| $1. LOO 0 PER y EAR. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO., PA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1895 abil Wid Rene ss at BI Be, Sa ed A EAR BE SS Omatents Christmas Cards, : Toys, Books, Novelties, Perfumes, Toilet C. Cases, Ladies Gold Pens and Holders | '. Mirrors, Knives, . Musical Goods, Razors, Scissors, . Toilet Articles, Cristmas Candy, Etc., Etc. Cents Fonntain Pens. : Fi ine Christmas Candy do but OMLY 10¢. PER POOND. Patton Pharmacy, erywl see all the Fo bry a rt Springs » educated comparatively Rea. img Doe. 9, 3 oun Pomme sono sYSTER. | Written »y 8. 1 G. HM. Hubbard, Prinips! of 1 yarahis Sonditions | j Parlor In ik compels the rich man i hid to educate ay school aw t of all law | {To the Hon. periy re attendance, i any Suir day» iid 5 Po well as to Denn on the Philadel as wks in town, us, and if we don’t SE er Fan jes 0d better goods. an eo same money then don't buy Remember, we tL ; eddy. We let others do that. and Reading ratlroad and Central ‘road of Pennsylvania BStodents a schools and colleges can purchase these : A dispatels jow rate tickets on Dootiaher 17th, Dece [15th, 19th j Docember 3 Clonrfield and Boeeh reek Regione, The following signed by XXXX is taken from the Coal Trade Journal: { “There has not bees as maneh activity | at would make a more (two in these regions at any time in the past as there has heen since the years 16t of November, and mn likely to be. {reentdl the close of the year On “Berount mines are running to their fullest va ° i ship Fite. ‘of the scarcity of cars pode of the ty, bat all are at work -Idg am On the Beech (reek rulroad. a lark of motive power to neve the coal If you can’t come to the City write to uk for all kinds of information; member, ] Re- | stown, Pa. onnst I Market8t. Telephone No. 140, | officially ighortage of traffic ia experienced, fds Swithetanding trains are kept moving both day an night." Audit Neurty Completed. Tt was announosd #6 Altovna semi Sunday that the sadit of | and 20th, as well aa dates Goan ors adjourned their annual given above, return limit being Jan or pli a four dn th : epoxy or eaane WAY, Finds Scveral Little Things Which be Attended to. AV. Barker, President of or Curt of the County of NE: Y, have visited | i nd not the i y fountain be | of the court amend that, t in the Almshouse and make a clothes. ow + Jos, Foreman. of the Beech month ending 2 1895: Number en- 5, females 15, total, 30. Bd A Mellon, Mirkin & Koper First : Insurance the y Co, pope go will have much wr FRANCIS Craver, Teacher. to | Following ie & report of the Chest § Namber in attend month, oo average | Cd: during asonth were bir hen Hurd, Charles Hard. Robert Calihan, W Vistar Doon, Clare oe | | o second No.7, Cur. Pr : mon 5: Enrol sg Tp raion 2 | verage attend 18, total 34. Thome perfect in Boner John McNulty. | Edmund Weakland, Elmer Lather, : Rady lig, Lawrence Ahlas Failip Seymore, Charles Pursbangh, Mal ‘ Bearer, lLaora Luther, Melia Ho Ellie ARlas, Rose Hopfer, Jennie Ahlan F Visitors, 11. May P McCormick, Teacher Hon. i J. Thomas Hanored. from Williamsport dated | 13 says that the State oon. *guitting. The following committesinen were eloc axl: | Member of finance sommittese, HB Corry, of Bradford; members of exec ‘ative committee, J. J. Thomas, of Cambria county, and J. T. Chandler, of Chester conntly. A resolution Was adopted endorsing the Lubin plan, which propeses a bounty oo agricu- | tural prodocta Professor Watson, of State College, delivered an address on “State (range and Ha Relation | yt Edgeation.” business the convention adjourned. Often Th Electad. At the annual selection of officers for the Cambria County Agricultural ds sociation at Carrcillown the following were chosen President, H. J. Krumen- nacker: vice-president, PJ Dietrick, treasurer, TA. Sharbaugh, secretary, JV. Maucher; directors, Chas, Peigh- | Ambrose’'s accounts wit ab city B bi thd city tam John H Hoover, James Westrick, ‘been nearly completed aad that aver seven thousand dole {ars has been found It is said it will resch §HL 00, when the adit i» come pleted. it be given ont that Ambrose when he wet?! Susp Wis ae ompanied hy a daughter % ais BX Methodist | rescher with whom he uf ing for some time past. wdevil” and all other employes i | i The SE Fores wi Pest. had been bv. Ag is the general custéen throughoat | Northern £5 Cambria county among all printing of} ces, no paper will be sued | fre wi the Cover office next week. The publisher. editor, ager, proof renders, roporters {man, compositor, pressmen, ey fore and the nected herewith will take a rest) wishing vou all 4 merry Christmas snd | | the execution of W, a happy New Year. “Shouting Mateb. A shooting match for turkeys, will | ‘ba given at the rifle range on Saturday | fafternoon, every body is invited An overcoat t makes a good servicable | 1 sent. A big full stock just in, 175] o§. BELL. joe he BEAR con. : Benjamin Wirtner, H. J Eckearode, Wm J. MoCoambie, Jos A. Gray, John 8 Wetsel. DD. A. Luther, Sr, KH. | Buck, Simon P. Kline amd CU. A. Shar bangh Wart (i the Mines, On Monday Wm, Jones, whe lives on Kerr avenue, received an injury while | st work in the Reilly colliery which will probably confine him to bis howe {or a few dave. While attending to ais duties a pile of rock fell upon two of his toes causing an ugly wound | yr Worrell, who was summoned, at- tended to his injury. Du Frans’ * Dom Seaiond. Judge Morphy, of San Francisco, fixed February 21, 1996, as the date for H. T Durrant,’ { convicted of the murder of Blanche | i § i | Lamont in April last. Nolid § sold rings, pins, cuff buttons, | CALS, il line for Christmas presents. | BELL. The ia sit stock of lamps to select | from will be found at The Cambria | Hardware Co.'s. 4tf. i colupne of the largest paper in school for month end- | 2 je tions on its line, exo his death, held in hy Nest Bpoing. nt. The machinery bas about all arrived and is being put In lace, Work | ng on the kilns and the siate roof an the main bailing wi oon be a part of been com _ In ahont a week the dry and pug piace a. wel an the | wast work or Propreig WR be Running oy Pa, i, i the work among the chil much | weather pany, a branch by January lot | ck for the fire File ill be many | factored there The foundation for a large has beets com sted which will supply ting of this a EU ER oy able. CUR for this time of the yea has that the plans wil a eros flues, brick and al kinds Tuer Pie producta Are You on the List? Following is a list who believe in ad count wm Can unty, the Cotmem: 1. 8. Bell, Mr. Jowsel, Patton Su Streit, Ward & oy A ‘ambria Hardware ; = anim Sod, Wail 4 Erg. Ri | Severin, LP Ba. Ro ial Co., Fisher & Hodgkins, Comer Brea. That Baby Elephant. a EEE pl Co, * cofper of Fifth and pared to serve guessing cards or few weeks on in the the timber hanled : make » advantage a Peoengh 10. Eo prope. Freese, and are getting to j woods. Santa Claus ool a severe reservoly | Coulter. of the pte be plnaed th the | midst. Hardware Co. ordertoburnin a weaks. ow to The Young A : of Altoona, who had store here a few or gn | moved their goods to Altoona on nrday, The company Was not soc ¥ i were taken to the pen- | morning by Sheriff, The market place held by the Ladies’ | Industrial society, of the Presbyterian church, at the opera house Inst Wed. nesday und Shuma evevings, | was & Anancisl scoses. On To Six prisoners itentiary yesterday All the beautiful things he has seen in the years gone by,cannot be compared with what he sees displayed by us now. All Central Penu- sylvania joins him in wond- erment at our superb stock of Beantiful Christmas Presents. they drove to Carrolitown where 11 visit friends and relatives. Mr Craver bas not been home for and his many friends to welcome him in their | te will bar ight, | w days. £ Ashville Letter. : mines, situsted short of town, after un idle have resamed | argo force ie now and that the arc Greater and ey rt hut the coke ovens, about twenty {n number, have not bern fired : When this brasil of the industry | is started more men will be needed to carry on the work. Mr. Fle. who has been en in the work of the tonisorial artist in sev. | eral of the surrounding places, came to town last Friday and is now = the public in that P Phe mil operated by Mr. Cole has pot beer running very steady the past account of sot having in hoy ave saxing| tiraber tiom the! Toys, Candies and Books Rev. Maclinay, the Methodist min for thie children—Novel and charge at Baker's Mines Beautiful Gifts for Friends— places in this victulty, Useful Gifts for the Home and successful chiand To ot werk. | Mother, eh Mek Eid tion in this place, cori Gifts for | ? with Charlie when it comes to SF Shin be bn il saforing. postoffice st Ash Sirmenty] guters. Holiday Escarsion Rates. n aocordance with its usual liberal er the Buffalo, Rochester and Miss A ttsnarg Railway will this excursion tickets account and New Year holiday ' one-third the r lar f | the round trip fween any Christman will be said lem thun he. be sold Dee. 4th, 25th and 3st, 18945, and Jan. 1st, 1996, limited passe antit and (neluding Jao. nd, 1804. x A Grand Falr A grand fair will be given by Whe hig heather John, of Westover. Catholic eongregation at St Augustine, in the hall for that purpose, on Christ. he evening and dn every Wednesday pandance at and Saturday evenings until February ' hyeoli were trast « ta some 17th. The people of St have the reputation fairs, elo, in 3 proper Cormier will assure all who A hody is invitid to attend Com Rusiness. The Philipsburg Ledger says: The | son! hasiness still continoes good. Every mine, big and little, in the region is running full time, unless hampered for the want of car, and good miners are in demand. We are told by a man 15 will be one of the monthly boy ality largest semi- ied at Chest Springs. On Sunday John wad ronpected citizen of Chest Springs, wenks, He was one of the early resi- dents of that place, and leaves severs! ~hildren and a host of friends to mourn Int srment look place at the {Chest Springs cemetary on Tuaes- - day Another New More, at one and her many one way for amoog twn sta that no ticket Union, of St. Lawrence, Tickets will ing in their hall on Saturday for metarn attended. INE mneic by the SL Lawrence ohnr in of conducting prexinping Peter's Celebrated Mass in | style, and the “nv with Herman Swo attend | 4p the organ. that they will be treated OO, K. Every. hues solo Afer some upor » who knows, that the pay on December oo usar sued a pays ever disbursed in this napa of advertising patrnage. Conner, an aged paper in chants of paseesd away after an Hines of several the publishers antirin Ling fy Mrs. A. H. Rook, has leased the store | {room opposite the Central hotel, Ww fuch was formerly ovrupw wl by il tains iy and will, in a few days open up dry | goods aul notions store. tSearry a to give her a call She sxpecta Due Yeas Hid Week before lust the Gallitzin Times entered upon iE seo wond year of ase fulness. Bro Strickland publishes a | first-class newspaper, and the business i men of that town should give it hearty ment. May d prosper. enoou long an the Pittsburg Gets 1 The hig National convention will be ittsburg--not the Repubiican | convention, but the seohibi- | (ne is bet- | Rati nal a National couvention. j a Ban nune. Ties; in. hands, “Teoks, Bows, and Windsors. Bri. x ft { Hine and invite everyone bate i | i Times live] seks $50,000, I You will also. The of candies at his kept by Ap [nie et COMFORT, conducted by ONT James Rhody. QE r'] oe Lawrie Netter. : gues Dietrich is slowly re covering from a severe timc of! typhoid pnenmonia and it is hoped by | friends that she will b them again. The Farmers’ Alliance and Industrial | held a meet- | evening, December 14, which was viry we Joo. Sawyer, who was slek for some | time past, fk now able to about again, | Dr. Wieida was the attending physieian. | Henry Swope, of this place, visited Sun Not a uss and jumble wo job lots, but a great an | Souipiete BOOK (day. : On last Sanday the people in at the St. Bonithes Catholic yory ne Standard Works, pe (fMeintiog | In muny aditions, plain and fancy Ambrose Swope sang a 4 hindings-- poetry, flction, history — “A Veni Creator,” by Him- | gngle volumes and sete New Litera mel. In addition to above sgers thin | tare, Niuminated > etn, Bookiets, choir consists of Misses Mary and | Christmas Cards, Br lizzie Roiger, wins ing soprano and alto respectively hey report having a very enjoy lo time while in St. . ’ ; Bonifhce. Children’s Books, A Besutiful Edition. On Saturday the Duallois Moming twenty page Christ the benefit of ifs vast it contadned some artistic illustrated wud vertisemaonts which shows that that wospering amul thal ihe mer. | that thriving city apprecist | anergy in ory | make it the leading daily of | Western Peposvivanin The mechans | jeal work on the odition was superb. | Beard bound, lnen bound, paper hound books Pletare Books of every description to make bright eves twinkle Cand little brains earn. Thousands of Volumes from whieh to choose something here CL for all mas dition for Fancy Goods. Wii Build Nest Spring. A. t*. Fisher, the painter and paper | Banger has parohased tw fot pa the oor ner of Four and Magee iveoaus bi longing to Walter Weak wad and will, | ny the spring erect a dwe Hae and store | wien thers on, He expects to odeRpy J store ronm him self carrying a fail | and complete Tne of wall paper, pants | Sach. 4 nisge of pretty presents for ung and old, that descrip. thom can only bes Hittle it Silver Novelties, Toilet Bete, White Metal Goods, Manicure Sets, Alaminum Goods, Photo Albums, Celluloid Goods, Bric a Brae, Photo Frames, Fancy Figures, Glove Butea, V anes, Handkerchief Boxes, Lamps, Asks for 850.000 Damage Begjanun Davis, of Houday story, | Bas eiitered suit in the Blair county | Card Tables, Jnrdinieres, Gourt against Dr. M. J. Buck, of Al Smoking Talues Cut Glass, rooian. for an alleged erromious i | Pretty Dishes, Cups and Ssucers, wl operation, by reasan of whieh And all the multitude of pretty and plainutt Was serionsy injured. asefal doles to fo PA over the a Wm.E. Gable & Co. ALTOONA, PA. He For Rent. Spore room 20x38 un Magee avenos, Doble heating stove with uy AE, fapey gold hanging lamp, ot of fagiey candy jus, and threes ew a for sue cheap, Apply ot COURIER | office. 413 (aps for Bays, men, girls “and babes. |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers