o bave a Job lot of note un hand. They must go I-. .tll J- 14 Uts a"d prices for the ask- furnisn mem primea ss than you can buy them sit printing. L I'jctnscller, Fdltor and Proprietor. 4 Family Joarnal, Devoted ta Newa, Sciaace, Art, Palitlcal Economy and Current Llteraturt. Ritte: On Dollar Per Annum, in Advance L.XXXX. MIDDLEBURGH, SNYDER COUNTY, PENNA., FEBRUARY 12, 1903. NUMBER ;. ilYVsJ' it.Vy -yMte5- tC e,r7 VI J m 1WK L - - M. Milluer's stock vnnr items for the "coming pulumii. a surgical operation on Sammy Bea- lidutes ar busy floating ver, wouuay auu removal anout two um u in iua irom tne region 01 me lungs. The Lutheran Church at Globe ,111' II. It MoVka, Cvuriir. Holes (or Jury Cornmlsiloner ami Shite IV'n- . .. ! Mills will Iih riKiiml mi thla mminir ft lnde known on appliuaUiti to each piu- im factory was run so ruiiiuiy 0 - . ...ner. .... riii aiuu. v. phii. iniii. ("Mrvii iriiiriiiiiiri i uausted the . . . " ProthonoUrv. .riaariifutti nun utonmn All mint. kv'u Muia civiiiug. 4it niv u v Fewer Gain ns ; Wean Longer. Fewer Gil Ions ; Wear Longer. Benneville Smith hi ent Inst week t I.'...... i -i. i . . , , 1 treat ll candidate alike, card munt be paid K an 19 IiA hlmt tn tuba an In mt fn.it . . . . . ... ... ' "t w ianf.au au.VTMI.uiJ Ui ASH I AUV.IIrll anil At the IftlT Candidate Cards. Announcement of candidate for the various place on the Kepuhltcan Ticket to lie voted for at the Primary Klectiou, Saturday, March Mth, i wu, can oe marie in tint column. In order to jfflg PERTINENT PERSONALS Ifflto i owtnir rate. adopted by the republican publisher o( Snyder 1 county : I I) 1-8. Herman and Xinnla nprformiKi . """W ' nd Kecorder, lo . I , g dear fple. f Ul) h:ive not harvested their .;. !... It. I.u.l llt.U.V ire 1 ,.;i,"ei 1 t Mrs. James G. Crousu has been on curbitev ana Kecorder. 110: . . Aaaociale Juilire. $0U; Dinlrlvt Attorney U. vnm 81L'K ""1. a. txM.D. twm,,,, i Grubb the uau w. wwiBifai.i.iiH, HtinT. county Beat Motiduy. At W, Arni., llrra i I . r. n liirrKH, Aeir. AitTrii! biiaiinon and wife snent f-'nt- ir V:-M(t inure ,rivUi)rVr?l . thit they ex .i ...i.t l.u.l I., ulinr on litum ' few days. Ki-U'lf, the piano, organ I.: I.iutn. mnl'ul lllU'IIIIIU """'I ... . . .. r sfrmii tli. Misningioii iiouse ... ii i... the riHPiuin me resiueuce c inont is of- oii or al-2-12-:it Mr. W. A. Kaltkiteu, Mt. i'leanant Mills, Fa. - I.. II.!.. itiiiu, wains a iimu i i"" ith ViiNi to invest. JKiiicm given to investor. .uruniliy for waive men. kjdn-M llox I'osr, Middlfburgh, I'a. fEO: Uirls to work iu bhoe Tin se from out of town . . . i... i i: ....1 prtivMca Willi uuaiuiug giiiralt'd. For furth- ulaw. all on t address, 1'. H. KissnuTii & Co., Selinsgrove, Pa. siALK. House aud Lot in m w 1-horse ower Friek and SswJiIill. Also Brick ith about TfltHW riek, 40,WW B..:inlsy)0,000 Plastering 00 fwi Uoolflig lath. icw, etc., call on B. E5TBOUI-, Bwiueford, Ta. ed, II. U. Suable, piistor. Special sale of sjjutij. dry goods, no tions, inieenswdrLcA You can buryl$ w firth of gooda, except groeerit'Jv,r)cI from Feb. It to 21st. All areViyTijrfl, at W. A. Atbogast, (2-t.) Cor. Market aud Pine Streets, Selinsgrove, Pa. Kcouoniical Chestnutt is closing out entire stock of Foot Wear, including all Winter and neWiSkiring stock, !8c. for f l.M l'lough anlfl'ork Shoes, f for Itest Grade Uublit l tMts, 3!)c. for (l.(K) felts, $1.1! for It.lt $1.50 and $1.75 Lailies Shoes, Childreuseiually cheap. I will Hell or rent my farm of 480 acres. 200 acres under cultivation one cow bam 100 by '2 ft., one horse barn 40 by :t0 ft , cinerTITN 30 by 32 ft., othvr buildiires in prnirtioii splen did water with WniNndiiiill three wire fences fcur miles -iong no lietter farm in NorhMtciL'Uth Dakota Termaeasy, write for booklet Aildresa owner. Du. D. V. Swkxui.k. Aberdeen, S. It-.tk. Census of Union County of 1S40. Kxtracts from the census of 1S40 for Union. (then including Snyder) coun ty, showing pniduets Ac. and value thereof. Head by II. II. tiriiniiiU'fore the Karaivrs Institute Tuesday even lug Feb. JO, V.m. 2Funinees, which pfslucol ::.Vi tons THE FtllKi: KtVEALEH. Coinini; lvts Cast Tlicir Shadows licroic. The readers of the IWr are request ed to send us announcements of all events. Xo charge will be inadu to publish the sume whvn the event is of of cast iron. 1 Forge, which produced 1 l'uljli importance. I.0 tons of Kar iron aud consumed 427 rnm.siAY, Feb. 12, Lincoln's ltirth- lv eskl. L. Herman retired as Reporter". He will be buo iy Foster Hartman, formerly kreek, tliia couuty. We wish publisher abundant success. nil A. K. .-iolea in ins new euav- imir suiting parlor for your tailed witli a refreshing shaiu- & clean towel to each iiatron liirtli iile of Market square 01 e eiitrul Hotel. Satlsfactiou guar- tf. icknowleilge mail remittances iaD.'.App, Mohantongo; Mrs. h. Soli, Hummel's Wharf; C. Orbisniiia; Mrs. M. 8. Camp- atcrville, ().; Wm H. Wite, r, Mrs. Kate Diehl, Granger, lve-year old sou of Elmer E. (Ii d Sunday morning. He Covering from scarlet fever iurduy seemed on a fair way to A daughter died about a fc, hence this death is more sad ayuipathy of the entire com extended to them. town council of Sunbury has that iu the future all milkmen Kimurss in that town will have lire a license from the authori- p the borough solicitor is now (iu drawing up a form of 11 Ir the approval of council. f township, Pike county, has bo prsthat Philip Clark serves as pnoemtio Candidate for three PP olliuers. Because cf the Pf voters Mrs. Sarah Miller has M on the Democratic ticket Pi director. The townsblo has kratic mid two Republican vo- 'ostollice Department in Wash Ml shortly suggest to the school that lessons be given in "dressing of enveloues. A Iffldal says it would h a rrrvut i ' o ' lUe m'lmol slll.rlnl..nloi.lu "tre would ask lea.-hera in In. P?'f IMIIlils lliliv In nil.l L . FCUllit'esiva ! IT..H...1 "PICIIIC Court tinu rtui.l.ll II. qI le.Vieil UIIOU th lu.loi nt ll, I'uioil TeWrnnh ('nmnano h O - "1' ... J'l... T "usn iu New Hone. Penu- is iuwiul and can be collect- P outcome f ti.ia P" "P from the lower court h t.J . . ' " w'lU muoh interest bv fwm. The borough council fn HotllA ninntl.a Kant. K1 1 u ...u iinv r- providing for a general r-wxauaelt ( the Western Union would iorrti...i,"w..we my P" pj-ueo win again be taken New Landlord at the Cnmrun House Peter Burrell, of Sunbury, has rentr ed the Camerou House, Lewisburgand will occupy this noted hostelry .April 1st. The present landlord, Frank Aurand, baa leased the Hazleton house, at Har.letou, vnd takes possesion in AMriAireiiM wwfknowlTTn Lewisburg having been landlord at the Camerou bouse some years ago, and be is a hotelkeeper of many years exper ience. Mr. Burrell recently resided at McKees, this couuty. I hereby announce myself at a candidate for the nomination of I'rothonotary and Clerk of the Couriasiiliject to the run KoriTiiiiin the Ki'uubllcan primary election Man h 14. ly-3. (Ico. M. Shlndel I hereliy announce my name ana cniidiilate for I'rulhnnoti.ry mi'l t irrk of thn cnurU. 1 aalc the loyul iupHrt ol nil rciulilicui.x. l'cnncvilln Sinilli. Register and Recorder. Pleura announce my t ame an a Candidate fur Keilliiter and Recorder at the primary election Saturday March 14. 11. 1 wilieil lint nunuort of all the repuhllcanii. John I). ArhoipiHl, JKidillchurif, l'a. I'le.e nnnonnre tn a'l reniililleain that I am a cnniiiilnle lor Ki .-i-iit nicl Kimitdcr at the cuuiiiiK priiuury clcciiou. John II. Willia I present my name a n ciiudiili.tc. for the n oitiimilioii of Kumt'r mid Itm erdcr tn he Tot. ed for at the I'rlmury election March II, l'.KI. !.cwi K llemlM'rllnif . I'ena Towimhip, Associate Judge. I hereby Knnounee inywlf a candhlatn for AHsocinlu .ludire. ThftiikluLl the rcnuhllcnn votcm of Hnyilcr eouuty for piwt favors and. Hollelli your loyal nupiHirt at the coiuinir p nary, lam, Kcx tfully, Jcrre i'ruune- Jnry Commissioner. I hereby nunounce my name an a candidate for Jury Comatnnioncr. Hoiicttiiir the votes o an Kcpuniiceun, J reiunin. Irwlu Urayblll; lax'nnville, t'a. BANK STATEMENT. F.ipiare tn Wet, dampness and cold, invariably results iu a sudden chill, whlc a if not atteued to immediately will cause a cold. By mixing a teaspoonlul ot Perry D-ivis' Painkiller in half a glass of warm water or milk, the whole system will be heated and the danger of cold avoided. Avoid substitutes, there is but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. Price 25o. and 60c. Metzgar Beaver. At the home of the bride's parents in this place, Miss Ida Beaver was mar ried Wednesday Feb. 11, 1903 at 11:30 a. m. to Samuel Metzgar of Altoona, Pa. The bride is a lady of estimable qual ities aud the groom a young man of promise from the Mouutain City. They will make their future home in Altoona where both navo resided for sometime. The Post extetids congrat ulations . Will Ton Hleep Well To-night? Not if you have a cough that begins to torment you as soon as you lie down. You can conquer the cough with Allen's Lung Balsam, which will relieve the pain in the chest, the irritation in the throat and the hard breathing. Since it contains no opium, this remedy may be given freely to children, aud to the moat deli cate adults. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. Fewer Gallons ; Wears Longer. Patents. Keystone Law aud Patent Company, 810 Betz Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Who are the only bonded "Patent Company in the World, oiler to make a guaranteed Patent Office prelimin ary examination (not merely their opinion) Free of charge to readers of "Middleburgh Post" who will send a sketch, model or description of their Inventions. - They will also give a certificate of patentability which will be or great assistance to an Inventor iu raising capital . . '.. All patents secured through this firm are guaranteed under a $20,000 bona. Valid patents with the broadest claims secured on easy weekly payments. Writs to-day mentioning this paper, tf Keporl.of the Condition of the first. National think of Mlil'lh'lnnx'h, ill Mldillebnrgli, In Um suiui of lYniisylvuiitii, ul I he close, of liusluoiw feu. 0, vm : RESOURCES. Loans and dlMHiiiuia tu.asO.M v. s. Bonus to miure circuluuou....... H3.i ou BanKlngootuiet furniture, ana nxiures i:w,.or) AirentRk 6:!Mt1 Due from stale Dunks and bankers .... 7TA.W Due from aPDrnved reserve hwhw Checks and oilier rxib Hems Notes ol other National Hunks Fractional paper currency. nicklcs, una rents Lawkbl Mosir Kkhkkh in Hank v: Specie Jld.TSKl.ffl. U!Kiu-reiHivr noies ii.3sn.1r1 KeileuiHkn lumlwlth U. S. Treasurer t5 ht tvnt. of limitation) i.'ilW.W 477.03 S3,I7.!W 1, nsa.no TOTAL LIABILITIES. CROttal stock piiidln fMi.non.no Snrtilus KiiiiiI 5o.iNm.no Ulnllvldisl proil's, lessexpiiisea nml taxes paid S,1."J (Ml Nnllnuiil Hunk notes niitKiiindlnk :i2.:ivuiu Due loot her Nut Inuul hunks M'H 4 Dun to State llimks iunl Itiinkers it 41 Individual desisltH subject to check S.I3,4:.7.87) Demand certlllcales of V iVi,lS5.i posit. ts,7ns;) TOT At f!H,K3U STAT R OK I'KNNSVI VANIA.I 8NVDE1. 1'OCNTr.KH: 1, JAS. O. THOMINON, Cashier of the nlpore named bank, do solemnly swear thai the ulnive atntement Is lro to the best of my knowludge and belief, JAM. O. THOMSON, Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before ino this lotb day of Kcb, luus. J. O. WEISEH, Notary Public. Coaaicr Attest : G. AI.FHF.D SCUOCn, W. W. WITTKNMYEW, A. KREEUEIt, Directors. What Docs This Mean ? Last Saturday morning P. S. Ritter, Editor of the "News" wrote a letter to I. Newton Jarrett at Selinsgrove, say ingthat Ritter would positively be a candidate for I'rothonotary . As a re sult Jarrett decided not to be a candi date. When Jarrett learned Monday that Ritter did not register, ho discov ered to what nefarious use the tll-ait vised rule of the committee could be put. ANOTHER. ONE. T. T. Reichonbaeh of Perry town ship, had intended to bo a candidate for jury commissioner. He did not go to the post olllce before Monday for his paper. Monday evening lie learned that lie was ruled out by tho commit tee. Gentlemen of the Standing Commit tee, is it right to prevent Jarrett and Relchenbach from having their names on the ticket ? unlay at Beaver Springs. Dr.. H. M. Is' iiide of Selinsgrove was I a Middleburg vfckor Monday. X. C.Outelius of Kreiuiier was at the County Heat M outlay morning. W. 11. Houser of Chapman, was at the county aeat oil business Monday. Men. M. K. Hassinger of Warren Couuty is visiting friends at this place Miss Polly Arbogast who had been at Fret-burg, hits returned lo Miildlc- burg. Ex-Senamr Hummel bits lieen mak ing frequent nf'ernoon trips to the County Jw'rtt. Jacob Bollinger if Kiviuner sent his remittance to 1'.K1 to us witii Nullum Ilackenburg. ('nlvli Steller and wife gave a party to the Lutheran t'lio'u and their fun li lies last Week. (K D. Meiigel aud wife of Monroe township, sjient Sunday with Andrew Ivratzer ami wife in Franklin. Meyer Milluerand F. P. Custer ami their wives spent Sunday with Rep resentative Bowersox and family Men 11 Shannon spent several days iu Militia County last week selling O.oliue Baltu for tne Middlchurg Irug Co. II. L. Philips, the Merchant tailor ami M. lu Wagenseller, the traveling salesman, were reeei.t visitors to tuwu. W. 11. Itipka Kpent last week in Haucoc'i, Maryland, puttiug in some machinery at the Pennsylvania baud D. A. Steininger of Kapp's farm,, near Northumberland, lias a notice in our sale rvgistsr. He will go to Hurrio- buig. Editor Lesher came up Monday to register as a Republican Candidate, bill found that registration had closed 041 Saturday night at bed time. John House worth of Kiehflcld, was iu town Tuesday to order sale bills for Feb. SI. He will move March. 14 U) Shellsburg, Bedford county. Hon. P. F. Reigle of Beaver Springs wan at the County Seat ou Uisiness Saturday morning and dropped iu to pay his subscription to the Pukt. Abra Reniiiuger and Wm.Sholly of Jackson township were Middlchurg visitors Thursday. Mr. Kenninger and family left Tuesday lor Hooper, Neb. The Post wishes them a pros perous venture. Last week's Elizabethvllle "Edict" says : C. C. Seebold and I. R. Rothem berg, two prominent business meu of Sunbury, were callers at the Echo of fice on Tuesday. We knew Mr. See bold twenty-five years ago, when his only assets were a good diameter aud a determination to become a useful citi .en. To- day he Is known as ouo of the most substantial business men in Northumberland county. During these years Mr. Seebold has probably sold more sewing machines than Lykens Valley has population, besides his very large sales of musical instruments. 1 le was twice elected treasurer of Snyder county. day. tons of fiielr employing 3U men, includ ing niiningoperntioiis. Capital invest ed $22,000. J lorses and M ulrs, P07S. Meat Cat-1 tie. 1 11.O.-1. Sh. it ! "41 'ill. S win a 1(1. 78. Poultry of all kinds, estimated! .', congrega- value. SB, ins. vi r..i.t Mfininl "' iroaemiie, wuiwicliraio tno , w " . a. niv.vfv Thuhsday and 1'iuuav, Feb. 12, and I t, Fanners' Institute in Selinsgrove. Sati kiav, Feb. Mth, Valentino Day. bus. Barley,, !lti.'i bus. ( litis, 2ii3,.',,,l bus. Rye, l:iri,.!s!l bus. Huckwheat, 24, 401 bus.. Corn, 172,l!H Uis. Wool, 2.5,4112 lbs. Hops, V.I lbs. Wax, l.om U'S. Potatoes!. Hl7,o70 bus. Hay, 1S,-.riiStoii-, Tuhacco, sin HI IU. WihhI, 2,008 cords. Dairy, Value of product, $10,(12'.. Orchards, value of product, $4,J-Wi. Home made family gisids, Value, Jl.'vUU. IJetnil Ktoivs .M, with a capital invested of t2::2,2nu. 2 l.tiiu- licr yards, capital invested ion. Machinery manufactured; value, ,s,snti, employing 7 men. Uriel; ncj Lime manufactured, value, $H."iH), umploy. ing men. rull'mir Mill". "i wiKi'.en factory, 1W buds cmptoye.i. j Value of manufactured goods $7,.'.00. Capital invested, $1,000. Value ofllats ami Caps manufactured, J", !' ;(, em ploying lti hands, capital invtsted, ri(K). 24 Tanneries, tanned 3,1120 rides of sole leather and (i,2;if sides of upper, employing .r2 liftiids, capital invested $3s,4iki. All other manufiicturii s of leather, sadlrries, ic. .'S. value of inaiiufaotured articles $27,7.iO, cnital invested $10,710. IS Distilleries, pro duced 14,003 galloii4. 2 Breweries, brewed 0,XH) gallons of beer, employ ing .'12. hands, capital invested $15,500, 3 Potteries, value of product f.'i,l!l0, em ployed 14 .hands,. capital invested ilKX) WANTED Several pcraonn of characlor ami (rood reputation in each ntuto (one in this Co required to represent and a I vertine old estab- landlng. Salary til weekly with expense ad ditional, all payable In cash each Wednesday direct from head ofllce. Horse and carriage furnished when neocssitry. Itefercnces. Ku clou aslf-addreased envelope, Colonial Co., KI4 Uearborn St., Ciilcoga. 4-U-ltit Lumber Wanted. 'We want 6 pjjw white oak in 30 12 cars red or k(kuRak in 20 days. . 600 cords oiiesuTlt iocxl. Write for pWenir orders. W. W. Wltfenmyer & Son, Mlddleburg, r. lord's supHr;. Ti kshay, Feb. 17, Spring Eltvtion for township and borough olllcers. Wkhnesuav, F4b. 1H, Lmad view iu Swlueford to lay 'inLa new road aud alleys. Fkiiiay, February 20, Sunday School District Convention in thy lieformed t'hurch, Middlelnrg, in tho evening. All schools of t'uvn nre invited to participate. Tiuhshay, l-'ebrimry lit, Christian Knileavor Rjtlly, . Ueformed Church, Middlchurg, in tl.e-evening. SfMi.w. I'eb '-ul -..,'o Birth. day. Si iv, l-'eb. 22, (Vmiiiunkiii. iu the iteforiued church of this plane. Monhay, Feb. 2,1, Kegular Urni of Court will open in Middlubtirg. TrrsnAY, Feb. 24, Shrove. Tuesday. Wi:iiNi:sn.Y, Foti. 2-", Asli Wednes day. TiifKsiiAY, March -'3, Wagntr Harp and Orchestra Co., of Piston, in the Selinsgrove Hull. Tiii'Ksn.vY, Mar. 12, tieo. P. I'.ibie will give an entertainment in Sclius- grove. S ' ...March 14, Republican Pli- 0 Printing olllces and 1 Bindery, enii'vl iflT1 ""'"ate Candi- t)loed 24 h vani- - "7. ' - .'.lgto-' ':- Our Minimi 20 per c sale o i Shoes, Queens. vare, will Feb. 11 to Feb. 21' date. (2-t.) Market St ut. Dry jliMiiV heglmV I D,lftfoL; V. Afrbi . Selinsj Reduction Notions, aturday, et the ast, rove, Pa. The Republican Candidates. According to the rule made by the Republican Standing Committee regis tration of Candidates closed Saturday night at 12 o'clock. The Candidites registered are : Prolhouatory, Geo. M. Shindel aud Benuevillo Smith. Register and Recorder, John H. Willis, John D. Arbogast aud Lewis F. Oeiuberling. Associate Judge, Geo. J. Schoch, Jure Crouse, J. Frank Keller, Samuel C. Kesslor, D. F. Rlngaman, Z. T. Gemberling and Geo. A. KaulTman. District Attorney, M. I. Potter. Jury Commissioner, W. H. Specht, Irwin Graybiil, John II. Miller, J. G. Mlddlesworth and A. A. Hummel. .State Delegate, No name registered. 600. " Value of wagons and carriages manufactured. $1S,800, employed S8 hands, capital invested f7,250. 13 Flouring mills, manufactured 8,ii26 barrels of Oiiur. 32 Grist mills. 7o Sawmills. Oil niills, value of pro duct from these mills $23,2.jS, eniph y- ed l.'IO bands and had a capital invert ed of IlVO.OjO. Value of furniture manufactured, $3,50", employed 10 hands, capital invested $2,3oO. Total capital invested iu all manufactorii s, $224,04. Total aggregate value of tax able property, in 1044, $4,2:i'),0'i3. Tlte couuty then hail 17 Township and Boroughs, with a jNipulation as follows: Beaver, 2,000; East Buffalo, 81S; West Buffalo, 1,400; Chapman, 170; Center, 1,801; Hartley, 1,800 Kelly, 70S; Penu, 2,2-SO; Union, 1,030; Perry, 1,254; Washington, 1,135; White Deer. 1.252: Buffalo. 1.34S; Middle- creek, 662; Mifllinburg Boro., 70; Lcwisl.unr Bom.. 1,220; New Beriin Boro., 08t. County population iu 1820 was IS,0H i. ' 11 1830 " 20,7.r. i " " 1840 " 22,787. Now about 35,400 for the satus territory. Union County was formed a part of Northumberland county by Act or March 22, 1814, Snyder from Uuiou in 1855 and a part of MillUu was at one time attached but was afterwards re annexed. In 184(1, the inhabitants of Beaver, Chapman, Middlecreek, Perry and Union Townships.had not seen IU to adopt the common school system. Out of 17 districts, only 11 reported 45 schools iu operation and 5 were want ing in those districts. The term was 5 month, employing 44 mnle and 7 fe male teachers. Salary of male teachers $20.17, female $10.38. No of scholars taught, 1,001 males and 1,70(1 females, of this number 113 were learning Ger man. District tax raised $2,308.71, State appropriation $3,272. Cost of instruction, $3,507.74. Fuel and con tingencies, $358.75. Tragedy Averted. "Ju9t in the nick of time our little hoy was saved" writes Mrs. W. Watkinb of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad havoc with him and a terrible cough set in besides. Dootors treated him, but he grew worse ever? day. At length we tried Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound and well. Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure (or cough, Colds and all Lung diseas es. Guaranteed by Mlddleburg Drue Co., Oraybil & Garmao, Rich field, Dr. J. W. Sampsell, Penns creek, Pa. Price 60o and $1.00, Trial bottles free. Recorder, Associate Judge, District Attorney and Jury Commissioner aud elect u. State DcligiUc. Thchsday, Mar. 10, King's entertain-, ers in .Selinsgrove. Sati'KHAY, March 21, Spring Com mences. S.viTltUAY, March 2, Annual Eclipse of the Sun. Invisible in the U. S... Vi'.iNK.si.VY. Apr. 1, Spring term of Susquehanna University opens. SfNijAY, April 5, Palm Sunday. Monday, April (ith, Spring term of Frevburg Academy opens. FiUJMY, Coit Novelty Co., iu Selins grove. FitXUAY, April 10, Good Friday. . Si nhay, April 12, Easter. Ilenlnese ( an not lie Cured by local applications us they cannot reach Iho diseased portico of the o-ir. Deafness is caused by an in llamed condition of tho mucous lin ing of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you navo rumbling rouml or imperfect hear ing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is tho result, and unless the iiilliiiniiiiition can be taken out and this tube reitoreil to its normal condition, hearinli will be destroyed fcrover: nine cases out of ten aro caused by Catarrh, which isnothi Dg but nn lullamed condition of t he mucous services. We will trive One Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by c atarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. Mend lor cir culars, freo. F. J. CHENEY & Uo., Toledo, U. Sold bv Druggists, 75u. IlitU'd Family Pills aro tho best. Fewer Gallons ; Wears Ijuigcr. Fewer Gallons; Wears J-ionger. per cent, on all will be given For cish or A. Arbogast, Selinsgrove, Pa. Fewer Gallons ; Wears Longer. Fewer Gallons; Wears Longer. A reduction goods, except from Feb. l it produce only. (2-t.) i 20 foriV V1 Marriage Licenses, f Gik). P. Bower, I Anna R. Metgar, Pallas, Pa, Pallas, Pa. MAKKIfiD. Feb. 3, by J. Kohler Peck, J. P., John A. Heintzlcmun, of Pallas, to Anna Foltz, cf Aline. Feb. 1, by Rev. A. D. Gram'ey, Ru fus Hartley, of Glen Iron, to Verdio Borman, of Troxelvlllo, Ttu Prof. Edwin Charles spent Saturday at Port Treverton.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers