MATTERS. WEIMESDAY,"*P4II, :1.4; 1869. New - A.dityrtiseinenta: Mercantile Appruisotinont—Lßelah - est. Three Auditor's Notices—John ~• Orphans' Court Sale—Thomas Ailed, Arbor:. B o rough Ordinanee—Wm. lloilands, , Burgess. Medical.Advice—J. A. Hoy. - photographs and Picture Frames Clay Xing. Notice to School Lqrectori—J. F. Crafting Supt. Assignee's Notice—Win. Garretien.- New Goods—De Lano do .Co. - , Hemlock Bark wanted—Johuaton le Lowell. Hemlock Batk wanted--O. B. Lowell dr, Co. SUGAR PARTY.—The Lathes of the Id. E. Church svillaorve tho puhlic with jiist the nicest warm sugar, fresh. and now, on Wednesday evenia of this week at - , the'Coart . House. Let very ody Come. NEW HOPS Lodge ; 1. 0. of. Ci. T., Will give a warm sugar festirar, at their hall'o - n - "Wednesday evening, 14th inst. The fraternity, and the pub. lie - aro invited to attend; a good time may be ex pected. By order of ainical tt 00 'of arrmigemonto. F. M. SPENCER. Mansfield Apr. 10th 1809. GooD.—Maj. Merrick, our obliging Postmaster, has added greatly tb the aociiimmoda tions of the office by putting in a series of lock boxes. This will accommodate the purchasers, and lighten tho labors of the P. M. blnuelvbrit. THE WEST.—Mr. Marvin Smith, for merly of this village, writes s from Lipper San dusky, Ohio, stating that th winter has been very mild there, no snow , unti March, and little else but snow storms since, and muoh cold. ' , suonn. -- The Agitator proprietors and printers, are .again ever so much obliged to Mr. J. G. Dartt, of Charleston, for sundry cakes of maple sugar. These } little amenities arecton i. tbo cup of life, gladden he typos, and give voice to the wish that Mr. D ytt i s trees - may run early and let , and win the i co: . . REMOVALS.—Hugh YOung & Co., have removed their book and wall paper Store to to the Store first door above Roy's Block. The Post Office is also removed to the same premises and greatly improved in its get-up and eppli-- lIIICCS. Mr. E. 11. Kimball, grocer, is about to remove to the new Imildineerecting by Messrs Wright 4. Min Bll4lNESS.—Another of our 'most Fri tirprising Corning advertisers is Jas. A. Parsons & Co. Mr. Parsons and the firm have advertised with us for many years ; and if his and their dealings with others have been as pleasant, prompt and honorable as.with us, that accounts for the rush of business at Parsons's "all the year round." • FIRE IN BLOSS.—A fire was discovered in Mr. Wn3. Escott's barn, in Bloss, oz the even ing of the , ist inst., and under such h adway that the blinding and contents, togetiMr with ono heifer, were consumed before assistance could be rendered. Mr. Escott was absent, leaving his son to turn the cow into the barn, telling the boy not to try to tie her up. The . boy thought ho could manage, and wont in with a miner's lamp, from which the fire was communicated to the hay. Loss $2OO. No insurance. BusINF I Os. Mr. J. N. _Bache has bought the dwelling and lot lately owned by Mr John Gibson, on Pearl, above King St. Mr. Gibson has bought the premises lately owned by Mr. Matthieu Plattner, corner Sheridan Street and Tioga road. Air. Plattner purpoEes building on hislot below thoi•lower bridge. t\ Air. 'Robert Camph<sll ht., Ell 11l nts place On Pearl street to Mi. E. C. Allen. Mr. Cleorgo Hastings has bought the Landis properly, corner Pearl and Lincoln Streols. Mr. Edwin 11. Hastings has bought the 'house lately owned by Mr. Miller, on Nichols Street. Mr. M. M. Sears Las bought tho store and blot \adjoining Wm Roberts's litirdwaro Store. THE AMENDE. —We owe Messrs Smith dr Waite "several." They sentan advertise inept fixing the price of best American prints 14 12.3 cents per yard. , The piinter mado it 133„ ants. They wrote to correct. The printer for got to obey orders. Then Messrs. 8. Jr W. sent as a real stinger of a letter. Indeed, it makes the chills chnie each other along the spinal &pi. limn to think of it. They threatened to send u a stock of figure 25.. Wo don't want them. li j e beg pardon. Best American prints are ono shi - ling at Smith ch Waite's, Corning. "Let us hn e pence-?” Doc} ORDINANeE.—Our friends Mansfield have recently passed an Ordinance that Borough which is rather tough on dogs their owners. The unumzzled dog loses his 111: and his owner pay ono dollar for .his IVe hope the "dug hiller",won't get served as p a, Lertain man did in Corning sonic years ago, who 'tiler shooting 10 dogs and receiving his dollar a head, was fined two dollars fur each 'shot in the corporation--leaving him an unprofitable day's urk. Mn,t Doan.---A mad dog having made its appearance in the vicinity of Mansfitild last creek, and succeeded in biting a large number of dogs and one woman, the dogs are likely to diminish in number for the next _three monk I s. The breed of dogs might be improved by taxatirin , wo opine. Ten dollars a year for the privilegelof keeping a dog to do nothing, save eating, would be too much, perhaps. But half that sum would, if paid. open each dog kept in the county, annu-, ally, greatly reduce the number of dogs in the course of a year or so. It is, we believe, a mistake to suppose that dogs are more liable to rabies in summer than in winter. Tho contrary appears to ho true. Tho onus° of the disease Is not ktiown, but 1164 it certainly not. This, however, is undeniable— that it would by better to annihilate the dog, than that a iinglo human being should perishb: hydrophobia. Dogs should not be suffered t run at large at any time of the year COVINCITON LOCAL.—"C orr esp el iltut" Writes: "The officers for the ensuing nix months, fo euvington Lodgo No. 2i4 I. 0. of 0. F., were in stalled in regular form Saturday evening, p :1 , 1. 1369, by D. D. G. M., Butter.. The folio •in believed to be a correct list : • M. G. Lee, N. G., L. L. Barber, V. 0., Ir Patchin, S., S: S. Packard, T., G. IV. ICelts, Warder; A. M. Bennett, C., 0. G. Gerpuld, R. S to N. 0 , L. R. IValker, L. S. to N. 0 , Jas. Harmon, It. S. to V. G., Gco.ltinney, L. S. to 1 . . G.,C. Le alley, S. S., Jas. Hyland, S. S., L, RUT, I. 0., James Rveretts, 0. r G. Wilcox, the leader of th;e Covington Ban. leaves on Tuesday next for.) Detroit, whet* h j..ins a circus orchestra, for a summer camp.'ig. limier canvas. "Referring to your Mansfield local all a her home-made velocipede: It isimpostale Aveidental ha foreigner, and despises honi r e nideture. Iloweier, coI have the utaehine ; o'., it in the streets; do not keen it shut op in I 1...ek room, ala Mataineld. lilioee of tieW iii a l o:.t expert enough to control it, propose sending to Mansfield, Tor that young man who is Iruch an adopt at \riding, ,Saw Gates, as a teacher) " A consitieraile amount of Real Estate hr clanged hands-in this vicinity, dnring the lac Fix mouths, at prices from $2O to $4O per aor ' 01;r nearness to the Fall Brook, Morris Rung as liMssburg markets, and the assured sale of ni :mmunt, and all kinds of vegetables, ruit, Ac., ' Afoi at the highest prices i will dp Top to rippro clam our lands in 'value, during the next few • p iats, than the most sanguine expect. - Mr. A Mrs. 11. E. Keene, of Philadelphht, are spendinz a few weeks with Judge Dyer's family. Mrs.iiwas called home by the sudden death of )pit' hiether, "Packard t Kinney have just returned from NOW York with a stock of new goods, and aro felting them off, rapidly. I .1. C. Bennett has moved his merehanniSo to his atom house, preparatory to a general refitting of his store," ~ r: _ i.4i ~:.: :• ' , - -. • „ • , . . - . . . •••••• . . lodA LotiLl.:-Ottf' 'C6il'espotident ur tea; 'Johnston & Lowell, tanners, tire preparirig to, ut up a largo tannery this spring in the-town of Middlebury, net far. from Potter's. All own-. c . of hemlock in that, vicinity may-look for is su e market for their hark, as these men aro not ",Pjloolliifg," or Psperinienting! , Whatever they ,u Oct-take, you May, expect' t 04. aw 0 roilsh• ' ail S. M. Oyer, 1 1 blacksmith, - has ; - ioid iiit, right title to Isaac Dobbs, who is well known to tobe an 0. H. blacksmith: • this community "The firm known as - 11. IL Borden & Co':,- is ,dissolveil, the business,. b,eing,cottilueted at pres ent by .Messrs. A. Humphrey and J.. T. Moore, w h o .k ee p it - good qUantitytiteverything on hand tl ) keep the kitchen in, running order, co/lis ex ec Did, of: Course. ' ' ' , • , ," J. S. Brady,pews-dealer and book agent, has rented the building known ns the old post-elßee, opposite Farr's hotel, and is making it appear very neat. Ho keeps a good supply of books,' stationery, thncy.artieleS; &c. , ' . ' ' , ' , ! "The Buyer grist mill has .bgen, cut short of Its usual , Supply of water. since 'the - late rains, the high water having taken away a portion of the mill dam. ' But the damages will soon be re p ired, - ang the mill able to again dotluty.i - n " t ‘l ale," b in a condition to do ",biz',' about sixteen hours would thaif w o elute, a ta for, sleeping," ep benefit ing we of claim ; ` A e o o - d 'o t of the .Iwenty- four.' Ho- had never 'been' to t tic town in daylight, , or . the , term " seven sleepers" would never' haa' been' mentioned in connexion with us. Let him arrive at Farr's aid: ask "'mine host" to show him around the place. It would ho well to order dinner before earting,- as he may "fail to 'connect" in time for that meal. He will then take you through the business part of the town, introducing ypn to many of the stanch business men of the phi:co.- 7 . Notice the continual - rush, of customers; 'Pio hurrying clerks, express-men and porters, otiservii tie wide awake, -stirring appearance, that every t ing seems to possess. From hero go to the s t ook ekablishment on New Street. There wit s ss a display of machinery embracing all the i o 3provompnts of the age; observe how skillfully a c k h i ng note of performs lib havei s part, seen, and proceed se o nt to sion give way - to systems anti discipline. After, ti e Brooklyn mills and tannery; there obserVe "'heaven's first law" brought to yerietetiOn ; '"usinesils' business," get introduced to the e 'cient, though youthful agent, notleo the rigid it of hiS countenance, the 'systein, order, and - I. golation - which - pervades — the office: Then, ro ti rning to town, drop into PickerltiOi sash 944' t::, bind factory; - and if-,yen have rin"-;eye for arch iAt e drew's chapel, Masonic hall, and the Patanm tural beauty, visit the Catholic cathedral, St; o servatory. Then call around to,the "Drage h use" on ". Fairincinnt"-St., call for "Snobby,", a k his pardon, acknowledge a misapplie;atiefi o the +terra "seven sleefiers,", :MA go :hack to 1 1 Fares, content that you have "barked 'up the wrong treo.",, lq.ANslvir,Lpf ••Looarkrt MI • "Mr. F. Binlin . e brie ineredlitieknponlaie , farni n ar the Tioga•Valloy Milo-tlici , partieir'havtag r- ceded from their agreement ? , the farm le not sold a: reported two' weeks age. Mr. Decline; and. 1. roily gofreighted-with the gomFtiiiihai of. this people. . . , " Mr. Pe°. Viaciint iiiii- 1 1 4. 4wed into hie reel one° Oh Academy street. " Mr. C. T. Munn bas moved into'bis - bouse on Ihureit street. „ • " Mr. Chas. Slingerland has moved into a' part the honest occupied by John S.'Kelley near the ver bridge. , , " Mr. J. M. Dailey has leased. of Mr. S. 11. rewster, the Munn Buse on Prospect ain. " Mr. J. A. Thomas has moved into his resi cups on Main-street below ti? bridge. Col. M. L. Clark has repaired and :fiited up ,is stoic building on AV.ellsbero street; for a and IStr. W. K. Benjamin has leased and lequpieti it. • "lion. S. B. Elliott has ~uommenced digging the foundation for his now cottage on . Prospect and as Mr. Elliott is a practical architect nd builder, something nice and ornamental may )e expected when the work is finished. " Messrs. h. T:Cady & R. C. Barrition are putting',up a carriage shop on A-. BaldWirt's north of Bald Win's blacksmith abet). • . " Mr. J. S. Hoard, formerly of this Boro, passed through-this place; with his family, Apr. Bth on their way to the far West. t " At a epecial session. of thiwanesryae. Lodge No. 332. I. 0. of 0. F, Tuesday-evening Apr. 6th _ AI. Butler B. D..- a • 3., . .."" 1 " -41 " -- e •— officers for tne term commencing Apr. lat: 0. Fuller, N. 0., W. 0.- Lutz, V. Palm er, See., .J. W. Adams, A. lice.,, Louie laoldtuyer, Trees., A. It. Ingalls, 0. 0., Oliver Ide; I. G., Samuel Barden, Con., Aaron-Gillett, Warder; John Lounsbery, It. S. S., C. J. Munii, L. S.. S., S. B. Cochran, R. S. to N. G., O. Momtingh, L. S. to W. G., R. E. Olney, L. S. to V. - " Coivanesque Lodge numbers about fifty mem bers, and is in a prosperous condition. " The reAva,l-at the M, E, Church continues with unabcited interest. " now that spring has come, and atiture al ready shows signs of returnityr ' life, it is well that we mortals should look to the mending of our ways ; and the ways down Church street,; op the north side, and up the entire length of Academy street, need mending badly, or rather goodly. • ' "Last Friday, 2nd inst., a rabid dog was -aeon and known to bite several dogs in the•vicinity of Lamb's Creek,-and early—,next zooming - ho at tempted to gointo the house of Mrs. 'Lloyd Gil lett, nines south of this Bore, 'awn bit MrS. Gillett as she tried to drive him- away, not sus pecting that'the dog was rabid. Mr. 11, Law rence and his br other-in-law killed the- dog at Lawrence's barn, about a half toile' above Canoe t Camp Creek. "'Your correspondent is-creditably informed that the same dog had- previouely visited CoV ington biting a number of dogs there. Mrs. Gillett was bitten in the foot, and it is hoped that the shoo and - sleeking prevented the virus reaching the foot. There hasbeen.much 'not-till ity among the &mines, and, great:; lamentn'tion among - the haltered and muizledsoivivers. "I have already extended this letter to too great length, but I must beg the privilege _'of asking ono question, whioh presses heavily , upon my mind; it is this : What has imobruo of tho enterprise of the western and northern part of the county Just now not even an owl dare hoot, nor cunning bird bring the news this way, ? Must the great, busy world' grow to think the "Banner County," folded in the, embrace of the beautiful Tioga i'al/ey?" TO RE REPUIPILIOAN' COMITY COVIMI'X'TEE. (.3 ENnEItEN t lam perfectly aware, that if yeti attempt to,reform the evil mentioned in my last letter, that you will be met with the ory—"yon aro depriving our township of its =' llow so if y e on . are represented tall , up to'Yoni popula-, tion 7 pots any Tiogan compNin because wo oe'- casionally elaiin . And send both representatives from this county, leaving Pottetenunty : withent a direct representation, alleging as a reason that we have four times the populationand consequen tly; ought to Jtave more weight ia,..thoi f State Counoilsrhaitingliiere - interistatt stake. 'Just So in townships; what aro the interests of the 42 Elk voters M 516 Delmar ones, or the 52 / the 502 in Moss? Which-tett .trtnost from adverse , legislation? Or from incoMpotent officials 7' Ncit that I would attempt to deprive them of their full share in the choice of who shall hold the offices, which can be host Alone,by equalizing the number of Delegates, in propettion to •The votes east at the State Election. I would suggest that each town be allowed ono delegate ; and noTir r ' ding as the number of votes increase, to let the - number of delegates be increased. It, Moot do r. _Hirable to make the convention uu . tiniViebily g body. The following table would de - crease its present number : a Districts 16 under 11 150 and under 6 300 " 3 450 u ~ Now if I classify these in a similar manner as o in my last it would Eland thus 'P Districts Votes 1492 20MS 2457 1403 11 Xreu here you will perceive ,that the stuallei fewns sill have a slight advantage, which ist Iper haps unavoidable, unless the number of delegates we:a considerably , increased, yell ich I du Uut (bon a ladvisable lours Respectfully Bloss April 2, ISM , . HENRY 110LIANDS, Y (1 11.RADronD COUNTY.— A correspon dent of the Troy Gazette, writ/n i g from Armenia, Apr. 4, gives the following ino dept; Our neighborhood was flaw Our into intense os ciotement over tho fact of a oung man being lost, or at least missing. Edwin Field a nephew of 0. D. Field with whom ho had lived fur seven years past, is a cripple Minna helpless, but du ring the absence of his uncle and aunt on Sat::: day'lait, took, the_ notion to go ,to the .woods to see how deep the snow was. no wag Soon lost and in his efforts to got out of the woods, only gat the further in. A largo number of men searched through Saturday night and Sunday, and had about given up the search, when ho made his appearance in Mr. Green's fields, nearly eahausted,itaving withoul food for thirty; three hours, and.had been erav7lirig on the hard crust of frozen anon'', for-. thirty hout o 4hroukh that hitter cold:night, by',lsceping,:. in e; diotion, ho: was saved fromi death. Ilesays this is hislast trip , !and -„ surveying with :a; pair, of ferukthcs !for a compass. , s ; -„ `~Acdidental" Votes 150 450 GOO Delegates 7G 22 • n Deleg-ttes 12 14 ~ , FECIE Xi iloi6siti— - 11RIJSIIES, •ut• Thcrlatteet, 'and lagot , 'assort meat oS tatitt,'N'avaitv, ' anti Vititeviask prtielt: 435 over oliereti in iVelletppro; at iiress'i'Drug'ptoie". ' „•', •= , • ' To the &hoot Directors of Tioan County : • I respectfUlly offer myself as a candidate for the (Anima Superintendent of 'Common Schools for Tioga County: ELIAS 11011T014., SEED POTArdEs.:—Gleaapn, Harrison, Early' Goodrich; for sale at Prince's.' • ' , New we LK:v.—tinder an arnendinent! of the' bounty netjust passed by.Cot.gress the following per sons are ontitled to bounty who woro not Included in the act of July 28,1888: , I, All soldiers who onlisted,for two years, error three i•ears, and were discharged a short time previous to the expiration of their term eif serriceositall be entitled to al addition bounty ; ttroyear,tnen to $5O, and three year men .$lOO. _When- such soldiers_ discharged, states that he is discharged py reason of uexpiration pf term of ea rice," if not already paid more than $lOO 2. The uhletr;,lninor,elilltiren, or parents of soldiers , who died after being titsibarged, ivithont getting boun ty, (and trlio, if ilving; would now be entitled to $5O for two-year service, or $lOO for threelear service,) aro now entitled to the bounty of each deceased soldiers. 3. Tidd act,proltibita all bounty claims from being Mod aftei' December 1,1800, under the not of July 28, 1800. . I will attend to the collectioi-of ouch claims. JOIIN I. 'MITCHELL Wcl4l.)pro Pa., March ;869. ' Housn CLEANINO.— Hugh, Young Co., aro now receiving, their Spring StoOk of Wall' and Ctirtnlne, Curts[in Fixtures,‘Cora and. Cornices,, ttc., which they aro now at very low lignres.• persons Wanting 'goods in their lino will . do woll to oxoniiiie'their stock Were liluying' 'elsewhere. istq'ati . rme'ibe ehowing goods, , . . . • _ • ~. Sceos 7 -P4inty ot' nioe eleanTiteo thy and 010. vet seeds earl be ptoeured at the lowest figure:4- at the sioro of - WICKHAM A FARB'S, . itti.r.,7,,18110,r4w.- ---,-- ,- ( ; --. ,Tioga, Pa. SEWING . fitecuiNEs,7--Elins Howe, Jr., FliElt. class, First premium, Dciable-threid Machines, and the - Wilcox h Otbba Single" thread, -- ta4sted loop74titch;Machinesifer:saloihy;. ti MRS. A. M..VITTS,O March..11,1.8.6V-4,w. SEWINQ- : 1-1613, 68t iPieiniuni Sewing Aia- Fl, chine ier kale in Weiliboroi , by: •Oet. 28, 18681-2!, A. TULEY., MARRIAGES'. . .FRIES4JACKSON~.—At Tioga, by 114v..4. B. Chaim, William Fries, and Miss•KatO B. Jocks'otyall of • - . _ n l Pri7- 1 10LL . ANDS,—,ketho rOsidenc'e of tho bridos father; April : 8, , byTtiisr..2q.'l,. ROynolds, Franklin Hobo, of Liberty, rind Maria, second daught§r of Henry Ilollande , of Vosiburg. CIIUMPTON—SAXBURY:--zln Delmar, Apr. 6, by, Ito:. A. Dodge, Mr. Jambs - D.Plimpton, and Miss Hannah J. Saxbury, all of Chatham. -;.-::,' ~:))tATAS MILLER.—In Delmar, March 5, of Delos V. ,Millerown of Lowia , ,Dliller, aged 34 . -ear.i. . , „ O'NEAL—In Liberty, April 5, Edvrara O'Neal, Late of Company B. 100 Regiment P. V., aged 32 years 2 mo. and '23 days. A brave and gal lant soldier'and a true patriot, ' His foils aro o'er his work is done, And ho is - fully blest ; -' • He fought the fight; the victory won, And entered into rest. FRANK. iiercautile of Tiogn Ootinty. N. Kelly , David rileVoY". &Ain A Allit tin 0 1: Tnsldr 7 6 it , 7 II W Holden 14: Ojos Chaim', bill4trad,3o Al. Rtm Coal Co. 5' CU ' 14 7 311 Patterson 14 7' JameM Kelly , 'l4 t 7. Thomas Hall 14 ' ERNI [quitter 14 -7 James Morgan 14 , 7 M A D'erow 14 — . 7 Jas Mitchell 'l4 7 C-Evana 14- 7 James Trahey 14, 7 13'Smit 14 J L *Belden - 74 7 Jatob MUler ' 12 12 50 L Bacon - 14 '7 T WThomas 14 7 S E 14, 7 loss dl h lilt Co 8 u 0 Clfficim.berg,er SS{ th';Etg t. Co 14 7' Mese U&RR Co 8 30 Ji C Bailey &Co 13 - 10' BROORrIELI , Vood r Statkbro' Yle Via Simmomi 11 ' cutmEn. W Obrigtol. , '• 31 .7 fitpbbins . HUBlfl 'roe Ileaoltl4 , Bmiis'OJAl7 1101401 11 7 t • W 0 Sitibb3 14 • '7 JobEC.S llokt 14 .7 Moury 14 7 A Newcomb 14 7 COVINGTON. SAndeysi Newelll4 7 ccirnarox sonouon 1 'Hartman, restaurant 5 PackatAtKeenyl4 7 3 0 lienuett 14 "7 7, Clark IlYer ' = 1 14' Y J 0 Pine /1 cm/044470N. Albert. Tipple 11 J T Westbrouli, 14 Cooper & Kurilei 14 ' 7 Steno 14. liolulau Morgan 14. 7 7. E Itclck Ail) 14 Parsons H VI TR EE RV E44- At ti Purple 14 7 Ii; Payne 14 7 Wagontht A. 'l4 , 7 AIN ite9 I 4 ,7, DEtuAn. 13 -10 :Is' 10• ... 14 /I bb Col b 'SY en Wm Colo TuObs C411,11(44111.4 • 7. „ Dornlmell' 14 • 7 : A JiTiIIONIII :34 .7 DolonceelSuub'r 14 , '• 7• 4 .I,C Whitaker, 30 G rarkhutO, /3 • 10 iluckbeo A: Co. 14 Rect.} 14 7 PALI-14100R ! Fall WI; Coal C0.,5 GO 00 =Si 14 ,7 A J Doatio GAINES. S X Billings 14 r 7 D K Marsh 14 .7 Goodell, - _ 14 . 7 3AcEsozi. • J Wilcox, • 74 7 31 Nl:et:in 14 7 Pll liditu 14 7 E biloy Won 14 7 D ll Lino _ 14 7 Chas fibeivs Jr It 7 s.snxrate DORO 011 W00(1.t. SOII 12 1250 enieni.. ; Cß,, . A DC/11'1111111 14 7 %V .1Y Knox 14 7' , GopthVil & Pride 14 7 IVjull :_znaith • 14, 7. Will 11 Knox, iOOO Dorman 14 7 111ortoll 14 7 - Cates Roberts 14 7 14 11Rey noble 14, 7 , Truman 0 11b0rk,1.4- 7 I.AWRENCEVILI. E, LORo George, McLean 14- ,7 L Roth 14 .7 Joel Adams , 14 O P Leonur .1 -14 , 7 Joseph Happen 14 7 - C ; !...4 Mather .15 00 LIBF.RTY Mmes Newman 14 7 S E COlwell 14 timbre S Monet 33 1260 1),k% 11 Werlinol 4 . 7 son lug & Stiller 12 12 GO oritnn t llnrt'n 12 1260 l} 4 - 4 01 Veil k Fon 14 7 11 Scolennuth 14 71 A 13 Comst n ek. 11 7 (4 Albert{' 14 7 moatto Job Donn,. - 14 7' 11 Blackwell ne01.4 . Iknrirttn Ilesto Li 7 . Noticeis.hereby given'tliat an appeal will be held at the Ceniteissinners (Alice in. Wellsboro, on the 2d day of Juno A. 1560, between the bours•hf 10 a. zu. and 10 p. in., at which time and place all pereuns.aggrieved by the foregoing up pruiseluent Win ho -hoard, and such abatements made as somas proper and just;.and 'all persons failing to appear'nt said time and place, will be &boned from making any defence before rue% - - ,SELAIi PROST, • MeicantileAppralSeit'fOr Tidga Cot Welleburo, Apr. 14,1869. A FULL Stock of Groceries nt old prices a DE LANO A 00. April 14,186 U. IMEI ppriaseanent r; the Year 1309. CI D Maine • 14 7 Fox 4. Clark 14. 7 It 11 Doiur 1. , 7 -• • bIANBPIELD DOR° Adam k Vinceht 14 7 1 W Wlllhelm LC. 7 Sllnget•land .14 143 V 14 3 D Webetm• l4 :31 03 MIMIIIIIIIE D O. Holden 14' 7 It Nlloldtiu 1 , 1.• 7 N Kingaley 7 NVl'Phelps 11 7 311 Riff ' • 1.1 7 E W Phelps 30 00 Hurclorigh & Pittsll 15 00 R EOlnoy,, • 11 7 Mart liing. ,13 10 tiIDDLEBURY J T•Pn'rbia 14 J,ll Dimod & •14 • 7 Si °Totter. S StaDle9 14.- . .Beorkpy ~ l'B If 5 00 J Smitir" " 14 Dlk - M U White.' 14 7 . EMI= ola Whited .93 IQ Seeley"S:'l3ogart 14 7 13 & .13,C*10.:1 13 10 Dikes Fkitros • ovocotA K - Slctnnet• 11 7 .Strivit -SZQ "Slartin'k Bosqh 34 ::" 0 00 Wm'l Taylor Ilommond Co 14 7 11 C Bosworth 14 7 Seeloy 4r, Cron trl 14 7 P Crandall k'Co 34 7 Lori Kanner ' 14 7 RXCHINIOrib 11 7 T .1 Jilleff Ehncr Baeßer 12 12 60 Watfiins 4: Co" ;, 13 ~ 10 Minor MUis 74" 7 J D Vedder .1 14 7 11:031233 If V Harkness 14 7 811 Mrs d D Lein_ ' 13 10 T/00A iluRO J B llatlioNyoY, • - 6 0:; 30 Alvoril .-, 14 II 11Bottlen dCO - 14 VastOsteh 14 Baldwirrk, Cp 11 ri _la 00 FI E &50n1.4, '7 3 VanOsten,billiturPs.3o 00 JoPeph,Fisli • 13 10 PUiloTuller • 14. , 7 P S Tattlii ' 13' „10 Johnson Lowelll4'7 J Brady .14 ' 7 B B,l3pplva 7 .J 814lefrolin . • 14 SVClAirtm l'4r, noui TOWN#2)ll'' 3.ll • l3ltdhel • =l4 ' ' , Erno - 3:` - /11',4 13 Irvin 14. 'l' 3 Griswold 14 John Irvin • 14 7 „ TOWIiSIIIP 1500 Edgcomb . 4 . '11 'l4 7 =I • .1 ; 13 S 0 inimPli 14, 7 S Wilcox . 1:47 4 - • KIIIECIf Peaseool P L Scorille 'l4' - ; ,7 • E. Plank t' 14 " 7 l'horop'n & Phira 14 ' 7 13nrks S:11114404 „ ,7 D3foNangliton . ' Kl3'lllll, billiahla 3000 J Swat ion b eel) , brewer 5 00 Sandere..T & 06 14; 7 13 A_& N P_Qloao_ 14_ .7 WELL9O3OIIO Wilson & Van' 4.13 10 , J It Bowen 11 15 00 0 B Kelly 13 — lO Converse & Gag 14 .3. 7 bs , B Princo . 14 , 7 Converao & Oag 12 12 50 O Hastings . 14 7 , scab &Ilamtingsl3 10 , C Van Valleb'g 14... 7 11 Hastings 14 7 TO Wheeler 14 7 DeLano & Dacha 11 15 05- Joint Alloy .14 7 airs Bunnell 11 T. A„artiner T mailers 14,,, 7 , Toles Sc Darker 13 C L Wilcox J 3 10 Dullard & CO. , 14 7 T Van horn 11 7 m Warriner 11 T.boulaa Hudak 11• 15 00 Flt icimblo, 1.1 ..7 Chiu Stovons, E. II 000 Sears k Derby - 11 7 IVra Rubel t 11 7 11 Youngk C, 11 7 1) I' Roberts ,11; A F...ley 141 7 Igla *.llailo,y• 11' '1 5 00 Geo. liazl6ll, n "500 •' 2 billinr4l44, - 40 04) Csl titlcr, browtry, 500 sp-ODIAT4 71i -', --o - ME VECET • liciDAN . - • 24Vwfwfa. DISEASES 'OF THE •SCALP PRObt r aS ziArnAmP nAzAzaisi , TIIR - 171' or HALL'S Vittit'AßtE; $l, Oust ittwEß will restore it to itt'aatural ptilqatiii:promoto its growth: Our Tres tiso - otabe Hair sou t trtokbx =AL; R:111 goL do co.mocelum, .IN.9.3l,PiOprlotore. For sale by all Druggists. Mar,0h10,18,69. NEW ADRERTI,SWIEN,TA9. -•- • .`? UM Just Recelved BACKS d ' I3A OK ' IN OS 'al , SPRING DELANO ‘t 00.8. April 14,,, 1869 „ A NEW A lot of- POPLINS, LPAGAS,, lA.. and Satins for Trimmings at April 14; 1869 CYlazr =in' Wes • ART' GALLERY . bib() place to get your PII9TOGRAPIIB. Nair and Rustic Scenery. Tho - new Cabinet size made in any position. ; apr. 14, 1869. A. ?. 6PfiEiipiirstiiai Of nt • Aprilll4, 18 69. • ALARGE &took-Of6i ng Clothing at • - . . • IAN° • • - ITALO:THOTOGRAPHS....: Made at, 01,0 Galler, at' $1.25 , pordozadi,(AleirthiLo -AtiIII.ROTYPEI3, largo size for,framps,4l;s . o eaali lapr. 14, 1855,•:, ALL'iand Bee the Sprin , Apyil.l4; 1869 'Laig6st,,Siock Vogr..oounty for saleia April 14, 1869. 11 .13toiongri3Or ME fiIHE followiug ordinanc, was passed by 'the (Burgess-find Council of the Borough ~o f Mansfield, at a special meeting of said Burgess anti Connell hold April 3d 1869: - let, Owners of dogs or bitchess - Within the Bor ough, and perlions bringing dogs orldtobea into saiittorough tire required to have the same so- Minty muzzled oitiorifined frOM date'of duo pub. lication of , this ordinance to, the lot of September next.' And from the Ist of July to the first of September in each and, every lear-.thereafter.— Any person violating this ordinance shall. be subject to a penalty not loss thairone dollar and notAxeceding five dollars in the discretion of the Burgess. •211,, The Burgess and. COunell shall appoint some person whose duty it shall be to kill or des troy all dogs or bitches running atlarge in said Borough not securely muzzled. - 'And the person so appointed shall receive a fee of ono dollar for each dog or bitch so killed, which• sum shall be charged to and collected from the owner of Such (log. WM. HOLLANDS, Attest: E.'lt. Wansrart ' ,Sect'y, Burgess. Mansfi old, April 14, 1869. - . • A splondid'stook of .11Vax wbicli will ho manufactured -to ordor at remota,' blo prices, at ; CLAY KING'S April 14, 1869. Art Gallbry. MEDICAL/ Is ofton quite expensive, but this yon hove for _ . tho reading. If by accident, you get scalded, bruised, burned, dr sprained, then - apply Salutifer foi;it is guieg to give relief vent ediateik and powerful to cure pain and soreness. If you are afflicted with lameness, .or numbness and, stiffness of the limbs, or with, severe pain, or painful swellings _like Neu ralgia‘ and Inflamcitory, Rheumativn, then ry - 11FER SALT v ' 1)011 meaty. Appl leave it open to the ai to direction If you have Sore Throat, or -Quinsy, or Felons, qr Croup, orFPleurisy, or Chilblains, or any of these disorders. - that ,reguire an outward remedy, then §ALUTIFEIi Is what you l ivantilar it,has proveda blest• ing to thousands. Although it zs reckoned to be one of the strongest medicines ; yet it is so 'safethat even a chi/din'ay handle & use it. SALUTIFER Kept constantly on hand for immediate use, will• certainly prepent much suffering, and ;may save life, • , 7f yoii' are 23rtde714 and economicgd, and desire to save expense; Mien remembr . that ~ • - Is found to-be a saving - of more than' $1 : 0 a yea 4ip farlilieo, that Ole' it. 'lor..ea•le Pruggists. Wholesale Mili4t-24:afeesiwleh ,St., Vow York. „: For.. loson nin ;n„Cninnet. OoganuFivo - Oetnvo 6ioglo Iteed, ipr,onsh or on, time.— Impire of J: 11. Shithespearq, over John R. Bowen's Store. 1889—tf, AiNtWi'GOOdiS Just I.eceived and gold•cboap, for Caul). • - , • April ', V;if. TOLES t BARKER , • ; ; sohlr C Boston, , • ..; 'AT,TORNEY t OQIJNSELOR AT LAW, Law reneevillo, Tioga Critinty, Pa. Offloo over George MeLean,s Boot &Shoo Store. •Business attended to with promptness. apr. Freak Goods Received Weekly. ,!WY Oimds • riestit Giocerielt . .„CititliCKEßY; 300 7 2§‘ • )N glit© .7tios and Be it re Conyers e i. keep constantly on and a hifge; stock of goners GOODS AS REPRESENTED. NOT TO BE UNDBBSOLD Jap. 6,1606,4 y. CONVIIROB 4 OSGOOD ?Ic F s. 12111 DE LAND .tt, CtO id Glovils Only $1,40 1B LANO do 00. Styles of Shawls at 1E LANO 4 00. of Frames t4e lrreetpriees, at CLAY ir.I4G'S. 1: Art Gallery; nance. .ADVICE it quickly so as not to ; and use it according on the bottle. , ombeied, that & Osgood Mll OWING GOODS - 4 , ;:4 , 14,.',:raxi50nt0 *f ,C 0:, '' We invite, your; attention to 9)4 Now gtock as 'iretbizik you' will find-,:ivtiry trittra'etive and Okada. -We do act;, as most in the trade, claim great advances, leo., but intend to give snore goods for 'a dollar, taking the avOrage of our stook, titan at any time for severayears, _ Our Linen Stook isvory largo and zhoap. Brown Table Linens 4q, ba, Ba, Bs, per yard. Bleached « f! . Os, Ba, 10a, 12a, " Table . Cloths "Odra Sizes and Qualities. Napkinii from Towels' from Towollipp $1,75 to $8,50 " is, itit0,.16,,200, 250,_2.6, 8s Full lines of Drapery bluslins, blarseilles Quilts, Table Spreads, check and striped Nain gooks, .Ito.',.•at•very reasonable prices, ,' In Domestic'- Cottons onr Stock is very desirable. With asrnally Leadbig Gooile i at Lowßates as ever. We have Brown Shootings yd..wido 12•1 eta. Bleached muting Is poi yd. Handsome Prints Is yd.' Common' Prints 61 — edatil, - and - all other Soods snob' as:: Checks , Donims,' Tickinge, tripes, &c., equally cheap. Cussimer ' Kentucky' jeans;' & Cotton ades. A larger stock than usual, and al 4till lower prices., , Dress Goode and Shawls. We have a line Stook of early Spring Goods, very cheap. BLACK ALPACAS: „ . - We are keeping , - a - still Larger Stook of tho' same. palms of which ITO sold so many. last seasons;and are now selling them akabout 10 per cent less than last fall. We shall keep all the numbers having' theta, at Os, 48, 4s6e, Os, Cs, 7s, 88, 10S, i2s; and we kuow that no • one - can boat us either as to prices, qualities, or as to to the assortment.; • BOOTS & -SHOES. Our trade last year was larger in this stock than ever before, sind'we-do_siro to increase it this season, and to, do so, intend to keep a still }totter stock" In fine 'work for Ladies and Obit 'then.' W shall continuo to keep up our large 'assortnahr‘t of Richardson's Work in Men's and Boy's Shoes,; Women's & 'Chil dren's Calf, Rip and Moroc co Shoes... , At about the same prices as last year. This work is the most reliable of any sold, and our large trade enables us to sell it at a very small profit.. In Ladies' Serge I COngress Gal. ters,Serge Balmoras, and Polish. Boots. Also, - Kid and TAW. Goat Work Wo'sball keep' a much largoriteck than over before, and sell it less than regular prices. WINTER GOODS. Wo, are selling off the balanoo of our stoek of Winter Shawle, Sao:tunings; Drees Good, Pure, &c. regular prides, any ono desirous of nog ng very • cheap can now do so. . j: A. PARSONS & CO. Corning, March 10, 1869. ' • "• THE Atlantic and Great Western . ' ERIE RAILWAYS, THE GREAT BROAD GUAGE ROUTE 6013 CLEVELAND; • TOLEI:10, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUL, '01 1 44.11A., . And to,all Points in theAVEsT and NonTu-WisT Illttyton, Cincinnati, Lotus VMLE, ST. LOUIS, KANSAS CITY, - MEMPHIS, NEW ORLEANS, , • Ana all pa A nto in tho South tt Southwest, pith No Change oil Coaches TO CLEVELAND 014CINCINNAT1, . Prom any point on the Erie. Railway. An ad. vantage and convenience not offered by , any other route. . 3 Tnifouatt. LIGHTNING EXPRESS TRLINS DAILY.. • Baggage Checked Through, and . No - LiIIANGE from one oar to another, preventing loss or dam age. . „ „ . .. ' Thiftitts via this popular rent° can he procured at all dam on the line of the Erie Railway, and BEERS &ABBOTT, ' • , OPPOSIT Et UM& Whon.par.ohistag ask the ; Agent fcT • Vents :Via - the •ATLANTIO 6 GREAT 'WESTERN RAILWAY. - • ; W. B. SHATTUO, Gen. Ticket and Pau. Ag't, Ciovelanee, O. , , L. D. WICKER, Gen. Supt., Meadville, Pa. Jan. 6,'69. HARDWARE AND STOVES.! CONYEIIS & OSGOOD AVE dit hand and.dro constantly repOiving g.ett Hardware' Store every article needed in this region of country; ;:in the , ; ITARD . WAh EtNE . SHELP,,IIARDWARE, STEEL, NAILS MIDDLE I I 4 OWN AND . ELMIRA SAWS, ROPE, STOAT ' 1 S A 9 cookiiik;,,aleii-It egulittor and Coal • • Stoves. Home Compapion, and thajustly calebratnd ARUM COOK STOVE, ' - W A•it E' No pains will be spared to must the wants of 'our Customers. - - ' • CONVEIIS A; OSGOOD. Wolisboro, Jan. 6,-1809, CI aution. , WIIBREAS, my Wife, 'Julia E. Spaulding, ••• bas loft. my bed and board without just cause. orproyomition, I therefore forbid all per. sons haiboring'or trusting her on my Recount, as 'I will pay no debts of her contracting after this date. .10IIN SPAULDING. Marokri, 1269.7-3 w. I'm Sale.. .'1 • .„ • ONE Pair large're llorFes, weight 2,600 lbs., 2 Utica 'gons, 1 light two horse Democrat Wagon, night two horse covered Wa gon, 5 pair Bob Sleds, part , now, 2 sett heavy harness, 6 pr. binding Chains, .te. Terms easy. Per further partieelars 'moire at the store of , J. B. , DISION..t • CO. • ,istl es. Valley, March 17, 1860—tf. SOMETHING NEW , ; IMEOZVOILIMM 10 for $1,251 AT WOOD'e ciALLERX, WellBbovo. tom 24 NELIAI i NG OFF AT _COST , . Falk CASH ME 2)9 'Mg WUZIIILICZ a co. $1.,50 to $5,00 doz. Will sell from this dato their entiro stook of Perfumery, Notions, Dye- Varnishes Glass Alcohol, Turpentine, Tobacco, Cigar - ilattlo'has been Fvugh AND VICTORY WON. OODS high in quality and low in price have Jr carried the clay, and hereafter will be found ready and willing for active and efficient service in behalf of all those who will call and give their orders at WICKHAM & 'FARR'S, TIOGA, P Flannels, - Bldetings, Prints, Iffuslins, De laines and Wen Goods, with a groat variety of YANKEE NOTIONS, with which to 1111 in and trim up. We would call special attention to our assortment of Hats and Caps, with prices which we know tvill compare favors bly with prices of the'samo goods before the war • Boots and hoes, which have been made to or er from perfect stook with warrantee. Work reaty to bo shovrn — and fitted to all customers. Th Grocery stock in cludes, Ploitr, Pork, Fish, Salt, Sugars, Teas, Cof fee, Rice, Syrup, Nolasses, &C., &C., Then comes the WOODEN WARE, Such as Tubs, Pails, Wash Boards, Mop Sticks, Sugar Boxes and Pails, together with numerous other Goods, such as Crockery, Glass-ware, Stone•ware, &0., which we will always bo glad to show and risk the selling after the goods are seen and ox. amined. lIIIEI DREGS, MODICINES, Stull% - Paints, Wall-Papei•, Cu' Fixtures, &e., &.c., &c., AT COST FOR CASH. Positively no humbug. P. IL WILLIAMS do CO. Wellabor°, March 3, 1869. On the Dry Goods aide 14 , e have. a full and complete and assortment of Fall and Winter G-oops, Good stook of WIGICHAISI & FARR. Tioga, Oct. 16, 1868. THE GRA,. nt tlie Paris Exposition Universelio. ' . CHICKERING 9 S Ameriean Pants Triumphant , 1E .o"kr R ALL ' HE WORLD. lips HI W. T DU, Agent. . Dee. 23, 863. Wellaboro', Pa 90000 Pounds f Good Butter wanted for wble I will pay 45 cents in trade a t ray Store. . C. L. WILLCOX. Wellsboro, Nov. 23, 1868. , FOR SALE—ono pai "Doo. 23, 1868. TIR. FITCH'S AB I ERS, for Salo at R 13 ICKING for hopa,b at g AMPS.—A new kind of lamp for Kerosene - nobreakageofoh "nciya—at FOINSVS. " BREPHIVB EXCHANGE!" SUGARS ARE-BOW IN THE NEU have a freer run downward, with a funnel-a a ped trail. however, are out from the nook downward; and the style is blue and silver with stripes. TEA will be prepared from , a drawing furnishe. every customer whip buys &Pound. Ofthest to suit complexions, &o, I ma n y mention tb Oils, , . You can have if yen-long for it. I count), time to look up all,the hard words which th GREAT AMERICAN - TEA OOMPA use to startle the innocent people about the co try; bat you can depend upon finding the'f best of Teas at the Putty, BEE-HWE EXCHANGE' rosene Oil, the styles are various. You can have the la styles from the following fashionable for: ports, to wit I MOCHA. JAVA, RIO, LAGUYRA J AICA, &O. tains„ Flour still wears hoops over ail, and dispenses with trails as unprofitable. I have all grades eatable. Also, Pays Cash or Trade, for all MARKETABLE Ms let ,t_Tsi TF you want to . see a good stock of PAM, & WINTER GOODS`! D PRIZE of pleasure Bot 4 of OLES A BARKER'S OMINAL SUPP ORT Ye Drag Store. , 1 stquality 25 oh; peOard Dr. LANG CO'S. I sing, I sing ofa curktiatklali t . ' Almost as etrango de - Oggs upon TYPg; ell s swung 'round amirclo as - round as a ring And whtlooiittr6 - 'down mint part of rely> ertln :I stopped at the" ally and took on the Spring TYLES CitOCERIESr The kashions for And morea!itnnisidng Molasses & Syrup XVlCEtialr..esrea,\ TEA. ----'1 1 :P1A---TEA I Black Tea As to ClcolTesei In the matter -1 PROVISIONS: PORK, DRIED BEEP' AND HAMS, ogether with a full assortment of light groceries and canned delicacies; As ever MATHERS PRODUCE. CALL AT MATHERS'S We'labor°, Api. 1, '6B. W. T. MATHERS P ! go to T. L. BALDWIN Sc 00'S TIOGA, PA. If you want 1L31111.4 MUM 000T3 such as ALPACAS,. POPLINS, CAMBRICKS, VRENCH. JACONETS, ORGANDIES, PEQUAS, VERSAILES, BLACK AND COLORED SILKS, d'c l , ALSO, IRISH AND FRENCH POPLINS, SHAWL AND CLOAK DEPART , MENT COMPLETE, • TRIMMINGS, LOTS YANKEE NO - TIONS, HOOP SKIRTS, BAL ( ' M 'REL SKIRTS, OPERA JANNELS, CORSETS, • DOMESTICS. A. fresh lot of READY-MADE CLOTHING; Cloths and Cassitneres and a, Tailor to Cut and Fit. Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, STRAW GOODS, CROCKERY, WOODEN WARE, HARD WARE, SITLE HARD WARE, NAILS IRON, SALT, LIME, PLASTER, PORK A'LOUR Lime, Cayuga Plaiteri&o; GROCERIES, tho most complete old you oan : end, such as TEAS.• We are old tea drinkers and know thorn to be goo 1. . • . SUGARS, MOLA and in frot oiorything tbnl3lrocery line Also, Butter Tube and Pails; Butter sold on coin. mission-1w charges for handling;, but woult' like a small portion of the money you get in re turu, that if our price Suit- ' FARMERS TOOLS, All kinds and superior quality If You don't fail to try ours. M want good I Wo warrant it. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange . for Goods. We propose to soli our Goods reasonably. "Live and lot Lice" prices given tbo counter—only ono price. Oash paid for,produco if desired. 2.; T. L. BALDWIN'dc C.O. Tioga, Ps., Noy. 28,186: The Arnerion - Cooking - Stove Theonly real base korner. It Is a well knOwa fact that in a cooking stove with an elegant fire box the tiro will die'out, at each end, and a large 'quantity of dead oda' ;will "accumulate at these , points. To prevent this in the America» mi.' aid and make a unifor i ut combustion through all parts of the fire-box, atria admitted lute - a hol low, chamber at the, top of - the' ohn The above .e re, and carried thiough this, hollow heated chamber . down to near.the bottom of the fire-box at each end, and then admitted "directly into the burning - mass of coal." L this means a uniform combustion is obtained in all parts of the fire chamber, and leas 'coal consumed, and a more continuontrfire can ho kept than in any other stove. Tell now patented improvement is an other great acquisition to this already world renowned cooking stove, which is= now on the Fair grounde only for exhibition, whereit can be aeon by, allrdeairous of examining its many per fections, anil is for sale by" Warrant k South-; worth, of this city, agents for Shear, Packard lte Co_,. of Albany.--L[RocOster Democrat, Oct. Ist . FOR BALE AY SHEAR; PACKARD lc CO., Nos. It and 19 Ureenst.,Albany, N. Y. -For'Saleby Wit. BOBE I RTS, Wollaboro, Pa. March q. 1860-3 w. NEW ANIL) NEAT; ROA NEOVAI3.IItIOD Dissolution No T EE copartnership horetOfore existing tweon It, C. Bailoy, I'. Williams, and S. Bowen, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. The business wilt hereafter be condnoted-un der tho name and firm of S. Bowen A Co. • S. BOWEN. P. WILLIAMS. 0. HOLLAND& DR C. N. D..4RTT, it" Co. i s , will arm continue the business of " 111 lagligk Dentistrylin Wellaboromhere they respectfully solicit the patrdnage ofall who need, or desire the services of a Dentist. Baying been for the past fourteen years °imaged, in Dentistry exclusively, they feel confident of giving perfect atisfaction in all operations intrusted to their care. SpeCial attention given to the treatment of car ies, irregularities, exposed nerves, ulceration, and intlamation of the gums, and all otherodis.., eases to vrhiat the teeth and gums aro subject. First Class Work gliranteed in both me chanical and operative Dodlistry. Gas and Ether given for extracting teeth. *Ovirtcp over Book and Jewelry Store. Wellsbore. Feb. 24, 18tig.—tf. test LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY UNITED STATES OF AItiERICA, Oharteredby Speci'l Act ofOongrees AETsm - criFN Vhere all Correspondence sliould be Addressed. CLAnwrct 11. CLAntr, Preiidont. JAY COOKE, Chairman nuance &Exectaiie Com. HENRY D. COOKE, Vice-President. EIIETISON W. PEET, Secretary and Actuary. B. S. RUSSELL, Manager. - (Circulars. pamphlets, and full particulars giv en on application to the Branch Office of the Company, or to R. C. SfitIPSON,' WELLsn'opo, Ps", by whom applications will bo receiveckand Poli oios procured for rioga County. Doe. 0, 1808-Iy. 11.1 Wilson & VanVallienbuig's No. 2 ;UniOn Bilk: in = French Merfnoes, Empress Cloths, Bea ver Sackings, of all discriptions, Poplinsof all colors. . . DELAINES & PRINTS, ALL STYLES, (3 - . . i FAOTORYS, SHEBTINGS, BLEACH-1 ED AND UN LEACHED MUSLINS. H OP SKIRTS, over brought into Tioga County. Remember the• place, kncl call before purchasing. 1 , Wo have a largo Lineament of GontalForniah- BSI 10 For .$1125, Wood's GFatle April 7, 1869.0 DENTISTRY: NATIONAL OP TILT WASIMCGTON, D. C APPROVED JULY 25, 1868 Cash Capital. $1,000,000, PAID IN FULL BRANCII OFFICE First National .Bank Building, PIFILADELPItIA, OFFICERS Great Bargains For all who call at • of every deseription ' DRESS TRIMMINGS and BUTTONS of tkll kinds; also tho largest and cheapest assortment of • READY ,1111D.E CLOTHING log Goods, consisting of Drawers, Under-Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Ruck Sleeves, and Mittens, and Clothing of every description -manufactured to suit. Thankful for past patronage, and by strict at tention to business ire hope to share a continu ance of the same. WILSON . VAN VALKENBURG 186S-tf. 4.444 44 4 4 4 FP4 To THE WORKING CLASS :--I dm now prepared to fur nish all classes with constant) employment at their homes, tho whole of the time. cr . for the spare ~ mo ments. Business new, light and p ofitable. 'Fifty cents to $5 per evening, NI either earned by persons of either sox, and the boys anti girls ear nearly tta much as men. Great Inducements urn ell ' s ed those who will de vote their whole time to the bush ess ; and, that every person who gees this notice, may end me their address and test the. business for themselv p, I make the follow ing unparalleled offer: To all tits° who aro not well satisfied with the business, I will „end $1 to pay for the trouble of writing me. roll particulars, directions, sent free. Samples sent by mail for lOcts. Address i B. C. ALGEN, Augusta, Me. - I 'March 17, 1,869-am. - ' - Do you want to wive money (lo to Wood's Gilltery for yourTletures, Frames, and Cases, it rill cost you' nothing t) einjuire his prides. Wellsboro,Ja, . 13, MO.— f. Cibinet(Card Ph and all s6ooial sizes, and fines, finished In first•elaFs mane Gallery. ,i 1 Mansfield, Feb. 3, 1869 1 - 10 you want Some of the. elegant new style If card photographs to be had for $1,50 per dos. at Spencer's Art Gallery? • dos., Fob. 3, 1869. Administratoi? Notice. T ETTERS of Administration having been Jjj granted upon the hat to of Philona Lan dis, late of Wel!show, doc'il all persons indebt ed to, claiming against skid estate must set tle with' WIIPMAS ALLEN,. We!labor°, March Si, 1869-6 w. Admr. MI tographs, styles of pictures, at Sponeer's Art
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers