oo INRUMANITY OF THE LAW. HOW WIRE 1S MADE. STORED AN EMPTY BARREL An Englishman Driven to Death by Garth gee Manufacture A Very Interesting and Nine Months In a Storage Warehouse and Legal Machinery. I make no apology for giving pence above events of go calico tance to a simple shave no donb American he cite in t deed lies in the fuct subject of a small newsp: graph here withont attracting any public in- terest. the op- eration of the ino machinery of the English law az applied to an obscure individnal named Henry Grainger, ltv- ing in Sunderland Mr. Grainger had a large family and had bien ont of work for several months Privation had undermined his health, and the household had become destitute Then the law #t-pped in and summoned the nnfortunate father befors a magis- trate for failing to send his children to school. He pleaded that he was unable ‘$0 clothe and feed them so that they could appear in public. The wise judge ordered the father to pay a fine of a few shillings. The unhappy man explained that he had not a penny Outraged law committed him to the county jail for three days. He was duly conveyed to prison at Darbam, and when his term had expired was turned, penniless and intirny, into the Litter driving storm. Ha tried to walk to his home, 14 miles away, managed: to get half the distance and then © lat nightinto an empty limekiln for ghieiter Some. body I: pened to ind him there morting he framen and almost The promi. 11 i ch 0 ine formed the his country Ite significand Wey sper. para It is merely a record of verahila LOTR eold, in the arf law again ix arod } his fa there had beet responsibility for IES of any person oy would not have {0 dequpation, for Eng are always sevor illegality It is qn whit of legal bla: fa the verdict Was, posnr Thatis an next week, if ti fail to attend schoo in and deal prec gama with Grainger's wid Thos does En land maintain her proud position In the van of edocated natio ns. She still holds meetings which denounce with self righteons indignation the lawless treatment of murderers. by American mobs: No protest has yet been heard against such tortures and tragedies as I ‘have described, and which the law of England approves, if it does not pre- scribe. —New York Sun's London Let- VAY cols tho tg THE CZAR! S GIFT. A Pathetic Story of His Tender Regard For the Wishes of the Empress. A pathetio story comes from Russia about the last present received by the dowager emptess from the late czar Unique Mechanical Process, Tho rod is r er in the fu VAYVIng ceived by the wire draw. rood being +h bath in tion, af to give ari drawin one of the plate 1s genera TOrIOR 0S are the plate the px er ping been dr ing passed royal drum or reel whi Of course the rod is reduced much: elongated, and perceptible loss of metal. through the pie ate it is kept. Inbricated with what is od wire drawers’ soap Aft r being drawn through this firet hole itis pat through a series e no ron ‘1 of smaller ones Ot iargeyr y pn ‘ mh has aw through to allow Re its be fastened to a iven by power. in area and this without any hers antl and’ h 1 Ty nis ay Or ETefse. down ta the requis ite size, pre of th tions certain prs gard soften the selon amd 13s loned it 80 much that at | is neossiary to stop tha metal by anneal- : mgrain washed in PRIN INT sumed grades of wil i SEVER ire «ith —gssier's Magazine viieation of the Typewriter, will not write man of this age,” ended 1 y bi Phiiad yit it mu Jt of penmansiy ly desaotude i the Id Ti he cheaper typew!: ws chirography there Professional men of any stag rarcly v writing now, save perhaps , to indite their own signatures. In news. paper offices three-fourths of the repor- torial staff compose their ‘stories’ on become be. WIDE 3 i GO 4 i machines, and not a few of the more | dignified editors have learned to play {the | smaller towns Last summer the czar and empress vis- ited a great shop in St buy jewels for their son's foture bride The c¢mpress greatly admired a beaunti- ful bracelet and told the czar that she wished to. possess it. On their return one of the serions attacks to which he was subject canio upon him, and tho empress forgot the bracelet. The czar died, and to the empress in the early days of her widowhood came Nov. 14, the first birthday she must pass alone On ber other birthdays the czar bad been wont to place a bouquet in the morning room of the empress. Inside the flowers was aiways folded some rich rare gift, chosen months beforehand. Petersburg to! i i -elor broker abont his future state, Handwriting will linger a ger in the country and 3 than in the big cities, for the same reason that the candle and keroseno lamp linger longest in the for- mer localities. '— Washington Post. on a Boasiness Basis. The banker was talking to the bach- 80 to keys great -deal Jon #' he in- » speak. “Why dem 't you get married? quired. You've got money enough.’ “I priscme 1 have, but you know I taka no tock in matrimony.’ “Pshaw! That doesn’t. make any dif. ference.” “I think it makes. a gre: at Of course it doesn’t,’ I feta the banker. “Don’t you very often ninko a mighty good thing by assuming the bonds of a concern you w 't take wa ldn i stock in under any circumstances? The empress had avoided the room as too full of painful memories, but this morning, the morning of his wedding day, Nicholas requested his mother to | - go there ms a favor to him. Tho first thing she saw was the bouquet in the | usual place, and inside the flowers was | own hands. It contained the bracelet. He bad ordered it on the same day that the empress saw it, and on his deathbed had given instructions for the birthday gift, bidding his son to be near to ocom- ort her when she received it Revival of the Curfew Bell, - There is to be a revival of the curfew in Canada, and if it prove successful in the cities and towns of that Dominion, it is not unlikely that it may be used in some parts of tho United States, writes John Gilmer Speed, in The Ladies’ Home Journal. The law which has been enacted by the legislatures of Quebec | i Hest : i ther as young and Ontario was drafted by th Society For the Protection of Women and Chil- | i dren and provides that the municipal | councils in cities, towns and incorporat- | . i At the - od villages shall have power to pass | bylaws for the regulation of the time | after which childten shall not be in the | streets at night without proper guard- fanship. The law also provides that | ‘these councils shall’ canse a bell to be | rung at or uear the time appointed, as | a warning, to be called the curfew bell, after which the childreg, so required to | bo at their homes or off ihe streets shall | be liable to be warned by any constable or police officer to go home Wealth With The 8t. Louis Republic T .e a J. ¢ asks: ter J . aneide “Is homely little crooked | "really a mascot, or is it only a nce that it is to be found in the given or Chris- tian names of so many millionaires? The recent death of “1. (3. Fair has suggest- ed the following compilation of million- aires’ names which contain the luck be- stowing letter: J. D. Rockefeller, J. J. Astor, Jay Gould, John M. Sears, J. 8 ‘Morgan, J. P. Morgan, J. B. Haggin, J. W. Garret, J. G. Fair, John Wana- maker, J. 'W. Mackay, J. G. Flood, J. M. Constable; John T. Martin and John SrA rbuckle. None of the above Jv rated at less than $10,000, 000, and Zeveral at . from six to ten times that sant. i pl The broker hadn't looked atitin that | Hight before, and he tobk the proposition under advisement. — Detroit Freo Press unger In Everything. Bcience shows that possible danger | lurks in everything. ‘Batter, for in-| ; , | stance, may contain pe onic a case fastened and sealed by the czar's | y contain fathogenic germs, and évery one knows how bad they ara. | So also it is shown in the London Lan- cet that bread contains many kinds of living bacteria. And the conclusion is reached that many unaccountable dis- eases may be eventually traced to the | agency of bread. — New ¥ ork Tribune Selecting a . Colle. The wise parent; in trying to select a college for his son, will ask first, not where the most learned professors are—. | gtill less, of conrse, where the best base ‘ball team is, or where most sons of mil where the fo is purest and man- young wen behave ned monkeys nor as rakes, nditions for complete ma arc me fully ¢ 3 os & | » snipe 1 viid i ak what lionaires congregate—but tone of ial hi where the RO where th autonomy wt establishes wey} Pd 3 1 i best under to frit] 3 ied Written In Slang. thew Her 10 Wal writ? and in the i menting on Judg thea | Si | country. Jothan i tleman. { to kick him off. | they could of him in i They ar wat ac himelee ; He hired for his serv and scoundrels of th a fine gen re the first all the i table talk ty 1 Was really The Rcchemites we They said their atk he alt hi to his confusion. | Excha i gold bere.’ Unfortunate. “Madam,” « “there are silver threads Jhserved the hairdresser, among the “Alas,” sighed the lady, husband is unalteratly opposed to. the! double standard!'—New York Re- corder. While-passing ntil it has been brought | Bat the com. | tarbance of the structure | ranent upon thesa redne- | x iil “and my | Three Cartages Paid on It. furnit rther day,’ said a New “and my wife and I thonghs = No 2 4 inack % “I got ray ure out of the vy ar. yas 3 $y ¥Y Wiis gitter. toan unnack thet one, pst contain our vortn, for we clxior and $1 low ; thick FP ged the found nothing bo t lsior paper we Ww not what to FEN 1 and soft Eni think “We were ¥till more flabbergasted on finding no china on removing the pack- “ing. We of course eoncluded that our things had been stolen and reproached ourselves for our false economy in doing the nupacking ourselves, for it is a rule of the storage concern we patronized not to pay for any articles broken or miss- ing unless its men do the nnpacking. “*As we missed nothing when the oth- er barrels had been unpacked, my wife cadgeled her brain to explain the mys. tery. She finally remembered that when wa gave up housekeeping, 1°; years ago, there was a lot of exo ister left over when the china had been p ac) co ed Ina fit of economy sha poked it all ina su. perfluons barrel, which was dnly he adod pand carted to tha hotel wi we the winter. It was stored in the without being unpacked, and was sent raga War . Epon garret the spring hone aco A Perilous Stanch Little Craft Every hod: falls has bh Her history built in 1854 for navigation between American and Canadian Niagarnx just below Niagara falls was 13 feet long, with 17 breadth of beara and 8 feet depth of hold, and she carried an engine of power. After 1 years’ se y her owner desired to sell her He received an. offer of little More half her cost if he woald deliver her at Niagara, opposite the fort, and after consulting with ber captain and pilot, Joel R. Rob- inson, he decided to accept the offer. | Robinson consented to act as pilot for the fearful voyage, Jones, the engineer, agreed to accompany him, and a ma- chinist named Meclutyre volunteered to ‘ghare the risk with them. On Jane 15, 1841, in the presence of ' a large crowd, the little vessel left the dock, which was just above the saspan- Trin That the Rucessainily Performed, 18 Nha the Sha shores of fot 2 4 PTH parsse. SVP) than | gion bridge, ran vp the addy a short dis- | tanee, cleared the smooth water and shot t like an arrow into the rapid nuder tho ; bridge. When a third of the way down, | she was struck by a jet of water which | carried away ber smokestack and keeled her aver. But she speedily ri ighted, and | after receiving another drenching i the waves dashed on without furt her ac- cident to the quiet bosom of below Lewiston — Now Yo . tiger, Lachine, A A ecuneeplioh volved ; tho findr t fiom matt tartare may be obtained from following fact A TM bine Wonderful in 1a t VATiaus thea for turning out watch serews was recantly exhibited at the Iu- stitution of Mechanical Engineers in | London which was so complicated that !soveral skilled engineers present cou- | fossedl that they wer: unable to follow | the train of mechanism, even when it { was explained by the aid of working drawings! put perfect screws, and as lang as the { wire lasts it requires no interference by | its homan attendants. —Youth's Com- panicn. The Uselens. How much truck, for instance, most | houses contain of relics of trips, shabby bric-a-brac, and so an, which has to be taken care of and is of no use to any human being, and daily life is as full as our houses of things as useless and | | less easily thrown out —Mr. Talcots | Williams in Book News. Tea Tables and Téa Trays { The most approved tea table this sea. eon is square—two Seooden trays mount. ed on four spindle legs The upper tray bas an oval aperturs at either end, so that it can be carried across arcom with ea~c. Rich tables are to oe { ; pew at the furnitnre th: and span warihonses, but 5: e a7 : ' * il } Lo # | tn at the Sit hanirock. 1 the teapot of the same metal, cream jug of wi per, yi ned the i ugar basin cues and chim lite egeshe A Disgusted Witness, + 3 Ness in deseribinge 4 leseribing All BV I saw at the hy man with one eye of the s] th hat £0 Ti fie Ww itness was levity of the { News the gal disgusted with audience. —Ohio Le for barbarism Ree i Chinas, when ‘ enormons deposits of coal, wiring is through underg from | i Wires oi Yet this machine, when a wire is fed | to it, goes on doing its work, turning | ! surance polic { Casualty company for $3,000 and the “amount. ‘emption under a clause red while in the 1 as Bailey was shi - -—————— “THE FUTURE OF EUROPE. Le Bon. the Froneh Historian, Predicts an Oriental Influx. The French historian Le Bon in a re- cent article predigts that Earope will become the seat for despotism and later and incur the fata as the Byzautine and pires. Next the Slavs will old and Enr ita tne orientale tha REET] % cniture then partic ul: and the Hindors ir tn Pr ree r views, neral Eoropean wa by terrible ec orient is alread: for tions. - The ing to be stend of rope, in will find flood. nes, which, in ; expenses, is sold at a lower Danre the Earopean, and India provi machinery, is now competing wit rope in the manufacturing its war witn aver, will follow India's example When India and China, with their have a mas; over the prodoesr being spite of it in India is ow exp enite of p f the consumer, tariff BA ts Erde il Pe iw vaevans filo PICT MAL Japan 1 of factories in operation, they will whelm the Eoropean markets with their products and plac o the European work. man in the position where he must ei. ther starve to death from lack of work or starve abe utely insuflicient waged The orienta) : , AR experiences shown, desert their cheap food—ten and r expensive food or Enropean Juxuries Professor Le Ban's views, says Le ‘ A ek Temps, may be drawn in dm on wr TrRInAan will & tL 3 4 t has oar one more Ti Novel Method of News owed In Pistributy Paris nea Havas, the of news at Par "a ¥ ¢ a8 ner fa i as peri Al NOTION, hy Fignt. HE Latlion Neoess; ary 1 f ar by an and er RONG 2 the pi Vi, prosent us fi in the cullar BAe = it nad to se now perfection an apparat the news borean. At writer central station works th ail tha snlweri’ informaticn in ! time ired by ardinary telegraph transmission 4 Inte accuracy guaranteed, the operator sees what he is writing, apd mutilation or dropping of words is impossible The system of pews distribution is very complicated, but great pains have been taken to secure it agafnst any like ly interruption of the servica. All ti round cables one cable being allowed for a group of 153 subscribers, but there aro 20 wires in each cabla, allowing a reserve of five Ten circuit. The machine is the old. American paper psed is not a of an inch wide, but nehies in width, The typewriter, each th a specini tha $y ra regeve Uy y s ER than o requ in hiss 18 18 ean aniv Cirio one: rent to pas hroagzh 4 Hn upon which ar: of receivers wi 3 it but with: : docRwork. A 1y; ree] guided hy th it fram tho cen tral station prints Spa n a roll of pe pe r as in a typewriter. The commutator b yyy win bugoge Waid uty ; mentioned above 18 set going by a small | electric motor receiving its energy from a battery of 80 Todor accumulators, -- Natura An Interesting Insurance Question. William Bailey, horses and ship wha accide nitaily who had been | ing them south, and y eho t himself through | the right foot two weeks ago, has died of his injuries. Bailey came herp from Fart Scott. Shortly after the first of the year he took out two accident in- res, one in the Fidelity and other in the Standard company for a like The lattér compan: claims ex. which releases it if the insured is injn act cf violating a state law, resentatives of the co at by the aceidental dis. fers in his pocket he cealed weapon, and stata law —- Atch “Loeal reps charge of Was « thereby vialating the tscn (Kan h a revo TArryvin Indiana's Librarian. [. Davi rarian for Tidiana ison of Porn Longevity In England, Pi FEN Wi when linger in the vicinity to ascertmp LAIGOnR, Or, suying | Sapa claim that! I young eyes DAN ETOUIT =ND THIN PECPLE. Faturs Reguleres Fatness and Slimpess With an Iron Rule. Pabpecs and slimness o and are therefor mody, for ne by nature cir otherwise, 10 boo me a stout and w favored person, Sa let ns realize tl —that we have to face onr first of sible poople our fatness or parcel of our natural build. - if we fat by nature it attempt by diet or otherwise to reine onr bodice to slim proportions Many a and woman has patd the penalty of rashness by indocing disease throngh their ontragaous arts thwart Lat i aboot this “fatness” 11s big fact at { the question all. and as =n to ww and discover wheti wmstitption onr thinness is part and Rest assnred 15 useless 1 are man E12 Batu 1% wr clearly where stand i same time spas RENO fo as well 41 the loop of the 1 about to drop the rape when his horse suddenly put bis down amd started in broncho style Thomas didn’t last long. He suffer he struck the groand, but he didn’t «3 like a hot bucking extent of his injuries Ha startbad for the top of a butte close at hand, and, al thongh an indifferent sprinter, he man- aged to make very fair tima Looking back from his position of comparative safety, ho conid see that both animals had tho rope and were having it out in great gtyle, making frantic efforts themselves. The rope finally and away they went in opposite a8 he SXprosse] if iu ¥ CANTY, BPOIR eed HI Record a * 11 hes part: il, (irs the | His Pint Was Better Than Pound, Old savings are nearly alwa fal, but they must applied wi disc relion, as a woman in a little “down the neck!’ discovered to $a row. An old darky called one sti: to purchase a pound of shot. keeper being ont, his wife attempted serve the enstomer. She could not the weights, but being a good house 1 i Lf The sto keeper she remembered an old sayivg of frequent use in cookery, “‘a pint's as good ag a pound the world over.’ In her dilemma she quoted that say ing to the darky, asking if he would ix satisfied to take a pint fur a. pound The darky, with wide awake cunning, ‘snapped at the chance, got his shot, paid for it and hurried out of the stare The woman sudden hurry of his departure nntil she, with pride, related to her husband he happy idea enabling her to get along without we ghia. Philadelphia Call Practical Eye Wash, A little sait and water used as an evr wash will cleanse and strengthen in fia od Inshes and rest tired eyes. It is y it at any time that irritation eit. A Now York surgeon prescribes for bad eyes, particular off, ”! when and let the salt and the sea wash and blow around voar y them good, © It va dislodge for the air breath orm | 11100 mba LY L582 18 the ocean “Get he says, ever You can breeze HYVER of disease, ne wh nd 18 laden A Conundrum, in sani © put fai up time Londen Million Likvd Church, But —— vou enjoy taking 1 as ruang wi in America dme entangled In fried alii conldn't account for the, Eo a HER oTHER SIDE. ; Extremely Radical ! Semttin sate Charged te : Hetty Green. ah She is a motherly soui, this Mm Hetty Green Ste has a good, kind heart, the richest woman strast people bus when one she {3 a cheery creas face brightens op talks vive even if she is She has on tendency to di first acgusintancs, i she i for chiidren and always trying, and trying with soe. to 2 “1 them The people who know ber well, and it 1s significant that a great many poor people i will tell son thas H: and whims. mal, b all, they like her NG . 3:8 has a weaknes is Es 11 nie fx nO he Tr We ry 2 rein at that, afte Testing is fOCeninie is inter Even a person who did not know who she was would bestow a second glanoe opon this unfashionably clad and often shaiby woman if she passed by in ® erowd . “The poor bave no chance in this eountry. No wonder anarchists and so- ialists are so numerous The longerwe live the more discontented we all gel and no wonder too Some blame the rich, but all the rich are not to blame. Thus spoke Mrs Green when the Brooklyn strike was at its height Is was a general occaversaticn, and she was taking her share init. The talk bad drifted from the particulars of the case to the generalities it involved, and Mm n was more radical than any one he Jaw must be upheld,” res Care rt it i SOOTD- Zin ad wins to break the rad iroad MRgn ates Ie and hia rail- ira hath been vor Sop 18 WO an ti i tha troops! 1 be boys in the Their sympa- yor SITIROTR. But They must obey or th ti TS Wi thics ara ajway what can they dao? ders’ “How wonld things : ‘How? Make these railroad magnates obey the law or - put them in prison. Les a law and ses into jail.’ — Boston ya remedy these the poor break the rts a8 Be A NROTAECLE KENTUCKIAN. Extraordinary Obttuary Tribute to the Late Alamander Martin of Lackey, Died, at the home of his brother, near this place, on Jan. 16, Alamander Max tin, in the seventy ninth year of his age He was born ig Obit. Came with his parents to Kentucky at an carly age. He was well beloved by ail who knew him, He was a model in the way of economy, industry and honesty. His voice will no mare be heard by his many relatives whom he so much loved and so faith. fully served during sickness We will greatly miss Him, but pray the Lord $0 reconcile us to this sad bereavement, knowing that our loss in his eternal gain. His funeral services wera attended by the Rev. William Cook, and a ser- mon was preached from the book of after which a large concourse of people followed his remains to their last resting place until called forth on the resurrection worn. The following isa short h of ns iif: . : Grond, axotel Der ig time ad vans { rainy wosther { iron nerve, Land plerving. , lita pine curvelly his cursing. His latter days wore days of peasy A change in disjuisition As strength gave way grace increased And saved kim from perdition. xs His iced was gray Before he quit Now Be sails on Zion's ship, No more pains from his poor old Mp He in a with trocbles bere balow - And gone where all good mortals go. eed, -atliettsd urg Democrat. Climb of the Pencil, A pew fashion that is just beginning to grow in vogue is that of writing let. ters in pencil rather shan with pen and ink, and when once fairly established i8 is doubtful whether suything but legal documents and business papers that must ba preserved will ever be prepared in the old style. . Letters are g shorter nowadays than they formerly were and more hastily written, more frequent and seldom worth keeping for any length of time. They are not the elaborate efforts of bygone dags, thab were often cherished for their intrinsle wortlt. The pencil, which is far mos convenient than the pen, is taking its place in the great 1 casual correspondence. — Kansas Times The Poor ¥ rofited. emo to provide bres Y cently successfully : < the ladies of hake the vel ¢ An winner t the bread to be X winner of the contest ¥ the mayor A Very Popular “It's all very well to ing bonds of $10 candy t ] Dukaue, ‘‘but that.:s nos dace women to bay. “What would you Mr. Gaswell 3 “Let Secretary Carlisle ad sonds at $9.98, marked don 110, ""— Pittsburg Chroniela
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers