_ VOL. 1.—NO. 27. PATTON, CAMBRIA Co, PA, THU RSDAY, MAY 24 ) 184 $1.00 PER YEAR. AH) aE IT "IF YOU S fr uf IN TH PATTON COURIF Ha THE: SO. N MANY YEARS A ® 5 $100 Given Away. THE WORST FIVE CENT MONEY ORDER. : : oe Ty Streams ( werilon and Cau se bos each Dollars worth of goods bought at this store we will give Five Money Orders, and when Twenty - reece to us oe 1 will redeem them, § One i DAMAGE in cash or merchan EE them; or we will accept them o Hr more at a time towards paying for a bill of goods purchased at any one time at this store amounting to fifty cents or more. Patton Pharmacy, C.w. HODGKINS Drugs, Medicines, and Chem: icals, Stationary, Confe(- fiona as and 0 arday noon during which time the 'O0. bac water raised only to what was cone AGENCY FOR COLUMBIA BICYCLES sidered a small sized flood and no alarm was felt as to impending disaster. So— This is the only Drug Store in pouring in heavy sheets, and about 6 Tatton ‘where these Money Orders can | o'clock the water in Chest Creek raised * oe bad. so rapidly as to overflow its banks, cansing residents in that vicinity to make hasty preparations to vacate their homes or seek shelter in the second story, as the rain showed no sign of abating and the rater was al- Great Destruction. ane Williamsport Under Water DPollars Will Not Cover the Loss, * The great downpour of rain during the recent storm has probably caused mediate vicinity and the residents whose homes are along Chest Creek view with crestfallen conntenavces the “ruin and devastation caused by the deluge. "Late Friday night the rain began fo fall in torrents, HOTEL "BECK, H. C. BECK, Pro. rs Portier ' dwellings. ' The rain continued to poar at short intervals until after twelve “o'clock Sunday night, the great volume of - water then causing its greatest dam- age and calling vividly to mind the terrible disaster of 1899. - One of the Largest Hotels in Northern Ca mbria; Conducted . in not ar- landslides passenger trains did ‘rive in Patton until 10:30 a. | day. ~ MODERN STYLE. The damage in Patton will be slight . compared to many other storm swept towns, but the loss sustained is suf Good Table and Bar Supplied ficient to make itself deeply felt. Cone : side ni. rable anxiety was expressed re- with Choiest Brands of | garding role, Sn of Liquors. "Dry and Flannigan Runs, especially the former, which courses through the The Popular principal part of town. During the HOUSE fore part of the flood atttention was directed to a large number of logs in : i Chest Creek, above B. F. of PAT TON. . mill, which were expected to break loose from their moorings at any moment and rush down the rapidly flowing stream. Every effort was put A Lant ZY, forth to save them by making the ‘boom more secure with chains and | other fastenings, but owing to the Dealer i mn great amount of rubbish kept con- * Ustantly piled against it, it was unable Wines, Liq uors ‘to withstand the strain and about 9 i o'clock Sunday night it broke with a and Beer. teri crash. | The greater part of the damage was | sustained in the loss of bridges and Phe nix Brewing Co’ S. sidewalks and the flooding of build- ings in various parts of the town. The Bee -T, Flasks, Casks, wagon bridge across Dry Ruan on { Fourth, Fifth and Magee avenues were J ugs, Etc. completely destroyed together with the foot bridge which crosses at Fifth ‘avenue. The water in Dry Run over- flowed its banks near Dr. J. B. Noonan’s residence and for a time large logs and | all kinds of drift floated down stream, threatening great damage, but citi- ‘gens were on the alert and the water ‘Mail orders promptly. ,, Pure Bods attended to was turned in time to prevent anything jserious occuring. In the icinity of i the iron bridge the following citizens suffered loss: Levy and = Mitchell, of Clear- ‘fleld, by the loss of logs amount- ing to more than 250,000 feet. It is, “however, reported that they did not drift: any very great distance and many lodged upon the banks of the creek below town. Right il HASTINGS, “Are You GOING BUILD, If so dont fail to call and in- spect our fine line of DOORS and SASH We have just received two Car Loads—Can make to suit Buyer. ‘of a slab trestle being washed away, : besides other smaller damage. Curt Richards’ loss will aggre- gate $600, in loss of logs and equip- ments for his camp. He had but a few days previous laid in a large sup- ply of provisions which were entirely destroyed. His camp was completely surrounded and at one hy water, ing down the stream. barn, which is directly in his camp, Mr. Richards’ the also flooded, and it presents a woefully delapidated appear RIC ; Pf afl was TICES and = Nolf the Hverymen, made for high water by transporting the other side of the thay suffered considerable. loans in of hav, damage to their stubles and vehicles, Geo. Pfaff sm nated above the most dangerons pilzee of any the buildings as it the current of water which separated and went on both Mr. Pfaff’s family every arrangernent g horses to “We are also agent tor D. M. Osborne & Co. FARMING IMPLEMENTS 0O,C. DALE Magee Ave. PATTON, PA. e ne 8 0 { - tae agh the hiss creek ‘way grain, ete, besides the siidence whizh his stubie ws no d in wax very close to sides of his house, remained in the AT PATTON. the greatest flood known in. this im. continuing until Sat-: In the afternoon, however, rain began- ready flooding the first floor of many. Owing to the many washouts and: were flooded, Tues- | ‘town impossible, except on rafis, Wise's daw B. F. Wise, loss $100.00, consisting time was considered in danger of float. rear of. “INE of | house during the flood and were com- pelled to occupy the second floor. His loss was mostly household | utensils and the damage it did to his garden. W. T. Robinson snftired loss to the ‘extent of about $100 which was prinei- pally ice stored away in an ice house above his residence, berides some lumber and shingles and the damage it ‘did to his garden. a Million - Mr. house was raised a few weeks ago above the high water mark, damage was done in that direction. A. G. Diehl’s blacksmith shop and dwelling house were completely sur- rounded bv water.” He lost some lum- ber and shingles amounting to about | $40.00. The floor of RB. W. Delozier’'s wagon shop was covered with water and also the floor of Aangust Moreaux's restaur- ant, but no serious damage was caused them. Two families of forvigners who lived | between the livery stable and Robin- son's place of business were compelled to vacate whén the water came up. most loss in the way of damage as Magee avenne which was recently filled in on the east end was almost ‘completely washed out and will take several dave to make it as fore. : The old county: standing a fect iron bridge was pulled upon by a locomotive to keep it good as he- which above the bridee was new bank from being fow the washed off its abutments against the: new one which would have caused con- siderable Basing if not entire destrue- tion. At the upper end of town vieinity Hotel Patton ‘sidewalks washed away and mueh other. damage done as a re- sult of the deluge. The the hotel was completely submerged and sidewalks on either side of the of building were afloat making communi- | cation with the business portion of At this Me the proprietor, was unable to tell the extent of his joss, but it will without doubt be a rather expensive gxperience for him. : Thomas Litzsinger’s house was stand- ing in water about 12 inches and all the walks around it removed by the flood. F. 1. Little & Son's meat market was surrounded by the muddy water also and the first floor contained about five inches. Several other families in that neigh. borhood the water running dwellings and a large number of cellars were filled and contents destroyed. writing Hon, wore were annoys by their into At the Reservolr At the reservoir the water came down the hillside with such force thav it brought with it logs, stumps and all kinds of rubbish which lodged below the basin, causing probably the most damage at any one place near Patton. As the water and debris came over the top of the reservoir it struck the rail- road track washing it completely caway and twisting the heavy steel rails almost double, demolishing fifty feet of the water mairr. During the sudden rush of water a large log came down and struck the corner of . Frank Pennington’s house with such force as to crush it like an eggshell. Al Thomas' Mill, mill, about two and one-half miles be- low town, lost 200,000 feet of logs + which were held by a boom above the together with a considerable He estimates his mill, quantity of lumber. loss at more than $1,000. TAL Wikllmmaport. Every foot of ground in the city is four feet under water, and much of it in 15 feet below the surface of the stream. Many families are homeless. Hundreds more expect to be driven from their houses, in the second stories of which they have found refuge. be- fore day, and, unless the flood ceases, there is no power on earth that avert a greater disaster than has ready come upon this hapless city, The gas and electric light plants are water city can al- tinder ind the Te light. Everyone. is desperate, terror stricken and discouraged. Monday miduight the big log boom gave w Ww with a crash and went roli- tumbling down As it passed the ty. the against the pis and the stream. {our bridges below the and banged with a roa: that could Hiiles. fogs crashed be heard for Al of business portion of the city is submerged to an average depth of six feet. Not a train has entered or tor 2¢ honrs, and every telegraph wire leading out ef William- sport is down. The telegraph office is four feet under water, and the tele- the eft the cin tinned on Fifth Page. Robinson's | and no! It was during the high water and a themselves and occasionally someone | | facts of the affair, as learned by the "COURIER are as related below. Each new arrival was cordially The borough no doubt will suffer the | . Gray's hotel at Carrolltown, appeared on the scene, and being acquainted | : Saltagiver were actively engaged, when in the buildings | , ‘interferred with the officer. making the first floor of “course, lodging above the knee. (wound, when Litexinger was removed | or bring suit. i around the horse’s neck, ‘his balance and fell, breaking both ~#bout naturally for help, when two young men ran io! : : young men sent. the other J.T. Thomas, proprietor of a saw ‘on his feet. "hear the rest but we think without . A VALUABLE PET. A Carrier Pigem Owned by Mr. Maken several Tours, SHOT BY DFFIGER JONES. James Litzsinger Wounded than its average citizen is cognizant of. While Interferring. Collins nd the numerons dogs that infest and annoy the ‘Anna Addition,”’ and ‘numerous other. localities in Patton. But it is more than probable that only NOT VERY SERIOUS. Will Take a Varution for Severn]! Weeks : This Summer introduction to “Dick.” The bird is a wonderfully beautiful Nature's handiwork and is admired by "all who know him. His genius exceeds his beauty. Hg knows he ia pretty and that his instinct guides him to the performance of more stupendoos ' An unfortunate shooting affair occur, red in Patton Monday afternoon which fortunately did not terminate fatally. number of friends were gathered at the | Hotel Patton. The house was sur-' rounded by water and eould only be! reached by floats. The men at the hotel had nothing to do but to amuse bly attain to. He is a game little fel- ‘low and is justly proud of his ac. complishmenta. would shove someone else into the! water which finally brought on trouble and terminated in the shooting. The compare with him in his wonderful ex- ploits, “Dick carrier ‘ tenants on the property of Mr. Collins. ‘Only last week he was taken in a bag down the Black Lick and returtied to Ebensburg where he was placed in the hands of Jack Finn. Mr. Finn tied a little note to him and let him go. ‘was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon is a welcomed and all were enjoying themselves Finally Mr. Albert Flick, pro, rietor of with about all gathered at the hotel, was invited by the boys to treat. Pushing each other into the water continued be the main occupa- i tion of those at the hotel, when finally Mr. Flick got in over his shoe tops. Not having been engaged in the sport with the boys he was somewhat offended at getting his feet wet. A quar- rel wan started in which Flick and Andy place. He had some difficulty in fiad- ingjt, bat he got there all the same. At one time he was let loose at Fru- gality and arrived here in just eight minutes. He made the trip from Al- toona in nineteen minutes. He comes and goes at his master’s call. Yon ought become acquainted him. to 0 Officer Jones, who happened to be present, attempted to arrest Saltagiver. James Litmsinger was also present and : A HAPPY WEDDING Fadwurd Nteittimatior nnd Ot Married, Mr. Hdward Strittmatter and Miss Rose Ort were married at St. Benedicts church, Carroditown, of the 156th inst. officiating. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Ott, and Mr. Isadore Strittmatter, brother of the groom man. [mmedliately after the ceremony the happy couple, accompanied by a large concourse of invited guests, re: My. M inn arrest. Matters became exciting and Officer Jones warned persons not to interfere with him in the performance of his offirial duty, at the same time exhibiting a revolver. Litasinger, it is | said, struck the revolver in the officer's hand, when it was discharged and a ball entered his left leg. The ballet entered the flesh about twelve inches above the knee and took a downward Drs. | and McCormick were sum- moned and examined and attended the Noonan ‘parents, a short distance from Patton, ‘where u reception was held in honor of the event. The bride is a most estim. able young lady well and favorably known in Patton, the milinery establishment avenue The groom is also a resident of Carroll township and, is extremely popular among his many friends. The CoURIER extends congratula- tions in the consummation of union. The Carrolltown News says that three of Carrolltown’s young ladies took a trip to Patton one day last week in a “wonderful . One-horse Shay." They left their rig and made some calls around town, but on their retarn they found that the horse had tried to hang himself on a water plug. The hitching strap was. drawn tight to the home of Andy Saltsgiver, his cousin. The physicians did not think the ball would cause their patient trouble after the wound had healed. It is. understood that Litzsinger bears Officer Jones no ill-will and that he will not make information against him, They Didn't Wish it Published. Will Go to California. Some time ago M. F. Phillippi, a dentist who had located at Hastings and wis making weekly visits to Pat- RO south for his health. Quite a num- Tibet from the Punxsutawney Spirit: and he 108 | poiton, who accompanied Dr. M. F. shafts of the ‘shay.” became excited The ladies | returned last week, and called winter, leaving their assistance; but still the horse was choking and there seemed to be no way of getting him loose. One of the to hunt a knife to cut the strap, but while he was away a boy come along and unhooked the snap that held it and the horse was The young man borrowed a clothes line from a neighboring lot and tied up the shafts. We did not the ladies it strange [that he should come there diseas?, when southern California or * Colorado is considered the best climate in the world for such difficulties. adjusted which he has against the got home. . struction of his property during the revolution, he will return to the States and take ap his residence in southern California,” : Entertainment at Laretto. Those who desire to pass a pleasant and profitable hour, would do well to! attend the select entertainment to be given next Thursday evening the Parochial hall, Loretto. The program will comprise choice readings by Miss Cirace Furey, the gifted eleentionist, of Altoona; also vocal and instrumental music by Mrs. W. W. and Miss Berth: Me Arree, ind by the young lady anil Qt Aly Academy.” The Am- archestra, of Loretto, a recent make its first public ince on this occasion. To « m. Admission 25 : Train Chartered. in special train to run. from Patton to ‘Westover on Decoration day leaving here at 8:30 1. m. sharp and returning at 11:30. Every one should take this opportanity as will be addresses | inade by prominent ti “ere AJ pre pred for the oceasion thers men of St sions’ ne t : of OUR v elaborate program has been pmon and a large The \ or organization, will Crowd is exp ooted to be present. OM: xercises Will commence at 9:50, it Patton from West- will go to St afternoon appear: menece at 700 the tain ives ary aenta, i oy wri 1 . ry y iarpe delegation Jast the Thing. Agenstines chore an XO 3 3 1 ii be held. WwW. J. Donne y's logs. were all floated down to his mill during the flood. He is very thankful Or it would have had to go to the trouble and Rigs Chas £0l them had they not oD ta ", ‘ im in that | The old saying that “it's an ill that doesn’t do someone fits to a Tin this instance. vosprerots Pasiness Moat, ‘ f fre | as H. ¢ ‘ambria county, plug hat just towns . Beek, hand. out of a : allowing: len, expense of hauling Ai . yr » 3} nT «on conveyed to h wa 5 been J 5 YU ROME G8 anew Was in wind Lo wi band box) tO see his legion of Notwith- standing the ‘business depression, Chris is piling up earthly treasures and will soon be a|‘bioated bondholder.” friends. Wall paper given away at the post- office, 2613 a few have had the pleasure of an’ specimen of feats than human reason could poesi- No human creature or any other of the town can begin to pigeon and It ‘when he arrived at his home in this -an with wi Roa | ten] on the morning Rev Father Marcarius =~ acted as best | paired to the home of the brides | having conducted: on Beech their) ton, became ill and was compelled to | ber from this place and Hastings will L pl no doubt be interestad in the following | CeeWiD | lo § Shilli : & d ri | ) Phillippi to South America du ng the. thelr ends and Jumping in every Mr. Phillippi in Caracas, Venezuela. His lung trouble seems to- have im- proved since his departure, and he ap- | pears to be growing somewhat stronger. | But the doctors of that place thought * for relief) in a case of pulmonary | | egurse on a smaller scale. Aci cordingly, as soon as he gets the claim | | al Venernel p fr the de-! enesiglah government r 4 all vacated their homes and were stay Arrangements have been made for a’ several . Hunfingion Globe of last week evidence few davs ago 1 ECLEMFIELD IPERNTORS | Notify their Miners that They The most of us are familiny with Jacko, - w il Resume TO IMPORT NEGROES If their Moir de Not Accept the Terme OF fered hy Muy With. nee the acai niant of the Clovis ; past week the unchanged condition «f the e the newspapers have contained 2 coal operators of the Clearfield associated Pennsylvania districts here vesterday to consider their ition towards their striking em- After a thorough discussion of the situation the following resolution wah adopted : ‘We, the operators of the Clearfield ‘anil associated districts, after mature deliberation, have unanimously decid- 1 ed lit is impossible to pay our employes ib advance over the seale of wages now in force, namely, 40 cents per ton of [2,240 pounds for digging coal and we . pledge ourselves and the opérators we control, to act as a unit on this basis. | We prefer to have our old employes at wqrk, but in case they do not resume thin a reasonabie time, we reserve the right of putting in force such mea. sues as we deem best to our own in- ests. : : ‘After adopting the above resolution » operators decided to give their old wm until May 28 to return to work, d if they have not done so until that ithe to take such measures as they may pm advisable. ; [It was stated by another operator that unless the striking miners agree to reyurn to work at the old rates all co- | cupying properties owned by operators will be removed by writs of ejectments and their homes taken by those who ' willl agree to work at the old rates. It is proposed, he further stated, to bring 10/000 colored men from the south and colonize them in the Clearfield coal dis- trict. Efforts are now being made to rare men in Virginia, West : Viginla and Alabama.” An Interesting Trip. I..8. Bell, B. F. Wise, Harry C. Lng and Ed. McCurdy, accompanied 3 4 COURIER representative took a p. to Thomas’ mill below town to p the water and ' view the damage ine along the line between here and t place and also a mile below. "It hs truly a sight to see the raging | 'whter dash over the high dam at that and to watch the large saw logs e into the water when they - wonld g9 over the schute. At one place be- the falls a number of logs had thered and were continually turning tion. It was'an exciting scene to tness and something that might not jour for some time again. Be w the mill our attention was at- acted to the stream which madly ished by at a terrific speed remind- one, very much, of the notorious pids below Niagara Falls, only, of We were informed that the stream continued st at rate for nearly a mile. The people who live below the dam were much ed for fear of bursting ‘and had ing on the high ground. A Horrible Death. Spore mill; which is located about one mile from DuBois, was the scene F a most shocking and fatal accident . The James McKinney Speer’ in company with others, had Jisited the mill. Mr. Speers wis standing by the side of his son Samuel, aged 11 years, who was engaged in packing shingles, and as he stooped tw rush away a quantity of saw dust which had. accumulated under the saw ame ir contact with the rapid. ving. and before desistance could be rendered his head s drawn under and instantly eat im completely severing vhe brain. by physicians who sanumoned there Was . body, but no appeared 12 o'clock £) oh Thursday morning, May 17. [iroprietor, Mr. His hat PEN O machinery, vi), ‘pon examination bere hastily found to be in the life of CONsSCIoOusness moments before 4 dead. Found. A pocket book containing money. C}wner can have same by calling at the the Cormier office and paying for this tice. : : and a few hie yas pronounce
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers