VOL. 1L-NO. 5 PATTON, CAMBRIA co. PA, THURSDAY, MAY 10 > 1304. eb mn Rf Re i $1.00 PER YEAR. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE IN THE PATTON COURIER. TRY IT. T.F. MELLO & CO, — NEAR LINGLE MixE, — 1 Cleveland Conference. renin Miners ave at Work. Do You WEAR SHOES? TH iN 0 THE STRIKE. ~ Likely to Come With the Boge Courier says that trouble Dull "A dispatch from Cleveland, O)., says 150 men employed at the Cascade | ; ‘that an officer of the Massillon Coal mine went to work. The Dagus mivers virtoes ofa town itis a period of de- ways and manufacturing concerns at’ | Operators’ Association, who hss been | beard of their action and marched up pression, due either to local or general famine prices’ said the official. , | traveling in the Ohio and. Penmsyl- to St. Marys 300 strong to compe! the causes. Patton has been subjected to | vanis fields for several days, said Tues. | Cascade men to stop work. The move- that test in the past four months as no day that the big conference which will ment was regarded as a menac: to other town ever has been in all this. ‘be held in that city next week will put. pace requiring prompt action and SUgion; ai Huslioun sy VHalty which TROUBLE AT ST. anys. Sheriff of ik County Called Upon to Prioteet Worktug Conl Minors dispatch from Ridgway to - THESE IH IF 1034. = Times are a Test of a . | among the miners was imminent at St. Town’ sV irtues.. ‘Marys. The men employed in the at that place, which are oper- went out last week and became parties an zavence from 40 to 50 cents and the strike Wil Come. If there is any time that proves the Nae Soon: whartty’ onl} i a cut wages knowing that the men would strike rather than accept the Myers. cof ¢ Puilipabur, the same statements. One said that St. Lonis docks and nlso at Alton. PRESIDENT Mc BRIDE ated by the Hanl & Kaul interests, PATTON STANDS WELL. over 5,000,000 bushels of Pittsburg coal | : lay in barges st the docks in Cairo and Betimates that Not Over 1,000 Biruminious to the general strike. They were offered Nobedy Ca n Say When the End of the Great that even a greater gumntity wasat the “This coal is now being offered to rail. PATTON BRICK YARDS One of the Oldest J — on Simon Rortsman. i A brief history of the first industry | Por the next ten days We! sunt is reashed or not. will sell our stock of winter, styles at 25 per cent. less than’ cost. If you want a bargain hurry up, as they will not gon dat. the assurances of their men that they i We have opened our stock | | will go to work, whatever the result of train on Wednesday. the conference, and the moment any of There has not been any outbreak up activity, the chief industry here, min- | before: the town of Patton had been ir went up from Ridgway taking with must be very gratifying to every per- and they took passage on the next year, when the country had reached what seemed to be the lowest plane of been chronicled in these eolumne be. “There sre dosens of big operators,” him fifty deputies. On arriving at St. son who had sufficient faith in the fore had the representative of the Cov- he said, “who have offered what the Marys the sheriff feared his force was young town to come here and irivest 3 piwn been aware of the fast, is the ‘may men asked, viz, the rate that wis fixed too small numerically to afford oro- dollar in property or business or look manufacture of brick successfully car- | Be several years ago, which averaged tection at all points,and he telegraphed for a day's labor. ‘ried on by Simon Bortman Mr. stay 70 cents. Many of them have back for twenty-five more deputies: = About the beginning of the present Bostman’s yurd is sitnated on West prese Main street, near Hotel Patton, where he begian operations three years ago, Ta | the strike will be broken.” Se Sukie Mounds. . A special to the Pittsburg Dispatch | from Columbus states that President SHOE! ' McBride estimates that not over 10,000 y ' bitaminous miners are working in the | | entire country, and that by next Mon- and are prepared to sell YOU | 4a the suspension will be practically ‘latest styles at a smaller price complete. Secretary McBryde left than ever before. fail to see them. NEW | confer with organisers in those states. . A telegram from W. B. Wilson, at | Frostburg, Md., says that 79 miners. | ave now ont in that state and more to Grocery 2h Depatiment , wrecked about 4 clock Tuesda eo re ae ee ire Thirty-nine cars loaded | with coal and merchandise were piled as low as the lowest. bis {organized 1.000 miners in West Vir- that Siate. : Serious Wreek. The following is from the Orbisonia Altoona, was | the firm of Koller & Co., of Patton, spent | follow. T. W. Davis wires that he has Base ball is the latest here. | ginia, and that 6/00 are now out in Tuesday. T. F MELLON 2, St el” “& C0. A Lantzy, Dealer i mn wines Liquors {Who is a practical blacksmith-and a "and B ar, {3% aie cua The COURIER } Basiness Inereasing. : i A. Q. Diehl, the industrious proprie- | tor of the east end blacksmith shop has : been kept quite busy of late, in is pléased to note that Mr. Diehl’s bu- | Wee increased in such a manner 4¢ te Warrant employment to another pride. LE Phoamis Brewing Cor he igs sony Beer, Flasks, Casks, Jugs, Etc. ‘Mail orders promptly. Pure Goods Fishing for Profit, ‘keep up this gait it would net { under the advance asked for.- wayvite Record. 2 Bucklew's Arnica Salve. bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheam, fever | sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaina, “corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi- tively cures piles, or no pay required. ‘It is guaranteed to give perfect satis ‘ faction or money refunded. ‘cents per box. For sale by Dr. C. E Belcher, city drug store. | Dentist. Right Prices. HAST INGS, PA. ‘Are You | snch an extent that he had to secure “OT PAPY. | the services of Lewis Gill, of Madera, A Week and finished putting in the pews. strife. | being taken to avoid “violence, Even sis, and after a few days of fitfol sur the wholesale beer dealers of Ridgway vival was flcored. Local issnes were ' were notified 70 ship no more beer to the canse, and, coupled with general ‘St. Marys while the critical state langvor in commercial channels, gave exists. Patton the first decided taste of the. The Sit. Marys mines have been hard times prevalent throughout the operated for years for coaling the country. That condition continned un- Posey seuss engines and strikes have til the latter part of April Then ar- “Do 10 Tuesdsy for Hiinols and Mimouri to the national convention of miners to strike all over the country. ST. AUGUST! STINE, May 8 1894, precluded a movement which would by | this date have made every day of the k Sunday wi Ed Curran drove down to Patton Week except y a busy day. th’ ‘the farmers of Northern Patton COURIER. A large number attended church here and closeness of Jie to es 3 side of Mavenity wi | : other institutions which ATG. HATE 11m te Iara o8 Of Tote nan RY, - E. Will Greene, of the Patton Cor 3iCators of a town’s standing show the results acyiired are quite as satis- | lif isdls no mire boars. = conservative man- | RIER, accompanied hy Wm. Koller, or 5°00 results from et agement. afew hours in St. Augustine Thursday. i The church at this place is now SOm- | pesmi are tired of waiting and ' pleted. Mr. Lydia and J. F. Wilton there is still some foel to be found for! fact to representing the Marshall Planing Mill ‘sale. When either party becomes rest | of Johnstown, were here last. jess there will be an adjistment or a St. Augustine can now boast of having The SHON of conflicts in the colte one of the finest places of worship in region near by come daily, but have no the county. Mr. Auman, the con-:poticeable influence outside of the dis’ tractor of Patton can refer to it with trict The strike of coke men is a local affair and sympathetic to some extent. Outionk in General. Among the miners and operators the ; . They Took =» Bath. On Monday night about 9 o'clock Several of the Brock miners who are Sam’l Campbell, Jack Hartnett and situation in the west is loss pacific out on strike go fishing for trout and John Dunn started to cross Chést than in the east. In remote places re- ; : have realized good wages by selling Creek opposite the railroad station, ports of attempts to start mines ave’ attended to! their catch. Ome man sold a basket of When Campbell made a misstep and published in the daily press “is {trout to a party of unsuccessful fisher. fell in the stream. Hartnett made an. The men of the Pocahontas region {mien fhe other day for $3.00. If he Sttempt to prevent Campbell from declined to join the strike, but the and by so doing fell in himself, national officers have contended that |#tm more money ‘than digging coal and the other companion, Dunn, seeing they would not be of sufficient conse- ~Brock- "that his fellowmen were struggling in quence to interrupt the general plan of the water attempted to rescue forcing the price of coal and the wages _ but when he got in he was unable OF JRE Up 15 Ths Mal Nae. They party across the creek known as ““Long- previously been supplied from the ces- Shorty” was attracted, who at once. tral field of Pennsylvania and reduce plunged into the water and safely land- the opportunities for work here pro- | ed the trio on shore. It certainly must portionately. It is estimated that the have been an amusing sight to see the Cuymberiand and Pocahontas districts. three taking a fresh water bath a4 it ,pe gending out to the eastern market was hardly deep enough to make the over 10,000 tons a day. That would accident serious. During the fall pot have any direct bearing for or Campbell dislocated his thigh and was inet an adjustment of a scale in the | Dr B. F. Wendell, a graduate of taken to the Commercial hotel where west, but until the Cumberland and Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, he was cared for. The canse of the pocahontas operators see fit to join “GOING. BUILD, tow, Toth oxtracted witmows pan. If so dont fail to call and in- Price moderate. 2411 spect our fine line of | Cairns, is now prepared to accommo- DOORS and SASH rma tow prepare o sceomm We have just received two | Prices moderate. -3tf | Car Loads—Can ‘make price, Wall pa yall paper given away at the post- to suit Buyer. Boarders Wanted. rsey Myers, who has rented rooms | in De building lately ococupied by Mr. : | Loeal Market Report. We are also agent for | Gs /in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER the great fire which destroyed the D.M. Osborne & Co, | publishes the following local market entire business part of the city. 1 each week: . is centa pir pound, 12 “ dosen. i | Bore Potato. FARMING IMPLEMENTS D.C.DALEE Magee Ave. PATTON, PA. “ “oo we 2 os om, For the special benefit of the farmers during the summer of 1888 following 3 { en head. . . 812 to Bo ton. . paper at the postoffice. -25t3 t has opened a dental .parior up stairs accident was an overdose of “Sage. those of Cambria, Clearfield and Jeffer- in the Good building over Koller &° ' foot.” son counties in fixing a market the latter will be at their mercy. Itis in the power of the southern miners to The Clearfield county court has 3! ¢ 0 the operators there into that ‘murder trial on the list this week. The position, but they do not show any defendent is Wm. McClelland, of Du-. jdagosition yet 10 do go. The question vour, a crook, ‘who was. weighted choice with the operstors. A The killing oc gen from Chicago says: The curred March 21, last. Public ®entl ot coal famine is beginning to be known as a peaceable citizen while the the surrounding towns as well. Coal victim was a criminal who led a BANE oe ten days ago was practically a of robbers who terrorized the town drug on the market at $3.75 a ton was Murderer on Trial. ua $5.50 was obtained for small quand Notice to Cow Owners. ties. . ~All persons having cows ranning "Some of the ‘Chieage ‘cunsamens: #4 Dot loose in the Borough of Patton with’ tribute the famine to a scheme of the bells on are hereby notified to remove (hj, and Western Pennseylvanis opers- the said bells at once. tors. Assistant General Manager BY OxpER OF Cote. Wood, of the Chicago & Alton road, is Away down to rock bottom — wall | of this belief. eagerly sought for at $5 a ton, and itis. Tr “For the last yesr,” he said, “the t concluded to begin the manufacture | for the summer's trade some time this build ‘week. This industry, while as yet in’ its infancy, already commands a fair share of recognition, and Mr. Bortman | has acquired quite an enviable reputa- tion for Prolising wa even wai sntierp of brink. first year was 80,000, the second year this summer's output will probably ag as many the thine proiding seasons. Steady growth is the money, | pucialet av Jo atiened BY) he de Ap} Hand moulds are used and primitive ¢ , factory, and while considerable | in both quality and price. { A crew of about seven men will be | employed at first and pew hands will be added as the demand requires. The | | yard occupies two or more acres per | ‘haps and the brick clay used is con- sidered of a very super r quality. Mill Burak. Tuesday morning at an early hour a portable saw mill which was erected © on the Fred Johnson farm about three bh miles from this place on the road lead- ing to St. Angustine was totally des- | B troyed by fire. The mill was the pro- | party of radius Covmrod, whe Svat” Chent Springs. The canse of the fire lis not known. Coundlerable Sumber {F was consumed. The loss will reach b about $1,300 ad the Cougs did: wot; " learn whether it was insured or not. | ‘Mr. Coonrad also has a mill in the vi- cinity of Chest Springs. A Good Wik. Street Commissioner Addleman and . his crew of men Bave heen very beay | the past week making improvements ' in town. They are now putting i a | « bosrd walk which will extend from. Fifth avenue to Burgess Donnelly’ res- | idence on the west end of Magee ave-' nue. This will give the residents of St shHic: SSI wu x Ye centre of business. Strack Near Ganitestm Tunnel. James Allen, a boiler maker by trade, claiming Cleveland, O., as his home, in getting off a train near the Gallitzin tunnel Priday was struck by a car on an adjoining track, sustaining ‘a lncerated wound of the scalp. He was taken to Alfocus and admitted to the _ I hospital — Cambria Herald. "The rails on the new Ebansbusg and r. Myers lilte many others with troe : sagacity, belie ved the depres | Thatorder 100 006. and the third 0.008, while sc ould not ast. always and deter _miped to take time by the forelock and bein readiness to cater to the public | wilen the clouds grew Drighter. With IA TE june Vell, al vicky yout 18 has aimed | thi ond in view he has nusde every effort. the baterior of his establish. as inviting as possible, a fat B the public quickly Soca sl | te. Mr. Myers bas certainly real enterpriso in competing » the rade in that line already hi , but as competition is the ofSeadr we hope they will olf re * their share of patronage. “dusk Seheld Wedded. 'e popular taneorial artist, Sook ane. most; important steps of bis lf, " adic having been joined in. the bowie of wellock wt 325 p.m. by . Bowman, » | ze eager to wish ber happiness in her life. Both the bride and : well and favorably known in Du. hi their former home. The happy . + were tendered a serenade dur. g the eveuiug ty the califbumylen nd, the members of which spole h much enthusiasm of Jack's gener. a reatmentnall May their life be uf bright as the day upon which they wed is the wish of the Covrumt. Fp Were Vidiges to Patton. iT Res vay uf Enel prominent merchants, accompanied by i san, F. Butler Rober, spent part of |Saturd y in Patton, und while here od the Coumizm and added Ms » to pur steadily increasing sab- miption list. Mr. Roberts announces hithself ns a candidate for legislature bject to the decision of the next Re- m convontion. Mr. Roberts is an lable man and would make a goud tative if elected. Shearing Shep. . vo Sets i the Vietniky Arg slinae : he county is the best agricuitasal. por- and some attention is given to 2 "of the citumens who hos been here npe the forties told the CoUrmEs this Blacklick railroad have been laid be- co yond Huntley's dam, and a work train runs over the track hauling supplies to the men at work. It is thought that the road will be completed by the ith. of Jaly.. : op One of the mines at Hastings is being | he the pump is short and none in allowed | to be taken from the mines and it i gee ft) impossible to get the usual work out of | the steam pump. ; Bunt Rend In. : Fee aioe clean shave and a hair out toe. When you omine to oar besatifal own Jack; the , on Fifth uvenae nd bel) fx you up sat and sound. — Me
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers