Report ot Receipts and Expenditures of Snyder County for the year ending Dec. 31, 1902. " TABULAR STATEMENT .howla ..uio.iiit of county nd stati iie. - st-m-ed, collated, returned, coiuiuissious, exonerations mud nbnte- " lueutH allowed mid outstanding, (or the year lUOi K)iLH'roib!, Pl. Adams i!. if-KK ..! S Heaver !. It 1 7- 3 1 hrr West J i.Mh I! "-r T M "U tinr J-wpph K-rr sel I" ! a I Chapman W. H. sru am S 4.u li Franlelu iimiiu li.o .vt i Jack n H. F. Brn'lse :J M Tl9 Nlitdli hwvH Win. H nniR T-ilT !) Vlilill. crevk M.K.Krdev 7.'s a' 4nl5f. Xoiiree T-iiiii4.t Ifi'S-l 7S M ivnn II irvey . i ssl l it 7 ' l.'4 Perrv V''m M-'t.i;l ii K 9.' Perry Wet j.z srun.-pr fiv:7i m-.ii; Si-tliitfrutf A.J Urns li-.'i ;i '." Spring .1 il KiifpP '"' I ni"ii is .in; Ziiniii'T n i Wit-lilncttin J. A i.iiumi l-lTod l:nr 77 To' ills. IliiVir m il EXPENDITURES. I V.,i!i..n-.t ti' ' Oiliff. 'I'llolH' llrill, I rn fin 19 . . "l' :-.. M.irrmi;.- i.i Hit k. I t i-t-t 111 1 .' 1 K.-r-lt 'l. r t i".'. Ht-iliict .11.: 11... I.-. I i.v ti y. l.tiiK'n': I" n.l.-l. I'. -. .... No. !: I i..i. I "i 0 ' " ' 3. in...- I ''I I 1, I., I ' I'l I ' 7.. I ' I '"! 1"" 9. 1 1, 1 ' I 1 1 Trl. -. In. Hi- l.'i-iil 1.' -2 :t.i i... flJVi- If Kiu'i-'i'i' mi I lii'i 'ii'tlt'i's Dliiir. .1 II. Xilli. 1 . 'i.r 19 1 129 '.i.3 lli.n.l I'. Is"'.1 .Arm l:.-M. 21 Aiiiirii.M-n...iit I' U. : . 1 UO ( ',ilii;u'w-inlH Tv )llifl'. IX'm. I' Murpliv .v .iii.. Npw lirl.i- ,-,.: ?'3l'. i, K 1I.I- i'.j. r. .nl:u.'. '.'I I'll. Ti -I.ihi.I 1.1. 1.. I' Hi nt. 2231 M. S. M'liri.v.-r. . t. ill. inil-i-.. 2.1 A. V. I. iili. -it A'.ty'it xilniy aii.l trav. l.ny i .. li- , 13 Oil J. X. liro-ut. 1 h-rk'i. Milnry an. I iiavflin i-mu'ii-..--. i.O ' I 4'. W, KiiiuIh, 1 ..iniiilsii.:..T. 130 iluv. :'-' " anil Tr .vi-linj Cup '. 21-1'.:.. 2 . iicorjji' I-'. Mill.-i. t'oin , li7' ., .1ivh. -I7li 2' n.rr.'vi'liiia Kx . ! ti I 71 tfolin 1. U.-li-l, Com , 1 12 .I.'ivm 2no ncl Travelinc i:p . r.UKl 142 St 2 13' Slii-i ill's Ollico. l. W.-H'tw, frcsX'om. v.". M. l(.."tlir.K-k. fin ;. W. Ilii4. fs-n'oti, v. Kraik liroB 1 23 li. W. Ifmv, Ii-pmCuiu. vl lla'iu. 1 23 I ; . tin iv, fi-ci. r.mi. vs. I... i- K.-i t-tt.-r. 2il 13 I. . W. How. f era I 0111 v. iiri.-r Mii-ll, 1 '" 4i. W li-.-i I'ulll t - .Ini-oliti Stalil. 1 (. V llotv l inn. - William .1 , i 23 i. W. Kin-, fi't-H t.' -. l.-.i Mnrk.t. 1 73 II. W. liow, liwinlini; '. .l,ai.i'.ai-.i. 'ii .1 .y. :..l I',. 1 iniii'K I-. Mi lli n 2 il.i) I ' il " Kali-Mi li r. 2ilas lnl ' Jon. KtlinuiT 7 ila H 3il'r Sln-ll. i3.Iii.vm 7 3'l .1 I. Aiuk.-r7.l.y I Ml " ti. Miii ki-lt 7 ilayM ' 3'l ' I Trutt. tlnvi. 1 IW Fees (or comniltHtiK n ul uiariiaiKiiii; priitou.rH 7 11') .laiilli.rtn-rvi-.-i, 19 10 Mr-. How, Si'tvinif .'t.-. l-'.iiu Ailv. l-'nll .-In tuin. 'M mi l.r.-pt-t. to 11 of t'narity, i-rviau -lurt -. 1 .t -. .Mili-an.-Si'rvlm: iio-i.v 2" I'll s.i 4" p'.lii.) Atl.'ll.liuic I'llillltial t ' mt ,3 iliiyt I illiui; Jury wliei-l.v.-'i m- and ilrati in- jury Itt-iti Uriki-I Tint to II i.f h.-fuu... 10 ; uo lifni. li. Sln-ll to I'llitil 11 r.-niiHi-iiliary. l-4-oiiiii; 4 Court I'riu "n left for Jaii, 411 no ii mi 314 .'it I).'ll.. ftlllt, v illiM-l-'il liy li W. How Ii..i.iil,iii; to tllO Cillllll - . .1 urv r.-r. No. 3', l-'eli T. Is'i'.i, 4 ml J irv F.M', N.. 33, .Inn.. T. IH1I, 4 ("I ,Tnrv l-'r.-, !W 3'.i, 1" t- T. l'i I, I 1' J'lrv K.-p, No 100 .linn. T. I'l1!, -1 ') .liirv K.-.-. N... 11. I'.-.. T I'.ml. 1 "I t nal for 1 '. st,n c 3 1'" 'siMif Pin. Hi- 9.1 ;'.) 71- -S1 SI 15 2 SI J '.sti ift Aliui ni'v's Olliir. M. I. I'.'f l'i c. t'1.111, M. I.'cllirin-k, " .'iai k 1 1 ras. 6(lil .3 ) Uivi.l lla. , 3 0u l.i-wi-. -.Ii-iu-r. .3 nn 1 '!.' -Sln-ll, 5 ml .In", Mi ,-laM. ,3tii) XI i h:i 1:1 .1. mi. il ml i, XIarki-it. ini'.i ( mrts. l..-t.riiiirv 'i .'nil. ( ran. I Jurors, I i-uii". lloill.'ilili. Ili'lurn. 12131 l.l ...l 47 M 1 T-.-r an. I Tiiitavi-s. 77 no MoiioL'rai.lit-i' auii I ran-i. 1 iiiiiiK 'i 23 t J utio Tpr.n, liraii'l Jurors, J'otlt Jurors, t'onstaitlps K'l-tutiis, Mileage, for Nun- Cons' Oniil'.-.l I'plt T. rjriT ami Tip Sia.ts Mt-nog ami I'raim riliil'i;, lolier Term, l.raiul Jurors, 1'etit Jurorn, :oiitulile Keturus, Oyer anil Tip Slaves, SteiioKraplu-r, TVc. Term. 4j rand Jurors, Petit Jurors, t'ontftlile Ill-turns, i'rrpr and Tip Slave, Struoraplii-r, 77 l 3 19 is'. 39 1.1'. 41 rS 117 m mi I'D 111154 211 1 li.1 41 02 57 (10 !U0O 121 SI 1 l'.l 111 i 1 n.t 2t f,n 10 00 3 It M 12174 Culleo. led- I At I RKtri I Eton -Coia'la. 1 oratu': slum. I tlulntand I UK .ill; III 1T !M vis., i., v i' 17 7S 41 .11 S 41 Ml 17 3. i;v. i 4. .-7 0 :: 4 63 Sl! IS 17 3 ST ii7o --if 111 31 '.Mi j VOi ! ih a u 1 m. 5 3 70 i' I : i on) ii j io5i 17; ii 11 t.i 7IH.1 il 96 7W IS. I9 l 11.3 va 70 a.'OT M in ri s iv it N.I MIJ 45 S7 k"o :!. I".' U1 It) i i a ios-. ai an u :n s.i :ii 4W; !7i 'IS il 7 1 -.ii If. r. KM .YiiF. 8i 4 IH -i, )-, ;s,, M-. si HI Jii.w! 'JIM 11 7- Tl.'ilu 17 1". ) ffl 14 .'7 1-1 3 13 6 i"3 17". 117.. 13 11 ".' 4:i-j I .' suss ;-, i ii'Ts 39 mi 4iiM 3 17 3 7".. SJ. l :i 3V .r.j 1., :. in lit 19.1 Jl ir. 4W 19 4 In 4-. ; il 7." tall- 414-J 1(9 7. SI 51 In; IC 10 16 10 Mjio; iit 1.' .!3 2: $417 il !J14'.is; kV::. iii 17 H -.'7 I 14.. t a. . ... I ' ti-: in TAIil'LAK STATKMKXT llovill! cullertions luiulf, iitMritndiiii; tuxcH for l'.M'l. . I I ,s 1M.OII It I I ('all-t- IA.. t.r.t-1 Co'nm imii.h.i,j I W l'lil "I"". H' "I.I.Kl'Tl n;s. I Year .1 n . I. I AfUTfi ni l. I f.l. I t...-. I 1 i . J i I A-l .1. i.-..t ft- i: ;- -.m In.. .t SB , luiim ; .(.; nil '.'I.) H..itr l-a .r 11. ii-l. l;il 41 4 14 i l-JS liii .1 t, M :. it.-r Wet .1 1. I! 'i r til 1 i l r. :r. I T.i t - -I.I I .1 .-.-pi. K"!T I'Jt II H HI ; 1K Il -Q lll-Jl I IV II Snail t: 37 7 K4 j ,9 x-i 11 14 - J 71 I r.. riktin A.i-iin Uiit 17'.' 1 IH 1: 9 4 1713. .1 ., k-i. H 1-" II ii 2 ".I 37 31 J 4.1 :: in ;t i ; r. nr.r'1 .vm Knu w ; '.4 173 til M ; 71 I :-j .: , .i.-. r.-. k M K K .Ho W X.i 117." 1 0.1 12 :nj si M." Til. II. SS 4111111 I 9 .'.7 373 lit 17 .1)0. IVhll II A I.. 4117 11) 1 i IS :U7 li'i -.0 (in 71 .it I .-.. . N-l..n M'l'ulc tis 1 , 341 . M !-h '.r Wi-l .1 i.Mr.-rr -Jt o.i 121 1! S2 2 -.'i 1 :: s.-i.ii-kTirto A 4 Sr..-y !4I HI I 4 7i i 14.1 in j 6. I 11 sw s 1.7 S;--!.t .IIIKU-IP 43 01 I .-.' .Mtlll if, l'.l I i.ii. 1 'i.iii 1.1. hi sin r.4 :t 1:1 ! n.nm r. r. 1.1 i W ;',-'..i .1 A i IM.ll; U" .M I ti 7H 1 126 46 ! H 'JS ; 7 i-J t267 HI I f 3 17 i:i:il 71 ! $ lit :m $ I41 07 .. ;j V2 1 1 1 . i ( 'h i -!:i!ilf-i anil Witncs-C' 1 inn v. V. I'..ilir.'k, -A f.l Mi 1 I r.m k .ro, 3 31 31 1 41 Kia. l Trull. 7 .3 ' I ;tv'.l Imiiii. h. .'..I .9 2!ii l . wis Kcril. tti-r, imn , 7 '.'.i ..ii.-r li.-ll. 2 ill Jit. -il. I.. M:ilil. .VI :i 1 X 1II111111 li.ii.-i. Ti. '.'' " liruiKu .M:irk. rt. 3: 9: 1 1.3 1 4 j 1 ii.(ih--I . .1. . S'., .,!,!. .-I N.-Woii i-i.m'l. 12 li l'i ii.t 1.1 ilrv. Stippiirt of I.ftu lit.., Mi.-II. A 1, .llrVillu,in, 73L1 II... ,ipp li.-tii-.-. i.l l-nii-l Tiutl ,:i .i-j liy'iiin. ii.piirl of Hi-rliHtor 1 t-ij;iT. li.-tiM-rm-r, hirk ami n imtiii. h, ;iwl (O I'lUllll. ii. W. !a iiiiv.iT, Hi-pairs 1 11) l A . I" .-rn u-iairs fi.r I'.ml, 39 26 A. M.Mi i.n'-ii Ii smitll liill, 9il li. I.. Wall. 1.. lain. r ami nut. 12 lanii s l-.nli ,-, 1 ali r 2 22 IIi ii lla . .. I al.'.r 1.1 II. I-. X'HI. - ii, Jail Ins. V2 3I J M. 1 I'o I. 1 Him I..-.- 1. 1 1.1 ' -13 nil 1:. 11:. It. y . . rli " 1.3 nil X. li 1 il a. nl i-i-im-nt, IS 7:1 I. 1 11 i.'iil" .'.or, 4S X. ' ,-i.y. .n, 31 S9 1 anl I . 1 it-ri UK, 17 ..9 rs. li. Xt . Ii aniiin jail 6 ml .1 I'll ! lalior fte. 11 1.3 . i.-o. I 'Ii I,. .S ui-ni ny 'it-orj;! 'l-irkeil, 23 3il .- t . liotv, t-xpcinti-fl, ill 7H , . Iliiiiklu, imlsc. 3 6 I net II on 3 3. ifi1-". Heaver. J Arliiiul.ui liotr. Attt-ntluiicts on I'riaoner Mm ki-rl, 25 33 I..-is Ki-istvttcr, Attcn.laiictt iuriioii, 575 Dr A. .1. (l.-rtii.-iii, m.'il nttcnil- niu-i- mi (iro. Mjiikt-rt, 10.30 11 i::i aim Jiriilgi; View Daniiigc- I II. r. lli'i-istrrssiT. I'rliii Tup, OH j .1. XV i i.wi t Si-lin urovi-Poro. S3 nil .lolill l.....'lisla.T, ' ftllMil ' lii'itl ;i. l..ppili, 23 im ( II I: l'avi-i, " in nil .I1.I111 II .larrvtt. Mxri-utor, I'l-tin ' Towuslup. 311O I'. a o. S. 1 1 i 111 1 in I .lliiltlli cr.-'-k I'wp. .30 "0 'I lioiuns Satirr, " 17 39 llarrii-t Aiiriiiul, ' 17 3n XXilsun llaitinnn. Franklin tnji.luwi I liark-s II. st. iniiik'iT, " lsooa Anu-lia Kviinrt, " 24110 I'. s.oiHyliill. West lVrry twp. Ml u Komi V iexv Fees J. J. Mil!. , t. hi. IG 30 1'riilgcs. ViilillplnirKh (2i li 71 Krenini-r (2) 44 36 i..,i. Mills, 121 sous I'ortline, 410.1 St-liii-Krovc, I l.i.tverl 1 .'.-'10 6s tl'ino Stiect.) 11713 97 Leplevil 3 19197 IIsIik 72H 10 s.-lmi li's 97 11 Sprenkle's A 1.1 .Xleiserville, 5 50 i-isln-r's 65 36 Kaul., (21 271 II Hoover's 22132 I. .lily's. iili 20 XVei-ii's, 15IKH10 lilitillil's 72 00 .31 a 11 re rs, 1 0.1537 l-i.tll.KS. 575 i reek. 6 30 MoI'liiitoiiKii, 12(10 l'alnnville, 9S6I Winters, 1113 tillOils, 20 11V Pott risox's. 1525 i,.v.-rs. H 6S I'r.-elieru'. 13'0I)H linil.nkeis. 10 HO 1 i.i-h in ik), 1 (ill , $22 '1.5s 1 i"'e:i-(.(l Soldiers, linrial and Toinlistoius. Huria': iln-iT. J. Ilp. ktnaii 33 (HI ;:5 (si 2S on 35 00 33 nil 15 id l'.lill 15(10 Ja. i'l. Walter. I! I aii'i, Is.iae Hi t. I'. Il.-i kiii.l, Jaeiili t iaui;ler, , !!. X1;!. tm. I latnul Hare, Tombstones; aui!i,-i ,v tlel all K Miller, iae.ili XX alter 4. XV. Snoke, 4. ( '. I.0111:, 1.3 (I.l XV. Mi.y.-r .X Son, . A. 'Milliter 15 0 I imiii i liar.-, 1.1 on S. S. I'.over, 15 0.1 W. Wallaep, 1.1 (Ki W. ile. kinan, Pan, licettniun, 16 00 liurial: I). Mini tmi. s. S. Hover. .35 Oil XX , M. Hover, .lolin W.'snoke, 35 (.0 r. XX", Kn'ii:lit. T S. 4.iaiiRlcr. 11 00 Is.iae liow, liurial J. '. I.oiik, 31 110 0. M . '..Inter. " W. II. t'olritor 8 r.O 022 20 I. I Verier. " W. l.essniiin. 33 00 t;i '3 :.i 1'riuting. II. II. Mo.t-er. Prinliiiir County Statenipnt 25 01 Court proclamation 13 31 Blanks for Protbonntary SOI KIpciioii proc'niiiation 25 0) J. II. b-slipr eo. statement 25 00 ourtproc, 16 62 Kills 7 3il Flection prop. 3S34 sub. to Timet S 00 507 23 33 ; )i iNhniar mwrpit showm,; uouni nc t oi.t-.ixuJ suHi.mii( ;iuriMi. ! Total Ami. O'tlnl'lll'K Jan. 1, 1IMI Ami. Oil AsM ! .-l. i.. I .- ) i'b- Mii.i exotiorutions allow. .1 an'1 P S Kin -r 1-0. '..ll.l I I.r. II. J Slin tu Si-tV 1 I II lllankMi-ti- ;i -ppriii-.... .'lit lilank- 2 . I'D IU.iii,xs fur rr.jtlu.!:..i,.i v 9in I nx "J 1 11 1.,-nrr 1 no I..' tin,: aii'l Tax Notin g 4 i.) Kin Hon pi-.n-. -M 1 11 I. all. its 3UI.ll Trn'lnm Ulli.e Wanks 1 Ml l-IIVriop l-., 111. Ollii-j I III li. V. Mll,-.-nn'lli-r. Illinik-. fr I K n. I l.n-oiiii-i-i ntli v 21 .'.!) I l.lai. for ri..:lioiiiiiar.v I -il . l' Mil I ll III- i.a'M i T l l.i-.-...iM I'.i Ti . I.l'lllli 1 Ei I It- I ;.o C'lllll' l.l .'llll-lit, II lilank Hun -s aii.l l iiitii. 1; 73 ItlanU- I'rtilhiiiiulij, y 3 un 1-.1l-i.ii.iu proi-. ' '.3 11 1 .1. A I piiniini; i:;.-i-lioii Hal lots v; no i-iniu.y ittati-.iieiit 2 1 1) 1.7 )7 73 US iili-. iler and lit 1'.. lilt ploc, l.liveliipps, A, -peal .. in s eal ete I u. i- 1'. I.ettini; liil.s l.j.ii.r 1 .1 i-oiirt li-l 1-ii v. i.p.-s i.iii. .Ill l.-l Hit r. Nov. I li-viion 1'roe, lion. Is. .0.11 1 i-ai.-ndiir I'.-c. T. A. XI. A 1 1 11111. 1 . prilitilu; emirt prni-laiualiuii lilauks eouiily st.iti.n..nt, 7 -Hi 1-1 32 2KI 1 s mi li-0 2 50 2 I'O '. ",J 25 ii it 30 lit 32 il 2,3 l.t-ltiiiK lulls ete. 1.. tluiK I, (lis ele t-.leclion pioelatiiation Assessor?. AHuneut for SpriiiK and Mill- - Ult id. II - Kck and School children ieatlisini. III rt lift tual. Ik'avei- tit assessor. Elections. Keli Klf.-tiiiiis, Itootii Monroe ttvp einisial.l.-s fees, l-'eli, e.e.'iii.n iJaliks liepair ii.. .tooths I'.le.-liini (lllii-eis for Nov. elee. " Sul'iii.w " eotnputiiin; general eleelioii. lietlli 11 Jlidip- to eillig. euufir- p,lee, oler-. (iilidrs, Tii .li VI7 i7 5CS 317 01 50 1 it. 3 1 5!212 2 12 nn .is 7 .30 111 53s III S.30 s 3n 2.1 60 I 2D 195 C2 Sealp Certificates. W P. S.-ifred et- al, CL-rtifliat.-a on Sculps, 150 75 150 73 517 00 Miscellaneous. Jneoli (iilhert nil.l. eo. ollleea 15 00 l-.lnu-r Sliiinihui-li, jury c-olil. 17 91 It. M. I'oleuiaii ' 1322 .11. I. Poller unseated I.. .I. e. Is 39 Paul llillliardt, elerk to .1 Com. Ill 00 11. A. App, And. eo. aeels l'.'ui '22 o 4. C llottersox, " " 21 itO II. A. MiiiKler '' " 21 44 I al. Steller clerlr to V. auditors 21 ou A. K. tiillieri. costs Lcslier vs. Snyder eo. loo li. ,xt. Ciili-iuan J. C. Fell, term 5 72 C. Scebold, boardiuir Jury s.-l Ired vii, I'. it U. 3 23 Thomas A, Watts, burial Marry 1 a vis, (iypsie, 'Jl So II. II 1 rim 111 . Atty., petition (or release (.'. Sliamitaeli, .1 00 1. Ilillliurdt. clerk to J, com. 1 3n F V XViilter livery hire 1 75 II, M Coleman J ('June Term H 91 J X Thompson 1 tit order no. loo and 11, .te May 6, 19ol H2 91 I. Hummel 1 lit July 1 on bond 2o 00 V A llolunder Int. to July 1st 011 $I5ihi note at 3 per cent 4-5 110 Fimt Nat, llank, MiddleburK, on bond to July 1st, 19o2 2ooo II 1 S.-huiire, ilumairp (or flat borrowed by tlo 1 0111 .'oo.i J 11 Hitter, probate tux, 3o C Knollse, bui iili XV A alls 4il 75 It M Coleman, J C, (li t, term s 91 A XV Potter, ser in Leshur case lo 00 I, 1-7 Xletzel. Telegram 5o .1 (t Thompson, lot and Prin on Notes dated Feb 21, IHol, liny li. l'.'ol and June 2. liio2. 11N0 lot .111 No loo, issued Feb. V", l'.ioo, ii I'.J'.1 19 C, k noiise, paid Peter I'olt, tiillsiii. t 111 iVollaee, loon P. Pillhardt, clerk Jury I'o, 1 jo M 1' liei;el, note mid int. dated 216 30 51 I June .1, I 0.3s 22 .a iioieiioer, 1 nil. nun nil. oil note dated .1 illy 1. P.iul, I ,117 00 (ieoXX x a h..rn. Te.i.-beis Ins. I'.iils9 A F tiill.eri costs m U-sh.-r -ac 1 00 KM Coleman, J. com, lire T, s 91 A SIPtler. est, prepariuir and shippii.K (ieo. .Murker!, 3 7.0 S 1. sluve, .XI. I. servii-es on bur- Klar wounded at II inni-r villi- 25 no (i t- tiiitelins expressa'e, 7 7-1 elms Mi'nliiti-r Freight etc. 4s7 XV (i .lolinsi.iu ,t Co stationery 21 31 Win li lircvcincyer Jc t'o. slu." 65 77 7o2l Court House. 4 F licit. Pump. 12 i Carbon Scebold, spittoons, 2 2 I A Kern, repairs. 6 93 A M Sehiiinliacli, blacksmith. 2.4 Samuel Spitler, repairing chairs 5n 11 XV Fttiilk, nil a'i.1 matches S 7.1 XV. M SnatiKler chloride sulphur. 205 XV II (ir. veineyer .V l o l.ln. rVi 00 Aaron Ste'lcr est. Lumber' 46 39 J K Steller, l.ilinbi-r ete. Is; Hi J W Kunkle, Merchul disc, 2 2S llelnet Bros, " 2 m W II lleaver, 1174 Stelnlnirer Pros, coal, VO si XV H H Iney coal, vtf 78 0 W Ilassinirer, mat for cupalo 14 91 1 II Bowcrsox, ci'nl oi ij U 1 Tobias. Salary as Janitor, 91 mi " Ijibor, t 27 90 4iil 50 7132 67811 90 46 To!aI amount of Kiictuliturrs, Jll'lt) Pursuant lo law. t'i nixieralgnstd Ooia ttti'Moi.ttta of tint 4'ouniy n( ..tdt-.r, Isiatw of l-emisyivtmi. p.itilivb Ibe fttreirttliis; tatinrnl -.1 i(ptt,Ha and r7i,M.nditurea tt aaid County, fin l .i yesr and also pr-iit lierewilli a latenit-ni of tbe a Mia ami lidiili ira of aaid omit, on llio ist .lav .f LiH-initer 19 4. i-nnss tiir hau U and the tetl of a-U-1 oftlco this .4th day of 4 tun ir r. I9.UJ. U F. tttLI.KIt. 1 ..- 1 't i 7:r.'l. v out.ty (TtiminiMiloiicra W. KM i.l r , ) At;. -t : J.N Unwius. ( lerlt ( ii.-ut rat -Stiiit'iiiiiit. t.'nun'y Fund Assets Oiitsiiindiuir tax-r of 19 11 and prpvlo .n .wars. 010 57 Outstun.lili la ties t.f liltC and l.r.-t 1 -us ywti a 2 149 s. liuefitriM Iniptnnn twp nis l.oi t of I,ewis I-....stetter 71 11 -.- ' Ner 11- Mi.ldieswuitb sup nit 01 I'. II. rii-n-r. 22 75 inifiro .1 l.iniatac.i for rvp 4,iut Hriilix'-s 71S 0 "ai 111 I an 1 of Treas-irrr. Il.3i9l labi1 ties in ex,c-s uf assc ts21 i-l.t 91 25 : 77 31 I.l l.illt.l-. Itou 'ed liel.t 2,3 000 00 . nteit-st due Pec 31st, !9o2 01 lion. ted del, t. 777 31 25 3T7 31 Dug Fund. A kh Ih. a), in li:,ntN of ') rt'im .Ian. 4 I IH I' 't.I . .ix -4-M.ii for X.ul '.ill .'IT o a-.; itnliiiK luv, I oU HI lM'MUfvilie Smith, Treasurer, hi At nyltT ( o'liily ftir the year Vi Dii. lb' f" in limul .:an 1, I'.MJ .'I HiT imiiii y ami MjU Lit iihih tl fni 1 tu"' it; ,'ioT N'J i'nunty uimI M-Uf Tux !'.(! ami 1 1 rev j; '.IC il Tu uinttiihiM r ft'ivi tj from ftilloWii if: A. I'll r i lVv ft l taxt h ou im- vcivil liintl, :.H J l -t iiioii ry !M-M r li M 1 t'nttfY CMilli for , ii ou u' of l.uiniM i i li!iK've ln'i;li' tt. t.7 '- ftl HI k- 1 1 is t( .) -niiiiuiy r.s, i i p Co Yt-i u'T. y V" . ii -iiiM ti 1. Mr u r li- io t Dv-t-rst't'iM ha ,1111.1 ii 1 W . 1 MTstt'ttt-r. !U l-.c f tin rU N 1;is rt-f iM'lt'il.t.o - 31.1 ;i ItorroWfi! IuiifV, uoti on S imu'-I '. l o ,t ci fox titite, ." on i'a t ol Si il" lux i -lu r i if I. 1 1 lo ,io 'J p. an t H iioio. lavt'rn I .1. fttMf - -n on Cli' fk Jutii.ila -. joint liii lt- mt t I .!.' o-.lo - ivili'fiii tl, II 71 - ' .. i'tr t'l iit nun. on nauit 1 ni l 71 MU-st.UHliiiK tir iri- rt'iiffniL'tl 1 7 o .. pit t i iii nun tu vuiit' v; lYrnttil in-n-rly lav uait) to statu ts! 1 H '-i 1 pi r flit t oiniuH, 0 i'l '.' Oi- h'J i avtM ii l.ifi'ii-i'.-, 'J'w.i'f, aiil ittnnih-, I ."l HT cent colli In-,' HI I ID tiO 5 iur cent, on I liiv- em 1 it-" ii p:ui 1 o Mo oo L'Ji To Taxt-. of I'.t il ami pri't'loiH c im out ! atnl ( n, t'.lo ,"7 Taxi" of I'.'.iJ oiH-taiMlin, l! 1 ly Coin A Mowed i til'UL'tori, 4i7 '-'I AliatcnicnN, i.'o hT KxoiicrattoiiH, 7 Ki tuiuc t. I.l l-.ioii. l-'ol and prow yi-ar't, ln W Ati t-. " " 1 liftman " " Com " 14Mi Hal nice in hand, 1 4.ti Ml 53 COS 27) liuiiiicville Smith, Treasurer, l)OU Fl'NI). In a. e. .nut with Snyder t'ointv for the 1902. nn. Hal. ill band, I.iii, l,19o7 411 2 A ml. of tat assess d for 19o2, 321 36 11 outstaiitliuie i9ol and am! previous yeais, 2H32I 1 o21 - PI . ... ..., Ami paid J. Calvin Moyer, 11 So lieo K. Pont miii, 16 oo Trens. Com. on tamo l pt-r ct. 68 Com. Allowed ColleetorM, llot and previous yearn 7 iJ Kxoiit'ratiuii! l'Joi, and prcvltms earf. -o So OtiLMiiiniinK tux (tor 19ol and pn-vioiiH years. flti 14 (MittUtii'luiK tax for loo?, 'j.'t'i sM Anit. paid into lo fund. 'JM'-'o t 'oiu-on Dnplit ale f I'Mri, H vii (..xtineratioiiM on dup. of l-io'i, HM lialante in hand, 4oH u'i 1 ol!l SI We.the underii:ned Aiiditorn. in and for the County of Snyder, Mate of Penney Ivama. do hcreliy certify, that in the iliNeharKe if the dtl tiende.olViiiK upon un hy law. we met at the i tnirt IloiHe of the County aforcsai'1, on the lnt IMtintlny of January A. 1. VMM, (it beinjf te lifth day of the taioiith) to audit, Nettle and ad jut the aeeoiintH of tue m-veral ol.ieen of Maid county, wlnme account it in our duty lo audit, settle and adjust, and that wc (hid the forcgo ii)K statement correct. (T1AS. M AltlKX.AS .1. Al. ItoYKK, 11. M. AMUi, II. H.tiuiMM, Clerk. AudittirH Boarding House at Portage, Pa., Blown Up to Hide Double Crime. TWO DEAD AND TWO INJURED Finding of Bodies After the Explosion Revealed Mysterious Crime Be tween $800 and $900 Missing Many Other Buildings Damaged. Johnstown, Pa., Feb. 10. A dastard ly attenipt to hide robbery and murder resulted In the wrecking by dynamite of an Italian boarding house at Por ta go, this county, early yesterday morning. Txvo persona are dead, two are injured and a score of others had miraculous escapes from death when the explosive let go. The concussion broke the windows in all the buildings for nearly a square and did some other damage. The dead are: Tony Grlllo, nged 44; Mrs. Tony Grlllo, aged 41. Kalpli Tellilldo and Joe Dcstavo were seriously injured. The scene of the affair was an Ital ian boarding house occupied by Grillo, his wife, thrco daughters aud about 25 boarders. When the explosive let go the In mates were hurled In all directions, but the most of them escaped serious in jury. The bodies of Grilio and his wife were found burled beneath the ruins of the building, which was completely demolished. The boarders are all employed about the railroad at Portage. They had no occasion to use dynamite, and none of the explosive was known to be In the house, yet persons familiar with Its use say that at least 25 pounds must have been put off under the room where Grillo and his three little girls slept. It was stated that Grillo had between $600 and $700 and his wife $200 more In the house, but non of to HO FURNITURE If you are iu need of Furniture, Carpefe, Mattings, Hugs, Oilcloth, Linoleum,Lace Curtains, Window Shades, Pictures, and "Picture Frames, give us a call. We can suit you in Style and in Prices Our stock is new and up-to-date. It is no trouble to show goods and quote piiirs. REPAIRING neatly and promptly done. Lewistovn Furniture Co,, tne mom-v utto ; ucen louna, anu ' the theory is that It was 6tolen by some j one who killed the couple and then i exploded the dynamite to cover the crime. Evidence wnlch developed yes- j terday afternoon tends to strengthen , this theory. The coroner's examination disclosed , the fact that Grillo's head was crushed j as if by some heavy instrument, and ; his ribs wero all caved In. Further ' Investigation Is being made. j Among the places damaged were the Exchange, Doney's and Yerkley's Ho t.'ls, the oHii-os of Strieker & Coffleld. 1 Alexander Wright's jewelry store and Silverman fc Goodman's general store. The entire population of the town was aroused. Shortly before the explosion a man was seen running away. A WOPAN'S AWFUL CRIME Confessed to Killing Husband and Burning Body In Kitchen Stove. . j Moiiticeilo, N. Y.. Feb. !). Mrs. Lafayette Taylor, of CentroviUe. Sul livan county, yesterday conl'tviiod lo having killed her husband. I.uf lyettn Taylor, and burned the body, on Jiui uary 25 to escape detection. Taylor disappeared on the night of Jaii'i.ny j 25 and xvas supposed to have de.s"i't''d ! his family. On February 5 Mrs. T.iy- 1 lor ai tempted to sell a horse to a Cen-1 treville man, who would not buy for . fear Taylor might come back and claim I it. Mrs. Taylor told him to rest easy on I that point, for she had killed him and burned his body. Tho 14-year-old daughter of the Tay lors was asked about the story her mother had told about having klUed I $ I (J f lU I I II 81 true. Mrs. Taylor was arrested, ftna &' yesterday made a full confession. Her story Is that her husband, Who was a hard drinker, came home on the night of January 25 very drunk and began to abuse her. She secured a re volver, which she had purchased a few days before, and tried to frighten him, He attempted to take it from her, and j In the struggle it went off, the bullet i striking him over the eye and killing him instantly. She was bo frightened for fear of being arrested for murder that she decided to cut up the body and burn It. Her 14-year-old daughter wit nessed the shooting and helped her to cut up the body in small pieces with an axe and burn It In the kitchen stove, together with the clothing of the victim. The burnt bones were ground fine and fed to the hens. The blood spots were covered up with paint. Mrs. Taylor says sue confessed be cause the crime haunted her. The daughter has not been arrested yet. Endorse Slave Pension Bill. Fort Worth. Tex., Feb. 9. At the regular meeting yesterday of the It. E. Leo Camp, United Confederate Vet erans, a resolution endorsing Senator Hanna's bill to pension former slaves was introduced by the state historian. Judge C. C. Cummlngs, and passed by an almost unanimous vote. Tho reso lution urges that Texas representa tives in congress support tho Hanna measure to the extent of rewarding ex-slaves who remained at home, with in the ages set forth In the bill, or those who went with their masters in the war, but that those be excepted who were inlisted in the United States volunteer service and already are on the pension list. Earthquake at Owcnsboro, Ky. Oxvensboro, Ky., Feb. H. A distinct earthquake shock xvas felt here nt fi.45 o'clock last ni.qht. Pictures were shaken from walls and tables In tho second stories of -nany houses. The phock was also felt nt several other Kentucky (oxvns and by some in Illi nois. Killed While Playing With Pistol. Wilkesbarre, i'a.. Feb. 9. While playini? with a ioatle-l revolver yester day, Louis ll'-i 1 shot and killed his companion. T!io:nns Mossip. They ara both 17 years oi' age and well con nected. Reel w.-s .-.rr.'sted and placed la the (it. 1.: ':iu lor a bearing. Hi Own Craft? Way. Fusilby Human nature is a funny thing. It was said I had quit drinking-, and everybody I met asked mo to take something'. Glassby And you couldn't accept. Poor fellow! Fusilby Oh, yes, I accepted every time. It was 1 vho started the re formation story, you know. Boston Tram-cript. No. 1 2 1 4 alley St. Felix BlorJ l&BTXaBKXCi; Notice Special Goats At the NEW STOKH We have decided to n.;,),, diictioii on all Ladies (',,.,1, the holidays, so as to ujv,, hotly a chance to buy a l,r coTt I. fibre Christinas -it a ti . . . .mi juice. i ins win j,,, I,. . 1 V I tl io-ua . i o win siii u,. customers when they prices. Rfinctiiber, every coal i nexv and the styles are l,au Special bargains in lVdl Comfortables, Undefxii,i- f:...i- : i v.vtni.-. V.OUIC- in ami trouble to show goods. A specially grand lot n' make selections from. II. F. Cfienim 410 Markets., SUXl'.L'BY Three doors east of the MarkdH niDMITII Do you need any funiti If so, don't fail to eon'.tio store and get our price?. We can suit you '4 style and p fleet from the cheai est to the biUi grade. Hard wood, golden oak Only Si2.SC , Mattresses $ii I Bedsprlngs Si. t Good "77" lii 5- ZT nomol Bo 4. so. J. liaim, Rockera, Coui lie", S boards, Fancy and cheap E J. tension Tallica, liaby Currlan A and bo-carts. t M. HARTMAN FURMTtREi V Mlfllinhtir H H-!.$'H-3'$HKiH IMiit-l.m, -r..t .t-l X'lTtrf DMliO 1 liA 1 t i n .tviiv- XIl ters of Ailiuinl.-:r. "tt in "'"I Polly Noll, lata nt )',.;.' luwii'lup County, Pa., dm-eie'l. ii.ttiiitf I'" to the Illldi'ltuiiriiptU all .-.-rt'-l.lis kll'!: selves indebted to aid . slate lire rM make iiiimediiitp ffekviiieni. ivhih' t',l elnilns aitaiust the said slate will l'f "l dulv autli.-nti.-nted to the uii'lerikriity l-'li ANK Hl.igiliMI ti ll. I vkwp inniv iii.-Ui.i ll Ailm" Dec. .'9.2. .11:. l'l.-.i--llW DR. KIDNEY - All diseases of K Jney, 1 Bladder, Urinary O ans. I Also Rheumatism. Jack scbe.HeartDieease ravel. ' Dropsy, Female Trebles. . . . M Don't Uecome ais7 0uraBeo. cure for you. If in rue. -snry It4l life ..lino curliiJZJ All ,. ...uii HatlOUll'l He lias spent a vises as yours. All oiisullatloiii ,1 Dackadi"'! "your Money mn r.mtl cureu two very uau iw" " , wtl mors the past yeur wlintl1' JJ glVCD Up. up. J. L. STILL at t-u- I Askf.irCootB DruRKists. 50c., II. ST.VTUS'DANCEner'F iBefl-room Sis Backache
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers