Ap BE ot BA i ena a | Watton Courier.’ PATTON PUBLISHING THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1595. * A Letter. Enrror COURIER: —There is a strong feeling in many parts of the county ‘against the liquor traffle. I believe the lawr in. force gives the judges of our courta discretionary powers in granting license to sell intoxicants The evils growing ont of the liquor traffic are so manifest and. so terrible that with all the safeguards thrown co., Proprietors. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. copy, one year, in advaner, Known ny r mtes made ys Advertising ippteation. No papers discontinued anti 0 reer res are peda, ndose ar th Ar ; i cption of the publisher, Entered at the Postoffioc at Patton a class mail matter COUNTY. \ TIME OF HOLDING COURT, ist Mondiiy of March . tinnes 1st Monday of sept. - around it by. legislation the evil con- in fact auasion is also powerless give a man license to sell lignor within the jaw he will bid defiance to the law the fhimst opportanity. The tottering forms drunkards may be ie increasing. Onee Rea Moral cost lows and ik Ist Monday of Junea ' fut Monday + OFFICERS, VRESLDENT JUDGE Hon. 4 © ProTHONoTARY ~F tL Darin Rearerer AND REcornri —D Treas rEr—~F. H Barker spEsrer-—D, W. Conder. Deroy Suenirr--Samiel Lavis DirergicT ATTORNEY IL So. Marphy CoM sstoxens--P. J. Dillon, J. (1 Caen. ML Wertz, : COMMISION ER's (Ly BK COUNTY SUPERTNTEND oUXTY SORviEYoR COUNTY AV DITORMN Berry, Janes Patty. JURY COMMISSIONERS Wm. Miller, . UHRUN ER Pre. trenrg Poon DipgrcroRs erviite, Raphiel Hite, non OFFICERS, J, Donnelly. Be of Dea of habitual Sunday and Monday, of nay youth “ Barks F L MedGiongh. along tne public highway so drank as tc be utterly helpless. A large num. bir of our criminal tried and convicted in our courts are the victims »f the whiskey these very are tried the judges who grants The judges cannot be ignorant of the facts, and vet vear after year the rumsellers emly qualification seems to be to have the amount of money required by law. It haa been gravely stated that a re. raonstrance against the traffic in many places is passed over as though it did ‘not exist. Hence many of our law- “abiding citizens are restrained from taking the risk of remonstrating. As # matter of argument take the sober ‘element in society and contrast it with the drinking element in any capacity whatever. The sober man moves up, the drunkard moves down. There is no exception to this rule, the romseller ‘invariably goes down with his vietim, so that no one is benefitted by the traf- TIME TO CALL A HALT. fie. This is one topic upon which arg- Of all the most disgraceful things pment is preposterous;it is like “throw- occurring in a small town, and jng pearls before swine.” If there which invariably is allowed to occur any virtue left in our county (which in a majority of towns like Patton from an exhibition given in an adjoin- is a dronken mess of humanity ing county we may honestly doubt) running at large on the streets and in- they should adopt more stringent rules CARON day, Yalan licensed seller, and rd. WwW, Fie ary ~~ Wn i CHRGY hofore ni Ait ri ‘the license nate Martin. Hu ranss OT NTT Wilson, H. 5. F. Beart Sepoor Baoan H. Carfinan, seerviary; urer: rr. J. B. Noonan, “i E. Edminston. : JUSTICE OF THE py ACE Mallon, : TaEAstvRER -W, H. Sandford Grey Harvey Patterson. CoLLacToRr—Jas Mellon, . Asspsson—J, R, { ornelias, Arprrors—F, H. Kinkead, H. 4), Will L, Thompson, Jupai or ELECTION A, {xsppeoror—-Abmbam 5 rh. CHIEF oy PoLics—Jax. MeMnilen. STREET CoM MissioNERr--Samue! Addicimnn, Cnet - At, president SM Beck. RF. Wise, PP. Yonog, § ou 1 yroslilent: (3 : H. ‘Sandford, trv: As- Barton, Same! Jesse EB. Dade, Jas Winslow, Abbot, sulting decent people, or people Who to govern the whiskey traffic or stop it ant mind their own business. The altogether, at least until! some respon- low practice is carried on in Patton gible body of men outside of the cus- “with a vengeance’’ at times. We are tomary petitioners shall declare that asked frequently by law-abiding citi- license to sell intoxicants is beneficial sens to expose them. A newspaper is to the community. "looked! upon to do these things, but we | have a different view. First let the officers of the town bring the I7Art de In Mode. to justice and punish them to the fall L'Artde la Mode, that well-known extent of law and then, we say, expose suthority on Fashions is presenting for them through the columns of the news- early spring wear and array of de- papers. The very lowest kind of signs that cannot fail to delight the up- ANTI BACHUS. the ome in which the citizens in the this journal peerless among fashis 2 vicinity of Lang avenue had the ‘‘pleas- books is the fact that it contains no are” 10 witness on Sunday. It was a copies, all of ite designs being made disgrace of the lowest type. Here is a especially for it by the beet fashion good chance for an example; what say | designers in Paris. This fact alone you? ‘would explain its popularity among m——— m- the ladies, but it is not its only strong THE BUSINESS SITCATION, point, . The report given below is taken from qight (8) beautiful colored plates be- MPunn’s Review: “Congressional adjournment and featnres. rises to and even above the shipping copy, $3.50 per year, postage free. * point. gold does not go out, have pro- | duced a much better feeling. Prices do not improve, and: there is on the And Don't Forget It. A newspaper published while strikes of 15,000 coal miners near NOt pay their subscriptions, and ob- Pittsburg and several thousand build- | tained judgement in each case for the ing workers here, besides strikes in ten ‘amount of each claim. Of these 28 or twelve textile and iron éMtablish- made affidavit that they owmed no "ments, farther lessen purchasing power ‘more than the law alowed, thus pre- for the time. ‘But anticipation of im- venting attachment. Then, under the proved demand for goods is general, decision of the supreme court, they and many are manufacturing and buy- were arrested for petit larceny and ing beyond present needs on the were bound over in the sum of $300 strength of it. Fears of financial die- ‘each. All but six gave bond, which six orders no longer retard, though ‘the went to jail. The new postal law redemption of notes has averaged “makes it larceny to take a newspaper $621,000 per day for the month, but the | out of the posiofiice ang refase to pay fact that only $302,704 y 'd has been for it. exported since Feb. 2, against $26,523, 996 in January, strengthens the impres- | sion that further exports will somehow ‘be prevented.” Notier of Sale. ~ Notice is hereby given that I have | this day purchased of F. H. Kinkead, : ce ——— of Patton, Cambria county, Pa., the ‘THE NEW LOTTERY LAW. following property and goods: Ome It is gratifying to be able to point to | building located on ground of E. A. the praiseworthy act passed by the Mellon on Fifth avenue, refrigerator, recent congress and signed by the gasoline stove, show case, candy, jars, President. The law is in response to eight stools, a lot of dishes, and other a universal sentiment. The act in question is the new lottery I will leave the same goods on the law. This measure empowers the post- premises of the aforesaid subject to my office authorities to open sealed letters order and control, and notify all per- which they have cause to suspect con- sons not to distarb or in any manner’ jaining express orders in payment for interefere or meddle with the same. lottery tickets. It has Leen known for; . 68-13 E. P. McCorMICK. won. e time that the Louisiana lottery, , Feb. 25, 1895. iwhich has maintained headquarters in Honduras since it was driven from the ‘United states, has plied ite traffic in this coantry by this means, and while the Postoffice authorities have refused to issue money orders to the lottery com- pany, it could not prevent the mails from being used for the conveyance of express orders. The new law is in- tended to put a stop to this practice, and it seems well devised for accom- plishing its purpose. 1 A Quarter Century Tost. For a quarter of a century Dr. King's New Discovery has been tested, and the millions who have received benefit ‘from ita use testify to ita wonderful curative powers in all disease of Throat, Chest and Lungs. A remedy that has stood the test so long and that has given so universal satis- ‘ faction is no experiment. Each bottle ‘is positively gnaranteed to give relief, "or the money will be refunded. It THE average annual import of raw admitted to be the most reliable for ‘silk since 1848 has been 5,000,000 Coughs and Colds. Trial bottles free pounds; half comes from Japan, one- at C. E. Belcher's City Drug Store quarter from Europe and the rest from Large size 50c. and $1.00, China. r— ——— Wall Fapas Netee in Latics, Geo. 8. (iood has just received a very Iam now in the Solomon building on! ane selection of wall paper, all the ‘Fifth avenue where you will find every- latest pattern. _65-tf. thing you wish in the millinery line. Prices are reasonable. ALICE A. ASHCROFT. “Grits” Story for This Week. : tAgitha's Hishouys 4 the title of ‘dated “Dec. 14, No. 4.” complete story to be given awa | to COURIER office. Grit this week. “Dont miss it. y A Reward, A liberal price will be paid for a back - number of the Patton COURIER | Please bring | | the. with Parrox Pus. Co. tender yorrs Are some Dives seen lying. for her health, them off and destroy them. in every number now contains: ‘side a variety ot conpons for special L’Art de la Mode is for sale proof that though the rate of exchange by all newsdealers, price 35 cents per : in Ohio * whole, no gain, but some loss in wages, | brought suit against 43 men who would fixtures too numerous to mention. That in application | faction or money refunde - FARMING NOTES Of Interest to the Farmers Who Red the > Patton “Courier.” An experienced gardener recom- mends putting a toad in the hotbed to hold insects in check. : : The road the question are intimately joined, for when our roads are perfect it will be possible question and soehool to have one central graded school in every township Compared with pork, poultry meat more nourishing and healthful, If too far make the business shonld find no excuse for for his from market to pay, the farmer not table, raising enough owl and that right liberally. lemove tha calf hefore it has sviekid and proceed with the mn no calf in existance. ternal instincts will be satisfied if the were Their ma- mothers are treated ge tly and kindly, and the calves will be no trouble if thus made {o drink from the first. Quch materinls as straw and corn. stalks should not be hanled out on the garden with the manure. They better on the corn land. For the gar den use only well-rotted manure, free from litter, and work it well into the anil, 80 as to more evenly distribute it and give the plants an early start A cow should never take any : is absolutely necessary becanse exercise costs money, costa food, costs milk and oi butter. A cow that has to scurry over a large area to get feod will not begin to give aa much milk as one which can get it on a small area and lie down and chew her cud and rest, To destroy bugs in seed peas put the peas in water, and the bugs and injured peas will rise to the surface. Skim Pour off Peas BEV nore exercise than wis the water and spread them to dry. that have been attacked by weevil should not be used for seed, not only because such seed may not germinate, but also because more weevil will be produced to attack the crop. Tt is curious how little some farmers know about their crops. [ went around with the census man here a few years ago, and was surprised to find how few of them could tell how many bushels of wheat or corn they had raised that year or how many acres they had in the several crops, or similar questions. Not one in fifty had a record to refer. to. How long do you think any other business would stand under such treat- ‘ment? We must use business meétheds drunkenness, we are sorry to state, is to-date ladies. The feature that makes if we expect to succeed. —Cor. Country ‘Gentlemen. Speaking of barn Yani manure. Professor Baily says there are sound scientific reasons for the high esteem in which this manure is held. It contains all the fertilizing elements required by plants in forms that insure plentiful crops and permanent fertility to the soil. It not only enriches the soil with the nitrogen, phosporic acid and potash which it contains, but it also renders the stored-up materials of the soil more’ available, improves ita mechanical con- dition, makes it warmer and enables it to retain more moisture or to draw it up from below. It May do as Much For You Mr. Fred Miller, of Irving; Ill. writes that he had a severe Kidney trouble for many years, with severe paing in. his back and also that his bladder was affected. He tried many so called Kidney cures but without any good result. About a year agv he began use of Electric Bitters and found relief at once. Electric Bitters is especially adapted to cure all Kidney and Liver troubles and often gives almost instant relief. One trial will prove our statement. Price only 5dc. for large bottle. At C. E. Belcher's City Drug Store. : Pennsylvania Railroad's Second “The Golden Gate.’ A large number|of people who have leisure, and the growing desire Americans to see wonders of their native land, are the principal agencies in advancing a Yealthy sentiment in favor of travel. | The Pennsylvania Railroad com. pany’s personally-conducted tours to California will be conduc +d in all re. spects aa those of preceding years, with some addrd advantages, whi ‘cannot fail to attract the attention enlist the interest of the tourist. In addition to the high-grade accom modations and entertainment in tran sit, the Pennsylvania treated © with the same wherever the journey is broken. choicest rooms in the leading are always reserved for their use for which regular rates are paid, so that the guests, although members large party enjoy all th individuals who mas selections, The second tn the Golden York and Philadelphia March 20, (595, arriving at San Francisco March 29, and at New York and Philadelphia May 18, 1585. Detailed itinerary will to Tourist Agent i160 Broadway, New York, or Room iil, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia Tour 10 ana tourist are “liberality The hotels Privileges Maacd S45 series the tour in 1 % h, Cate will leavs tr he : Bucklen's Arnieas Sidve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, ‘corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- | tively cures piles, or no pay required. {It is guaranteed to give Price 26 cents per box. For sale hy Dr C E | Belcher, city drug store withi nt ted helow, telng as if thers ita ‘zinea, and The of wer til aify rfect sis : . Special Excursions. The Pennsylvania Railroad pany’s excursions to Washington, (.. offer an opportanity that oi be Apart from the tracrtiveness oof the nations ( pital, 1 t} ne travels en dorihily i rE - not mused sconery through which one ote makes the tip interest. ing Bit t3 main, one April 11th y March 21 and the last Excursion tickets pond en dave, and permitting of stop. over in Balti.nore in either direction within limit, will be sold at rates quo- good for use on dates above the Penn- of named on all trains except site, . : . 1 iried ¢ ia) oagehes will be sylvania Special train parlor ran the 1 i pi! ning be he ful ie . Stop for dinner. Passengers from hranch points de. take train he mllawine South west No 161. to Indiana siring to the special will geet trang: Penna. Braneh, Train Greensburg: Indiana Branch Blairsville Holli- Train No Bedford, rain Vecommaodation Ni 82 toy Intersection: Martinsburg and davabiarg. As 412, to Altoons: No. 4, to Huntingdon. gond on INR coimoddat ion from Any the limit Limited. Tickets on exXoent the : sale in Pittsburg, Smithfleld Street at all ind Union Station, and statinng mentioned above, For full inf E. Watt, District, rmation apply to Thomas Passenger Agent 110 Fifth Avenue, “Th Only Pittsburg. for 1895. he COURIER clubbing Pittaburg Post, the great home news paper of Pennsylvania, and to persons who want the best daily or semi-weekly paper published in the eity, mend The Poss. The Daily Post, a large eight-page paper, and The CoURIER one year each for $3.00. The price of The Post alone is $3.00. Send us your order at onoe and get seven papers a week for the price you formerly paid for one. The Sunday Post, twenty: every Sunday, containing as : reading as. any of the monthly maga DURIER one year each for only $2.25. The Semi-weekly Post and The C¢ RIER one year each for only $1.50, oo think of it. The Post twice a week, and | your county paper for the price of one. Write us for sample copies. A severe rhaumatic pain in the left shoulder had troubled Mr. J. H. Loper, a well khown dmggist of Demoines, Iowa, for over six months. At. times ‘the pain was so severe that he conld not With all he could do he Houses, Signs and ( ‘arriages of every | it anything. could not get rid of it until he applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm. “I only made three applications of it,”’ he says, “And been free from all pain.” He now recommends it to persons similarly aflicted. - It ix for sile by C. E. Belcher's City Drug Store. have since EPORT of the condition of the Fist Na- tional Bank of Patton at Patton, in the stmt of Pennsvivania at the close of biasiness, March 4 PG Commenced basiness etober oth, (NR RESOU HOES [aoans and dbsecounts, $ words secured nnd ansescired 17.8, bonds to seettry olrculation, Prantnms on U8 tvinds WMlow RK senile, ole, Hank ing Howse, urmitarme & fixittrys Due in A approved fess rve agents, Checks and other cash ilenns.. Notes of other National Banks Fractional paper currency, nickies wil econ Lawful man. { Specie ; ey reserved © Laggui-tender in Bank { nates . Redemption fund with urer, OO per oent of cirealation M787 fs 1.812 = L200 00 18 54 i, 1 =i 25 4,089 0 Total, FIABILITIER tow panded in 5 ALN 0 I.E n Fapiial hr sus fad, nets feted profits, less ox penises and axes pid . 280 4d National Bank ontstanding, aN Die So other National. Hanks, WETE x faa sante Danks anit bankers, $487 5 1 hiv ifn deposits sible tor cheeks TER? rt ifleates of depesit gray sptek oof depmasit dow £2 XN Lan on usy LV ANIA, of unl erative Pop wes RRILELN sued of Cush tor pind hwellef, SANDFORD, asics v1: tes before me this 110 Public GEORGE, Fe I FT NT IY i Fin vA GIXLLITZLXY i & L. association, a ¢ 1 Cure Ho Ez ema wh DAVIS, in SHH ir at Law, ! on at Union Ticket Office, Fifth Avenue and ne HAE 38 Return Cou- regular train within © Pennsylvania Western is pleased to announce arrangements with The We racom- | pages 1000 00 - cis Phoenis Brewin Co.'s Beer. {i068 16 - or Tetter Aoi EBENSBURG, PA. | A legal Business pry tended Lo, mptiy ud Office in Armory Halll i = WINTER GOOD NTER GOODS which cost 19 make room for our Snmer Ce yea t 5. general : : : spring ainda goods such as Suits, Pantaloons and a line of Gents’ Fumish- Mes BE - SOLD AT COST. You will be astonished at our Prices Tigh es +. ‘ on ko viield LO) See 11S. See us before vou We can as we are positively going to. all Winter Stock. come 11 . ‘ 1 . go any where else. save you money sell our Re membe r the Place, in the Good Building, the Postoffice. WOLF & THOMPSON THE OpPP« site Who is that man? Ww hy" that's Warren, Mgr. of the i Patton Painting Co 0 M M ERCI A L, ~“Thiy Paint discription. S. M. Wilson, P rop. ADV ERTISING A SPECIALTY. Drop a Card To BOX 232, Patton, Pa., if you want a good job of work done Reference on ull work right here in Patton and surroundings. hm, “ Cooking and dining depart- - Wines, Liquors, ‘ment in skillful hands. Beer. Etc. A Modern Hotel. Twenty-four sleeping rooms. All new furniture. Heated with steam through- out. Hot and cold water on every Magee Ave. NEAR R. R. STATION, Flasks, Corks, Jugs, Ete.. Fa Hastings, Penn’a. PATTON, - - - PENN'A A ful line of guns, pistols, pocket cutlery, razors, scis- sors, opera glasses, gun ma- terial, amunition, cartridges, loaded shells, electrical goods, canvas coats, belts, leggins “and hats, : £a% J on OBTA C&O. Medes - he patont bus! . tions oth thus are rrought wh out cost to the mventor. This insued weekly, elegantly Hiustrated, has largest circulation of _ scientie Buildi Fadi mipies, 23 cents; color, houses, with plans, emia ini but ders 0 show the mt emt Sere aml MU wirtd, 83 a year. Samp sent monthly, a YOAar. ery mun! tiful pistes, in and Nk CO. New YORK. 361 BROADWA Repair Shop. {ur repair shop is complete with ma- Tr = 1 tools: chinery: and material for the repairing of guns, revolvers, bicycles, W. tH CHLER, : Faw . ; trunks, satchels, sewing ching door bells, baby carriages, shears everything needing repaired. ~~ Electrical W, of all kinds. Our workmen best to be had. Write to as, cheerfuliv answered. Harde~s Gun VW (learfield, Pa. : EBE NSBU RG, Canibria County, Pa. FF. McCKENRIUK, — Attorney and Counselor at Law. EBRENSBURG, PA. | Will attend to all business with prompiness rand fidelity. Office opposite the Mountain House. MARDER'S GUN WORKS. safes, knives, umbrellas, saws, keys, »
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers