' Pursuant lo law. t'i undVrsif nd Com-itii-sionmaof the iouniy nf ,..vdr, HlatM of Centisyivonu. pulilisb Ilie foregoing atatemrnt t HiHi,na and Ksoendilurea f aaid County, ,i l-.e yer and also pr4.iit herewith a laleiiit-m of the a eels ami lialnli'ie of maid - omit, on Hie -isl tin "f tiecainiter 19 2 i' nits our linn In and the e l of a U I office tliia .41b day of -Janu ir r. I9.UI. 11 V. JILI.KII. 1 - ','.T'.:'lt ,- oui.tv (?iiniiiiMiioiiera V. KNI iii t . .Mt.-t: J N Hntsiu. Clerk (ii ii'.ral Stjit'ii.i'iit. t.'ouu'y Fund Asse'.s. Outstandinir tax'1 of 19)1 and prevlo years, 610 57 Oulstan.lilu taxes of l.tiC and Report ot Receipts and Expenditures of Snyder County for; the year ending Dec. 31, 1902. ! Tnar mtTm-m bKamiii r .iirtlllll it u FUTURE..... TABULAR STATEMENT showiu amount of county and .Ut tales - l": xtmT.i'.l st-sced. collected, returned. coiuiiiifsionii. eionoratiouii uu nuniv- . UtlCtl KUj OUISI.Vldllllf uitut allowed Mini outstaiidiut;, for the year 1U0J. lor ii"0i. Toit Ami i.l'tli'K Jan. 1, llHi 1 17'7S ) 6 63 S 70 I W 1-1 Vli 70 - 2 I a iv.i 1 sn :il It; s 31 1.1 Ami. Oil Ass'.l : .4 ...I .- O l'- ' Milk Cultee- ld' Abate I Raters lorDU !. Eton jConi'l-1 oral us I lon. War Outstand III 1 7 3. WISTH1CTS. Adams Heaver Keawr West crutre Chapman Krunk'lu Jin ks- n MliMli'tttinrh Mldiilicrrvk, Voiine lvnn l'crrv ivrry Wesi Selln t,'IV' Sonne, llilcli W.-lilUKtiili l. If you arc in need of Furniture, Carpet, Mattings, Hugs, Oilcloth, LinoIeum,;Lac Curtains, Window Shades, Pictures, and Picture Frames, give us a call. We can suit you in ..II, U.'.l III 31 t Jlli I UV. ai v SM M I It If. 4iW .V, Mi J.. l l 4-' ! ' i 14 J 4- 11 ;7 I.. I 4.'. -.4 i luSJ hit: II if-li I'll?. rtiiji J L'oli li J' M "13 J avpii K-rr ct I" lid SI W. H. S.v.irtz 6lti ,s 4. II A l-l in i lit 15 ll Vi J) K. F. Broi.v :1SJ 7.'H' Win. It unit; 7 it 1 t M. K Knl ev 7's 4 m T'liiin t-s llis nts Si II irvey . li l 1 I't 7 . IJii) ,,.'s,n M-Tii;l sis Mn t.ls !. .1. . s r.tu -er 1i " Ms ti; V. J i imss 1'ij: ul '.' w .1 il Kiii pi inr.i i: U uui X!uiiti"r:n in i ':(? .1. A l.i hum l.'iTii ( s l;Ci '' ! 7 !"" S ST ttny in s ;i1 :. SIM ." i-jht S7i ai u '.M l'.:l IT:. :i :ii.i l'J4. 4 1 4 .' -.' I 7i 1 II 1h A 41 14 f .9 tit k"o I. l 1". .1 7" :l m II. 7.. !o 7 ... 1 II III 1 'J w '- 4.1 ST S .l 8 1 :i 4 I N 1 7.- 21 W 7 IX) I In i . 1. -. 17 I ", i:; ll I. i ; .'- at. pre t us yea. 2 149 s7 l.ur f ii ii 1 biipnian twp tii. po. t of Lewis I.e. stetler ! 75 li .t' r.nii Ner 11 Miildieswaith sap ..it ol l. Ill rli.ter. 22 15 li'i" ti. n lilninta c.i for cp Jt.illl P.ridire 3SII0 ;a in I an i t,f Trea'irer, I 15.91 l.ntl'i. ties iii cxtc-sol a-setsil i.;.'i 9i 10 : i 14 w. 89 Vi 19 -l 1 Style and in 3 13 .V -.rs :i a III 4-1 iw l 21 in W IV 3 T-. 4 9J 14 l.i il M in 16 10 If. 10 TnMIs fli'iVIT si 1 I I 1 iiUi-liiii.l'if I .s ikiiii li 1 U'gllwt. 1 IA.i ,,r.i. ii'!i:ii iiiiliiiiU ' 1 s ';i "l"". 1 I' 'l.t.Kl'Ti H;s. I Y.'sf I .l:ni. I APer m . t-.l. ti..n-. i. j ,)i ,v, ' !' . i .1. - li.-.ui' i:: !! in.) 9.1 a a , wi .1 r.; 4i .. 1 1 '. I l..ivi I-ll ii- Hi u-li l:l II 4 14 . l-.'S lirt : ,; s - ivi,t h .1 ii ii i u 'i 1 r :-l 01 1 7 w 1; :r. 1 :n y. ,r -l.l 1 .1 '111. K-! T l'.w II K 19 ; 1K ' c -o In j '. 1. '!i:i.ii.in V II Swart. tit K 71 ' " II 11 ! 71 ; ITiinkliii Austin "lilt I7 ti B M l i! ii i;i 5, ' .1 1. k- 1. V It " l M , 2 : .17 :i . 4i in :i 1 1 ! iir.''i in it 'ih 1; ; II ' 17S bl l H 71 1 : ,': : .::!. il.-. r.-.-k ! K i: -lie tttl l. 117.' 1 v. tn U ::r, 1,, s ' M .tun.- 'I'll. uii.is 111 ss 4111:11 ! 9 .ri7 ! 37:) lil 17 'js -.no. ' I .'i ii IIAt. ii.il 41I" 10 It IS . 27 iW .1) ill 71 . I . 'I . x-ls.iu Mi"i'Kk' i i . .1 41 M :-H 7.1 3 s !,: I'.riUfst ,1 iisin'tT '.'6 ti.i 1 '-'1 Xi ! i ! 1 1 :;. ss i.ii-t.rin i! A.IUr.i ill 91 1 4 7i 1 14n !! ' d t 11 9s .,1,7 : s, i if,' .1 II K :i"i 4"i 01 1 a a". vs mi 3; ,,, I . !"i. I . .i.in-ii.i.iii ei9 M :t i.:t 1 17iii in si I i.;i.li,".ii .1 A li 111. Ill l.H M li 7S 'M 46 ' K 'JS 7 .. " , ' tJ"ti7 1" I $ 9:1 17 Ui:u 74 ' $ lit -M i l S7 $ .. Vi V EXPENDITURES. l'r.illi.iiiMl trv's Ollitv. M'llonr Ki'Mt. I rrn t.n 19 .. MtinliiiM.':-!'. M.irriM.' ;.i i- i... Iin ki 1 t osts in I r.i . UiT-ti 'tt r lli-ilnct ll'iil r .Mi', t.'.l liV t. !i ii'I'-l. I.. liHIKin:: t" 1 111 I'.'Ulit t s II I .-,11 I. No. f.. 1 '.: :i. Mi n ii 1 . 1 7. .1 ' 9. I t ) , 'I'. li i'i." . I'i 0 ." " 1 l.ml 1 "i I'i 1 I .'n) I ml pin .'.Hll 1 ' 1 1' I r.-.-j .!- - Ilru-j.liT Mil I Kivnl'd'T's ( ll'iii'C, .1 11. !.. ; i" - 'ur 19 ' II, Mill I..;.,:.. $29 9 1H mi Arm Itrsi. -'1 Alii.'a.-i it II Cit- ( '.iiiii'iis-iiitit ;- Hiff. Wm. I-" "ilurpliv iuis. Nr tir i, ,- ,u ':i'i . ti. K Mil- iiiiii-r. .nt:i-'.'. '.'1 I II. T.-l. mi. I 1,1. l ". I' Hi'l't. -2M M. S. si-hriiviT. i t. III. niilsi-., J.'i A. K. I.iilifil, A:tv s salary ami ttiHi-I.I.K . .i'll-. s, I'UIH J. N. I. n. .in- 1 h rk's siilnry anil trav,'hn4 rxin'i,.!'.. -0 ', I '. W . KlllUts, l .illllllls.iiil'iT. l.M) ilavs :'."'" nml Tr.'Vi-litM l V -1 i"' '- " lici.r;;" 1'. M 1 1 1 . -1 . t mil , H'71 . Mays. '.Tii 2"i nml Tinvi'liiu Kxp . Iii 11171 riolin P. i ti'l, I'oni , ' l-.'ilas ill'VJIW nnl I ruvi-lini: V.xp . .'.91112 M .Sinn ill's Wire. I .i. iivj, -,- If. W. ItoKr, I. a Com. v. M. lt.thrR'k, I 1 2') ;. w. ifmv. (.-i-K cotii. v.. Kralik tirosH 1 25 li. W. Itow, ll'PsColU. VS, Haviil Ha ni-n, 1 '.'') t i s . i:,,.v, fern t oin. vs. I.i-wi- Ki'i -ti-tti r. 211 111 W. Itow. fei-s 1 0111 v.. lirii-r sni'll, 1 ti. 1 : . . w (. i-s t orn i - Jmoll li SI.llll. '" t. W liow Lis Coin, v- W'llllain .lour-. 1 i'i W. li,.-. frl-s t.'olll 1 : - Mnrki t. 1 75 (I. W. liow, Iwanlini; C sI.bi.i'i.ii- i. n.i ,1 ,s. in 'il Ito 11.I111K P. sli lli n 2 il.i s I ' n " Kan-MiH. r. 2 ilas 1 ill 4 Jos. Kttinurr 7 ila 9 ' 'Ml " iinir Slirll , 15 ilavH 7 .'l " J I. Aili'krr 7 iliys - Ml " ti. Maiki-rt 7 iluys ' '" " I Trull, -t iIiivh. 1 "0 Fees for commit' inK a nl uii.'iiiiiiiuk prisi.iit-rii 7 t'.n Janitor si-rvi'.-rs, lUtO Mrs. How, si-wiiiK i-t'. I ' an Adv. I all i-li-i timi. nu '. ri'pls. to II ofcnarity. .''i"l Si-rvnitf -tun .S.P.in.'. s.i 4.1 Mili'ilni.Si.rTlu.j no'iii' p'-.nl .Mti'li'liiiK i llminal C nit ilayi I illin Jury wliei-l.vv'i irf Mini ilraM in jury Ilt'iti Israt'l 1'utt to II of lirfiiKi'. lU'iii. ti. Surll to ! ji!.;i 11 rriuilti'iitiary. Issuing 4 I'oiirt I'roi' l.ll ic for Jail, mo ; ml .-.14 : Iit-dti 't miit. c Jli'i'tvil ly ti W. How l.i loiu.ii.n to tho count . Jury ri-r. No. 5r, l-'t'li T. Is i'.i, . 4 ml J irv Ici.. No. H5, Jinn. T. I Hi I, 4 (i Jurv I'Vc, .No. .'I'.i, l'-tf T. 1'U, I Jin v ri-i.. No 10t5 J uiii' T. l"ti!, ( U Jurv I'i-.