” | “VOL. IL—NO: 68. i at A nt _“FEPSIN” FLOUR MAK] : w—— ————— i ————— rT A $100 Given Away. REMINISCENCE OF THE WAR IVE E ENT MONEY ORDER. o Ww ritten by One of the “Cou- nay Gren. and wh when fr rier’ ’ Contributors. ponied to oa ee: pe Bo ly | i hem one one ot more sto ime or we, THE STARS & STRIPES chased pin hl of aoe Por. | tne ars and Five Months Wik 01 JMEOUNnE 4 SRY conta OF More. ] [Continued from inst week. | About 10 a. m. the ordér was given Patton Pharmacy, «= {to charge. With a yell we dashed for- ward capturing our breastworks and 'strewing the ground with the dead and wounded of thé enemy. The enemy { fell back to Benner's Hill under cover Drags Medicines, and Chemi- FE a Ah N Tv. Stationery, Confec- Anticipating another attack we were flonery, Ci figdrs and oba¢ : o w. HODGKINS. busily engaged improving our breast- enemy was com ng. We emptied our dome for COLUMBIA & HICKORY nem mca ~nt placing them on the : Lae i Ss 8&-This is the onl Store He i Our guns were ‘leveled and when the order to fire was ‘given every man pulled the trigger. ‘the result was awful. It seemed that Patton whets these oney be had. ‘every ball took effect, and before they ‘could recover we were ready again. I == Did you say you wanted a while with their other arm they screen i nobby suit of clothes. If you ed their eyes.” We poured volley after volley into them at a dead rest they ‘did just come to the place ya ey = ey where you can get good goods part of the great battle was finished. for the least money and that = The sight that followed was awful. | is at the ECONOMY. : | Their dead and wounded lay thick as the ambulance otrps supplied water to You also say you’ wanted a the Blue and the Gray alike, fine dress pattern at a price ‘me great victory at Gettysburg that will make you wonder ended our fighting in the Army of the : Eb ou have never called at Potomac although we joined in the reuit of Lee’s army until they crossed ONOMY before. i Rapidan. a lo order came for the 11th and 12th corps to go i to the rescue of General Thomas’ arm at Chattanooga, Tenn. Here General | Brags, after defeating our army at Chikamauga, had invested our position ‘80 completely that starvation or cap- | ture il seemed inevitable. Our two Need a pair of shoes. If yOu corps were hurried forward reaching do why we can just fit you ott the vicinity of Chattancoga about the in the finest piece of shoe wear 10th of October, '62. General Geary’s . . | division encamped at Waahatchie, al- you ever had, or ever will have most under the shadow of Lookout ‘again, Come in and see our re on the slopes of which the sock and you will enemy's left was posted. It being late in the evening when we went into | | eaznp our knowledge of the place was | | very imperfect. We were welcomed ; by the enemy with a few shells which ,did no harm. Being fatigued with our : {march of 2 miles that day we were’ | noon asleep. The enemy. being aware that we fave the Bocst stock | Of ur position and the fact that our rish : | division was about three miles disvant and finest goods, at the least {from the balance of the corps, ey: | none “of any store in Cam- kindly essayed to pick us up. About nty outside of Johns- 2 o'clock in the morning our pickets town The place i is the | were driven into the camp followed by J 5 ¥ { whose first volley perforated cur tents .C oO Nn O m V, | with balls. We were in for it without : : |® formal invitation. The blaze of their STORE : | guru from three sides showed u. their position so that our lines were formed Carrolltown. | sooodingly After about two hours of | deperate fighting the enemy gave way ‘and left us in podsession of the field HOTEL { and about 200 prisoners. Our loss was ‘small, but we lost Lieutenant E. R. B E CK Geary, a young man of high promise. | : ; General Hooker on taking position : z 9 had planed the capture of Lookout 2 Mountain as his share of the battle, H. C. BECK, P ro, | General Grant having the supervision ane : | of the whole. emma me Oar camp ‘duty commenced with : as : i | knapsack driil, which continued daily One of the Largest Hotels in until the 24th of November. This Northern Cambria; ja was sted by the en Je little reamed tha was part o e pian Conducted + |intended to throw the enemy off their in. guard. We invarably drilled close to Lookout creek in plain view of the en- : 40D] RN STYLE, |emy, who watched us for some time, after which they took no farther notice of our drill ground. It seemed strange Good Table and Bar Supplied that. We always. Tested bobind Coc] with Choiest Brands of knoll, It was equally strange that the - Liquors. eneiny never fired upon us. | amy surely enough glory for one day. | » heavy attacking force of the enemy, of us. An oak knoll formed one side wp on eo sc NR sehr se 7 PATTON, CAMBRIA co, PA. , THURSDAY, MARCH 2 a1, 1805. emer WINTS TO GRUSH MARTY Carat the attention Asie erimny sos} No sooner hag we piled mea ¢ ks than tho head of on our umn The President to Interfere i in straight up the side of the mountain Pennsylvania Politics. in the head of the column reached the palisade of rocks about’ two-thirds of the way to the top, then facing to. HARMONY 1s THE ISSUE the left we advanced preceeded by a heavy line of skirmishers. The en- * Significant Letter Sent Out [by Ex-Rep- | thusiasm of the men, which for some Yesengasive James XW The bliowing in taken from the | ing time had been held in check, now broke | Bb. t, “Evening Sta ” be out in a splendid rush for the enemies A letter was sent from Washington, camp close in our front. So completely | i D. C., March 13th which is « to be | ‘were they surprised that we were in the init step in a movement that is their camp before they knew of our to hav: 1portant bearing upon na- | approach. Many of them left their tional p« ics and the attitude of the . guns behind. saw one shanty with eastern mocrats upon the silver five guns left in it. In fact they made gpestion The letter was written by | no defense at this point. A few 0, Repre tative Jas. Kerr, of Penn- | them fled closely pursued by our skirm ‘mia, we present clerk of the (ishers while the most of them were . wepresentatives. It was ad- f 'captared. Our blood was now ap 80 drese. the chairman of every Dem- that we tarned the brow of the moun- ocratic county committee in the state tain with the fleeing fogatives, many of Pennsylvania, and was as follows: more of whom were captured. On the WASHINGTON, D. C., March 13, 1806. | Brow of the movntain were {W iw ‘My of Sm: The Susmoratian ‘and for a while in plain view of General Thomas’ men at Orchard Knob. At thin point wo aet 91 the part of the first organized resistance and for a years (0 maiptain at while the fighting was very severe. But strength of the ‘a resolute advance soon dislodged = assistance ered with loose rocks the men et up were in danger of starting these | enormous down on the men below. Not being seems li to be no bone of main- | ‘able to see the enemy on account of Sajning the with With any semblance the dense clond which enveloped va, | Of stecngth in = Ms "| we fell back a short distance expecting “Nothing should be undertaken b | to renew the battle the next morning. ' any one or by any set of men - would continue the late | ones. Tut 5! | friends : ' by others withi monwealth of {Sah up by Thomss’ men and by p En Ivania Dus best inter- hem passed along to Sherman nbd, the Democratic at heart. ea or Ch i “The present chairman, Dr Sra: | The same day the battle was finished. | Dan, has signified his intention not to stand for re-election, and it is quite im- : Hooker captared Fort Breckenridge, portant: that the state committee, in Thomas captared Fort Bragg,and Sher- | selecting his sacoessor at their next man captared Fort Buckner. This was | meeting act with discretion and de- : ‘liberation, and proceed to the election CANTREN, | of a chairman mag pong 2% only oe {To be continued. | | Bout tank anc task under the unfortunate | PROGRAMME | sumstances, but one in whom the ad- ' ministration has the utmost confidence, Of the Cambria County | Pomona Grange to and who will be the choice of the best | DeMeldinPatton. =. judgement of the Democratic state | The next regular meeting of the committee, and not the selection of Cambria County Pomona Grange will *8Y one man. No person the creature of the political boss can Hustivaly | convene in the hall in Patton at 1! serve the Democratic party its | o'clock sharp on Monday afternoon, | present extremity. April 1st, 18985, for a two day’s session. “In view of the fact, you, as a mem. The following program will be carried ‘ber of the state central commi or ‘ns one of influence in your out. | whould prevail on those directly inter. Monday Afternace Session. osted to refrain from committing them- | Objects of Pomona Granges by W. selves to the support of any ean 'F. Hill, Lecturer of the Pennsylvania for executive o r for the ion State Grange. ed until the Democracy, th ir committee, come AM i Dairying from a disinterested stand- | April next. point by T. W. Hughes. | “If the Democratic state central Recitation by Miss Katie R. Lilly. committee of Pennsylvania do their Silos and Silo building: by T. L. Par- bs a la matter, otto lich he : will select as chairman one w Oleomargarine by A. B. Kirsch. - in unselfish and able management wih | of the party's affairs, representing at Ten ae Hatqiy Wight. all times the masses of the Democratic Suarstie by Mesarw. J. Grassberger, voters, will recover the ground that F. Thomas, F. Huber and J. F. has been lost during the past three | Haber. | Joars. Let me hear from you upon Recitations by Misses Annie J. Gar. his subject at an. Ponte ‘ret and Minnie Farabaugh. i pe KERR." Solo by E. Will Greene. Lecture on organization by W. FP... : : "Hill, Lecturer Pennsylvania State’ While this letter would seem upon Grange. the surface to deal with Pennsylvania The public is cordially invited to at- | state politics it is said to have a deeper tend this session. _ meaning and a more far-reaching pur- "Private Session Tuesday Forénoon. | Bose Shan is w= Seek ght ADpareut it | The quent references in , ster pasa A Sango. to the ‘‘administration” and ite feel- Proceedings of the Farmer's National 1083 and wishes is only a slight indica- | P to this fact. Congress by John F. Thomas tion Taesday Aflernoon Session. It is stated that President Cleveland has determined to take a hand in the. The Fifth Degree of the order will wesent condition of the Democratic | Be conferred at: this session in fall hey in Pennsylvania with a view to | form. proseditiogs of all the seabion bringing about harmony in the Demo- nna will be interspersed with music and songs. After any subject is opened discussion will be permitted in which all are welcome to take part. The general routine of business pertaining to the organization will be taken ap at the pleasure of the Grange. A Far-Reaching Purpose, certain end which be has in view. His ultimate aim, it is stated, is to control tle Pennsylvania delegation at the pext Democratic national convention in the interests of a sound money. plank in the national platform and ia behalf of the presidential candidate ALEX. STRITTMATTER, Master, whom he shall select, in the event of Thos. L. ParRsN : Lecturer, his not being a candidate himself. The . , Geo. W. GARRETT, Sec. | oo object, however, is believed to be Easy to Msuagr. his anxiety that the Pennsylvania dele- The Cinderella Range is easy to gution shall present a solid front for manage, many other ranges are not. sound money, a condition which ie not | cratic runks and shaping affairs to a The mystery was fully explained on The Popular once went behind the knoll and were | ‘which prevents it from .burning out, Sibly and his sympathizers. ordered to ‘‘unsling knapsacks.” We | | and every provision is made for clean- & To Crush Mr. Harrity. the morning of November 24th when The construction of the Cinderella promised at this time by the dissen- | looked each other in the face, all knew | lines. Eanmine it before you buy. ‘A, the first step in this move it is | by A ' said that the president proposes to heal | going out for our customary drill we at admits of plenty of air under the grate, | sions in the party and the influence of TT 1 | what was coming, at the same time alfo of PA ON. HouYy Solu waa stagted on both our | China has only 100 physicians. | the dimensions in the party by crush- i RE a ar trouble, and to counteract his influence. The man fs Mr, Harrity, chairman of the Democratic national committee. License Ducisions Filed at This statement may sound somewhat | odd in view of the fact that Mr. Har. | Eoensburg { Saturday. rity has beon recognized by the presi- dent as the ‘boss’ of Pennsylvania | WERE 239 APPLICANTS. | politics, and has been given five out of | : | the six of the princigal federal appoint- | One Hundred and your Grated, 84 | ments of that state. This is whine tho Refused and One Weld Over. trouble has arisen, however. It is| ‘The Honorable Judge caused to be | stated that the president is dissatisfied | Med at Ebensburg on Saturday at 13 | with Mr. Harrity’'s stewardship, or | 0’clock his decisions in the 239 appli : | Father his boss-ship. It is said that the cations for liquor licenses in Cambris | president is inclined to blame Mr. Har- | county which has been held over by | rity for the dissensions existing among him since February 18th. Out of the | Reasieylvunia Democrats, laying it to | 339 applicants 164 were granted. Fol the abuse of the power which he had |lowingis the list for Northern Cambsin: given Mr. Harrity. The president is : Refused. said to believe that Mr. Harrity has| Ashville-James Hamlin. | caused trouble by refusing to bring the | Barmesboro—M. C. Weakinnd, Mi factions together and by naming the | Obael M. appointees from among his own im- Barr townsbip—H. A. Louther. ‘mediate henchmen and followers, ig-, ; noriag: too much other factions in the Chest Springs Richard Ivory. ‘party. | Cresson township—Hugh O'Donnel. : The President’s Feeling. : Dest township—8. A. Cooper, wii It is stated that the president has had | 'o™ P: Delaney. . under consideration for soma time the {idea of reuniting the Pennayivania | Democrats. His feeling of resentment | circles, and an echo of it has been | found in Mr. Harrity* s waning influence | " Portage John H. Kuhn, W. 8. Confer, Thomas i J. Scanlan. - | letter over his signiture is therefore no a. J (surprise. It is not believed that Mr. Para towns ames Daley, J. are. io dmbitions $0 succeed 1s, Ha Dn ilk Dorkted i mouthed about ‘politics in his native state. Those familiar with the situs [pen township Michael B Wilmore--D. D. McHugh. = Granted, Ashville borough—D. G. Myers, Levi ° | | Burket. the Democrats apparently free to get | ‘Barnessboro—John Hendie: Thomas together, keeping in view all the time, | Brown, J. D. Ritter. | RoWever, his ultimate object. 4 ¢ | ments in the plans of the new silver | party, and the efforts of Sibley and his | | line of Democrats to get a foothold in | Pennsylvania, determined the presi-' | A. Farabaugh bre | dent to commence at an early date the | (Chest SY. J 0'Don- work of getting the Democracy of that pell. state into line for presenting a solid| Chest township—Charles Rhody. front for Cleveland plans and princi- ‘ples at the next Democratic conven- ‘8. P. Nagle standing shoulder to shoulder | Cresson townshi with other sound money Democratic | | John W. Arwcily-Culsew Poueieu | delegations. from the east. | ham Maithew Adlesburg, A. O. Brown, Jun. Pulley Improving. vl | John L. Yeckly, R J ‘McAnally, Again another case of intricate surg- | | "ery is reported and this time it is on | Dean townahip— William Supder. | the person of Jas. Bailey, who was hit | Ebensburg, East Ward—John' B |on the head with a rock on Sunday, | Denny. March 10th. After he was injured Dr.| Ebensburg, West Ward Albert E 8. W. Worrell was summoned and | Bender, P. F. Brown, L. A. Craver. a. Stal, Andrew H. Hang, Martin Cc found that his skull had been erushed Elder township—Francis X. Ott, ohn Logue, F. on the left side of his head above the | Jacob N. Anna. ear, and on Wednesday about 3 ¢’clock Gallitzin borough—J the doctor, assisted by Dr. I. J. Weida, | Burk, R. E. Dignan, Michael Fitsharria, performed an operation. A piece was | Elmer Nelson, Henry Seymore, F. P. sawed out of the skull and fragments | | Gillen, Arnold Lens, A. J. Gutweld, H. of the same, besides large clots of blood, | Padule, wholesale; A. H. Heist, whole- ' were taken therefrom which was caus- sale; D. Lutz & Son Brewing company, ing a pressure upon the brain. The wholesale; L. O. Rocketfoller, whole operation was performed very success: sale. fully. Dr. Worrell reports hia patient | Gallitsin township—John A. McGuire. improving rapidly. | Hastings-—John A. Parks, E. L. Beck- * Suve Your Coupons. | with, Samuel C. Kirkpatrick, Marshall The C ‘wishes to announce to | Kilpatrick, Charles Kinney, - Blair A | Short. Frank Waigo, Michael H. Nagle, ite readers Miss Josephine Dow- | : | ; be P | W. L. Nicholson, Elmer E. Nagle, An- : of of | drew Lantzy, wholesale. public schools, bas entered the Pitte- | ' burg Times teachers contest for a trip | Lilly—George Brant, Otto P. iy, : to the old. world about June 15th, | Robert Smith, ' James Pau, °C: The COURIER respectfully asks that a if you have not already made arrange- | Loretto Charles P. 0’Donnell. ts to send your coupons to another | , © aton—E. C. Beck, J. M. Robinson, | Ma |S. M. Wilson, E. A. Mellon.’ party, to send the same to the above named teacher as she is anxious to be Portage—D. W. Martin, Albert Diehl, one of the chosen. Please ask your | Wiliam and George Yeckley, Philip friends to do the same. Votes must | Hopper. | Portage township—William H. Ed- be sent in within two weeks of Shar | ards (Jamestown ). face. ie : Have You Sven the Eicphant. { A. Chaplin, Alex. C. Gray, Blaodsburg; It will be worth your while to go to. Ellsworth Nevling, Fallen Timber; D. Chas. Hodgkin's Patton Pharma y and | | B. Newcomer, Frugality see the wonderful baby elephant which | Spangler borough—8, D. King, James he has on exhibition. It is something A. Kirkpatrick, N. C. Westover, whole- very seldom seen in a town the size of sale. : Patton. | The animal is a fine specimen | Summerhill boroagh—John Griffith, and has caused considerable commotion ' Johan D. Wentworth, Francis Karta. since its arrival. The COURIER is in-! Susquehanna township—C. A. Lang formed that Mr. Hodgkins intends to bine. : ‘give the animal away some time in Tunnellbill borough — Joseph A. December. It is truly a sight. | Bertram, John Goidy. i Church Notice. | Washington township—Frank Leap, Rev. Chas. W, Wasson, who has bush cla Leap, Thomas O’Brien, whole- returned to Patton by the recent ses. | sion of the Central Peer Con-| Wilmore burdgh--Conend Wende- | ference, will preach the opening ser- | roth. mon of the new year in the Methodist | DeWitt's. Witch Hazel Salve cures Episcopal church next Sunday morning | at & 10:30. Everybody Weltuipe, ; | st 00 PER YPAR. ; iS THE MOST WHOLESOME BREAD, sever TST TELE GATE Spang. 1. Borer Henry C. " Clearfield tcwnship— George HarBer, Bonde township—Michael Schell, W. a a pl i es :
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