- 'V - , "V----;' ; . f , 18 B. F. BOHWEIER, THE CONSTITUTION-THE UNION AND THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE LAWS. Kdlter VOL. XLIX. MIFFLINTOWN, JUNIATA COUNTY. PENNA.. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 2. 1895. NO. 42. SWillSi ISI. CHAPTER XV (Continued.) 1 Lnn I l.wt thi otlld " Ull'ld MsrSllcH Terr deliberately, "on that unlucky event J lng, and never could nna it; uui should not the robber have picKeu u up If ho found It, as he most probably die In the tent?" "Yon are a brave man to face mc ns yol do!" she exclaimed. "Rut I hold you it my hand. and she cliiirhed it. '"I will tell you who found it. and where! Youi sweet, beloved fiancee, when paying ml a private visit in my room, admiring mf ball-dress, espied the glitter of that dia mond among the lace on the body, wheri It had dropped when you struggled t stupefy me with your horrible cholorform,' Me, the woman you have been miikin love to ten minutes before who wai ready to give you all she had you busi midnight thief!" "Do hot be so positive. Might it no', have fallen among your lace ns we danced together, or when I was assisting to lift you?" "No. no, no," she cried, as if carried ou of herself, and speaking with immensl rapidity. "I saw it on your breast wheq you left me, and Nora, your Nora, told in you never touched me! It is useless de nying your guilt. Wnite, the detective, knows you. lie saw you here, here with me, before he started to pursue you. 11 was with you at Amsterdam, in l'aris, al Chanlaire, when you went to your sit-lt friend, De Meudou. He tracked you, hi can swear to you. I have paid hundred! to prove it, and I have you iu my grasp! She stopped, panting. Marsden rose slowly, his eyes fixed up n her. She was frightened by his silence, his desperate look. She, too, rose; bu her fury seemed to evaporate. "What are you going to do, Marsden?" she said, quivering. "You would not inur der me?" He laughed a strange, discordant laugh. "I am blackguard enough," he said) "but I would nut hurt a hair of your head. No! It is useless to contradict your as sertions. You have me, indeed, in you! grasp, and there is but one way of es tape." Ho moved to the door, but she wns too quick for him. Setting her back against It, she stretched out her arms to keep hiir off. "Yon .hnll not kill yourself! I forbid you! You nre bad, and base, but you be long to me you belong to mei -o, den, you shall not leave me!" "What Is Ufa to me? asked -uarsaen with a calm despair. "A dishonoring shackle! The sooner I am rid of it the better. I cannot struggle with you. H you have any pity, let mo go!" "I will not! 1 cannot! Oh! Marsden, how I have bated you! You have been 10 unspeakably false. To rob me, that you might shake me off and marry my rival. Yet," and her eyes softened as they rested on his fine face, so rigid in its despair, on his attitude, grand even In its expressive abandonment, "with U, I ennnot let you destroy yourself! If I could hope that gratitude would awaken anything lik affection, tenderness!" "I am not worth saving," interrupted Marsden, speaking more collectedly. lit began to calculate chances. "I know I have done a dastardly deed. I never saw Its full baseness till I was found out. He smiled a bitter.cynical smile. "That doe, not show much of a moral nature to work opon; but I have so much decency left that It is torture to be tinder your eye, to hear your Just reproaches. I do not ask for mercy. 4f you choose to call a policeman, do so. You will be in your right. I will not resist." , He folded his arms and stood quite still. "And do you not know I should tear ray own heart to pieces if I Injured you ?" she cried, in a passion of anger and love. "OhI I can save you! I will save you! if you promise to give me the love I long for! Can I not win you by such service as man never had offered him before? I can save more than your life." "I have no love to give!" said Marsden, In a low tone. "I have done with lore and friendship: and, however generous yo may be, how can you silence your de tective?" "I have bound up his Interest with hii iiscretion," she said, eagerly, still keep ing between Marsden and the door. "I tell you, your bitterest revenge Is to prevent my escaping life and Its intolera ble pangs." "And I tell you, she cried, hardening again, "that if you kill yourself I will blazon the story of your felony, your shame, to the whole world! I will my self describe to Nora I-'Kstrange your dis guises, your creeping to and fro to sell your plunder." "Silence!." interrupted Marsden, fierce ly, making a step forward, then recover ing himself. "It is not probable I can do anything to atone, to compensate. If 7 can " he broke off. Mrs. Ruthven paused and clasped he; hands tightly together. "If I hold my tongue none need ever know of your Infamy," she said, slowly. "It will bo a secret between our two selves. Ought not that to be an indis soluble bond of onion? There is not a breath of susplcon against yon. Waite'f Interest is distinctly to be silent. If 1 choose to submit to so great a loss, that if my affair." "It is a tremendous if," said Marsden. How am I to repay so huge a debt?" "By giving me your life," she returned In quickly resolute tones, "by giving m your name." "Do you remember that I am not ouly In love with Nora, but openly engaged t her?" "I do, ond breaking with her will ba t considerable part of your atonement. I know men tolerably well; you are quite capable of loving two." "You are right! My love for Nora is I cannot speak of it to you it has hith erto been the most, the only, spiritualized passion I ever knew; there has been no1 time as yet for It to become incarnate Now there Is In you an undertone of dev ilry that always attracted me." "Will you break with Nora for mj lake?" demanded Mrs. Ruthven, imperi us!y. "It could be managed," he returned tnougntfully, remembering his last inter view with her. "Be that as it may, I shall sever marry her nowl" "And my great sacrifice, will it not flraw yonr heart to mei" she cried. "Oh! I have been wild with lore and hate for you and I feel how madly- foolish and despicable I am to act as I dot" She burst into a passionate fit of jobbing. The light came back to Marsden's eyes. "You are a woman any man might lore," he said, "and as you wisely admit that men can lore two or more (we are Wtigl Jbroada tbaajwomaa, ao-Bora? aien), you shall have all the lore left in me, of my life-long gratitude you may be Jure. You are making a sorry bargain, I warn you. I shall never be the same again, but if you enre to be Mrs. Marsden af Evesleigh, so be it!" "Ah! you are simply selling yourself! And what a price I pay!" m "No! by heaven! I am grateful, and I always admired you! Even that night, when I unclasped your necklace I felt Inclined to kiss the pretty white throat that was so velvety soft to my sacrilegious touch!" ... "Ana wUy did you not? nad you brought back consciousness by kisses and ;ontided your dilliculties to me, all would Save been well!" cried the infatuated wo aian, throwing herself into his arms. What could a criminal so respited do but pay the tribute demanded with liberal lips? For the moment Marsden wns moved ind really grateful, though a bitter sense f being sold into slavery tinged his feel ings of relief. 'How could you be so fascinated by Nora L'Estrange?" asked Mrs. Ruthven, (till leaning against him and looking up in his face. "She never could under- itand you as I do, she never could share four feelings as I can." "She is whnt she is." said he, shortly, "and bus been an infinite misfortune to lie." "I am glad you see it." Mrs. Ruthven sat down on the sofa and signed to him to lit beside her. "Can I trust you, Mars Jen?" looking intently into his face. "I think so. Dictate your own terms lettle everything on yourself everything of mine that is available. I shall never feel more than a dependent on your char ity." "You must not say that. You will see .bat, together, we shall command society." "Tell me," resumed Marsden, after a moment's pause, "before we drop this ac cursed subject forever, how did that de tective fellow see me?" "Do you remember an engineer, a Mr. Colville, calling here and speaking to me of his having a little girl, who was my god-daughter?" "Yes. Shirley was here." "That man was Waite. I wanted him :o see you. I wnnted to test the complete ness of his disguise by defying Shirley's -ecognition. Shirley found him for me." "(Jood God, has Shirley any suspicion?" "Not the faintest. Do not doubt; I took every precaution to shield the name I might possibly bear. I waited, oh, how impatiently! hoping you would avow your love and difficulties to me, then I should have hidden my knowledge even from you; but when I found you were going to marry Nora L'Estrange, to expose me to the contemptuous pity of all your world nnd mine, I was on the verge of getting a warrant of committal against you. Mj relapse saved you. Ay, and saved me. Does not Nora love you intensely?" with keen curiosity. Marsden understood the drift of th question. "It would be nnehivalrons to boast, aid he, with a significant smile. A look of delight in the Buffering she hoped to inflict gleimed in Mrs. Kuthven's large dark eyes. "I must let you go, dearest," she said. laying her hand caressingly on his shoul der, yet he fancied with a toucn ot pro prietorship. "But you will be sure to re turn to dinner, and be sure you do not to to the L'Estrange's. A letter will do innch better than an interview." "An Interview? God forbid!" he ex ;laimed, with unmistakable sincerity. "How pleased Lady Donington wiL be," said Mrs. Ruthven, meditatively. "Oh, charmed," returned Marsden, while he thought how cruel fat had been in permitting his affectionate interlocutor to leave Chedworth alive. "I must leave rou now," he said. "I feel I must b alone. I am still dizzy and unhinged with with the sense of your great goodness." "But you will come back? You will not So yourself any harm?" anxiously. "No. I don't think I have pluck enough left to blow my brains out, or rather you have given me a fresh rest for life. You are looking awfully exhausted. You must lie down and rest." "Do you care enough for me to wish I should rest?" How can you doubt? Good-by for the present" A little further tribute, and bf I Bed from her. half mad with rage, de spair and self-contempt. His ruling motive for the last few minutes had been to escape from Mr Ruthven, to be alone with his crushing sense of discovery and defeat. He had been utterly out-wltted, he was at the mercy of a deeply injured woman a wo man from whom he shrunk revolted, all the more because he had injured her. The force of degradation could no fur ther go, and he had been such a doubly damned fool as to believe himself safe! That he could defy this keen, subtle, tenacious woman, and hug himself in the belief that by so base, so shabby a crime, he could secure an adorable creature like Nora! He had said truly that failure, de tection, showed him tbe depth of shams Into which he had fallen. Had he suc ceeded, it would not have occurred to him to repent Still aglow with the passion Nora had Inspired, it was torture to give her up; yet he had so much sense of right left, ot rather restored, that he felt it would bf equally torture to meet her eyes, to lieai her voice, knowing he was a despicable outcast, from whom, was she bnt aware of his true character, she would turn with corn and loathing. Why, if he had mur dered a man In nng?r, he thought as he paced his room, or sat with locked doors, his head buried i his hands, he could face the world with comparative bold ness, and yet, how unjust opinon is! What real harm had he done Mrs. Ruth ten? Only deprived her of a few bauble he looked quite as well without He had not robbed her of any comfort frnces itv. or of money or lands. Why had he been so unlucky as to have taken such an overpowering fancy to a girl like Nora, unapproachable save by tbe tremendous sacrifice of marriage? This was realiy the mainspring of his misfortunes. As to the future, he shuddered to think of it Why should he not escape it? As to his solemn promise to Mrs. Ruthven, 1 that weighed but lightly on his souL What stayed his hand was partly the ce moralization which seemed to paralyze him, but chiefly his dread of being hope lessly disgraced in Nora's eyes. She had immense power over him, and he had said truly, that all of good in him was linked with, his feelings for her. No! he might have had resolution to end his ruined life, had he not felt convinced that Mrs. Ruthven, furious at being robbed of her prey, would tell all and make the worst of all to Nora. No: the one shred of comfort in the heU he had created for himself, was to remain unblemished In Nora's eyes. He wod. affect Jo rejeas her by noble effort of self-denial, and per haps she would give him a kind thought perhaps, when wearied of a monotonous life with Winton or some other prig, a regretful thought. What a Bhain life was altogether! Was Nora as true, as real, as she seemed? Yes, now, he would swear, but how long would her truth last the wear and tear of the world? Well, he had escaped detection, and for Nora's sake, for his sister's, his name's sake, he had better drift with the tide which seemed sitting in his favor. His only way of enduring existence was to forget there waa a yesterday or a to-morrow. But dine with that woman, who was his mistress in the crudest sense, he could not nt least, to-day. No; io-day he must be alone; he must be free to swal low, unchecked, such an amount of bur gundy, champagne, braudjr, as might drown the intolerable rage and remorse that maddened him. His Incoherent note of excuse, however, only brought Nemesis opon him, in the shape fcf Mra.Rutb.ven herself, wrapped In shawls and turs, who sent op an urgent message, and sat in her carriage at the hotel door till her captive joined her. auJ was taken off in triumph. (To be continued.) FATALITIES AT SEA. Lame Increase Shown by tbe Report of the Inspector General. The records of the United States steamboat inspection service, which during the last nineteen years has been under the direction of Gen. Dutnont as Inspector General.show that during the last fiscal year the number of lives lost on steam vessels was approximate ly 3U8. This was an Increase over the average of the preceding eighteen year of 12S. This great Increase was caused by the large loss of life by the foundering of the steamship Collma, recently, off the Pacific coast This makes the average for the last nine teen years 24T. The highest previous annual loss was 580 In 1874. The low est was 133, In 1880. Notwithstanding the .great increase In the number of vessels since 1870 over 100 per cent- there have been but 759 disasters to steam vessels, with a loss of but 5,057 lives, the number of passengers car ried per annum having increased from 122,580,130, carried in 1870, to not less than 650,000,000, carried in 1S02. The average loss of life under the law of 1S32 was one person to every 250.1SI passengers carried, while under the act of 1871, which greatly Improved the efficiency of the service, there was only one life lost In 2.708,333 passen gers carried, or a reduction In the number of lives lost of nearly 11 to 1 In proportion to the number of passen gers carried. The service consists of about 175 officers and clerks, one su pervising Inspector general, ten super vising Inspectors of districts, under whom are local Inspectors, divided among the various customs collection districts of the United States. One of the most striking Instances of the ben efits derived from the powers con ferred upon Inspectors under the law Is the almost entire absence of intem perance at tbe present time upon the part of licensed officers. An alleged defect In the laws, and one which has caused much criticism, is In the local Inspectors' power to In vestigate the cause of boiler explosions and casualties to steam vessels, thus giving tbe Inspectors the right to pass Judgment upon their own acts. The present head of the Inspection service. Gen. Dumont, shares in the opinion of the opponents of such power, and has, unsuccessfully however, endeavored to have the laws amended to correct the evil. As long ago as 1889 he called attention In his annual report to the matter, and suggested a remedy in the form of a bill, which, however, never became a law. The bill provided for a court of Inquiry, to be appointed by the Secretary of the Treasury, to in vestigate acta of local inspectors in granting licenses, etc., such court to consist of three supervising Inspectors of other districts than the one In which the Inspector belongs. It Is very likely that this matter will again be brought before Congress at the next session. No Song, No Supper. Those men that undertake to train birds bow to sing the notes of musical Instruments usually teach their pupils In classes seven birds to a class, for Instance. Girls and boys that have studied under the best of masters, at the best of schools, have an enviable time compared with the poor birds, who are shut up In a dark room to start with, and are, moreover, half starred If they are too long in begin ning their task of imitation. On the ether hand. If they get on nicely and are fairly "quick at the uptake," the light will be gradually admitted and their hunger will be partly relieved, to reward their efforts and encourage them to higher things. As soon as they come to find that a little light and food accompany song, in the long run they learn to sing of their own accord for these necessities of life. The flute is the chief Instrument used in these bird classes. News in Brief. The waters of North America are stocked with 1800 different varieties of fisb. A mastodon skeleton unearthed in Border County, Texas, in August, 1894, had tusks attached to the skull which were ten feet long. Remarkable is the case of the seventy-seven-year-old citizen of Neat Falls, Wash., who is growing young again. Hn hair is changing from white to black, his eye brightens and his muscles are as limber at an angle worms. Alderman John Sheehan. of Buffalo, N. r., saved a Tolack's life, The Pole, to jrove his gratitude, offered Sheeban his baby boy as a gift, explaining that he was poor and had nothing else. Sheehan declined with thanks. The only dyes impervious to the bleaching power of the son's rays are Prussian bine and chrome yellow. A pair oi horses ran away in Car- j fmr jjttle cnildren in it. Jnst as every 1 one waa expecting they'd be killed .one , . . . "., .,. .j u stopped. Children and horses " 'JL were all aaveo. NOTES OF THE DAY. A copperhead snake seven feet long was killed in a cigar store in Franklin, N. J., recently. Microbes killed a bank clerk lately who, in counting a pile of bank notes. moistened his fingers with his Hps. A Maine physician prescribes for nervous exhaustion toracod chowder, and the patient must capture his own cod. Atlanta, Ga., is the only city In the United States that has a house con structed wholly of paper from founda tion to chimney. A petrified frog, found In an Elmlra, N. Y., stone quarry In lSStt was two feet and eight Inches In length and weighed over 100 pounds. Tin Is said to have been discovered In Huerfano County. Colorado, In bet ter paying quantities than any other place In the United States. B. H. Freeman, of Toomsboro, Ga., once kept a moccasin snake, tightly sealed up In a bottle, for two years without food or water, "yet it lived and grew fat" In 1S92 the cost of the election In En gland was 958.522, an average of a little over 4 shillings a vote. In 1S74 each vote cost 14 to 15 shillings, and in 1ST.9 over f 1. The amount of New England rum ent from Boston to Africa has decreas ed In the last two years from 1,025,220 gallons to 501,2(55. The cause of this decrease Is not given. The very largest "standplpe" In the United States is at the corner of Sev enteenth and Crocker streets, Des Moines, Iowa. It is 135 feet high and twenty odd feet ia diameter. The French Government has pur chased for the Luxembourg gallery a landscape, "Summer," by Maurice Cul len, a native of St John's, Newfound land. It was exhibited at the Champ de Mars salon. The Louvre has recently become the possessor of a valuable Greek Inscrip tion found In the neighborhood of Djcr ach. in Syria. It contains portions of an ancient law concerning vineyards and their protection against thieves. The Italian Naval Committee is said (o have examined and reported favor ably upon a new type of armor-clad of the first class. The plans, by Signor Hrln, are said to be entirely different from any existing, either In Italy or abroad. The chief characteristics are very high speed and .the submersion of very nearly the whole body of the ves sel. The cleaning of men's straw hats, ays the. New York Mall and Express, by means of a whirling wheel, soap, water, brushes and hot Irons, Is spread ing to all parts of the city, and where there were only a few places down town early In the summer they can aow be found oa most of the busy busi ness avenues and streets as far nortb els 125th street An item of Rubinstein's will set aside i sum of money the interest of which, ifter accumulating five years, was to form a prize for the best piano con ?erto, a condition of the bequest being that It should be performed for the first time 1n public by the composer himself. The first of these competitions will take place in Berlin this week, the next in Vienna In 1900, and the third In l'aris in 1905. The Secretary 'to the Anstro-Hunga-rian Chamber of Commerce has In formed the world nt large that a great exhibition will be held at Buda-I'esth aext year in commemoration of the foundation of the Hungarian kingdom inder Arpad, 1,000 years ago. The ex hibition will be on a scale of great mag ilflcence, organized under the auspices f Francis Joseph, apostolic king of lungary. 1 Waterford Is almost the only town n Connecticut that, after calling a iieotlng to vote on taking advantage f the law for Improving highways, sas decided against going on with the work. The meeting was held Wediies iay and several speeches In favor of -oad building were made, but the sentl nent of the meeting was the other way ind the proposition was voted down jy an overwhelming majority. John Norton, who Is 93 years old, has lived all his life in his house near Com jounce Lake, Connecticut and, al mough he has been In sight of both the Northampton Division of the ConsoII lated and of the New England Rail road, never rode In a car of any kind intil recently. The old gentleman is sale and hearty, with all of his facul ties keen and alert and has a good prospect of living to be 100. He seemed enjoy his ride very much. A mortgage was put on recorda gainst :he First Baptist Church of Cincinnati. It Is In favor of Rev. C. Lockwood, who is about to retire from the pasto rate, and his wife. The church owes Mr. Lockwood $1,000 salary, and Mrs. Lockwood the same amount as money borrowed for some church improve ments. The mortgage Is to secure these amounts. This church Is the oldest jne of the denomination in Cincinnati. The "agricultural ants" of Sonora, Mexico, are said to plant fields of rain and regularly harvest their crops, jpon which they depend wholly for ?ood. In fact, should the crops fall, ;hey would perish of famlme. On the ther hand, the cereals that they grow aave been specialized by cultivation, like the wheat and other grains of the Human husbandman, and. It ia stated. would quickly disappear if the insect aeglected to attend to them. It is not generally known that the roung flat fish have an eye on each tide of the body, and that It la only in :he adult stage that the eyes are both n one side. There has been much dis russlon among scientific men as to the mode In which the change tafces place, trat In the flounder the eye has been bserved to travel over the ridge of the head, while In some other fish It pasaea directly through the soft tisane sf tbe young fish to the other Wide. A remarkable coincidence is noted In fhe family of Mrs. Matilda Craig, who tlvea near Sand Hill. Ky. She la the !ldeat child of a family of twelve call- lren. Her mother waa the youngest fhlld of a dosep children. Mrs. Craig 1 Is tbe mother of twlTeklMsa. Each K thee famllM had a pair ot twlna. waa married on the 3d of May. If aha lives until the 8d of next May she and , her husband will celebrate tneir goiae wedding. Paul Kreuper, of South Bend, Ind., retiring township trustee, upon cast lng up his accounts, found himself $5,000 short, and, without waiting for a re-examlnatlon, and nearly crazy with excitement be notified some of his bondsmen, and there was the mis chief to pay. The deputy county audit or found Kreuper toying with a re volver and well-nigh distracted, and the deputy sent him honve and called In an expert A re-examlnatlon demon strated that not only was there no shortage, but a balance was due to Mb Kreuper. Miss Dora Remsen, daughter of Isaac P. Remsen, of Jamaica, L. I., was sent to Bloomlngdnle asylum lost week, a raving maniac. Miss Remsen was a stout young woman, and a few months ago commenced taking a quack flesh reducer. In a short while the compound affected her mind. She was removed to the Amltyvllle hospital, and in a short while grew worse. She was then brought to her father's bouse here. A few days ago Miss Remsen tried to assault her mother. Then it was de cided to remove the unfortunate gltf to Bloomtngdale. It Is the custom of fishermen all along the Maine coast to pre-empt certain watery claims, to which they have no more real right than any other free- born American citizens, and the man who attempts to venture within these undefined boundaries gets Into trouble. It makes no difference whether alleged trespassers find any paraphernalia or other signs of fishing In the locality or not It Is related that tbe master of the sloop Ranger, of Eagle Island, re cently placed fifty lobster traps off Sears Island, which Is rather celebrat ed for its aalmon fishery, and during the captain's absence twenty or more of them were utterly destroyed, as a gentle hint that those waters and the lobsters therein besportlng belonged to other parties. A Cnrions Custom in Alaska. A fact remarkable to our civilized women Is the one that Alaska squaws make their ages public. They wear a piece of wood or bone In the lower lip, the size of tbe ornament Indicating the age of the owner. When a girl mar ries her lower lip la pierced and a peg of wood or a piece of bone the size of a pea inserted. As she grows older this Is Increased In size until It Is almost as wide as her chin, and one-fourth of an Inch high. The result is naturally most unsightly. . There Is an Interesting family at Fort Wrangel, which illus trates perfectly this peculiar custom. It Includes four generations. A young giri may be seen sitting at one side of the one-i-oome.l square house, while ner mother, grandmother and great- grandmother are squatted on the earth en floor near tbe door, offering mats and baskets to the ship's passengers who come on shore. There is no dis figuring ornament on the girl's chin, but there Is a big one on the Hp of the great-grandmother. Chicago Tribune. Odds Against Macedonia. Turkey has sent to the scene of the Macedonian outbreak fourteen battal ions of Infantry, nine squadrons of cav alry, and nine field batteries to put down the Christians of that province. As if the odds were not large enough against the Macedonians, the Christian powers, Germany, Austria, Italy and England, It is reported, have reached an agreement which agreement is not to let the Macedonian Christians go too far In putting down the unspeakable Turks. It Is astonishing the amount of consideration these cruel and bestial orientals receive from the great pow ers. As they have failed thus far; how ever, In any scheme to protect the Armenian Christians there Is no reason to expect that the Macedonian cry "come over and help ns" will be an swered. Chicago Tribune. Quite Proper. Surely It is in a measure unkind to faugh at one who is determined to do the proper thing! Says Scottish Nights! A young farmer from the upper ward of Lanarkshire, who became a bene dict recently, took his spouse to a Glas gow theater on their honeymoon trip. "I see," said the bridegroom, con sulting one of the large posters dis played outside the theater before enter ing, "that there's a guld wheen differ ent kind o' seats. There's pit and stalls and dress circle and family circle and gallery. Which should we hae, Mag gie?" "Weel, Jamie," replied the buxom bride, with a becoming blush, "seeln that we're malrrit noo, maybe It wad be malr proper to sit in the falm'ly cir cle." The New' York Is Steady. The New York, of the American line, Chough not the fastest, has the best record for regularity of any of the Atlantic fleet Her average time has not varied for years, and she can be expected almost on tbe minute every voyage. She has crossed the Atlantic more times than any other steamer of her age, and has been more regular about it The New York made four teen trips westward, in 1803, with an average time of 6 days 24 hours and 45 minutes. Her sailing distance was 2,770 miles. In 1893 she made thirteen trips, eastbound, with an average of 0 days 20 hours and 30 minutes, which was just one minute faster than her westbound time that year. In 1894 she made fifteen tripe, with an average time of 6 days 20 hours and 24 minutes. Therefore, In crossing the ocean flfty leven times In both directions, at all seasons of the year, her widest varia tion for two years was only 1 hour and 21 minutes. London Engineer. BmarC Ha Tha sea la very rough! She So would you be If you were crossed aa often. Town Topics. Two Kinds of Paleness. "Yon are awfully pale," said Esmer alda Longcoffln to Birdie McGlnnla. "Yes, I know I am pale; but my pale. Dees la natural. It cornea from-dye pepsla; but you got your paleness bj the box from th drug atore.' Ian TUa. . l , . -t.st HEY. DUBLIGL The Brooklyn Divine's Sunday Sermon. Subject: "Rough Sailing. Text: "And there were also with Him other little ships, an1 them arose a great storm of wind." Mark iv., 36. 37. Tiberias, Galilee and Oennewirnt were three names for the same lake. It lay in a scene of great luxuriance. Thesnrroundin hills, high, terraced, sloping, gorged, were so many hnmring gardens of beauty. The streams tumbled down through rocks of gray and red limwtone, rd flashing from the hillside bounded to the sea. Ia tho limn of our Lord the valleys, headlands and ridges were covered thickly with vretatlon. and so great was the variety of climate that the palm tree of the torrid and th walnut tree of rigomns elimnte were only a little way apart. Men in vineyards and olive gardens were gathering up the riches for the oi! press. Tho hills and valleys were starred and crimsoned with flowers, from which Christ took Histext, and the disciples learned lessons of patience and trust It seemed as If God had dashed a wave of beauty on all the scene nntil It hung dripping from the rocks, the hills, the oleanders. On the back of the Lebanon range the glory of theearthly icene was carried up as if to set it in rangt With the hills ot heaven. No other gem ever hnd so exquisite a set ting as lieautiful Gennesaret. The waters were clear and sweet and thickly inhahited.tempt Ing innumerable nets and affording a liveli hood for great populations. Kethsaidn. Chor azin and Capernaum stood on the hank roar ing with wheels of trafllc and flashing with splendid equipages, and shooting their ves sels across the lake, bringing merchandise for Damascus and passing great cargoes of wealthy product. Pleasure boats of Roman gentlemen and fishing smacks of the coun try people, who had come down to cast a net there, passed each other with nod and shout and welcome, or side by side swung idly at the moorin ;. Talace and luxuriant liatb and vineyard, tower and shadowy arbor, looking off upon the calm sweet scene as the evening shadows began to drop, and Her mon, with its head covered with perpetual snow, in the glow of the setting sun looked like a white besrded prophet ready to ascend in a chariot of Are. I thiuk wo shall have a quiet night! Not a leaf winks in the air or ripple disturbs the surface of Gennesaret. The shadows of the great headlands stalk olear across the water. The voices of sveninetide, how drowsily they strike the ear the splash of the boatman's oar. and the thumping of the capture! fish on the boat's bottom, and those Indescribable sou mis which fill the air at nightfall. You hasten up the beach of the lake a little way, and there you find an excitement as of an embarkation. A flotilla is pushing ont from the western shore of the lake not a squad ron with deadly armament, not a clipper to ply with valuable merchandise, not piratic vessels with grappling hook to hug to death whatever they could seize, but a flotilla laden with messengers of light nnd mercy and peace. Jesus Is In the front ship. His friends and ndmirr are in the small boats following after. Christ, by the rocking of the boat and the fatteues of the preaching exercisss of the day. is induced to slumber, and I see Him In the stern of the boat, with a pillow perhaps extemporized out of a fish erman's coat, sound asleep. The breeies of Ihe lake run their flngersthrongh the locks of the wornout sleeper, and on its surface there riselh and falleth the light ship, like a child on the bosom of its sleeping mother! Calm night. Ktarry night. Beautiful night. Itnn np all the sails, and ply all the oars, nnd let the boats the big boat and the small boats go gliding over gentle Gennesaret. The sailors prophesy a change In the weather. Clomls begin to travel np the sky and congregate. After awhile, even the passengers hear the moan of the storm, which comes on with rapid strides and with all the terrors of hurricane and darkness. The boat, caught in the sudden fury .trembles like a deer at bay amid tho wild clangor of the hounds. Great patches of foam are Bung through the air. The loosened sails, flapping in the wind, crack like pistols. The small boats poised on the white cliff of the driven sea tremble like ocean petrels, aad (hen plunge Into tho trough with torrifla swoop nntil a wave strikes them with thun der crack, and overboard go the cordage, (he tackling and the masts, and the drenched jlsoiplns rush into the stern of the boat and jhont amid the hurricane, "Master, earest Thou not that we perish?" That great per nnnro lifted his head from the fisherman's leoat ami walked ont to the prow of the vessel and looked upon the storm. On all sides were tho small boats tossing In helplessness, ami from them came the cries ot drowning men. By the flash of lightning I se tho calmness of the uncovered brow of Jesus and tho spray of the sea dripping from His beard. He has two words of command one for tho wind, the other for the sen. H) looks into the tem pestuous heavens and He cries "Peace!" and then He looks down into the infuriate waters and He says, "Be still!" Tho thunders beat a retreat. The waves fall flat on their faces. The extinguished stars rekindle theirtorehoi. The foam melts. The storm Is dead. And while the crew are untangling tho cordago and tho cables and haling out the water from the hold of the ship the disciples stand wonder struck, now gazing into the calnj sky, now gazing into the calm sea, now gazing Into the calm face of Jesus, and whispering one to another, "What mam ner of man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey HimV" I learn, first, from this subject that wb.es. you are going to take a voyage ot any kind you ought to have Christ in the ship. Tha fact Is that those boats would all have gone to the bottom if Christ had not been there. Now, you are about to voyage out Into some new enterprise into some new business re lation. You are going to plan some great matter of profit. I hope It is so. If you are content to go along in the treadmill course and plan nothingnew, you are not fulfilling your mission. What you can do by the ut most tension of body, mind and soul that yon are bound to do. You have no right to he colonel of a reiiriment if God calls yon to command an army. You have no right to be stoker in a steamer if God commands you to be admiral of the navy. You have no right to engineer a ferryboat from river bank to river bank if God commands you to en gineer a Cunarder from New York to Liver pool. But whatever enterprise you under take, and on whatever voyage you start, be sure to take Christ in the ship. Here are men largely prospered. The seed of a small en terprise grew IUIO u wwuuuwiwi mu vtw ahadnwinff suoocess. Their oup of prosper ity is running over. Every day sees a com meroial or a mechanical triumph. Yet they are not puffed up. They acknowledge the God who grows the harvests and gives them all their prosperity. When disaster comes that destroys others, they are only helped Into higher experiences. The coldest winds that ever blew down from snow capped Her mon and tossed Gennesaret into foam and agony could sot hurt them. Let the winds Mow nntil thev eraok their cheeks. Let the breakers boom all Is well, Christ Is In the ship. Here are other men, the prey ot uncertainties. When they suc ceed, they strut mrougn tne warm in great vanity and wipe their feet on the sensitive ness of others. Disaster comes, and they are utterly down. They are good sailors on a fair day, when the sky is elear and the sea is smooth, hut they cannot outride a storm. After awhile the packet is tossed abeam'a end. and it seems as it sue must go down with all the cargo. Push out from the shore witu lifeboat, long boat, shallow and pin nace. You cannot save the crew. The storm twists off the masts. The sea rises up to take down the vessel. Down she goes! No Christ to that ship. I speak of young people whose voyage in life will be a mingling of sunshine and ot darkness, of arctic blast and of tropical tor nado. Yon will have many a long, bright day of prosperity. The skies elear, the set smooth. The erew exhtlarant. The boat stanch will bound merrily over the billows. Crowd on all the canvas. Heigh, hoi Land ahead! Bat suppose that sickness pots Its bitter enn to ronr Hoe; suDDOse thai death . overshadows your heart; suppose mlsfor I rone, with some qniok turn of the wheel, I burls yon backward; suppose that the wave i ox rruu serves jva Hinn niufiv, auu ' sprit shivered, aad. fca&ajdsjpwspt Into taa sea, and gangway crowded with piratical dis asters, and the wave beneath, and the sky above, and the darkness around are filled with the clamor of voices of destruction. Oh, then you will want Christ In the ship! I learn, in the next place, that people who follow Christ must not always expect smooth sailing. When these disciples got into the small boats, thev said "What a delightful thing this is! Who would not bo a followet of Chri3t when he can ride in one or thes.. small boats after the ship In which Jesus is sailing?" But when the storm camo down these disciples found out that following Jesus did not always make smooth sailing. So you have found out, and so I have found out. If there are anv people who you won in think ought to have had a good time in get ting out of this world, the apostles ouesns Christ ought to have been the men. Havfl vou ever noticed how they got out of the world? St. James lost his head; St. Philip was hong to death against a pillar; St. Matthew was struct to rteatn ny a naioer.i; St. Mark waa dragged to death through the streets; 8t James the Less hal his brains dashed ont with a fuller's club; St. Matthias was stoned to death; St Thomas was struck through with a spear. John Husa In the Ire, the Albigenses. the Waldenses, the Jeotch Covenanters did they always And smooth sailing? Why go so far? There is a young man in a store in New rork who has a hard time to maintain his Christian character. All the clerks laugh t him, the employers in that store laugh at him, and when he loses his patience they sav, "You are pretty Christian!" Not so pasv is it for that voung man io iouow Christ. If the Lord did not help him hour by hour, he would fail. There are scores of young men to-day who would be willing to testify that in following Christ one does not always find smooth sailing. There is a Christian girl. In her homo they do not like Christ She has hard work to get a silent place In which to shv ner nravers. Father opposed to religion; mother opposed to re ligion: brothers and sisters opposed to relii. Ion. The Christian girl does not always find It smooth sailing when she trios to follow Tesus. But be of good heart. As seafarers, when winds are aead ahead, bv setting the ship on starboard tack and bracing the yards make the winds that oppose the course pro pel the ship forward, so opposing troubles, through Christ, veering around tho bowsprit of faith, will waft you to heaven when, if the winds bad been abaft, they might have rocked and sung you to sleep, and while dreaming of the destined port of heaven you could not have heard the cry of warning and would have gone crashing into the breakers. Again, mv subject teaches me that good people sometimes got very much frightene.1. From the tone and manner of those disciples as they rushed into the stern of the vessel and woke Christ up, you know that they are fearfully scared. And so It Is now that von often find good people wildly agitated. 'Oh! savs some Christian man, "the liin-lel magazines, the bad newspapers, the spirit ualistic societies, the importation of so many oreign errors, the cnurch of tiol is going to he lost, the ship is going to founder! The ihip is going down!" What are you fright ened about? An old lion goes into his cav ern to take a sleep, an I he lies down until his shaggy mane covers his paws. Mean while the spiders outside begin to spin we ovorthe mouth of his cavern nnd say. "That lion cannot break ont through this web, and they keep on spinning the gossamer threads until they get the mouth of the cavern covered over. "Now, thev say, "the lion's done, tho lion's done." After awhile the lion awakes and shakes himself, and he walks out fro tho cavern, nvr knowing there were any spiders webs, and with his voice he sha'ce tho mountain. Let the infidels nnd the skeptics of this day go on spinning their web-, spinning their infi del go-isamer theories, spinning them all over the placo where Christ seems to be sleeping. T'ley say "Christ can never again come out. The work is done. If can never get through this logical web wo have been spinning. The day will come when the Lion of Judah's tribe will rouse himself and come forth an I shake mightly tbe Nations. What then all your gossamer threads? What is a spider's web to an aroused lion? Do not fret, than, about tho world's going backward. It is going for ward. You stand on the banks of the sea when the tide is rising. The almanac says the tide is rising, but the wave comes up to a certain point and then it recedes. "Why," you say, "the tide is going back." No. it ia not. The next wavocomes up a little higher, and it goes back. Again you say the tide is going out. And the next time tho wave comes to a higher point, and then to a higher point. Notwithstanding all these recessions at last all the shipping of the world knows it is high tide. So it is with the cause of Christ In the world. One year it comes up to one point, ami we are greatly encouraged. Then it scorns to go back next year. We say the tide Is going out. Next year it comes to a higher point anil falls back, and next year it comes to a still higher point and falls hack, but all tho time it is advancing, nntil it shall be full tide, "and the earth shall l-e full of tho knowledge of God as tho waters till tho va." Again, I learn Trom this subject that Clirit is Ood and man in tho same person. 1 go into the back part of that boat, and I looi on Christ's sleeping face an i see in that face tho story of sorrow and weariness, and a deeper shadow comos over His fa-re, and I think He must be dreaming of the cross that istocome. As I stand on the hack part of the boat looking on His face I sny; "Ho Is a man! He is a man!" But when I see Him oome to tho prow of the boat, and tho sea kneels in His presence, and the winds fold their wings at His command, I say: "Ho is God! He Is God!" The hand that sot up the stormy pillars of the universe wiping away the tears of an or phan! When I want pity and sympa thy. I go into the bank part of this bo-it, an I I look at Him. and I say: "O Lord Jesus, Thou weary One, Thou suffering One. have mercy on me!" "Eoee homo!" Behold the man! But when I want courage for tho con flict of life, when I want some ono to beat down my enemies, when I want faith for the great future, then I come to the front of the boat and I see Christ standing there in all n. Omnipotence, ff?T say, vO Christ, Thoi who couldst hush the storm can hush all m sorrows, all my temptations, all my lears!'' "Ecce Deus!" Behold the God I learn also from this subjoct that Christ can hush the tempest. Some of you, mj hearers, have a heavy load of troubles. Some of you have wept until you can weep no more. Perhaps Go 1 took the sweetest child out of your house, the ono that asked the most curious questions, the ono that hung around you with greatest fondness. The gravedigger's spade eut down through yonr bleeding heart. Or perhaps it was the only one that you had. and your soul has ever since been like a desolated castle, where the birds of the nh.ht hoot amid the falling towers and along the crumbling stairway. Or perhaps It was an aged mother that was called away. You used to send for her when f ou had any kind of trouble. She wai n your home to welcome your children Into life, when they died she was there to pity you. You know that the old hand will never do any more kinlnesi for you, and the look ot white hair that you keep so well in the casket of the locket does pot look so well as it did on the day when she moved it back from the wrinkled fore head under the old fashioned bonnet in the ehurch in the country. Or perhaps yout property has gone. Yon said, 'There, I have so much in bank stock, so much I have In loads, so much I have in securities.' Suddenly it is all gone. Alas! for the man who onoe had plenty of money, but who has hardly enough now for the morning market ing. No storm ever swept over Gennesaret like that whish has gone trampling its thunden over your quaking souu But you awoke IvUrisi in mo iu& pari ui iiiw ,ui, uijiuki "Master, carest Thou not that I perish?" and unrlst rose up ana quieiea yuu. ,wiuubu' lng the tempest. There is one storm into whioh we must at run. When a man lets go this life to take hold of the next. I do not care how much trace he has, he will want it alt What is (hat out yonder? That is a dying - Christian pnebad on tha surses of death. Winds tnat have w rooked magnificent flotillas of poms and worldlv power oome down on that Ohristain soul. All the spirits of darkness (earn to be let loose, for it la their last (banco. The wailing of kindred seems ta (lingle with the swirl of the waters, and the unamoltlia wind and the thunder of the tk-r. TJeen to deeo. billow to billow, vet no biimor.no gloom, no terror, no sighing tot mmiMUm Tbe fact's that trois Ihe back pirt of the hont a voico sings out, "When thou passest through tho wntere I will be with thee." By the flash of tho storm the dying Christian sees that tho harbor if only Just ahead. From heavenly castle voices ot welcome come over the waters. Peace drops on the angry wave as the storm lobs Itself to rest like a child falling asleep mid tears and trouble. Curut hath hushed the tempest. THEY COURT INSULT. 4llllH-rH Opinion of Itypcrson-dtlve Fe. ninlt-9 of Molrit Society. Says Amber in the Chicago Herald A man, was once walking alon,; a country road. The morning was blithe with dew and bird-song, and the wav wound by many a musical brook and Mowing mead, until lost at last within the embrasure of a eafy wood. fe.The man was heavily burdened. It one hand he carried an iron pot and a live chicken by the legs, in the other a stalT, and a cord to which vas attached a gamesome pun. .vhortly before enteritis the foresi the man was overtaken by a buxom aiaid. For a time they journeyed to rether in pleasant conver-io. The aiaid was goinc forth to gather win tergrecn berries, she said, and for that purpose she carried a bright tin pail. Hardly had they entered the umbrageous shade of the forest be fore she dropped her pail and la gan '.o shriek with terror. 'For heaven's sake what is tin matter?" exclaimed the man, while the chicken squawked, the puf frisked and the maid continued her jiercing cries. "I fear that you are going to kiS'. me here in these lonely woods," she lobbed, "and I cannot help myself." "You talk nonsense," 'said the man; "how do yon sup; oe 1 could kiss you if I wanted to with my hands o full-" "Nothing easier," moaned tht maid, '-All you would have to dc would be to slick your stair into ihe ground and fasten the dog to it, then put your chicken down and turn tho Iron pot over it to keep it troru run ning awav. Oh, what shall 1 do, what shall I do, with nobody nigh to iinder?" "Well thought out!'' cried tht man, and handed the maid the i ail to hold while he secured the dog, after which he imprisoned th; chicken and proceeded to kiss the ihrieking maid. The fable is exemplified from day to day by tho-e people who are al ways on the alert lor inMiits. Thev never ride in the car, nor go on a Journey, nor walk through a crowded passageway, nor sit in a restaurant, nor travel in the streets hut what some one either looks, suggests or docs something to shock them. True modesty is n t always on the lookout for oITense, any more than a homing (love turns aside to troop with vaga bond crows. True modesty is not easily alTrontcd and is slow to think vil. If a girl is brought up right slu leeds no champeron to protect her. Her own dainty d.scrimination, het Dwn sweet sense of savo:r faire will carry her the wide world over as tne May morning carries a bird through Its aure air or as June carries a rose In its bright bosom. I do not mean to say that the pure woui'-u are not sometimes molested through no fault ot their own. But such caws are rare. They form exceptions to the broad and general rule, if a woman Is forced to be on the street iate at, night she need fear little or no annoy ance if she goes quickly and quietly jn her way without side glances ol iistrust and ear. Very lew men ill speak to a woman who seems un llarmed and thoroughly about her business. 1 read in the evening pa per not long ago of a woman who was waiting on a crowd-il thoroughfare tor a delayed cable train. A stranger who stood beside her remarked rjii llly: "Tnis is pr.-tty tough waiting lo long in the cold." The woni.in ap pealed to a policeman for prouvtioii from insult. That was fully as had is the cause of the shrieking maid in the fable. Any woman who would De such a fool as to deem herself in. lulled because a fellow w.iyfarci umght to condole with her on mutual Hardships ought to be finally insulted fith a shotgun. Such a half-wit would serve her day and generation Setter dead than living. What are ivc, anyway, that we should stand iloof from one another? A company f raw recruits under marching jrders to the grave; a flock of sheep raveling together to a common fold: I Might of birds winging their war through mingled sun and shade from the north to the sout h land. Why mould we hesitate then, to give free-ting one to another as we jour ney on? The world would be an in finitely sweeter place to tarry if we move in touch with one another and ast ceremony to the Winds where It belongs. 1 have seen hut few people rvho could carry hauteur and unneces sary reserve gracefully, and they weie vax ligures in the museum. Tho Ituttlc or M-iv Orleans. Concerning the claim made by a Sltlzen of Sew Orleans, that Mar- ihal Moreau of France, and not Gen. Ia- kson, was the real hero of the fa mous battle, a correspondent of the New York Times writes: "It is not inrprlsing that there is no mention 3f the wonderlul part played by Mor. jau in the battle of iscw Orleans, for that great soldier was wounded at the battle of liresden in August, 181.1, and died on ind of September, almost exactly fifteen months before la-kson took command at New Or- A French medical authority av erts that death caused by a fall from t exeat height is absolutely painless. he mind acts Tory rapidly for a time: hen unconsciousness ensues. In England there is one divorce to 577 marriages; in France one to eighty seven marriages, ana in the city ot Paris one to thirteen marriages. A girl named Boyd, inTJrbana, 111., has ceven living grandparents, two grandmothers, two great grandmoth ers, one grcat-greaUgrandmother, a grandfather and a great-grandfather. And the great-grandmother is only eighty. London's Philharmonic Society, the lost stronghold of the old high pitch in music, has finally adopted the Frenoh pitch, the diapason normal. 'A ' l;i is 13 P." n AS M iii Ml
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers