:i'i F. SGHWEIER, THE OONSTITUTION-THE UNION AND THE ENFORCEMENT OP THE UW& Bdttwr and 3 i ri VOL. XJLIX MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY. PENNA.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER IS. 1895. NO. 40. CHAPTER XIII. Continued.) One evening, shortly before Christmas Marsden had looked ia later than usual after dintng with gome friends at his club He stood on the hearth-rug retailing th. Itolitieul and other gossip lie had heard and questioning Mrs. IEstrange an Nora respecting their shopping. "Mrs. Ituthven is coming to town nexl week," he said. "I bnd a talk with Shir ley to-day. He lias been down to see her he ha r.ot deigned to communicate witl mo, hut I heur through my solicitor shi has sold that villa she was so wild to gel a month or six weeks ago, and made fif leen hundred pounds by the transaction.' "Is it possible!" exclaimed Noia. "Some people seem to have the powet f turning all they touch to gold," said Ur. L'Estrange. 'Fortunate people," returned Marsden Talking of sold, I see Winton's old uncla died rather suddenly on the thir teenth, ao, I suppose he'll have plenty t do settling his affairs, instead of ritshinj back to punish the unworthy in his dis trict." 'Was old Mr. Winton rich?" asked Mm Estrange, carelessly. "I am not sure. I think I have heard that he made money or saved money ol late years. He lived at a little shootini, box he had ou tho edge of a Yorkshire moor. I don't think he ever held up hii head since 'Black Mark' went to thi lad." "Do not say tbnt, Mr. Marsden!" ex Maimed Mrs. I.'Estratigr, earnestly "Father and son misunderstood eact other; but the wn was more sltine! against than sinning." Her delieute fne Hushed as she "poke. "You are more charitable than most people, Mrs. I.'Estrangc, to one who, ii Dot sorely belied, did r.ot care for nr.y on ssve himself; at any rate, it is likely IX Mark, as we used to call him, will stcj uto his shoes." "Old Mr. Winton bnd a daughter. 1 think'." "Yes, who married against his will. 1 jon't know what became of her. Per haps she may come in for some of thi father's money. But I must bid you good By, as well as cood-night. I am goin Jown to Evesleii;:i to-morrow to see aftel lome matters. I don't fancy, after all Mrs. Ruth en will take the place, sh has juuda so muuy difficulties uud btipu laiious." "How long shall you be away';" askec S'ora. who had grown very silent of late, "Well, quite three or four day. You will write tr. it.. . wiil you not, uiy sweet ist sweetheart":" "Yes, certainly." "And will you tiike a parcel for me t Brookdale?" asked Mrs. L'Estrange. "I'i to and fetch it." "With pleasure," said Marsden. ".Vow jearest," he cried, as soon as iltey wer alone, "one farewell kiss. I have an odd sort of fancy that this may be the lnsi you'll ever give me. It is extremely nlw surd, this superstition, and must mean I am coin? to die, for if I live I shall un doubtedly have ninny a sweet kiss in th lays that are coming." "Do not tbir.k of such things, Clifford,' aid Nora, more touched by his word( than he -was aware, and she leaned for. ward to press her hps ontiy to his check "I trust you n:r,j have many, many hi pp.t rears before yo.i." "Will you make me happy?" "I will do my best for you, dear Olif ford. I will, indeed." "tlod bios y.r.i. darlir.c!" kissing lii 'hair, her brow, her cheeks quickly, pns Bionately, and letting her go us Mr? L'Estrange re-eutrred the r.-nra. "It is not very large, and if you will send it over to the cook at Rrnokdale, 1 shall be much obliged," she said, handim the packet to him. After a few more words M.irsden bii :hem adieu and departed. Mrs. L'Esir.mgi and her step-daughter drew nerrer tin 5re. and sat for some minutes in silence. "I did not think Mr. Marsden as bright as r.snal," said the former, at length. "No. He was a little more serious thai usual," returned Nora. "But be Is always pleasant and kind I really think, dear Nora, you are won ierfully fortunate. Y'ours is a case when rue love has run smooth." "The Ides of March have come, no one. "That IB quite an uncanny speech, Sora." There was another pause. Then Nora, gathering up her resoution, in id quietly: "Did Clifford Marsden know Mr. Win- ton and his cousin when they were all J Kys "Yes. They used to be in Oldbridcs iow and then, and he was at my father'! rectory once." "Will yon think me unwarrantably In trusive if I ask you a few questions about -hose by-gone days?" laying ber hand renrly on her step-mother's knee. Mrs. L'Estrange smiled thoughtfully. No, dear, I can tell you anything, an' there is not much to tell." "Did you know Clifford before you mar tied my father?" Scarcely knew him. I met him sei in I times. He was a delightful boy a lineteen or twenty." "Was he a great friend of Mark Win n'.?" "No. More the friend of the othei Hark. You know both the Wintons ha! :he same name, it used to make confusion. They had not been brought up exact!? together. They were at different schools, ut -Jxtb were sent to study with my father one for the army, the other tot India. We used to distinguish them a Black and Red Marks. They made Clif ord Marsden's acquaintance at his aunt's, Mrs. Atherley'a, at Oldbridge, and hi same down from London to see then! ince, for a few days, to my father's rec tory In Hampshire. Oh! what a sweet lome it was. What ages away back thai ime seems!" "And!" whispered Nora, leaning lightly igainst her companion and fixing her eyes u the glowing coals, "Mark Wintou war -ery fond of you?" "Well," returned Mrs. L'Estrange, with t quiet smile, "he fancied he was he aid he was end I, a foolifah, im.therksi xirl, believed him." "But was he not faithful and truer rried Nora, infinitely surprised. "There might have been a mistaki somewhere! but it all came bard enough 3ti me." returned Airs. L'Estrange "There was a gentleman in our neighbor hood who wiohed me to marry him a very good fellow. I was Incl'ned to liV him, but cfter Mark made me believe bt loved me I thought of no one else, ord 1 refused my first admirer. Then Mara went away to India. He wrote to at nce otwice, Ih.en canja my freat sop row. My dear father died, leaving barely sufficient to pay his debts. I was ver friendless, we had lived away from al". our relations, and I waited and waited fot a letter from Mnrk, but none came foi more than r year. Then I had a curloiu epistle, bidding me x'.-.rewell, and ixpres sing deep regret for any pain he might have caused me, but that marriuge wa? out of the question for him. I never re plied. I felt that chapter was closed for ?ver. That was just nfter I went to liv with Miss Webster an engagement Mrs Auherley got for me." "I could never have believed that sue! i man as Mr. Winton would have acted to basely," exclaimed Norn, her liearl beating, her eyes lit up with indignation "How can you " "But, Nora," interrupted Mrs. IEl (range, quickly, "it was not lied Mark whom you know, who behaved in tl -'i way! I do not fancy he ever was in h-vi In his life. Oh, no! It was his cousin Our friend was always true and steady I well remember when, owing to tli similarity of came, some knowledge' ol his cousin's engagement to me reached him, he warned me against throwing away a certainty for a will-o'-the-wisp as, no doubt, 1 did. Ah! that was i dreadful time. Its bitterness and morti ficarion sting me still! My life, under it! new conditions, was dreary and tryir.f enough to make me very grateful to you: father for giving me the chance of leavuii it and you know the rest." "Then " Nora paused, and, chang Ing her sentence, observed, "Do yoi know. I fancied, at one time, that yo' would marry Mr. Winton?" Mrs. L'EstraDgd laughed softly. "That is curious," she said, "for fancied you and he were taking to eact rlhrr, until after the Evesioigh bnll when a sort of change came to both o you." Thero was a pause of a few minutes The light died out of Nora's eyes thi color from her cheek. ' At length sh aid : "Then you would not marry Mr. Win ton ?" "It is extremely "unlikely he would evei ask me," said Mrs. IEstrange, laughing "And as to me, all ideas of love or matri raony are over forever. Ilea is, and will be my only love. I want no more." A dull sense of despair numbed Xorn't heart; it was a few seconds before sh. could collect herself to say: "Do you think Clifford Marsden knev ill this?" "Yes; I imagined he did. He was ver.i friendly with Mark anil continued to l. after our friend, Ked Mark, went out R India. My fiance, as I fancied him to be did not go till after. He was appointee to a regiment stationed at Delhi, and, t.elieve, wn-, very unfortur-nte nn:i weak. Mr. Winton gave nr.e en account oi la liiti-r life. He died two years ago. I lnu: not heard anything of him for a r,nz time and I was grieved to think of his wasted life! How weil it is that the fntmr ii hidden from 'is! There, dear, is t!u whole history." The whole history! Mrs. L'Estrange littie dreamed what a sting it left in hei step-daughter's soul. Was Clifford Mars den's memory really defective? Or, had he misrepresented facts? Surely he net too much of a gentleman to do so? At any rate, she (Nora had been jugglec O'tt of the be?r chance of hnppiuess evei iffered her; for she now feit convinced Murk Wiiitoii had loved her from tb 5rt. "Dear Helen," she said, rising with ai ?ffort, "I have kept you up too late; let u go to bed. What au extraordinary jum hie life is!" "Yes! Is it not incomprehensible?" returned Mrs. E'Estrange, kissing Iut "You lock dreadfully pale and tired Nora." "Incomprehensible!" the word kept re peating itself iu fiery syllables all night long; strive ps she would, Nora could hcai nothing else, think of nothing else. What an incomprehensible destiny that whicl doomed her and the man that loved he: well, as she now believed, to separatiot forever! Was she deceived or only inadvertentl; misled? If deceived she would nevei never forgive. And she must find out. CHAPTER XIV. The balmy air of Torquay did wonder! for Mrs. Kuthven, and her own resoluti eagerness to regain health and strengtl still more. The attentions and inquiries of variou noble and distinguished invalids, sojourn ing, like herself, in that famous resort soothed and satisfied her. Lady Dorting ton had written glowing eulogiuius aui recommendations of her friend and guest and all things promised fair for the en suing spring campaign. But thougl sweet and placid to those few favoret visitors who were admitted to her pres ence, the real vivifying influence whicl was bringing back energy to her systeii was the hope, the prospect of revenge To lose Clifford Marsden, by whom sh had been so fascinated, was bad enough to lose the lord of Evesleigh, the he.o ol a hundred conquests, wss wnre; o ioi him to a simple, inexperienced girl, whin he had herself praised and patronized' was worst of nil. Already society had begun to talk oj Clifford Marsden being about to mari'j lome country nobody; but as yet there wni no certainty iu the report, and, deep ii her heart, Mrs. Ruthven swore the r.ai riage should never take place. It was part of her scheme to prevent Evesleigh from goii. inti strange hands even for u season. She was determined to rule there herself. Captain Shirley 'i visit was a stimulating tonic; but sl:i was not too confidential with her rihi land man. She listen. -d to his accounts of M:ir: lens devotion t. NoV:t. the -st -n 111. - id sobriety ..f hi-; life in ctii.-.ei-ii, e if the early date fix.il tur their nimi ljiu. the rumors tht he in'i-ijd. il to seti'e :ii he possibly could upon his bride-elect, etc., to all of which Mrs. Uuihven listened al most In silence, with downcast eyes, and slight, inscrutable smile. In vain, Shirley tried lo draw some ol serrations from her, which might indicate in what direction the carreut of her feel ings was setting. Ho tuh! not even oiuke up his uiind if she bail resolved to renounce Marsden. The only senter.ca which escaped rer lips on the subject was when Shirley reiieruted the report that the marriage was to take place immediate ly; then Mrs. Ruthven said, languidly: "If it does not take place soon it will probably not take place at all." "May I ask your reason for saying so?' "Well, chiefly because Mr. Marsden h not a man of very fixed purpose and t.jmething may occur to change his views. Talking of change, did I tell you that I nave got rid of that place at Twickenham": It seems that a rich stock-broker took a violent fancy to It, and he has given m a thousand oounfe for my tajgaiii." . . "Did you tire of it so soon?" asked Shir ley, in surprise. "Yes; sickness and seclusion havt wrought a radical change in me. I now feel I must be in London and in the com plete country, alternately." "I am afraid, Mrs. Kuthven, that J have unconsciously done something, ot left undone something, that has induced you to withdraw the confidence you ones placed in me," said Shirley, with a wound ed air, looking straight into her eyes. "Then you are mistaken; I give you ex actly the same amount of confidence I al ways did a good deal, but by no means all. Y'ou have been useful to me, and I have been useful to you. I am still dis posed to be your friend, but do not sup pose you have the smallest power to injnrt lit. The day is long gone by for that." "Injure you! Do you suppose that such an idea ever crossed my mind? My in clination is only to be your best devoted wrvant more, if you would accept me!" Mrs. Ituthven laughed softly. "I quits believe you," she said, still " "You have never been quite the same ince you were robbed of your rubies," be interrupted. "Y'ou seem to have grown doubtful of every one." "I am," she exclaimed, with sudden fire. "Utterly, completely distrustful; and you mutter feeble complaints because I will not tell you the vague hope I have of recovering them. Leave that alone; I may confide even that to you one day, but never if I find you presuming to try discovery on your own account. I alone have a slight clew, and I will have no one mpddie." Shirley looked at her so completely startled and surprised that she laughed strange, almost hysterical, laugh. "You must not excite yourself," he exclaimed; "you might bring on auothet relapse." "That would never do," she returned, ir an altered voicp. "I want to be well soon; 1 have a good deal to do. Tell me, Shirley," she went on, "why did you not make love to Nora L'Estnnge? She wouid have been a suitable wife for you." "I wss quite willing to do so, but some how it was impossible. I could uevei get beyond the weather, or the last new ivaitz. with her." "What is there different iu her from i other women? she assert, scornfully, ', "you have been tolerably successful with -ther women. "I don't know; Miss L'Estrange is frank and pleasant, and all that sort of thing, but she is the most inaccessible ivotr.an 1 ever came across.' "Shirley, yorr are a fool: A yonr; creature fresh from the school room and educational irons, is the easiest game ol nil! Man, have you so little experience as not to know you can always count ou U least one traitor within the trenches?" "Perhaps the game was not sufficiently exciting; anyhow, Winton did not give i fclK w a chance." "Winton! Yes, that Is a man I should enjoy mortifying. I think he was fond of Nora L'Estrange, and I suspect she Ti;ed him. But who would refuse Mars V:i of Evesleigh?" "He is not so great a catch." "Listen to tr.e," cried Mrs. Ruthven, not heeding him. "I want to go to Lon don pt nie spp I think I could bear the journey next week. 1 want yon to take inr.n-.s for me at the Alexandria Hotel; I hall keep them for awhile. I like this place, and can go up to town as I like. Ymu must secure good rooms, and have everything made comfortable and warm ibove all things, warm." Captain Shirley took her directions with profound attention, and then their tails flowed in ordinary channels.- Mrs. Idith ren, was quiet, and in rather a more cheer fill mood; she was more civii and friendly than usual. Yet Shirley left her with an impressiou that there was danger iu thi air. (To be continued.! Mushrooms as Food In Europe. A5 an article of food mushrooms are bpoonjing more widely and favorably known each year. Irarnensa quanti ties are jrrown for market in caves near r.nis, some of ths bed being seven I miles long. One grower has twenty- ono miles of ransarooms growin? at Mory. In Italytiie truffle beds are so valuable that they are guarded 33 cure fully as are frame preserves in England. But the poachers, quite equal to the ncpsslty, train their dog3 to go among thp bods, dig tip thoso mnsliroom3 of marketable value, and brinst Uietn out to the edite, where they are waiting to roeeive them. Mushrooms bring in a rovontte of 4,000 a year to Rome, and M. Roquc? calls the despised toadstools the "manna of the poor." Mr. Julius Palmer, our own authority ou mushrooms, says: "Were the poorer classes of Russia, Germany, Italy or France to see our forests during the autumn rains, they would feast on tile rich food there going to waste. For this harvest requires no seed-time aud asks for no peasant's toil. At the same time the vaiuo of mushroom diet ranks second to meat alone. America Is one of the richest countries in mushroom food." St. Nicholas. The Gorilla's Long Power. Recent investigations bave brousht lo light the fact that the gorilla is eTaipppd with .1 sort of air bag In tba chest over the lungs, and connected with the trachea or wind-pipe. By striking this organ the animal Is en abled to emit his terrible shrieks nnd -oa rs. News in Brief. A Sandnsky (Ohio) grocer sells eggs by the peck. Aluniiuum ia being used in making bodies cf cabs Emrlish clergy adopted silk gowr.8 for church use ia 1534. Electricity is now employed in tho bleaching of all textile fiorea. Ceylon una 302.0HO Christians, 240,000 of whom are Catholics. Tho "got trot" is something new in nltrafashionable locomotion. - As a rule, a man's hair tnrns gray five years sooner than a woman's. In Ottawa, Canada, a city of 40,000 inhabitants, there are 50,000 electric lights. The Paris Exposition of 1900 is to cost S.'O.i MiO.OiKl, and will cover an area of nearly 2000 acres. A mastodon skeleton nneerthed in Border County, Texas, in August, )8il4, bad tusks attached to the skull which were teu feet long. It is proposed to include an inter national exhibition of aeronautical ap paratuses among the features of the Paris Exposition of 1900. Dr. Kanaon, one of Professor Behr ing's assistants, has discovered a serum remedy against cholera which has proved successful on animals. A BULLDOG In an express wagon, clinging with a death grip to ths arm of a ragged man who stand close to the vehicle, the thief too scared to cry out and in too much pain to at tempt to escape; a fast gathering crowd, which looks on with excited Interest, ane of the spectators crying, "Hold him. Tone": the return cf the express driver, the summoning of a policeman, the noisy clatter of a patrol wagon, the release of the ragged man from the painful custody of his canine captor, a hurried explanation between the ex press driver and the officers, the depar ture of the police wagon, the murmurs of approval by the now enormous crowd these were spirited little Incidents in Chicago the other day, says the Trib lue. "What's the matter?" asked a breath ess young man who had arrived too late to spe the performance. "Fellow tried to steal a package out f the express wagon and the bulldog nailed him and held Ulm till the police Mine," he was told. Incidents such as the above are rare, ant dogs In wagons are nut n novelty, ven in the heart of tue city. People ee them and often hear them bark, bui few persons pause to think why liiey ire In the wagons. These wagon dogs ire pets and companions of the drivers ind are treated with respect, for mot-i them are worth tiie-ir weili; In gold to the owners. Take, for lustance, the bulldog that captured the thief. His support costs only what he eats and that is inexpensive. lie Is fidelity Itself absolutely trustworthy. As a general thing small dumb com lanions are the choicu of wagon driv ers. Coal haulers and freighters of heavy materials affect large dogi, chief ly Newfoundlands, but the terriers and even the pugs are chosen by the drivers nf delivery wagons, a grocery man 'whose store is pretty well south on Wa-. bash avenue has a pug to accompany the driver, and a good selection It is. The black snouted, p'.g tailed little fel low is as proud as a peacock and de lights to attr.-ict attention to himself ind the gaudy wagon by barking al most continuously while be is iu sole tiargo of the rig. Furrhernir.ro. the lug is on terms of most lutimaie friend ship with the horse, and while the driv r is away amuses hanself on the anl n.il's back, running from his b!g rlend's mane to tail and dancing all ver hiru. The horsp seems to bo prond f his little chum, but when the pug's 'pet tickle his back he turus his head ind shows h.'s teeth In a display of nock anger. The boy who drives that wrtlcular wagon was asked what ser Ice the pug could perform. "None that I know of, lie said, " 'cept o make a noise and keep de klJs away roiu de wagon when I goes Inside. He's ompany fur de hore, dough, and I iln't uever scared of a runaway so ong's do dog stays wid 'em." There are dogs, however, that do aid n the delivery of goods, aud many a veary step they save their masters. A ertaiu North Side milkman has such n nsslstant, a big red Irish settpr that s at once a beauty, an aristocrat In ledigree and a treasure In service. A raluable part of this milkman's trade Is :he supplying of pure Jersey milk from lis own cows to families In which there ire babes and small children. This THE GROCERY MAX'S DOO. haby milk" Is put up In quart jars, jvith screw tops and wire bales or han lles.. The dog can easily carry one of hose jars and really seems to take leasure In doing his part of the work. o apartment building stairs are ton dgb, steep or slippery to baffle hint, jid, having been taken twice over the aby route, he Is perfection Itself in tie delivery of the packages. What can scarcely be called a wagon log and yet cannot be otherwise classi ied is a coach dog owned by a North lde furniture mover. The animal Is sxtremely ordinary la appearance, but 'pays for himself" many times over In habits. Spot actually smokes and 1 rink s. He will hold a pipe In his mouth ind let the smoke curl Into his throat led nostrils and seemingly find pleas ire In the habit He carries a mrprlslng variety of household articles vithout injuring them bundles of bed ling, small rolls of carpet, light chairs .nd knick-knacks of -various kinds .nd in this way does much to help his kos and the other workers in denud ng a flat house. "That dog," said Mr. Ritchie, "will aka an ordinary light chair down three iftirtt of stairs without biimnln? fix ating or anybody, hurting himself or scratching the varnish. A peculiar fea rure of hla work is that he almost al ways selects for himself the articles ha to can. Another oddity Is that with bulky but light articles he goes down stairs head first, but with com pact, heavy packages he goes tall first backs down with them. He seems to feel that !f he drops a heavy package it were best to drop It as short a distance HpojalSle, 1? ' wortk ihojll ba)Li. I man in this business. Here, Spot! G and get me the whisk broom!" And tht dog trotted into the office of the estab llshment and returned -ith the whisl broom in his mouth. Fox terriers are favorites as wago. dogs. They are easily trained, cute companionable, affectionate and will Ing. Many butchers, bakers, grocen and laundrymen have them and fim them useful, especially in guarding tht wagons while drivers are deliverinj parcels. They are of service, too, ai watchdogs, for their ears are keen ant their tongues sharp when strangen approach at night. Frequently the are made to work when they think thej are playing, and not Infrequently thej prove of real value In preventing mis chief. A laundrymnn on Wright wood avenat has a pair of the brightest of fox ter riers and has taught them to haul small baskets of bundled ciothlne from the wrapping room into the office, where the packages are arranged alphabetical ly on the shelves for the convenience of the delivery clerk. The same dogi THE SMUilXG COACH DOO. frun wld de machine," accompany the tvagon, and once when a sneak thief matched a big bundle of linen from :he open rear of the wagon they left Jielr posts, overtook the culprit and so lupeded bis progress t'aat he was still n s'.ght when the driver returned. The Inen was recovered and the thief let ff with a booting for which he will loug emember that driver. Not less valuable as wagon dogs an ull torriers. Skye terriers and what re generally known as Scotch terriers, "he latter Is a variety that seems to In lude all dogs that are small, shaggy nd yellow. Sometimes they prove pos esed of really wonderful Intelligence, s was the case of the "wagon boss, wned by a butcher whose place of bus toss is on West Madison street. The dog had ridden no long besidv he driver of the two-whpeled cart that o know whore every customer lived nd would show impatience of the Hve e?t kind if the driver, for reasons he mid not impart to his brute comrade, Ul not stop at each familiar gate. FI .t'ly the ('.river, au observant sort of eniu-4. adopted the plan of making ex innatlons. For instance. If Mrs. Smith id said yesterday that she would not . at home to-day and that the butcher ;ed not call, the driver, reaching Mrs. l uith's gate, would turn to the dog id say aloud, "She's not at home to j ly." The dog got in the habit of Poking for explanations and when they r. ere forthcoming would accept them as 'ue aud satisfactory. A Critic of Von Molt k A. I'nder the title of "Tweuty-fonr Sours of Moltke Strategy ," Fritz Hoe lig has compiled some very interesting letalls of the events of the period which licluded the battles of Gravolotte and St. Privat. .Mo!tke's"name has hitherto joen regarded as such a synonym for raccess that the casual readpr will be ltiitp unprepared for the strictures so Doldly formulated, which. In their gen ral scope, charge the celebrated gen ral with neglect of personal reconnois jance prior to the action, with Injuii ;lous selection of a site for hl.s personal aeadquarters, and with consequent failure to retain due control over the subordinate leaders In the progress of the battle. The failures In these re spects are in the main attributed to the extreme age of the great chief and the obvious deference paid to consideration f his Infirmity. Some of the particu lars will be new to many and are de cidedly startling In their novelty, or perhaps In the boldness with which they are for the first time treated. His Call Too Early. John Kernell, the Irish comedian, llosed his season on the road early, last year, and went Into New York City to spend the summer. He put up at a hotel there, and one night, through ii)me mistake, the clerk put opposite the number of Kernell's room a "call" for slx-thirry a. m. The hotel had In ts service one of those vigorous por :ers who will break in a door rather :han allow a man to oversleep on a all, and this man was so persistent :hat Kernell finally arose and dressed tlmself in order to put a stop to the acket. When he went down-stairs, he taw by the clock that It was Just seven. 'See here," he said to the clerk In angry ones, "why do you wake me up at this lour In the morning when I bave notb ng to do until August?" Von Blumer (earnestly) old man, fou have no idea how much it costs a nan to send his wife away for the iummer. Dauklngton I suppose not. Von Blumer No, sir! Since my wife ias been away I've ht $25 a night on .he average. New York Herald He Was Proud. Sir John nopklns, admiral of the Brit ish fleet which came here on the occa sion of the Columbian celebration of 1SC3, appeared on deck In a fine new unlferm, and said to Julian Ralph: "win vnn look at me? I boa: you to do me the favor to look at me." I "Sir John," said Ralph, " I should think you would feel proud." i "Pr-roud, me boy!" said Sir Jehn; "I'm as pr-rond as as a puppy dog with ; a gladiolus In his mouth." Couldn't Atand It. "It's no use arguing, my dear, I am going to give up our pew in church. I can't stand that uew preacher any longer." "But, John " "Bc nothing, Maria. I haven't s'epi a wink for the last three Sunday mom 4:1 B&oUynJJfft - LET US ALL LAUGH. JOKES FROM THE PENS VARIOUS HUMORISTS. Or Pleasant Incident Occnrrlnat thi World Over Baying that Art Cheerful to the Old or Young Fan ny Selections that Ton Will Eqfojr. Hard Lack. Bangs What a remarkable memor) your wife has! Hangs Yes. I should say so! Sht remembers everything that I have beet lying desperately for years to forget i-Xew York World. "Real Bavin-. "Look!" twittered the new man; "lsn'i is just a lovely waistcoat? I made It myself out of one of her old sleeve Ain't I saving? Ind the other new man gazed at the garment in voluble admiration. IndV uapolls Journal. Lodk and Short of It. ITorr Knopf is so small and his book teeper so large that they are compelled communicate in the office through s i.jeaking tube. -Fliogende Blaetter. An Ase that Never Withers. 'I suppose you know in what age peo .lo got the most stuck on themselves? he pretty girl said. Young Mr. Youngiy, in his new sum mer clothes and moustache, said that really, you know, he hadn't he didn't tnow as that is, he "It was In the mucilage," the prettj .irl explained. New Yorl. Recorder. Sorry He Spoke. He Great heavens, woman! Do yoi Link I am made of money? She I wish you were. I could ge. ,oti changed then. Indianapolis Jour, aal. Depraved. The kettle began to sing. The pot was left alone - with hi .hough is. "I may be black He slyly winked his l!d "Hut my life soots me." New York .Vorld. WhT. Curry Why did the legislature decldt .o close barber shops on Sunday? Vokes Because being shaved by th ordinary barber Is so apt to put a man Into a profane and Impious mood or iunday mornings. Truth. Not Soothing no Is this the first time you've evet joen In love, darling? She (thoughtlessly) Yes; but It's so lice that I hope it won't be the last! tlxchauge. Encouraging:. The nostess Please sing, Mr. Tenor. The Tenor Really, you know, I have 10 voice. I The Hostess Oh, that won't matter rhey are all talking and they won't iiear you. Texas Slftlngs. By the Judge. 'I hear you were complainant In -ourt last week. What was the trou ble?" "Daunem split paint over my troiis rs and I wanted t j collect damages." "Did you win?" 'No, the case was thrown out o .ourt. The Judge said lie didn't see how I could make a suit, out of a pair of pants." New York Recorder. New Use for the Iaao. Getting ready. Caught New York Advertiser. Overheard at the Horse Shffw. "That horse Is full of ginger aai) seems well bred." "Yes; he's a sort of glngerbreae oorse." Philadelphia Record. A Ktasable Compllmeatt. Jack I am coming to the conclu sion that I must be something of an idiot. May Dear me! Why? - jack I bave noticed that the - most idi otic fellows woo and win the loveliest ;irls and here I am after winning the loveliest girl in the world. Maj On, Jack! (Ecstatic alienee)- Truth, P. DR. MAIL The Brooklyn Divine's Sunday Sermon. f.iTt-jecti "Opcu Windows. T mt . w:n lows b:n:r open in V .'RtiiSar low.iid Ji-rimile r." Duniftl vi., 1 '. The SfonndrHlr nrinH nf Persia, urinl :a by political j-nlou?y aninst Daniel, have vicexe led in cMting a hnr passed that w'-o. aim-nrprnrs to Go I shnll Im rut nnder tlx lws sn-t tiwHti of th lions who are lashing t)ieirslv ia nttre ami hunser up and down the won cape or putting their lower jaws ca tho uronM, bellowiac till the earth tre-nbl-n. Kut the leonine threat did hot h:t tier the devotions of Daniel, the ur de Lion of thn Bges. His enemies Ihey cculd lot snre him with the red hot farnitces, and tbey cannot now scare him wi:h the lion?. As soon as Daniel hears of mieht as well bave a lawthstthe snn should I "? 'PKa .out; pnotoCTnpns are xnwn not draw water, or that the south wind 1 ' "ose in standing or s.tting po,t ,ir. I should noi sweep across a garden of mag- j jow rememtar hut one picture of a man nolios'. or thtt God should be aboliZd. kneeling, and that was Oavld Lmntwtone. " J en "t m fnt he Iaavm hia . . flt , nt ennrA- steps and goes to his own house. He opens his window and puts the shutters back an-! pull" curtain aside s., t lint he can look ,rw i the sacred city of Jerusalem and heu .-y3. I snppose the people in the street gathered under and before his window and said: uici see that man uefyintt the law. H otipht lobe arrested." And the constabulary of the city rush to the police headquarters and report that Daniel is on his knees at the wide open window. "You are my prisoner,' tays the officer of the law, droppinz ti heavy band on the shoulder of the kneelinc? Daniel. As the constnbles open the door ol the cavern to thrust in their prisoner the' lee the glaring eves of the monsters. But Daniel becomes the first Hon tamer, aud they lick his hand and fawn at his feet, and that nitrht he sieeps with the shaggy mane of a wild beast for his pillow, while the king that night, sleeplesj in the palace, has on him the paw and teeth of a lion he cannot tame the lion of a remorseful eonseiem. What a pi-ttire it would be for some artit' Darius in the early titisk of morning not waiting for footmen or chariot, hastening tf the den, all flushed and nervous aud in dis habille, and looking through the crevices ot the e,ige to see what had become of his prim minister. "What, no sound:" he savs. Taulel is surely itevoured, and the Hon.-urn tleepicg after their horrid meal, the bone, otthe poor mm scattered across the floor ol the cavern." With trembling voice Dariitn rails out: 4,laniel? " No answer, for thu prophet is yet in profound slumber. But a lion more easily awakened, advances, and with hot breath blown through the crevice seems angrily to demand the cause of thi interruption, and then another wild beast lifts his mane from under Daniel's head, and the prophet, waking up. comes forth to re port himself all unhurt and well. But our rt stands us at Daniel's window opened reward Jerusalem. Why in that di rc:ion r.pen? Jerusalem was his nativ land, Knd all the pomp of his Babylonish sue ewses could not make him forget it. Hi raine there from Jerusalem at eighteen years cf agu, and he never visited it. though he lied to be eipl-ty-flve years. Yet when he wanted to ar use the deepest emotions an I rrandest eaptrations of hia heart he had hU window open toward his native Jerusalem, i'here ure many of you to-day who under Mrnd that without any exposition. This is getting to le a Nation of foreigners. They bave come into all occupations end profe. Mou-i. They sit in all churches. It may be twenty years ago since you tot your naturalization papers, and you may be thoroughly Americanized, bui you can't forget the land of your birth, anc your warmest sympathies go out toward it. Your windows are open toward Jerusalem. Your father and mother are buried there. It may have been a very humble borne i i which you were born, but your memory oS teu plays around it, and you hope some day to go and see it the hill, the tree, the brook, the bouse, the place so sacred, the door fron which you stinted ofT with parental blessin.: lotnekeyojr own way in the world an. Hod only j.nt ws how sometimes you havi longed to 6ee the familiar places of you' ;hildhood, and how in awful crises of life yoi would like to bave caught a glimpse ofthe'olt Wrinkled face lhat bent over you as you laj cn the gentle lap twenty or forty or flftT, roars ago. You may haveon this side of th) H risen in fortune, and like Daniel havt become great and may have come Into pros iierities which you never could have rcachei If you had staid there, and you tnav hav many windows to your house bay window! ind skylight windows and windows of con servatory and window-ton all sides but yoi bave at least one window open toward Jeru talem. When the foreign steamer comes to th wharf, you see the long line of sailors, with houldered mailbags, coming down the planks, carrying as many letters as you might suppose to be enough for a year's correspondence, and this repeated again and again during the week. Multitudes of them are letters front home, and at all the post offices of the land people will go to the win dow and anxiously ask for them, hundred! of thousands of persons finding that win dow ot foreign mails the open window toward Jerusalem. Messages that say "When ate you coming home to see us? Brother has vone into the army. Sister if dead. .Father and mother are getting very feeble. We are having a great struggle to ret on bere. Would you advise us to come to you, or will you come to us? All join in 'eve and hope to meet you, if not in thii world, then in a better. Goodby." I Yes, yes. In all these cities and amid the r -i Bui -imenc no leaves nts otnee or secre- 1 i , , r, . . C ' lory of state, with its upholstery of crimson b0X' heal1 iB ,h.'8 n,,s 'T"n he nil and Bold, and enmea Hnirn .he -hit- LTl. I to " ."""d OI hls here a Bowering Western prairies and on the sloiiej tooms sixteen feot s.puare for ea :h asceudina of the Pacific and amid the Sierras and ob ,oul. though this world should lose ltni,00l, the banks of the lagoon and on the ranchet XM) yearly. But ail the rooms vi heaven will of Texas there ts an uncounted multitude : ours, for they are family rooms, and af who this hour stand and sit and kneel witb Iheir windows open toward Jerusalem. Home of these people played on the heathei ui ine scouisn mns; some oi mum jwere j driven out by Irish famine; some ol ' them in early life drilled in the German army; some of them were accustomed at Lyous or Marseilles or Taris to see oo the street Victor Hugo and Gambetta; some chased the chamois among the Alnin i fireci pices; some plucked the rioe clusters rom Italian vineyard; some lifted theii faces under the midnight sua of Norway. It is no dishonor to our laud that they remem ber the place of their nativity. Miscreant? would they be if, while they have some o their windows opeu to take in the free ail and the sunlight of an atmosphere which nc kiugly despot has ever breathed, they forgot sometimes to open the window towarJ Jerusalem. No wonder that the son of tho Swiss, whet far away from home, bearing tne National air of his country sung, the malady of home sickness comes on hin? so power! ally as tc cause bis death. You have the example o: beroiij Daniel of my text for keeping earij memories fresh. Forget not the old folks at home. Write often, aud if you h ive a sur plus of means and they are poor make prac tical contribution, aud rejoice that America Is bound to all the world by ties of sanguin ity as in no otter Nation. Who cau doubt but it is appointea for the evangelization o: other lauds What a stirring, melt.ug, gos pelizing theory that ull the doors oi othei Nations are opeu toward us, while our win lows are opeu toward tiieml But Dauiel in the text kept this port hole or iiis domestlu fortress unclose 1 because J "rusaletn was the capital of saerei indu ces. There had smoked the sacrifice. re was the holy of holies. There was tht ; o.' the voveuaut. Tnereat-jod the te:n--. We are all tempted to keep our w.a ..vs oien ou I lie) opposite side lowari I ii 'id, iniu we may see and hear ii . . c , reprint-) ils advauiagj-i. What noes ; .i i-l fayr uiat noes the world thin-; at UO'-s the world do? Worshipers o i- -ri i in-, i i of w i -'i pers of Go I i Win Ion etv-.tto'i'Srl Corinth. Windows cpeis !c m.rc Athene. Windows open towar rtodom. Win- dowaapee. toward the nats ir I cvl of w.u- j aowa open tow.liu ine iiius. a; a hiwhki. ior this world JLA a go I is like something I saw iu the m fser.m of Strasburg, Germany 'he flgmeefa virgin in woo l and iron. victim la olden time was brought there, an t this flgme would open its arms to re'--v-bim, and once en.'olded thu figure closej with a hiinMre I ta'Tn an i lun uooo , nd thB lt hi n clr.jp iSl rwt hV-t -'o -. i. So th world fit t o;- .r:t.Ms t'- i-to:-i thn ofosofl -apon ti.-.-t with man v tori ur --. nd thnn ):s tliwi -'r jt forever io n. 'J V highest honor th WotM couii i-onf- r !: maltoit man i:noiu omi..', Wu- it i :xty-thw mr.ero.- it nttowea only, x ;c di peacefully in il-oi- Imu. The dominion of tins worl- ovH'-mu''". I tides is illnsi ratei l tlx : nam-s o:n I many countries. Xlicy have t r p'- s ol mom'y which they call s.jvec... . '-r .' snd half crowns, Nnoleons mil lia'f Vi poisons. Fruderii-ks aift ilouH- r- and fluents and JMbeMiu".-, tt'l or - i names zrean not so min-h u-'ulne-s u dominion. Thetnost of our window oi -,i toward the ex.'hanifx, toward the snlun f-1 fashion, toward tuo n l of this w..rM. I t olden times the Hnifth of the EdkmsIi yard jwas flxed by the length of thx arm of King Henry L. and we are apt to men-iire thin- J iv a variable standard and by tiie human arm that in the great crises of .life can itive us no help. Vi e neei, like Danil, to open our windows toward Ood and reliition. Bui. mark you, that eood lion tamer is not standing; at the window, but kneeling whi!-? snoriflned himself, and in the heart of Africa his servant, Majvara, found hini in the u'nt by the light of a candle Muck on l lie top ot (treat lion t&mer living under the dash ol the Hi-lit, and his hnit disheveled by the breeze, praying. The fact Is that a man can. see farthi on h s knees than standing on tiptoe. Jerusr.'cm wasaout KO statute miles from Babylon, and the v.i-l Arabian desert shifted its :,-!, nctwee-i them. Yet through that open windo-v Dan iel saw Jerusalem, saw nil bet- ;-..;, saw beyond, saw time, saw eternity, saw earth ind saw heaven. Would you like ft see tho way through four sins to pnrdo,i. through your tro'ilile.a :o comfort, through temptaliiui t-- rt.Si-.ie, :hroughdire sickness to immortal health, hrough night to day, through things terres Tial to things celestial you will not s.-w hem till vou take Daniel's posture No oaf f bone to the joints of the lingers , no cap d Kne to tit" jcinU of the eilmw. out cap ol lone to the knees, made so because the tioil if the body was the God of tho soui, ait'! special provision for those who want t. ray anil physiological structure joius wit: piritiml necessity iu btditiug Ui pray atv! t'ray uud pray. In olden time the Earl of Westmcirelan I laid he had no need to pray because he ha ! tuottgh pious tenants on ids estate t pray ; 'or him, but all the prayers of the chun-i luiversul amount to r thiug unless, lik" Daniel, we pray for our elvi-s. O men and iromeu, iHintided on one si'l't by Miailraclt'd redhot furuace anil tho ot'vr side by dr rouring lions, learn the secret of courage ind de'iverauee by looUin;: :.i that Haby. lonish window open towar.l t'ae southwest. "Oh," you so.y, ''that is the direction of tin Arabian desert." Yes. but on tne other sid bf the desert is Go.l, is Christ, is Jerusalem 's heaven. Homer's berven was an elysium which ht describes as a pifiiu at the end of the earth or beneath, rfilil no snow nor rainfall, aud Ihe sun never goes down, and Kliadoman Ihus. the justes: of ni- u, rules. Hesiod's heaven is whet ha calls fie islands of tlie blessed, in tfce midst of the ocean, three time9 a year blooming W'th most exuisiM Howe's, and the air is tinted with pur pic, while gams aad music Hnd horse races oiv trupy the time. The Scandinavian's beaveu was the hall oi Walhalln, where the go I Odiu gave uuen.lltig wine suppers to eartliK heros and heroines. The Mohammedan' heaven passes its disciples in over the bridge Al-Sirnt, which is finer than a hair ano harper til. in a sword, and then they are let loose into n riot of everlasting sensuality. The Atneii-an ni -rigines look forward to I heaven of iiltw'taMe. hunting ground, partridge and deir c . I wild duck more than plentiful, aud the hounds never off the scent, mdthftguus never missing fire. But the geographer fcas fo'.:o.ved thu earth round ind found H-:;'er's elysium. Voya- lers have traversed the deep in all direc Sous and found no Hesiod's islands of :he blesseifc Tne Mohammedan's celes aal debauchery anil .: e Indian's eternal Hinting ground for vust multitudes lave nocharm. Bbt h-r.- rolls in the Bible leaven. No more s -a that is, no wide sep. iration. No more uic-b' 'hat is, no insotu li a. No mora tears that is, no more heart Jreak. No more pa:r t!ta is, dismissal of ancet au I bitter dm ft and miasma and bate sbment of neuralgia.-, and catalepsies an.' tonsumntions. All rulor iu the wall except tlootny bla.-k. AM he uiusio in the majoi ley because .-e'ebratiK.' .ind jubilant. River crystalline, ga e crystalline and ikies crrstal'int- beai:'-. everything is cle.-n ind without divibt. White robes, and that neans sinlssness. Vials full of odors, ami that means pure regui.,ne":t of tho senses. Rainbow, and that means the storm is over. Marriage supper, uud tuat means gladdot lestivity. Twi.lve I'niiinsrof fruits, aud that neans luscious u:.d unending variety. Harp, trumpet, gr:"td inarch, uutlieni. ''neu and ItaMeluiali iu the same orehes- .rii. i.nurni meeting soio, anil overture meeting atitiphon. and strophe joining dithv. ramb, as they roll into the oceau of doxolo lies. And you and I have all that, and hav t forever through Christ if we will let Una Fith the blood of one wounded baud rub mtoursin, and with the other wounded land swing open theshiniug portals. Day aud night keep your window open to ward that Jerusalem. Sing n'toat it. Praj ibout it. Think about it. Tal.; aoout it. Dream about it. D. not be ine cisolnbU Ibout your friends who have j-1 into It Do not worry if something iu your .leart in iicates that you are not far olT from iti scstasies. Do not think that wjeu a L'liri-. :iau dies he stops, for he goes ou. An ingenious man has l.iiicu the heavenly 'urlongs as mentioned in Uevelation and uas :alculuted that there will be in heaven 1U!. ao room In your house Is too good ior youi :hildren, so all the rooms of all t!to palace; Df the beaveuly Jerusalem wiii be free u Uod's children, and even tho h.-oneroou will not be denied, and you may ruu up thi ieps of the tnrone, and put y'onr '....r.d oi the side of the throne, and sit do .. ncsi Ii the King according lo the promise, "f bin that overcometh will I grant to si. with Aii In My throne." But you cannot go in except as con(ncr-,rs Many years Hgo ih.i l urks and Curistiau; were in battle, and the Christians we.-a ue feated. and with their commander Stephen He 1 toward a fortress wnere the mother o! this commander was staying. When ?! saw her son a:i I his army iu I'lsgraceru, retruut. The had the gate., of the fortres. rolled -ant, Bnd th-Jli trom the top of til--battleiiii-ut cried out to her sjn, "Vou can not enter hen except as conqueror.'' Then brephen rallied ills forces and re turned tne l-attle and gained tue due, 20 ((W driving back 201,0 '. For thc3e win: are defeated iu battle w.'h sju uud lea:': and hfcii nothing but siia ;e und conte-iiiit. 1 ut for those who gaiu tins victory througt our Lord Jesus Christ tin-.'ates of liieNi-A lerusuleiu will hoist, tum tvere shall oe ai llouuilaut entrance ill the everiastini kingdom of our Lord. to-... r which you U well 10 keep your window.-) o n u. Tnluiltuei Siarci. Tomatoes are very .. ir . in too North aiiO -o iu great demand Ior iu,r." The Bumetenev of t.ie merit is t tnow that tby merit is -lot sttfliciont If a girl is a good mutch it B e-y for her to kindle a fit tne in a man's heart. The man who lives or ly for himself will not have many n'ouruers at lin funeral. Money talks, l-nt wi . nia' at t' e present ti... ' . an impediment :n Wind is s verv nh. V' propulsion of IuLhii i id s; you can't buii.l ruilrou a on it, nanv of us " '' have he bat lonr trn-her : if v that on u i " ; .r : all tri' g'TtiiLe.. a i nrt wno in tne cause oi uou ana civiiizntioii -a '1 'i-i ! I vi 11 il . i i i i i.4 m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers