MIDDLEBURG POST. )ry Goods, ;.rocsriest hardware. hueensware. aTHEl DUNDOBi S 8 0BEiv; j invite all to my store niul call your attention to my line of, Notions, Drugs, Tinware, Glassware, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoos. 3!M0 K! 'UH rilCL-Wia 13AU QUI UiilQI i;. .t S-day Clock in market my priiv, $2.00. l-'aiii-v Park Outings, ov. up. 'H,t seamless drain lings, 20c. I'.inriiy Whips. l.V, 20c, 2,"c, 3 He, fOe. frit Window Shades, 10c. Table Oil Cloth, l.V. .1 r.nc filUUO. WatGh my iarkets fr P.iitter ami l'V. I-,im' a1"1 I,'""ry- 1 always pay iimro than my coniptiitoi N. T. Dundore, UUINDORE, PENNA. Divorce Notice. itrnwser, ) 1" Hie Court of I'oiiimoii "" - l'le in of Snyder I . Mo. slriwser, ) V, October Term, I'-H-. In Divorce. :,r L strnwiwr: You arc lictcby notill- :he uiiiliTniKiicil, an Mantt-r, duly ap- l,r tlio Court of I oiiimon I'lt-a ol iiy .Ill nit fur tlie purpose of taking v'ln die above styled caw at tlio ollleo VIer. Ksmi., In Middleburirli. on ,-, Kehrnary lltli. 1W3 at 10 o'cloeK A. n nJ where you may attend. M. I. I'OTTKU, Mas'er nrdi. I'a . Jn. 13lli. 1 H- Qt) Laxative Bronio-Quinine Tablets Moists reinnoi me money n u curt'. J" liwe signature h Imx. '-;,e ATTORSKT AT LAW, MlDDLBBURS, PA. lasiiiJB entrusted to his car civ nroiunr aupnnou. R. Pottiegeis VteriNarY sUrceoN. SEl (vSUROVE, PA. vltsd mdiJ f HBlneu entrusted to my care m .f. wnfnljr.fTA'nn.. . (NDOR HOUSE W It. I!l TI.F.K, rroprlotor Market Si., Harrisburjr Fa., jpinwite I. It. It. lie-.xit Kntranee) ullcil lor All I'rnlni3fc k 2S;ind 50c. Good Meals, ZjC CDurt Proclamation. UMltttKA.S the Hon. ilnrol I M. M-t'lure 1'iusideiit.liiiliro u: the Jddleiai Unmet CUIIIMletl Itf till- roillitip III S.Vitr, 4f.l i inlnti ami l'e'er K. Weitle ami Z. T. liern-bt-rllnir, K-ii'., Asmitmto .lUt' in hihI lor.u dor county, Imve issued (heir ireeeit, tiearinu ilute thu Mil day ol Deo. A. 1., l.MJ. l tue llrecteil lur the luiltiliiK olan I irpli:im' t'uiin, u euurt ol l-eiiiiuon I'lt-us, euiirt id Cyer an. I Ter miner and (leneriil Court ol quarter Sessions in I he I'caee, at Ihlillelmrith, inr the com Snyder, on the 4tli Monday, (lielnir thfi -itrd ilav ol Fell. I'.iu.'!), and to continue one week. A"ticc ii ihtii'li.i-e licrcoy iMw-i. ,.v . . er, .lustieiii ul the 1'enee and IJniistiilili-s in u-. lor thu county ol Mij iler, tu -iiimr in thu proper pcrmiu khIi their rolln. recuriln, I im u ih iioi, eamlnatioi! ami other rciuemhraiu't.. to do lloie tliliiHH which of their utllec an. I u their -eliall parialn lo tio done and wltm' and purfiomi iiroKecutin in hchall ol the i'oin iniinwealth auainilan pernonor peritoni are re iulred to lo then and there atteudni and d l arllnir without leave at their peril. .Iimttcc are rc'iuoted to he piineluiil in tneirattemUu at the appiiiiited timo airieu.ildy to notice, iiien under mv Ihiii.i i st-tiljit i'i" shri" oltlre in Mlddlet'iirKh, the ')! day ol .tan. A. II., one tUo'iNUiid nine hundred anil three. t HAS. K. SAMI'Si:!.!., Shenll. (Iniid aeconiiiioiliitions. If 0 Ladies vVanted SS.50 Sample Outfit rivil'c. lr.Seoti" I lei-trir ,'rt'!. -1i in-lit front, Xa!iire'ovn remedy (m, il.ickaehc, Nervona'ieH, lo'li-ce-tiou. Ilenilael.e. I.iver mi l h'.d M V Ti-..ulili ; jinee f I to 'l. ir. Hi oil'-. Hair l!rnln". fur Tallin;,- lliiir; priei'. fl 'lollel arti. lei. Write for I ilie'al 'I erini (i. A. Scott, 870 IVway N. V. IJKtilSTKIt'SNOTIl'KS. Notice Is HercDv ir v Ak en that I lie followluif named p"rHons Jlmvc n'ca tncir Aiiiiiiiiisiruiors', ouiiKiiiin, ami K evtilorH1 aecounts lulhi! K'vltur'HOnii'O olSny. der l oiiuty, una the miiuo will be presoiited lur Sonllrmnilon ami itiinwitnco lit the court House u .tllddloburgli, Monday, Feb. i), 19t 3. 1. KirHt and partial aecoimt of Kate M . Keeley and t'haunccy A. Ket ley. Kxocutoraof the hint will and 1 emollient ol . . Kcelev. lute of JfJI uxuravn . t'a it we'd . . , , - r lion ami nnai account of J. II. Kinliel, a ininlalrator of the extatc of I atlierine i'.ishel, ate oi nrnimrrovo, ra tteceacil. II, I'lrHt and II mil account of (leo. C. Kilmer. Adm'r ofthoelnto of Kliz, Holder, late of rtiiii t'A p , uee it. I. I'll kI and final account of Jennie . Mover Administratrix of tlio estate of William '. -loyer, late of IranUlin tup., deed. .'i. K rst ami li mil account of I., r. nmlcliarli H I'i'ielil'-y lelinioUtralorH of the estati of l-'lvd-eri. U Keii hlev, late of .oiir.ie tw p., dee d. i. l-'ir-t and llnal aei'Mimt of Lucy A .i.''r. Admini-ratiiv ol the estate of ..'ero'iiic Ai(tlcr late of lieav r twp., lire d. 7. Sreund an I llnal ac ieinl of A. . Hell !!, j;narui.'i n of I. tip I !. .-i h. li, inimr tiand 'f 1 1 1 t of iie.iiv;i e!mutc, tale of ell ni-xrove, ilie.l. ft 1 i'Vi; -'v.""' -W'-J Don't forget the old v.-.:-ith the fish on his back. For nearly thirty years Ik- s been traveling around the :rU, and is rtill traveling n rising heal.'.; ..id comfort . :ierever be goes. To the consumptive he rings the strength and tlcsh o so much needs. To all weak and sicklv .'lildren lie gives rich and .lengthening food. To thin and pale persons - gives new firm llesh ard :h red blood. Children who first saw the 1 man with the fish are now own up ami have children their own. lie stands for Scott's Fmul n of pure cod liver oil a .lightful ford and a natural nic for children, lor old folks :id for all who need llesh and .rcngth. SCOTT . EOWNE. Chomists, 09-415 I'iarl etrutt, N 'wYork. 60c.anci Sl.OOi z.i clrutls! s. llltr t oilKb rn H mi lor i ll Live HromM.i'.iii)ine 'latilets ctu'e liUHtiuy. cute, no pay. J rice ts. TTHIXS' XOTII'K. Notice in lierehy n that letters testaiiientary upon the es I Henry .Meiiirlc, late of Perry town- nyth-r Co., I'a., dee'd, have been iiisued form of law to the underHiuned, to whom klebtt-il to said estate Hhoiild make iiiima torment and those haviiiK claims nKainsi nlil iiresenttheiu duly authenticated for Pneiit. I'ltiLli' . FriiXBK, 1 vxclltors easanl Mills. Jan. 211 03. pCECLToK'S NOTICE,-Xotice is fhy clvcn Hint letters tcHtuinr-ntary up- .niie of Hcnry;il. HIckcI, lino or Imre. Snvdcr Couiitv. iVunil.. nl, li.ive been Issued In duo form of law uiiiIitsIl'iik I. to whom nil indebted lo late should make liniiiodlntii piivnient iwe Ihiviiik claims fisalust It, slinuld pre- nuuuiy auilienllcaled for semcinuni. ( 'li a li i.i itt I' ii-i:i:l.. 'btiTKii. ia.. jn is. urns. Executrix. PKHMAXKXT NIH AIIO.N. Iiil weekly for serviced either on wlary JipMiwB paid, or commission, to take or tur niir (nirden Seet.ii; nlso Kruitn and "i We carry a full line for the Kami and ('iodeners, so that a live man cannot 'i u.ecccd, as he ban the facilitici. to whir all kindt of trade and with differ wot iiistoiiicra, Writo at once for 'lo llrrrlrk Srril Coiiiiuiy, Hoehcstcr, N. Y. UnageUa: Wanted. i rustwortliy, F-ITHEJEv SSX, BY '"'i'.-:!!!' Mi.rc'.mlisi. Cmiipnny '''I 'hiiiiuial htniuiiiig, to manage I'irs' ami ilnal ; ami in. V. e and e an I tiMamt'lil oi Ali, IVr.l le..Ver -W.. l. lit .. . Ill .1 Intel . of e Weiaild f Hie la-l will Uii.iml, hile of I 'ii --t :iml li n it ae. o'i-it of Thomas A. Ili rtohl a lni'p. nl tne rit iteuf ii.ivid lUrrold, late oi ( 'liopiuan twp.. dm- d. J. II. VI l.l.lr-l. It.uist. r Maidli-burK, I'a., .'ati'i.uy Z, 110.1. t'll)(i S' AI'I'llAISKMKNT.s.-.NolIci' Is here. b.v ulven tli.il 111" lollowlir,' ido'-vn' Ap priil.seineiils nndi-i tliefliHilaw, have been Hied with the Clerk ol I he (u p inns' Court of Snyder co iniy forcoiiflimailon l'eb. ai, iiioj. 1. Appraisement of Siisuiimt Krat.er, widow I-'ranklin Krat.er, late of I'eiiii township, de ceased, elected to bu taken under the Idtio.uu ex eniption law. 2. Appraisement nf Annie B. Snyder, w idow of .Miles O. Snyder, late of Seliiiskrrove, I'u., de censed, elected to be taken under the fcltlj.io ex emption law. .1. Appraisement of Susmi Arhogtist, widnw of Jacob 0. Arbotrast, late of Spring twp.. di-e'd elected to be taken under the f-iOU (10 vxcniptioii luw. 4. Appraisement of Susan llrouso. widow of J. ti. Hrouse, late of Jackson twp., dee'il., elect ed to be taken under the Milium exemption law. 5. Appraisement of Susan A. Ott, widow of Henry A Ott, late of Hcliiisj-rove, Pit., dee'd , elected to be taken under the i ilW no exemption law. fi. Appraisement of Sallio .1. tlmss, widow of A. J. (truss, Inteof Selinsrove. Pa,, dect-ased, elected to lie taken under the Id 0 1)0 exemption law. l'ltorilOVOTAIIV S Aci-Ol'XT. Kirst and l'inal Account of William 'rcnc, (uardian or ' 'olnliiittce of hli.a t'eese, Iittj of beaver lownihip, ilee'd, II M. MM M)i:f Clerk O. C. Nov. -iX 1903. FILIPINO BANDITS ROUTED Fifteen Killed In Engagement With Constabulary. Manila, Too. 10. A force of 100 con stabulary, under Inspector Keithlcy, on Sunday defeated a body of 200 liiiiur gonts near Mariqnina, a small town seven miles from Manila City, after a povoro pnrjnrienipnt... In which Inspector Harris nml one man of the constabulary were killed and two other men of the constabulary wounded. The enemy left 15 (lend and three wounded. Inspector Harris' home was at Atlanta, C5a. T!'.'1 buiiy of iij.-tur:;ents formed tlie 1 nv.iin fovce of th" Irrecom ilable General , San Mii d'-I. 'I'lie constabulary wi re ilii.liil ii'.in three detachments, wlii-ii wi-re .M-nini'vj; in l'ie Manuriina Val ley. 'I'iie iletai'hnient ciimmandml liy IiivMfi !'ir Harris t aiee upon the oni-r.iy. who were I'l ;i ili'nii' iy M lenclieil pn-lil-MI. Ilirperior HtiM'l.s f"!l at I'l" lii; l volli y, lteln:; bil I've limes. Tin; ih iai Imi'.i rt of ciin.Mt'b'.tl.iiy. tilt lio.i-V. in;; tin:!. in . il. lr Id its position ir,:: ;i v,'m t inr K.ith!ey with the main force i'.rrivei!. wtn-n the eiierny wi re put to rout. 'I'a ir beadipiai'ters were c::p ture l itml b'.irneil, and ihe i-oiistabul'iry K ize, the records of General Sm Miguel, who claims that he Huceeciii-il to the command of the insurrectionary tones when the other generals sur rendered. He. has only a handl'iill of men under him, and his operations have been of no consequence. The wounded Americans are all severely injured. PASSED ANTI-TRUST BILL Measure Goes Through the House 3y Unanimous Vote. Washington, Feb. 9. By a unani mous vote, 245 to 0, the house Sat urday passed the anti trust bill. Thu closing chapter was devoid of est lt p.ient. For three hours the D.-nioi rats offered a series of amendments tie signed to place "teeth" in the bill, but th.y were cither ruled out oi' order or vt-tod down by a strict party vole. O'l o; x.y one vote were the poii.i ! rn:i!.s bi-'ihcn. It was on nil amcudaient m fere 1 by Mr. Thomas (Deni.). oi Iowa, to make the filins of returns Iik ti'i. :.' upon all corporations mandatory, on that amendment seve:i Kcptihlli a: voted with the Hem iri;Ui. The bill as parsed ii nuiiT. cor;a r. tions "liereaU 'r or:; tni:'.cd" lo 1:1 ' r -tun:s coverini; Its articles of inc-.ir-poraiion. linancial composition. i-'.:.i;-tion, etc.. wiih tlie iuterstai ci i". mcreo coi'itaissiea ca penalty of be:!: ; resir:'.ineil f.-oni c!i:::r;iii ; in i'l'er-; common e, preit l i': ". pi .i'i l:--; 1. r false reitini-i, e:e. Ti'.o coiici i- :i 1-: piven autli.'iriiy in its .liscreiir;: to c:ul for similur reti'rr.s 'run exisliti-; ( or porations d dn;: an imtvst;:!-' imsiitest. The coi'ttiii -sinii i-; t'.iven power 'o compel th.' answer to qicsl ions, and a fine of not to coved $.",11110 is imposed for failure to olcy l lie commission in this respect, ltebalea by carriers is made punishable by a fine of not less than $1,000, and corporations violaiim; the provisions of this section are for bidden the use of the instrument tli tics of intersiale commerce. Carriers are prohibited from Imowinsly (ran: port ins articles produced, manufact ured or sold in violation of the Sher man act. In cases of prosecutions, no person is oxen-vd from testifying on the ground that such testimony would tend to incriminate him, but for smii testimony the witness is not to be prosecuted. The circuit courts aro given jurisdiction in cases of violation, and it is made the duty of district at torneys to institute proceedings to pro vent violations and individuals dam aged by violations are given authority to sue. PRESIDENT DECLINES Mr. Roosevelt Refuses Allies' Invita tion to Act as Arbiter. Washington, Feb. 7. - l'r :-id. r.t Iloosevelt lias declined the itiMlaiivl of the allied power:! to arhi'iulo tlio question ns to whether they slmll re ceive preferential treatment in the settlement of their claims against Venezuela over the other creditor na tions. He reached this decision yester day afternoon and instructed Secretary Hay to dispatch a note to the British embassy at once, advising the British ambassador to that effect. The mat ter, therefore, now will be referred to Tl e Hague tribunal. This will result in the immediate raising "f the UVT ade. '. gj Immediately on receipt of Hay's note announcing tlio presfh declination, the British ambassador ad dressed a communication to Minislet Bowen, stating that be was sufferiir; from an attack of tlio gripp", ani would be obliged if Mr. Bowen would call on him. The Veii'vuelan envoy went at om e to tin emlia-'in', wl1- ;'- the liiitish nmbas-ador c plain--i i'i :: he had been too ill to call for s -v- ': days, and announced the arrival of .; protocol, which li" v-.s prepare I t : jaibtr.it to Mr. llov.-. n f -r si r -i ; . Later I ':" U i':'i'"i mini. :' r. I !: e-i 1 Sternberg, called on Mr. Bow mi i'n I i niintiiiiKi d the arrival of his pi otor,.-.. ; Today's program iinitnlcs preliminary preparations for tip- signing of t!,. protocols. It developed that two pro toeols are to be s-lgned by Mr. Bowen with the Italian ambassador, Sigi'.or Mayor des l'lanelies; two v.iMi th British nnibassailor, and two with Hi German minister, Baron Spec; von Steruburg. for infants and Children. Cast aria is t iainiles siiltstidtto lor 'ii-(r Oil, I'aio jtorie. Drops .ntl Sootliiu; Syrups. It is llo;iiint. It contains neither Opium. iIoi phiiiei nor otlior Nan-olio stilotatico. Jt Uesliovs M'orins siikI ailas r-vri-.lii:-s. It cures Diaiiiio a :inl Wind 'olic. It n-llexcs Teclli inyr TrouLL-s ami cures Constipation. It regulates u Stomach ami 1 towels, nhitiir In-all liy ami natural leep. The (.'hittlrcn's ramu-ea-The .'-iother's Crieiitl. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bcaio t:io Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. tt Mimnav frn- i T WWlVoitu riTV liberal Adjustmeizts- Pro:vipt Pavme H. HRRVEY SCH0CH, GENERAL iNSt rANCE AC ENGV t'mly tlio J1 Jest, rtrouj v , ('.isli Companies, I'i lv, Lii Ac iiieiit and Tornai'" Ko Astessinents m si no Mirfrrri-rf - The Aetna Founded " Homo u " Aiiicrican ' The Stand ai d A; The New York 1 . The fidelity Mm Your FatroEac No Pre mill IT; 'i'oteg. , IMS) Assets 11,0 ,1..88 is5;i " n,s;i,t;:!S.'l 1810 " 2,40 ent Insurance Co . Insurance .i Life Association : PT'icitecl- n in Buy ii ..e-l:'.! eareuni; ei. Jlo tin- .-.v VotUl Tr'i'iuii" l-'.-'i n:ei', New-Voik t iiy, for a free s-m-'mh'i:i copy. ' 1" 1 1 - - Tn'. tie I 'ai 'in'!' is a N:.t ional I .!: 1 rail -I A-;t :ci;!.nr tl W. ' !y for l-'anit-- -:iTnl lit. ir la i-liii -. aid ' ...'I - at lie' l-e.ei ,t tin- a 'i i' l1!: "I I .' I I '- pi i'-e i- . .o.i i r i a r, I ml il "ii ! ' ' , l oil i-a i. .:ie ii w ith ; our o .. i, ; i i I 1; cal ti, w s,-i..-r, i in- I'o-l, M i-l-l!i-l.iii g, al a bjilViiiu. colli 1' i" i- '"ii si ii only 1 o. Si-mi your orb- and nininy to, l'ni, M iileleliill '.:, I'a l-armflr I mi r 'i r si a. viy hi! n j'-T'- iSohGols and Courses of Susquehanna 3 Pciinn 'A Among consumers. ft'- cent wived for our customers. .. BUSINESS '0 experimeut lint a proven success. Salary 18.00 a week, lnses ailvHiiPMl. Kvneri. S u,,necessry. ? H. CLARKSOX, Manager. u 3,14 Dearborn St., Cuioago, 111. A Steadv Income. rUrr Of ftlmmt.-u. n.t-l i.i tiwui Vtjr?' .'eqidre local and travel I ng agenU . 'Crcttl di.txna nf nmilnnU All ittM w trne '" whole or part time. uniTl Kuaranlee profitable and ploaa- Cmpir, Berhcster, W..T 'I VN 1 "Silver Plate thai Wears." The trade mark "1847 $5? on Spoons, Forks, etc., is a guar antee of quality the world over. The prefix 1847 insures the genuine Rogers quality. For sale by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue No. 191 , to Inttrnitlanal Silver Co. MtrUtn, Conn. A Peculiar Railroad Accident. Buffalo, la., Feb. 10. F. II. Croft and his wifo were seriously Injured nnd their 5-year-old daughter was killed in a peculiar accident here yesterday. As a Hock Island freight train, drawn by two locomotives, was passins, the sec ond engine and several cars Jumped the track, and a loaded car plunged .through the passenger station, In which Croft and his wife and child were standing. Live Stock Markets. East Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 9. Cattle were active; prime steers. $.")iii 5.2!i; cows, J.7",ffi4 : heifers, $:!..r0'ii -1.25; bulls, :'.'( -I; fresh cows, $."of per head. Veals strong; tops, $!I.25(?j 9.75; common to good, $r).r0'f; !. Hogs fairly ttctive; heavy, JT.O.'i'fi 7.10; mixed. $7.0Ti : Yorkers and pigs, $7; roughs, $i;ift 0.2.1; stags, f.lf 5..rt. Sheep find lambs were steady; lop lambs, f (i.fi.li'i t.i'.r; culls to good, ?I.-T)(f( li.fiO; yearlings, $ri.2.")W S.r(l; ( Wi s. ?l."iO(T; ..r,r,; op mixed sheep, $i.uWi -I.75; culls to good, $2.2.") it 4. in. t ".:') ': ';'. " .. " ' . n. - c ":: wc 1 rt. aiiy ; ciioiee, , 3., if, j.2"i; prime M.905i ii. It;; good, ifl.tiof l.S.'i. Hogs wora active; prime heavies, $7. la; me diums. ff'-ICfi 7.15; beavv Yorkers, $7fip 7.05; light Yorkers, $(!.:!0(i; (i.ll.'i; phis, $rj.80f;'t".;:.'; roughs, $5.5iW O.Iiii. Sheer, "-re higher; best wethers. $I.S0(ii5; nil's and common, Sl.7PTi2: cholc? lambs, "fG.3Sfff6.B0; veal calves, $7.50fJ8. GENERAL MrthrMila Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 9. Flour wna steady; winter supeline, $2.7()ifi' 2.SM); Bennsylvania roller, clear, $3.10 (6l'3.25; city mills, extra, 12.95ffi3.10. Hye Hour was quiet, at $3.15(Jj)3.20 per barrel. Wheat was firm; No. 2 Penn sylvania, red, new, 80V&C. Corn firm; No. 2 yellow, local, 54 Vie. Oats were quiet; No. 2 white, clipped, 44c; lower grades, 42Vi Hay was steady; No. 1 timothy, $19 for large bales. Beef was steady; beef hams, J19fft'20. Pork was firm; family, $20. Live poultry, 13e. for hens, and 9(&)9V4c. for old roosters. Dressed poultry, 13c. for choice fowls, and 10c. for old roosters. Butter was steady; creamery, 28c. per pound. Eggs were steady; New York and Pennsyl Tanla, 20c. per dozen. Potatoes were steady; choice, 6870c. per bushel. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so nrvnlent that it Is not uncommon for a child to be "ret iC-isT aiflic'.cd v:tr veak k.r ' neyT. !' ch.'d ur!L- PV ' t 'tn, if tllO h-:n the child -i.ould bo able to Sit I J I t Vs University, Selfosgrov Pa. .1 2 - urine scalds the ties'' reaches an are -.liwi! control the p jsaja. It is yet afflicted with led-wettinjj, depend upon it. the caure of ths difficulty Is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards tlie treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due lo a diseased condition cf the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as Vomcn as wed as men are mada mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, In fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamphlet tell ing all about it, including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blnghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. TKACIIKIW COlMK.At Ihi time special allciilion i- tailed to this eoiirst'. It is iiileiiiled tn ailviinee llie ciiieieiiev mi l ciiniiii cinieity (d'tlio.-c wlio tcacli (luring llic Wintir. ami al-n to prepare for t.-aeliiiie;. Tin- entire coiiim- covers linir yenr.-, all d wliieli can lie taken ly teaeliers witliotit iiiti i i'iiplioii of tlicir woi k in tin- M'liiinl-i'oiiiii, ami le;nls up to a ptiinaiieiit eerlilicate ni.d otiier advantages. Tliis meets 11 lone- Celt want nf teaeliers w lio must e.1111 their education with nn-tioie salaries and oilers! excellent (iniioiiiinitics lid- steadv advancement. Ti adici -- -ind tlio.-c who ! wisli to pi't pare MiceessCiillv lor tcaeliiiio; slioitld imt fail t" :ii-(iiaint tlicniMives I it 1 1 v- with tin- I'eiit lits to In- del 1 veil Iruin tins course. llns year tin: term la tins April li, 1 !':!, and elnsi s Jnly 'J'.i, r.'l'-',. l Apeiises are verv low. Write fur lull particulars. Ml'SK-AIi CONSKItYA TORY AND ( )LI-I'.(il'. I-'CK YOUNG LADIKS. I )e,urrc( s inn! J 'iplcm.is (Jranttd. Tlie .;pnii,ur urui lie-ins April 1, r.i(i;'i, and closes June 17, 1 !":'.. jncial arrai',o( im nls liave 111 made for a lare nttei'daia -e Cor Ml'SiC and (.llitr stiulie--. 'l'lierc is a .-pleiidid ( (iiii'se in K!neii;iit. I''.ieililii .- are imwliere licttcr. Tin; work is in t linroe of an alile c"i'i-el' t( mi-Ik i s w lin r ink it !i lu st any wliere. 'J'lu- larc iiiiposio lidn -' M ill lia-all tlie nioik 111 con vi-tiienees. Tlie eiiviroiinn iit is lioine Ilk.' and -;u ei.ts can n-l .'i-nr-'d tliat their daiii-liters will lie 'dvcii tin- 1" i e in- n ev.-rv ivuv. T'ic elimati' is very Iiealtlil'ul and tlie snri'oiiiuiii.!; .-e. m rv i-:dl tlmt eniilu le dt.-im Stlltlt lit"- enlllt' ll'nlii lie- '.i -- (.!. -' 'I '.'i - e ;.'"U-' ' -, iidvi'iit i'i-e (il'nt least a lee: terms awav at Colli ''". Tie- tlav lias riorr.e of Swamp-Root. Sha Ob)Mtd. "Barling," whlupered the young tmj with the "Bard of Atoii" lockf," "would tXat I were that Arweaiaa mg ever at your feet." "Get out!" exclaimed the practical girl; "I don't want any man evtr at my feet. I want one thatwouhtgo eutend hustle and make a riing for both ef Os." Chicago Dally Ktws. sent In 1 Our :iu neliy 'II when tin- "iris were kept a' Imim-, mid '-'.lv tin- In Jiates are very roa--'oiinlilt-. Write inr eatulnmn- and panier.l us. I'O.MMKliei AIi C()ri:K. An i:i.-.ca-iii- iiiiiolit-r oCyoun- p- ix.m arc liialine; lin-iaiive jiositinii-i at llic (-! tii'i.i-' d.'-k and in ni'ii-rs. lo meet this dt maud i'ic Univi-r-it .- oilers a t i i r n ! 1 and cHiciont t'ninmur eial t'oiir.-e, e(itisis:;iiir et I',(.ok ! . "i'jr, I'eniiu'.n-liip, liortliand, (Viin tmrcial Law, etc. All or ;::iv C these .-nl-jivts may In- pur-ued. l'tsitln .srciiriiij; a superior ('omint-reia! Ootn-se, our f-ttidents enjoy I he addii'dial advantages of a (iyninasiiini, Ii-rary and Ueadin-ronin, Iterary 8neie-' ties, and the Univi-r-ity lili! i i genera!. The University adnospliert Htitnulates the nmlition of stinie it-i, and, together with ellieient insti-iu-tioa gives exeejitionally satisf.ictnrv results. We have no didieiilty in secur ing W)8itiot)8 for all students 10 nileting tlie course. Write for terms and particulars. The College of Liberal Arts is noted for its excellent Scientific and Classical Courses. A course in Civil Engineering is given. The Preparatory School fits .students for College entrance. Address, J. I. WOODRUFF, A. N. WARN E It, or J. F. KEMPFER. Dean. Registrar. Field Sec'y.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers