatry wers the horribia ran of vivid st rife wo Strikingly ex Bo X¥ ie » Sentinel. Pails ny Friveni—%) Maiden Ladys ars thomghr 1 was mre, tha thought k Mavkiy fy SvEr marry tine uid enon i Was fous Ey dada’ % wae REI TRCN 3; y £3 i Hark And apcent | abled from competing with men in Eighth «Hy a masenlins assumption shi 18 deomed unabiis to play cricket or foothall apd ix deamed to jess violent games, like eroqubt and tennii, with mild yong men. Nuithy «~=Thoogh over head and ears in love, #bo may never make an offer, expapt, perhaps, in leap year, und for nee of stronger Sogonge | 2 How tienpenne x RN a ASH DAA Kee Ra AA En this it wonid be hard for ber to quote | 7 an actual precedent. Tenth. She is expoetéd #6 be able to i make ose of a needle and is thos dis | | wiorks of idleness from bore res and forgot to give all Eleventh Her oars are stespad in | slang when her hrothers come home | from school, and yet whe is obliged, as far as possible, to keep har lips from in cme of the large buildings of the Pak postoffice box ls map The Inwynr particalarly ting it Twelfth If thera tw & baby in the | honse wher she is visiting, sho is pre- puned Gt) he unable to talk sensibly about it Thirteonth. When her married sister makes a call, she is aoways pongosd gp an to entertain the children Flore ant by having his | boy with his first pair of trousers. Pourtestith -Eowever humeorons bop! of the new Fider's most laoaghable hal tepaperaniont may naturally be, che can. | por crack a joke or sing a come song without being thought eeventoihs Pi Bir gmail brothers Sigtemith Nha privilege of iw a Intehkey ow Cassels 3 Ww vel | iY 3oseeme. | paper and cannot therefore Cas pa nf the Sanne ier t Se Oeial Tok. Hager and noeeriainty 3 a As 5 SER RI Te i Cell iL INT yd seotus andiy fouick his 3 wibby 5 LL RRR JT £4 SAN 0 pirent 4 v3 1 Tis 1 Fithidt Hun een ON Sa phe ER He paper i Likes BHLOOLR SER, a minh it Yio subbing with the finger. sad if allowed to bepitge o tha pager ~an be wet cut being effaced, tha nats direotly ri han ud ei into the surface be removid withent destroving that surface. There froetith. —She must Bot praction Paxing, except as regards the ears of ! char pot allowed the Cima | I adept | srgumsenta sre fal | ots and £ kde, i sppear ax if bo hal matched 8 moment | from a banquet to pry the dead He ie to ba modest and huwble, giving the | eorpse a chance for public atrention—ite lust chance. The pallbearers ava not to ba labeled, They will be distinguish shle fron the corpse by the fact that they will ba alive, and their doties wiil be understood without wearing a priot. od sign. They most be good fellows, ton, bright fellows, and they are re- quart to begnile the way to the grave with cheerful anecdotes of their dead | friand. Mone of them may Waar Zovet-—an. deriakars’ glives are so starchy and sly and » man whose Lands sweat fs barred It tarnishes the handles of (ripe and sig, swords, feathers wud bands are prohibited. The shall say the last. and “sprigs of myr- tie" or Vacania’’ are forbidden. The palibearess ae fo line op and withess tha Anal closing of the grave. All the funeral arrangenients are fo be in charge of another friend, a woman, who shall comfort the fausily apd sce that chumps keep away fons the bee © that browne ten be not pergatted to sit ap with the fOr ase She shall receive Bower if anyr--{riends may bring in, retarn thanks for them iu writing apd psquest the pewspapers nod to eall then floral of forings ' She shall ales detach oud from theses pretty rersembrances and praseree them for the family. The coffin it shall pot be enlicd a" oasket’ ww must not wear the appearatos of a floral bargain counter. That mosigrown title beud, “The Last Sai Rites, must aot appear over the newspaper seoonnts of the funeral. and having done this last kind servies in fairly good English and shift sentences city aditues are raqaested to turn again their attention 1 Jife and thi beantifal world, leaving the dead mito to make his own way across the dairk river, - Kansas C ity Star. Car Pures wot Bleyeling. A pew rider with a pew wheel is as sity and bmdginative a the traditional Une lurinations is thar by purchasing a wihinel he hue bacon secbonsiond instead of extraragapt. J iv castomary to hear thin new rider defend himself from the a of extpuvaganos in tha purchase 4 vieyzla by the declaration that he i131, by nes of it, sorn save in car fares glinpa miore than the wipes swt. Leg ne mn dirbiide himasel? with any such idea were paeible for fins ta ridge a brie sim and from his wink such uf the king dave in this yoar~-imi sueh ariposition is preoand nrchabtl : ase hia wind i carfare sav. ings hut 50 ter a #1 whizh rite it wonld tale Jost t yours and four montis for Bim tooguradr the $100 pile his wheel let #oet hing Therefore such caw and &honid a8 over bo abandoned : beditnd 5 subterfuge #0 4 5% 43 ai HAFAY ths BAe an wy ATT Don't i Sho weak as this carfare sllelation. Ba hon- aust het the paper : sandy faintly siitobed by | shasta | thorn iy with : Tha secret 1s that the if the i% po dismay that the mk will become | brown after it hax been on the paper or book for many y tinge 8 given , for the brownish | by logwood, and no log | wood 15 need in the record ink — Boston : | sure indication that the piano has been Transeript. Retired Grinders. speaking English with an scout 15 one of the most astonishing things that Italy : fortabie : vie price mead Bor Wifes to the tourist argan orimbers who have sega red cone neve in various conalries beh me thody bed native land 4s live in ations with their families in this strange tie onde Uny, winch they have foansiend ) 1 bey went Badin Man atans 0 and haw go And She Batieved Him, Bhp] dom 1 is paving i. edayts fur can get goes just as preity for O He know ther am just is pretty, batt thee 3 Cem ones are claus thal Save sonnet. You woabdn't hay somrod fruit Juss beodiow if von fend innapaiis di me rent Chicos , Calaiinr, The Chunese have a singuiariy sompil- pated cnlendar. Their cycles have WW years, sack year, month and day hav ing its own name, dod by cumbang these the day, month amd vear are des. Iau ted. Life is made ap not of great sacrifices av duties. buat of little things, in which siniles and Kindoess aod small obs Ctioms gnven babifumily are What preserve the heart and secures comfort —3ir BK Davy. it asin atu cup we only by lobe that thought can be neaithy, aud only hy thought that san be oonude appy, mud the ta be separated with Lupoaiiy : Baskin ome They are rofired et with youveel!l and the warld. Say i$ right ont, so sil may bear you, that yon biive bought a wheel because you want to ride vo, becanse of the pleasure iS gives and the wider scope it gives you when an outing is possible. If that is nist safleient to silence those who oviti- cise you, leave them to their way and #0 yonrs avwheel, satisfied that your in- visstisent in oa bicycles yieuls vou never fuiling dividends of health and happl- Doss, — St Louis Hh Rust wa the Wires oF # Plane The appearance of rust on the taning pins and the steel wires of a plano is a asposed to moisture or dawpoess. The A whole village of well to do Italians ; time of year oF ie age or quality of the piano bas nothing to do with it, as rust may appear in a might the rootn is heated by a stove just outs side of jt will probably secount for the rust, as the chances are that after the - ganal cooling of a fire ovemight its ove | | rast would Lnmedintely appear. among | | move it. | harm unless it cuuses the strings to se why youn will keep , : cars when vol | be replaced, Most pianos require tuning © | gwice a year The only important cave hating in the morning would be likely to cause sopdessation on the metal, and not ase oll ar any greasy sabstance to re It will probably pot dc any trek, in which cave they will have to $0 be given a plano 3 to keep it in an woven, dry temperature —Laidlss’ Home . Journal was cheaper, wonld | Lewt the dul “Ha ron want a position in my office “You, sir.’ “Da yim chew!’ “ No, sir.” “Then [ can’t hire you. [wan't have & man in my employ that can’t barrow tobacco from.’ ‘—Now York Recorder. Patgutten Now, First Stranger (surprised Why, as you a literary man? Second Stranger (sadly -Na | used to think was, though. | am the anther af the hook that wax therage of a wasn a dogen years ago —Somervilie Journal A French savant has discovers] thas many perfames aid health by destroying disesss misrobos Thyme, lemon, onnt, lavendir, eucalypins and other scents srovial very we $ret The fact that
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers