Patton Courier, PATTON PUNL ISHING CO, i THU RSD. AY, MARCH 14, 1805. . NEWSPAPER LAW DECISIONS. 1. Nubseribers whe do notice to the contmrey ak “ing to retsew thelr subse ri) 1 If sntweribeors ordog ebdwiexist inne . ) of thelr portadicals; the publisher mas con tinge ‘to send then antit o HET ROS fo ry paid. 8 If subseribens megloct of refuse to take their periodicals thom the postoftice tis w hi I they are directed, the v are reapeonsibie writs hey have settled thelr bil er yrcke pod et discontinued, 4 If subscribers nove to other places with ont informing the publishire, ang the rE pers wre sent 10 the former address, they are hell res pansible, i Phe Conrts have doe ide A that refute to take periodicals from the oft 3 fr and leaving theres oie Hie fore 34 priv Lid evidence of Inte ntion aid op . 6. If mibseribors gay In advance thoy hound to give notler at the end of the tiny they do nest sh to continue wmking i; } wise the publishers fe aathoritzed anf the subs wor will he poss “express ftir, with. payvenent « age. is sent tothe publisher. Joeal Time Table, : The hours of arrival dnd departure of trains at the Patton Station are as follows: Train No. ¢ Mab ose T8-4 TR aM Ti AM ow ! PAM 0 a Tika PE pow t 1D # CTI . 5 PM Postoffice hours from P.M. Train numbers marked northbound and 8" nen \ myers! Sead time Ia Of pure, un i £0 nd oi bh Bread with oul slag, milk “hy tf chm © And sugar imipus sand, “Let coffee he the real old gov, Not ground Canadian pes, Old-fashioned jules from cows, And hemthen Ching ton, Have boneless, eond with bones eft Sat rogek ‘rol vodd of rust, And kewp, ob keep, our vietaa Ix froin A specuintive trast! . Arian in. News, Soda. Soda water At Hodgkin's Lerch the tailor, Mahaffey, Pa. For fruits go to Kinkead’s. 40tf A general break-up will come soon. Italy exported 5,000,000,000 eggs last year, Ha Soda water on tap at Hodgkins drug | store. Uncle Bam has 2,035 women phy: sicians. Americans pay $10,000,000 & year for | peanuts. See Alice A. Asherofvs new ila. | nery line, Fresh shelled oyatis: st Kinkead The man in the muon took a sneak on Sanday night. A pigeon shoot was indulged in above town on Baturday. A. B. Waite; of Altoona, was a guest ~ at Hotel Beck Tuesday. Did you get a drink of soda at Hodg- kins® yet? Go and try it. Have you tried John Truman's coal. It is the best in town.-674f ol Elpeiman, of Lancaster, stopped at Hotel Beck on Monday. : Mrs. E. Will Greene is visiting her - parents at DuBois this week. Geo. Swires, of Doan, was a sub- scriber to this paper this week. Have your note heads and envelopes printed in this office. It will pay you. C. A. Rogers, of Pittsburg, was a . guest at the Commercial hotel Monday. Subscribe for the largest paper in’ . Northern Cambria county. Only $1.00 per year. Mrs. Ed. Glass is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Wallace, at Dlearfialg, Pa., this week. : The Bemi-weekly Post and the Pat. | ‘ton COURIER only $1.50 per year, Just : : ‘E. C. Brown and W. H. Sandford think of it. Every Pattern of the Spring and | suminer styles in Stock at Geo. 8, Good’s.-65tf. Geo. Russell, a traveling salesman of | Rochester, N. Y,, registered at’ Hotel Beck Monday. % R. F. Gallaher left on Tuesday morn- ing for the booming new steel town of Lorain, Ohio. “The Délineator for March is on sale at Guo. 8. Good's store. Subscriptions rec’d. there. -6ouf R. C. Kauffman, of “Altoona, was in Patton on business Tuesday and stop- ‘at tne Commercial hotel. , - Jas. - Somervilie, of Sylvis, who is one of the poor house directors, bad | "business in Patton Tuesday. When in need of wisything in the way of Farming Impietnents call on the Cambria Hardware Co.-67t2 For cough coids and sore throat t try Magic cough cure. W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf T. Jeff Bloom, the big hearted con. tractor, of Curwensville, is in Patton : to-day shaking hinds with his many friends.. H. C. Williams, editor of the Philips. burg Ledger, was a visitor to Patton last week and while here made He | ‘CouRIER a brief call. Proprietors, | “house Saturday. And still the liquor men are in BUS. | Are you in the swim ? Try Truman's coal. 67tf Krupp is worth $2,000,000. Japan has 200 trained horses. Read the Pittsburg Post offer, There are 17,000 styles of silk goods; New York city has 11.000 factories, Fy HV 61 aR: 235-paonnd locomotive. ' daily. Europe announces false teeth for horses. We ase 0,000,090 rounds of tea annually. : Geo. Zinn, of Harrisburg, stopped at the Palmer house Friday. : Thos. Hicks, of Philadelphia, regis “tered at the Palmer house Friday. H. McNeslis, of 8t. Augustine, was a iF - visitor to Patton one day last week. Butterick Patterns ean be purchased at the store store of Geo, 8, Good. 651, Do vou want to prepare to teach? If so attend the Ebensburg: Normal In- stitute, Luke Behe, a prominent citizen of Augustine, was seen on our streets Saturday. Harvey Patterson and Jesse E, Dale matte a business trip to Clearfield on Tuesday. : The Lindsey Press has been change ad “to an eight column quarto and | is muc ch improved. An addition to the Patton base ball nine and Wm. Armstrong's treat--a “big fat boy. E. E. Warner, a traveling salesman ‘of Reaing, was a guest nt the Palmer Thos. McClure, a traveling salesman of Boston, Mass. registered at the Commercial hotel Friday. Get the Semi-weekly Pittsburg Post and the Patton Cot rier for only $1.50. See offer in another colamn. The Johnstown Daily Democrat pub- lished a large cut of the Patton public school building on Saturday. The Cambria Hardware Co. have just received a car load of the cele brated Conklin wagons. -67t2. The bill allowing the catching of fish ‘at all sensons of the year for table use “has passed the Nevada Senate. Try Magic drops for pain internal 'and external. Guaranteed by C. W. Hodgkins, druggist, Patton, Pa.-tf The Ebensburg Normal Institute will For particulars address T. L. Gibson (or R. E. Davison. The Normal School at Ebensburg is always well attended, and the pupils are pleased with the instruction hey receive. The total etlipws of the moon came on schedule time all right on Sanday evening. A large number of Pattonites were taking ‘observations.’ The entire circulation of the news- paper press of the world is estimated at i 1 10,700,000,000 copies, and there exists .one journal for every 52,600 inhabitants. Mr. Bailey, the young man who was hit on the head while engaged in the Sunday brawl on the Lingle branch is, at the present, writing, in a very serious condition. Owing to a freight wreck on the | Beech Creek railroad below Mahaffey the passenger train, which is due here at 135 p. m., did not arrive until about 8:30 p. m. Willis IL. Rhoads, representing the in Patton on business Tuesday and during his sfay here visited the Cou- ' RigR office. ‘Patton on April 1st and 2nd. An | interesting program is being prepared which will be published in the COURIER. Look out for it. : spent Sanday with A. E. Patton at Curwensville and while there had the ' pleasure of meeting and hearing Bishop Newman and Dr. Munroe. Henry ‘Mullér,a prosperous farraer of 8t. Augustine, was a welcome visitor to Patton Monday and while here add- ed his name to vhe rapidly increasing subscription list of this paper Another chapter of your life missed by not attending the ministrel in Good's hail on Saturday night. They say some of the home talent who as- sisted made a “‘hit”’ by “ in” on the stage and dec laring: they were “in it. 24 Chicago has over 30 elevators, which handie 140,000,000 bushels of grain every year. The Union Stock Yards cover 350 acres and cost £3,000, 000, They have eight miles of street and re- ceive 8,000,000 head of stock every year, Guaranteed by C | school Report. The following is a report of the Pat- ton school for the week ending March , 1895 1 - : Namber enrolled in high school 38, average attendance 33; number enrolled - in grammar school 55, average attend- ance 49; number enrolled in intermedi- ate 47, average attendance 46; number | 'enro'led in second primary 58, average 0,000 pounds of ten ‘open April 22 for a term of ten weeks. DeWitt medicine firm of Chicago, wis The Pomona Grange will meet in DEATH OF MRS. A. G. ABBOTT. ‘She Passex Penesfally Away at Her Horm ! on West Magee Avenu. The COURIER regrets to announce the sad death of Maria L., wife of A. (+. Abbott, which occurred on Satur- day, March 9th, at the ‘deceased on West Magee avenue, Pat- ton. . ! Mrs. Abbott had been suffering a severe illness for over four months with that dreaded disease consump 39 years. A be- loved husband and two small children are left to mourn her departures. Her tion. She was aged remains were interred at the Brisbin cemetery on Tuesday at 2 o'clock. Communnicated. : Mrs. Abbott was a daughter of David and Ruth Allgood and was born in Bloomsburg, Columbia county, Pa., in the year of 18%. During her illness she bore up with wonderful fortitude the heavy sickness under which she lav: having lived a christian all her life. She leaves a busband and two children to whom she proved a kind: and devoted wife and mother. At her bedside was her mother who did all that mortal hands contd do to lighten Cher hurden, also her two sisters, who live in Patton, were constant visitors at her bedtide. She was a2 member of the Church of God at Brisbin, Pa. where her remains were taken and in- terred under the charge of Rev. Koh- ler, her old pastor. - The bereaved family wish to thank the many _neigh- bors and friends who showed their: kindness and sympathy daring the long illness of the deceased. A Frienn. ‘DICKERS IN DIRT. Record: of Property “Bought and Sold in Cambria. Adam Rose to Catherine Link, Jack- son; consideration, $212. - Noah Kauffman, Jr., to Lewis Ep- pley, West Taylor, $1,000. George Semmelsherger et ux. ti Baltzer Kline, Elder, $40, Cambria Tron company to Margaret Slater, Conemaugh Borough, $40 Jennie E. Siater ¢t al to Pennayl- vania Railroad company, Johnstown, $1,000. ] Margaret Kelly to Pennsylvania Railroad company, Johnstown, $1,900. John W. Sharbsugh et ux. to Charles A. Sharbaugh, assignee, Carroltown, $1. : : Chest Creek Land and Improvement company to Joseph Jones, Patton, $375. Cambria Iron company to James. Melvin, Cambria borough, $500. Hiram Crum et ux. to Stephen Had- den, assignee, Croyle, $1. Sherman W. Crum to Stephen Had- den, assignee, Croyle, $1. Ebenezer Callihan et ux. to Frank R. Callihan, Johnstown, $1,000. John Horton et ux. to Francesca Horton, Johnstown, $500. - Joseph 8. Yoder et al. to Robert H. Sayre et al,, trusteen, Adams, $260. Avgust Simon et ux. to H. J. Geyer, Qallitzin, $450. Michael Gajan et ux. to w. P. Reese, Johnstown, $1. W. P. Reese to Elizabeth Gajan, Johnstown, $1. H. 8. Geisel et ux. to Fred I. Ho- fecker, Johnstown, $1. Fred L. Hofecker et nx. to H. 8. Gei- sel, Johnstown, $1. Frederick Frank to Frederick Sann, Johnstown, $664, Jonathan Horner et ux. to Franklin B. Ott, Johnstown $575. Jas. J. Fronheiser, attorney in fact to Lincoln Messenger, Johnstown, $1,- 85. : Railroad company, Johnstown, $3,000. Anguste Mauthe et vir. to Pennasyl- vania Railroad company, Johnstown, Sophia Dietrich to Josephine Singer, Chest, $900. William Curran to John G. Platt et al., assignees, Spangler, §1. James Gallagher et al. to Sarah Gal- Iagher, Johnstown, $1. Sarah Gallagher to Neil Gallagher, Johnstown, §1 . ‘Barah Gallagher to C ‘ondy Gallagher, Johnstown §1. Sheriff of Cambria county to Isaac 'M. Pennock, trustee, Wilmore, $60. Lucy P Smith et al. to conrad Wende- ‘roth, Wilmore, $300. James Condron et ux. to Ramandua Shoffner, Dysart, #130. Michael McGillan to Catherine Mc- Gillan, Loretto, $850 “Perhaps you would not think so, but a very large proportion of diseases in New York comes from carelessness about catching cold says,” Dr. Cyrus Edson. “It is such a simple thing and s0 common that very few people, un- less it is a case of pneumonia, pay any attention to a cold. © There are a great many cases of catarrh and consumption which have their origin in this neglect of the simplest precaution of every day life. The most sensible advice is, when you have one, get rid of it as soon as possible. By all means do not neglect eit? Dr. Edson does not tell you how The meat exports exceed £100,000,000. to cure a cold but we will. Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will relieve the lungs, uid expectoration, open the secretions and soon effect a permanent cure. 25 and bottles for sale by C. E. Belcher's City Drug Store. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives the best satisfaction of any cough med- icine I handle, and as a seller leads all other preparations in this market. 1 E. Ward, the human pin cushion, ‘attendance 40; number enrolled in first recommend it because it is the best un Ward, an iron-jawed actor and | Fred Keys, solo-banjoist, assisted by home talent, gave a show in Good’s hall on B Savaiday night. | primary 68, average attendance 62. | You will find a full line of the Oliver | Chilled Plows and repairs at the Cam- | bria Hardware Co.'s store.-67t2 medicine 1 ever handled for coughs, colds and croup. A. W. Baldridge, | Millersville, Ill. For sale by C. E. ; Belcher’s City Drug Store. home of the hore last week. cof Conemaagh, attended conrt hore on place, is finishing teaching a term of at Vintondale this spring for the pur- peme of setting electrical machinery McCabe, from a visit to friends in that | ‘city and were on the Pacafic Ex : : . this week. Catherine Alt et al. to Pennsylvania located last week. He is improving. : by being hit on the head with a heavy stock of goods ‘proving. MM cent ESENSBURG. ERENSAURG, Pa. M. March 12th, 1595. There were many persons in town attending court last week. Congressman Hicks. spent - a few hours in town on Wednesday C. M. Letts, of Patton, was in town on Monday. Supt. J. W. Leech spent Wednesda might in Spangler Mr. Thos. Craver, of St. Au gustine, - Fo r waz in attendance at court ar list week. : Messrs. John DD. Lantzy and F. 44 Rearer, attended con ro ATTON SUPPLY iy . ine of Drv Goods A fall Flour. F Hay. of Spangler, Lor Anslem Weak- land, of Elder township, spent a fe w days last week in town. ’ Mr. J. L. Emigh and 8. M. Snyder or Jury Commissioner, Salt by the Barrel. Tuesday snd Wednesday. (5. Yeager, FE. P. Ed. A. Mellon, of Patton, the Biair house on Tuesday. Messrs. Henry and Alex. Black, of John: town, WEP among the visitors to on wn on Tuesday. WW, H. Rice, of Gia iii Storr, of Olanta Pa, visited Ebensburg Th e H igh Arm : on Wednesdy net Sewing Machine Mr. and Mrs, Charles Caliahan, of mo {} + 4 £; Braddock, are visiting Mrs. Callahan's “D7 ri, ace 101 five years. parents, Mr, and Mrs. Richardson of this place. Prof. Robert C(. Maple Syrup. ni Carmi a The Celebrated Pepsin” Flour. We Guarantee Every Sack. Raly, Jos ph Leese For Al Ralph TR Davison, of this : school in Richland Yownsnip. H e e { he CE at el Mr. A. R. Tate, of Allegheny, assisted by his father, Wm. Tate, of this place, are putting the blumbing in the Mc- Namara Addition. Mrs. J.T. Hutchinson, who has been spending the winter in Johnstown ‘with her daughters Mrs. FE. (i. Kerr cart Mes. C, Sheridan, petarned to her home here last week. Hon. 8. 'D. Patterson retarned some from Harrisburg on Friday evening and after spending the night in Ebens- burg departed for his home in Barr township on Saturday afternoon. The Post Telegraph company estab- lished an office in the Attorney's Yoom in the court house this week for the y St ock Or accommodation of persons attending court. : : A large power house will be erected And Patterns are now invite the ladies of Patton and surrounding tow ns to inspect them. Any pattern you wish can be purchased here. DRY GOODS, ROCERIES, BCOTS and SHOES is more complete than ever. to run the mines of the Vintonda Call early, Prices are right. Colliery tompany : Efimmes GEO. S. GOOD sented the Fhensburg Reading room : : ; with another lot of Choice books, in- X 4M h. . X 79 cluding ten Volumes of Chamber's encyclopedia and Cooper's and Irving's works. Messrs. Web. Griffith, J. B. Denny and J, A. Shoemaker, were returning home from the funeral of the late Chas. Y OL Will Find It to Your McFadden, which took place at Phila delphia on Friday, and Miss Maggie Advantage to buv at QUINN’ S, Clinton St., Johnstown, Carpets, ll ( Cloths, Linoleums, Mattings, Rugs, Lace. ring Carpet as press when the holler of the engine t : Bo ot Lace C expl 3 d and the engineer, Aremnan | - OW ah 4 O CIs pe vara, ACE urtains at 50 cts. baggage master were killed. The a pair. The largest assortment of Dress Goods train was not wrecked or any of the in the city. Ladies Coats and Wraps. Millinery passengers injured. of all kinds. Good measure, lowest prices. w— | SAMES QUINN, JONSTOWN, PA. When in Johnstown call on Miss Alia Dunegan, of Patton, vis scoTT DIBERT - ited St. Augustine friends Saturday iis JP fi init imi and Sunday. S H oO E S, Orlando Conrad, of Beaclah, won The Finest and Best Within the City. Sonday with friends here. CORNER MAIN & FRANKLIN STREETS. CST. Arar WTINE, Pa., March 1, 1895. Rev. Father Ludden, of this place, | is enjoying a business trip to Pittburg } Will Cupples had his shoulder dis Joseph Cooper is in Ebensburg this week: : Mre. Dennis M. Cauley, an aged lady JAS. W. HOY, of this place, passed to her reward : | on Thursday of last week, and was in- | The Popniar . terred after Requiem High Mass on JEW ELER, OPTICJAN, and | Satarday morning. * Dealer in Mr. Ba Begs Sormeriy cision | Lp Li) Instruments but now of Altoona, received an in- jury which might have proved fatal Is to the front as usual with a larg Adamant Plaster Gives a first-class wall a moderate ex- pense. : Is the best fire-resisting plaster. Always ready for ase in any season. Does not hold gases or disease germs Is the pur excellence for patching. Can be papered as soon as dry. Is recommended by i tue leading Architects: who ve used it in this country and England. ; Will give vou a solid wall, ST. LAWRENCE. po << CG . Of itself will not crack; : shrink. St. LAWRENCE, Pa., March 5, 1885. Miss Sue Wentz, the organist at St. Lawrence took sick last Sunday and it was feared she would not recover, hut at the present time she is getting along nicely. 1 ; Mr. Gill, editor of the Hasting Tri- bune, and E. M. Yahner, both of Hast- ings, were visitors to St. Lawrence on 4 a ; sar Used oi the. Plantar - Hom. tind Saturday. Ee : | ? : tailding, Hotel Beek, Hotel Paton, Mrs, Driass was laid to rest ar st | : (LCL & L Co office., Patton Opera, Lawrence Saturday, She had been sick : : 1ouse, x. be. Sieh and Of mare Wan for several weeks, Spe left the fol. WATE HES CLOCKS, NILVER- Sion Ne Sumeted houses jag lowing five children to mourn her loss: : . . WARE and : : Mrs. Rense, Mrs. Dastiner, Me Wairn- : A : : © Also the Catholic Charch St. Vugust- ; everi thing kept in a first-class store |; : er, Mr<. Joseph Rhiner and Mr. Gwe, © 0 ine. Lathiss of this kind. =n A) 2 "y sr 3 5 rire B ANJO : em Local Market Report VIOLIN, GU] AR anid For thé sg «ial benetit of the Marine x “rit ew and all Kinds of small musi- ] ADAMANT PLASTER CO, Patton. Pa. piece of iron. He was working in the | Pennsylvania Railroad shops at that piace. At latest accounts he was im- swell or rected, even in case of leakage. Will give you a warm house. : + Does not ruin. woodwork by loading it with moisture. Admits of arpenters ellowing plas- terers in a few days. capable of every variety of finish. med Cndormastiion, writs in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER ¢ al goods ‘wi ll be kepl constantly on pub lishes the following local market hand : report, rev ised each week: ‘Butter, do nix pe posi 1 ahbage, Fars. “2 doen, ro heel Reuel Somerville, Go Te Ontons, 13 no | DANIELSON & 1 ny ® oa x | Attorney-at-Law, SHOE Corn, ie . : ' i : : : i 4th Ave., Dear 5 (orn, shelled, : La W hent. he Mg ws wel PATTON, PA.| Shoes made to © Buck wheat, 5 : 4 | of all kinds done . $12814 to per won. | Office i in the Sood Building pT moderate. o, Hay, pressed, in ind a] cordially - GOOD BLOCK, PATTON, PA. Will not cleave off when used oo» di- Lock Box M45. 8 apt JY ek ——— AEA » . a xo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers