SENTINEL & REPUBLICAiN MIT'FLINTOWN : ffKDKsnT. SEP. 85. 1895. TE liilS. Subscription, $1.50 par annum If paid to advance ; 2.00 if not paid In advance. Transient advertisement"! taiortod at 50 -octs ;wr inch for each insertion. Tr&cbieni tnr,icejg noricse In local col oren, 10 cents per line for each Insertion. i actions will be mado to those de&iriny to advertise ty Use yxr, half r qnortrr j-6ar. SHORT LOCALS. at Just the place to bay clothin&r, not ley's. Julgj Lyons ia holding court in Potlsvil'e this week. Juniata county people in Altoona, hoM a re-union once a year. Tlie colored voter out-numbers the white voter in South Carolina. Huntingdon Presbytery will con veno in Port Royal next Tuesday. The cannery is a busy place these clays from dewy morn to dusky eve. Mr. Noble of Broad Top City, has bought the etock of merchant John W. Kirk. Brainard Parker is housed, nursing a Icy that was hurt in a game of foot ball. Many people from this town and vicirvty, attended Newport Fir, last Thursday. A number of people from town drove iu carriages to Nowport Fair last Thursday. Th' veterans are frying to Iirvo General Sickles with them at . their corning ro-union. North Orolin Las a Post Office named Troublesome and another one named ra!.rimony. The JuDwta Valley Canning Com pany will not receive apples or corn nfttr September 26. TLo Odd Follows held a fcsHvsl in the Court House corridora last Fri day and Saturday eveniag3. Jude Woo-Va salo of Southern h 'rso3 or. Mouday, was called off on account of unremunerativo prices. A ;ok mauy of the electric light polos, look 93 if they bad been select ed tepceiaHy f-.;r their crookedness. You'll ba coming to town far new bar i Bo carla:.n t3 drop 17 '.: .jau-'ii's clothincr store fir gaia. R jiab!ican.3 of Perry county ure t-lkinj; about adopting the Crawford coivAr avstc-m of making nomina tion.' B. F. Wallace cf llcCulloch'a .Villa, di.-;d saJdonly of heart ailment last llat!.l.xy night, shortly after he had rt-llicd to be J. Ii, v.ill bo a big day fit B!ftir's M1II3 n.-.-t Saturday in honor of the com- i.Iolic.n of tho Tu.;carrra VaiW ;.. id t-j that point. The BUoinfifld foot-fcill term da-feit-sd t'uo -Ifilil'iita TTi team on the Nov. port Fair ground laat Thmsday afternoon, six to four. :.Iiss Tllla Parker will CO with The Juniata Saru tection Company will meet in the wourt riousa on October 5th , at 2 o'clock, P. AI., to transact business. JVfferson Mover was severely Vmrt by jumping from the encrine on which he was firincr to avoid a. collis ion on Tuesday night at Port Royal. November 14th h.ia been deaipnat- ea as Pennsylvania Day at the At lanta, Ga Exposition. A program for the observance of the day is now bsincr prepared. A daughter of II. P. Clark of Tur- bett township, took sick last Satur day evening and rapidly grew worse riu on auuuay evening, when ahe died. She complained most of pain in her head. Rev. Mr. Raven of Phillipsturg, N. J., will not be able to say whether he will preach for the Jlfifflintown Presbyterians till after the Prcsby. tery with which he is connected has met, which will not ba till next week. A lady's Freneh Cony cape and a lady's Electric Seal cape are made of one and the same kind of skin. The difference between them is found in the dressing. The so called seal cipe has had an Electric dressing and that is all. Certain Democrats denounced Gen eral Grant for permitting hia friends to urge him for third term nomina tion, but it id noticeable that those same Democrats do not denounce Cleveland for hinticg to his friends for a third term nomination Last Saturday, September 21, Lewis J. Weisicger, died at his home in Coneniaugh township, Cambria county, aged 104 years. Until a few weeks ng;, ha was able to do work in his garden and possessed ail his fac ulties. The circle of hisVelationship, numbers about five hundred people. The counties of central Pennsylva nia, have a large crop of potatoes. Reports of the crop from beyond the limifg of the State are not yet in. But if other States have raised pota toes this year as has Pennsylvania, the price will rule low from now to next uummer. Next 3-ear people will not pknt so tniinj acres to potatoes. The seven months old son of John W. and Eila V. Mitchell, who was so sevevely p.calded wbilo sitting on a high chair at a table where its moth er was washing dishes at their horns in LewSstown by pulling a pau of scalding watsr upon itse;f, died last Friday. The body was brought to Minhntown for interment in the Presbyterian grave yard on Saturday, Saptember 21. Thomas Patterson, a member of the ilililintown Foot Ball team, had his neck severely alrainsd ly a Bloom field Foot Ball man j-imping on Pat terson's nck with his fet. Tom had sufficient courage and strength to continue iu the n ht to tbe elose, but Foon after the contest, the injury to h?3 neck began to tell on him. He does'nt look like the paras young rcan. everyone is wisnmg mm a speedy restoration to health. The Slingrove Tribune in ppe&k iug of th8 goss-'pa of that town says: S&lin's Grove has had a viper den for '-oars, ami tho old the snake should lone; ago hnvo had her venom- Evangelical our Dimm, Resolattoae fBaapect. On Monday, September 9th, 1895, Miss Clemmie M Dimm, fell asleep in Jesus, after an illness of bat two days. Death came very unsuspected, no one suspecting her end so near. By this sad bereavement we are reminded that "God moves in a mys terious way, His wonders to per form." She is gone but will not be forgotton by her many friends and aesooiates. The following Preamble and Res olutions were adopted by the Key stone League of Christian Endeavor ol Bethlehem United church. Whereat, Death has entered our midst for the first time since our or ganization, and removed from ranks sister Clemmie M. therefore be it RuolveJ, That by .he death of this our sister, our C. & Society has lost an active member and an earnest worker, the church a faithful member, and the family a loving daughter and an affectionate sister. Remtlved, That by her early death, we arc reminded of the unoertainty of life, and not only tako warning ourselves, but ask others to heed the warning. Resolved, That we tender our heart felt sympathy to the family of the deceased, and would point them for comfort to Him who said: "Lo, I am with you even unto the ends of the Earth." Resolved, That a copy of these res olutions be sent to the family of the deceased, that they be recorded upon the minutes, and that they be sent to each of the editors of the county for publication. I L. A. Woodward, Committee: -j W. F. Castles, ( Mabth.i M. Casxles Football. MimiB s- B1eRi-fleld. . ''V. . -..f vi fen as imlied through tha nrrency a company M ina- ' . -y j . ' t , ud ..ead. 1 timl t. 1S9.5. week, and remain veraity of Dresden, Europe. Bail'-oaders who Imve been in the railroad Bcrvica a quarter ol cea t i.y will hold a re-union in Alcooua on the 17th day of October. Th" Odd Fellows nre making ex tensive preparations for the celebra tion Of their fiftieth anniversary to ruke place on the 3rd of October. -i... nirtomfield. Perry county. i-. r.nlv beon one death in sra since tbe 1st oi oauau.j, Only one dsath in 9 months. business ot The cm s-'ho'l has been dissolved Showei a 4 ,nMDt. llr. Scholi will by raatual c. business at the old rontinus tit stand. rt that a nine pound There ia a rcpo. e river iQ the salmon was caught ;b aD j Lewis Narrows between tk ;3 the town. But who caog. question. . . etaraed in Tho wheat sowing was brought n;ippr Tuscarora Valley by . unty, Ii. tho eastern part of the t back s'.-.owers of rain kept the farmers . with their work. ot the unner end of Tusca- r! i Vallev. will iubilate at Blair's Mills over Uip completion of the Tus earora Valley Railroad to that place or. 'be 28:1;, present month Tl.c .completion of tho Tuscarora V,!:; v Railroad to Blair's Mills, wilt b n'thrated at ihat clace next Sat- Sentember 28. It will be a picnic and spccch-niakiDg day. Tl.; Kvangelical Lutheran Synod of Centrnl Pennsylvania, convenes iVis WednPBiav evening at 7:30. Rv. A. O. Wolf of Aaronsburg, Cen ter county, Ss-crotary of the Synod, will prrach the opening Synod. A cold wave last Saturday struck part of Nebraska and Wyomincr. Snow to tbe depth of two inches felL On Monday the thermometer regis t' rod OS to 100 here. On Tuesday i vr.s dowu to almost frost line. Iy work, might long ere this have beon tut tor?st. Did you, gossiper. ever Btop to think of the many heart -eiios. tho nise wortis Known to oe such to vou when spoken, have caus ed vour helpless victims t If there is one place hotter than another in tbe deijth of the infernal world, it should be reserved for the malignant sland erer and fulsiCer. There is a dead lock in the nomi nation for JuJgo in the Huntingdon Jlf.Glin Judicial District for a Repub lican candidate. The candidates be fore tho Conference at Huntingdon were. Horace o. uuioerioon oi jjsww town and W. McKnicUt liliamson of HoJitingdDn. After 78 liebaUotS; the Conference adjourned to meet at Lewiatown on tho 2nd day oi Uct ober. If the Democrats tie them selves tho same way there will be a chance for a scrub roe like in the Juniata and Perry district at the late Judicial Ekction, where cone of the candidates made the district nomina eion, but where every one ran for himself as bast ho could. Poiuosa Graacc No- 35. The foot ball game between Mifflin and Bloo hi field alias Harrisburg, at Newport Fair, last Thursday, was a very close and interesting one. The game was called at 3:30 o'clock, with the boys on the gridiron. Being the first game of the season, it was found necessary to pay but 20 minute halves. jWiflao won tbe tots, lined ud. Dut the ball in play with a "kick-off," and made a touch down in the first five minutes, Patterson making the ran from Bloomfield's 25 yard line. Osr ing to the wind bains: hard acrainat Mifflin's- kick for goal, the ball was blown about three feet wide of the mark, letting them but 4 points. xKoomield then kicked off the bs3. Mifflin got it oa their 25 vard line. formed a good interference and fetched it half-way back to the oen ter, where tbe two teams battled till the first half was through, findiag Bloomfiekl on Mifflin's 25 yard line, looking rather sad. The second half was started with a kick-oil by Bloomfield, who with their pugilistic apparatuses in readi ness had vowed in their hearts to take the enemy dead or alive. Though having been coached- by a Harrisburg man for over a week be fore,, and having this man with othei professionals from that city on their team, Alimui beld them dowa tall within seven minutes of the ending ot tme last naif. Then white Mifflin was disputing an unfair five yards given to Bloomfield, Bloomfield lined np, the right end taking the ball from the center before it was in play, puiuea inrougn and made a touch. down. The wind bain? calm the goal was very easily kicked, making lor tnem b points Mifflin then made the last kick-off and held Bloomfield in their own ter ritory till the end of the game. The teams lined up as follows: Bloomflald. Poaitieaa. Mifflia Flickiaser Left Ead Dawiac ...Left Tackle Cajla . . Lett Oaard Walls .... Canlre.... ...... Joo . . . .Right Gnard. . . . .Calhona ...Bigot Tekle. Paaaebakar Clark Right End Nobis Sticea Eight UalfBaek...Pattanea Kinter Left Half Back....Campsll Grosh, Capt.. ..QaarterBack atarray uaatt Full Back.RobisoB, Capt Substitutes Bloomfield: Gar man, Luiter, Fleming, Barnett and Rice. -Vifllin: Derr, Bihop, Parker, Utrayer and McClellan. Mac. Birnett, umpire: Andrew Banks, referee; Jesse Dietrick, lines man. Points: Bloomfield 6; Mifflin'4. Goals: Bloomfield 1; Mifflin 0, that has evsr been inflicted . on tbe i American people, and predicts! a fi nancial pinch on tha Government by the gold bugs, who have teen dull ing in tbe bonds that the Cleveland administration has been selling. He declared that there is not enough gold in America to base its business on. He said the syndicate's contract to buy bonds expires in October, and then they will step up to the United States Treasurer with their millions of greenbacks and demand gold and drain the Treasury and that will create a panic. He disaproves of tha National Bank system, and in its stead would have a non interest bear ing Government note for circulation. He denounced the leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties with incincerity on the tariff ques tion. He declared that they do not want to settle the tariff question. He favors a tariff to be based on the difference between the wages of the Old World and America. He behav ed the principles of the Prohibition party te be those bast suited to the eradication of the evils complained of. The saloon ia an evil the magnitude of which cannot be estimated. There is one in every five of the people who are habitual drinkers, and they drink 200 gallons of intoxicating drink a year. If tbe saloon can be abolished and Prohibition established, the evils of society can be corrected. The sa loon is the enemy of labor and labor organizations. Organized labor can not succeed with the saloon in the way. His own experience had taught him, he said, how the saloon breaks up organized labor. An organiza tion of labor is affected. In most cases half the men are drinkers, and they spend their sur plus earnings at the cup. A trenble takes place, a strike follows, and then the relief committee has to take charge of, who. The suckers, they have no money. The sober men of the order, who have saved money for the rainy day, are called" on by the relief committee time and again, for funds to keep the suckers, and soon the savings of the sober men begin to dwindle. Day by day their mon ey grows less, and they grow restless. They are men who wilnot leavj their families suffer, and they break the strike and go back t& work. Mr. Berry is a ready and entertaining peaker. Another feataro of tbe po litical Prohibition meeting was tbe two singers, Mr. and Mrs. Bevendge. He is a good singer and quite an act or and she sings so entertainly that the audience would have remained there almost all night to hear her sing. Welcemer.. Darling toa.. Prink Haosinger. . Whitmore . Ed. C. Gushard will represent the Mifilntown Hose Company and R. L. Cramer will represeut the Patterson Friendship Fire Company at the Pennsylvania Slate Fireman's Con vout ion to be beld at Reading, Pa., October lst. Johnstown, Cambria county, has parsril im ordinance taxing bicyclers ii.-yj a yer r. TL.:y say bicyclers are constantly urging roau repair, and it i not more- tban right, that they hou'.d nav niirt of tha ornensen of niiiking rosids. Francis Schlatter, a shoa-maker is the latest marvelous worker in the Loaltu giving art. Tbe past week he stood 7 Loui s each day shaking hands w-!h and healing- three persons'every minute at Denver, Colorado, where thousands upon thousands flocked to se him, and' to be benefited by a shake of his hand. Deaf people, W-jud people, paralytic and rheuaa utlc people claimed to have been enr -'! by hia marvelous touch. The Juaata County Pomona 1 range will meet wta Milford C nge iu Milford to.vnship, on Or.. iday, Octobt r lO-.h, at 10 A. M., Thur.. 'a in session until 12 M, on to reraa. ' e 11th. Friday, tb. "Welcome," by Mil Pkooram. Tssponse, Joseph Roth ford Grange; x ving subjects have rock The folio Woman's Work," been assigned: . -s by Mrs. Nettie W. H. Knouse; Essa 'illiken, "the Ailmau and Mrs. Ada a 'on Smith, Future Farmer;" Welling.. ;ng and "the btst method for Stor. . B. Casiag for Winter Apples;" ' to Esh, "tho relation tho Youth, at f. day Sustains to tho Future;" J. a Bmion, " the beat manner of Curing and Preserving Meats for family Meats. I have written tho State Lecturer, W. F. Hill to be with us. I will en doavor to procure additional assist ance from adjoining counties. Thursday evening session will be private and will b-j devote.l to degree work and the good of tbe order. Written reports from tha Secretaries of each Grange, will be called for. As to membership, progress, Ac, resolutions to be presented to the State Grange, will be considered. D. ii. 3iC Y HilAMS, Lecturer. Redacd Rates via PeaatTlva nla Railroad to tbe Allan ta Exposition. For the cotton States and Inter national Exposition, to be huld at At lanta, Go., from September 18 to De cember 31, the Pennsylvania Rail road Company are now selling excur sion tickets to Atlanta and return at greatly reduced rales. For specific information in regard to dates of sale, rates, routes, and time of trains, apply to nearest ticket agent. Seaai Ccateaalal Celebration. Ham, 18 - Should-sr, 12 Lard I S:'d9, KIFFLlSTOWKGKAiV UAUK M WhOfit 68 Corn in ear 50 Oi:s, 26 870 60 Cloverseed Timothy aeed $2.00 Flux 8e?a 60 Bre.3 90 Chop. ..... ......,.$1.20 a hundred Middlings 1.10 OroiiLd Alum Salt 1.U0 American Salt 76o to 60 Philadelphia Markets, September 27, 1895: Wheat 64 ts 6Gc; corn 36 to 41c; Oats 26 to 27c; Live chickens 9 to 10c a lb; butter 14 to 27c a lb; eggs 16 to 17c; adples $2 to $2.25 s btirrel; peacnes $1 to $1.75; potatoes, 8 of a bushe" basket 15 to 30c; hay $11 to 116.50 a ton. A Timely Bemiader. Each season forces upon our con -sideration its own peculiar perils to health. The advent of fall finds many reduced in strength and vigor, poorly prepared to continue the bus iness of life. The atomache and bow els, the great highway of animal econ omy, is especially liable to disorder in the fall. The nervous system has alee suffered in tbe struggle. Ty phoid fever and malaria in particu lar find in the fall tht combination of earth, air and water tLat mark tl is season as especially dangerous. The falling leavep, the decaying vegeta bles contribute their share of con tamination. Hood's Sarsaparilla furnishes a most valuable safe guard at these important points, and should be used in the fall before ser ious sickness has laid you low. Whn so many people are taking and deriving btnafit from Hood's Sarsf parilla, why don't you try it yourself? It is highly recommended. Tuscarora Valley Railroad. .Trains on the .Tuscarora Valley Railroad will run as follows: Leave East Waterford at 8.00 a. il, and 2 p. m., arriving at Port Roy al at 9.15 a. m. and 3.15 p. m. Leave Port Royal at 10:30 a. m. and 5.15 p. u., arriving at East Wa terford at 11.45 a. k. and 6.30 p. m. J. O. MOORKBEAD, Superintendent. Acting through the blood, Hood's Sarsaparilla not only cures f arofula, salt rheum, Ac., but gives health and vigor to the whole body. miprrmav ajOfdlSl DUUwccnn 1 ,t.7....v. Is a aafe and prompt wnwf for the euro of dlttrrfcara, ycatry. colic. cholrr m or bun and ell forms of Hummrr Complaint and lAosenensot tbo owels. IT IB PLEASANTTO take and ESPECIA1.LV USSVl'I. CUB cniiDUMi. BAKER'S FISHING LAMPS, Best made for T 'Gig" Fishing. Write for Price List, Tbe.T.R. Bakes k, Sons Co., Kendall ville, Ind. Personal. Carl F. Espenschade of Lancaster, is borne on a vacation.. Mrs Nellie Musser spent last week visiting relatives in Newport Ed. Rhom of Harrisburg is visit- iag his brother Fred ia town. Miss Kell Doyle oft Patterson has been visitinghr aunt in Huntingdon. Harry Copeland. ef Greensburg, has been spending tse past week in town. wWiss May Robinson of Harrisburg, spent Saturday with, her aunt .Mrs. John Horning. Mrs. North,, wife of Caleb North of Washington, Dl C, visited friends iu town last week. Miss Hall Parker of Lewistown. visited her Mint Mrs. Robert McMeea several days last week. Miss Rye Patton of Washington D. C, spent a day with her niece, Mrs. W. Schweyer last week. Mrs. Nan Leach and children of Spruee Hill spent last Saturday with her sisters the Jlfis3es Laird. Miss Louisa Jackmaa alter spend ing the summer with her parents in town, returned to irittsourg wnere she has a class in music. Mr. Horace Curry and wife and son Raymond of Altoona, spent a few hours in town Inst Friday among friends, while on thoir way to Phila delphia. STOSES CLOSED ON SEPTEMBER 19TH AND 28TH ON ACCOUNT OF IDAYS: HOL. as gain Bays! SCHOTT'S STORES ConiXEencing, Saturday September 11th and continne until Saturday eveninr. Or. tober 6th. 1895i 1895. , ALWAYS AHEAD. OUR ENTIRE LINE OF Fall & Winter CLOTHING, HATS, SHOES & GENTS' FURNISHIG GOODS, are all in for the Fall Witttes tirade of 1895. IN THE QUANTITY, THE QUALITY, the style and the price WE DEFT COMPETITION. An Examination will demonstrate the truth of our assertions. 116 MAIN STREET, Patttcrson Pa. f Hie jflcCIintic Hardware NO. Ill) MAIN STREET, MIFFXiINTOWN, PA. STORE Did Tea Ever Think, Belleria One Day. South American Nebvdte relieves the worst cases of Nervous prostra tion, Nervousness and Nervous Dys pepsin in a single day. No such re lief and blessing has ever come to tbe invalids of this countrv. Its powers to enre the stomache are won derful in the extreme. It always cures; it cannot fail. It radically cures all weakness of the stomache and never disappoints. It is a luxury to take and always safe. Trial bot tles 15 cents. Sold by L. Banks & Co., Druggist, Mifflintown. Pa. Feb. 6, ly. "xne semi centennial anniversary le introduction of the Odd Fel- 0 .- lo Juniata will be fittingly cel- kwp t.nia place on Thursday, ebratad - a grand street parade Uctooer i' . and exercises in A-. Jr. at 2 o'clock' rds. theCourtajytJiwj; -d other Grand wtujunot ; - ;. OI niHiiap k mrk 'w v . . :t m. 1 Fellow wffr bfl v. r forty niSs&botlWT . u invited, nftmt of avrvac vo mdid unnu - that you cannot be well unless you have pure, rich blood? If you are weak, tired, languid and all run down, it is because your blood is iinpwer isbed and laoka vitality. These iron bles may be overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla, because Hood's Sarsa Psxilla makes pure,rich blood. It ie, in truth, the great blood purifier. Hoo(P$ Ptlls cure liver ills, consti pation, billiousness, jaundice, sick headache, indigestion. Subscribe for the Sentinel and Rbpublican, a paper that contains choice reading matter, full of inform tion that does the reader good, and in addition to that all local news that are worth publishing find places in its celumns- If. newdtYloffick. Dr. S. D. Diffenderfer, graduate of el.. XT Z m a . . i.uo umversiry 01 Maryland Dental Department, desires to inform the public that he has opened a Dental Office at Oakland Mills, Pa., where he can be found at all times. Teeth extracted painlessly. All work guar anteed. Tbe greatest Rale of Fall and Winter Goods ever known; a monster purchase of Dry Goods, Carpets, Fancy Goods, Ladies' and Cbildrrns coals and wraps, boots and sbces at ay recent vi8it to New fork and Boston. BO cases of tarious kinds cf goods- are unpacked, and more coming vvery day. 1 purchased this goods at low prices, and propose to sell Ibrm at low. prices. Bar gain bunttrs, money savers, shrewd buy on, Economical flouse-kecpere, xpirt shoppers, wo advise yoa and all to be on band at this barf ain sale. WI SFXL YOU.- Fiom 0 o'clock in tbo morning antil 4 o'clock in the ailernoon: Ladies' Jat kets and Capes at 2. 23, $3.90, S3. 60, M.0O, $5 00, $8.00 wonb doosle. Men's ai.d Ladies' Fleeoed nndcrwear li 25c j worth 0c. Men's bUck or striped1 half hose, 5 pair for 25 cent;; worth 50c. Ladies' tle&ry Ribbed black hose; 4 pair for 25c; worth 40c. LQiet hne seamless, extra black bose at 10c a pair; worth lSe. Louies extra One, regular made, dou ble black bose, 2 pair for 26c; worth 40c. I Ladies' Fleece bied black hose at 10c; worth 20c. Marseil Towels, largo aiza for 20c a pair; worth 38c. White linen d&misk at 25c: worth 50c. Ked and gray damack at 20c; worth 40c. Gencine Turkey Red Damask at 25c; worth 60c. Fine White Linen Irish Table Damak for 59c; worth $1.00. White Linen Doylies and napkina at 75c a doa.; werth $1. 10 yards of Una yellow muslin, yard wida for 89c; worth 60c. 10 yards extra Una unbeached yard wide muslin for 60c; worth 5c. 10 yards of Hill Best, yard wideblaach ed muslin for 60r; worth 90c. S yards ot best Lancaster Ginghams for 25c; worth 40c. 10 yards cf coed giogbams for 4cc worth G5e. 8 yards of all wool, 36 inch Henriettas; for $2 ; worth $3.40. 8 yards of all wool, imported serges, near 40 inches wido for $2.60; worth $4.00. 6 yards extra tine, all wool, French Henriettas and serges, 45 inches wide for $3 30; worth $5. Fancy Brocade Bilk for WaiMs and trimmipjr for 49c; worth 75c. j Black si!k, 22 inches Faille, French Goods, 12 yards for $9.65; worth $14. Canton Flannel, lOids lor 49c: worth I 65c. j Extra heavy Canton Flannel in yellow, I brown and elate, 10 yds for 69c; worth $1. Men's unlanndried Shirts for S9c; worth 65c. Good bed ticking; 9 yds for 75c; worth $1.00. Grand styles of Pants Goods for 14c and lc; worth 20c and 2-5c. Outing flannels, 6c a yd; worth 9c. All wool Red Flannel, 15c a yard; worth 21c. Men's s"li embroidered swper.ders, 10 cms a pair worth 25c. Bsck or fancy color Sateens for 9c; worth loc. Extra lancy Sateena for 10c and 12c: ertn 10- and isc. BI- Denim for overalls, 3 yds for 28c; worth 45c. Imported Saxonia yarns, 7c a bank: worth 10c. Factory Stocking Yarn, beet goods 49c a pound; worth 60c. White Shaker Flannel, 10 yards for 60c: worth 90c. Heavy white Shaker flannel, 10yds for 75c, worth $1.25. 10 yrds of Fancy Dark or Indigo Blue Calicoes for 45c; worth 70c. $4,000 of Afon't, Ladies' and children's 9 hoes at specially reduced prices. r one or gray oiankeisat 6'Jc a pair; worth $1.00. All the finer goods of blank- eta at specially reduced prices. Striped Carpets for 124, 15, 18 and 20c; wonn ou per cent. more. Fine Ingrain Carpets at 25cworth 40c. Btnasel and best Ingrain Carpets at specially rcdueed prices. uuiiiorn, window bbades. ixco cur tains at specially reduced prices. It will pay you to come 130 nales tose ' cure some of these wonderful bargains. araware3 TOOLS, HOUSE-FURNISHING C00DS. Stoves and tin-ware, mill and black-smith supplies, Harness, Collars, Lap Robes, Blankets, FJy-nets and Saddler's Supplies. Best Gocds at Low Prices. We did an encouraging business during the past season and hope by constant application and prompt attention to do doubly as much in the coming season. We are better prepared to furnish Supplies, Commencing Sept 14th and continues until October Stb. OUR ST0R.ES CLOSED ON SEPTEMBJJB 19 AND SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER, 28TH ON ACCOUNT OF HOLIDAYS. SCHOTT'S STORES, 103 TO 1O0 BRIDGE ST., DOORS, SASH, HATtDWAPE Tin, Iron and Felt Hoofing, Sheathing ar.d Lining paper, Paints, Glass and Carpenter Tools at low Prices. Bl acksmiths will find it to their interests to call and ex amine our Stcck and get Prices of Norway & refined bar iron, Horse and Mule Shoes and Nails and Tcols. Lumbeimen er.d Mill Men will not go away uninterested, after Ihey have extmined and priced Our Stock of Cross Art Saws, files, Gum and Leather Belting, a ad Lacer at Low Prices, wood and iron pumps of the best make; also a full line of House furnishing Goods, Stoves, Tinware, Granite ware, Wil low ware, wocden-ware, Nickle lea Kettle and coffee pots. Wall Paper at all Prices. IDT OF HANGING MMP$t that we are offering at Special Prices to close them out, Barbed Fence Wire, Gasoline Stove, Ice Cream Freezers, forks, scythes. Screen Door and Window Hammocks, brushes of all kind, prices furnifhed on application, Cook Stove, Fruit Dryer, the best out estimates to furnish contractors with the material so licited. Thanking for past patronage, I solicit a continuance of the same. K. H. M'CLINTIC. 1865, ESTABLISHED. 188fJ. Special Invitation To Hie luhli? which will be pretk nt in force ai'cP a big time may be ex ecte A Palltlcal Prfclk,,," In. The Prohibitionparty lu meet" Thors- ef ins in the Court Honss lma da.v aveninfr. Tha attonsl tee J o -.--.'.. . women and children was . Iar8e- Tbe candidate for State Treaaw ,rer Mr. Berry, waa present and addra ed the meeting. His address waa . a general criticism 01 me snort com ings of both . the Republican and Democrat parties, and the evils- that afflict human society. He denounced trusts, corporations and banks, and blamed the evils that may be found in such institutions to the legislation of the parties who have had control ofaflairs of Government. He de nounced the demooitization of silver as the greatest hold up and deliver Itch w'ge uawj stoc, cured in 30 Thia nver fatig. Sold by L. Banks A Co., .Druggist, iailHintoffn. Pa. Feb. 6i, ly. To attend the Attractive Sale of Clothing that goes on from S. S. Ruble, Practical Embalmer and Funer al director. CAlISPROWI'TLY ATTFISDED TO DAY OR NIGHT. SATISFACTION G TAB ANTE I'D IN AIL CASES. Bridge St., Mifflintown, Po. daf- eT THE IMMENSE STOCK JUNIATA VALLEY BANK, WMIFFUMTOWH, PA. HAVE TDD Wmi TO DEPOSIT? OF MARRIED: SwaJM-AVsMTZ. On the 16thifl3t, ky Rev. Solomon Sieber of TBomp sontown, Iff. S. W. Swab an Miss Nora Arentz. Metos HHrtv. On7 (iie 19th inst., by Rev. Solomon Sieber of Thompsontown, tit. Eugene B. -Mov ers and Miss Ella Henry. Kick BaTra. On the 19th inst. I - Rev. H. C. Holloway, D. D., Mr. ard K Bice and Miss Rebecca jjpjjk -r, both of Beale township. "FLIHTOWN ttARKKTS. Hm -uavova, Srp. 25, 1&6. Matter- a. 15 12 D. W. HARL.EY twill be TO THE MAfflM OF ALL BUYERS Who have money ttf invest to examine the Stock of Goods for MEN, BOYS AND OHJIiDREE It is truly marvelous to See . THE BEAUTIFUI STYLES of Suits and Overcoats at the Wonderfully Low Prices. His prices leave all Competitors in the rear, so don't f 3il to give him a call if in need of Clothing. W. HA RLE Y, Stooji1,olae,B viinally Liable JOSHPH KOTflBOT; T. VAiN DIRECTOBS. W'C-PomeTOj, Joseph Sothroeh,' John Eortaler. Jniah r. Srt,B-PAer. IiOnia E. Atkinson T. V. Irwin. STOCKIIOLSFBS t George A. Keener, Annie M. Shenw. Joseph Roibrocb. P. w. u..h.i. L. E. Atkinson. R. F p..t. " ' W. C. Pomerov. J xint,am rL; Mary Knrtz, erome. N. Thompson. John Hertxler, T. V. Irwin. Charlotte Snyder, Josian L Barton, John M. Blair, Robert H. Patterson F. M. M. Pennell. . Levi Mht Samuel 8. Rothrock. Wm. R warts: M. N. Sferrett. Three and Four sorent. ir.rm. . paid on certificates of deposit. fjan 23, 18S6 ti D. AllE YOU A BORROWER? -CALL AT "88 nm FOUR PER CENT. INTEREST PAID ON TIME CERTIFICATES, toy leaned at Lowest Bates. The 8entnul mnd Rtpuiluan office u tho place to get Job work done. Tx v It. It wfl pay yon if yon need anything n that line. j!ALESMET S!ANTED.1 .tool uii iKAvr .i.ran Nnrscry Stock. 8l h."L.... steady Employment irnaranteed. CHASK BROTHERS COMPAXT. Dec. 8, '91. Rocheater, K. T. 11 il Hi . I 1 1 i 1 ! )i H ii t 1 H 1 Si n -. ! ill 1 V iaaaaaai,aBaBB -W - m 'ti-i'-.jU. M. ; - - - -rtm y ':frMf:T'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers