DEPARTMEnT, The proprinkma have stocked the tatd lab 111 with a asw.sorasittlikottrtmentt;?,r4;.• 40 w iAN-4,--.0A4p.1*-0.: and are propftrodt9 execTifo miatlytimAt_iiroiabpf ~ • • POSTEES,JUNDRILLS, CIRCILLARSiBIL HEADS, CARDS, PAMPHLETS; 40., .o. , -itooda, Idditgageo,iiiasea andn arraortmo Oi Constables' Egad Just,inereßlarrics cm band. People living a afi. atone Oan-dcpandon ha lag their_ work dorta ticirriptli and - at.' b rick return: m ail: - • - • , CITY BINIIIIII AND BLANK, t ,BOOK ,AvivovToßX, • Baldwiu Stro_itt, (SIGN OF. Trig '4310 FLOOR, tLMIRA, ,N"-.- Y;'ji GOOD AS - 1 . 110 BEST, CARAT , 203 TLID ell RAPES BLANK BOOKS Of every description, in all ntyles of Ditdiug, and as low, for quality of Stock, as any 13indery in the State. Volumes of every description Bound in the' best manner-and in any style or dered. . . ALL KINDS OrgOILT WORK .Bsceatie in the best•manner. Old Books re bound and made goon as new. I =lll l 1131411D1E210, EL COMPLETE Y,01111.' SETS I-_ - • Imu proparad t to turillati back numbers Of II Reviews or Magazines pnbliabod in the Uni od States or Groa(Eritaln,,at a low prlee..:„ ; BLANK BOOK't , .OTHER .PAPER, i Of all sizes and knalitlecon hand, ruled or plain. . BILL. HEAD PAPER, Of any "quality nality or size, on band and out up ready for printing. • Also, ' BILL PAPER; and CARD BOARD 'of all bolcira and quality,:in boards 'or cut to any'also. • • • • ''STATIONERY, ' • Cap, Letter,' , Note Paper,' Envelope • Pens, Pencils, &e. , ' am sole agent for Prof. 81113.PARD'S , NON-CORROSIVB,STEE PENS, Or Y:01.1310IIN 812E8, FOR LADIRB• AND GENTILNIEEN,• , : Which I will warrant 'equal tollolti Nue. bestrin use and no iaistake. The above stock nviq Bella t the Loviest Ilate at all times, 'at a aniaWadvittice on „New •Yor • sloes, and it(soautities 'to, suit pareliasiers; Al work and warvatttedaa,ripreseuted.,. I respectfully sabot a !bare of public patron age. Orders by, mail promptly attended:to.— , ~Addrese,.LOUlS KIES, ; Advertiser Building, Elmira, N Y, Sept; 28, 1867.-Iy. UNION HOTEL. i MINER WATKINS,PROPMETOn.. ~ HAVING liked npa new hotel building on tho sit , or the o 'anion notel, lately destroyed by Heel lam now ready to recalve.and entertain gueats, The Union Hotel was intended for a Temperance Donee, and the Proprietor believes it can be itistainOdivithont grog. An attentive hostler hi attendance. Millsboro, Juno 26,1867. . R. VAIBALII, CFROOER AND . itESTAURAN :. 04e door bovoi the Meat Market, ' 1 WELL - SBolo,' PENN.' A, iglilli ESPECTFULLY announces to the tradi g It) piiblie that - he has aihisirable stock of 9o ceries, -comprising, Tend Coffeed;'Spicas, Saga s, 31olasses,•Syrups e nnd all that constitutes a 61.1. *class stock-. - Oysters in every style nt all 8 a. sellable hours. -i , Welidhoro, Jan. 1867-tf. - • .13cacitEa ete, "cSktviaesia. Great Excitemmiti Johnson Impeached, and E bree's ilooots.atid Shoea triumphant! The sabocril would say to the.peoplo'of 'Westfield and vicinity ti hole manutopturiug a Patent Boot which ho believes oossestr the Miming advantage over all others; 1 there isno crimping; 2d, no wrinkling, save as they bra to the feet; no ripping. 1n• short , they aro j the thing for everybody. Sampleson hand and ord. solicited. , Solo right of Westflold township and 'Bo iecareit. - -110-bas alsojust received :4/splendid set haisnoral mitterns,latesketylei._ Como one, come a We are bound to sell cheap for cash or ready pay. 1 S 0110 door south of Sanders & Oolegrovo: ' Westfield Boro', Feb.l3 ISM J. R. EMBRF.E. WALKER 8c LATEIROr, tiEALERS HARDWARE; IRON; SrFEEL, NAll f STOVES; TIN- WARE, 1 BEITINti,,,SIWS, - CUTLER WATER LIME, AGRICULTURAL• IMPLEMENTS, Carriage and Harness Trimmings lIARNESSPS; SADDLES, tta: Corning, N. Y., Jan. 2, .18677,-1.7. HEAR -YE I HEAift Yit',HEAR BARRELS,FIRKINS I , CHURNS, :BUTTERJUBS, &c., Kept constantly-on band o and furnished t'o. ihr ; by - 7 I W. T. MA -TITERS, .Lt his new store, 2d door above Roy's Build 4Follsbore: (June '10;1868 Scald.! Scales ! Scales ! VEER Buffalo Platform Scales,- all 'ordin ry sizes, , for heavy, and, counter tise, may be found at the Ilardware Store of Wm: Roberts, Walther°. These Scales are the Fairbanks pat ent and have no snperior anywherb.: They. dre ,nado in the beat style and have taken the premi lin at all . the great exhibitions. I have the sole agency for these Scales in this roLion. ' WILLIAM ROBERTS. Wollsbore,Feb.-12, PACIFIC `, HOTEL 170,'172,174,&176 GREENWICH , New Foy 11-. . . . THE UNDERSIGNEDtakes pleai ure irvannbunoing to his numerous frien .1 and patron's that from this' date, the charge . the Pacific will bo 932,50 per day. Being sole Proprietor of this louse, and thet4 fore free from the too common exact l ion of a inordinate rent, he is fully" able to znept th downward tendency of priC;es withoutalay allin' . tof of sorriest. ',, • \ It will now, as heretofore, be his aina to ',nal 'Ain undiminished the favor,ablo reputation tho,Paciflti'which it has enjoyed for many year', as one of the best of travelers hotels. ' The table will be bountifully supplied wi every delicacy of the season. Tito attendance will be• found efficient at obliging. Vim location will lie found convenient whose".bnaineti calls them in the lov p•irt of tbsa city, being ono door north of. Co; I Street, and 'one block west of liroadw. awl of ready rumen lo all Rail Road hn Sipa, boat Lines.- Dec. 2, 1665-tim New Tobacco Store 1, rim subscriber .has fitted up the noon's joining D. P. Roberts Tin and Srovo f r the manufacture and sale of CIGARS, (all grades), Fowl/ . cruci.ACqnznot °KING TO BA CC 0, Mich illa 71 .kinC Cu, CHEIVIN.G, PLUG 20B:ACC0, PIPES, and thq'cfiq cast Brand of CIGARS Call awl see for yourselves. , - .fOIIN %V. PU q RSE Weilsbero, Nov. It, IB6B—tf. TO 14".AMIERS ! ELK RUN `PLASTER.:—We hereby co. l that we have used the Plaster initnufat•t. by Cimpi:toy dr, Bernauer,-et their works' on Rua, in Gaines township, and we believe it t , fp,tal if not superior to the Cayuga• Plaster. Smith S M Conable .A P Cone Mii Cobb , '• H E•SimmOns J Bernauor (i W Darker : :Asa Smith '•E Strait a Davis .. Albert King , John: C Miller il..Vatrous WII Watrous L L btarsh ILM Smith OA. Smith , K5l Foote ,t ,J D Strait. P Van Gelder ' .3 Smith Jaroi Davis J. P Zimmerman C L King 1- L.!. Smith. o .—Plaster always pa band at the Mill.— Prime $5 per ton. Nov.. 4, 18616. . . . . NtW.74,4: l 2i&ec - . , z . ~`~s& h 4 . AvIAS.ONIC. 6Ar 417.A,LY. ki4lititils'Atiiiicir Hall p it;o3c! drtig ittaVt, pit Tpdof(SePtiolfue, on or before llie Fall Moon, at 7 o'clock P: M. 7Y0G14. 011.41PTE1t, 184, R. A. M., meet 'at • tho on Tliftrialay" evening, on or before the Moon, at 7 o'clock P. M. , YQHA.COUNIPTIP27 O . 31, 4. - 417 , 3 , 94f - Agi'gilli ' S, meets at fhb Hall;-On bill.' third' 'fiiblay of eacli colorolar mouth, at 7 &clock p. M. . . TY'AG.A.GEITON O . O3IIIIANDEItit, No. 29, of It.NialPrS TEMPI,AIt, and the Appendant orders, meets et the on Mti e vit 'Friday:Of ,each calendai mouth, at 7 o'clock'P.:Al.. - '." ." " - • - • auslNEss•, ‘ DIRECTORY; WILLI~IFI= 11. SMITI.11; • ATTORNEY ANR coU.NSE,LQR AT IL/ill' ; - "lnsiirancei, Iluants and PaalorrAgenay, Main Strout Wnllsboro, Pa., Jan. 1,1868. NAtriV.GAIIIetITSON;'• " ATTORNEY -A?.llv - OOVNSELOR 11. T LAW, Notary Agent, I.lloffe burg, Pa.;ovet Caldwull'e Store.- , •` • '.Ot ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LA W• Ottleo with W. It. Smith, Esq., Main S/reet, opposilo Union'llioalt,'Wollnhuro, Pa. Jrnt /5, 1868. ?D. TOILUELL & CO!, ' WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, and cloa4 WAll:Papdr,; KerbOlin ,Lanipei Window Glaiai Perfumory,'Paint4 and &o. 9prning, N, Y., Jan. A, . . ATTORNEYi:I dr. COUNSELORS AT LAW, (First dot!, trout Bigoney i sts, on the Avenue)— Will'attend td btisiness entrusted to their cure in the counties of Tioga and Potter. Wellaboro,JUD. JB6B. RE I. ff/XTOUELL , 0.)01INBRIalt AT Wellsboro, Tioga Co., Pa. 1 Ulairn Agent, Notary Public, and Insurance Agent ? 14e-vrill.attend•promptly to collection of Pensions, Back Pa . y, and, ,11,cunt t Y. ;As Notary Public ho takes acknowledgements of (foods, ad ministers orths, and Will act as Commissicher to take testimony. FAr °Mae over Roy's Drugtaore, adjoining Agitator Offico.-04. 3U. 1367 , ATTDUNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW.• liavin, returned to this County with a vieW'Of making it his pernsanent residence, solicits a sharo,ofputiiio patlonagc. _Aji,,bysizte§s en hisq.dlis:civili.'hii-litteiktied' to pith vrouiptnesNand ,Dlhee 2d door south' of E. S.Variosliiitoll:- Tioga, Tioga Co.,;Pa. 5ept.25.'66.7tf.. NOIINAW.SHAILSPEARE, - DRAPER AND TAILOR.. Shop over John It. Bewen's Stern. , ,"'Cutting, Pitting, and Repairing done promptly and in best style. • WeUsher°, Pa.. Jan. 1, 1868—ly • CORGE WAGNER, TAILOR. Shop first door north of L. A. Soap's Shoe • 1 2.4' ,- .41 - oAttOg,'Fitting,and Repair . fug; dont; promptly add Wellaboro, Pa., Jan. 1, 1808.-Iy. ' • TA.1.1.01i cuTrER, has opened a shop on Craton, strent,.rear Nt'§aars t Derby's !AI tie shop, Wliore he is-preintredqb tuanufacturo gar ments to order in thu must substantial manner, and with dispatch. Particular attention paid to Cutting and Fitting. March 20, 181.18-1 y Dr. C. 'l4apicripiton, =A ;Vitt attend to Profers'iodal ealliin the village, of Wellsboro and elservbeio. Office and Ite - iidonco on butte St., 2d door on the light . - 1:J1pei,,24, 1868. Li.ICON, M.D., late of the 2d ra,Cnvalry, after kJ. nearly four years of army dervice, 'with a large .wperioncio in field and. hospital prrictice,luis opened, an clime tor, the practipaLrif meilieino , and surgerY,.ln all its branches. Persons Iron, a disteuco can Bud godl tioinding at the rdniniyivania Motel' when desited.- , - Will visit any part of the State coneultatton, or to perieria surgical operations. No 4 4 , Union Bloch, up stairsZl%li f elisporit pi) 3lity 2 1866 CNOXVILLE, Pa. Pension, Bounty, rind In surance Agent. Communications sent to the above address will receive 'prompt attention. Terms Moderate. Dan 8, 1868—,1y)• SURVEYOR h DRAFTSMAN.—Orders left at bis •rdotii, Townsend Wellst>orb; will woet with prompt attention. Jon. 13. 1887.—tf. R. E. OLDIEV I CLACKS do . JEIVEtTeY, SILVER Jo PLATED WARE, Spectacles, Violin Strings, &c., &0., Mansfield, Pa. iVatches and • Jew city neatly repaired. Engraving done in plain Engjidtt ancl.blorinqp. - . Aisept.67 , ly. • • -r" ' • . . • • Saloorover Wilcox k Barker's Store, Wells boro, Pa. Particular attention paid to Ladies' Hair-cutting, Shampooing; Dyeing, etc, Braids, _Puds, coils, and stviclies on band and made to or ,ler. W. DORSEY. J. JOUNSON.- - J. G. PUTNAM, ViIIa.Ii; ; W,RIGIIT4AgonV for fill the best 711.11241Ng 0: 4 ,0%14 yWIIEELS. Also fur Soirvart'd Oscillating Movemoni r for Gung,and Alulay Saws. • rioga., Pa., Aug. 7, 1808, ly. C. L. WILCOX' •., Dealer 10,:DRY (190,U5-ef-all 'kiwis, Hardware and rankeeZNottons. bur assortment is large and prices low. Store in Union Block. Cull in gentleman.—may 20 186.8-Iy. WESTFIELD, PA., GEORGE CLOSE, Propri mot.. new I . lgtcl conducted on the principle of live' and let lite,' foi - the -accommodation of the public.—Nov. 14, 1866.-Iy. FARR'S HOVEL" 4 T 3 p,CI..A 491.T 1 N i TY, PA flood stapling,,attac t ho , d,an4 • . aptc!ntiyo hog. 'dor titit . .ndance.' ' ' li. Proptietors , - HOTEL,' WE STFIELD Borough, "Tiogii,Co. E. Q. !lilt, Proprietor. litiw nnil With all [hot ininiprp 'Within elle) , "drives of th - tibest buuFing 'end tith ing ;round s in Northern Peicin'p.. Conveyonees furnished. Torws inedurnte.,,, Feb . . 0,,1868—1 . y. r , ' JOHN PATTNN 7, - ;A AK Wdl.1 4 'X'(ON • • Gaines,- Tiog`lilioulltyil"?l,. 1101 t ACE C. I r altNtlbirE;l., .1 4. lior'it. 1 'This is ivithip,eo.y, CgaSif o 1 lho. ait. draiinils in Eortli= ern' gr) paiiis will be spare 4 f e :teem tinned:ill:Ai 'of pleasure seeker:. 111111 the travoling-pui?lic. . . _ Bounty and Pension Agency. • Earl received dean ill regui:d to. the cixtra,boulity , allowed by •tlit net approved Jai) pi, LeiPlatial,liaviagon' limy] a largell(1141 at Ali pun,ssary, blanks,/ prepared to pronclifr all pen gain dud bounty claims WiliC11:1111ky . ;11(leeti in my bands. eerbelielivingat a distance can commetnienie 'with tilebytntter,aid t1.6-olr ebininiialeationr will LP ptomptly nn3iVot 1 . , 11. 11.141T1t, Wyllsburo.Octobel 4 8813. • ", -• . ri .tify .red Elk . be HARKNE.SS ck; 1111liYir; •1300 r-AND - SHOE .•MAK . RS, 0 per lVittroti the -=room , totet,st fiCej. tS'ee7.y . „ 101000 TS ANitt'SkOE.4 l of all kinds, nvide to „Di t order and in Ilia beet fib ' REPAI.II,ING at all kinds dead promptly find good. 'Given!! a dell. • , . . - . , . . I , . . , . . .. ~ „ . , „, , ~ „ .. . • , ~ - ' ' .., .- ..",,,, • . - 1-, . t• _ j . . . . .. - . . . . . - 1 . .... . • ~ . • • • , -. . Niliv• ~- , -.._ ~:.„., 4, • , ----_,.., , ' . . . * • ... .. • - ._..-" - • . . .. - . J ; . . . . ; " 1:2 - • ---7 . . • . . , . ~ . . , . . •-• , lc* •,,, • - . _ . ' " ' ' • , • _ • ~ ..- -, - L ~, _ 1 .11 / 4 ,," 1 \%,_, „40 1 k. , __ . . . . . ; • ' . • .- , . i; • , ---______ . . , . . . , , i • -,, • ' • . •-.- . „- . . . - , - • _ '‘,. ~ , , - . ' ) ' ' : - , , . . , „ ..;; . .•• . ~.., . „ , z . - , _ . , _ •, .., . . . • , . . .., . - , . . _ , , -- • _ , , . , , . . , r. ,-:, ,_ , , , ~, ' • . - ' • - . • • L. ' -'''. . - Or i te givita Otount, gpiatol . . . ~..,,t . - ~_ - 7 „------:__ :. . ~.. - . . 1 1 ....... .. , - ~. . , • i r .. , ~,--.1,... ~ , ,,zt.,...„,!..,-4.*4-i.1,;,, , h,,,, . ..r.-6:-.., - .( , ,,-/- ~ ,,,. .-.5,-, t - . .51, . .:-., , , - A.-.::.±,,., , ,-, - ..--y6, g ,,%..4.!..k.24,Tf.,,, , 4 1 ~,,,,,--,5,-.4,-.„,,..,-.., , ,,,,,, , ,,,,,,5,,,- .! , ,,,,,„--i,--..?c, -,..-, -,,,,,,, ,-.- ..:-7,, ;;,,i.-:- : -., , , ..,k , :-.,,,?4,. , ,T,2.,, ...,!,,,__ 4 -;•;-: --•-,-•••'-:. ', --- ''‘''' '''''' --,- ,-.'-',..".- -' •' , - ' -1 -• '-' •••,.,- -;".-- -` ,' ••• ta-0 11 b 1 / 5 111Ea'41' Nl', • W ar, E a - 1140 in at . ‘.- ' ." ' -"*.,::,_,-. ~..- -- 1 -: : _ ' . .C -- O r ' l3 . 13 ' i ' Bi 7 V:_f;;;L, , D - E ‘ r li g ..._. p --• ." N ' - ' '.. '• , ' 1' -\ c ~,. :(", , ' • ""-,., •, - ...1 •.-:t • ~" A V.• - - ; % \ . . ......\ z_. \ ~\ ~_ _ . . , ; , per, yeal. ,z,Ly,a•rtility , l - aadvance. ,:•., 1 • ...-• .• ..4 ~,,e., ,, ,, !,,, ....: .1 ,:, il •,,, li 'ftWV - 1 t!A i Vi. ill: 1 •,, -., ,•,- - --- —., • , ~, ~). ... . , ~.,: . A .,..,... ' _ 11 .,...,..... ~ ~ ... , .. . i ir . ,v 4 . 1.. J. • . , i v- 1 ff.i.g,si :AO * • I ,t I - .' - 4. ' ' ' • l' ' / .. t,IC( . . s , , :1 ,, - . ~.,) A. . , .. • . . .) ... , . , •.. ..: ii 1 , (( . .. . : ', v . ' : ' .. k '-' .i.. • ' ... '-' -- . X .n.x 04 4 1 -I'•ktr.:o vsa, to - -- ','i t ,, , •,.,__, \ ~, L , Ic:__ i '-'' "I - , • 3 .-• , - . :d., . - • ... -,._ .....- _ ~ , , •.., ~. ~, ii ~d ./: -1 •"- • : '' , 'Y' , ' ! -:\ - ' ' ,'-'' - ' -•' • , H—, --- r .-----... , - ._ ~'''', 4:,• - - 1 ,1 V , . •i: '- -_ '-. . • - L 's 3 . ~.... .. ,- 41, '•'-' s*''' , .';'4l.,:q'tv";l:,,, l 'i - 4 , ti 4 , " :-t t. t•i - . ..b'' •.1 ', '' ~-, , 1 -..',., L,.. --'. ' '-'., ": - N, ; , ,,e' — ' L , ~ •.- . ' ~. V:. I'' , '..”.' .. '''.. '1 'r ~„„r , ,, , s , r s r . • sr s , ..,, , r., , . 2 , .: , , ,; 4%.= ,v m x i ati . , „ Ina ftz.ria• RATS! .. , • . . • • .. -.....„ -•, .• -, 4 k•-•,---•. ,, L. , ..-!...L,.. , ••...,L..41 s: .. , .,••....e.2.,104,,. ~ 1 ,, , , ~ tr , 7 . 1.a,•.1"1,! , n0 1-.:1..• ,;, 1,....0 0^ ~,-, • ' ' - ••• ''. , '' 'l ' . '- 1 ' .'-'' : ''' ' - ' ,' •• .! :' 1i ! - .„4,...:L , • -:: • 1, 4,, '•L . ..__ -. ,!' • -i ,: r ;L ,, •' , •, , r : - - .' -' - • , - T.C.Y.t/10.8 °PALMA'', tin mixt), gull *ix satiAzu .._ - ,--1, Ai l -ti;: , '; 7 s: ~ , ; :- P , - .! . ..,1 -,; ..t' , is, , -,flc.Y7 8. F. WILSON. N4Es t.iz WILSON lit : !VULVA, AOXIN Win. H. Smith, Thos. U.l3rydon Hairdressing & Shaving. PETROLEUM HOUSE, • JOHN HARKNESS, WM: RILEY: Wollaboyo,Jan•2, .+` • • 0 ). t 2 I 4 - gOttge gorner. TER FAIR 35IILLINGER, It Was a millinger most gay, As she sat within her shop; A studCnt came along that way, And in be straight did pop. Mail' thawed hei,of measly° mould,: i` Ale ,tbotight his looks waS killing her, So ;lota of things to.hini she soldlr.;!,P. 4, Thanks!" s'ays the millinger.. - • rs 4! Ile' looked around, and seemed to try On al! things to converse; The millinger did mind her eye, But also mound his purse. • 7 !;b3strieditimu . Otbillattefitig" tengue, Willntonsons6 tO be filling ber,l But she was sharp, though she was young, "Thanks I" says the millinger. ' Ile asked her to the theatre, 'ghey . ,got into my ear; 'Oif steh . is' • • t'llo A pretty iSiciti-broishq Mbar', No doctors had been piling her; Fairly the fair one's faro he paid; " Thanks I" says the milliner. When we arrived at Bawdoin square, A female to them ran; Then says the malinger so fair, " Oh, thank you, Mary Ann I . She's going with us, she is." says she, • 4‘.Sbe otaxialultilling-her ,2 , -Duty' in looking after ' "Thanks !" says the malinger. " Why," says that student chap to her, " I've but two seats at hand "Too bad!" replied the raillinger, -ycltwill have ; t?,stapd." "I won't stand fhig," Says he; "I own The joke which you've been drilliniher, Ikre : take the seats, and ga alone !" " Thanks !" pnys tho . That ere inulkktukett down young man'. 'Stepped oak. ;s'• -"' • We gut fresh hiirses, off they ran, • Ho thought the distance far. And she is now my better half, And nft when coo and billing her, think about, that chap and lile4to ; Vtiorrllantons geading. THE'DISOVISED HEIRESS. Miss Vernon sat thoughtfully at ler tinged , ~deep„ thought. 'Phis need , be kareely wondered at, for the question'upon which she was pon dering affected her nearly. She was helres6,.having . come in k; posses sion; at her-majority, of fifty thousand dollars. She was possessing in her appearance, and this as was natural . , as usual, was considerably ex aggerated, and brought her • suitors in plenty. Amorig. i them she made choice of Wi iiinn T ; WitisO6 and 14 a few weeks, they were fo lia Married. William was engaged in the wbblel sale clothing business, and had the reputation of an active, sharp 'man of business. He was of good appearance, and so far as - . could/111e judgek was a good match- for- •-tire• . heires.s.v .Nothing to his prejudlcirliad Come to the ears of Miss Vernon until.the day before. A poor woman had come to the door in evident p over ty, • . and asked . for -_relies_ -on neiirs-Arnestiviren i - 'oho-zinc:at she had, been employed in making shirts at' twelve cents apiece for wholesale deal ers—that 'after waking a dozen and carrying them_ to., the store w ,. she had been roughly told that'they ere quite. Spoiled and that frothing would be paidf her for her'werk ; , hut,'-'4,hat she might' have some more, if she would agree,. to Make thqiri - better. .. She.added that this Was one of the , stnall,wayS -in which the firm, out of poor women, by pretend ing7that their work Was; un satisfactorily done ; .• when ,-, really no fault could reasonably be found.. - The,surn,:srriall'as' it wafi;Jot.,Whieli 'she bad: been' defrauded, was all linpor tentito . her, as it ... .tiVr . esetited: . nearly a week'swerk.. , • -• 4 `Only . a dollar 'fOrty-fofir cents .for 'a . ;syeek's work'!" ;exclaimed. Miss ,Verrion its dismay., ' • "That's-all" said the - poor woman. `;1 - 1-0iY, then, do you five?",,„ "It can hardly-be called-living. It's just burOyigeffOrg- - ,bOdy. and soul to gether said the woman. And 'who iejliia : extortitiner that first offers" yoit'.starVatien l :Wages and' then defrauds you,nf-thetit? asked Miss Vernon very indignantly. : ;'7 „, • " - Who?" :demanded , Vernon, firmly, qpickly..„ .• T 4 1 §0i: " • p.)l • I catrhardly believe , know the gentleman.''., , .•: is true, and if you will investigate themetterTou will find lt to be so." "I will investigate then:tatter, Here tii•efiv.e dollars for your present needs. .Caine here to=morrow 'at; this 'titre; inlay haVe some Workfor'yOu to - ;di?. The poor woman departed, ; invoking bles;Sitig upon ,the heiress., - , " I williook into this," Saidlfargaret, Vernon, resolutely,,Nsudy. if . Ip . ,,proves true, the engagement between, INV insor-itin d myself, shall le - broken. I will not give myself to such a man." , " Nanci" sald,lffiss.Vernon the next morning to the chambermaid, "have' you itif old dress and shabby, cloak ,and bonnet yonean • • • -1 have got some that are. so pbOt; that I- anktintgoitaLto wear them again,", slid Ntrncy, stirpriSed itt" such an in-, quiry. ".will,y, j ou lend e k me?" • ".0f Course,. but what would the likes of you want with such old, clothes' ;; , :• I " A little fun; that Is 'all," said Miss Vernon. "I am going to disguise my-' self, and see If I can't deceive some! body." - - • • :With 'this explanation Nancy I,vtle content, end produced the clotlies,:' Miss Vernon put them on, and in Xttl!', Alithin borrowed of another of the 4er7 Viiiits'ti thick green veil; somewhat the works far wear"; and - then - set but on' her, ,mission. No one, in her disguitge; `votild have.recognized the usually ele gant and richly dressed heiress, MisS Margaret Vernon. , -,. • Miss Vernon slipped out of the base:-. anent door atidAipok her way to' a !large. store, on which` wits:inscribed the name \Vinsor, in large gilt, let:: -• She entered, and after a while a clerk spoke to her in a rough voice,— " w hat .do,yog want 7" , I want to get sortie work," she said in a limir'yoke: -'''• - • " We ean - tit'e Yon ' • Anything. • ‘! Can yciii : " ' • "At uny rate, - we,.wiil try yen:li A half (rozen gliirts were gii;eii r to Miss n d „infornied ;that- if tiAlactorily wour „ dt - be paid twelve cents apiece. These she curried itotoe;-slippiug-til- the:hack door., About two hours later the poor woman called: , • • -:4 " Here are some " shirts for 'You -to make," said Miss Vernon. " Why, 'they are - the same as rI have; beeit making," said the poor woman in 4 great surprise. , " That is true, and they, came from the same plaCe." " . • "" Am I to take them- back • to the store? l ,',,i,„;., •, • 4 - • " No, you will bring them here; ;X - - ixiii.t.l6l.e3b.,t! ;a WEI i LSI3ORO,, o work,, when done, it have, been receiv- will peyi you fort' double, the price ye •'-Thank you, M kind." Iss, you are so very' Batty, ae rithey ,*_illAle?roject7 Is on , I *ill take pains .; sew hem at) wiskto see wheth eFtriS.poor:.w9rk.". " Yes, Miss Ver with them." Three days later the poor woman re turned with the w irk completed.. Miss Vernon paid her fir them, and requests' @d-hopito,call the eit day . .,: ; i \:7- , I r 4Nalloyi;" sal& t i'd-heirees,J 'lifter her protege had departed. "I shall wiplito" borrow your old clothes again." : , " Certainly, MiSs," said Nancy, "if it is not ashamed- : y a -.are to appear in such miserable ra s'." . "No one will now tie, Nancy." , :-!•' it.,. " Shure,. Miss . , , you can take them -whop, oyer,,yo,u i r ,........,.., _ ~.,1 don't milt! I shall :nee d theni again Nancy, but thank you all -the' same." -. , Niat long afterxi-ards,. Miss Vernon,:in het tibabby'distuise,:entOred 'the estab4 lishinent of William' Winsor,-, with 'the bundle of shirts'Under her arm. She walked up to the counter_ and, laid them down.l "What have you got there ?" deman dcd_aopert young\ elerk.'; , . ' -, ..Sorrio.W..prk; sly,V:ealitl Miss Vernon, iverybunibly:'•--- '1 . " Well, why don't you open the bun dle," said the young man, picking . his teeth with his knife. Miss Vernon i did so. .4. The 'young man' deigned. to' tumble over the 'shirtii, and sneeringly glanced at them carelessly. " Shocking 1 shbcking I" he said. "What's the 'matter, sir!" • " They're wretchedly sewed. Thatrs Sv;but r oithe'nifittOr.4 .0* - Adifpill'kxpect *6 are gbilig'fo'Aelll i , B. stieh shirt§ tie thOsp 2" ' "I am sure I thought they were all well done," said Miss Vernon. " '''';' You thought,,. did ypu?" repeated the clerk, nidokiljg her. "We' shan't pay you for thes shirts. They. will have to be sold at a loss." " But what shall I do?" asked 'Miss Vernon, in seeming distress. 1 wpat's your.-13usipeas, 1 (not mine. We will try you tree more, and , give you another half d zen shirts. If they are done liptter, you will be paid for, them.". -, , , ,- , " TX,itese ,are ; depo ~well{ " . said Miss, .Verrion i Sitvagel,Y s l i)rita the bundle from the counter, "and X will show them to your employer.' l i To the indignatqm of the clerk, *hip' was not u,sed,„tp,sme4 i , independence 'lir the poor W - odniif-who worked for the es-. tablishrnent, Miss Vernon took the shirts to another ' part of the counter_ where he saw Wi Liam himself. - ' l ' 1 ; • ':',! " Mr.iWinsor, o She Said, "your olirk will not pay ne or these shirts. ,lie says they are not ell done." ~ . ... 6 ,511,,Vi n,sor,t.ooc., one up, ? au d, p,reten *o' to.,efianiittO•lb.,:' ::—.' , ~; : i ~!, ;• ', I ''NO, it Is O po' rly'tiorie. ' WC' can't pay you for these but you may have another bundle, nd, if they aro satis factory, you will tlign be paid." '— " Didn't - Pfeil your so ?" said the clerk triumphantly. "}Now, young woman, how ,m uch• did you make. by , that opera tion ?" , . ;1. 1.' 1 ... , , .: -- ~, " More than gold - Miss Venom) ou think, perhaps," quietly. 11 any worh.--1---- isn any more,"! , !the xt nit ,Irj "NO;- answered, coldly., "Oh ! you are you? .Well,_ you., ,w(24,sonie day,. litun Winsor us betrothed._Whe I n the high hoi•se, are' Inlay be glaq to get hen can't have 1, 174 as: th e d 3,Vhich ally spent with his he was introduced, arm ly,.as usual, 'to he went for Ward great Miss V i rno aok offer her had to g' ~c~ltlly, and did not asp his. matter, Margaret ?" and star r iled,'! What I ktle me to such a re- " What is the he astied;titirjoise have I done to en ceptioiM" " My hand hasjtaken yours for ; the last time, Mr.f - Winsor," said Margaret. " Opod. heayens; what 0 the meaning °fall." this, ' , Margaret? explain Your self. I cannot understand it." " I cannot take the hand. of one who grows rich by defratiding ' Poet. women outrof-their-scanty-earnings.•- —.-- " Who says tl s:' Of me? Some one has been slatide ingne, Confrent me r with:ruy ( a6eyse,:i, ,',There ',,S'serhe mis *Ake here." t ' , 1' ~- , ~, e• , : '- • ",I •will do as, Feu' idelre. ,IS - Vait; just fli've.minutes,"•. ~ , , ,• : , _,. , : ) .11IissbVernon ]eft the room and; soon ;re-entered in.he disguise. •'.,' •". - ' • Thelyoung ni - n strode up to , the we :roanl:. argrilyi .•' r•I , :i '• • • • 7-' -I "A:re - you the' ne who has slandered Me to Mlis Vernon?" m he demanded. - "I,tohl 4er,th • truth." Thei,lyoung mn iefleeted. Violent cordiadietioh•he fiaw'•Would not avail him ,• ,he would t•y another• course.: •'' y,' Hark Ye, you, g wonaah,7 - he said, in a: low voice. IThere was u., mistake —I - Will make it up to 7ou trtehly. I Will-give ten dollars on the •spot, and all the wo,ricyou went. at double rates, if you Will tell - MISs Vernon it was all, a mistake." • • • 1 ., ' '- • ~” Now. latei • •Kre -.Winsor,''• said the .veiled-figure, tin. wing up her:veil, and showing the eorit Imptuous face of•A•lar 7 , ;gret Vernou. y ur , I) xi b e 'is Wel t ed in Viiii. ;' Good even ne; sir." `. .'' -.- ;,- ' 1 ` Confounded' in asterdShed,':William Winsorfound his '.- 'ay tolhe door, •and bas'hever veutqC to enter , the rotas e t v 'of-the heiress sine' .He was paid, for his mcaunessi,n , h s own coin. • ' • '"; , - lEOr tljo ,•Agitctor.] 'The Constitution qt",the - Earth. • . _ The, Atiroral, i i.Li‘diti..;-- - !rite auroral lights, 611611_, itli4O,„Polarl,.Lights, and' '3';'. l loo 3 .eeti ifi t4 .,),4,li,kurira borealis, '.Whett ili;tile seuth;:attrora australis,and .rooo,generally:4orthprn; , 'Lighte,; , were :fora longrtime,-, vhaps.are now, cori sidered 'one oft e mysterieS of -nature. -At-one I time tit y'' Were :stippoOd :by 'ol . pb , io - be' the' elleetion'ef-tlie - 'riun'O' 1 p 'iity's r Stri4illg' - up, n the i fgrOt nOthern 'feet-fields ; ' others suggested that they 'knight be the enErnation of 'lights froth around the horn pone, the result of tile , immense heat V- the interior melted fluid,ll' d which ocount ofthe flattened surface at the poles came Verfliear the I outerpart of thd :eartiVii crust ;' :',cithers'' attributed theiri,;tolin -optical 'illusion ;- , And it few supposedthent W i lio'hir elec trical littid.' .. .' , ---• ~ -,• . , ,-,c.• . I ,g ..y.Ni.76' . .o.lipPoSei.l'_io.craiiiittte - ,frthil ' the regiprif Of the - re,le,',Aecp.tiS,e• hOwev ef, ray, ,we might', go .4rWards the',pole,' tlitispi,light's al Ways appeareci...utk about; the:sarae_distance, never appearing' be tween the observer and. the` most dis tant - mountain as -in the case of the rainbow. ..,i;,,,, f: Dr. Loornis'theoryiwhich he dpduces frorp a large qtnge ,oteobservations is ;that the light ot the aurora is caused 'by ,the int eyements b:attnospherlo'electric itp;: that . the - .i :suit 'of • the' immense evaporationof 1 tit waters of the'Oceati, g -in OW etiiiittorla regions; is the produce 'tiiiii br a large . arnotlnt Of positive elec.- tricity ; ' that" the "vpers 'arising front' this evaporp.tipn. co, Ty,. into the upper Slip n i b regiontilthe tat ' sphere this elec tricity,- which is th rice .conveypd i to wards the poles hy the treptekl edorrent ,of 'those regions, and ,' as it goes, north MI BEM !: 77 al / 1- .2 1-41i T-. l 4•C' -..., 4 ,; ) 43"41 1 1 1 . 2 1 i, ‘-.1; 11 • - MEE BUM 4 '"APRIL - -1474869 " or south, Ito, gradually , dedcends. agt tew,arda, t he, e rth,,tt T lG.,meets the fluence of the negaffve eieetriCity of t, earth 'wherilh'ey, bboome condensed their inutual , influenee, .neutralize ea, othbr by discharges whenevep their to Sion reaches .a c,ertain "'hunt and, th Produce the Mir Oral 'lights. Thia:tro, cal current of lelectricity divides its as it goes itp from. thosurface,,perha at the magnetic •equator, a part bei . carried South — by the Southern tropic current till itineets the negative ell tricity- near the south polo, and prod, ing, us at the north an arnyera, call the aurora ainitralis: aloomis fortille's'hiS" theory cis the nature of - these• lights:. y, 4 , he in f doction .of•a,iarge n,umber of obser thins, 'of the "effect of the,polar lig upon the Magnetic needle:. ' -'• • That the auroral lights are the re: of electrical, action seems, now „tb 'pretty Well'established , ohserva 51 and experi in en ; bti t' Professor 'Leo theory of the source; er manner of t production, of this electricity' is :1 ject,to very grave,doubts. His th lc of'-the tropical productlon'or 'posi i electricity which divides' itself r two currents one going ..north and t other south, linot • .Ithink ,gerter 1 acquiesced in, though Tam not it that any , better theory has been in duced, . - In all thee northern .eNhibitiOus of .lights; if therrtie to'itny ce siderably degree brilliant - the mage is needle, as well as the telegraph wi is sensibly, affected. During the I play'of Septerrther'2,lBs9, 'the aura caused so strong and' , steady" a curre on the telegrapkwires, that it was p sible to transmit telegraph messages, the use of this current, With Out vOlttile battery wlititeVer.' During t auroral display of August 28th of t year brilliant sparlid,were drawn fro theielegraph wires, even When no bi tery was'attliched." • " flash w seen on thezt , wires,ahopt, half the size an,otilinitrY jet or gas. 'At Itostbn flame 'of fire folio - Wed• the pert of - Baly chemical telegraph. • • • - ^ At Pittsburg, streams of fire, we seen,.when .the telegraph. circuit w broken: At*Washingtori a Spark of fi j di:ripe& froth the forehead 'ors telegra operator 'when his fore,bettd,l: louthed ground wire. ~ n 1 r. , ce _, ;. *Bright sparks, were otid.. on 0 conductors 'of•• 'the ' telegraph:. to Bo deaux in France. .On the. telegra lincsnf Norway sparks an.Al,; i nnint 'rupted diScrungep were ohserveti, pap .Was'aet oteflre• by these SparkS, and I current witsi:itt, times,jsci Strong- tlia, was,necessary, to connect the lines w - the earth in order.tO save the apparal friiiir tdestiiiatiOn.• At 'Boston' a flu ‘of.4lre . from *the magnetic NVITi2; bur Viyough a d ozenthick .uf. pap° . At the, time of,, phi, aurora tenib6r'2;'lBs9: iti - p "'mon well hnown a large - ninnber - or the 'reinlersrcie AWTATqII and .no : residing in ,W : boro, was _camping out on "the. ; River. of,the , N.orth in, latitude fo . seven:deiees. Ho `describes the e bitiou there'as the ttioSt splendid -the imagination could conceive. • Ho in the midst of the most- gorgeous ever varying mass of ilame,.iloatin _ on,e'very side to the zenith; each ton nfrilame•;7ns it leaped 'uto catching An -vs-re. -- , 0-, 11, 1....-- ~... t... 5...::.;.1---a - - 44.-. ~.i „heavens varyiug and mingling with rapidity, of thought, its VakiOus line! *• -The aurbra'verY 'senSiblyaffedts magnetic needle. , • • • - . . Dgring the aurora of Septernbi 1859, the entire range Of the varial i Of'the'ordinary declination,. at Toren, was 3 9 AV, and at Rome im.italy, 4°, These . - etraordi nary def,leetiona of needle'prevai I almost simultaneous • large portions of the globe; even w the aurora itself is not visible,: • • ' On the 25th'of September 1844, an x traordinaryldisturbance of the meg s et ic instruments was' observed 'at 'the • b aervatory of Greenwleih, near - Lond a. The changes in the direction of, he needle ,were by sudden Impulses;_ a 'ter each impulse the needle - kat°. ary fora few3seconds, then wiaa clerke to another position and e wasagain stet on ary. On the same ',day a. remark. ble disturbance of the magnetic 'in:tru ments was observed at Toronto, in au ntie, distant from Greethvich more , han• ,i 3500 miles, and the disturbances menced at 'very near the absolute ime With those at Greenwich: The' :erne was noticed' at the island of He ena,! 15° 55' S., distant from Greenwich . miles - and from• Toronto 0000. . I Similar disturbances oedurred 'at the same time at the Cape ef 'Oond and at,Trevandum, in India, diam ally opposite longitudinally to Tor• nto,. and: in latitude' 'B° 40'. ' the 's me timean aurora was' observed in vaiioni parts of North America, ; as well , as 'in' England, Norway and l i t Van Die man's Land in latitude 42° 15' S. 'At the time of 'the Sep, ember -1859 aurora - the magnetic instruments. were very much disturbed and the needles carried beyon dthe range of their scales.. At St. Petersburg •the' variation of,the needle beyond the :mean declintion was 4° 24', which was as,muclias their instruments - determine, but .it was evidently'' much - more. At Mel= bourne, 'in 'BB° S.,'. the .vviriation. from the n orm al.d genii ations • At Toronto the dip of the,needle!was increased more than - 2° , 19' "' I might: cite other- ' examplee, but' these:are enough Acrshow.'thati.the an , total lights aio the restiltbf.ala Increas ed' action 'or 'disdharge 'Of. that this 'inorease ' 'eleatrlcity: -gives the horizontal force an oscillatory movement, and also that. the vertical force is increased, drawing the end of needle down, as at Toronto. ; . A sufficient number Of 'observations .1 think Would show:that •both. the hor izontal and vertical force issomewhat iu 'proportien to the' proxiMity, of the Magnetic pole." • •• ' '• The observations made slmultaneous ly., in the northern and. southern hemi spheres, would'sdem to indicate that the 'electrical iluid,,instead.otstartiug at the magnetioequatorand-forming two currents one north.and' the other south, actually has but one current, or per ' haps an infinite hutnber of currents, 'all passing-through the magnetic' poles and dividing off into as many,currents, aS - iliere are 'conceivable magnetic me qidians, thus the'-earth 'in a complete panoply of eleetricity, anti also tirtfasing itself . throughout ail the interior of the earth. . May 'not thifi necessary ethidenSation of electricity at the poles;. if 'the .above supposition he true, bothe cause of the auroral lightS Whenever any thing oc curs to produce' an - Unusual current of the Iluitl4/ -. • • This.would aeeount,for the .si can Itan ewe, appearance of the northern and s.ottatern auroras as the following cases cited in the blot hsonian report ,of 1865' would seem toto indicate : '• " - Dtiting the splendid aurora of Sept. 2, 1859, there was noticed at CapeHorii, in lett - tilde 57°%5.•, a '-bright - yellowish light at. the south,.;, forming an ellipse, the centre of which was elevated about 14aboye the southern horizon. ,„ , " 1 - n. eleven , cases : of, observations, madee at llobarton, In latitude 41° 53' S.' 'they were, observed, in 'the north lit New Haden, latitude '4l° 11' N, : the, and:in - eleven 'Other cases an aurora at the 'mirth was seen at'-isTew Haven within twelve hours , of its be-1 ing seen in the south at•Jlobarton: • In, < ~ ~ Iffini =1 • . , each' of 'these first Ole en- cases an au -'I rota was, also; seen Englanai , , - ; - ! , 1 ; -" Paring, the years 1841-8 there were recO l idd l tit Hobarfon - 34 auroras at the I 'south.'' In 29 of ' these casts rin aurotia I was , - recorded , in Europe or , Anierica, 1 and in the live remaining cases, there was recorded an unuslal disturbance of the- 'magnetic- !needle r indicating an aurora:at no very remote statiotr.• ,1 "In the southern 1 hemisphere an 'aurora,, remarkable f k itgextent and brilliancy was - seensimultaneously with the .aurora of tit ' north Sept. 2, : isr?9,!'._, f ' ' ' ' . ' - 1 ' Psofeesor Loomis, afte recitingi a cir iminber - of cases; au a up'by Saying— " So jar,-theni as a cot elusion is author- Ind, from .so !intuit a number.of.obser viitlons, we should it fer that ,whenev er an'aorora is seen' a Holnirton, , -where the dip is 71:0,-M, our ra, occurs at son* place,in the norther! . hemisphere,'its far amid)! 1 4ta'wherd - ho magnetic - dins' doCa not Otteed 75 0 ;• rin other:Words, an troueual auroral splay imt he south ern„ hcfnisplicro,..ia al cys apeompanied by On unusual aispl y 191 the ' northern. hemisphere; or an eltibition of auroral light , about ono ,ma node pole of the ,earth, is tanifornily, ~ ttentlect, by a sini x ultaneous l exhibitio of auroral light about the opposite m gnetic pole." :I s . It looksto- me that rofossor -Loomis furnishes, the materi is to most , com pletely Overthrow his own theory of two' distinct electric 1 currents from the • equatorial' regio s—the one - north and the other gout t; and adduces strong evidences for t o inference that there is but one quire t passing contin uously- from one niag etic pole to the, other, both externally an& internally—, 'hat,instead of ,itia tvs, in currents born 1 El iiii of the equatorial mist sun, there is but One the earth itself. An enquiry here n Itself. Is there any life that, corresponds electricity? Au ende in the next/number to tiop.. • • i Wellaboro, Pa:, 'Aj'y I „ , Boa. JeroinO B. 'Niles, Member of the Hous • of Represent.. '' Wives from Tioga - • l'unty, Deliv ered Tuesday l EVC2 ing, March 23, 1869; on the Fifteenth Anzendmen tot e _Nation , • al Constitu ion. • • 'Air. :NILES said :, • • it e it th us . • ' Mr. Speaker; I apPri sell the discuSs-, ion of this question , w ith diffidence-4. know my own • inabilly7l realize the Magnitude of the Subject. Since I litiVe . had a seat. upon . this ileor'lliave mai ly left :the, discussio of , the • vario B questions that have cen' before usito t gentlethen of more e perience in legis lation,than myself. _ . - that I ON e -•• . I v . But, sir, believingi a duty to myself and to the • ieeple that' T. hay° the honor in- part 'to represent upon this I floor, I propose to gi e my views upon. this amendment-L-th adoption or re jection of which will affect • our people for all time-which - - woposes radically to change the organi law of- the:land, and Co admit toltlie• allot-box a whole ace hit) erte - exelnded by caste , legisla- The':discusslon of ;this question ,n ' t divides itself i to two divisio s. In the first place, ha e we the power to pass this amendment And, having t e Rower; ought it to b exercised at t is time? . 1 • -_ 1 Our Democratic fri ads contend that this whole pinecediny is illegal.. The i tatin . guisited • gentle ituf from Clarion affirms it not only to be ,revolutionary, but that its final eons' mation would be revolution itself—jtlia it relates to a sib jeet not:centeuiplated by the frainers of the, Constitution, an that the whole subject of sufiragb b longs, exclusilly. to the people of the S ates. i. •- Now Mr: Speaker, LaVer that we are amending the•Consti ution .of the Uni ted States in a consti utional manner.-- That ieStrament, pr vides two modes for'itS - Own amendment. Article' fifth 4:2,5 provides " that Cong ess, whenever two thirds of both House shall deem it nee, essay, shall proko e ame.ndinents l to this COnStitution, o on the application of-the - Legislatures' f two-thirds of. the several States; shall call a convention 1 for proposing ame dments, which, in either cure, shallbe valid to all intents and purposes, as pa t!of this Constitu tion, when , ratified y the Legislatures of three 7 fourths cif t e,seyeral States, or 'by conventions in tl ree-fourths thereof, Us the one or'the Oth r may be proposed by Congress." ... The-iirSt method h This resoltitien has 1 es of. Omigress by a than two-thirds, an ted tothe LegiSlatur, their adoption or reje ' -We are - pursuing *heretofore ' adapted.' broken : line of .precet Votirteen, amendmen• freedbin of-the 'press "Science--'-of the right :beat ,arme-7rof securit seizures—of indictrne: "defendants"—of trials 'bails and fines—Of rig' •IStates—of ,the judiei of electing , thell.resid I lion, of' Slavery4aVe ' !Constitiitioia in preelS( Is there a Democrat ,will say, that slavery ' abolished ? • ' And, ' sir; if in this the right to free four liti I F 2, on 1 to, he- I, or.] E ere beings and extend to them all the 'civil rights that we possess will same of our DeMocratic friends to I me why we have not also the per/et-to extend to them, in the same manner, a portion or our political rights ? Some one may reply that we are go-, ing'baelz' upon 'the Chicago Platfor i m.-- , Not at all, sir. There is nothing its this amendment that conflicts f with that.— The, Republican party said in the Chi cago 'platform that the qUestion 'of suff rage .in Alio Statesately in rebellion should be- controlled by the General Governmer for th protection of the people, an fel, the urpose of insuring the: count s - against future rebellions; but that phe questiot.of suffrage in the loyal States belong d to the people of the same.' ' This is ti e substance of the Chicago tiatform hi this particular. - It did not, e tiler by e - pression or limpli cation, tai e the ground that the F ederal 'Constituti m conk!. i of be amended 'w on that 'subject. . t Simply - affirthed that a mere act of Congress could not control suffrage in t to several - States.— That:lS - 6in' position now. Congress alone bits-"not the 'power. But, sir, we hold that the peopl have the' power t 9 inalte,suffrage.unifo m in every. portion a our land. That power can orilylbe 'exercised by an . mendnient to the Constitution of the tJuito States, and we are here ~ to-ni lit , exercising' that power in ,one of the ways prescribed by 1 the'Constitution its If. I take it for grant•d 'that every 'mem ber understands , th.. effect of ;the pro posed. amendment, , lore than that, the people Of the' Cpreponwealth under stand it : 4 . 1 s not only a single, but a simple'proposition: - - It is not complex;. It proposes. that ev .37, man shall have ,the same fights hero e the law as every other man.' It does not propose to in terfere with the rig t of suffrage in re and sired . by th'e' nd that born (i' ~• . , turally suggests ing in animal this terrestrietil vor will be made ,nswer tbis'ques- J. EMERY. 5, 1869. RIMA OF KS a, been adopted. 7. issed both branch majority of more has been 'subniit a of the Stntes,;for Lion. . 1 'the only method We have an im ents in our fa . vor. and right'Of eon of the ,peopled to from unlawful 1 .11 its and rights of 'n civil easegf-of pits reserved to ry—the mariner t—the prohibi ' been made toithe ly this manner'. sere to-night who .was not legally manner we ihad Miens of huinan I MIME MIN oration to edudation, prcipertyni:th. Sc.- It Jeaves all these as, jhey ,vv.ere bet re.- ~„ -It -,only- - tifilrifis. - prat,*,:iitlier*- things 4ing eqpal;," race, , color pr p evieus condition of 'serviltgdo!rslialt n t be a disqualifying ,eonditiciii: and,'t tat-no than shall be• proscribed :beetiu e 'ota slide wholly -and _entirely :bey nd his control, and for which lie ISIn rio 'wise . responsible.. .• ~ , _ .. In his; inaugui . al' - address_,Getteral Grant Said, "Tile rittestiOn of saffrage .. isdnewhfch is likely fo*Cngage t io pub lie.attention so loug as' a Foram .ot the 'citizens of , the nation urn e. eluded from .its*privilegeS, in: any St to, It me to e very disable 11 at. this question. should be allied *i* , and I entertain the hope and expres the de-, sire it may be by the satificritio on." the fifteenth article of the Constitn on." . 'ln thiS regard General' -Grant speaks thd*sini ti omit of the RepUtilfca i party. lo'hold it not enlY an act O justice to Sr, 'the negro, but A - measure f Vettee' and safety, to the Anglo Salton. , liNo re public is - safe with four milli sof its ~ ~ citizens disfranchised: . At pres lit they are controlled by ltAws in the nacting of which they had no part or I t. "No taxation with Out representati n," was the, motto of the fathers of th Repub lic. It was upon this principle that the battles of Revolution ,were foug it. • In a free, representative gov rnment like ours—where all power co es from the people e, have fa titled nobility—where all monarchia 'formi of government have been- aboli hed, it is hard fn see why any - man sh uld ob ject to a proposition which 'ten s only to elevate a portion of our race. In the despotic *governmen old world arguments against th osition might be expected. Th many hundred of.years, the pre Idea has been that setae were be rufera and lid ruled. The doctrine that the " King can do no wrong" prevails In nearly!all of the continental , and ' oriental.-:countries— if where they accept - as veerty the rind ,Ple that royal blood courses thro gh-the veins of some,, and that oth rs - are ushered into the world weitri g .the badge of inferiority— *here t e first born takes the wealth of 'the father, sending the balance of the fa ily out into the world to • buffet its Wave alone. 'lf this amendinent were *bra tted to• the consideration of the govern ments of Austria, France, or England, -hould expect for it the same opposition. hat it is receiving front the, gentlemen sn the other side o: this 4diamber, It, would. not be ,expected • that .the Empeior of 4uStria would Nillingly part with his iniperialpoWers i a d sub mit fairly the whole ,questiou f gov ernment to his people. WO" sh uld lit tiesexPeet that, Louis Napolee would risk- the .perpetuation of his reg me to a untrameled vote of Fr nee, or that the, _British governmen - Would give 'the elective franchise to h r whole people. Yet even in those countries power growing in favor of humanity. -For -For years thissame has been going on—liberty u one hand and eppresdion groNI by Centuries or power upon the It was:the intolerance of hint er that ti the us Plymouth gave uf•; the institutions of freed have-been the boaSt 'of the7p Anissi . - L4epti, ; 4 - 7 tlzcv thd world over. • . What has been true of the 61 of the old world has been and i. ours. Man here, as there, is tl 1 In our own laud, which in our , hymn has been called the "V . 1 free and the land , of the b al have ever found the same st ut tween right and wrong—the' at' of the strong to oppress the N permanently ereatea eastern° .e 1 more rigid and quite as ,repuy every principle .of natural ju those of any of the autocratic ci of tho bid world.' • . - • During all the conflicts which we have passed, we h found a great party trying to car of progress 7 -t n prevent; ur advancement into a higher. at civilization—to - prevent Our pet 'political stepping from higher Thus far their efibrts have b( vailing, and .1 say to . friends, in Unkindness, that y prevent the ultimate adoptio amendmdut You ril4' hi may delay, yet the end is cer well might you, attempt to pits bark pp the ,toaming eatarap gaia, as to stem the torrent . sentiment that,is setting in in the equal rights of all . men b law. For eighteen hundred years flirtl has been going on. It is,t old tight. But, as the sunlight tine civilization causes the dar the past to disappear, so the 1 this; as well as other counties; t lug from them the prejudices th erly cbntrolled them, and . sees willing to concede to others tiny and:privileges that they claim f selves. We all understand the t of the strong to oppress the we understand how unwilling tee ns are to part with class privile our fathers have enjoyed for et_ Political, as well us every kind er, is grasping. It is never - wi concede anything. The rights orsuffrage In this c I entry, having been exercised by the white race ; it having formerly been t e rule that the negro "had no rights t at the Anglo Saxon was bound to res, ect; it having been solemnly adjudics tea by the highest judicial tribunal in the laud that he had noright to st e even where personal liberty was WV (tea.; in having been the rule in fifteen of . the States of the public that they NS ere but personal chattels; that they ceuld be mortgaged, sold and transferre t or put upon the public auction blo k, and knocked down to the highest bidder; that the holy names of- father, mother, husband, wife and children were legally unknown to the toiling milli° s, who were, in chains, dragging out • life of unrequited toil ; who were p •evented by criminal statues from lea ming to read that book which is the• to indation of Christian civilization. I repeat, when we look at the recent past—when we remember tha., within the recollection of many gentlemen on this floor, the first, great anti-slavery champlon•was mobbed, and amid the jeers of the howling multitude dragged through the streets of Boston, it is not stningc that a proposition of this kin , should meet, with opt, isitien. I so - 7415 J in no letinL.; - s or 1 kindness upon this qu -Bijou. 1 I have received nothing else gentleman front whom i ex umno opposition to this ament. only regret that they will not pally piejudiee, and unite wit proposition that only tends to lowly, and elevate the whole hood of man. We are told In holy writ "ti leaven leavens the, whole lo have seen that • the.; "o . ood ne claimed one thousand' eight years ago , by the then' despiE,4 rene, has gone oil front age to, nation to nation, until to-day ops nine-tenths of the whole world, , And in a profatie Sense the 11 that was created by the ant fathers foity years ago, thou smothered by publid opinion ' ...lit MEE - .• of the a prop re, for ailing :rn for '•c find a rty nid struggle on the -n- -gray other. ly pow ; k—that 'ont.that l eopio of pm-2*ml ountries true of o strree. ational e of the ;e," • we be' • - We effort eak---to narked, 1. , tlant .to I.tieo as untries lirough ye ever top the ational d- better ple from ground. • ULL I - uua mocratic cannot I• of this filer, you Mu. Au h a frail " of Nia . f public ,favor Of fore the Lo con ho, same of Chris iness of rrople of e east at form- more :e rights r them ndeney k. We I, any of es that Ituries. • f POW ling to her. than ersoeully !rem 016 pect will merit. !I I ise nbqve Ike tm in a t e brother- ti litti •Cm! We vs!' pro hundred 'Nitza ge, from envel civilized ittlelight 1-slavery h It was though, z. No. of Sq'ro. 1 In. rner.t \3 Ate 4 .llrll:lltalx Eqaaro,'" ' $l,OO $2,00 $Z,150 $5,00 7,00 $12,0Z 213abition 2,00 - 240 0 4,50 COO 2,00 *.as,on‘ 11a)f C 01....». • 10,004:15,00 N 7,00 22,00. - 50,84 - 5.5,001 ono col 1;18,001 20,00 40,00 et),001 — "Special Notices 15 edits per line no; Editorial o Lon!2o cents per' I?ne..• - ''nth© beginning, it Was denounced by ho,press, and at times from the pulpit— hough its defenderawere defamed and heir persons violated and outraged, yet the fight has gone on. Victory has al ternated from ono side tO; the other; yet, as a whole, it bag , been upon the sidaof liberty and right. ' Sir, I may be wrong,. l yet I believe that the same old element to day op poses this amendment, in this and other States, that once opposed the, early anti-slavery soCieties—tbat op-, posed the Wilmot Proviso 'in;lB4B-that favored the extension ofi slavery into Texas—that advocated the repeal,of the Missouri line of 1820—that tried to make Kansas a slave State—that Op posed the restriction of slavery in 1856 and in 1560—.'that opposed -the arming of the colored men in ; 1862, upon the; ground that "niggers" fightl, and' that deprecated and denounced the greatest act of Lincoln's lice, the Emani., ,eipation Proclamation, as unconstitui. l tional, revolutionary and void.. I repeat, sir, that the same principles that prompted all these, and that hay opposed the thirteenth and fourteent amendments to the FederallConstitu tiou, by which that great curse of thi land, Ameilcan slavery, Was abolished which to us has been more deadly tha the hoofs of Atilla's horse, and here to day opposing the wiping out, by , big constitutional enactment, the la) ves tige of that "sum of ail villa pies'T which, ever since this (republic! was born, has covered our nominally free institutions with blight and milde7. I take it, there is not a member upon this floor who will not readily:admit that slavery was, and is, an evil. None of our Democratic friends •would desire tO bring it back again., You' will all admit that you are glad it has been ground to powder in, the great conflict through:which we have but recentlY passed.. You will tell me that you at* glad 11l the auction blOck has bee abishCci, that the fetters of four nai - lion of, men have been broken, an that, to-day; from ocean to' ocean, fro the lakes to the gulf—wherever flea our country's flag—the sun does n t rise upon a master or set upon a slave. You .rejoice for all this.. Now, why will you not unite with us,and consum mate this great act of simple justice by, abolishing all caste and making eve? , man equal before the law Why should not all men have equal legal and political rights? 'Can any of our Democratic friends t 11 me? Do you object to the- colored man voting simply because he is black? Notwith standing all our inborn prejudices, tie number of this House will make color the basis of his objection.), Sir, it can not be, that all this three oppositio comes simply . because God has give him a color. differing from our own? Could he prevent it? "Can the leopa change his spots or the Ethiopian h I skin?" Do you blame - 11r for an act f "Him who doeth thi gs well?" The little llack terrier pf our frien , the resident Clerk, that'd ily lies upo yonder desk, is an object of attention f us all, without regard te• arty-feeling . My Democratic friends 's eak as kindl to him as though his wh teness was f spritless purity! In not ling else do s this prejudice against col r exist. 0 r Democratic friends. don heir best suit of black, rebrush their la is and retou their boots, when thcyrN ish to make a favorable impression up n state occ sions; and my ha.ndso e friend fro ' Cumberland looks none he less beau ;f -lu! because of his black• ye 4 and bin, 6k curly hair. n . ' And if I mistake not; there-are-mem bers upon this floor- Who are trying `,43 cheat Father Time of". his legitimate fruits by vigorous applications of the all-prevailing Vegetable hair ambrosl4. Democrats object to his voting becaue of a certain odor that might be offen- Sive. •Yet they, Id days of yore, would have willingly been fanned by t l e blackest negro, no matter ho'w sultr and hot the weather. ' ! ' Sir, this objection upon the ground f color is founded in prejudice. We do not like the. black man ecause he is of a race that - fOr eentu les has. been ground to the earth by. he heel pf op- ; '. pression and legalized rongi 0' They been prevented fro 'enterin# any of the-a - venues' leading d wealth :and, respectability, brcusto , grown gray' b Btiine. ut once let a col red man, by strength of intellect, force his way up the ladder, and we are Pot only willing to tolerate but to seek Is presence. A few months since friend of mine was traveling upon Ith Erie railway, and entering 'ono oft i palatial cars 'band . one end empty tuna the other thicklytcrowded. lip ent to the v 4-, cant end, and found - a solitary negro enjoying half a ear to hi self, in who* he immediately recogniz d the features of Frederick Douglas. e shook his hand warmly, and toolsa seat by his side. An animated conysatlon - sprang up - in relation to the cone of President Johnson and the recons ruction acts of / Congress. Mr. Douglas grew eloquent as he Spoke of the aposta y of the " sec ond Moses," and in less than five min- - utes the crowded end -of the car was empty and every seat near Mr. Douglas rapidly filled. This' neldent shows the : controlling force of prejudice, and how easily, at times, it may be dispelled. This was called to mind by -the elo quent and learned speech of the gentle man from Montgomery [Mr.WMiller.]- It always gives me great pleasure to 'listen to his remarks. He has seen the "handwriting on the walk" He has no doubt of the ultimate adoption of this amendment; and being a shrewd politician, is already trimming his sails to weather his craft though storms which he sees impending! . And, sir, as I looked adross the hall, by gas light, I fancied that I could see the silent tear glisten in his eye; his breast heave with deep feeling, and his lips quiver with emotion, as he turned his longing and earnest gaze. into.the lobby while he E.. 0: eloquently and tear fully pleaded for the Votes and kind re membrance of his ',' dear colored breth ren'? there .assembled. I thought the Millennium was at hand. Momentart! ly I expected. to see the lion and the lambs lie - thel'nd embrace to- gether. But the little la pear "to come to time."' - - Our Democratic friens say the ne gro shall not have the ballot because they'd° not want to be ruled by black mon. I have no guar el with them there.., I say to my file id' from Cum berland [Mr,;C mat ,], that I, am, orn .1 1:1 against 'our being ruled by black men, because it is a Democratic doctrine that the majority should rule, and as there are four - millions of black people and thirty-sib millions of ivhites, It-would not be fair for the colored to, rule the others. , . • - This Is a ; white. man's .government, cries out the gen tlehnui. from Lehigh [Mr. emits]. in despair.. That is my doctrine. Igo in for that: No black man shall rule me if I can help it, or have anything . to do, hy my'consent, with controlling,the clestinies of this great republic. • We only differ in this. The gentleman f r ant I Lehigh [Mr. - Creitz] would look .at the face of the WWI to look at his heart. - . And I hero and now' atfrin. that I would "rather bo ruled by the blackest face and curliest hair that e'er made its appearance . upon 'Carth;:than by: the fairest haired, whitest fade rebel With a blank heart.' ' Ls did not ap-
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