1111 Sir, I am frank - to. adinit .that the Anglo Saxon, in this country, bas more general intelligence, more cultivation, more refinement than the blacks. 'Why shouldn't he? Cornpare their advanta ges to ours, and then" wonder, if you can, , that there Is a mental or moral difference. . - - .. - Suppose Our fathers,' four, centuries , , Tad been hound in nuMael..s and sold as we -Sell cattle and hories ;,sup pose all the nearest - and dearest ties of humanity , bad long been sundered solely to gratify the avarice and lust of their owners;- suppose the bible to them had been a sealed book; suppose that all theavenues leading to 'wealth, honor 'and distinction had been to them her metrically sealed, and that these - same evil and degrading influences; which were the handmaids of Ainerican Ow' very, bad all descended to u ,as heir looms, have any of us any' assurance that we should stand- to-day, 'Morally and intellectually, -any higher than do the colored men of this country ?, Take Mr. Douglass,'to Whom I have just re ferred ; is there any gentleman upon this floor who would not "censider- him his - peer in any intellectual contest? , And he spent the first twenty years of his life in slavery; You answer that in him the Cauctis • lan predominates. So much the greater' reason why he should have the --41 lot. Do our Democratic friends • believe the - white man better than the colored man? Then, sir, according to their logic if a man is . more than half-white he should be allowed the balloto for the reasonthat s, minority of black Wood should not be allowed to control a majority of the Anglo Saxon. • • Some of the Western States inive ju dically • determined that if a man is seven eight's white he is\ a white man to all legal intents and ptirposes, - which in . so far is a step in the right direction! But, sir, it is not true that the iiegro hos not,sufficient brains to vote. The large majority vote already. .14/e are only asking that the tiallot-be exten ded-to the small minority-at present dis ,, franchised: In alt the States where they have the ballot they have shown that neither bribes or threats can deter them from, voting according to their principles: -We have only to look bacr a few months to remember how many were driven houseless-and homeleo in to the street with fernerselestistarvhtion - staring them in the lace' because they would not vote against tbeirconvictions • - to suit their employers. . DO ybu object to their :voting because they cannot all read and Write? How - many .I)ga-wet:Laic vetes,would you lose in the city of New York it' you were to apply that test there?' bo not misun -derstand me. I would not deprive any man of the right to vote because be is so unfortunate as to be tiAahle to read. But I do say, sir, that it is ungenerous and cowardly to allow the hundreds of tliousiands of ignorant whites to Vote,' who have life long had free access to free schools, and then say with a sneer, and with " two ga t " that no nigger shall vote if he be uneducated, even though his whole life may have been spent in worse than Egyptian darkness., It is not true that they Will not learn. During the palmy days of slavery, they furnished the' South her blacksmiths, her carriage entikers, her carpenters and .joiners, as well as performing the heavy drudgery of-field labor. Th© reports pith° F reed man's Bureau shows that the Children not only take to their books with an intense interest, 'but that they make quite as good prog ress as. white children. More than that; the freedman, after his day of toil Is over, Will be found around his humble fireside, learning the rudiments of an education which he was preven ted from obtaining in his boyhood. The gentlemen from Lehigh [Mr. Creitz,] in his argument to the House, found much fault with the " Freed men's bureau." The English language had not sufficient inVective with which li to express his contempt of that instttu- - 4 tion.l • During the last campaign I found a Democrat of the same opinion. He was a violent Seymour man. In his faith he was as firm as the adamantine ~ hills. I asked him why he should hate Grant so intensely. He said " because Lincoln had freed all the niggers, 4 hnd now Grant had given each of them a bureau ; that .he had, been., married thirty years, and raised a family of ten children, and had ngter., liao bureau , in his house'" I was satisfied; Is it said that the negro - should not vote because lie has no property ? I . understood that_ to be the position of • the gentleman from-, Lehigh [Mr. • Creitz. j How long has that been a Deinoerat ip principle? How much more than a carpet-bag do many of the Democratic voters of Bedford' street possess? Up-.• on a certain occasion Dr. .Franklin was arguin against the pretension -that there should be a property qualification of fifteen dollars before a man should be allowed to , vote, when he said : " Suppose a man owns a jackass worth fifteen dollars, he' may vote, ' Yes.' Suppose the jackass dies, hecan't vote. ' No. Then which is, it that votes, the man or the jackass?" ' --, . Mr. Speaker,' do not the colored men deserve well of their country? All of us too well remember the great conflict through which this nation has recently passed; We shall not soon forget the weeping, mourning- and la mentation that filled, our whole land. We shall not seen forget the five hun dred thousand brave men who sleep in unknown and - unnumbered but never to be forgotten graves uponia hundred battle fields, and whose remains make sacred the soil of every Southern State We shall not soon forget the maimed . soldier and the widow and orphan of . . the fallen hero. - We-remember the contraband who came to our camps, bringing the . only reliable news from rebeldoui. And, • sir, we all remember with shame that .during the first eighteen months of - the war, after periling his life to bring us , news of the army movements, lie was sent by the " olive branch" mode of , warfare back to •his old master, and to a fate worse, than death. - They asked 'the poor pri - vilege of 'putting on the national uniform, of striking a blow, not' only for their own liberty; but in defense of that government that had ever been a mockery to them. If I mistake not, our friends across the way then said a" nigger" would not. fight—that if you put the " army blue" upon' them our white soldiers would throw down their arms and come ~ home. Too long such counsels pre - veiled. "The mills or God grind slow ly, but they grind esdeeding fine." To please its: political enemies, the Gov ernment hesitated. Justice was de /. layed. We " waited beneath the fur nace blast the pangs of transformation.' 1 Bull-Run was followed by the Peninsu lar campaign, and then we had Bull Run again. Out of these disasters and defeats came the, Emancipation Proc lamation. - The wasted - auks: of the : - Union armies were steed thened by ) every available man, without reference vi siio • to race, color or pre ous condition.. I _I need not repeat wil followed.- No . white soldier mutin t because they were reinforced by black 'regiments.— No fainting, famishing Union soldier, escaping from the rebel prison 'hells of Salisbury, Andersonville or Belle Isle was ever betrayed bydne of these men. . And, air, when the - war was over—after Sheridan had met Early in the morning '—after Sherman had marched from the mountains -to the sea—when Grant, - met Lee At the Appomattox, two -hun dred thou and of these men were upon the pay rolls of our army—had put on • the national uniform—had followed the old flag of our fathers through defeat as well as viotory. , And their mortal remains, to-dayi as earthly witnesses of 'their patriotism and heroic bravery, lie _side by side with our white soldiers at Port Hudson and Milllken's Bend—at Forts Pillow and Wagoner—at Chapin's Farm and Petersburg. And, sir, when the history of the great conflict shall be written it cannot, -in truth, be said' ' that a single colored man ,was a rebel or willingly fired upon the flag of his countiy, the gentleman from Clarion to : the contrary notwithstanding. lIMES , n , We have ,heard imic 3 f national faith-3320h of national honor—m*43. of the sacredness of the -.lighted faith of the Government: -• t hen - :we 'em ploM these riegroes,' a d they stood by us in - Our struggles, we plighted the faith of the nation that' they should have' '-freedom-for -the r , race—equal rights under the law wit 1 o—and that national faith, I for. on , God helping me will never go back - pian. ._Wo eon cede that we• are co* rds if we are afraid' to admit them to all the rights that we claim for ourse ves. r ask the gentlemen' - -from Clark) if be is afraid that four -millions of - b act( men, men that you say are degraded and illiterate, are going to control thi ' ty-six 'millions of the Anglo' Saxon, 3 bo possess the wealth and power in his. eoulitry ? They - recere no access ons from immi gration. We receive a half million annually.- • • ' Now, sir, i submit 1 " all candor, is there a Democrat on ti is.floor, in view of all these things, who believes the ne grols going - to control the destinies of this republic? If he des, then be 14 , , mita that four million , Without posi tion and• power, can control thirty-six millions, who have bot , thus making one colored superior to ine white men. But, I suspect that ,our - Democratic friends will object upon the greund.l hat the negro is not , the equal of the Can eailan. Sir; what de we mean by, equality? ' I do not pretend , ' for one moment, that we are all equal, in every respect. 'My good friend from BeaVer [Mr. Nieholson) is more than the equal of many of us in age and legislative experience. The gehtletnen from the Tenth district [Mr. Davis,] who sits be foree, has twice been the presiding n officer of this House; and as a parlia ment: lan he 'has ne'euperiors and few equals .on this floor, and physically speaking,. I have no doubt the gentle man from Montgomery [Mr. Esch beet]] is the superior of the gentlemen from Centre [Mr. - Meek.] No gentleman upe . this floor the exact equal of any flier gentleman, either mentally or intellectually:Wo differ religiously`and 'politically. Yet i ) we are aW'equal as members of the House, and,fn regard o our legal rights under 'the - law. - (live a man the ballot does not make him' morally the equal 0 The "shoulder hitte 'and Mackerelville v.te. Yet did Ho ratio Seymour or John T. Hoffman ev er dream they were there equals ?- The " dead - rabbits" of Bedford street, and, : the vile scum in oar' great cities vote— they corgrol your wad meetings. Yet do their political frie ids invite them to their homes—allow (hem to mingle in their families, and ntertain Om in the family circle? It is not the simple act of voting that dr W 3 men together. Men mingle together as they feel and act alike upon moral, social, religious and 'political questions. This amend ment., therefore, does not propose to change the social status of a-single 'hu- - man being. • - The colors man is our equal, or he is not. ,'lf hot our equal 'and God has 'made him sO,rmodern Democracy can not't, help it, pd the epublican party cannot helpitif - he is ot. Everything, in time, finds its pr per level. As a rule, all objects find t sir proper sphere, and in spite of legis ation, in spite of our friends on the ot er side, the negro will take the positiO for which God made him. Now,. si , what does the Republican party say . We say we will not Interfere, by co stitutional enact ments, with his taki g that position.— In the great race of life we will give him a fair start and hold all men cow ards who attempt to trip hlin up. The absolute right of man aro very much misunderstood: Much has been written upon the subject. The late President Lincoln stated that - condi tion better than it mins ever stated be fore.. I wish it were written. in the leglslattve halls of hvery State. It is the very epitonie Or 'mutat - I - rights. - Ile - - said " not that every man was equal, but that .every man has the right to be the equaf every other man if he can." Not thane is, or will be, or 6. be, luit that he has the right to be, rind all laws against this right are unjust and will prove void at -last. Here lies the difference between Democrats and Re publicans. They assumtg 1 that he be-- -longs to an inferior order of beings, and for the purpose of realizing that as sumption, they prop se to close to him the, main avenue lea ing to mental cul ture and worldly prosperity. No man's legal rights arC saferen he has no po litical power with which to &fend them. Tkity allege him to be inferior,' and then act as thouo they were said, if other things were, equal, he would be their-superior. The Republican party does not assume that the negro is the equal of the white, or that he is his-in ferior. That is between him and ,the God who made us all. But, sir, we do say, as our understanding of the doe- - trine of human - rights, that every man has the right to be the equal of every 'other man if he can: Mr. Speaker, this is, fill important question, and upon it I shall cast the most important vote of my life. I shall cast that vote believing it to be for the right. There is no half way house be tween right and wrong. We cannot rest at easel:fall way up the summit.— We must either retrogade or go forward. I am willing to stand or Cali by the doctrine enunciated by the proposed amendment., It shall never be said of "ine that'l denied to the humblest of God's creatures a single legal or politi cal right that I tined for iny.Own race-. _ • . , A lions AnatCLS-7—F m .—The t timony of intelligent men and women, in favor of an given thlng,•emot La thrown aside, anti regarded ! as tvorthless. DC. HOOFLAND'B GERMAN ItITTP.MS . Have received the endorsement and cordial approba _Hon of the most eminent Mon in this and other com munities. The human system very often needs a Toni to strengthen it, and to aid In the performance of it functions when it , becoma debilitated. The Germanßitters does thisond pose sses the additional advan tage of being nomintoxica ins. For the cure of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Ne ous debility, and all dis eases of the nervous syste, it Is unequalled, and is recemme rifled by pbys fete s of the hfUltest 'standing. The wonderful sale which this articlefficient guarantee of its surpassing exesliense. bias. IS or itself a f t sufficient "Hoefland'a German Bi ters" contains no Liquor of any description. , noormumn't Otrattiti TONIC lea combination of all Dm ingredients of the Bitte4, with pure Banta Cruz Ruin,orange, anise, &c., making a preparatien of rare in . &Mul I value. The Tonic is used for the same diseases as 0 .Bittera, in cases where coma Alcoholic len s required. ' eti t i , , , Principal Office, (3,31 Arch lit.,Philadelphia, Pa. '' Bold everywhere by Druggists and others. ' To the School Directors of Tioga Oomity. GENTLasts:a : In ptUsuanee of the forty-third Section of the Act of Bth May 1854, you aro hereby notified to meet in Convention at the Court house in Wellsboro, on the first Monday In May, A. D. 1869, being the 3d day of the month, at I o'clock in the afternoon and elect viva roes, by a majority of the whole number of Districts present, ono person of literary and scientific attainments, and of skill and experi ence in the art of teaolling as County Superin; ttindent for the three inceeding years, determine the amount of compeniation for the same; and certify the result to the State Superintendent at Harrisburg, as required by the 39th and 40th sections of said act. , J. F. CALKINS; Wollsboro, April 14, 1869. Co., Sup' t EXAMINATIONS OF TRACIIERS. For Summer Schools .nly. Charleston, Youngs S. H, Thursday April 1. Delmar, Cheese Facto • S. 11, Friday April 2d. 1 Chatham, Close S. Ili tonal'' , April L. .-. Knoxville, Academy, neadayltpril 0. Westfield, Wednesday pril 7th. , Sabinsville, Thursday April Bth. Furnsantown S. 11, Fri ay 4pril 9th. Holliday S. U, Mon,dai April 12th, Farmington, Hall S. H. Thursday April 15th Elkland, Friday APrililtlth. Liberty, Monday April 10th. Covington, Tuesday, April 20th. 1 Mansfield, Wednesday April 21. Roseville, Thursday April 22d, `!'toga, Friday" April 23d. Lawrenceville, Saturday April 24th. . Wellsboro, every Friday thereafter,, up to the first. of June. Examinations to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. No private examinations. If dir6Stora would advertise to contract with teachers, the time of examinations, they. would save time and vexaion for - themselves and teachers, and have a onble interest in the ex atainations. J. F. CALKINS', Wellsbore March 31 19. ' Co., Bup't. She agitator. -We publish, this week Mr. Niles' speech upon the resolution to ratify the 16th Amendment to the Constitution As a first effort of a young man, new . t t o legislative surroundifigs, we think our readers will agree with us that it : - is su perior, whether you regard its logiclir its diction, or both.' We congratulate him upon this decided success. • The Williamsport_ Gazette, a copy of which Mr. Painter, of the legislature sends us, upholds the abolition of the 29th Judicial district. The Gazette is .a Democratic paper and. is authority . for whom it speaks. The legislation is none the less dangerous, nevertheless, and after reading tho defence we find -in our mind no modification of the first and decidedly unpleasant impression. What can Mr. Davis, (Dem..) of Clin ton district, mean by urging the legis lature to pass an act exempting .Loeir Haven - bonds from local and municipal taxation? Does he forget the Tammany Hall platform; not a year bid, which' declared in favor of " equal taxation of every species of property including bonds and other securities? Is ortho doxically democratic Lock Haven to have a. clo.fai of bloated bondholders? :Will some demagogue over yonder an swer? HAIL, CoNNECTICUT after a twq years captivity in the toils of. Copivr-. headism, she,' oil the sth instant turned upon her captors and resided their. -On that day her freemen - dismissed the Oopperhead State officers and filled their places with true-blue Republi ans, electing, triumphantly the,efi tire State ticket, a largely Republican Legislature, and three out of Apr mem bers of Congress, being a gain of two. Thus is Grant sustained, and the rati fication of the Amendment to the na tional Constitution assured in Connec ticut. The majority for the State tick et is reported at 811. HAIL, RHODE ISLAND Gallailt lit tle Rhody held her election on the 7th, and elected the entire Republican State ticket by a majority of 3,800. The Legislature is nearly all Republican. New Hampshire, Connecticut, Rhode Island ! Three first guns of 1869. They all speak for Grant and the Amend ment. Maine comes next. • The ball opens grandly. either socially or his neighbor.— • "of Five Points HOW TO GAIN.A.WD HOW TO .101110 P The farming interest should be co operative if it would be strong. As at present managed it is but _a loose, In epherentsteraragailay, .f . istoza-of -zimujr minds, some of whom conduct busi ness skillfully, and more at haphazard. Believing, as we do, that all Indus tricot interests are common—the pro ducer in any branch - being akiri:in interest to each producer in every other branch—our object in this writing is to a‘Vaken working men to a just appreci ation of the part they in common bear in the relations,of aptive life. There is o quarrel between . the producer of wh • s nd the producer of butter and cheese ;no between the grower of wool and the grower of fruits. Or, if there be a contest, it is clearly a forced strife, and eannotendure without some thing more than natural antagonisms to feed it. Look at it : The manufacturers of print paper, all over the country, have a common interest. They have discov ered the fact, and have associated them selves together as an informal corpora tion. In this way, what Is for the in terest of one .member, becomes the in terest of all. And though same of the newspapers have grumbled about it occasionally, we suspect that the stead iness of the piper market for half a, dozen years is entirely due to the con cert of action among the producers.— The consumption of paper has pressed constantly upon the supply, and the cost to the consumer, though often high, has not been oppressive, all things con sidered. Before the manufacturers be came cooperative, in business 4nsolven-, cy and unthrift was the rule among them. Their fortunes varied widely. The same is true of type-founder S— . have a - regular tariff of prices, regular meetings, and ,complete organ ization. Well—we hear some one remark: " It' is a monopoly. These paper-mak .ers and type -founders combine to ow press the printer and publisher." Net at all. They combine to render the profits of fluctuating business certain and remunerative. Were we to regard the present interests of THE AGITATOR as paramount, no doubt we might find it pleasant to purchase type, and ma terial, and white paper at one-fourth of present cost. But, this would be • to drive six out of every eight paper-mak ers and type-founders out of business, leaving a few establishments with heavy capital to monopolize the trade, and in. the end. to carry prices up to a higher notch than ever. At present small capital stands as good a chance as larger among type•founders; and the number of founders is large enough to ensure competition, and through that, reasonable prices. ' We mention these instances of coop erative Industry, because the evil of combination, if evil it be, in these may be supposed to affect the business of journalism. , We regard the , concert of action among this class of producers as beneficial' to both consumers and pro ducers in the long run. If this be true in one case why not in another? Farmers should work together: , By concert of action the fluctuations in the grain market, which have resembled the ebb and flow of spring tides for sev eral years, would,' in a few years, be 4comparatively unknown. The high , Prices of flour and grain, so unnatural at times, are not consequential to light crops so much as to the 'detention of grain on its way to the great markets. Where'there is a brisk demand, and the 111 W. 171,1,1380110 , PION3F'A.. WEDNESDAY,•Ai'RIL 14,-1969. supply is witheld, prices become arteou lative and unnatural. A. few middle, men control the produce market; •men • of limited catital and= Unlimited reek- . lef3sness. Th, country would be more, prosperous with wheat at s2'and.. flour., at $lO, than it . can be when Wheat is' $3 and flour slflq Ileithens3.Peribuslael lel:Wheat nor $l6 Per , blat foi, lieurle a _ . 'healthy price. It costs nothing:like that money to produce either the wheat or flour. .:And the invariable rule Is, that prices which oppress men of small means react 'upon' the ,community as a whole. A few middle men may be enriched.. But middle men are gam biers, and ,their Presperity le public ruin . . So long,ashigh prices represent di labor they oppress nobody. But specu- . lative prices do not, and never can, rep resent labor. When it shall Cost $1,50 to produce a bushel of wheat $3 will 13: a fairmaarket price. But every farin / er knows ghat i it never yet cost $ 1 1 6 7 to, , produce the average wheat crops 9 the land. An acre of wheat can be fodue- ' ed'at it cost , of sls,.surely; at I list, that price is ample for . preparin , sowing, and harvesting any acre o land fit to bear wheat.' - Such land ill return 20 1 bushels to the acre.. Ts crop, at $2 per bushel produces, b, $4O. So we believe that wheat at $2 represents 7 2, 'more labor in the net profit than. When it spasmodically coMmands $3. The secret of :"getting and holding" lies in making/Prices represent labor. Capital can 'nags for itself, for it is only labor i another form. It repre sents labor past. Prices ought to rep resent la or ) present. l /a c The /roll of prefernient is not only creasing inllongth and breadth, but in quality. Under the new order of things the Press is well eared for. With Schuyler Colfa4,"a Practicailpkipter and editor, in the second highest place in the popular gift, With. Blaine,. another journalist; Speaker of ,the House, Mc- Pherson,. another editor, Clerk of .the House, another printer ExeMive clerk of, the Senate,—it look's as if the prees were about to have its rights acknowl edged. And then : Goodrich, of the Brit& ford Reporter, one of the most honora ble men of the guild, is Surveyor of Customs for the port of Philadelphia. Fairman, of Elmira, editor of the Ad vertiser, is Postmaster for that city; Smith, of Owego, editor, is Postmaster there ; and Dr. Pratt, of the ' Corning Journal, is tendered a clerkship in the House, with a salary of '52,500. Each of tho gentlemen named stands high in the profession (is it a profession ?) and has fairly earned all he is proffered. It affords us great pleasure , to note the preferment of our brethren, and may they save something for the babies. Of tile ab‘lition of the 29th Judicia Districi the .ycoming Standard says: alt is an open attack by one branch of the government upon another; the Legislature hav ing as much right to deprive the Governor of bia office, after an election- by the people, as to de prive Judge Gamble of hie, no wore, ao Twin." - rtnrone touroas , or• 't.t.t.trynitieir•vatirreci hot for the unseating of Wilmot in 180. You can squirm, and wriggle, and try to cover up your record, but it shall be uncovered as often as you hide it. - • At the same time, we have, from the first disapproved of the abolition of the 29th District and the Unseating of Gam ble. We denounced the attempt to un seat Judge Wilmot, when, if you please the Republican ox was gored. Now that' the Democratic ox is gored we fail to see any difference in the principle or, precedent, and so denounce that again. Can an honest man do less?• And can an honest man advocate the unseating of Wilmot mid complain of the unseat ing of Gamble? It may be cleVer, in the Copperhead sense of, the word, to make the:charge that the editor of this .paper approves of the abolition of the Lycoming Dis trict. It may be clever ; we say, from that point of view, and ( within' the scant courtesy of Copperhead journal ism. But it is 'dishonest, and, as every 'editor in Northern. • Pennsylvania knows, false. THE AGITATOR, in com menting upon . the acts of public men, legislatures, and parties, aims to leave no doubt in the minds of its readers touching its views and opinions, what ever they may be Worth. Judging from the treatment itigets at the hands of its foes, and its foes may be found wherever rascality crops out, it gener ally succeeds in nThking itself under stood. -Wherever you Mid a man who is a'moral and social outlaw, you may count him as a hater of TIIR AGITATOR. This,paper has never been feed, or re tained, by jobbers, nor is it popular among such. It has ,never robbed can didates for place to keep above water. Can its assailants say as much and as truthfully ? • . We are obliged to Hon. Wm, H. Armstrong for a tabulated statement of the public debt as It stood April 1, 1869. From it we learn the •forkiwing partic ulars: Interest bearing debt $2,176,481,650,00 Debt on which interest hae ceased • .... . 6,003,403,84 efurrenoy, bearing no interest... . 414,413,486,00 Accrued interest 39,303,916,04 Total $ 2 , 6 86,202,455,28 Less by cash In Treasury 1.11,005,993,54 Actual debt- $2,525,196,481,74 The amount of bonds issued to the Union Pacific Railroad Company and branches, interest payable id lawful money, is $56,852,820,00. These bonds are guarantied by the United States which holds a mortgage upon the road. THE LEGIBLATCRE.—On_the 25th of March, an act to Incorporate the Mansfield Normal and Classical Institute illasied thellenite: ' Mr. Niles stated Chia he . bad'lieard - fram fifteen Democrats of Tioga county in opposition to the 15th amendment orthe'Constitution, and the re maining 7.485 voters had made no sign. On the 29th, Mr. Strang offered a bill providing that the ownero any contingent interest in the personal property o decedent may legally require the executor or admi ' oho make, and exhibit in the Register's office an a 'unt of his or her trust at the end of onelear from the time of,granting letters; end may require the , / legatee of any preview interest in the same prop erty, before receiving• the same to give security in such slam and form .to the , Orpban's Court having jurisdiction, as shalt secure the said con tingent interest wherever the same may accrue or vest. The bill passed. Bacheloric exclamation—" a lass I , ' Maidenly exclamation , -" ah men !" he PEOPL , , W MI want the-beat AMERICAN PRINTSID LW" for 12 cents • per• yard, and other in proportion. If 'you want any IV ess Goods or Shawls. If you want.any loths or Vasshneres, t o yard or made to order in the most ap proved atylo. If you want any Carpets, I whire you °en find 70 rolls tri select from. In short, if yen 'want anything; in ". .• • . •. °DEIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS thelawiai priais: Call at tha PEOPLES' STORE, hereprieee aro uniform and low, where honesty wit fair dealing is the motto; and if you want rinILES.., 5 'per cent Jess than you can bay elsewhere, call 012 the agents of the HIT F. S. THI. COMPANY 'and be Convinced, •ome and see for yourselves. store directly opposite thoOkinaoll $OllllO. • - SMITH . 4- WAITE Corning, March 31, 1869. NSW SPRING GOODS ! A Fresh Lot, dOMPRISING ALL SPRING STYLES, Just Received BY DE LANO 8c 00. Wellaboro i April 7,1869 Notice. T HE undersigned " hereby giver notice' of hie count of o P t me nSmashn o ditor to audit the F. Richards, Execu tors of the Last Will and Testament of Philip S. Efrain deceased, on exceptions flied, and that he his fixed the hearing at Mansfield, Pa., (Runt's Hotel) Wednesday the 12th day of May 1889, at 10 o'clock, a. m. .71q0. I. MITOHELL, Welisboro. Pa, Apr. l4, 1889.-4 t. Auditor. • . BERLIN PRINTS AND FANCY i 1 , 1 PHOTOGRAPHS , • .Bernished to order. New is the time to beautify your Homes, Old Piastres copied and worked in .20 sepia or oil, at CLAY RING'S, ' April 14,1880. _ . Art Gallery. . , .' _ln Bankruptcy. . - ' mem District of Pennsylvania, se: To whom it may concern: The undersigned hereby giyes notice_of his appointment as assignee of David A. Clark, of Middlebury twp., County of Tioga, and State of Pennsylvania, within said District who has boon adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Cotirt of sald'Distrlot, , " , • 'WILLIAM GARRETSON, . :" Blossburg, Apr. 14,1889-3 t Assignee. Orphans' Court Sale. BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Tioga County, I will expose to Hale by pub lic' outcry, - at the- Court House. Wellaboro, on Theriday May 13, 1869, at 2 o'elook,"p.m.. then t t i and there to the hi hest and beat bidder, the fol. lowing'real estate, ate the property of Philena Landis, deceased, wit: . . - A heapaand lot - the berough of Wellaboro, beginning at the co er of Pearl and Lincoln Sta., and running northeasterly along' Peatl street 90 feet to the line of the lot now owned by Mrs Joe. Allen, thence by said line southeasterly 250 feet to Walnut street., thence by said street 90 feet to Lincoln at., thence northwesterly along Lincoln street, 250 feet to the • place of beginning—con tattling 3 an acre, more,or, lees, with a -two-story frame dwelling house, frame barn, outbuildings, and fruit trees thereon. THOMAS ALLEN, April 14, 1869. Adm'r. Notice. John Magee vs. Hathaway Loco,. No. 102 May Term 7.885. HE undersigned, appointed an auditor in J. this suit to distribute the proceeds of sale of real ,estate, hereby gives notice that he has ap. pointed the hearing at his of2oe in Wellsboro, on Friday the 7th day of May, 1889, at 2 o'clock p. m., at which time and place all persons inter 'ested are required to produce and substantiate their claims before bite,' or be debarred from coming in for any portion of the fund. JNO: I. MITCHELL, Virellaboro, April 14;1889.-4t. • Auditor. Notice. TIIE undersigned appointed an auditor to 'Nat tie the account of Joseph B. Jaquish admin istrator cum testament° annexe of the estate of Joseph Jaquish deceased, hereby gives notice that be bee appointed the hearing at Hunt's Ho tel, Mansfield, Pa., Wednesday, May. 12th, 1869, at 2 o'clock p. ca., of whioh parties interested are to take - notice. ' JOHN I. MITCHELL,. Wellsboro Pi April 14,1869-4 t. Auditor. WANTE - DI 3000 CORDS of Hemlock Bark, at the Tioga Tannety. Bright balk, well cured; and fotii feet long. $4,75 per cord will be paid by •JO HNSTON & LOWELL, 4 111 f ALSO, 1500 Corde of Hemlock Bark, wanted at the Middlebury Tannery., Por good, He r . ohantable bark, $4,00 per cord, will be paid by April 14, '59-w. 0. B. LOWIH4I4 Co. ( S 1 STORE ,N•- Y. any = NEW, SIOIONG GOODS '~: A,T,!THS ME ft",_G-ITL A 11.0.\:1i., CORNING. N. Y: WRLave just received , a large stock of (joods suitable fot••the Spring trade,,to which wo desire to call the attention of the pco. pie of Tiogn'Contity. In ' DOMESTIC GOODS, FANCY DRESS GOODS, POPLINS, SILKS, SHAWS, - COTTON AND WOOLEN GOODS, .ferAxioa and bore. wear. BOOTS AND SHOES, Carpets, ,&c.; we have a fall assortment on inspection of Goods and prises that will'satisfy the closest buyers that this is,the place fo make, thefrptstchases. In Grocery Department, we have everything needed to make a complete ' aseortment of GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS We have aho Just received a large lot of C#OCKERY, . , • , . . . direet from the ( Importers, of entireiy new pat tern, very neat; and 'cheaper than ever offered in ,this market before. Do not fail to look through our stook before rn nl•tr.. .r...-141.2.._ Corning, Mardh 22, 1869.-1 y Administrator's Notice. LETTERS of Administration -having boon granted upon the estate of Doles V. Miller, late of Delmar,,deceased, all persontindebted to, and all persons claiming against said estate, will settle with ROBERT CAMPBELL, , March 81, 1880-Bw.* _ Admr. SEED WHEAT--Sutierlor quality, for sale by SPENCER CRITTENDT, Mar. 24th, 'B9-4w. . East Char!sato ' Pa. HOUND OST.--Zost on March 7th, a black and tan stag hound, with ono ear slightly torn; name Billy. Any person giving informa tion as to whir° ho can be found will be suitably rewarded. lir. V. POWERS , March 24th; 1869-tf. To Taxpayers. 911111 Burgess and Town Council of the Bor- J. of Wellsboro, will _ear Applications Or Abatements oh Boro Taxes at their room in the Engine .building, on tho 9th and 16th of April, at 7 o'clock, P. M., after . which time no applications for Abatements will ; be receive& By order of the Board C. L. SIEMENS, Soo'y. The School Directors will meet pt. the same time and fbr the same purpose, at the Oleo of J. E. RUM R. 0. SIMPSON', Beaty. Wellsboro, March 23, 1889.-3 t House & Lot for Sale. 11-N Wellsboro, on Nichols St,, The house is two stories, add on, finished, inside and out. ill be sold on 'reasonable terms.. Inquire, for terms, &c., of yiralter Sherwood Esq., Attorney, Millsboro. * ' JOHN MILLER. March 24th, i869-4w.0 . . WANTED, AT THE NILES VALLEY" STE AM ' FLOURING MILLS. 10,b00,Bai. Corn, 10,000 " Oats, and any amount o good wheat. J. B. DIMON 44. Co. Niles Valley, Marob 24th, 1860-tf.. The Best Stbek of Flour, FEED, MEAL, PORK, PROVISIONS, in Wellatiorio, oan be found at I . A °bolo lot of CLOVER:and TIMOTHY SEED, besides all kinds of OAJPEN and small FIELD - SEEDS, •SEED POTATOES, Ao., at You cart get cash for your -'• EGGS, • I BEANS, POTATOES, GRAIN, BEESWAX, &0., AT March 34 1869. Notice to Teachers &c. HE School Directors of Charkston will mea nt the :Young ' School Rouse, Saturday, April 17: next, Tor the purpose of letting wood (marmite in the forenoon and of hiring teachers in the afternoon of same day'. By order of tho Board. CLARK BARLOW, See. March I. I.BBo—Sw. RIP SHE GOES 11 FROM THIS DATE FOR CASH, wo will :ion FEED et those pr ces : . Very best Rye l& Ogts, Oround here, • • . . - 82,50 cwt. Beat imported Feed, 2,25 " 'Best comnton Eeed,••• . 2,00 '‘ Cow reed,• 1.74 The above goods, fit the above prices, are strictly cash I' • We don't mix sandhi our feed. We haven't a Plaster Mill connected wlfh our Flouring Mill ! Our Feed is tiara! -WRIGHT & BAILEY. Wellsboro, Jan. 20, 1200. - NEWELL k OWEN Mandeld, Pa. M. B. PRINCE'S. M. B. PRINCE'S M. B. PRINCE'S. Who esale and Retail G STORE! DR w. C. KRESS. LE eriber will keep on blind at all times oat of \ W riliEE sub full .1 . - DRIP SANDMEICINBS,' PAINTS, OILS, Pat nt Medicines, Extracts, Perfumery, Kerosene, Wicks; Dye Colors, White Wash and Brushes, Varnish and ,s.h Brushes, Window Glass Pt sizes, Varnish of all kinds, Fancy Soaps, Flavorin Lamps Lim I flair Oils, I .ECJTAC h tES,. ' 1 I .-L_ Tooth Brushes, a, full stock. of e Notions ; also a complete as sortment of\ Hair an Yank. teopathic Tedleiines f and a full stock of , Er! ure Wines and [. aro requested to cal: a purchasing elscwhe Buyer ces bef. Marc 24,'1889-1y ery. and Provision Store, Gro CORNING, N. Y. ~C.. ~. ISiIL.L, WHOLESALE AND. RETAIL DEALER kinds of CERIBS, PROVISIONS, GR es, Liquors and Cigars, Wi lON & DOMESTIC, GREEN & w DRIED FRUITS, NEJJ FRUITS AND ro VEGETABLES, & WILLOW WARE, GLASS & WOO CROCKERY WARE, REN'S CARRIAGES, CABS & OHIL &14113IILATORS, TOYS, &c., &c PE A fu I and complete assortment of the above mentioned goods of the beat quality always on hand. Particular attention paid to Pine Groceries. Dealers and Consumers will find it to their in terest to examine his Stook before buying.• ' Corning, N. Y., March 31, 1869, • BULLARD St, aro'now offering LADT' FURS AT COST DM RENCH MERINOS AT COST, ERICAN MERINOS AT COST ALL OTHER GOODS GREATLY lIHDUCED PRICES. ' CALL AND ,SEE. 10 lleboro t Jan. 20, 1869. THE AMERICAN tion-hole Over-seaming nd Sewing Machine. E greatest invention and the Best sewing Machine In the world. It has no equal as a ly Machine. And RINSICALLY ; THE CHEAPEST a really. two machines in one by a simple eatitiful mechanical arrangement, making the Shuttle or Look-atitch and the Over- I , and bat., ,ngund Button-hole atitoh with .equitl fa and perfection It executes in the very beet manner every va riot • or sowing, such as HEMMING, FELLING,. CORDING, TIICKINOt STITCHING, ARAIDING AND QUILTING, GATHERING AND SEW MG ON, and n addition OVER-BEAMING. Embroiders on t. e edge and makes beautiful Button and Eye et-holes in al! fabrics. Every Machine is Wa anted by the Company or its Agents to give entl e satisfaction. Per further information inquire of P. RINGS_ LE,, at. C. Bailey's in Morris Run, or of Mrs. B. R EVERETT, four doors south of the Depot nee R. Parr's Mote}, -B y, lo K ssb i t z t l r a g g , Luiri where •tho in.. Agent. a able May be tried, and Instractions received In win the Machine, by alt those wishing to buy. M rrieltun,l'a., Feb. 3, 1869-.3m.* 1. S. Internal Rev. envie. , AX PAYERS TAKE NOTWIS will be at my ethos in 'Boilefento, on 'Euesday, W, nesday and Thursday, th'e' 18tH, 14th, and 16t days of April,lB69, for the purpose ° gi l Omar in any appeals that may be made from the so tio of Assistant il Assessors, relating: to the an nal assessments, 4P. Appeald must bo made an submitted in writing. R. 11. FORSTER, Assessor, 18th Ditiirist, R 4, 11ollefonte, March 81, 1869. ° ABU PAR F'OR WOOL i by Jo;. 17,1? 6,9. P t R. '‘ • ORG4NB XOft sale by Pianos, Chlekering.l I flintermister's Organs , a son .4. llarulin's.Organ. Inbtrutnente. Having t years in-Muileal Instrn same, I can Offer greats mere of Tinge County - Northern Pa. t Every for tivo Years. for full I ed Catalogue. Mai:Wield, Pa., Marc Prices from St,ooAo $2 _Narcotic Stacy, Ether tared when rented In the-moat app' ion gonronteed. Call Feb. 3, 1869. . I HARRY AFXS' oT L Having been o mn another Green four largo pots, I,flat or m: can make a Vett rib.' Dahlias, Roses, Verb: all sorts; Basket Baskets, new pat nine, Cape Jo; Cistins, disco s in 'dale New Crimson Clue I 'sorts in pots or by t bage Plants, Egg (two years old) be White Salad, Can/l Liquors. and examine pri re. All kinds of,early of April, at the taro ' of MCCABE 4 Mix, Having employed Plorist.lol h - o will At Lion to eltetomors on and cultivatiop of P This Spring's Oat may desire and writ come and see my Ho' selves. , With grail favors. - Bouquets wil MCCABE IL MIX. OVOT ed ; 35 to 50 cents e. Towanda, Pa., MI j/Efr Orders left .1 Store, Wellsbero, wi W: C. KREBS Mason 6c, PORTAB Together with the and MELODEONS, obared of Si w 4 eli Tlk ifA VIN G obtain ufac tutors of we have the facilitik ces to • compare fav in either the earn Their reputation is need be said reg having been awar the principal Fairs and foreign county provements,vbieb t i reed instrnmelnts, their et.xcinsive us these instruments. strength and dural and quality of torsi other reed instrumf bination of tones INDIVIDUALS ES, and other organ', reed instrument, c, styles, prices, &c., ALL INSTRU LETTPRS of j granted upo Avery, latd or C I indebted t+, or must settle with ,DEALBR IN D waro, Boota, Sh , nor of Market , Pa, Jan. (), ISt FARMER, halt, and here you'll find CAYUGA PLASTER ground as fine as any floor, tar' people say thatcorao ground Planter had its pia, On hand you' I find a plenty hem •- • Como ono an all both far and near, To' C. H. 0 ENB'• Mill, Mansfield, Pa. r Price $2. per ton, Jan. 6, ISO, LOTS of Fresh Post Mills; Ton Also 411 ki Cash prioo. Will deliver Flo' Corning, free of a. SITUAITUATED on TED containing J 2 Said form is well II burp and a obeli adapted to dair • terms easy. Inq boro, or Sept, 23,1868. Administra tate of Day BY order of t tho Eubscr on Saturday tho tain lot in tho b. about one third of Covington st ing house, wood:; Alert on the so, Smitb k farm i North it West b IC. Coolidge. & twining about Si frich is itnprov m houso, cod tipple orchard of log trees, besides Lilo lot in Wells oloek A. M, and 3 o'clock P. M., .1 The subscribe theh property bet 1 polo, and also,no 2 the purchase trio' W ell sb oro, Ma 1 ResprC l tfully an Charloston an , grateful for t donco of Eliasj E. M. SMITI property let thoroughly r modtito the mapper, U TICA iv . I 'no undersi • bratod W. D 7 l 4 VP DOW ones o. Also, a 2.50; mako, for sato c We!Moro, Ili{ P n grteta •MELODEONS, F(WT. -Haines Brother/ ,Stelnways, and fiteck' c .d Melodeons, ant 14. 'These 'aro all first-cla n .4 experience of mar l I. ants; and tuning the inducetnants to costa. han any other - dealer' is .strument Is warrante4 . articulate tee Illostrinl. -" I. G. iiorr. 3; 1869—1 y STMATIF, A. DENTIST, MAIN StltErr, \vEtLsßoao, Pa bout Pain. :Artifici2l I • ono to an entire set—. 1,00. Nitrous Oxide O. nd Chloroform, adminii. Teeth lu all conditiona p orad manner. 'Sntirtrr. rid see specimens. A. B. EASTMAN'. OUgiES !,It exponao ii fitting up , giving more room fur .. self that no Green ilouii I n. of - RARB AND iIIRIFTY PLANTS, !alas, Petuinas, Geranium:, ante, all sone; Banging erne; Beautiful Dego seaming, Carnations, or; reltitioninms y, an. &o. Aco. :es Tomato Plants, and all o dozen. All kinds of Cab ( Planta, Asparagus Roots o Roots, Celery, Deart„ i ower, Thyme. - Vegetable plants ready let to Uoueea and at the stare Mercur's New Block. lone of ther.most experlented 11 times give any informa -1 tho mode , rtt‘ propagation ants. logue will be sent to all that II for It. I invite all to ses, Plants, to., forjthem• ado I ackupw!ledge past be found 'at hbe stpre of morning, Ben;lays foutpl• ch. 6 . 3,1869-6 m. t Wm. Roberti', 1113 I receive prompt atti Read , Read:' • CELEBRATED EEG I amlin Cabinet AHD E ORGANS, STEY COTTAGE ORGAN can be advantageously Fir. ECILIELE c GA, PA. • ed the agency from the wan. be above named instruments forlarnlahing them at pri. .rably with those of dattleci e . or other reed instruments. ouch that.scureely anything Lrding their Wing desirable, led pretriinma 140 medals le and Inetifutes, Path in this ice. Many fine modern are go desirable in• all god re owned and retained for by the manufacturers of Renee it le, while they claim ility, together with volume, 1 equal to any, they excel all .nts, in the variety and. com. hieh can bo produced. SCIJOOLS, 01IIRCH SOCIETIES, !ations, wkshing td obtain be suitor's's regards sin .-. • lENTS WARRANTED, ic4r- Send for circular.` Tic;ga,lliarols, I KI Adrnini trators' Notice • dministation having been tho osyate of George W. arlestor dee'd, all pertm ' 1411351 r4 'Againot said estate, MART AA. AVERY, . eh 2. 1880-6w.el Adms. Charleston, Ma In KELLEY ! !"if GOODS, Grocarlos, lind• *ea, nets, Cape, &0., c0r d Crofton streets, WollAcro. MUTE ! FLUTER! PLASTER! CAYUG -Ground Plaatar at Patine ,natantly on hand, at tz6 1 , 1 do . of Vionr, Feed, at loots r 1134 Peed nt Vogt% De.put, • TIODOATAN, ct, Co. mo ; Pitinted , Port. Jan. 6611 1868— Pm for Sale. Elk Run Gaines township, aprcp, 50 acres i uti)roved aterod, has a frame bows 4nd e apple orchard, and 1 1 ueli jag purposes. Title good ire of Wm. 11. Smith,Well 1,. L. RUSSELL, 7•Jllpar• s Sale of t the real a -1 d',H. Smit, dec'd, late WellsoorO. o Orphans' Court of Tioga Co.;, ‘ior will sell At public) Mean I 24th day of April next, a ear . rough of Wellsboro,•containinl of an note, near tbo west tad root, on which is a good dwell• ; hod and stable.- - - - me day the well known 111T1d n Charleston, boundeA on the Alpheus Williard i .Squth by a Past by M. M. Colforsc, con• . noses, about sixty' acres ,g 1 .d, with a good ono story frame house, stable 4.t barn, and as upwards of ono hundred best- . other fruit, trees. The sale ot oro, will lake place at 1i o'- of the farm in Charleston at .1 said day, each on the prem- r will consider any offers for •een this and tho day of the ocia.ta for a orpdit on a pill of i cy. J. EMBRY. eh 31, 'B9—lw. Adminislretot. Porkinc DI, D. ounces to the cltizonz of FAA vicinity, that ho would be wilt. patronage. Office at real• Tipple, Veg. Mar. 24th 19-11. mith's IOW) (TIOOA, PA.] , having purchased tho hotel .ly owned by L. - 11. 'Smith bee !plod tho botoVand can neeein. traveling publie, in a superior 4118r013 1869-11. filth AGONBt • jnod is agent for thojully amain Utica Wagone, and ba s hand. rod, covered carria ßEl ge,iIFET, Newark Um). p. 4r. 24, '69~Bvi, II 1 wan ration. T. A. WICKHAM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers