his a] Ck st SrA 1478 x Yo 1—NO. 2. PATT ON, CAMBRIA Co. PA, THURSDAY, MAY 17 894. a @ SRER ER ax on yer av Sem = PAYS TO ADVE T.F. & CO, . —~ NEAR LINGLE MINE, ~— the Strike. Large Ind = Accwart of the Scarcity of Fuel. Do You ‘WEAR SHOES? For the next ten days we "will sell our stock of winter styles at 25 per cent. less than cost. If you want a bargain Any up, as they will not giv tue dead only a temporary effect. The number stable. | of works and quite » considersble proportion them have been compelled to stop No doubs the geoporticn “We have opened our r stock “NEW - SHOES, and are prepared to sell you | latest styles at a smaller price| than ever before. Do not fail to see them. | soon until the strike ceases. called armies of crease of 16,512 tons during April, but | the Iron Age has telegraphic reports capacity of $5,003 toms, Including | some expected to stop this week, which would mean a decrease of about a third | OUR Grocery Department is stocked completely with fresh goods and our prices are as low as fhe lowest. T.-F. MELLON | & Co. on and 5 A WO prices of some grades of of their supply of fosl. Prices of finished products are fully a wp me A La ntzy, Dealer in Wines, Liquors and Beer. Phoenix Brewing Co's Beer, Flasks, Casks, 1. Jugs, Ete. Mail orders attended to promptly. pure Goods Right Prices. HASTINGS, PA. is reflected in further decline of print! Sales of wool ‘Are You GONG BUILD, If so dont fail to call and in- spect our fine line of ~ DOORS and SASH We have just received two Car make prices|, to suit Buyer. ens "D.M. Osborne & Co. ~ FARMING IMPLEMENTS 'D.C.DALE[E Delsutzy, John Denny, James Fogerty, Albert Gauntner, Pat McGovern, M. D. McDivitt, Wm. Prideaux, Joseph Riner, Goo. 8. Stone. ‘Nearly everyone smokes in Japan. Girls begin at 10 years of age, and boys a year earlier. © For the special benefit of the farmers | in the vicinity of Patton the COURIER | publishes the following local market report, revised each week: : also agent for - So a 1 ~“ wt . “ ms a $tod on. er head. $12 to $18 per ton. THE INDUSTRI SITUATION pie Of the Country a at Large Since| ing properties at. sheriff's sale st ‘the IT IS A COAL FAMINE. | of proand in 8 Spangler, with two story | Compeiied ie Clow ou The interest of Lawrence Hassen- i plugh in s lot or piece of ground in| The latest weekly review of Dunn & | Washington township, conteining one Co.'s commercial agency published, acre with a two storied plank houss. following concerning the | The interest of 8. G. Shartz, and and industrial conditions of the Willism Sharts in 46 acres of land in large: The strikes begin Summerhill township, with a two- to have a serious though it is assumed, story upon supplies of orev of William Sharts in 173 imminons coal or coke or fet 87g, acres of land in Summerhill township, ha | seven perches of land in Chest Springs works of some importance must doe I ans -rclling boas. } . The prevailing movement of #0- | in 80 acres of land in Chest township, on | having thereon a plank house and a Washington has caused little excite-| barn. ment and is less important or signifi-| The interest of Mrs. John McCawley cant than the outward movement of in a lot of ground in Washington town- blast May 1, was 110,210 tons, ado) in product since April 1 The fact | and log bern. i $ i #eidE 1 i . | "3 3 1 i i cloths, although seme qualities of goods ' ham, Johnstown. | I 8 i =A i hi ni Sin AB 28 RTISE IN THE PATTON COURIE SWEATS SALES. hut are Advertiond by Vharlp VARNES L0GKED OP, ’ aril Shiner svariions. So. Soh court house, in Ebensburg, Mon- | ' : on, i 0 o hou Mh: ful Row on Fifth Ave. NEW SCHOOL HOUSE | frame dwelling house. night about 10:30 o'clock ‘by the riot oe actions of four Possudess ut iae | log house, weatherboarded snd a severely hurt and up to some extent. i 2 carly in the evening and later on were ving thereon a one-story log cabin. The interest of Chest Springs Mil- ling company in one acre and thirty- The interest of Thomas Fitzpatrick | suo- | 7 plank | tompted to nes » knife and he, Jones, They Bogie i in a Pisa Yo be Erectad at ore_omatintr Aman | "The foreigners began their moles | | notified by the officer that they must anima vids 1 Wa nc sts fo en ee ee eer jonny aan who met with such a pain- fal sceident recently, an account of which ‘was chronicled in these columne at the time; will regret to learn thnt be has again been so unfortunste ss to have hecome the victim of smother $ mem in this manner and the Coumimn | hopes their rectvery may be sependy telegraph wire that is used for prac- sacoseded in getting him to the lockup, | P. 8. Isenburg to that of his son Wil- proceeded nt once to arrest Pete. He | ticing, and run from the residence of a Liber a TTD. ltl 30 ans ties Ue other acres of land in Munster township, locked up broke open reserving a strip conveyed to Cambria | door and nttacked Jomes & Clearfield Railroad company, bav-|sistants. During the ing thereon a two-story plank house | breke looss and the lights out leaving all in darkness. wae id (he sk H x i ] i The interest of D. C. Burk in 88 acres of land in Gallitsin township havisg' theron erected a two story plask house. The intercet of same in § acres snd fil blow on his head during that time and all the prisoners escaped. During the melee one of the foreigners poked burg region many are close lo the ond of Spangler. | maintained and many kinds have 84" | jasned by ror Orphans’ Ida Viol Hogue, | Work Mas Beem Commenced on the New fitractuve. and Maria Ban- increase, uncer- | John C. oo hai There xl be paced on he | Seibert, Johnstown. of Fifth and Beech avenues and will John W. Bebied and Alice M. Baom, | | have the frontage and main entrance | also on Beech avenue. Contractor Auman and bis crew of | men Cotamenced work by breaking | resumed after last summer's suspen- | Henry mands peli fairly ny | sion. The apathy of buyers in cottons | | Slury Opp and A J. Felix, | the ground Monday afternoon at one | riends will be pleased to hear of her o'clock. The members of the Patton Dennis La Prance and Jennie C. Dun- school board are to be complimented | in selecting such an excellent location ‘and the building will certainly be an | | ornament to our town. = probable requirements for the next! town. : few manufactarers are bold | Prank J. Coons and Orra C. Ray. jh oh advance | Jed, Caius ownetp. ing will be finished and ready for oc Republican ‘Conveation. | eupunoy about the fies of Novembr, The Republican voters of Cambria’ A False Report. county are requested to meet at their | The report published in as neighbor | usual place of holding elections on | | ing paper that one of the mines in this Saturday, May 26th, 1894, between the | place was being ficoded because the ES A a A Nevaeh | y, 2to 6p. m. out for the pam is om in townships, for the purpose of elect- | 00 we Joni © The miners ing delegates to a county convention | here are not of that class of men, and to be held in Ebensburg Monday, May ' their behavior during the present 25th, 1804, at 1 p. m. sharp, to nomi-’ strike ina credit to them In every way. nate two candidates for the legislature, —Hastings Tribune. Persons calling for the above letters | one candidate for sheriff, one candi- will please say they are advertised. 1 date for poor director and two wad | E. A. MuLLON, P. M. | dates for fury commissioner. Should Organise in Patton. A football team is about to be organ- J. Swax Tavion, . Notlee. i I hereby notify all people who have Jno F. Reed and other excellent play- | | dogs running at large that they must org have the movement in hand, und | lesop them off of my premises (the brick 8 |yard) or they will be compelled to! pay damages. 1 26-11. team as van be scared up in any town SrMow BoRTMAN. Try Magic drops for pain, ternal 'and external. Guaranteed by C. W | Hodgkins, druggist, Paiton, Pa.-tf Don't Read 1t. For a nf Pleat clean shave and a hatr cut too. When come to our beautiful town ™ Juck, The Tey. on Fifth avenue nd he'll ix you up safe and sound. Sate 4 Sentinel. Critleally TL. labor pneumonia. { chase. -4t3 Bwui, THE CLOTHIER. | escnpe.—Bellwood Bulletin. Cc. M. Robitmon, of the firm of Robis- - | prosperity. pangler will soon boast of as good a of 1a tae in the country. —Spangier | Miss Rosema O'Leary, daughter of | Tim O'Leary, who lives near St. Ang ustine, is lying very low with double | A watch free with every $15.00 pur- {but ‘as he sntered Pete grabbed him liam, on the hill known as Bell's ex- | Nout i and is able to be out. Thursday morn- ing In convermation with hiss he said | he felt preity sore. No imjery was done to the house or any of the other wel occupants. It was indeed » marrow | °¢ “The Saw Dussing. B. F. Wise's saw mill, lossted. in the all summer. lin sawing & large contract fr Levy iy it i : ih il 5B recovery. Her sister, Mrs. Lovelace, who was here to visit her, has returned to her home in Indiana. ; win ‘Observe Memorial Day. Notion is hereby given that an sp will be made to the Hon. A. Preparations are being made to secure : a special train from Patton to West-| aver om thas day. A New Paper. The Journal, a new sheet published at Houtadale reached the COURIER last editors and publishers, Reed & Markle, are both practical printers and know how to get up a Journal to suit the ‘wants of the people. The Counizm ' wishes the new enterprise eternal A Reltday. . Sunday was a holiday for the Hun- garians and Slave and they made con- siderable fuss about it in several parts | of town. Plenty of beer and polinky jlatein the sleryucn of Sunday it ap- | peared to be taking effect. Snyder, the restaurant man keeps Steele’s ice cream manuihctured at "| Huntingdon and is is promounced the finest cream in Patton come and see us snd You Will come again. 26-41 L R. Sxypmm. May 19th, 1504, ss there are many who could not come to-day who are anxious so fol. Tuomas P. Dus, : _ Owabrman. Sew Creams. We are now prepared to serve lee Crearn up stairs in the building lately occupied by Ed. Cairas, better known: as the Robinson house, below the post- office. -384¢ Possxy MYsss.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers