: 2 a de . ——a 8 | tio : Ce TiREY AFFECTE Fi ARN TREr® seven ies awe over a GRACE ECATY IDDRINTRALR 13 IOETS - | eit wi ana ECCENTRIC GISAR WILDE| FUL AND. Gracious. "e Prospect ef Marked improvement Unit he | i 191 | Ol Cosine to Vigne tae Ta id Ei : The Beautiful Queen of Portogal-- Battles Strike is Over. : | j fps to Pefont 1s Ae Pavers He lacing the Mates to Merial Flowers st Lisbon. : Brrraro, May 13. — There dves not = i WasHinagT N, Ms 14. ba tus Eegate ‘and Dodity siavery. hn oe fie Page al DESTROVED | BY FIRE AGUN SUN- seem to be a ray of baht in the marine | WILL HEREAFTE ER Bt. CONFINED to-day there bdo i diosnl aan ity of 1 salled lat: SL uy ‘vw Oar Wi An at a ua, stain sly sm situs 1, und there is vot going | \iscesion over vai 00% tems uf the tee ff bis a partments in St James place.| It is Frgity went riding” one day whey an the DAY MORNING. to _ tari} Stn 1 tor the better | 70 THE DISTRICT Lb il which were rseobed bat itd qostiny hero he receives those whom he rants § palace wes was approached we re rote esis 1 ill the con! strike is over and the econl on | Cj Was ot pearly apt to sare the loa drive to Tile (iri, | that herpinfesty vas about te take msTreuss 10 AE SETTLEMENT, I a re porta is. wuld [THE seme DISCUSSES TWO ITEMS. ve prac es wet. whetir-o-Swe ciudnlag hal ove. rot dr I a There ia vo added scarcity in fuel here | | erm pot so artive 1 Barseedng the : I i ap - beatiful wife, presides, : : rson clogs submit ab wb oi : Division of Raliresd and River Operators bout at $3.7. 5 and $4 a tou it is oniy | Revigt: w of tha Wil will Naver br Com | a «d the Demoorats avoided d-bote 3g Wille, it is well known) has | ¥ Lisble {0 Deisy the Ena Somewhat. yng ip 15 to 20 ton lots to steamer. te dutly uveingn of Tha Rapnt Friviar » fia * § . Siti : . : jo " | on a throne or off it in any country. She pleted ut That Rute, thongh pot sy carefaily ma previonsh. ghandoned his “Fapntieroy' coslumes | wag driving a team of foor-tn han] hones PBmooxtyw, N.Y, May 13—Rev. T DeWitt Talmage's new tabernacle was ‘burped to-Iay jast after the moroiog ser- vice. Tbe Hote! Regent adjoining, snd a number of other buildinge, were badly dsmaged at the sme time, bat po lives were Jost. The Tsbernscle and he tel Regent were completely gutted The Joss on the Tabernacle is about $400 ~~ 000, on hotel imeluding building, paint. They get their supply of foel as set jo the rivers, Port Huron, Detour, ete. It ia quite as dall on lake Ontario as ber, apparently, as toe schooner H A. Kent repotte coming up {rem Ogdensburg ‘to Oswego, and waiting four days for a load, and baving to come bere after it at last. Coal freights are a trifle more briek, though it is doubtful whether there is any real stir. : me) rity in the Wasmisorox. May 13. be weer tur: Moere were seven itm considered and of the navy il) make 10 mivve apovinte : ments of neval cadets who 1. tha disrieis to which the: That was tLe sense of adamant to the aaval appropristion Li'l which received a ponse yesterday. debate origirsied ovee ap iid proposed to t .e bill by Meuddox (Dem, Ga.) whic would require the dismissal blackiog of all kinds avd on booechsr disposed of. The reainet was xing rates of dnties ne foliome: On sincholi» per. farmers 82 per gallon snd 50 per cont. ad _yelorem; on alombis, alow, slom cake | ate., four-tenth cent per poaud; on owe bouste of ammonia 20 per cent. ad ve | lorem; on morate of ammaain 10 par osnt. ‘and on enlphate of ammonia 2) per cent; Tho little finger of his left hand ifs cov and ow dresses, os De imagines, [in in | gid of cottree sat a the os west, dn siecle fashion Ho vears a long sack | coat, [tis af gray Seitelicloth. [tipeach- es neariy to his loess His erobat is enormous. [iis haty 2 long and ported on the sider Bis only are mang sind 100 large for him and are fastened with linked He wears a golden chain broeelit, Attached to it is a Heart shaped Ipclont: ered to the nail with conspicuous ings vere spirited and roaddvs bub she them firvaly in od 4 t and found hme to pecornine vs llewe vere a party of over | Sin so doimg Shewos kind conough to slacken ber #pecd that we tight pass her arnin on the mad : The inevitable photograph flenids ave of ourse in our pany. am they undertook to get on snap shot at this royal youlg wornan., It was a plece of risky manners on their part, but it-did not the about from the navy seademy of aboot 30 cu-| | puitable for use in decolorizing wu 20 I usked Mr. Wilde if be woul ever lady. On the contrary, she anew - jnge sud guests household goods - MINE WORKERS 1% SESSION. rare sow sepressntivg din : g sugars go sqmin to America. Ho seid jj had, and brought ber horses almost tos halt $0 $600,000, snd adjoining , buildings $50, nmr heirs | per cent. ad valorem; 0a crads borax or Re ! ald their purpose. Herowass 8 woman who Various Committees Appointed and Protiminary triots foreign to their residences. Io pre- | a ) not decided. ‘1 bad fully intenlied to 000: Tt is supposed the fire was caved : | borate of sod or borate of lims one cent md Eo was indevd every inch a queen in person bubiod the 5 : Work Got Through With. vious copeideration of the bill Eoglsh | ’ ad 4 a oi ‘ " bo present nt a performance of mf com- Ain bearing ) who held 1} son of + peiunisio ghd Sires fi rr Craven, O., May 14—-B-presentr- {Dem., Cel.) secured av. amendment ap- fd nd: » 0 WOOEHIS ‘ody, ‘A Woman of No Importande,’ UF | pes fons horses with o wrist of steel to all in the Tabernacle. Whin the . tives of the United Mine Worsers mek; propriating $50 000 to ouy a tog for the ner pouang; on™ ined vimphor 10 : per: Ross Cx ghlan at the Fifth Avent eo the. appesranee. - She rode in, or ther on, a + od the organist was playing the organ. |8 f it states cent. sd valorem: wn cbu'k 30 per cent. ater * said he, “but the dislike [ have | handsome modern carriage. We saw later bere to day. 188 delegates from Mere Island vavy yard. H. w. Ogden, at : : Sock iu widen TE Talmage sod 200 members of his tA 00 a * i y he: Poach ad valorem. The senate «/joarsed at 6 to bs interviewed Ly inquisitive joport- | the state carriages of the manaschy fie 3 were presen mmittea fepreseptative-¢iect from ourth 4 ors, who make no allowanees for ihoods, | many generations. They are carefully congregation weré presrnt. Thé flames pointed to tabulate a acals for the differ | fr ooiiune district, to succeed M. OC. has ke wr me from making tripe | shall preserved. Some of them look more like, at the church was fold i § a ; FoF oum a ras. i eo rapidly th firetnen arrived. ent cove by the stion, A Bianchard, appointed senator, was sworn | din # = Bie : nurs - go to Vrande spon. I am content in its ; Barautd & Rolleys’ o doomed before the resobation wes adopted to stand by tie, ih ; : ~ Wasmxoros, Mi 14 vimost theen- pl re. It ib yr apathetic " anything cise. Others aro ~ Bparks scon ignited the - fo position taken by the pationsl conven- The senate spect four hours yesterday | ire tims of the bots A a today dev sted I pstiod Me Wilde bow ho works from thelr antiquity a fusintnes of were 100 gaests snd £8 servants. Avgom tion which demanded « res oration of Inet oithe tari. LiL. and Seu 1 of tao ; to the c rae der at 0:0 Dit 4 hnsin-s, “fa am pot ahle to ‘errits a ling," he The quecn I. ot or ® psmic eumoed, but all-veoaped io safety yearaprices. The s n= cammittes met |, on: ibe ahersical . acheduie. The Ku the morning boar the il of Dalsell said, “unless I fond inspired If orler | in what is kpewn bere as ‘the battle of + The gavats had go Hit > vase anything. |, he close of the seceron wud delogntes | 4 vv on tani . id a 4 ad sutlor ziog the copstrastion of x bridge to evolve anvthing I consider worthy of | the flowers.” It is tho Lisbon comnmeme. Dr. Talmage hed o parrow escape. When |. i to Bx prices for their ¥ 00 tannic neid or tanin was fixed at | 0 go abedy freer from Home. Myself, 1 mnst foe] that am pheses- | mation of the end of Lent. were instructed to BX prices [oF IBEIF OWI] 2 auyte per pound sod on tartare acid : : : ed' of my subicet. I seldom wrille 4 turns out inh a carriage decorated with the fits was discovered be tromed the distriots and. report to-porrow. Breei- |, (went r dent. ad vai em. The ie {tend to Pittsbary was passat and the ng the day. It ice ni i } 0 SEF 1 lowers and often laden with the same, yo unt. wo Grey. He : in o day tier nicht, w abl is Ors An ? entered his study 16 gob hiv har 4 oi 18 He) pit -. rp Th i i resigual ion of Compton, if Mand RY id, to g Youd ml on ws) ath 3h which are thrown fron cach ex to says ther poss; y § : i, dead al tio! ter 3 Spang a soésion throoghont {he Jay preeanted the | ; o still, dead almost to the writer, thatthe | oo ’o suid _ and cont "and started to retars but’ eoid- ot the a. Wd t coral . : 2 24 ake ect ble mnrrow, wus received. . ar t at in th froceERion about him. - It wn a inpers yielding to any gevers ni chy ¥ of mind may sou above earthly confidera- “to by, a a oT. . Had he - SRme genera: © wirncteristios a3 tonal « { L In I fol of minds one of t hie enn” hing parndes at Satape ye compromise. the previous day, sn attempt on the part (tions © In this gilow the maxims of | jehem and North Ce in the ed pYIOne day, on toe pe LUMBER CauPs —— : Bi ‘ orth Conway in the way the recroas the platforny he would Y Gustavo Flanbert carriages are decorated, ony thee are sev dnelt arobubrlity hava heen ‘orushéd fol ‘WiLL BURN HARD coat. of the Bepablicans lo gout and Irsitate Also Dogs mast Bark, ull Beloegitig to Lane “Dons this ply to every ope?’ 1 | esl Hundmeds of ther: and of all shapes ‘death by the organ pipes which fell “fo | Raiiroads Unable to Get Soft Cos! Will Use anthra- the Demos rats and wet them to leave & Homphries, at Loves Mill. 1 anlndd : : aid fron very horse and turnout is | the pratform jost at thet time. - There ee, their trenabes, and declination bs the | [axes Minga: Pa, May 14 --Aboat| “Ido not believe in cquality, | ho ro. | Side availahle, and every Kind of decom * were 6,000 persons at the morniog. ser- ; Porrev re, Pa, May 14 welfs oonss- | Democruts to move out of cover. Voor 4 o'olock Suiday morpior a man oxme plied “Thay world wonld be fsa] better ton is resortad °0 wl : Ta ; : 4 a ret whey. 3 Canstma ints Ome man painted his borse al ht - vice and i 3 the fia had started Bait an quence of the strike ord as busve heen giv | een Dem. Ind. ) did nuded venture i dowe from Lane & Han shinies mater oft if only few were in commaild data ow aml drove him aboat. a ye ‘hbar sooner there would andoudtedly | 80 dower on here tothe fifemen cn the Philadel | notica tha “jecturs on gool MANDATE,” | Lee. which are Joeated stent two He Ee ser Fund x J adornments were very gay and some of have been great Joss of lite, This ia fhe phis std readin sod Pevveylvanie and whicli be wns represented by papers £8 iq nove the mw mill with the Dews meitally as wi 11 as bewlily. thet very tastefisl The camellia is the third time that Talmage's church. has Sebaylkl Valley roads to prepare the havieg received feom Hoar (Rap, Mave Fithut wu forest the HAR oa h ox nrar. OF iy thre 4. gr four most plentiful iowver ot this SPO, and is . was muking te way Yoel an shanld wn) ww of amit] § 1s highly Lt men ghonld mle—men of geninfi--in is highly abundant. The ques sat ins been burred. The Srst time was in 1872} bores in antisipation of borniog &e- the day befors, end Hoar replied that be! oo 04 (4d camp and o quantity of loge] these men shimld bo allowed to|doex- | barouche in a white slik, with heavily : puffed sleeves, with an arrangement of Lowers all about ber, and finely docorstod ; i horses. She did not drive this time. One : is and the esvond i in 1889. Both fires oe roeits The supply of bituminous whonid evar think of lectaring eo bope- fthint were let 10 the woods from lest actly as they Plivise Jui eared on cinnday. Two fremen are re- coal is ranniog short, only about a |lsesa subject Obavdler spunt covsider | geo, The loz traio wos soon got | 4 Why" { ble fima in search of the Demoerativ | Sine | “'Boosuse they hove genius : Jord to bave been injured in to ds 8 day's supply beiogon haod at Nescoperk, 1a (rowdy an: ia Bute of man wilh Backets Rica ht Awe ge oll Save ¢ ; fire. Roveille, Reading and Shawmooot. tan? prince; pleon which. the bill was to | were so taken to the sowie, bat Were | superior to anything jawman. 1 n i es Xp hal arsed. custhasingm was Soe : Se i The Tpbigh Valley wae to have obkoged | bo dieconsed, bat confessed bimsell av- | able t ¢ he higt | snbtle something that is a sparkiol di- | panifested, thongh she smiled and bowed HECOMING COMPLICATED. ; ; nt able 0 prevani agutnst the igh | i It should. fee. fault: — feos Burd ¥o soft oonl May 1, but the | abis to discover the ‘pour of great price.” | gag A quantity of Loya wud bck, the | | vinity. It shonld excuse ys Agar a very sweetly -along the whale line. . The - Fiera to yee rider Charges te te Rivne strikd prevented them from making tbe Harrie, (Dero, Tern) in chorge of the lig camps and all of Wai. Bowlers | a Jed re he applied his a : beng i the 4 " WW hen ask ie i pd Bs og CIROT . Pirmssose, May 13. re The coal strikes ehange, bi, professed the ; pad Live of hie stile of | hone: whe o effete were tured Par YEwr, | theory to women, fon, Mr. wi ad 3 mui mids of ail this din and gayety ruin, pow much more comphaated and the di- We ove Ei an ou Pendl. the chamber to joro 1p thi digonceicn if | who kept one of the snmpe, saved wil of | ST like to detest intelligenca in men. 1 Nia has bern realised at intervals for hj any day were fized within.n ressonsbled yyy gniis ex two bude, by loadiog | do not like to find it iy women. | Thely | threedass came down heavily. It must vision of operators will only serva to| Usnxrows, Pa, May 14—Great ex- 2 sept ¥ have injured meany costumes, but it was & t! i sn ; thwart oil efforts to settle the contesh | siternant wis cased] by a report thet Wott of Withee re ute bo jie oo > oe theo: be in life is to bo 3 JeauEfue that | poe with philosophy. — Boston Herald. ' Yesterday ove of the leaders of th) peace |whrikers hed attempted to blow up the : im BE mya port Tome) ia , : ; Fates peion ones’ series mind antifal women, in Wilde's mind, T Mueh Fr contingent seid those favoring 8 seitle | Morgao tancel on the Baitimors anil bs that J ot meni | los ot ab cat 85,000. i oo Lt : have piri sane privilege that . Por the a to Cleveland | Ohio ad Ti is stuted. thet 8 Tar wae on! ly intended to *‘yrenes the: wheels | : Fought to ba P ideal “1 ones had an expericnee that proved to and pasticinate in the deliberations. A i, ry I fond _ of the bill” ‘and ‘thal whes the bill. bas |. RATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES | men of gunios wonld possess in the ideal | me that there is honor among thieves,’ i] WW! 1 : Fi 3 te Re i et | 4 i f F Le Ww. # ted by the convention passed the setuts it won'd be altered | is dm - IW rid he oe =! Thea Jat is tosay, there sad. 3 Bunge » Cirkittinn drum: ompitien appoic taone!. The cnase for the attempt 18 the ew shimld b @rrnint pat napa ‘theny | set. sppenitd several years ago In a of operators will alee go. Maoh of the | hauling of coal by the road from West hack again ioto the marderons -featares | NEW Yomx, May 1. Fal ORL We | awd of comutry, conventions of uy | little town in Mieliigan. I retired to hed mone sqreement st Fridey's meeting is would sheck ebipoents of coal for months. of the Wilson bill. Brice (Deas., Ohio) | T*euit, of tbe Nuticaul Lange ¢ gumen | Gore or projndices of class shoulfl ham. | I the hotel at the usual time and placed. waa questioned directly whether it wes | played to-day: ie pe them. — Kato Fields Washi: i | ny wach and pocjpetholt andes Se yb anderstcod thst the bill should wot be RL \ hearlig a strange Ld _@harged to the river operators, all of No frooble reported ia the soke region te- changed in conference. He teen | hints . HIbADKLI N18, an MR. GLAD STONE'S occu. | imo 1 ea avkened by . » wm with tha szovption of 1.3. Basten, day thongh = big raid had been planned positively thet Be bad never board of aoy | Rue sorionmgarsey ata. © : ha te 8 : L “You can imagine T was considerably alton 8. Elories " Semen a The “Crean Cl STan™ is Rapid Losing ot Jorh ¥ th pron to for tc morrow by the etrikers. Nand fing sod that be ba? no | [parma J rn of HH Brn 1 | startled & behuidiug a man, with aband Wmae tho srite. ; Chased by Strikers. arraugemeént or agresment eitberws a AT wWTON, ~ | Iho English newspipen priyt deca. | | bedside. In his band was a dark lantern, _- Prrvesceo, Ps, May 14. Fifty Iabot- | the bill or any amendment proposed to] Bastia masks thn weenie Oba feltnal an salt paragraphs abent Mah. Glad- | which shone fully in my face. Heo did not ‘WHOLE LE FABILY NURDERED. ers employed on the Sharpsborg, Etos be made to ite | Bator Nichol, “Lampe and Ryan; sti | sae. Otherwise alien observery ‘wonld | | sve ma ymach Sony tht, Hus ina gout a Han cangme Whe is is Betieved to be Guilty. thay and Millvale Electric road struck to-day | Miho and Robinson imagine the disappearunoe af thy Grand vole demanded my watch money. be Lynched. aguinst » redaction nm wages and by A cRano ad IMOEED. | AT Brook? iN. 3 Old Man fro Eaglish life th be as | bus etideovar Jui ene 18 in my | Maan, Mo., May 1l.—A (rightfal flourishing revolvers, koives and clube, Over 50.000 Vetoruua to Parade ia Pitts. |g, Er ny : | complete ss death wosld have vhado it, | ble T sald: - ny “pr _ butebery of human beings oscurred two pot 200 men willing to work: to flight. burg September Ith Nexl. i at Heros-tiaatripht and Kiiow, Merer | BUYS 8 Landon correspondent, - Its said, “HI wil you exnetly where they are, ailes enst. of here daring lest night. The | kingmen b rmed themesel - Betimating with the Post'a a'reacy nd Iruniaie. Eu of | with some show of authority, that Mr. | will you premise not to molest mo and victims were. Augost Meeks, wife snd Ys wor Ape "** | heard from aw a basis, it is wuwd 7 Sia AT HTIuna e 11 | Gladstone will never again speak in pad: | leave mo to ficish my stoop?! The y - and threaten to shoot if they are again tain that over BODDGE the (3. A. +. +: ike Shee, HL © 5% 5 lismient. He will certainly not be pres- | “Well, you are a cool one, I must say,” four small 0) fide or® | molested. Spied ’ i jin : J erie rambart a ad Mack, Abbey and | ent until after the operation on his eye ho replied, “but you muss tell me where - : Pittsburz Seo’ pe found ness a straw stack, horribly mati Son Le paralo ns ® ol 9. Hue SL aie, Sehiriver, in June. It wa plainly apparent on his | your valuables are, and 1 will promise not kite. A man bas| Struck for am Increase. the 28th Nations! Eucamipment. Peon. | to harm you and leave you in peace.” lated with a butcher 24! arrival in Lowdon that Lis sight is be “Twill take you at your word,” sald L AT Ct XCINNATL been captured who it is believed com: McKanepont, Pe., May 14.—Thia af ‘aylvanis will have 15,000 in lie, Olio pc adore — coming rapidly impaired. 6,000 to 7,000, New York, 2.000 to 2,500, and other states will be represented iv i Pitteburg and Allegheny | | Cleveland ooanties will alone bave between 4000 | asd 5,000. Free qoarters bave already’ been assigned for over 11,000 comrades, mitted the crime, II guilty, be will be lynched. Meeks and family left town for _ @visit to (riends st Browning last night and i is capposed Wate. maedored ‘while resting by the roadsige. : ternoce: 500 men and boys employed io the Nutional Tbe works batt mill strack. The strizers demand their former wages, a 20 per cent. reduetion baving been meade last February. ——- IS SW AI Insurgents Vieforious. gRatterios Parrott ant “Vaoghan: Witroek | and Geri ‘AT CLEVELAND, i mt, Lous ; awe Batteries Young aud Ooonor, . Bretton. ster, Hawley and Buacliley. : The Publle Debr. The aged statesman had to be lod fom. the train to his oa by his tao former secretaries, Hamilton and Marray. The old man looked well, his inability to recogize th him was patent. Just as his drove off he recognized one {| “My watch is at the jewelers being ro paired, and every cont 1 have is locked up in the safe down stairs.” He stared at mes minute or two as thongh trying to tell hy my fuce if I had spoken the truth. It must have convinoesd { him, for, muttering something which 1 did not catch, he turned on his heel and walked out of the rom without a word.” A Vices Riophast Polsonce. New Youx, May 11.--At. 4.19 this af- Rio QOzaxpx Dp) Son, May 18. —The ry: oe yu Bsa “Phe statement of the publi debt msued | With & wave of the hand. He SarBaers FTI Joes vlaphant 15 Ces government forces bave been defestsd foie procession, which is expected to by the Secretary of the Tressary shows Sra purk, died from the effects of poison | by. issargeots at Carsby. In the | aenme cver eight hours in pessiog a the aggregate of iuterest or. Ron-interest prea that it was work that kept - admivistered hime. Ap hour previocs to | battle six - Federal offionrs sod 74 given poist. The decorations acd illu- bearing debt to be 81,017,556.97), excin oe strong and vigorous fhe nany death be was given & dose of bean cou- | men were killest and #0 wounded or Saken minstione will boon a souls of magnid-L" % WINNIE io. certificates and Lyyys now prophesy hivspeedy of Hage. «Wining Wirtesn small cevenles of potassi- prisoters. Gen. Gomenindo with bis Yelore known in Weatern Treasury voter, which are offset by an i adie ep um and swallowed all. Immediately af [forces is supposed to be peer Porto Ale | penngvivania. : equal amount of eash in the Treasury. Pollos Reciproeity. " terwarde be begea to shake and trembie | gre, the capital of the state of Rio Grande | | otters received isdicate that there will The interest bearing debt amounted to} A matter seriously affecting t particularly nervous, timid and soon went down isto convalsions. do mal. c $633,041, 380, the debt kewing no interast | of certain public authorities in disposition and dreaded making an attempt ems be a remarkable reanion of valerans who | o.oo, no alk ia. Lh tly been the subject of [nf to shave. He was ridiculed without mercy There was ibe grontont excitement snd Ges. Dechert ond, bave gone out isto the world from Penn- £350,558,509, and lhe getit ou which in consul $ by his shopmates, and was about to give men stood by with rifles ready to sboot PaiLapzupia, May 13.—Gen. Rob-|sylvania, Eastern Obio, West Virginia terast Bus cased since maturity $1863. dplomatic the ition Ber, up in despair when his mother took 8 him, is ones he got more liberty. - Their ott P. Dechert died st his bome in this and arylaca, oBording wa tanity 030. The increase in the debt for the re alice | hand. The boy's father had been a barber : Services ware nok required, however, 884, ; eqtardey. © | tor fbe meeting of friends who bave been | 00th Of April ‘was $1,160.971. The A aT "| before him, and it wes his dylag injune- Er —c— in. ; . tion that his some should follow the ssme Daly Woa la Game for © olnts. separated anywhere from a decade to a Sadly Sa uy WD Bs trade. It wns adesire to. obey this belies —New York Clipper. conto, to get in three blows without a return, Daly bad the best of the second round alec, but Brennan managed to get in a couple of bot ones which msde Daly wince. Both men were very cautious and it was evident that they were laying for a knock-outpunch. The third round wes more even than its predecessors. If any- thing, Breunan had a shade the best of it, in the fourth and fifth rounds the ex- elightly in favor of Daly. Both men showed up fresh 1» the sixth round. It was evideut thet there wouldn't be any knockout, althongh Brennan made & hard try for it by getting in a terrific right-bacd emoash ou Daly's nose. The New Beruvreuxx, Pa. Yor "14. —New Bethlehem defeated Clarion Normal Sehool te :m to day by a score of 18 to 10. Batteriee, Johnson and Biagbam; Hor. ner and Wills. Talked Too Freely. . Purraperruia, May 14. —Captain Fita- gerald, of the New Eugland industrial army, has been held in $800 bail for his changes id sud of aid were aparchistic atterances at a socialist meet New Sepator from Louisiana Baron Rovas, La, May 14.—Don Cal- tery was to-lay elected United States sen: ator for the long term. i Death in the Chair, London workbouses. plantations of Hawaii. The lungs of the average man acntains about five gnarta of air. Haodel'n “Israel in Egypt” wes per- formed 154 years ago. Wasbh., is to cost §1,000,0(9.§ tion season 200 mils an hour. The woodland area of the United King- Jom is stated at 3,007,569 sores. Nearly a third of the English small fruit area is to be found in Kent. Nearly 1,000 children are born yearly in Americans own four-ffths of the sugar The state capitol bailding at Olympia, Birds fly soatbward dniing their migra- Jy the death of a dentist from blood poisoning undor the following circum: stances: On drawing a lady’s| tooth he happened to gut his finger intp the pa- afterward the dentist was fopnd to be suffering from blood poisonin 2, which {spread sa rapidly that an! dperation, ' which was performed on thi siamo day, delirtous and died shortly aftgrwand. — London Ne TWA Couks Mny Smoke. Cigarette smoking by Englith women i4 so far legnlized that the court has de- cided that a mistress is not jipstified in | dismissing a cook without notice be- An Irishman brought suit» few 238 a German in 0 for dumuages against a Wilkesbarre, Pa., claiming that the Téu- | ton caused diainage to injure his property. tient's meath, At that moment she con- | vanlsively closed her teeth. A flow hears | | to testify in his own behalf. And BE tes. | tified. thus: Everything seemed to favor the piaintiff until the defendant was put upon shestand “Shudge andb shentlemen-off derdliouny, 1 keeps a grocery store, undt der defendant Pad no effect. The next day ke became ! uous ap Jit me 4 pital ginal wi | to get hundredt tollars gual, pritty quick, { yight away. So, shudge undt shentlomen | off der choory, 1 haf no hundreds tollam, | | but I goes umdt to oplige him undt gifs my | notes mit tree peoples unds gets der hun Yon tay he gomes aroundt und say he hat dredt tollar undt bandts is to him. “Uandt, shudge undt shentlemen, vat you t'inks dat defendant does? He bays it mit a lawyer unds brings der suit mis Colored shoea of a darker hue than us- ; : - ation a a i | that induced the well meaning motber to the beset was ot 6:90 this moming bat all Tol Baltaio Exprues aites the de iv genet pa Sr | paper, - $92,385,018; deposits iu Nationa! | oer. “The English a | lather her own face and pod t her nerve A dome rod Mike Bevanan whic took | Demscs Nay 14 Cathie mo at | ont Sulit CS lel, SC SCE enone ET en fo a : ern plses in the ‘Court street thentre, thet | tacked an Orangeman’s funersl procession: which 1} "a i isabaliti eon. | the allegation—Lynch, whio | wooks, until the good old soul had such a : Orvies'y Biecssgor. eity, last Friday mahbt: at Portadown yesterday. Both sides | . .. : : from the Mussachusetta state , | sore furs Shit he na Vale up dm wad Naw Yon, | '11.—The action of the SL : : : : sisting of silver certificates, treasar, gio | Bg : of T hal “Jim Daly sad Mike Breonan were io- nsed slabs acd revolvers and before the oles: &e otioe to $665.007.784. Sheig, the bank robber of Minpeapolis, | A oy say. It was oft amusing: - axroutive J i troduced. It was ssnounced that they | police arrived one man was shot dead and ay og p Rats reward offered, £500; Kghne, tho Wis | oienetio spectacle, when iy el . mooepting Oroker's resignation wes rati- . : leaving a oet baluoce iu the treasur; : a . atm IB F would sper six rouuds for points. Duiy | several severely woanded. | eomsin murderer, reward offered $3. 500, back in her chair and permitted her nose ' fied to-night at sa meeting of the geperal I the coiBident: uf She two ue ; $125,097, 785, « Jecrease in the mouth of land a Detroit forger, reward| offered, and mouth to be filled with soapsuds, and. committee. Hoo. Jobn H. MeQuade ooked the more cou! Will Continue the FIgRL. : $8,852,230. : $1,000. This failure to pay jay scri- . Wen to run the risk of having her throat ns rppoisied 0 stomsed. Croker, chais- [107 food uch other. Brevuso bes » Wasarvarcy, May 14.—Republican | - wes, cusly affect Tecipracity betwoeh the po- + cut or her chin: backed, but she stood f& man of the flnance committer, bat no ap- peeuiia style Which Is enough to keep | senators adjoursed from 3 four hours can- : Twe-Line Thetis. lice of the two countries. —Lotjdon Let | ikon martyr. T= bay ade fil spy boxer guessing. cua of midnight. The tan bill will be The British mint coins i tous of | pou- | tur. | sufticient confidence to slice off pointmeut kas yet been m to fli the “In the first round Daly made several | tought apd the Hepubti say they be- | Dies every year. gr atime He wold = York Mail and Expr © p hi Hi— ehh Flom Iter. | vicious langes which Brenoan ducked | lieve they can defeat it. | Tbe practice of hypootim is. cousider Te rea of Beste Go volo, “| in wont = Now ott Sst Bap ent Pronia, § May i — resident oF o na Ford, of the United Mine Workers union of this city 1s in jail. Last night & gas pipe bot was exploded is the porth- western par: of this city. No ove was hurt bat great exciteruant was caused and many gless windows ebattered. Saspi- oon ny entertained that the explosion was ~ onased by some: dissostented members of the Union. RT Death lan Gav Explosion. "MARANOY PLANE, Pa, May 14 —Bj the explosion of gas at the Burndge colliery Jobn Hortenstein was instaotly killed, Robert Dalton and Michael Ryan fatally burped snd Wm. Meeney std James Ryan saverely yburoed. ne iL a : cause ahe smokes in the kitchen. 'The | me fer tamage!™ : Returned Home. referee and the jodges decided that Daly Avsumx, N. X,, May 14 —Laecius B. | al will be worn in Paris this season. | rangistrate at tho same time pxpressed | The jury, without woes of: tisne brought Yorx, May 14.—Ez-President hed landed the cliever 4nd gaW iim the | Wilson was to-day electrocuted for the| Much of the buman bai used in wigs | strong appotsy with the mistress’ feel- | in a verdict favoring the German dufend- Naw y May ; A : t. Ni York Herald. Harrison 1 fol tor Tndiamapolie to-ay, A : ~ | murder of Detective Harvey last July. and switches is obtained abroad. ings. : 1 ant -New
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers