manmaieoommanes | A Wonderful ally apn Sn peugoron, Jaz, [ COURINA ks Om " . Nothing missing, ‘nothing wanting. Wi Gonampmx x — John D. Hicks, Altoona, | obt natter. n i | season's styles call for, whatever good taste gna ET | pe fatare they will sally | i | | ; manufactured. In “all this country yon will ¥ Punssuinwsey dedforion Soumy. I. | assortment that can be compared with ours for } and goodness, and withal the prices are lower th: a uwut + is no old stock here—nothing that we need apc Fanascnis Jobs W. Morrison, - tb ‘being here. With this we extend you a most gor vl @rNERAL-D. MeGregs, Harris : : , : leg | % tion to visit our store, examine this wonderful » Ixwrrccrion—N. C. Schaeffer, | ; : : : mtel 8 | : : need not. buy unless you wish. : "MEN'S SUIT! | it Monday of March Monday of SSP" | buildings wer enforced. i are particularly large m number of styles and variety of ah OFFICERS. 14 1. : oe . : : et} on a] na nad pt : : fabrics, the prices from $5 to $28 give everypne an oppor- no ARY—J. C Darby, 1 ; : Ss we 2 - : ; pER~D. A. McGough. The tanity of fitting themseives at such outlay ag their purse ; AND, ROSH TREAT RES MW Ahamaker. bt eet ms Magphy ‘ iy affords. oy ’ R17 % é 10, . . . i z 2 . 3 . ae J ans he woud hav ben pf LITTLE BOY'S SUF | ¢ Sonvevon A ni | amity ling ° of th Our store is the headquarters for the new County SUrRVEYOR—Henry Scanian. oh, AUDITORS — Onn ry, James Wm. J. Jomes, rit { otec! i law. : : 5 Dally. % ; i : : oh Ba, da iy J. | : : A receipt for money is not always and most attractive styles. bo Conusn_Dr, Geooes, Martin. ton rand The little fellows can be fitted shi HATE FiOS fh | ers others without regard to name, poloveid. = ob eut in the nattiest styles with- as 0, 7. Doar! : sition or presence of owners, and the! The law compels no one to do im- j Joa : Ra 8, Bell, president; fu 4% eaifoh bo os aevercty condemned. | possibilities. (This must be liberally out a heavy strain on the fam- 5 y PF. debs "| } : : 2 : ; B - - : i . z > . noe of the law excuses no one. | | ily purse. Prices for Knee i! A note made on Sunday is nq : 2 a sure Wn PeAcE—Jeme E. Dale, Jas. | Aiba A note mad bea y . yobs. ‘Trouser suits for Lads from 3 a un pn G Mn te Toman who! Avo 1 ie Se oe 2 | A-note obtained by fraud or from a . RB to 16 years from 75 cents to Crenx—Harvey . ‘made himself a name among the free na Svioxication can: | : year 75 A RD —Dr. J. B. Noonan, Dale, secretary; W. H. tressu rer: Wm. Purcell. n I. Jones. : : ASSEN “Cornel : trade statesmen of this country while : . : : ; ; HER Eo. H. 0. Winslow, | occupying a seat in the lower Ns of Du selienier (THis Sorvllary ie $10. Call and see them. - Jupenor 2 rroN~A. G. Abtot. | congress, and who was afterwards ap- ihe law govurning Soutéasis With the : | Cry oF PoLics—Sam el Jones, j | pointed to fill s vacancy in the senate, | Notes bear interest only whem so : KOL i ER && Sees ComxissioxEn-—Samuoel Addleman, | which position he now occupies, iB Very .oted : : I~ — HONESTY IN JOURNALISM. | much PE to - g the w If a note is lost or stolen it does not oh : ; it wy . {ill 10 provide s tariff of greater OF lest | release. the maker; he must pay it ir! mal “The ow York World to egYeS pun articles which were Orig- | ype consideration for which it was giv. The N inally listed among the things which, ,.4 the 4 t proved. “ i. +“ “" ‘noted for a good deal of gush, but it ge bill proposed should be imported, i! | : always cominands universal admirs- greg of duty, hs. or | Siguaares tame YCb a lead pencil deprecates the faults of politics] parties | oj at finding the measure turning without to par : a able by delivery, the same as if made ! | regard party nearer and nearer to the McKinley act, | , yghle by t . > : : ; : always right, but the principles which | hhery : ~~ ; i FL amma actuate it in the particular here nay fo be inflicted upon the qs (one for which he has received no HOTEL i A i NEW Etre Bede ieee moe et mem bm Emer BR CK, BRTOGARL evenly divided politically at present, iy true to his convictions with his mouth | , : y | rvile adminis- | when he says be is humiliated st find- | | SI | ry - disdandit : tion organs, it condemns the Waste ing the measure turning nearer out oun: i] H. C. BECK, Pro. 1 swtep Gil evant || © Just opened. ancther, untold millions. | po o aly Guan 3. : and terse editorials on that subject: | oun principles | Checks or drafts mist be presented | Best Indigo Blue Calico § he I have just returned from “Por three months the a hae A——————————— (for payment “without TE aOne of the Largest Hotels m “ Red ns io, . J rs : held up the bil. During thet time it| Gesrasieed Care. | delay.” re Northern Cambria; ot the city with an elegant and pe inattention to these fundemental in- ‘Muslin 64 7 'noying and expensive litigation. —Ex. | ; : : ] : - ; i i Lh : ne oo . PurPlece. ‘ ; a | Cure for Headuehe. ‘MODE STYLE. PineDressShirta 7 ¢ | NOTIONS and | For s cure of all forms of 4 8 se Mens Felt Hats - $100 “ || Ladies Furnishings, Electric Bitters has proved to be the | : Ae a headaches yield to ite influence. We with Choiest Brands of ] “ ' Building. bottle, and give this remedy a fair ypaiidmg cases long resist the use of this mede- HOUSE SOLD AT COST.| | Call and see me. Prices Gramble and Growl. i : | | 1 3 bib : : . : and | store. Lamb et : |. tion for the ykness with which it), y : ‘ ; ‘lorem. Mr. Mills says he is “hamili- |, | e. indorsed in blank is transfer- We will not say that its judgement is i; the rates of duty and the amount of = pe maker of an «aocomodation” Somued sre right. Like all the Test of "Fo says, however, that eo long as yu |oonsideraticn, having lot lis Sarge Pe | | » 2 we dallying senate, W VETY he will vote forit. The Texas senator _......dated, but is bound to all other : illinery Store, CoE ~~ and unlike the more servile parties, precisely as if there was a : : A costing the country, in | : : | nearer to the McKinley act, but should | his residence, the holder must am as : ‘Drews Ginghams » * Following i one of The World's brief ip, .ny degree be will be a traitor to his | | | | pggiaek . has dons’ We anthorise our advertised drug-! Ignorance or oversight of or willful Conducted “Red Table Cloth 25 complete stock of is the. source of an- | : m | Unbleached Muslin 4,546 * | | EN Judetions 8 soe Sunes = Silieachei Matin hgs? © | | SPRING RILLINERY, Bitters has § | oo Flor Per Sack. very best. It effects a permanent cure. (30d Table and Bar Supplied > Ti he rooms up stairs in the Good urge all who are afflicted to procurea : Liquors. t= : : : trial In | oi Paki | ® ’ cases of habitual constipation | po Popular hoes, ure, and | | mt needed tone to the bowels, and few That is what you will do so ‘50 cta at Dr. Beicher's City Drug ay ; | a cubikitind of PATTON. ALICE A. ASACROPT. P.P. Young & Bro, | Ae ba | Adamant Plaster The Parton | || [8 PALMER HOUSE Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FRESH MEAT | J2% oie; 7.6 Babson, Prope” OF ALL KINDS. ‘Bologna, Lard, Etc. - led by al the EE AGEN Y hee and Fifth avenues, in | | Architects 8 | | sores, totter, chapped hands, chilbeiot | [the central and business part ively cares ples, or Bo pay required. | IPT AVINE | Will give you a solid wall. Represents the follow- | of the town, only one minute's ction ¢ oa Patton, Pal OL wil neiesst, Shell 1} yy gle] reliable| | walk from the sailrond stag "Will not cleave off when used as di- : —r .: Price 25 ~e _ |" rocted, even in case of leakage. Fire Insurance | | aa FirstNation'|Bank wewimesm es cm, companies: | Rates, $2.00 per day. % with moisture. | - OFPA TTON : Admits of carpenters following plas p (yy AT, of Liverpool, Patton, Cambria Co., Pa. terers in a few days. a : 3p a | 1 capable of every variety of finish. HOME, of New York, 'A Modern Hotel, heated by 5 tem | gir-Used on the Palmer House, Good GERMAN, of Pittsburg. | steam—entirely new—-sample CAPITAL PAID UP, $50,000.00. | Building, Hotel Beck, Hotel Patton, it wo] : I UP, #6, C.C. LAL Co office, ) Patton Opera, Also the Equitable Lifeirooms—livery in connection plan Banke rt ons, Firma, Los | onemalf of the astered houses ony Insurance company, of New! —firstclass in every respect | kine: (t with safe and conser iive | store rooms of P: York, the largest in the wprld. | _ headquarters for - Steamship tickets for mle for all the lead) : : ia; ] ea WW ; Commen RE SLRS AR | Alo the Catholic Chareh Bt ARE ‘cial men. All correspondence will have our prom rw ; : sears meen simian J msrp Dental Surgery, up stairs Koller & ita | King Brickley came up from West-| A. E Pa Wi. EH. SANFORD, ~. ADAMANT PLASTER CO., Otice in Good : Ls : 5 : over Saturday to sce our town. EEA Caster. | Patton. Pa, Lock Box $45. | 1st NavTBank PAT TON; PA. Good Bar in connection. - For prices and information, write
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