- No. li. l ie T l'.'l. 1 "I 1 rial for t '. stove It 1 " -se of i'ln 'Hi' 9ii '.'1 7IJ. s si J strict Ailiiuii'v's Ollicc. M. I. I'of.-r , 'l. 1:, . tiirni k, ? aim Fin- k .ira-s. Mli) I t v 1 . 1 Ma in-. 300 '.. wis Kr.stftit'r. .') nn i.li-r S., 5 hi .In 1. -t.il.I. :. u) Wi liani .'..m, il ') rui- Varkrlt. ! 1 I't e Com, t-i C"lir! .'Iiruarv "I 01111. t ranil Jurors, I elti: Juror., tuiMtal,P lirtiirns. t ryiT ami Tip-tan Sli'iioraulirr and 1 rairu Juni Term, t.raii'l Jurors, JVtit J urors, .'niist.iliieN Ki'tiltlis, Alileact for Ne- Ciiiis'ahl("t tiniit'tsil i, T. ryer mill Tip Staves MenoK and I'raiiBirilnl u, October Term, t.rand Jurors, l'etit Juror. Cunstuli'e Iteturn. IVferand Tip Slaves, HWnotfraplicr, Ii. Terin. lirand Juror, Petit Jurors, Constahie Iti turn", Crrer anil Tip Stavi-s, Strnoniplier, lln.5.; 211 1 li-'t 4 ) 02 57 tin it) 00 121 HI ! ki in i I n .l 10 CO 3 59 M f 12131 l-'i'i'i 17 n: 77 ii-i I .oililrJ... 2Ti J7 l 3 l .l Iii'. 89 liS 41 CM r,7 -11 mi '. o SI.'IJ.'J On $-5 : r.MUI,AK STATKMKNT sliowinjj collections inmlt?, .iiitstiiiulin tiixi'i for 1)1. .(is;iri.., (. 'ii i.!;!ilfs ami VitlU'S ''. K..iini k. V'lfil I r.mk i-r...., :t .-i( Niai-I Trull. 7 .'it I 1.1 v il I'lllli. , .'..I ,9 l m Ki rsti tti r. P 0 1 ..11.T h..l. :.j:i .In. nil ii. t:ilil, iii:: 1 l llllillll lulu's:. : '.I T'i 1 irinm.' .Mark. rt. :;: 91 .1. . s:,,,,.l. y . f N. l-.in .Mi-iiki-I, I-.' 1'. 1. n.t i.t ai y. Support of LnwU-.s. siii' l, i iiolil, M, Williams, 7 1 " lloil-i' I.T Ki'Iii ;,.. s.ipp ri ,. l-rai'l Trntt rf 92 As.y'iiiu. suj piir: of llrrliitcr rrt;,-!-. s,,. Im-ivit, Shirk ami sii uuha. Ii, I SO n 1 s v.. 7- 29 l'lison. li. W. I'u-sni-i'r, Ki'pairs I .Mi 1 1 A. l i in ii'iairs l,,r I'.ml, :u 'iii A, M. SI. i n' ii h sin 11 Ii lull, 9,1 II. I .. W alt' 1.. lalmr nml 111 it. 12 .1 iiiiii-s l-.nll. .-. 1 all r 2 22 All.-ii M i - . .. I al.or U II. I-.. V111, , Jail ln. Si .M M. I I'o li 1 I -xiii to-, l 1 hi ' Lino i. 11:111. y . . ..'i " I.MIO '- li ' 1 . . . il a nl ci'ini'iit, IS 7:1 ' i-ll i-iit" r, 4H 1 . M.) . .lis, .'11 S9 1'iwaril I . ..,i rint;. li i'9 ri. ti. M rli aniiiK jail t) im .1 Im I- lalior i-tu. II 15 ' i-11. t 'I' I.. .Illl'silitt licnri;n irkint. MSI 2 16' 1 ' . . lto,v. i'xpcii!.rii, . ltunklu, luilsi. luel H o. ' " IJ Hi.,.. r l Trt II 6 Uil. VJ , 25 ' 6 75 Arlington ilTtlr. XtU-niluuce on Prinoncr Mai kert, l.i:is Ki-rstcttur, Attendance in risou, Ur A. .1. lliTiiiiin. mi d nttund- iiin-c 011 tico. Maikcrt, I K'::l aiiil Jiritlgo 'iuw Damagps. 1 li. f . Iti.iistri's.'r. I'cnn Ti. p. .1 0-1 j J. . Covt-l t Si'llll i;rovi' horn, S5 IHI 1 John I Ii'iislat-cr, " fill t"i . i.t'oim. Iit'ppcu, " 2'. im Ml I. I 'avis, iniii John II Jarrutt. ICxcriitor, I'l-nii I oviisliii, ,') no I'. A U.K. 1 1 11 1 11 Mil I MillJIi'l'ICik Tu p. .Ml nil TTlinnas Sallrr, " 17 5U Harriet Auriind. ' 17 5ii Uilson llattiiiHii. Friinklln livp.luno 1 liarlos II. stfiniiiKiT, ' lsoon A111.1 111 Kvans, " i!4 (111 C. s. (..rnybill. West Perry twp. Mi (Ml Kuatl V icw Ft ps, J.J.MilV-, it. al. -10 30 liritlges. Miilillelnirt-h iii Id 75 Kreanier ii) 41 56 1. lolie Mills, (21 Mil's: I'nrlline, 41 O I Si-liu-yrove, 1 I.i iver) 1 .VIO 6S ( I'inu sttcct. ) II7IH97 I.eplev'H 3 1 '. t7 I Ish m 72f, 10 si'iun ir 97 1' Sprenkle's A 15 leiserville, 5 50 Wisher's I'i5 3ti Kant.. (21 ai II Hoover's 221:12 I. olio's. .Vil W Wei -i i , 1 Mm no i.ilinin h 72110 Maurers, 1 0.VS37 i:.i 11.K. 5 75 Mi.ltlle. reek. ti 5(1 Mtitiantiii.o, 'i2 00 I'axtoiiville, lis B4 Winters, ma tiooils, 20 tkV Polli'lsox's, 1525 lloyirs. HlW Fr.eliurir. 13'OOH lii uhakeis. 10 ml s pi lit) K rati-rville, 1 611 15 2 M J22 1 iccpii-cd Soldiers, Uiii'ial and TdlllllstlllH S. iluria': I.t, 'aniT. J, llei-kuian Jaeoli Walter, I!. I :inl. Isaac till. P. Il'-i kiinl. Jaeoli t iauler, I!, ''.utiii. Ii.mtul Hare, Toliilislones: muii i .v viurall K Miller, i.-ieoli Waller J. W. Siiokf, " " -I.e. Ionir, '. V,.,y r.v Son, . A. kaliiler I 'aniel Hare, S. S. Hover, W. Wallace, '. ite kin.-in. Pan. llecttmati, lliirial: Mtniuni, s. S. Hover, 3-1 1111 ::5 in 2S on :i5 0il il.i no 15 ill 1. no 15 im 15 (in 15 0 l.M'ill 1 022 20 15 0.1 I5II.I 16 011 r.5 no ii5 no 15 00 35 (HI 3 fill .'I'i on M. Itoyer, John W. siioke, W, Kniflits. T S. J.tiiiiiRlur. lai- liow, liiiriat J.C. Long, M l olriter. " W. II. Colritcr I. 'er;er. '' W. i.es.sinan. l'ii3 51 Printing. II. II. Moycr. Pi i m 1 i.ji County Statement 25 01 court proclamation 13 31 Blank fur Prothonotary koi Flection proc'aiiiation 25 0) J. I. lusher co. st.itclnent 25 00 cuirtpruc. 10 02 Kill 7 Ml Flection proe. 3S 34 sub. to Tlmel 8 DO W7 23 2174 S3 Sli7Jl l.'U'.ts; i.i::. u- 17 i- t n i.si t in exoiiormions h!Io il nnl - V I' S Kill r in. stati'inioit I 'oll. t I. r. sil . to Nt-ivs 111. inks. (, tppr.u.i. 1 flit lilank. ItlaiirtS for rr.itlio':ot 1 v I llnlli-l's I.' tli r Ihm.Is I.i' tun: ami T.11 Nntin . I Ji-i t lull prni'. 1 ... : I. ' rro'lioii 1 11I1, 1. l::in;. s l.nvi'io . i-., in. orii-.. vnn 1 s I 12 12 1 I 1.7 u7 ii. W. ta.-.'ini':ii'i'. Ulan!.. I., k n. 1 I.. I'oiiii'i . oi!i 1 T'lan... for 1 i.-'lioiiolary I'OUI 1 pi Di f..r 21 .'ll I II ll. I I'.r'ps pj: l.i'itiu- i:il,. 1 C lllll' I .t.l I'llll'llt, -j't Itiaiik lion s anil I'mm. : lil. in::, lor Prollioiiolu. y ', I'.lruion pioi-. '.' .1. l.n.nl.anl ininiii,., I l' i t on 1 73 m 13 :u lialltitD -r, i-ouii. v nuitf"iirnt v ai.-. ili-r ami p.t 7 i-.iuit pine. I.t l.iixrloptfs, A.pi'al No i, i s s i-al t'ti' In',,' 1'. ii l-i'ttlllj,' ItH.s 2 ft.ljonr , il ronrl li I t' .'ISO to I l-.i.v." op,- 'inn. -,j i-ali'ini.-i i lol T. -, Nov. I tv:ioii J'ror, 2ri Potl'ls. ,i to, ut in iMiilar I'l-c. T. ti i) A. M. A iiraml. pi itilini; c 11 :-1 prorlatnatioii 1:1 :J2 lilanks ; I'oniiiy st.ili'iniitit, 2. I t'ttlliK I'lll. CK-. 2 I.i tllilX l.llls i'i,' s I k i I lull p.iH lalllation VTj lls. Assussor.1-. As-nient for Spring and Jlili . - wrt K..II - -,vi7 s7 ItcK anil School children .'sis I leaths nml llirths ill? 91 l,ual. llcavet tp assessor. 50 1 393 Erections. Felt Klei'tioiis, Flt etion Itootn Monroe tirp constaliles tecs, I'eli, eiuetioii Kle. 11,111 i.lauks liepair 0.1 .tooths l-.U't lion (illi.-ei for Nov. clee. " Sul'pies " couipuliiiK Keucral eli'i'tiou, lietill 11 JuiIki' to cohi;. confer- eaee, olcrs tiuitles, ! 52 ! 12 i.')S ; ,vi m I III 150 1 .Vi I till I 20 1 195 Scalp Cei'titicates. W I'. Scifrcd c. ul. CL'rtilUates 1.11 Sculps, I'iO 75 Misculliineous. Jacob (iilbert ami. co. ollicc 15 00 l-.lmer sbaiiibiiiTi, jury i-niii. 17 M li. M. Coleman 1321 M. 1. Potter unseated I.. .Ii e, Is 39 Paul ilillliardt, clerk to .I t 0111. 10 00 ll. .V App. Ami. cu. accls l.'m 2.' ;o .1. C. Ili.Hersox, " " 21 :wt 11. A. hliiiulcr ' " 21 IS t al. Stetler clertr to C. auditors 2 00 A. F. liilberl. costs Lcsher vs. Snyder eo. loo li. M. I'oleaian .1. C. Feb. term J 72 C Secbold, boarding Jury Sel- (red v. P. li It. 3 25 Thomas A, Watts, burial Hurry Unvis, tiypsie, 21 So II. II tirliiim. Atty , petition for release C, Shuiilimch, 5 00 P. Ilillhiirdt. clerk to J, com. 1 5o F F Walter livery hire 1 75 11, M Coleman J C June Term H'.H J N Thompson 1 tit order 110. loo and note .May ti, Pol h2 91 I. Hummel Int July 1 on bond 2o 00 C A lloluntler Int. to July 1st on $l5oo note at it per cent 4 00 Fimt Nat, llank, MiddicbuiK, on bond to July 1st, I'.lnl 2ooo II 1) s.'linure, iluinanc for flat liiirrnMcd by tin loin Soo.i J il Ititter, probate tax, ."hi C Kiiouse, burial W A. ills 4:175 1! M Coleman, J C, (let, term s 91 A W Potter, ser in I.e. her case lo 00 1. K et.el. Telegram 5o .1 I Thompson, hit anil Prin on Notes dated Feb i.t, 19ol, Amy ti. 19ol and June 2. LioJ. 11U0 lot on No loo, issued Feb. 2s, Poo, 3 0;9 19 C, Knou..e, paid Peter I'olt., 11 11 1 -.1 like ni Wollaee. lo 00 P. I'.illhiinlt. clerk Jury Co, 1 jo .M i' lieiKcl, iit.ltj and int. dateil June a, I'.iol, 1 o5S ij C A llolender, Prln. nnd Int. on note dated July 1. piol, 1 .'il7 cm licoV. W 11 born. Ten hers Ins. p.iil sj A F tiillier' costs in Lender eue I 00 KM t'oleinaii, J.nmi, lice ', s t.i A Metier, est, prcpariui; ami hippii. tieo. .Markert, 3.5(1 SI, slnve, M. H. servii e on bnr- (lar wollnileil at It illticrvillc. 25 no (i C t.iitelins cipressae, 7 75 1 has sienlnni r Freight etc. 4s7 W li Johnston ,t Co -Liljoiii'ry 21 il'i Win ll tlrcveuicycr A: Co. t." 5 77 M7 00 210 30 ifts ,- 7o2l Court House. J F licit, Pump, Carbon Seebold, spittoons 12,10 2 2 ti 111 ii A tern, repairs. A l S..l.,..i.l,.,l. l.l... .I.-. ..01. 4iil 50 ii 5') 71 105 Samuel Spitler, repairinir chair 11 riiuiK, 011 a'ni matches W. II Spanglcr chloride sulphur .1 11 t.ri-veiucyer .v 1 o l.ln, Aaron Stetler est. Lunihei-- .1 f Stittif.f I .....l...r ..... IVi (III Hi 39 1S7 ki i is 2 10 8 71 Hi s i J W ktinklM M,.rf.l.n..riMA tlelnet Hro, " ' W II Heaver, Stelniiiuer Hro. coal, W It U 1 7132 ...t-j vu..., o ,0 ( W HaMjinr, mat forcupalo 14 91 I I. 0.ITtS,..M Ul l l)l U It Tobias, Salary a Janitor. " Ulior, 1 Vli.' (15 (in 27 00 678 It 90 46 To!aI amount of Kxiicmlilure, 111710 l.i l.illt.t-s. Hon 'ed liel.t .ii'.ete.l tlue Pec 31st, )9o2 o i lloiiill'il dent. 25 ooo oo :-77 31 25 377 31 Dojr Fund. Ass. Is. a I. iii hi mis of ') ri-an Jan. I oJ. Ill 2! .:.t I. ix ;. s.io for l.oj 321 if. ii ,i-i iiiiliii 'lat. .s. ii I o2l dl IJ-iiiievilii: Smitii, Treasurer, in Account w.th -ny.ler Co'ltity for the year 'o'i Hit. ; I ' c iii Imiid ..'an 1, P.. 2 :: iii.7 I.x,.-s Hi.rf la , 14 ii oiitiiy and stale tax as-iess il fo; I 'o" nl .!o7 S9 County and state Tax 19o! aii'lprcv t-.irs oi.tst.imlini; '.9.' lil To amounts received from t.ie folloltit g: A. I'nrilecet iiltaxiHou uii- seeleil laud, ::S 1:1 st.iliou ry sold .'. 13 Al I l'otiei coal for 19 2. li oo sale ol l.utulii-i St linsiovu bil.le te. L7 o2 ai k' i is eli'i-i ts li .il .llllillll y I' .ks. I ep I n Ve; i;er, i . 2i A ,. ..l.l.l e-w.ir 11 ll. Her sler 0s .'lo llverseet haplliau Iwp. I. '.ersletler. ll.l l'.xe on t Jrdc No. Pis ref.iM. le.l, tin 3i.i ;i ilorroiveil Money, iiiooooo S iniu.'l C. I'o.versox note, .i mi Pa t ol Si it" lax r. liii'iic i. ! Ho io .2 I it p. anil li .torn, i.ivcru I .i. enst s 5o oo t'h- ek Juniata Co. joint lui l:,- liep.nr., 3 2 : fl,,-i -.:. lilt f I'l l.1 o-,l..: s ledeeiii .1, II7I"'.'1 i .. percent i oin. on Haine p'l.'lTl i ut.l.iiiiliiii; or iers reeeeinc.l 1 i'7 . .'0 i .. per t ent coin on same it', s.i Personal property tax paid to slate 1 2 ' I . - 7 , Ipt rt.eiit (oiuinis. in iii o;2 59 I-., 1 iivcrn l.leen.i's. p.i.d l';.'s, ami lioroiiu'lis. l'.i:iso'i 5 per cent com Pi hi 2 I III Ml 5 per cent, on 1-5 tav ern lii eii.e paid i o 5lo on 25 5o Taxes ol 19. il and previous cirtt nut-tan. 1 1 hk. t:lo57 Taxes of 19 i' oiil-taniliiiir. 2 1 111 s7 Com Allou ed l ol cciiirs, 417 21 Aliateineiits, li.1!. 1.7 Fxolteratlons, '.'5 27 II, I'll iie l. I'.I 12 l-.xoii. P'ol and prev. years, It',- l"i Ai, t-. " ' I ts Ketui'iis " " 45 loin " " 145 s; Hal. nice in band, 1 4.Mi 91 53 COS 23 liuuicville 8milli, Treasurer, 1)00 Fl'NI). Ina count with Snyile' Co inly for the venr mn. Dlt. Hal. ill ham! Jan, I, lVn! 411 .2 A int. ol tai asse.s i for 19o2, 321 36 ' outslaiitliug i9ol and nnd previous jeaiii, 2S32I 1 oSl 81 - p . . Aint paid J. Cnlvin Moyrr( 11 5o ' tieo H. Poiitum, 16 oo TreiiH. Coin, on iiime 'l pfr ct. 68 Com. Allowed CollectorM, lJol and previous yeum 7 1'J Exoiit'ratiuns lHui, mid previmi Mr, o So Oiit'ttundiiiff t ix Aor 19ol and pri'vnuiH yeitrH, 9'i 14 OiititaiiiliiiK tux fur lio?, v.'l A int. piud Int. hind. -fo Cm. nn Diiplitnti of I '., M 27 LxoiiLlatMni! on dup. if I'.iu'i, 2 '.12 HiiliiiK-c in hand, -loH t'i 1 o'Jl SI Vo,th nniliT-itrtu'd Auditirn. in and for the Ctmnty of Snyder, Mate of lYiifiylvamu do hiTfliy certify, that in the ilim-haw of tin; du tu'fi do.olvitiK upon tm hy law. we nick at t tie t 'ourt Hoiho of the County aforcsjii ), on the Int Monday of January A. I). lUo.'l (it huinjf t"e tlfth Hay of the month) to audit, Kettle and ad jiift the aeeount of tue tieverul othceii of naid eoimty, whofie aeeotiut it in our duty to audit. Mettle and adjust, and that we find the forego injf Mtutt-meiiti correct CllAS. M AKHO(iAS.',) .1. M. HOY Kl, '-Auditor 11. M. A..ilvi, i 7(1 1. 77 C2 150 75 11. H.tiiilMM, Clerk. Boarding House at Portage, Pa., Blown Up to Hide Double Crime. TWO DEAD AND TWO INJURED Finding of Bodies After the Explosion Revealed Mysterious Crime Be tween $800 and $900 Missing Many Other Buildings Damaged. Johnstown, Pa., Feb. 10. A dastard ly attempt to hide robbery and murder resulted In the wrecking by dynamite of an Italian boarding house at Por tngo, this county, early yesterday morning. Two persons are dead, two are Injured and a score of others had mira'.'iilous escapes from death when the explosive let go. The concussion broke the windows In all the buildings for nearly a square and did some other damage. The dead are: Tony Grlllo, aged 41; Mrs. Tony Grillo, aged 41. Kalph Tellilido and Joo Destavo were seriously injured. The scene of the afTalr was an Ital ian boarding house occupied by Grlllo, his wife, throe daughters aud about 23 boarders. When the explosive let go the in mates were hurled in all directions, but the most of them escaped serious In jury. The bodies of Grlllo and his wife were found buried beneath the ruins of the building, which was completely demolished. The boarders are all employed about the railroad at Tortage. They had no occasion to use dynamite, and none of the explosive was known to be In the house, yet persons familiar with its use say that at least 25 pounds must have been put off under the room where Grlllo and his three little girls slept. It was stated that Grillo had between $G00 and $700 and his wife $200 more in the house, but non of lo 69 MLHDEUED AND IlID Prices Our stock is new and up totlate. It is no trouble to show gotuls and quote prievs. REPAIRING neatly nnd promptly done. Lewistown Furniture Co,. No. I2i4 Valley St. I tne money una jc. ucen louna, anu ' the theory is that It was stolen by some one who killed the couple and then i exploded the dynamite to cover the crime Evidence wnich developed yes- terday afternoon tends to strengthen , this theory. The coroner's examination disclosed ; the fact that Grillo's head was crushed j n a it liif cs-ti n linnvv Inut rntnnn f nnil ii uiu ti a j iiioii uiut in, unit . , his ribs won? all caved in. Further liii'luiii n all Ladies investigation is being made. ! tin. holidays, so ;i.s (,, ;v Among the places damaged were the . . . " . Exchange, Honey's and Yerkley's Ho- iu,l.v il (',,:m' to '"'.V " t.pi tels, the offices of Strieker & Coflleld, : co'it l.tfurc Christmas -a ;! Alexander right s jewelry store and Silverman & Goodman's general store. The entire population of the town wan aroused. Shortly before the explosion a man was seen running away. A WOPAN'S AWFUL CRIME Confessed to Killing Husband and Burning Body In Kitchen Stove. -j Month ello, N. Y., Feb. 9. Mrs. ; Lafayette Taylor, of Centrevllle, Sul- llvan county, j'eslenlay t ur.fe.-iied to having killed her husband. I.afiyette Taylor, nnd burned the botiy. on Jan- ' nary 25 to escape detection. Taylor disappeared on the night of January j 25 aad was supposed to have de.srt"d j lii.3 family. On February 5 Mis. Tay- 1 lnr nllfitinitnd In Knll n lint'KO In n fori treville man, who would not buy for J 4-10 Market St., SUNKl'IiY, fear Taylor might come back and claim ! Three doors east of the Market H It. Mrs. Taylor told him to rest easy on j . that point, for she had killed him and burned his body. The 14-year-old daughter of the Tay lors was asked about the story her mother had told about having killed I x true. Mrs. Taylor was arrested, 4W 1 , yesterday made a full confession. Her story Is that her husband, who was a hard drinker, came home on the night of January 25 very drunk and began to abuse her. She secured a re volver, which she had purchased a few days before, and tried to frighten him, He attempted to take it from her, and In the struggle it went off, the bullet striking him over the eye and killing him instantly. She was so frightened for fear of being arrested for murder that she decided to cut up the body and burn It. Her 14-year-old daughter wit nessed the shooting and helped her to cut up the body in small pieces with an axe and burn it in the kitchen stove, together with the clothing of the victim. The burnt bones were ground fine and fed to the hens. The blood spots were covered up with paint. Mrs. Taylor says she confessed be cause the crime haunted her. The daughter has not been arrested yet. Endorse Slave Pension Bill. Fort Worth. Tex., Feb. 9. At the regular meeting yesterday of the R. E. Lee Camp, United Confederate Vet erans, a resolution endorsing Senator Hanna's bill to pension former slaves was introduced by the state historian. Judge C. C. Cummings, and passed by an almost unanimous vote. The reso lution urges that Texas representa tives In congress support the llanna measure to the extent of rewarding ex-slaves who remained at home, with in the ages set forth In the bill, or those who went with their masters in the war, but that those be excepted who were inlisted in the United States volunteer service and already are on the pension list. Earthquake at Owcnsboro, Ky. Owensboro, Ky., Feb. 9. A distinct earthquake shod; was felt here at fl.45 o'clock last ni.ht. Pictures were shaken from walls and tables In tho second stories of -nany houses. The shock was also felt at several other Kentucky towns nnd by some In Illi nois. Killed While Playing With Pistol. Wilkcsbnrre. i'a.. Feb. 9. While playing with a ioaile l revolver yester day, Louis K'' I shot ami killed his companion. Tlioaias Mossip. They ara both 17 years of age and well eon nected. Peel w.--.. arrested and placed la the city p:'-t it tor a hearing. Ilia Own Crafty Way. Fusilby Human nature is a funny tiling. It was said I bad quit drink ing, and everybody I met asked mo to take something;. Glassby And you couldn't accept. Poor fellow! Fusilby Oh, yes, I accepted every time. It was I who started the re formation story, you know. Boston Transcript. Felix Block Notice Special Goat Saltf Attlie.NEW ST( 1;k. We have decided to n.nke JH ice. to-tIa . l'liif sale will j;,, ;,,. We will custoiiiers when thev , jiiii'ts. Kciiieinlier, every teal . new and the styles are In until, JSjiiriiil liargaiiis in !!J; Coin lot-tables, Untleric,,r, (Joodr.. Come in ainl sn, trouble to show goods. A sjieeially grantl lot nl'.;,, make .selections from. F, CSenimd FURNITUI -.tMimO 'wm i t j m JJoyou need anv tn-nitum If so, don't fail to eon'.!o( J store and get our prices. We can suit youii style and price from the chearf est to the bati grade. Hard wood, golden oak lit r Only $12.5 rtiattrcsses - 51. 1 Bedsprlngs $m Good XV laid 4. 3T nnmol 33 ecu 1 -witli JSTOi'ing 4- so.q t liaim, Rockera, C'oiu lies, Si- hoards, rsnry unci cheap Ei J, tension Tallica, lloby Carrlat" i una (jo-caru. I M. HARTMAN FURNITCRE V MlfllililiurK ri N0TIC4 ADMINISTRATE Urn of Ailiulni.'.r Polly Null, lute ot Pi County, In., deieJ-e l ,,n in tli i , . y tolVII"lr nlivinK li" -rsiins kni; to the umleNlKiiei9 all i Milvca indebted to Juid i siiite lire mA iniike liniuediiittt tMivineu;, w hili- ll11 elilillis HKllitlst tile said t St, Ite will P" dulv niltlu ntienteil to the iim,I,t-ik" in ank ui.iuii:mi m il .1 M-.WT. IIOlt.MIKItiil.ll, Ailm ' Dec. s, i!ii,2. M-. JMfn-.1i'1 ' DR. KIDNEY Backache All diseases of K'.-'aeys, CI) Biaoaer, urinary o ana. Also Rheumatism, Jack sche.HeartDlsease ravel Dropsy, Female Trc ..'lies. Ttnn'fe ti.AAm. imfl ffftd. cure for vou. If nn -siiry writ?!. i line, citrlnf 110 mis spent a nit vises as yours. All e.iiisuUatloul HVn... T. 1 ,1 .... W nt cured two very bad cases t""""! mors the past year whomtli! given up, AskforConkM Druggist. 50c., It Am IIVIlAin a MAP Purf .VIIUyUAnULienncr, EiaitTlires-iil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers