Ss?Nf'!NKi.ft':rt:niKLJCA' M?FMNTOWS. W5 EA'LMUY, SEP- 55 IS33. B. F. EIER pr-iroa asjd raorailTOB,. REPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. fob jciicis or rut stpxaioa court. CHARLE3 E. RICE, of Luzerne. E. S. WILLARD, ot Lack-iwannt. HOWARD J. REEDER, of Northampton. JOH.S J. WICK HAM. of Beevcr. GEORGK B. ORLADY, of Huntingdon. J AUKS A. BEAY'F.ti, of Center. FOR STATE TREASURER. BENJAMIN J- HAYWOOD, of .Merc sr. REI'CRUCAS COIISTY TICKET. I'KVKTOR A. B. EVANS, or Delaware township. Coiostt. J. 0. BUO'.VN, of BR'e township. Some one of r.n inquiring mind wants to Lnow whether bin dates from the first crnln tree. - ., . . ., , TnxRE are over tbirtorn tnou"nnd ' I.llt. j.ri;i'U lu Ofll U UH1UUU1 " i-.not read or write. Fp.i:xcn Haulers have loaned tLo Spanish Government a large sum of i.onfrv and in t'uat way is helping to -hip tbe Cubfti.s. Av exchange reinirlcs tnat nomar r:od woaici, I-iok dissatisfied and mar- r;ed women lo k disappointed. Tbei cok of men are not commuted on. I The cotton S'atrs and Tnternation-! id Espo?;tion, wa9 st-irted at C o -dock P. 31., on the 18tb, by Presi d&nt Cleveland tottcbinsr an f-bctric button in b;s bomo at Groy Ga'.das-, near Waebington. Every t'ma (he Democratic party lowered tbe tariff, tbe timrs frrew hard and gold was drained out of the country to pay for tbe cheap poods, imported from foreign lands, and hat is tbe best nrgumsnt against a low tariff Peary has aaiu b?eu rescued from tbe Artie region, and he did'nt liod tbe Xorib Pule. lie was forced to cat Lin doj,-e it k9rp frovi starvicjr. He wriil from this on, leava si;ne oth er tain try to win fame hunting the North Pule. Ma. Bkhry, Prohibition candidate for Stito Treasurer i his pix;ech in tb-i Cjurt House last Thursday even ir.rr, said tbe g:M t;a syndicate have abort, word their gaiao to a f-ical Ioiut, will be redy in Ot'.bar to unload thi lnilli. ns of Greenbacks that they have been git'ierin, noon tbe Government, and demand that tbey ba re formed ii jold, and then will co:o a panic. A few weeks will suffice to toll whether Sir. Brry is correct in b'!a gtstemect. The battle of Cliicknmatiga. Tenn.. lonp;bt on tbo 13:h of Si-ptemb-irJ lWiii thirty-two years ago, wait cel ebrated by a re-uniou r-f mepibers of the of the Bius iad ti.oGrnv, last Thursday, September 19, 1893. If -"t-r a Govcnimsr.t likrt tlii, exist--od in the past, it 19 not m."nriond by tradition or history, whore toe CMi'VKTor fllowed tha coaquorcd to again resumj Ilia ofticc 3 ci Govern treiit. ard witb;:i tbe pfiried of a gen eration the two cinfliciing ekii.cata met to glorify ibeir deeds at one and tbe ?aiut time, on one und tbe same battle field. CAuroFMA is all attention over a prcs'.-ciJiioii for murder chains! a young man named Dnrraut.. Tbe cs-i is intet v'el by the fuel that the victirr T-;t- a yourg xroman, and tbe plaf f iier murder wrb in tho Emaa uel Ifap' church in Ufa Francisco. T'bo y-nng tian Durrant who is cbr.rgecl wih the murder had keyo by which Le could t-it-.t the church ai, any tii-ie, and while be wa3 looked unci) eh a worthy youn man, be was leading a double iifo and was thor oughly bad a man who was fallow 1- b.o appetites and lu4ts. Ha took vantage of his cood standingin tbe irt;gation apd made tho tuurch ulding an an.signation place, atid now muuy outrages be there perpe- rated, will never be known unless Lf - lakes coEf??sion, It is not prcsum ' d he beguiled the girl into tli . bnrch to mur-lnr her. He would not murder her after gratifying his lesire. But tbe girl bo murdered vas honest and pur, and unsuspect ing and after having been begu led into the church and there outraged or an outrage attempted, the would not be 6j'j'.'aed nud threat' aed ex posure, m il to escape from csponurc and its cotiKcq-t'-Mces, ho fiendishly itivudc-ed htr. What other motive could tbera have been for murdering tbe young woman. Durraut will get bis dues when ha is bung. A Boy Kills a Panther. A despatch to the Philadelphia Times under date of September 21, from Be!!efonte, Centra county, says: The -whole country around Smow Shoe, this county, was startled and pleased over tho great ieat accom plished by Charles Watson, aged 18, 2 telegriph operator on the Beech Creek ttailrpui at C'nrcnca Station, while out bunting for squirrels about 3 o'clock this afternoon. His dog was slurrying around in the under brush, and a!' of a sudden commenc ed a furious barking, which caused "tVa'ton to hasten forward. AVbcn he reached the spot, he i tood still, for there; before bis eyos,'ug as largo as an cx, wis amag nliicent specimen of a panther, switching bio ljrg tad and snarling at tho dog. The panther had not hs yet observed the boy. Ia a. moment Wiifson recovered biniseif aud quiet ly slipped out the cartridge from his gun, aud, replacing it with a buck shot bhel!, dropped on vuu knee, took careful aim and fired. Some T.'hat to his surprise the panther fell stone ileal iu ita tracks, one of the b::nksbot having penetrated its brain. Tue boy ran bomo to tell the news and get assistance to brieg the csr-c.i- into the depot, about a mile away. The panther is the finest specimen of the species ever seen hole, measnrisg thirteen feet from tho tip of its nose to th end of its tail and brought down the scales at 26," pounds. It is undoubtedly the animal that lhas l.en coraintilicg elepieeUfi ;ns urmn 1 thn region for the fir? vnre, carrying e-fT wholo 6hee ac J ctilven at a li'j-13 nail been huott-d for often. The carcass Las been sent to Ward of K-Hibesisr t-j be slurT-1 and mounted. Farm for Sale The nnderarpoed esoator of JesBe K:ce, lae of jpruce Kill township, Juniata county, P., will s I! on the preriiixiu, a farm of 121 acres, more or les". Iitmeai-titio iii'l, ii-.i'jsi and barn and ont-bjiidmt?, one milo on tnpt from Sprut e HiJl poet o2ice; a fiurttt i f a mile from ludcarora Val ley liiilroad Station. Sale at 1 o clock P. M.t oq Thurs lay.Sopteiaber 26 1895. Also at the same time and plac?. a tract of 4 acres of cleared :aud wirli boimo and Btabie and ou- bjildirgalo Sprues Hill towrjsbip. A's'J 50 acres, mro or b6, mountain land, fairly well timl)ered. Also 187 acrep, trore or Ires mountain land. And on Friday, Se; t?n;Wr 27, 1S95, be will sell a farm of 179 acres on tbe prt-mises, a half mile west of i'.cCvye vill, Tasciuora townsbip at 1 o'clock P. 31. Tlo improvtmenta are a I fnnie hoti3; I hajiliiis. Xi biuk barn and cut- no laii-.I is no.lnr alt clear, ior particulars, large poatira J W. Stimmel. ftbeunintinm Cured o n Da)" "Mystic C-jre" fnr Haeu'Eatisra and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 3 day?. Ils action upon tbe ji tem is rcmtirkabla and myHtfi ions. It rc moves at one tbe cans?, Rtd :be dis a in3me(iiat:dv disappcara. Tlie tirst gce.-ttly obnents, io (rorit. Sold by L. Banks & Co., tlrnggtsts Miln'ntown. Jan. 9, '9G. GOOD for active lady or gentleman acquaint', td witli neighborhood. Compensa tion fro-n $49 to $159 inouthiy H'ork outlined. Oulv ecergetic par ty, aiii'r.i'ions to succod, need apply Xo capital req.iircd. Address, iib. reference, sl.Ue age snd whether mar ried or single. Giobo Bildo Publisli iog Co., 723 Cuestuut Street, I'bila., Peiiua Rellefin Six Hours. Dii;'ri-.-s:rg Kidney ari'l Bbid.ler diseases r?ii.ived in six hours by tbe X.:w G.kat Soi;Ta American iItdnev Ci:re." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its seeding promptness in relieving paiu ia the bladder, ki 'ncys, back andevory pirt of tue urinary passages m ttrn'o or ; female. It re';eyts retention of ter and pain in passing it almost ;:n I mediittely. If you wa?t qn.-k r'tefl and cure this is your reined r. S j!d I by L. Banks & G., Drugget, Mtf-1 tl'-ntowri, Pi. 6. The (centime Merit of Hooj's Sarsapiri.lj whurever it is fa':, ly win? fricda 1 t.. n itftu 11 u:-tt; v ) muj. io nave period tieaiu:, yoa must Lave pave blood, and to? b -?t way to bav.n pura blood is to tvke Iiood'a Sarsaparilbj, tin bi;st bliod putilbu- and strength builder. It ex pels ai; taint, of scrofula, sale rheum and ail otIi.r Lunior?, and at tue same time builds up tho whole cya tc:u. . - 1 .1,1. Ws Ml Qci-i-t- 25::. are prompt aad ef- WHAT IS ELtCTFUCITYf Some of the NnmproiM Theories oa the Mydriou4 Current. Well, what 1 it? It is scarcely pos- stoio to say. liieriue theories many which wo cannot take a pint ; we can-1 not cat a piece- of it off and subject it to j analysis, nor cau wo pour a little cf it 1 into a boti lo for future study and ecu- j 1. t. i;i- n. .,.).., ;., : . , , -. effer-ts can be r.!isurod, its force, I strength r.ud quantity c:m now bo cal culaltd to a very nice degree. Still, to likeu it to the wind, it 13 a Ktupeudous power, a mighty typhoon, blowing, art It were, without moving, two ways at once aiong ail parls ot its path, giving ! oil' a halo of magnetism at vight anglos j to that path e very wh' re. Ono of tbo iiieait theories, perhaps, ia tlio one that considers electricity a "Ven dition" of atoms, brought about by action, as iu a battery cell, or by what miht be called a severe irrita tion cf the magnetic halo, as in a dyna mo, rnd by othr means, such as heat and fiiction. What this condition is is beyond cs; it may be a violent rotation, or it may bo an equally violent vibration of atoms! Probably tl:o pra light would prove it to !h a vibrr.fii.u. Lut as no man b:.;i seen an atom lit any time, not even with tho n:ost powerful micro scope, it is :t!po: ril)!o (o say. Fri.';?!.;n in Tonic form or i!:cr :s present, as bout i:i 1 n.i'.i:: r :1 l.' fi to burning, or de struction, f;:k"s niuce. Il-;cii:aiga II.1T7 to ,1 u.'ffe a I-.--k. V.'c knew that tho -Mo ;Icui:;, when they co:i ;c.;ercd Pcr.-i:i, fo'.it'd :u that country an inr.niucR.Ldo qnauiiiy 01 tiouks rud Kuenfific trisitise?:, and that their gva eral, Saad Ion Abl Oac-csis, asked Ca liph Omar by letter if ho would allow him to distribute t'.ioso books among tle true believers with tho rest of tbe booty. Omar answered him iu these terms: "Throw them into tho water. If they contain anything which caa faide men to the truth, wo have received from God what will guide us much better. If they contain errors, wo shall be well rid of them, thank God." In conse quence of this order ibo books were thrown into tho water and tho fire, :md tho literature and science e.f tho Per sians disapiiearcd. Notices et Extraits. Coattail liutta-.. The buttons at tho hacks of our ccats aro a survival. Formerly there was a batfoukole in tho forward corner of each skirt, and when u gentleman was walk ing or riding he turned his Ekirts and bnttoned them to tho bottom at his back. Tho buttons ou tho wrists of our coats aro relics cf the days when the fJeeyea were so long that they covered the tips of the fingers, and the cutfs were turned back and buttoned when the bands wero employed. Mohammed. The chief feature of Alobammcd's face was the pair cf great, lustrous eyes that shone out from his swarthy counte nance. They were intensely black aud glittering, aud when he was angry they seemed to turn green. Otherwise his face was not prep)3essing. When the Erie canal was being exca vated, live mollusks were found in a gravel stratum at a depth of 45 feet from the surface. LITTLE DAM E 3 AND MtiN. Wo mnst ell r nxtilier when Wo won Irttlo UaicM oud mm. Wbra each Borrow tUKK'xl woy with aU tt At onr little hearts and eyv Till ibe oir wss loU of ii;iis And the Vtishtcat day wiu turned to darkest titht How we'd weep, E'jvr we'J crix? To ocr littlo lK-Ci to tlot-. With we. k.siici qn CuijeU fact-s; even then Net a Bonl would ever know Half enr auny, uiid We ehotild synipathiaa with little dame and luun. Wo mitt oil ron-effibor when Vi'u tt-ere little dames aud men IT'ic-n we ujuvt tlio little ones from day today. A kind word i JeHt as chua;. And it einks to deaths as dit p Aa the harsh one yon were sending dowa their way. If yon know liow a few Orarlor nets and words from you Here planted ia their uouls, to hlomoin when (Kldin duyH of childhood penm To b uhrulows of n ulvnm, Stuwonld loveoud cherish litrlj dauica and -Xmt England BlaBaiino. Hlf4ERAL WOOL. The Procc by Vhlch th Uupful Klllrote Cotton is t'reduccd. Of those who knew what mineral wool is, or Filicata cotton, as it is kokio times culletl, prohably only a suiall uuu-ber a.9 familicr with tbo simple pioce by winch it ia made. Tho wool itself, cervine a variety of useful pur-;ia0!-:, us a nonconducting covcriu.1? n:iii!-t hcnf and cold alike, for Kteam pipos and cild p;orage rtoii walls, as a s.'i-:;d "deadener" in flooisof buildit!?s tcid as a UiCHUS of firoiirooAuK, auiouy r.!.:i:y o'.licrj, if, as its naaic implies, a cud woolly sabiUiOice, con.sistiuf? of a ia:i:;j of very line uiiucral fibers iuter-la:i:,-r cue another iu every direction, a:id thus forming an eudloa narubor oT EinnM air cells. The wot-! appears o:: the market iu a variety pf colors, principally white, but ef.ou ytllow or pray and occasionally tudto e.srk aud is tuude by converting hcoriul i:nd. cortain nx-ks while iu a r.!.'.!t!i bt:ito itsio a tibrotw coiuliUon by ttstcaml'fort d:rrct"d xp.inst the liquid ::iater:t.L I!h:.-:t foniato tdag fotms tliO raw uiaicrliil fjr oi'O variety of the wool and tan;k't.;6 for unotm-r, yielding re spectively slag wool and rock wool, tbo l.itUv l.-ciisy prtferablo for pije covering be.-au.-s of theabseeco frota it of sal I'hur, vhich, v. iih ir- sc!it, l c:o:ics an active corrcdiusj agent. Ylie fni-K'i o sl.ig or tho roi k, as the c-.isa may be, is melted iu a huge cupo la, c::d cs It trickk out at tbe tup hole i.u a Ei.incwisat r.lnRRi::b Ftreuai it moots a hith i-rcs'iire stcain jet whicli atom izr:! the v.'oo'o'i tniuc'-al, if it iu:y bo so t-cm;e;l, bln-.yiirg it i:i ;icav cloud.i into tho Sim;.;;.; ro-j'j rr vjK-'l for it tuft cud downy, tbe rtsft' ret! Irs wherever a r;sti:.'g place aijonli it.- It, tho l.eavicr a:iu easier wool coining clown uit, wnuo tho ligkf-r por:icr.s tire Mown farther along by tho f .wee of thesteara aul s; tlo in the ; distant party of the rovaa, the matorial thos naturally'i- itr'If into varieties of diflforet I quality. j A thou -and pounds ot wool i r lio'-r I are ttirii.d or:t by cue t f thecapolas, r'-'l pft'-r !'o storage r;oni ):9 b?o: I f -r t 'if ' 1 1 I bio .n fiui iioctxlcat tr.ass u puth.-d ' iiitQ b:'c. r-'o-Tv ".! !.- 'v-t. 'Pl-e , i , ' ..- f t "f 5 Jutereirf mg il!iiruut:.ii of t!:? at'.l!;t:-ja of an utterly wii.sto product. C;.c;ier'6 Magazine. t?l ralmjr De-rs Are Gone. Tim ji'L'giii.g futir, having bren driv en fiou more lucrative scheuie.i, has b-en reduced to u very common ljvel. One ot tbo cinsa who was recognized as hiiviug worn diamonds live years a.-o, pud who wits known a.; one of the most skillfnl shell workers iu tho country, Vi.-u tho center r f an eager group cf Ik;vs iu tl:e rca. of a big store r-t dinner hour Siatun'ay. Ho was Fcrdy ai:d rr.u down, cud a wrec'i of b:s foiiiifr dr.yi--, iudicut i.'ig that t'.iosbcll ewiudlo is too well knov.n nowadays to be successfully worked. He bad a basket in front cf him, con taining a number of small paper bags. In one baud lie held a pretty gold rint;, and this be pretended to put into cue of the bugi Tlit u ho sbook tho pile up. "Pick it out for a cent, boys 1" he cried many tinos. "It's in that one, "cried o:to. "There is," shoutpd another, and eo the boys vigorously t;u '.-.sed, but they (lulu t pro- , , J 1 duco the pennies. When the observer left, the decayed thimble ri.vger w;u still monotonously aud despairingly cidiing out : "Pick it out for p. cent, boys! There's no deception, and t'10 lucky boy gets a gold ring worth $."n'i. Pick it out for a cent !" Philadelphia Call. Ir!ntln5 Kamefl oa Frills. Tho rosy cheek of an nniilo is on the sunny side. The coloi lc apple grows in tho leafy slmae. Advantage may bo takeu of this to have n pleasant surprise for children. A pineo cf stiff paper placed around r.n enp'o in tho full sun will shade it, and if the Wary or Bobbio is cut in the paper so that tho sun can color the apple through theso stencHcd spaces tho little one can gather the ap ple for itself with tbo name printed on the fruit by natnro herself. Meehau's Monthly. The Honor More Tlmn Salary. The salary of an associate justice of the supreme court $10,000 per year Is not sufficient in itself to tempt a first class lawyer, but the honor is an attrac tion which is hard to resist. This ac counts for the fact that our highest ju dicial tribunal is equal to tho best courts of other countries, which are much better paid. St. Louis Globo-Deuiocrat- As the sword of tho best tempered metal is most flexible, so tho truly gen erous are most pliant aud courteous in their behavior to thoir inferiors. Ful ler. More than 1,000 forms of snow crys tals have been observed and copied. ejonstner tno great rDnivlt-de -f Chris tians who are constitutionally meapause of believing that there cau be gci in any other religious system than their own. How many Protestants aro there who hold it incredible that any good thing can come ont of Rome? Can you number the Romanists who aro without faith in anything the Protestants ever did? A similar peculiarity ia seen in races. There are many L-ishmen who can be lieve in nothing but Saxon "perfidy," many Poles who can believe in nothing but Russian "wickedness, many Bo hemians who can believe in nothing but the German "brute," and many Eng lishmen who can believe in nothing but the "unspeakable" Turk. All the Vear Round. "In the economy of nature," says a philosopher, "nothing is lost The in side of an orange may refresh one man, while the outside of the same fruit may serve as the medium for breaking an other man's leg. " The Orthodox Jewish congregations in this country number 816. They have 123 synagogues and also use 193 balls, .'hey chum a membership ot 57,507. A NEW JERSEY POKER STORY. t Poor Strsdsht riuslica Kesalt In an Equal I Division of the Stakes. ' A straight flush iu the great Ameri ' can game of draw peker is such a rr.rity that the person holding it isrpganded as one of the nio?;t fortuuatouud blessed of ; mortals. Devotees of that game will j pernse the following etory with incredu lity, bet its absoluto authenticity can ; be verifitd by at least ten thoroughly j reliablo witnesses : A party of four play era entered a place not a thousand niiks . from Summit one night not long ago : and prepared to enjoy a few houra of recreation at their favorito game. An other game iu progress at the time was fall, 60 tho four players were obliged to ' start at an adjoining table. The "jack pot" came around, eacn or the f arr players filled in, aud tho game proceeded. Tho cards, regulation pack, 03 cards, wero cut by the player to the right of the dealer and dealt out in the regular manner. The first player to the ltft of the dealer opened tho "jack pot," and each succeeding player in turn raised. The limit was 10 cents, and the players are usually light bottora, so that tho raising and lively chipping in beforo tho draw created considerable Enrptise. When tho dealer prepared to serve the cards for tho draw, eacL of tho players stood "pat," and tie betting again started. Yi'hen each of the players had chipped in $10, it was decided to stop the bet ting, as that amount had never before been wagered on a game In the place, and none of tho players could afford lo risk a greater amount. When the hands, wero shown, some of tho players almost succumbed to heart disease, for there lay four straight Sashes, one of each suit and all running from four to eight. Tho pot was dividtd, and the cards wero carefully put away lu a case to be preserved as a reminder of the greatest pxikor bauds ever held in this section end probably in tho United States. Summit (N. J. ) Record. OLD "JIM CROW." How l;!ce Zctrodnccxl This rnlqnc Char acter to tho Stnc. In the early twenties Thomas Dart mouth Rico first entered upon his theat rical career by "doing littlo uojrcbits," fiotween tho acts of plays, Eay3 the writer ia tho Boston Herald. While iu Lonisvillo tho theater at which be per formed looked out back upon an old stable yiu-d, around which there Was constantly lounging an old. decrepit slave named Jim Crow, who was so frightfully deformed cs to appear Inhu man. His left chonldcr r.lcpcd off from tho neck in a way that would indicate that tho bono had been inverted, iiis lower limu3 were dreadfully distorted, tho left knee In-in a huge bo:iy knot larger than hi.i head, which caused hhu to rucvo about with u pitiful, yet ludi crous, hobble. Ihis forlorn dr.rky was in the habit i f crooning a queer old truie, aud desig nated the close of each verse by taking a peculiar stop "rkin tie heel." Rice closely watched this unconscious per former, aud conceived the idea of pro ducing r. t'lmilarstago character, which, ho felt assured, would "take" wonder fully. Accordingly, he made up prcciso- ly aa the, oriyinal I "VPCl Tipojl morons versed to the air slightly changed and unlcktffd of the poor, wretched cripple. The audlouo? reeeoVed this innovation whb L:u-(a cf apphTuso, enct rini him a d- zen times the liest night. And thes "Jim Crow" Jumped into fame cud l'liinjoriab'ty. An Impomlblo A Hungarian paper says that FranctS Deak, the Hungarian statesman, ned to get rid of troublesome visitors by telling them the following etory : "Once, v hen in Paris, Napoleon and I paid a visit to a hospital for old soldiers. Here he perceived among the rest a man who had lost ono of his arms, and he entered into conversation with him. 'Where did yoa lose your arm ?" asked tho emperor. 'At Austoilitz, your majesty.' 'Then no doubt you curse tbo emperor and your country every tirao yon look at your mutilated limb?' 'No indeed,' pro tested the veteran, 'for the cinpt-ror and my native laud I would readily sacrifice my other arm if needs be. ' 'I can hardly believe that,' the emperor remarked and passed on. But the soldier, anxious to prove that he was in earnest, imme diately drew a caber from it sheath and lopped off his other arm. " Here Deak would pauso and fix a penot rating look on his visitor. "Well, what havo yon to soy of such a man and such an action?" "A most sublime act of self sacrifice 1 A truly noblo char acter !" This wa3 the stylo of reply in variably given. "But tho story has ono fliwv," he would gravely add. "What is that, pray?" "It is simply imprac ticable. How could a one armed man coctrivo to cut off Ms only remaining arm?" A Small Engines dillrilnar. The distinction of lxiiu(j tho smallest business establishment in this city i churned f.r a diminutive Georgia plt:e building at 8.ijK:wt lion: ton street, where is Icja'rd a candy, fn't and soda water bj:-'iue-n. Tho ctructnra isfilted tigMly between two towering brick vails cud covers an all.'vway surface which bad not hiihe-rio I wen cons-e.'.'.ved sr.- - ;.tilile of utilization. Ti;o cerjt tbo tiny place was $150, and it rents for $200 a year. Ita actual measure ments are 5 feet 4 inches front, 13 feet deep and 9 feet high. New York Her ald. Single Hen Chastised. Plato condemned tho single men to a fine, aud in Sparta they wero driven at stated times to the temple of Hercules by the women, who there drilled them in trno military style. Married a Foreigner. ' "So old Brown is married at last?" "Yes, and a fnrrinor, I 'oard. " "A foreigner? No, an English lady." "Oh, I 'eard as 'ow she was a Tar tar. " London Judy. ...... a Friend'.hlp. The pkuit of friendship grows only in tho warm air of cougeaiiality. Con fidence binds its parts tcge-ther and is the cohesive power of its nature, while sympathy is the b.'e giving tap coursing through every tibe r. It is r.n evergreen aud is indigenous to all labels. Iu most beautiful flowers rpcu during the night, and, while a perennial bloomer, it is moat fragrant in winter. Tinio cannot wither or destroy it; ape but strengthens and develops. C. S. Field. Adrlco. Writer Can you tell me where I can go to suffer oxcrutiating agony for a brief season? I'm writing a torture chapter in my novel and want to get it as near to nature as I cau. Critic Um um er oh, yes, I know just the place Come np to my house this evening. Tho young lady next door is going to have an amateur musicale. Detroit Free Press. The Comma The common bean was cultivated by the ancient Egyptians, but their priests regarded it as "unclean." The Old Testament mentions the bean twice,, and it is certain that the Hebrews knew of its existence at least 1,000 yean B. C THE ROMANCE OF THE TELEGRAPH. ftome of the Odd Diaccitiea of Operatise a Una ThronH Queer Coontriea, A good deal of romance hovers around tho means by which the world's news is gathered. Tho speed and ccuracy with which telegraph messages are trans mitted between the uttermost parts of the cLrth ia marvelous when tbe condi tions under which tbey are sometimes transmitted are considered. The ludo-Ruropean telegraph line offers a good illustration. It runs f rom London to Lowestoft on the east coast of England. It then dips under the sea to Emden, on the CJormaa coast, whence it pasces through Germuny to tbe Rus sian frontier. From this point the wire passes by way of Warsaw, Iiawno, Odes sa, tho Caucasus, and Tiflis to Persia,and by Tanris to Teheran, tho capital of the shah's queer domain. There it joins the Indian government lino which runs from the Persian capital to Bushise on tbo Persian gulf. Thence the wires run through Baluchistan, and complete the route by connecting at Karachi, in northern Iudia. Tbe operation of Ibis immoiiKe stretch of line, passing through countries of tueh varying climates and general characteristics, is obviously one of much difficulty. Oa the snow Bwept "steppes of Rus-da tho wires are sometimes snapped like thread by the rapid flight of fiockeof wild gese. The polos aro cut down and made into fire wool by the nomud tribes of tho Cau casiuu districts, and the cunning inn keepers of Georgia seek to boom their post horee by deliberately creating fault.1; in the wires. In certain parts of tho mountainous regions of Ar.ia the maintenance of tho solitary line involves uo little personal risk and hardship to tho staff h.tnds. Communication is often cut off by avalanches in the moun tain districts, and tho work of repairing after a nowf!l of five or six feet is do light matter. These mountain stations are provi sioned with ?overal mouths' supplies be fore tho winter sets in, as the staff will bo in touch with tho rest of tho world by tbe wire enly until tho spring weather opens cut tho passes. Iu these supplies are always iuclutled a liberal allowance of books and games where with to relievo the monotony of the tedious winter exile, New York Sun. THE SOUTHERN SUMMER. It Is Claimed Ti:it While Long It Ia Mot Opprccidvc. Wrong impressions aro hard to eradW cato from the human mind. In the noith and we.;t it is a popular delusion that southern summer.! are extremely hot and oppressive, and that life hero during tbo summer mouths is almost unbearable. This impression is formed upon no knowledge of the matter, but simply upon tho assumption that, as v.c nearer tho equator, it nTust nccew-arily bo much v.-annex tban in northern latitudes. An investiga tion of tli records of tho government weather btueuu will show that there is no groiyid for such an p.sumptiom. Onr summers aro long, but tbey are not unpleasant. Tho heat in tho north and west ia much mcio oppressive dur- ia June, July and August than in the 1 w-'i-s ,vt:i stiii?M-'wo are Pinn decidedly mere sultry. Otir long even ings aro delihtfal, anti a sultry night is et'hjoru esperic!,cCL Oar laborers work in tbo field;! all tLsy long, and suffer levs from tbo wf.rnitll than those of tbe north. Ia a uufidioll, our fcumin;ni compute fuvor..b!;r with those of any section of the Country, afid our long, pleasant, warm season ts a dovided advantage. Our fanners r.n oomnieuoo to work the lai:d long lieforc their corthern and We-slern brothers 1- ink of beginniug, und cm continue to utilise it months after they hare etopi-cd. In the towns and cities tho residents are exempted from heavy expenditures for worm win ter clothing, and for tho larger portion of the year the ouly fnel burned is for cooking pur pices. Iu comparison with the north aud west, it is doubtful if onr long, pleas ant summer is not as far superior to their short, blistering one cs onr sljort, mild winters aro io their long, frigid onea. Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser. Iwyrm Who Mt'to Their Own Wills. Bfany celebrated men have neglected to settle their affairs. Pen Jonson, Dry den and Sir Isaac Newton all elred in testate. Bacon Insolvent, and the epi gram on Butler's monument in tho ab bey Euflie.icutly explains why l.o and many others liko him never made a will: Tho poet's f;ito ia hero in emblem ehown: He alc9 fur bread and hu receives a stone. "Wills," suid Lord Coke, "and the construction of them do more perplex a man than any other, and to make a certain construct ion of them exceedeth jnri.sprudentium artem. " An old prov erb says that every man is cither a fool or a physician at 40. Sir H. Halford huppeuing one day to quote the Baying to a circle cf friends, Cunning humor ously inquired. Sir Henry, mayn't he be both?' ' At any rate experience teaches thnt lawyers who drr.w their own Wills sometimes make gieut mistakes. Sir Samuel Romilly's will was improperly wonted. Chief Baron Thompson 8 will bocuiuo the subject of chancery proceed ings, while the will of Bradley, the emiuent conveyancer, was actually set asida by Loul Thnrluw. Temple Bar. EXECUTOR'S SALE OS VALUABLE REAL ESTATE! Ths undersigned Executor of the last will and 'cstamcnt of Josyph E. Rufl'mn. late ot Fayette township, Juniata county, rennsrvsuia, will offer for sale on the prcmisrs in said township of Fayette, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER IS, 1SS5, at 1 o'clock in tbe afternoon, lbs following described real estate, to wit; A TRACT Of LAND, adjoining lacdi of Amanda Beashor, E. L. Jamison, C. D. Shedcnberger aad others, coatnimng: SO ACRES, more cr less mere or less, hav- ing thereon erected a OOOD FRAlf HOUSE, Frame Bask Bark and all 'ho necessary ont-buildings. There in a first class orchard oa the place: Apples, pears and other fruit. Ths Innd is Limestone Flint. About 25 .teres cleared; balance in Timber, and U mi listed less tban 1 nsilo east of ifcAUster. vilie. TERMS OF SALE 10 per cent, in cash on day of sale; 40 per cent, on April lit, 1856; balance April 1, 1897, with interest from April 1, lsa6, to be secured by judg ment in mortgage. Deed aud poisession Riven, April 1, 18W, Also at the same time and place: 1 horse, 1 cow. tanning implements, harness, wag on, Household Furmtnre, Carpets and oib r articles to numerous to mention. Lewis Diobh, Executor ot Joseph E. KaufTmxn, dee'd. September 18th. MORRIS MllS CRIES- A full line of all hardy FRUIT and OR. NfAMENTAL TREES, Shrubs, Evergreens, Vines, Eosas, Hedge plants, Ate. Agents, men or women, wanted tor immediate em ployment. Address, with reference to Morris Naraarias, West Chester, Pa. Get a good paper by subscribing for the SSSTISEL AM RCPUBLICAS. s. Weak, Tired, Nervous I was leellna; as" miserable as any one eonld feel, tired all the time, many times unable to go out on the street even after I had started. If I went up one flight of stairs I felt aa though I ahould falL I had palpitation of the heart and suffered matly with catarrh of the head and throat. I finally decided to try Hood's Baraapmrlua, and soon felt better. I used the third bottle and I then felt like a different person. I hose others in ill health will do as I did. If yon take Hood's Saraaparilia and use It faithfully I am sure yoa will be benefited. I have also found Hood's Fills to be of great benefit and I highly recommend them." Miss Jkssib FaaucovT, Saddle River, N.J. Hood'o Sarsaparilla lo the OnSy True Blood Pmiuci Prominently in the public eye today. Heed's PHI ro all liver Ills. 25c mmm Academy will prepare a person FOR COLLEGE IJVLESS TIME aud FOR LESS MOM EY than any other school in tbe State. Trv next rear. 40 weeks cost $100. J. Harry Dvsixgeb, Principal, Mifflin town, fonna. fa this S 13 (fit ia Kepi Active LSF NOT DZSE.LSIi, BCJPLE EXTRACT Z H av - r can tint hlu ;'l -tUtri. tin-. it)fi'.U,A yam itiriu$ii Xftll- ili-iiiiif Ar fTTl & n rTi lTtT, i itt the WJiUD over'. TQ am BY IHf MANXCRS S.r. SAIMlA CO S o. . uii4. ..x. V- v; - .s SAlVr.:iLLErl&iHiS A wonderful Improvement In Friction FrnN and, tsucK raoiionor f nrnaaca itmrmiR Utst aeanyuuierin tiieruarKec r rirllnnl luo h F c-I, cnuslne all tneftd gvarinz to H'anil Mill lillo buck mit: arrat MtTlna- power and irrr.r, Ken 1 ScenOOnntaaipn furlarKeettaloxneand prices AXro 4prtna Ilarrawa. liar ltake. t'ulliTatora, 'orriHiiteni,Sliellcra,etc. Jl-ntiun (Ai ;;;. HEBCU mtOJttUOla). Slrrs., Vork, fn. STEEL ROOFiriQ and SIDirJC. Llshtninc, Fire and Stona Precis Send tor I The Pen Ii Iraa R mm sual Oasiaw catalogue i aatiaut at prloak I 03,000.00 A YEAR FOR THE IKDUSTRIOUS. If roa want work tnat is pleasant ana proncaDte, send as yoar adaraM inunediatelr. We taeh awn and wossen how to earn from aa.OO per day to S.OOO per year wlthoat havhif baa prerieus exerieBee, and furiiUh I lie eniplo vnieut at wbtcli they can mak t bat anuauu jatUiufi dilhcult to teara er that reauiras atush Una. The work fc) easr, healthy, ana toaerabW, nd saa bedoae awr. Illg aavfHue ur To,nii)re, rum in wrg,i iwui- ilr, wherarer yoa lire. Tbe resalt T a (aw Btara' wwrk eAew eaamla a week's wbm We Kv tanrlit thraanKda of both seaws aal an aaes, and many harm laid foaadatloea that win surely otitis lurn ridic. ouiho ei im vaiarieHV mum la Ihis country owe tlMtr sueesss ia Hfa a the start aire them while la mr eanalty yenrs ao. Yoa, render, may lie as weH; try it. Tea eanaet fail. No enplral neaeemrr. Wefltyoaeut with something thst is new, solid, ami sure. A book briatf ul of advlee is (res to aU. Help rear, self by writ in for it to-day not to-saarrew. Delays are costly. H. C. ALLEN & OO., Bex 430, AUCUSTA, MAINE. Garfield Toas: P.u res Sick Head ache trawiv V v FESNSTLVADIA COLLEBE, GETTTSBCnC, PA Foaaded IB 1S3'J. Large Faculty. Two fu l courses of study Classical and Scientific, P Feci d courses in all depart ments. Obsi rvalory, Laboratories ana new Grmnssinro. Sfeam heat. Libraries, 22,000 volumes. Expenses low. Depirl roent of Hygiene and Physical Culture in charge of an experienced phystciau. Ac cessible by frequent railroal trains. Loca tion on the BATTLEFIELD ot Gettysburg, most pleassnf and healthy. PREPAR-a'a-AaaV nrpmTMLlT iu separ ate buildings, lor boys and youug man pre - paring tor business or tjouege, uuuer ial care of tbe PriscipsJ aod three asaist srts, residing with students in tbe bnildiag. Fall term opens September otb, 1893. For Catalogues, address H. W. MCKNIGHT. D. D., President, or BEV. O. G. KLINGER, A. M., Priccipsl, Qetttysburg, Pa, WOOL BOUGHT. II. L- COOPER, HO- 8 MORTII FROXTST., Correspondence Solicited. Philadelphia Long Distance Telephone 519. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. pERRT COUVTI RAI EBRT COUVTI RAILROAD. The following schedule went Into effect Nov. 19, 1893, aod the trains will bo run as follows: p. m 4 80 4 86 4 39 341 4 45 4.45 4 61 4 64 4 56 4 59 a.m 9 16 9 21 9 24 9 26 9 29 9 31 9 36 9 39 9 41 9 44 Leave Arrive Duncannon KiDg's Mill 'Sulphur Springs "Cornian Siding Montebello Park Weaver Roddy Hoffman Koyer Mahanoy BlootnHold Long's Road Nellson Dum's Elliotsburg Bcrnbeisl's Groen Pirk Montour June Landisburg a. m p. m 8 40 3 50 8 34 3 41 8 31 8 41 8 29 3 39 8 20 3 36 8 24 3 31 813 3 29 8 16 3 26 8 14 3 21 8 11 8 21 8 05 3 15 7 52 2 45 7 46 2 39 7 43 2 86 7 40 2 33 7 84 2 27 7 82 2 25 7 27 2 20 6 55 1 50 6 10 10 00 6 17 10 07 5 22 10 13 6 26 10 16 6 28 10 19 5 24 10 25 6 36 10 27 6 41 10 32 6 09 11 20 p. m a. m Arrive Leavo a. m p in Train leaves Bioomtlald at 6.10 a. in. and arrives at Landisburg at 6.47 a. in. Train leaver Landisburg at 6.14 p. in., and arrives at Bloomtield at 6. 61) p. ni. Trains leave Loysvilie tor Duncannon at 7. 220 a. in., and 2. 15 p. m. Returning, arrive at 10 37 a. m., and 4.66 p. m. Between Landisbnrg und Loysvilie trains run as lollows: Leave Landisbnrg for Loy -ville 6 65 a. m., and 1 60 p m., Loysvilie for Landisburc 11 10 a. m., and 5 09 p. m. All stations marked () are tlag stations, at which trains will come to a full stop on signal. Locis E. ATKUisoa. K. a. M. Ps jnsll ATKIKSOJI A. PEffNEL.1., ATTORNEYS-AT -LAW, M1FFLINTOWN, PA. CyCollecting and Conveyancing prompt ly attended to. Office On Main street, la place of reel dence of Louis K. Atkinson, Esq., south Bridgo street. fOct 26, 18P2. If-ILBERFORCE SCnWETES, Attoroey-at-Law District Attorney. MIFFLINTO'.TK, PA. OFFICE IN COURT HOUSE. DB.D.M.CBAWFO-lD, DK. DAKWi.t M.CRAV7rO?e JR. D. M. CRAWFORD & SON, have formed a partnership for the practic of Medicine and their coilattpral brauciics. Office at old stand, corner of Thirl and Or aoge streets, MifHintown, Pa. One cr toih of them will be found at their office at s'.I times, unless otherwise profession-dry ec cd. Apm 1st, 18t5. H. P. DERR, PRACTICAL DESTSST, (Graduate of tbe Philadelphia Dental Col lege,) formerly of Mifflinburg, Pa., has lo cated permanently in Mtfttintowny s suc cessor to the late Dr. (I. L. Derr, and will continue the denat business (cstibiUbed by the latter in 1360) at the well kaown of fice on Bridge street opposite Court Ijuse. U&- TEETH" EXTRACTED, ABSOLUTE LY WITHOUT PAIN. Ao CAloroform, Ether, or Gas used. No Sore Gums or Diseomfort to patient, either dnring extraction or afterwards All these are Guaranteed rr no charge will be made. All work guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. Terms, strictly cash. H. P. DERR, Practical Deutlat. CAUTION. TRESSPASS KOTICF. The nndersigned persons have associated them?efves togethor for tbe protection ot Willow Run Trout stream iu Lack town ship, Juniata Co., Pa. AU persons are strickly forbidden not to trespass np'n the land or stream of the said parties to fish as the stream has been stocked with trout Persons violation this noice, will be pros ecuted according to law. R. H. Patterson, T. H. Caruthtrs, J. P. Kob't A. Woodside, W. D. Walls, Frank Vawn, Dyson Vawn. April 23, 1895. " TRESPASS NOTICE. The nndcrsigntd persons hare formed an Association for the protection of their re. spective properties. All persons are here by notified not to trespass on tbo lands of the undersigned for the purpose of hunting gathering nuts, chiping timber or throwing down fences or firing timber in any way whatever. Any violation et the above no tice will be dealt with according to law. John MicliaO, William Puflenberger, Gideon Sieber, Beashor Jl Zook, Mary A. Brubaker, Joseph Rolhrock, John Byler, Famuel Bed. September 6, 1896. CHAUTAUQUA NURSERY CO., OFFER LIBERAL TERMS TOgAGENTS. Salary acd expenses or commission. High trade Stock at low specialties. Seed Potatoes, &e. MEM WUTED in every town. Steady wark. Pay Week. ly. Address, H. B. WILLIAMS, Sec'y Portland, N. T. Sep. 15,1896. AShSl."'! PAI..MS I Tenth Year. umih?n. I BlUSINEMS I fhBhf Commercial I MM Chestnut St, I t. Braachsa, Philadelphia, I rornished The maximum of kaowledeattn,mutauoiot 'ooat aXOWeifuaUw. TEX W. PAIdta. PreaU Cwnaumptlon Surely Cured. To Tan awws:- Flaass inform vonr rH.1 asatlhava a posture remadr tor the abore-n.mi By Ua timalj nae thousands of hspelesa oases have bean parmsnantly cared. I shall be gbul w asao swoBottlea of my remedy FBKE to auy of Toar laadam who bare eonatunotioa if ti.c-rriii asod m thatr Eipreas and P. O. addnaa. liaepect. tatty. X. A.aUX3UMM.C,llPaaoU.x. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Oa and after Sunday, May 20 1895, iraics will run as fo!ln,- ' WESTARD. Way Passenger, leaves Philadelphia at 4 30 a. ro; Harrisburg 8 18 a. m; Duncan non 8 54 a.m; New Port 9 24 a. lerstown 9 86 a. in; Dinword 9 43 Tbomsontown 9 47 a. tn; Van Dko '955 a. m; Tuscarora 9 59 a. ni; Mcxici," if) qo t m; Port Ro.val l' 07 a. m: Mifllin 10 it" m; Detiholm 10 21 a, rr.; LcwUtown lij 41) a ni; .McVejtown 11 f8 a. m; Newt(,n Usmilton 11 3 1 a. m; Mount Uninr. n 41) a, m; Huntiugdcu 12 10 p. ni; Tyrone 1 02 p. mj A'toona I 45 p ro; Pittsn-ir.?ti C) p. m Mfl'l Train leaves Phila l'-lfilr.n at 7 00 a! ro, Harrinburg 11 20 a. ni; Dunrannoa 1 1 5() a. tn; Newport 12 14 p. in; Mi!Hin 12 VJ p. m; Le-istosrn 1 12 p. in; UcVevtown 133 p. m; Mount Union 1 C6 p iu; Humin'lon 2 17 p. ro; Petersbnra; 2 30 p. m; Tyrone 3 05 p. in; Altoona 3 40 p. ni; i'i:it.lilr( 8 10 p. m. Altoona Accommodation Icavea Harris, burp; at 6 00 p. ra; Duncannon 5 HI p. mi Newport 6 02 p. m; JHillerstown 6 13 p. rn; Thoropsontown 6 24 p. m; Tiiicarora 0 35 p. m; .Mexico 6 37 p m; Port Royal (j i p. m; Mifliia 6 47 p. m; Denhol.11 6 o j p. Ul. Lowistown 7 13 p. m; JlfcVeytown 7 SH p. m; Newton Hamilton 8 00 p. iu; IIuiMitg' don 8 82 p. m; Tyrone 9 16 p. in; Altoon 50 p. m. Pacific Express leaves Philadelphia at 20 p. in; Harrisbur 3 10 a. m; alerts, v le 8 21 a. 111; Duncannon 3 38 a. ni; 2im. pi it 3 59 a. in; Port Royal 4 81 a. 01; Mir. ttin 4 87 a. m; Lenistown 4 58 a. ni; Mc VeitowaS 30 a. m; Huntingdon 6 OS a. ni; 'lyrone 6 55 a. ni; AltoODa 7 10 c. ni; Pittsburg 12 10 p. m. Oyster Express leaves Philadelphia at 4 40 p.m; Hanisburg at 10 20 p. in; Newport 11 06 p. m; Mifflin 11 40 p. ro; Lciri..twn 12 58 a. ta; Huntingdon 12 55 a. m.; 142 am; Altoona 2 00 a. m; I'ittst ur,; 5 30 a. in. Fast Line leaves Philadelphia at 12 25 p. m; Harrrisburg 3 50 p. in; Dui.caii'm 115 p. ni; Newport 4 37 p. ni; Miillin 5 10 p. iu. Lcwistown 6 29 p. iu; Mount Union e, e:p. ni; Huntingdon 6 28 p. ni; Tyrone 7 Wi p m; AitooDA 7 40 p ti; Pittsbars 11.50 p. 111. EASTWARD. Ilarrishiirg Accomma.iation leaves Al. toona at 5 00 a. m; T) roue a 2S a in; Hu:it ingrion 0 05 a. ni; Newton Il3Ui ''o 0 a. in; McVeylown 6 52 a. ni; Ll-wi'Ioau 7 15 a. in; Miiilin 7 35 a. nu Port Kiyal 7 44 a. in; Mexico 7 48 a. ro; Thomp-ou. town 8 02 a. 111; Millerstowti 8 12 a. Mewport 8 2- a. m; Duncmno'i 8 49 a f Harristmrg 9 20 a. m. Sea hore leaves Pitttsbnrg 3 10 a m; Al'oona 7 15 a ni; Tyrone 7 a tn; Hunt ingdon 8 30 a n;; .VcVevtovn 9 1 a ro: Lcwistown 9 35 a n; Miillin ' '5 a tn; Port Roval 9 59 a ai; Thompiontown 10 1 1; Millerstown 10 21 am; Nowp-.rl 10 32 a in; Dnnracnon 10 54 a ni; Marvsvillo 11 m; Harri-burg 1125a n-; Philadeh hi t .5 f.ij p ni. Ma;n Line Express leaves Pittsburg at 8 OO a. rc; A!!o-.:-a 11 40 a. nj; Tyron ; 12 03 p m; Iluntit.plon 12 35 p. in; Lewla townl33p. ni; .Mifflin 150 p. in; Ibiriis. 1 urg C 10 p. a;j Baltimore 6 l-i p. ni; U a.-h-ington 7 30 p. 11.; Phi'.t lelphia G Ti p. m; New York 9 23 ;. m MH leaves A:;oona st 2 CO p. ni, Tymns 2 35 p. in, lliiniiiigd.iti 3 2o p 1:1; ' a Harnilten 3 51 p. ni; McVeytown 4 l .'ji. ri; Lewistown 4 ::8 p. n ; Miillin 5i'i p. t.i. Port R ival 5 t! ; "'S .Wexico 5 13 p. in; Thompsoutoivn 5 p 11.; Millortown 5 3S p. m; Newport 5 l-i p. ni; Dancaun-ja 20 p. ni; Harrisbtirg 7 !0 r. ni. Mail Exprees leaves Pittsburg at 1 00 p. re.; G 05 p. in; Tytone ti 37 p m; Hunttugdon 7 20 p. ia; JlcVt; to v. it ? I p, n; Lewistown 8 25 p. r.i; 3 4 7 r. in; P.Tt R 'j-a! ? -2 f . Ill: JlUkTsroTT ir; Newuirl 5 9A p. r,.j r.UL.c.l.-C 1 p. oP. ni; IIrriburg 10 20 p. ru. Pbila'le'iphta Exprr-ss arsa Pifii-'trr at 4 30 p. 01; Altoona 9 05 p. m; Tvi:. ; p. rr; Hnntinirdon 10 12 p. ni: Mu:it i'a. icn 10 S2 p. ir; L:wUto;v:i 11 10 p p; Mif. Hin 11 37 p. ni; ilanisb ir? 1 00 a. mi; PLil adilpbia 4 30 Now Vcrli 7 C3 it. u. LEWISTOWN DIVISION. Trains for Suudnrr at 7 3-3 a. la. find h p. m., leave .SnnOtiry for Lcwistovru 10 Oo a. id, and 2 25 p. ni. TYRONE PIV1SON. Trjifs loave li r Pcllfl'ontf and Lo ' Uavt-a ft S 1" a. t.i... ? 34 pnl 7 25 p. ro. leave Lock liiv.3 ir Tyrona 4 89, 10 p. ni. an 14 15 p. m. TYRONE AND CLEAtiFlELD P.. R. i rtil':i hive Tyrone lor Cl-arH.-M and j Cu' e-nsvillc at 8 30 a. m.. 3 15 and 7 p. 11. . itu.e tiirntjuoTini: lur iroue:.i ' oj a. in , V 15 end 3 5 p ni. For, ratsp, maps, etc., call oa Ticket Agent.-, or address, Thos. E. Vi'att, F. A. W. IX. 110 Fifth Avenue, Pitta, burg, Pa. S. IvJ. Pkevost, J. R. Wooh, Gan'l Manager. Gcn'l Pass. Agt NEWrOP.T AKD SHEMMAN'S VAL lcy Railroad Company. Tims table of pas-eneer trains, in effect on M'Qdav, October 1st, 1894. STATIONS. West ward. East v.T.ri. 1 3 1 1 r M I 6 05 6 OS 6 12 6 15 6 25 6 22 6 31 6 39 6 51 6 54 7 15 7 12 7 17 7 23 7 I- 7 7 41 7 45 A if A M ! 6 15' 6 19; 6 2 6 35 6 40 6 44 6 51 6 59 7 10 7 20 7 05 7 33 7 41 7 ;!' 7 45 7 4S 7 52 7 55: r X 4 00 3 57 3 53 3 50 3 46 3 41 3 33 3 32 3 15 3 10 3 Vi 2 56 2 9 2 15 2 40 2 33 2 24 2 20 Newport BnflHlo Bridge Jnniata Furnace ... V, bneta Sylvan WatT Plug Bloomlield Jitnct'ti. VaUev Road Elliottsbursr Green Park Loysvilie ......... Fort Robeson Center Cisna's Run Ai'dersonbur? Blain Mount Pleasant ... New Gcrmant'n ... 10 00! 10 03 10 07 10 10: 10 17 10 20 10 26 10 S4 10 4i 10 49! 1 1 00! 11 07! 11 12 11 18 11 22i 11 30 11 36 11 40 D. GRING, President and Manager. C. Miller, General Agent. WANTED SALESMEN. Wo want a few men to sell a Choirs JCmm of Nnrse-ry Stock. Wo cannot muke you rich iu a monlh bnt can give you jcjis employment and will pay yen well for it. Our prices correspond with the times. Write for term and territory to THE IIAHKS' NURSERY CO.. July 14. 1895. Rochester, N. Y. S-1 Fo scents. We sen fWoj "("t S? ' L Chtaiiwue at tVh..le ; 3 t' . t t" .! Jf'rlee. fc!ir I'm aac-;rrit3 j t iTieari at same as asents tell oj "Jfy. oar atss) woi.-1-riins, i lbs., same assay &St!St. tiaarasteed same as aeU 611 for tii to flCO. hSXZ ROAD HSCER, 25 lbs. QSH Perfect ltnes. pcrfectsteerlnir. perfect rUJustnient. C:uaranU:e!l?aiut8 nin-nis roll xor I1SS ard fux V'Tittnn warranty "ith every mi;ehinv .'v r tirno - -i bur a b..-yrl IlironKuanrgpntyor. i-;-, ..-.t' or than ourwhotesale price for ei-. cjt.n.icy. il costa auout h much to sell bicycle througn ula and dealer as It doee to mjki teri. let rudaoaa and economy sucgot the hettrr way ana buy f rom us aireet at wliil.alJ frier bmps Illustrated Catalogue free. Acme Cycle Company, ELXilART, 2ND, A e:4 .1 . V. -r-4 '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers