Twelve Pages. | VOL. 1 —NO. 5. PATTON, CAMBRIA co. PA. THURSDAY, MARCH 18953. Twelve Pages. $n 00 PER YE AR. “PEPSIN’ FLOUR MAKES THE MOST WHOLESOME BR. BAD. a $100 Given Away. AEMINISCENCE OF THE WIR 1 '¥IVE CENT MONEY ORDER. no With each Dollars worth of goods : Cont Boney Grier, an whet Twenty 2 Orders, and when Twenty are presented to us at one time, we will redeem Giving One dollar in cash or merc for them; or we. yall actept them one or more at a time wa pre for a bill of goods p par any one time at this st mounting 4 fifty “ents or more. Patton Pharmacy, C. W. HODGKINS Written by One of the rier” Contributors. | Fhrough the C onfederate Lines. Story of the Late War. Contin yout from Inst week Following is a copy of the general order issued on ‘the return from our detail, after we joined the army before the battle of Antietiam: H narters 1st Brigade 2nd Division, Rank’s Corps, near Frederick, Md, Sentember 13, 1862. _ I take the pleasure in calling your attention to the accompanying Creneral Order, a deserved ib the uncommissioned brave of this army, men whom | am very proud to : command. Their names | send here. with - Respectively Y our Obedient Servant, Hector TYNDALE, Lt. Col. 28 P. V. Command, Bri ignie; Headquarters Banks’ Corps, C amp near Drugs, Medicines, and Chemi- cals, Stationery, Confe(: tionery, Cigars and Tobacco. Aency Jor COLUMBIA & HICKORY Bicycles. Dru Money 86-This is the onl Store in Patton where these - be had. ; ars can Genera! Order. The General Commanding takes Plodsiare in commending the conduct {of t Bonsal and twelve men of the | Pennsylvania Vols., who being : detailed on important special duty be- yond the lines of the army, discharged | that duty promptly and faithfully -and, ‘on their return, captured nineteen armed Confaderates, sixteen of whom ! Prey brought safely to camp. This act : worthy of commend” - - | tion and is recom as an example to ip oes comrades. By command of Genaral A. 8. Wil- liams. . 8. E. Pitman, A. A. G. “Antietam ea in history to have been a Union victory because she fell back into Virginia. There was po ap- parent reason why it should not have been decisive. The army was anxious to renew the battle on the 13th with | We are doing the business of the town and no doubt about it. Our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, ~ Boots and Shoes and Furnishings Is the best to be hadin | ‘the County. ' remained on the battle field several days, and when we did move they were gone. We followed leisurely and Say eroned Sha} Sus Harpers Our prices correspond with the name that tells you where to buy your goods at a reas ~ onable’ and is a! the Economy, STORE of inh il ‘went into winter quarters. The main | 20m body of the army of the Potomac fol- | lowed the enemy to Fredericksburg. OaxrEm, * [To be continmed. | “In Nace’ Answered. Caxemia County, March 4, 1865. time ago, on the drifted roads problem, signed “In Nuce,” | am compelled to think the views therein advanced should be modified to some extent. It is well to remember that times are very bad and as a result the majority | of our tax-payers have nothing to do, so that if an opportanity to work pre- sents itself to shovel snow at $1.25 per | a7. the so called nuisance becomes a | ‘| blessing in disguise. Working out the road tax in the spring, summer and. fall requires much valuable time that should be devoted to putting in crops, .{ harvesting, making fences an. other repairs. Whereas if a tax-payer has a large family of boys he has no trouble | When you are in town do not fail to call and see us; we “will treat you right. The Big ie REDUCTION SALE is o still going on in full blast. Remember the Place, he ECONOMY, “Carrolltown, after doing the farm work, can devote ‘their surplus time in pleasure, such as It is generally conceded that ‘all work land no plgy makes Jack a dull boy.” . 80 that in view of the above stated facts, “In Nuce” is all wrong. Give us: the drifted roads by all means. ; JACK. Bright Woman, : Who are anxious to accomplish the best results, for the least money, should examine the Cindereila Range before they buy; it is a good baker and a perfect roaster, and every new feature of practical worth fis embodied into ita construction. It has pleased thousands of housewives. and will please you. Secld by A. M. Thomas. *One of the Largest Hotels in "Northern: Cambria; = Conducted MODERN STYLE. : Good Table and Bar Supplied | in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER | publishes the following local market with Ch Brandl | EZ TRE i Butler, Been per pound. - The Popular mm I eR HR HOUSE = — of PATTON. Ex ‘jost in, this time in cotton sacks, same price as paper. Cash. P. 8. Co. | | Local Market Report. For the apecial benefit of the farmers dozen. bushel Turnip: LX aD owt. i ~ "prasad, : su 214 to per ton. “Con- “THE GREAT SCOUT. ne wate to some of sverything in our favor except the activity” was in command, so that we | Ebprror CcoUuriEr:—Replying to an : article published in the COURIFR some Another shipment of Pepsin flour BIS ELECTION WAGER Made Betwesn Gon. Sng and " mn. Jamen Kern Too Good to Rep. Below is given an account of an elec- - tion wager made between Gen. Mages and Hon. James Kerr, which was pub- lished in the Washington Post some time ago and was re-published in the Watkins N. Y. Express Feb. 28th : Clerk Kerr, of the House of Repre- A True sentatives, haxa friend in the person. of Gen. Geo. Magee, of Watkin Glen, N.Y... who is a rich, hustling, enter- prising politician. M ages had & candi- date for the post-office at Watkins, and came to Washington to secure his ap- pointment. All was smooth sailing un- til the discov ery was made at the White House that. Magee. had been offensively ative in compassing the defeat of Mr. Peckham, as a justice of the supreme court, when an anti promptly appointed, and Gen. Mages went home in disgust. Iv = ade him sour on the world and Mr. Cleveland's policy, late election he and Kerr met at the - Waldorf in New York be was ready to quarrel. He proposed a bet to € Terk Kerr that the House of the Fifty: fourth Congress would contain as many Re- publesns as there were Demoe rats in the present one. Kerr gaily at the proposi element of chance, a sure thing. Mages, however, wis willing to take all the risk that his pro- position involved, and they accordingly pet a suit of e jothes. “Now,” said Kerr, “since you have shown a disposition to be liberal with - me, I just make you a scunter proposi- tion. - We'll bet aBoLEer suit of ck bes, | and as we shall want an overcoat, we'll just make it that 2x] & pair of shoes.” condition of the THERE ARE OVER 300. “And what's the bet 7’ said Magee. “That the Republicans won’t have a majority in the next House, barring the and when some time before the | laughed Damasens, Md. September 10, 1862. iin. He sneered at Magee s mad offer “e C. 1. & 1 preferring, as he said, a bet with sme { He didn’t care for 1: snapper was | —— gid dea wd do gdd CO: OFFICE AND SUPT. BROWN'S RESIDENCE IX BAC RGROU XD. Pages Wikosnig, one dwelling _ Antone Pochvatila, one dwelling. John Dansak, one dwelling. John Shyna, one dwelling. Stanley Novich, one dw=inng. John Kelas, ave dwelling. 8 W. Worrell, one dwelling. J. A. McCanse, one dwelling. Frank Mctlonneil, one dwelling. Tuomas MaConnell, one dwelling. Philip Burkhart, one dwelling. . James Mulligan, une dwelling. Isadore Lilley, one dwelling. Richard Ivory, one dweiling. Simon Bortman. one dweiling. E. C. Brown, one dwelling. Simon Grimes, one dwelling. Deis Jones, one dwelling. William Piles, one dwelling. M. M. Crain, one dwelling. Abe Byer, one dwelling. Thomas Litzinger, one dwelling. John Tate, one dwelling. = John Somervillie, one dwelling. . Joseph Karlheim, one dwelling. i THE BUILDINGS ERECTED In Patton Borgugh Since the cs = Town W as Founded. possibiity that the Populists will hold | And ihe Prospects are that Many More Will the balance of power. “Good r* shouted Magee ; “and since the suit of clothes, the over- coat, and shoes are included, suppose we add a hat and a cravat?’ “And a new suit of underclothes, and ** added Kerr. “And the cuffs and collar,” said Ma And . waxed; the November election came and went, and the House that Kerr built tambled into ruins. When he be- gan to collect his scattered senses he atime cutie Evidently the deal fell th be took a train for New |poseof gu be Added Before Another Year. List of property in Patton borough with the names of the builders or orig- inal owners They were all-—except eight—bailt since the town was found- ed, thirty months ago. Many have changed hands since: fo Patton Borough: School Buildings, | °° ~ | Prison and Council Chambers, Hall and | Hose House. Geo. 8. Good: Business store rooms, hall and offices. Geo. 8. Good, warebouse. Patton Hotel Co, “Palmer House." i . Henry Mellon, “Hotel Mellon.” Kelly & Somerville, S. M. Wilson, “Commercial Hotel.” | Addleman & Bloom, “Arlington | OOM. | room. block, bank, | Petar. Somies, dwelling and. store } John Kondruff, dwelling and aos! “Hotel Beck.” ToOm- House.” | Helena Mellon, Melon's Opers House. | ‘J. H. Ricker, Jr., & Co’, foundry and | machine shops. Chest Creek L & 1 Co., general of | room fice. Pennsyivania R. R. Co, office ‘and pair for tation. Speciaiist; charged $18 a Oot. Kerr wears shoes that cost $6 a pair, and he was horrified and de- | arbitrator was called in, and the matter Waa Snally adjGated by Clerk Kerr be- ng assessed the Magee took the money, bought a suit with it for George Gould in ’ arbitration. Accordingly an = John McGuire, custom mill ‘ing mits. EB. FP. Wise, saw and planing mills. Denlinger & Poorman, oil depot. Weakiand Broa, Bquidation of a bet, and presented the ge hie remainder to a church at which accounts for church improvements in that town. Watkins, of the $350 was paid into the Patton Methodist charch, and not Watkins church. : THE OLD AND THE NEW Last Year's Council Goes Out of Pusiiess ing. and the New on Deck. “© The boroagh council met Tuesday ~ evening to wind up ite affairs for the past year and go oat of business, to be | ation of the new council. The meeting | R Dale & Pattep- #0" rvoa& was held at the office of son, and Councilmen Bell, Wilsaasr, | Young, Bonner and Beck were preset. Minates of previous Westing were and approved. | ‘Mr. A. H Burkey appeared ad ‘asked for duplicate orders to take 1 place of orders he had last. On motd the clerk was instructed to inv estigade ‘the matter and report at next meeting. The following accounts were then or- dered paid: i Phiiip Burkhart L, LU. Uroweil Fo. Short, dray 8 Addieman. . 9 certain recent | i all to the SOP T. N. Nagle, livery wid wile stable. W. J. Donnelly & Co., saw and plan- James M’ Devitt, one dwviling. Kate Baker, one dwelling. Andrew Peterson, one dweliing. J. A. Ryan, one dweiling. John Bonner, one dwelling. " Michael Ryan, one dwelling. Emil Sodomont, one dwelling. stome room. John Gagilordi, dwelling and store Gen. C G. W. Foon. I. A Burgoon, dwelling and store room. Alex Hunter, dwelling and Yeager, dwelling and store Rischel, dwelling and store John Boyce, dwelling and store room. Isnac Snyder, dwelling and store | room. J. A McCanse, dwelling and store | room. Fou Jotuge, dwell sid wont ois. Sepa Feddor, dwelling aud sae} rine Patton, dwelling and store | | room. | | room. ; ! Jaren Douglas, dwelling 20d sore] "IK. Cort; dweing snd mae LES ET Little, dwelling and |. store room. | John Ott, dwelling and store room. “John Otto, dwelling and store room. | Frank Kinkead, dweiling and store Henry Mellcs:, store room. | Dry Ran Store Co., store roc Winslow & Barton, store room. Chest Creek I. & LL. Co, 52 dwellingw. | W. J. Donnelly & Co., 33 dwellings. Patton Hotei Co., 10d weilings. livery and mle | i Thomas Mienger, livery and sale The COURIER wishes to state that gag {sratie. H. - Buck, wagon and blacksmith Paul Biller, wagon and blacksmith | shop. i Ed A. Melion, postofiice and dwell Catholic Deasomination, charch. Mealy; Denomination, church. dwelling. “ J. G. Solomon, two dwellings aad succeeded immediately by the organiz. OTe rooms. , two dwellings and Walter Weakland, two dwellings and store rooms. C. W. Hodgkins, two dwellings and | store rooms. 2 Max Robinwitzs, two dwellings ad] ‘ store rooms. Lincoin & Cornelius, two dwelling! ‘and store rooms. a ro 3 Treasurer Sandford submitted finan- cial report, which was placed on file, and will appear in the UOURIER next week. : : This completed the business ap to date and council adjourned sine die. New Couneil Organised. The new council prciciutied to busi- ness by electing P. P. Yoang president, and John Boyce secretary pro tem. J. F. Bonner was then chosen permanent president and Harry Patterson secre- tary. W. H. Sandford was elected treasurer for the ensuing year. Several applications for the position of street commissioner were presented, and on motion were held « over until the ‘next ineeling. ~ Adjourned. to meet the first Tuesday ™ in April. J. R Cornelins, two dwellings and store rooms. Charles Patton, two dwellings wad} store TOONS. rooms. A Robinson, two dwellings and store rooms. George Fitzpatrick, two dwellings and store rooms. (;. H. Burkey, dwelling aud store room. : August Moreau, dwelling and store room. A. J. Jackson, dwelling and store room. room. P. P. Young. room. Joan Yahner, two dwelling and store i J. P. Rodgers, dwelling and store James Mellon, dwelling and store , room. . : . dwelling and store DA Buck, dwelling and store room. . Fisher & Buck, dwelling and store Joeseph Prgygoda, dwelling wad Kelley & Sonwrville, six dwellings. G. 8. Good, four dwellings. | - Charles Anna, four dwellings, Thomas Craver, four dwellings. A. J. Jackson, three dwellings. Paul Short, three dwellings. oJ. A. Wilson, three relia | : Joep Masies, ure SNaliBAR. Samuel Cornelias, two d Enoch Short, two dwellings. | 7 Magee & Lingle, two dwellings. That's all except * ‘Jack's Place.”. A Corner Drag Sore. Adam Wolesiagie, the manager of the City Drug Store, owned by Dr. C. E. | Belcher, which place of business was | sold out by the Sheriff last week, is Josiah Henry, one dwelling. | | George Lindbloom one G. W. Swank, one dwelling. D. H C. Warren, one d Joseph Haid, one dwelling. Fisher & Buck, one dwelling’ “M.A. Noonan. one dwelling. J. B. Mcintire, one dwelling A. G. Palmer, one dwelling. John Colletta, one dwelling. 'D. A. Buck wishes to ansounce $0 L. K. Christoff, one d purchased the John Kondruff, one aweilllng. the public that bap hae iT Pennsyivama KR R. Co., one dwelling. | ad wil end hi % turn ‘oi : 8, E. Jones, one dwelling. work and tar it out on time and see John Utto, one dwelling. that euch She : Anuro Hamids, one dweuling. he og. tried | i of Frank bBruco, one dweiung. 5 one eise’s. The bush en Ubarws Nuttie, one dwelling. ibeen run ‘to the wall” by all who Aifreii Dedliuh, ote 9 have tried it, and Me. Buck, who is Joseph Siguna, one dwe weil-known in Patton as a reliable J. L. Bivom, one dwelling. | party, will try and build the trade up A. tH. Burkey, one dweiung, pl! i ba given Neral & nt CAGE rt Smath, coe dwiing. : I by ey Barra Gauntuer, one dwell a ; i$ ry —_— Jacob Eckenrode, one dwell Barney Litzinger, one uwelli John Bilier, owe dweting G. ti. Praff, one dwelling. Joseph Ridner, coe dwelling. © Marsna Powell, one dwelling. NN: A. Ivory, one dwelling. | N. Dunnigaa, one dwell 5 itiam Damm, one dwelling W. J. Burkey, one AWeiling: Neison Brewer, one dw Abe Hutchison, one dwell - “Cow Sani : . R. A. Kinaloe, editor and publisher of ‘the Philipsburg Bitaminoas Record, | was in Patton on business Satérday and while here made the COUNIER & very pleasant call Mr. Kiosioe is also rep- resenting several other newspapers in this great bituminoss coal region, in which he seems to take great pride. He
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers