n. 10 y M vo a Job lot of note i i TKit miict m Von nanu The price will ao u. eles and prices for the ask- ye furnish them printed nnn ran hiiv thni Lg Ulan " -J ii'i' lUt printing. f Ktnseller. Editor and Proprietor. A Family Jearmat, Derates' to Hewa, Scieace, Art, Political Economy and Carrent Llteratarc. RaUo: Oae Dollar Per Aaanm, la Adraaco L.XXXX. MIDDLEBTJEGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., FEBRUARY 2G, 1903. NUMBER 8. gliKAl LACONICS X L,nt!U-r of BcaverSprings, Pa. stock f gt-nerttjtxwclinml ise I s'ri. U'!l system estauiiMi- (Z-t) L, i .;:Lot in Fiemont is of- otivate sale. l 0,1 or v 2 12-3t yirs. V. A. Kaltkitkii, Ml. Pleasant Mills, Pa. rt:):-Cnmpetcnt gill to do ! lauiulry work. (Sow! A,,,!y promptly, J. 15. BlltDSKLL, ;i South Bend. Ind. x .f tltr week wc enrolled the .'ikw subscribers: J. O. Kess lliiiLor, Mich.; Johu W. IVolillii; H.J. i.enig, is-reamer; intolinun, Aline; II. Uoyer, ia.rsn,l (1. II. Beufer, Salem, ,irP always pleaded to see that . .1 . 4 ..I ......... u,(, produce a L appreciated and we shall at irv to keep at, me neau oi L.in which the Tost has al- ae. HKST: A house and three T 4 f land, J 1,1116 110111 uli Allen S. Sechiiist, Duudore, Pa. liworaiid J. K. Newman of itufliii) were callers the early Lis ii'k to order sale bills for pective Milts. .) : (..iris to worn in suoe Those from out of town provided with boarding aud Iges guaranteed. For furth- Ulars rail ou or address, T. H. ElSENHUTH & CO., Sellnsgrove, Fa. utom, . ii. nartmentat Wash- (U-.Klll- ' --- 1 bM ksiiod an order making Joe, services to begin Apr. 15, ' SALE. House aud Lot in In. A new 12-horee power Frlck md Paw Mill. Also Brick itb about 75,000 Brick, 40,000 ne Boards, 100,000 Plastering 000 feet Roofing lath. biices, etc., call on K. S. Stkoup, Swlneford, Pa. mT. Itauch has gouo to Sha- to resume his work as a barber place, Bubb Walter who had Soles' barber shop has entered npy's simp at Sunbury aud Mr. of New Berlin has come to animal house cleaning sale con now and will last mm "th, This means cut prices le room t'ir Spring goods. A. s. Sechrist. Verdilla, Pa. Ival services have began in the in this place. There have been penitents. SALE: Steam Threshing Out- fewl for sale. Good condition, rcall upon, V. E. HOLTZAPPLK, IW. Kantz. Pa. g out sale of Men's Rubbers at pair at Oarman's shoe store torg, Pa. 2-t Jotlum Shambach preached his fl senium Kunday evening in feted Evangelical Chapel. The W and his family have very (naeared themselves to the here aud very muDh reeret that h of the church will not permit y. pica! Chestuutt is closing out of Foot Wear, including pterand new Soring stock. 08c. piftighfend Work Shoes, $2.85 Y Grade Rubber Boots, 39c. for MUffor Best $1.50 and $1.75 lildren'sequally cheap. Lutherah Congregation elected f Wli, Trustee, F. 8. Reigle, Howersox and G. E. Has- 'Wtoins. ,,M"n lreunMtone. 'u pale and sallow and the Pwliandrosv. Whence the f' She who is blushing Kh uses Dr. King's New w maintain it By gently digestion and bead off Try them. Only 25c wr? Drug Co., GraybiU pyHcnneld. Pa., Dr. J. W. irennBcieek.Pa. The sale or "Theory and Practice of Advertising", written by the Editor of the Post has been so large that it is now necessry to print asecond cditiou. When edition is completed it will be possible to get books in paper or cloth bind ing. The Clneograph Company that came tn town last Thursday and tried to give an exhibition here without advertising in the newspapers did not meet with much success and as a result they stranded and had to await financial re imbursement in order to get out of town. Moral, do not try to do busl without advertising in the news papers. Among our ciwh callers Tuesday were the following: Wm. Uood, Aline; Calvin Blouch, Huubury; Reuben Dreese, Beavsr Springs; John Mitter liug, Riclifield; Aaron Hummel, Mid dMurn; J. K. Reigle, Middlecreek; Jack Kryder, Kratzerville; Jacob 8. tUrner, Port Trevertou; H. C. Helm, Shatnokiu Dam; Win. llassinger, Pax tonville; F. E. Holt.apple, Kantz; Jeremiah Hummel, Sliamokiu Dum; Samuel W. Trutt, Hummers Whaif; W. D. Bilger, New Berlin; A. B. Mark ly, Aline; James R. Hassinger, Bcaver-town. THE FL'TL'KE REVEALED. Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Itefore. The readers of the Post are request ed to send us announcements of all events. No charire will le made to publish the same when the event is of public importance. Thursday, March 5, Wagner IL.ij and Orchestra Co., of Boston, in the Sellnsgrove Hall. Thursday, Mar. 12, Geo. P. Bibie will give an entertainment in Sellnsgrove. Saturday, March 14, Republican Pil mary election ,'to Nominate Candi dates for Prothonotary, Register and BOorderAeaQclaJii, Judge, District Attorney and Jury Commissioner and elect a State Dellgate. Thursday, Mar. 19, King's entertain ers in Sellnsgrove. Saturday, March 21, Spring Com mences. Saturday, March 28, Annual Eclipse of the Sun. Invisible in the U. S. Wednesday, Apr. 1, Spring term of Susquehanna University opens. Sunday, April 5, Palm Sunday. Monday, April 6th, Spring term of Freeburg Academy opeus. Friday, Coit Novelty Co., in Sellns grove. Friday, April 10, Good Fiiday. Sunday," April 12, Easter. James Troup Commits Suicide. James Troup, who is Incarcerated in the county jail here, made , a dash for liberty Sunday evening about t:.'U). The prisoner made a break up the alley at such a rate of speed that the sherilT was unable to overtake hint until he arrived at Stahlnecker's butcher shop at the west end of town. The Hheriti' brought th prisoner baek to jail. The prisoner was smoking a cigar all the while he was running. "James Troup shot himself," w'usthe uews that reached here Monday after noon at tour o'clock. Investigation proved thestory but too true. It seems thai James had a wrticulur desire to go to his home and contrary to the di rection of the court, he went. He used a shot gun and blew oil' the entire side of his face. The man was evidently demented and the case is a sad aud sorrowful one. It is indeed an unfortunate ease and the sympathy of the entire County is extended to the unfortunate ones. Do You Eat Breakfast cereals? Of course you do, but which one? If it's you need no ail vice from us, for you will say it's the best of cereals, "f" is good at any meal. Everybody likes " because it tastes good, is very healthful, nil ready to eat by adding milk or cret.ni, aud the pure selected grain from which it is made gives strength to the body nnd bruin. TryVf" and you will like It. At gro ceis everywhere. " Fewer Gallons ; Wears Longer." The secret is out and Middlcburg can go on living just as if the riddle had never been asked. No it can't, cither. Middleburg is not going to be what it was be fore. Its houses are going to be . .. j ...,' brighter; its pVWie. a little more prosperous Infancy going to have some of tnhf momfy left to buy other thingwith. The answer to the riddle is this you can paint a building with fewer gallons of Devoe Lead ancf Zinc paint than with mixed paints, and it will wear several times as long as a building painted with lead and oil mixed by hand. What will people do with the rest of the money? Four clarinets for sale, H. A. Gift, Middleburg, Pa. (f Marriage Licensee. f Jacob Trutt, Aline, ( Annie . rnuips, oriental f Theodore F. Kuster, Kantz, Lydia R. Wagner, Kantz, f Simon W. Ott, Sell nsgrove, Martha E. Ulrlch, Sellnsgrove. MARRIED. Feb. 17, by A. D. Gramley, Russel S. Stumpffof Lewistown and Sudie V. Howell of Beavertown. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let ters of Administration in the es tote of Henry Borer, lata of Jackson twp. snyaer uo., r., uwa. having been grant- said estate are request ea to the undersigned, all persons knowini twelves inueuvea hi rlsims will praae Qie UDdemgned. Utesnselvea Indebted to said estate are renue to make Immediate payment, while those having alms will praaenc uiem duly authenticated to C. W. BOYER, Administrator. Hartleton, Pa. Candidates Cards. Announcement of cnilllnti' for tlie various pluces on the Keniililk'Aii Ticket to t voted fur nt the i rlinary Klrctiou, Saturday, Mari'b Htli, 1003. can be made in this column. In order to treat all candidate alike, card mint be paid tiASB is AdvaihtR and at the following mien, adopted by the republican publishers of Snyder county : Prothonotary 110; Register and Recorder, f 10; Associate Judge, 1.1.00; District Attorney R Signed by J. A. I.rMRAHD. Tribun: Obo W . Wauenhkm.er, Fot. A, M, Al'stND. Iltru d ;. a Kirraa, aw. - 11. B. Moyib, Couritr. Kates for Jury Commissioner and Stele Dele- tate made known on application to each publisher. rfT PERTINENT PERSONALS l Prothonotary. I hereby announce myself ss a candidate for the nomination of I'rothnimtary anil I iarit of the I'ourls subject to the rnoi governlriK the Republican priuutry eiectionMarch 14, ltK3, Oco. M Shindel I hereby announce my name as a candidate for l'rol honotarv and t lerk of the courts. 1 ask the loyal support of nil republicat.H. Ilennvville Smith. Register and Recorder. Plelise announce my name as a Candidate for Register and Kecorder ut the primary eloctinu Saturday March 14, 1!KI. I solicit the support of all the republicans. John Ii. ArunKnsi, .Uiddlvburic, l'a. Please nnnnnnce to all rciiiihlicmis that I nm a candidate for Kenirter and llecorder at the coming primary election, John 11. Willis. 1 present tny mime as a candidate for the nomination of Iteicixtcr nnd Recorder to be vut ed for at the 1'rlm.iry election March II, ItKCI. Lewis K. Oemherlfntr, 1'enn Township, Associate Judge. I hereby announce my name as a Candidate for Associate Judge, at thu coming Primary Elect'oil. 1 solicit your earnest support. J. KHANK KKIXKtt, Sellnsgrove, l'a I hereby Announce myself a candidate for Associate JudKO. Thanking the republican voters of Snyder county for past favors and solicit! your loyal support at the coming pri mary, laru, Respectfully, Jerre (.'rouse. I hereby snnnunce my name as a Candidate for Assoclatu J u. lire at the eominir Hrimnry Klect'on, promising if nominated and elected 10 faitbluiiy iuiiii tue uuurs oi tue omuc. O. A. KAl'KKMAN, Shriller, Pa, I hereby announce my name as a Candidate for Associate Judge. Z. T. OEMBERLIXW. 1 hereby announce myself as a Candidate for Associate judge. O. J. 8CI10CIT. Jury Commissioner. I hereby announce my name as a candidate or jury l-ommisBioner. oouciiiiK 1,10 votes . I I U Ki;. ....... I ...n.ln Irwin Oraybi'.l, I'axtouvllle, Pa. State Delegate. Editor Post. Please announce the name of J. H. YCarlck of Jackson township as a Candidate for Delegate to the State Convention at the coming Prlmury election, and oblige, REPUBLICANS. Editor Post. Please announce the name of V. K. HTAUUNECKKK, Spring, as a Candidate for Delegate to the Hlaie Convention at the coming Primary Electlan and oblige, Middleburg. REPUBLICANS. District Attorney. I hereby announce my name as a Candidate for District Attorney at the coming Republican Primary Election. M. I. PUTTER. The March winds will soon begin to blow. The political pot is beginning to warm up. The ice men were on the jump dur ing the past week. Merril Shannon is down with ty phoid pneumonia. F. F. Walter will sell his livery aud go to farming this Spring. Daniel Dreese ami family moved from Virginia to this place. Tobias E. Reitz of Middleereek was a Middleburg visitor Saturday. Mrs. Foster Smith and daughter, llessie, are sick with seurlet fever. A young son has registered at the home of Hathaway MerU und wife. Jesse H. Shelly of Kantz was in towii last week taking orders for trees. Z. T. (leiiiberling, Candidate for Associate Judge was in town Wednes day. Abraham Milterllng of Rich Held was in town last Friday to get his sale bills. P. E. Hackenburg and family mov ed from Millliuburg to tins place last week. Dr H. Royer of Kreamer was at the the county seat Wednesday of last week. Court is in session this week. We will publish the preceediugs next week. Harry W. Hummel of Northumber land was a pleasant caller Tuesday af ternoon. Miss Merril of Lock Haven was vis iting at t'ie home of Joe Dreese and aud wife. Mrs. Geo. H. Steininger gave a Martha Washington party Monday night . ... Dr. O. K. Pellman ana mother of Miftlinburg were at the county seat Monday. Hon. Jere Crouse, Candidate for As sociate Judge wilt, in town several days the rost week. Charles Specht of lieavertown and T. A. Wairner of McClure were noticed in town Saturday. John G Shall'er of Aline dropped in to pay his subscription to l'.HU Sat urday while in town. A large consignment of printing was sent from this oftlco last week to Laconia, New Hampshire. Miss Fauiiie Rowersox of Shamokin Is sHuiliug sometime at home owing to the illness of her father. Miss Minnie Adams of Shamokin is visiting at the limine of l'rothouotory, (ieo. M. Shindel and wife. Kx-Slieritl Daniel Jioleinler Had a very severe sick spell Sunday night from an attack at his heart. The Lord's Supper was celebrated in the Reformed church Sunday. Eight person united with the church. Miss Libbie Dunklebprger spent sev eral days last week with her brother, William, and family at Sunbury. Hon. J. A. Lumbard and wife of He- linsgrnve spent Monday night in town on their return from a visit to Pater-son. Morris Mensch of Tiflln, Ohio, and (.'lark Mensch of Millliuburg spent Sunday with Hon. O. Alfred Schot h and wife. S. W. ryer of Hartleton dropped in to see us lust week and ordered tlie publication of an Administrator's no tice iu his father's estate. Dr. J. W. Sampsell of Pennscreek, while in town last Wednesday attend ing a meeting of the pension board, dropped in to order some oftlce station ery. Frank, Claude, and Mrs. Lorella Smith of Carbondale spent several days in town with relatives, having ben called to the county by the death of Mrs. Geo. J. Schoch. A meeting of the Snyder County bar Association was held in Gilbert's of fice Tuesday of last week. They adopt ed means to preyeu Justices from illeg ally practicing law. James Troup was released from jail Monday under $300 bail to keep the peace. Phares Troup agreeing to keep him ana not allow him to do any harm. In case of any violations, he Is to be delivered to the Court for comnit ment to the Asylum. COl'RT HOUSE CHIPS, DecJs Pecorded. Anna Luck to Jordan Landenslager, ) acres in l'enu township, $soo. John F. Long and wife to J. Harvey Long, liousi and lot In Selinsejrove, $27j. Heirs of John Paige, dee'd., to Jacob I'aige, 51 acres in Perry township, for fSIHJ. A. K. Middleswarth and wife to N. H. Folker, 1 acre, 2 perch, in McClure for $.10. F. Lincoln Zeiber and wife to N. W. Vii?lcr, house aud lot iu lieavertown, for $975. Margaret Snyder to Jacob M. Snyder, I acre, !:! perches, iu 1'nioii township, lor$l. Win. A. Gilbert nnd wife to Henry II. Aiirand, -l"i acres iu Adams town ship, for $Jss. N. W. Aigler and wife to Catherine llassinger, house ami lot in Heaver town for $lilou. ('has. Pmyer ami wife to D.ivid A'oonier, two tracts in Perry township Jl acres 27 perches, for $:7"). 1. F. K:u it., ailmi'., of John Fry dee'd., loOililla Fry. et. al., house ami lot in Sellnsgrove, for $100. Andrew J. Rowersox, assignee of Cyrus Marks, to F. (5. Walter 02 acres, 'l perches, in Franklin township, for $410. J. W. SwartzAi A. IT. Swartz, Atty's-in-fact for tlie heirs of E. R. Swartz, house ami lot in Troxclville, for fl'00. Laphenus Walter, ndnir., of John D. Walter, to 1'reil (J. Walter, 12 acres and '-'iii perches in Franklin township, for J:W0. Henry Leilzel exec, of Mary Leitzel, dee'd., to E. A. (iariuaii, two tracts in West Perry township, of U.", acres aud G perches, flSOO. Emma V, Nipple and Albert Scht.ee, execrs. of the will of Jacob Schnee to David Wooiner, two tracts iu Perry .rww j -rj ae 2n-S - Horace. Culnertson, trustee of Al-1 bert H. Long, dee'd., to C. A. lxing, et al , two tracts in West Reaver township containing !)2 acres, for $1. Letters Granted. Letters of administration in the es tate of George House, late of Chapman twp., dee'd., were granted to W. H. Houser. Wilis Probated. The Inst will and testament of Geo. (1. Glass, late of Washington township dee'd., was probated and letters testa mentary were granted to Jacob Schoch of Philadelphia. The widow and the children nre the heirs. UenlneH I'snnnl be Cured by local applications as they camiot reach the diseased portiou of the eiir. Deafness is caused by an in (luined condition of the mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect henr ini?. and when it is entirely elosed Deatness is the result, aud unless the inflammation can be taken out aud this tube rontoml to its normal condition, bearing will bo destroyed fcrever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inllamod condition of the mucous services. We will trive One Hundred Dol Inrsf or an v case of Deafness (caused by c atarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure, ftena ior cir milnrM. frefl. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 7.rc. Hall's Family Pills are the best. We print your Letter Heads, Just the way You want tlicni Envelopes, Cards, Iiill Heads', Statements, etc. ' Post I'kintfry Tragedy Arertnl. "Just in the Dick of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. W. W si kins of Pleasant City. Ohio. "Pneumonia had played Bad havoc with him and a terrible cough se in besides, uoctors treated nun, but he grew worse every day, A I length we tried Dr. King's New Dia covery for Consumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound and well. Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for cough", Colds and all Lung diseas es. Guaranteed by Middleburg Drue Co.. Graybil & Garman, Rich field. Dr. J. W. Sampsell. Penns creek, Pa. Price Wo and f 1.00, Trial bottles (ree. THE PEOPLE'S FORUM. Articles under this heading mr written by the friends of candidates und Kdltor a" sumes no rcs;onltility for aenliui "nls el pressed Judge Z. T Gcmlierlinn Will Suc ceed Himself Because He Should. (Communicated.) Judte Z. T. Gemlierling is a citizen of Sellnsgrove, and has always been a true republican. He lias never jump ed the Intel's to cut another republican after the latter was duly nominated by his party. He does not abuse his opponents for the nomination lor As sociate Judge, whie h olllce he is a can" didate for, hut always sieaks iu re spectful terms of them. Judge (ieniberling should receive the nomination at the hands of the repub licans of Snyder county, be aiise, llrst he is ipialilled Tor the duties of the olllce. Second, he is a poor man, and is ask ing only for what he believes is due him under the circumstances. Third, during his first term as As sociate Judge he received only a paltry compensation for his services, because the duties of the olllce were executed mainly by his associate on the bench, as the record will show . Fourth, every hiteligent man and voter knows that experience lits a man to execute an olllce properly. This Judge Geiuberling has had. Fifth, he has been a fearless nnd im partial Judge, which fact is known to every unprejudiced voter in the coun ty. Let us all vote for Judge (ieniber ling on Ma'ch II. Sklinsuhovi:. LAST FLORIDA TOUR The last Pennsylvania Railroad tour of the season to Jacksonville, allowing almost three mouths in Florida, will leave New York, Philadelphia, Balti more and Washington March !1. 10-'jrsion tic'e'., including railway 'I -' i accomodation lone berth), and meals eu route whiie going on the special train, will be solo at the following rates: New York, $50.; Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore and Washington, $4X00; Pittsburg, $-"i3. and at proportionate rates from other points. Returning, passengers will use regular trains until May al, liKM. For tickets, itineraries, and other in formation apply to ticket agents, or to Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant General Pas. senger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia. You Will Like "f" Better than other cereal because it's different. It's better! There is something about the flavor that everybody likes. The pure selected grains from which "f" is made to go through a scientific pro cess originated by food experts, mnk- ing it most healthful as well as the best tasting of cereals, "f" already to eat by adding milk or cream. You can cat hfn three times a day. At grocers every where. lij'lsr'1' "tli ilnlll iiiiUk1 - Whose Ad.? Printers Ink uses a great many advertising blotters In fact, uses no other. They come In as fa6t as wauted, aud very nice aud handy they are. Whose advertisements are on tbose blotters? Ab, that Is a thing the Llttlo Schoolmaster never observed, or, If be did, he never remembered and does not now remembor. But he likes the blotters. Print ers' Ink. This criticism Is never ap plicable to advertising In your local paper. ifiisiSFH'l)r"l'l 'I'll l'l'HlH'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers