1 1 ‘ 1 . . ‘ \ ' . fl.i i 1 Wli‘l‘i‘ mil-[W .' 4W ww / ~95: Hm - ~ 91,-»: .. _, v ; _ ~ , ~-, » ~ '- 4‘ ‘5. -; -——- .9.” ——-«~ ~-—v~~—~ra - - ..,___.__ 1 _ i ISREC‘I-U- -‘~'""t'£‘3- .1 11 EPgbylic sue. . 4 ‘ Valuation and Assessment for 1865. ‘ , _ °-- 1 5 NWDKSA.IheBIhdrofFEBXU-_ ‘ . 1‘ ‘-—-- ”FUR’M’HOH FREE 1 0 1111? nut, the Aenbncriberfiltending {0: IX Ilium!“ 0’ 'l ‘6‘ “MN, M the "ll day 011111}, "42, £llO following Shh. To Nnronl. Srrruxu.—A Gentlemen. ‘0 WOll. will "1101111111111: 3“,, n his "3H Mllll5 hereby 9‘)in by the Consulate-m 01 Adam county, which exhibiuthe 912.115. Max:555,1:919:35 Mn» 115:2: “3295:1195? “mmmzwwrficzm Wu»- «4 by . ham to he’uefit “he will "s‘?” w 00:11:13.9” mile 11nd a gamer 901111: of 001- Q”: ,1 I" en 9 1o!t in 1111110117131“: (ninilb-to m who need 1!, la 1 Mann.) {he 1 1.10; 931133131, £11; 1:211:31th 13301113; £23.": 1 M Mil” ind flimllonrJ‘or making the limpie 1d ‘ Y 1. bl‘ C ’ I ._ ‘ y 1: K :1! ,c 3 (.0 a 1 9 ‘ ”med used in his case. Suifelcn wishing to 0' and 9” mg 01, on, 6 In.“ of g; 9: 53 '3 g, ~: sug -.- a“g m" 3 my a.- «Manama 1.22:: 5-11:;.1.1~.:.°5::.:'5;::9:51: 1 9:. 91‘ 15%;: 9"; '5 5;. Egg g .’'“ul"-:r a u - n == " 533531375175:1?L223‘§.'i?1°312c§'§rb§:13 W" "“1""! ‘3'va “”h'v Buss! ”g'm" ‘" :3? s:3 o?§re-‘§ :SE9 2: gm= 3:3 ‘3. neu The Reci ennd full liniormnfion—ofviml “an”! new) “d Esme", Skl‘h’ Wmnowmg own-9|. "4' °" '3 u‘ 333'3ur,9-Dr3 ‘1 ° 2 £- 5 I; 3 impormnce—wiil be cheerfully sent. by return 11111, Luttmg Bo" '0". M" Land Ron", 'I a 'B:93g 3 ' EC E’Oc E 7005: 5 3.‘ ':2 8 l dd 3 JOHN B OGDEV [PIOIIIIII and Hemp, Gunlnmn, Shovel =5 55:4 3,.- 5‘5: :33 ‘3: qgfi :3 ... a“ 'Are ' \1 S '\' Y‘ 'k gPloughnfiorn Fork, Wheeiblmw, Double and . F: '= c- : PP: ‘- .9? ' 3.9 I g P S --V§r:'o§g Stilt-2151;?hyoig‘zx3w.ili ‘ Shula-"€ls T: teen-110194602, Sprengez. 2 __._..__-_ —---- —-- —- - —l.——— ~— ' ' ‘ . . leis reec an I. Ie ! rappers, 1 mg. '1 fins 'be 1010 mm“ *"Vlm‘fle- ~{ax-dale .na Brirfle, imam Ind Coll-n, 1 8:312:31’1WWM"""'" :33: 133‘ 35:33 6:33: if? ”if, "0 13: ”1'33 "'s’ 1881;2‘.-~__ J 14'5“)" “9°51 ”‘l‘". ‘9‘ Claim, LOB Ch‘i”! Germ-11y ’“....: 127147 8682 16600 2915 u... 1410 ~.... 1111: 0:11:31 mums“ nausov. 13m" CW"- Bu" Chunlflm "6 W 961”: 0xf0rd....,....................... 199975 m 1 121431 15260“ .‘m m ...... 81: Jun} 01.111:th Cumin-rm Finn ‘“““‘°°kv Ax“, Sh‘d' “dfmk'v 3“"1 ‘ 8untiqgmn,........L.......... 201193 15097 56787, 9805‘ ...... 3378 6,00 911.11. Prepared from , pxeacriplionlof 511 10101 Hathaway”! S".I-IoMW-mn'iLumen,"..................... 1461211 10498 26781| «nol ..... 1111 1.00 J. Clurke, M. D., Physici n Eur-ordinary to 11'" TUN”G"in 01.919010": Cndle, Scythcs Hami1t0nbn,........... 218233 11035 10740 7415. ...... 835 1.00 the Queen. Thininvilungue medlcineil un- “*1 3““"1 "MM! Trauxhv Grit-dime. 3 Sir-ban...” 269088 10648 46149 mu 91136 1,00 mung in we cure of 1111 um painful Ind "WW-oft",B'l'hel’BSll-“yH'gf-M'hel- , . Fn-klin,"‘ 251194 19995 32905 413215 1m dangerous disease: to which the female con- i 4190," "hold-11d Kitchen urniturenu. Men-1ien,".................;... 100310 14574 15809 7080 ...... ;,_,,, 3335 I'oo "union 1. "114 cm. 11 modernlel allexceu @“E’W‘d'nm'e‘uw s'“: Wmcuph‘fdv Reading.... .. 226016 14151 532114 5310 ...... 2950 and remove: all obltrucfiom, 11110 n speedy 1 2 PIN"! .Tbblgl, 3 5"" Ohm“ 3 30“”! Hs-i1t0n,.................. .. 202620 10015 20655 9230 ..... 1"... ......1935 4,00 cure Inlybeleiied on. ‘o““=.':Cb‘3‘v§‘“ky ““1”““3-S‘Wd: 0‘0““: N0un!p1enunt,.......... .. 279169 11950 24173 7755 39cc To Man" Ladies it is peculiarly lui;ed.- .L'Wms Gig-m. Q“"“"“"°» "Fm-'3‘": Uni0n,....................... .. 210510 1157 73003 r 1913 ...... 1049 1,00 11.111. iii-{gum time. bring on the mum, ICrockeU-l'm» ‘39“ SW" A“ PlPev,l°"- Tyr0ne,......................... 1539.51 11303 mo 3m 2045 period with 'reguhirity. [Pm‘ 5”” “Ed 9 'l‘: 9°": P““'v"'"b':‘4h“rnv C0n0ug.....................,. 197459 9531 134638 449 1915 4.00 Each home, prictOna Dom-r, burn the {"0“ Km“: ”MK Km“: 3"”: Bum-u 8ut1er......................J..... 159888 13299 19995 “2460 1150 2,90 Govcrnme'nt Stamp of Great Britain, to pPO- iflenwn’ Meat 'Vrgsgle, “e“ by lho pound, N0un1j0y,...................... "“90 “I‘9 N 49! 1 37° ...... ...... ...... 1748 mu counterfei's. HPPie'bW", 'W‘m" '4 "" b“"’°‘v““ ‘1 Fmd0m,....................... 96949 5469 1371 " 2970 ...... 913 Unmet—These Piill should not be “ten ifi"’:|:;‘m"';““y “h" “Ewen, too numerous m Liberty,......................... 135055 7925 8480 :01]!!! ...1.. ...... ...... 365 b Pennies durin the 1111" nun non“ of ' \ ~ , ’ Berwiok Ip, 90050 4811 0326 0 o ...... ...... 868, X’iognancy, 111 thegy are sure to bring on 1113- l ‘78“: to‘gymmencoxzf “me:- A: 3"! Bewick bar.,.............1... 48185 226 18800 4705 ...... .....1245 4'oo carriage, hm 11 my mm “m, the). m u“, {on Ind d-I: en mend gm?" 0 8"“ Lime1wwn,.............‘...;. M 445 1507 12780 6065 1:37 6,00 '11; «Menu ofNei-vonx 11nd SpinnlAfl'cctionl, “I“! ""1! "1“. “0"“ ”on NH L Highland, .. . 83536 9.539 am 2190 535 Pain-1 in the flack And himba, Fatigue pn alight, . J ‘ ' I “‘B' , ———-——‘-—————— ——-—— —- —_..__— —— exertion, i’nlpitaliun of me ilcarl,Hyller!i‘cl, 1.5.1541“. f' 9 - T0u1,....................... 1174619149991«04151199987! 44.0 :9 an awesome and Whites. mos: Pills wiil’rfl'ectn cure wan ~-_ -' . All other means have failed; and Ihhough A valuable Personal P Vo'perty . . JACOB EPPELIAN' yoweflul reniedy,do 11M éomnin immcllomei, AI PUBUC mum—on “(IDA , 1.1131011: 1 SAMUEL MARCH, ' mime: ,or uuvmmn hurtful w the con-mu- (1-1 of FEBRUARY my “It I bscnber- Allen—.l. 11-.w.lm. éietk. ABRAHAM 1131511. 9.39114 K ‘ I ' ' 101004308 ‘0 9“" “"3va "u s°” " PW“? = Decunber 16 1804“. u , Comniuionn: LSnle, 111 hi: renidenca, in Huntington!» Ihip,‘ ’ ~ Adam: county, about two I1:111” 11011: W 1108-: ‘—-~_‘P—bu ’cown 11nd thrge mile. from elenburg, the 01-i Sal I 1181' ulowinghighlynnhmbl'e personal property, vi; 5‘ ll 0 ‘ OW 7 , Q terlyr Report 9W dipgelions in the pamphlet around each pm‘hue, \l'lii'th should lie cnremlly preserved. «Sold by all Druggiau. Sule’ Agent for the l'ulled 511th and Canada.‘ . :08 310358327 Corthndl an. N. Y. N, B.—sl,on and G postage sump: enclosed to an] nnlhorized AK’P‘, will inlure a bottle, (outlining 50 Pllil, by return mlil: Sold by A. D. Buuh'er. [Nolm M, 1864. I} Im. mizsmmxs cumun ssvmfi This Snnn' lms thoroughly‘puorediyrlf to ho the but nrlivle Known for ruring ll.‘ Cntlrrh, f'old in the Mud and llendncfie. It has been {gund ,nn Hulk-m. (amt-d: in many cues of Hog-9. Eyu. henhreu bnl beg“ ”maxed-by it. and'uenxing has ofun been [funny iuqfi'ovcd hyiu use. , ‘ , it. is frugrtn: nnd ngreenl-le,’ and GI?" 1!- uhm \n pun-'l.) 1h":- dull heavy. pains cuusgd by (hflellfl‘fll 01' the hand. le‘rc‘usutioul after Inning it are ddightl’ul nmkinvixawliuz- ll :opeun and purge , (...: nil upstrnclmns,lh'nxlh- Pu! un- L'l-‘llhih:fllld gins I hum, action to the [Hula nfl'u-ch. ’ - L Mute llmn'TlviHy Ye'ers’ nf ml:- nhd ulc of ‘iUr. \fnxzhufl‘s (.‘mmrh "Ed “9de lie Nmfl'," hd4|lFo\ed 1h Lrun MEL-e [tr nll llu‘ runuuou “gamma ul {he Lend. and' at this mouth: “and: highu‘rbuu ever lew‘e. ’II is recomn‘n-nQed by muny ovfxlm but pk;- lit'ilnk, um: us um! wilh‘grcul “10(1'5‘ 911 d bzltufm tiou (-velywlmre. ‘ . , “fl“! 1h:- e'mulko-s of “'fi‘B'eml- Dtug aim- in 18.34: The lludtl’l- ned,huring tar mull) 7 ur! nun u(=qllfli§(ufp‘l‘ilh “lit. Hur a-hall a Uauurh r'md “rud’arhe Sum,“ and Said it in‘uur winch-mic irmlr‘the rfully: ilnle, that an- bL-Heve it (u L. (-441.11, jn ‘2?ny rrspm-x, to file rt-t-omuu-nnlntinns uneu of ill [or the our. m 1 (Luzurl. .1 .\nnnh he, and Hut 1: i.- dell-‘19!!- Irv [he Inst n-rllu'mle hnu: “91‘ known lug! 1.1 ‘- mm mm diam-«nu whine How]. “In-v & l'urxy. Hmdwu: lh-ul. AIM-m & (‘41.. $0441.. Humlh Lamsnu A ‘b , ‘IUFIUI: ”4"}. J ua'rr'n (u.. “mu-p: 3- m “U h ulv, leuu; \\'i‘.H-1-. Fniflmnk .x (‘O.. “Sam": th‘nnE. Wmuud & ('0 ,Jiu:loll; H. H. Ha). I’urlinud, .\lr, “.\l‘lll‘fl «s.lmm, .\'ew York: A. H. k I). flux-Is, .\'ow Yuyk: Stephrn Pad] 1: Ca) , Net l‘urk;.l-rncl )hnur & Cu. .\l‘M‘ York; 3&sz gun A: Hum-inn, he» \mk‘: A. L. .‘l'aviu &L‘b'.. .\ew York; .\L'Wurd, Close &,('u.. New} York; 1:1th & (his, New Yurk. . 1 , Fm lulu l_\y.ull 'nggists. 3}; h. 1‘ .\uV 11,1594. 1y ‘ ' t‘; A CARD TU INI'AHDS L L'Z'trmmun, while xrmling in .\'mnhy im :4 .n wu-immxy, dnu'umed I suf' m irk- Hm” [gr 1110 (‘ulc n! .\'«rrous Wu 11ml} I’m-:4} , I'D-“lacs 01 [he Urinary mu 1.“! mum”. and the uhulv : m 0! mi Lunuglnm *3 but iul nud‘iuus h: (Ire-M num‘aa in r Lteunln-nd'} glued noble rrmmg. (16392.1 1., a dune I: m the nun-led “f uafimun.m-, l Willyl r. dyr to: pup-1 Hg new! skin; this ml in u rean‘ whilupe, w my on: who II Funk 0: (slums. l'lrnze hul‘lurr u sumped curds-fl, ad to found“. Addie-In I .‘ JOSEPH T. [KHAN] {H’s-(inn I’. Bible 547 ‘ Set York Ort. 2-1, 1864 THE MARKETS; casrn’suqu—rs‘mnmr nut. to 00 m Hour ......m (be “mgr...” While \‘Jv'hent M to ..."..g... l (0- Raj Wk: 1! (form. Rn: ......... MID I/ itcl.eat Clover Seed. ’l‘nuo‘bhc‘ Sued“.~ x......... 4....... ll 30 lu 400 Fla-x Sud..-“......1..-L..1......,... 2 33 w 2 w Plaster-(“2&1")....u..-.......1. nso I'hswi gm d,.per bug............ I 'l5 \‘B/‘A‘x‘lmfllE—FMDAY LAST. ......,4 11.121011 2-; 2 10.10 2 91 .............,........ l 73 w I 80 .................... l 65 {O-1 75 ..............‘... 9‘.‘O 100 .....,.....,..13 00 [.019 OD ......m...” 50 1.019 00 ~.........3‘.’ 00 1035 00 ".....15 25 £Ol5 50 ...- 3 33 m a as .. 6 00 to 6 :0 I 33 w I 35 Noun. .‘ ‘l%'heni.. l n. 1,“. (luau... Out! ......4. Beef Cutie. per hund Hogs. per Mnd........... Burn..." Clover-Gael..." Bug-seed. ...... TJmcthoned Whiskey SE! MARRIED. ' On Hondny hat, by Rev. J" A. 8611, M GDQFGE COLE, o.’ Buchannn‘anley, to Hi; 31A R’l’ ELIZABETH YOUNG, of Mountplcuu’t t ornshig. ; On Tuesday Inn. by the Inme,)lr. FRANCIS HARTIN, of Cumberland township, {lO Hill LUBET'I‘O, duughm at Mr. uumder- 'poxb, ox Ifimoslown. ‘ On the {Oth insm’by Rev. Jacob Ziegle .lr. SAMUEL CRUX. ofMellllen towmhip, to ' ASH”; EICIHNGER, of Butler township. 0n the 1m: inn. by tho Elmo, 3h. GEORGE FORD to Mill MARY JANE SLONAKKR, both ct'flunleruowu. ‘ ’ ' 0n ",9 Mb inn, .1 the Ev. Lulhnnn Pn lonsie. Littlestown‘, by Rev. 8. Henry Mr. JOHN A. can“; to mu AMANDA 3.5131333 both of this county.’ ’ “j DlED fi‘Ohit-mn nutlqSESLconu per line for .u aux/four lines—cub to “company nqdce. 0n the 10th inst, Ir. GEORGB3CLINB, of Cunbul-nd townnhip, Ind 65 yen-p 5 admin nd 23 (lan. ‘ , 0n the 11!!! in“, in Cumbnllud towilhip, CHELSHANX LAVISA KRCKIJIRn'u. 3 month sud 20 days. On ”to mu of Dec, MARY HOFFMAN, um ofiohn F. Ham-. 11, of Cumberland town ship, £- tha 27th year a! be; up. on flu 30“: 01' Kat. 18“.}!- Ellicowl lllln, JOHN HENRY, only lan 0! Daniel S. and ”at! A. Xl‘uniller, aged 9 months "d l‘ dsyl. .Dissolunon, HE firm pf Shad! & Butler having bun, T by mutual man-cut,f dislollved, $0 mks of. _ mp. an [IL 11 o pri next, noticc in —“‘_""—" , hunky given um dl accounts oumnding EXEELSIDR" _ E It!“ be settled be‘mn this And Hut time.—- ‘ EXEILIIOI - A” ”comb annealed on the first day olApril , , _ _ ' ”MOI!!! will In phead in the hum: of an ofliccr for . 1"“ Excnluox Wf-Ihlu Kuhn: II Ith; bat. oolloflion. SHIELDS t 5 3088 mm. . n the Wu“. C“! find cumin It at ow:— J... u, 1805. 3: ‘ 013:. uan Executor Bky-lightflsflory. "‘ "...—*7? TYSON BROTHESS. AGO, Arrow Boot, Corn Bur-i, list-I61: 3 a!“ "Elsi“??un, for 111. I§ 93'. ”98,3." ' t first-rate Farm (in I; on nun—:mt F .6“. _ FD“. 111, h L 3 111-2 AI) 0F HORSES, (one: young sudd - bone, and plough lender, one a brood more ’ ‘with tonigsud the other a young laddle Ind , :hnr‘neu mm.) 2 well-broken Mnlee, (rigiug 4 lye-re old ind will work in. the lend in wagon; or plough, or in hnrneu,) 3 Miléh Cows, (will; {be {run about the time of sale,) 2 yearling‘ ICnlt‘ea, Illrood Bow. 8 l’igs, I Brood-trend‘ ‘ Wagon, Bo‘nrd Box, Feed Trough, Hay Curi- 1 age, Wood Rigging, 2 Boluen, | net of Dung . (Boards, Spreudcr, Single Ind Double-trees; ‘l-‘nlling-top Buggy, Sleigh, Human, Side Sufi. dle, Plough: And llnrrown, single Ind double Shovel Plnughl, Corn Coverer, Shriner Win non’lng Mill, Pnlent [by Knife, new Wilt-eh, b-irrow,Gxind-toor, 4 sen Horne Gnu, Wagonl Saddle, Wagon Whip, Wagon Line, Plouxhi Lines, 6 llnllen, 3 sets Long Traces, Bren-ti und léutt Chn'ml, 6 “Alter Chuinl, 6 Gown Clmiul. Pifch Forks, Ilnnure Forks, Shukingi l-‘m-ks, ,leél, Dung Hook, Shovels, Spndc,‘ (Imin Cn-dle, chtbt‘s Ind Souths, Bulbel,‘ menu. 2 new Land sides for Yorxk, l'lough.‘i Ibuul flaw, Angers; togetbnr with Houuholdl Furnitme, such ll Tables, Chum, Wudrobe,, l’nrlor Store, Wuh Machine. iron Kettle, l‘pt Rick, Churn, Rent Vessels,» Barrels, Bent-hell,‘ Tum. Apple-butter by the crock, find I large“ number of other uticlcl, too nulerone to! inenlioil. " ‘ #91119 'o,commence n 9 o’clock, Ail, on,snid day, wlmn “(enduring will be given any! terms mde known by , A. c. BROWN. 2 L. W. llriken. Auctioneer." » . : Jul. ”(1865. 13‘ \ . l - 3 Valuable Personal Property ‘ r 1‘ PUBLIC SALt—Un THURSDAY the !A 2‘! any 0‘ MARCH next. the lulucfiber, lnltuding to quit. (arming, will 53-]! «Ll’ublic 'Salc, n: his residence.- in l'uion township. ' Adumu mum). about. nil-hm; between Littles "—lown and Conowngo Chupcl, the fbllowing, hi My rnluuble pennnnl prupérly, viz : - §\HBXD UP WORK HORSES, 3 Culu, lhro .ymr‘s oldmnd 2! one year old, 8 Cows. 2 Heiferl, | 1 Hall, H Shouts, 3 Brig! Son, 3 Wagons, (l brand-trend, } nnr Juan! and l one~ ! hurse,) SpringM'ngon, Carl. and “nuns, Log 'Hled, Sleigh, Manny Reaper, “'innowing Hill, l'nlcnt llny~ Rake, 2 pair Hg Llddeu (l 8 good an arm) Threshing lu'chine, Stone Bed, anon [89.1, a nu of Horse Gears, ngon LSaddle, . Cullnrl, Uridlu, 2 salt! Carriage Ilarneu, Hnl slug; t‘ow Chains, A Plonghr, 2 Barrows, _l ,lnrg-r Shovel Harem? Curr. Forks, 2 Shovel i’louzlu, Roller. Guru Slnller, Jack-screw, I I Log Chuin!,_Fiflh (,‘huin, Butt Cbnimr Brent I Cluina, Spreader) Donnie and Single-trees! (‘nidleA )hmocks, Shqveln, Pick, Forks, Dung Fork: and RJkHLWithpnny other {arm am. i clvs. ‘ Also, Beds ‘nm‘l fled-tends, Tablet, immin, Bureau. Chests, Kitchen .Cnpbo-rd, ' kaing Stové, Ten-pin. Stove, l'nrlur Stove, ‘ Mm: Yeast-la, Earn-la, And a variety of other ' nrliclu, mo nume‘rons v.O memion. 3 “Sale (0 commence II ’t o'clock, A. l, on Inidfliy, when altendmcexyill begginn and tar-nu mink known by x ' _ JOHN NEHL. ugh Hunk, Auctioneer. ¢ n. [6, 1:565. 19* , =I MOE =I TEM ‘nrderl hits.— lby this hvuc ml the l u-ine, ~~ 1E59 CI". m w. a 50‘ 2 l 5 N THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1866,» th -0 underlined will all 3: Public Sale, at [lii ruldence,,in Hunilmn lownship,Aonml cbnnty, ghoul. ’Io mile: from Rev Oxfo‘ed, three milee from fllmpton, nd 34 mile {an Green Ridge Font. 005 cc, the following per“; and property. viz : \ , ”mum firming Colt,l Cow,‘l\lleifer (heavy with calf,) 1 Fat. Steer, l 8i p, 1 Rock-Inf, One-lune Wagon, Hone t on, Saddle and Bridle, Heller u’nd Vow Ch 'nl, ‘ flay byt non. Alw. Household ml Kite-en Foray“, such u Bnrelur, Tnblee,‘ Clni ..‘ Chg. , Bednemlg, Clock; Cook Stove nn- ‘ Pipe, Kjgehen 'Cnpbonrd, Sink, Apple-but", Vinegn Ind Brrels, Copper Ind Iron Kettlel. Tuba, Sandi, Spinning Wheel.‘Qneenl' and Inrthfin-uue,’l‘in «no, unlock, Axon, Shov ‘el, Ind men, other nniclee. g-sm to commence n 10 o’clock, A. 3., on aid do}, when utendnnco will be given and term: and: known by , SAMUEL LIBHABT. Williams 3: 801:, Auctioneers. Jun. muss. :- , ‘ Dissolutmn. , I 45 170 I 65 Ira I! 00 m: (0' ‘ HE pamenhip in the Marble Bali-en. heretqfore exiui'ng bctveeh Cnnon k A lir,is thin dny dissolved by mutual con sent. Cnpt. June: Adair, in retiring would respectfully M‘kfur hie late pertuer, J. Cannon. neontinuan’ce of the kind Ind liberal patronage the firm have llwlyl received from the people ofAd-nu county, and {or which they have our grweful thankl. JOHN CANNON, n JAMES ADAIR. ‘fi‘fl‘he bnl‘lneu will be continued u-hne torus by John Ctnnon. All pcnou knowing lhomulvea ind‘ebled to, the firm will please all on the undenigned nd Inch pnymenn Ind than having chime will preunt than for lot llenem. . JOHN CANNON. Getty-burg, Jun. :6, 1865. 6% - j ‘ Cannon*s_ , MARLLE WORKS, ‘ 5 Corner of Baltimore vlnd But liddlc_ltmtl, oppolite thaConn Home, GETIYBBURG. PA. 3""! {actipfion .0! work 2:2,an in flu , anus “,1. of the Art. , In. 16, X 8“. u " 2 New Bakery! = EWPOBT t ZRGLBB, lochnical Bnk en, Sunk Washington urea, hall rum 0' the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG, Pl. Coolant-l! on hud‘f‘tho but 0! BREAD, CBACKEES, CAKES, PRETZELS. Bc. Per lonc wishing frgah Bread will b. len‘ed every morning, by lunng their name: Ind residence: u Lb. Bakery. livery efi'on mid. to plenu pm In . sum ‘ [April 30. '63- fl Piablic sale. ‘ F HUMBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. —on TUESDAY, the 313$ dny of JANU- A lY iii-L, lhe Inblcriber, intending to (o 'ut,will sell at Public Sale, at hi! rolidencc, i Freedom township, Adnml county, I} milu fro-u Moriu’l mum, on tho road lending to Mil "town, the following Personal Property : 1 DESK, 5 “Huh Gown, 4 head of Young Came. Brood 80w, 3 Shouts, Wheat. Drill, Wire ll ' Rake, Wheat an, Burrow, Plough. Fodder nor, Rocknwny Buggy, Carriage, as! of llnrnos Hay Carriage, Spreaders, Dpuble and Single reel, set of Home Gears, Log Chnin, Cro nr, Sledge, Mlmock. Grain Crai dle, nukes, l‘orkl, Shovell, Whetlbnrrow, Grindaione, Co" Chninl, Hny by the (on, &c Also, Househo‘ig and Kitchen Furnituremilz 7. Dining Tnules,,’Br’enkfmt Tnble, Kitchen Tnhle, Stand, 4 Kedatesda, large Looking Gllsa, Case of Dréarers, Corner Cupboard, Eight-day Bran Man cl Clock, Rocking Cra dle, 3 sets of Chain, 2 cking Chairs, Queen'- ware, 'l‘inownrv, lnrge upper Kettle, Iron Kettle, Cook Stowe, Ten- Ale Stove and Pipe, Vinegar, Apple-lumen B rel Churn, lent. Vessels, Tuba, 3 lot of Pine Lumber, I lot oi Onk Fencing Baud: nnd P (a, Ind ogre“ many other nrtlelu, too tediou to mention. S‘Snle to commence at 10 'clock, A. IL,I on said day, when nttendnnce 'll b 0 given and term) mnde Known by - '- WILLIAM L. « Renhtn Golden, Auctioneer. _ Jun.‘9,-1865. n' _ Valuable Parse-Ital Prope r '1“ $1331.10 SALE. nTHURSDAY, ,mh Qny of FEBRUARY next, the in runner, intending to quit {3min , will tell I Public Sale, erhil relldence, in agending town rhip, Adams county. 23., about one mile and Admit north of Hampton, and balls mile east of Adam S. Myerr’a Itore,‘the following \alua b_le personal property, viz: \ 2 WORK EARESJ Cowl. Sheep and Boga. Narrow-trend Three-horse Wagon, with Lime Bell, Lin! Carriages, Winnowing Mill, Cutting Bu, Grindstohe, Pinughl, Harrow, Sfigle Ind Double Shovel Ploughs, Corn Forks, Single and Double-trees, Hot-,e Gears, Riding Saddle and Bridle. Hllger Chou“, Cow Chains, Rakes, l’ut Ls, Ind many other fuming utensils. Also, Household end Kitchen Furniture. such a; Bed: ~ and Bedltends, Bun-Ins, Tnhlcs, (Imin, Cook Store Ind fixtures, Ten‘plu'c Store and Pipe, Iron Kettle, Queenpwm, Tin-ware, Crockery-were, Wash Tuba, .\leut ‘Yesul, Barrell, Boxes, and s variety of other articles, too mimeroul to mention. 18‘5“: to commence It. I!) o'clock. A. l, on Mid dry, when attend-m will be given nnd tum: nude known by y 3 JOHN MILLER. Public Sale. TUESDAY, the 28th day of FEBRUARY. ne'xt, the lublcriber, intending to qnll turning, will lell M. Public Sole, u, bin reli deuce, in Bending township, Adnml county, lull I. mile from Humpton, the following per ooiinl properly, viz: : . 2 WORK HORSES, 3 Cows, lover-l head of Young Cattle, Sheep, Two deonl, (on. "ma hone And the all“: one-horse,) Spring ngon. Rocknwny Buggy Ind Harness, Lime Bed, Hay Carriages Sleigh and Sled,‘l‘hruhiug Machine, Gmiu Drill, Circular Sm. Shriner Winnowing Mill, Culling Box, Horse Bake, Ploughl. Har me, Cu‘lliyuori, Shovel Plougln, Corn Fork-I, lehdow Roller, Double and Single-trees, n “J riely of Horse Gears, Riding Snddle Ind Bridle, Bakes, I-‘orkn, Shovel-,‘Mntwcka, Hay by the ten and Ont: by the bushel, end I grew. u riezy of olher hrticlu, we numerous to men lion. “‘Ban to commence It 10 o‘clock. A. 1:. on ni‘d day, when nmndnnco will be givéh’: nnd any made known by \ EMANUEL NEXDICH. L. P. deer, Auctioneer. - hi. 9, 1865. u V _ \ Mary Department. Inc. or Onlrrnonnqov I'll Gunner, ‘ Wunuorox, Dec. 8, 1864. } HEREASfby utilincwry evidence pre sented to the undersigned, is ha been mndr Ippeu thnt “ THE GETTYSBUBG XATIOKAL BANK,""in the Borough o! Getty:- bnrz, in \2O County 0! Adams, and State of Pennsylva. in, has bean duly organized under, Ind accordhg to, the requirements of the Act of Congress¥ntitled “An Act to provide 3 Na tional Curren‘ny, secured byn pledge of United Staten Bocds,hnd lowrovido {or the Circula tion Ind ndenéption thereof,” approved June 3, 186‘, lhd ha: complied with all the pro visions of aid ncfi\required ‘0 be complied with before commencing the buaineu of blnking under nid act: x Now, therefore, X, HUGH IcCULLOCH, Comptroller of the Cuyrency. do hereby certi fy that “THE GET YSBURG NATIONAL BANK,” in the Baron; of Gettysburg,'in the Coumy of Adm-m, Ind tame of Pcnnaylnnit, ‘ is authorised to comméuce the bulinen of banking under an A“ doknid. \. In teuimony whoreol, wine" my hllld Ind PM on] of Olin, thin éigbth d 1: of D 2; { um. } cembu, IM4. \\ i W" . HUGH Ic‘CULLOCH, Comptroller ol the Currency. Doc. 19, 1864. am \\ Gettysburg Railrdad. 13mm annulment—ova mu loud-y‘chbu 31“, 1884, \uungu Tn'un will In" and Irrin cube 6 gnu; \ Ruilrond .0 follow: : t\ j F 188;! TENN will leave (hay-burg 3t 8, ‘ A. I.,with plunger! for York, Em! nrg, Philndllphis sud nu Rom: Ind Wen. . Arrive n Getty-burg n 1.25, I’. IL, in. pinup" from Bnltimore, York nnd ' ‘ burg. ‘ ssooxn TRAIN will In" Ganylburg .‘ 1.40, P. It, with pmugm {or Eskimo"; York And Hurrinbnrg. ' l‘ Arrive u Genylburg st 8 P. K. with pu aengen {ton York, Hamburg, Philaduphis Ind the North Ind West. R. XcGU RDY, Prel’t. Oct. 31, um Howard Association. BILADELPHIA, PA.—Dildlu of th- Nervou, Baminl, Urinuy Ind Sun-l yuan—new nod nlitblo Hansen—in n.- poru o! the HOWARD ASSOCIATION—Int by BM! in "dad mm onvelopel; he. of ch-rn m. Du): smnm-xaouan. TON. Ronni Mao-lulu, 10. 2 snu- mm Strut, Phlllddphh, h, r , Aug. 8,16“. .1, ‘ 1’ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF GETTYSBURG, rendered on the morn ing of the lat Monday of’hnnary, bciu; the 2nd day at January, 1865: DR. Notes and bills diacounud, $06,380 33 Furniture and Fixture], . 700 00 Currrnt expensel, 1,537 14 Remittances and other cub items, 500 25 Ninth National Bnnk, New York, 398 49 First National Bank, Philldelphll, 6,789 63 Due from other Btnkl, Brothers McKim, U. S. Bonds deposited with U. 8 Trans. to lecuro circulflmg hotel, 100.000 00 U. S. Bonds, 26,360 00 Llwfulmonoy, V 21,015 'l3 OM cnpmia‘tock pnidln, ‘ $lOO,OOO on Surplul lund, ' ‘ 445 30 Circul'g not" rec'd from Oompho’lermmboo 00 lndividll deposiu, U. S. Ceposiu, Dividend: unpaid. Dal: ibe {allowing Bunks. Pint, Nation-l Bunk of Huover, Interest, in, 4 9‘6 28 “2 77 4—.— Total, ' Hum 17 I, GEORGE ARNOLD. Cubicr'af‘ae I-‘iru National Bank of Gettyehurg, do lolemnly swear that the Ibovejlstemomt in mu 9 thu be“ of my knowledge In’d belief. . ‘ GEORGE ARNOLD, Cashier. State of Pennsylrlnin, 1 ' _ Court” of Adu‘ns. I 5 Sworn and subscribed before‘me this 2d day of Jnnunry, 1865. A. J. CUVEBN. P. 11333 k Jan. 9, 1865. 3C L T « ‘1! I l H" l. ‘G t Dlssqluuon. E partnership heretofore existing be- Veen :ho undersigned, under the numo 'le 0! FAHNESTOCK BROTHERS, in dissolved by mutual cement—Jamel \ock rcljring. ~ JAMES F. FABNESTOCK, HENRY J. FAHVESTOCK, ~80 W. G. FAHSESTOUK. nfi ll thin day I“. Fahnei r HE undeui ed, remuininiug rartnerl of r the firm at xumzswcx uaumaas,‘ will continue the usine'u at the. same place, l undet- thc same nn 9nd style of firm. ‘ BENR J. FAHNESTOCK, ‘ EDWAR G. Pttflhkb‘TOCK. Jan. 9, lassl 1 . Ptcturesl ctures! EV! MUMPER fining urchned Samuel L Weaver’s PHOTOGRA GALLERY, is prepared to execute work in '5 line equal to may el‘tebliohm‘ent in the Slate. If 'you deelre a good likeueu. finithed accordin to the lstuu improvement: in the en, call a the nbove’ loug-esublilbcd Gallery, in We t Ilddle street, Gettysburg. - [Jam 8! 1865. GIVO Him 9 Call ! / HE place toobuin Aperfect Phot h or T Amhrotypo, executed in the beyt men or, is n MUMPEB’S GALLERY, in liddlo sit-«\t. Jan. 9, 1865. ' . Do You Wish O preserve s coon likcnoll of yonnelf, your children, or you kinda? go at one. to MUMPEB'S GALLERY, the boy phca. in me county to "can fir". clul picturu. ; Jun. 9, 1865. (. Store Stand ‘OR RENT, on the Littlestown Rnilroed, 4 miles from Hanover end 3i miles from ' ntlellown. The House is 40 feet by 20, end there in house room for A family, and. good store room, fixed 03' well with drnwers and shelving—no other store within 3; miles—in s. well settled country. This “Ind is in Union township, Aden“ county, called Sell’s Station. There is I switch there And everytflng con venient. Possession given on the Ist oprril next. ABRAHAM SELL. Jun. 9, 1865; It' R. W. L. EOMBACH’S ESTATE—Letters testamentary on the estate of Dr. W: L; Hombnch, late of Mcherrystown, Comm-go" township, Adams county, deceased, having been grunted to the undersigned, residing inythe same place, they hereby give notice to I" persons inflebted~to said estate to make immediste payment, and those having claims against. the «me to present them properly authenticated, for settlement. CHAS. F. HOMBACH, Executor, ANNA E. BOXBACH, Executrixp Jun. 9, 1865. at Lands! Lands! APT. H. CHRITZHAN, htwipgjuu return ed from strip to the West and I" tho LAND region: In God’s great labyrinth,'ha ,wonld inform the citiunu of Gettysburg and its vicinity, am he in propnred, not only to ofl'er OIL LANDS, but LANDS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Pernonl vititing Harrisburg would do it“. to call, an ho will furnllh all in larmuion. B. CHRITZMAN. Jan. 2, 1865. t! t . For Sale or Rent. PARK of About 100 3cm. in Cumber- A Inna town-hip. Apply to me undersign od, in Was lidd]. “ml, Gnu-burg. ~. FREDERICK BEBE. Jao. 2, 180 flucflNG ATTENTlOX.—Tbunpeflor ABPicmm In» a XUKPER'S SKY ] T GALLERY, on Welt Middle n, no stunting nuivcngl Ina-Lion. Good judge: pronounce wen: lupedog to may ever “km in m- plncu. 0.11 Andean!“ {or yonrulvcl. Jun. 16,1385. \ I. K. War, H ATOBIAKIIE .9; sznm, No. 1» lion): SECOND Sum, co rdQnury,PEIbADEL-r& PHIL An Assortment 0 WA . ls, Jammy, sunk t PLATED WARE, cannula on hind, SUIT -Ll F 0 HOLIDAY PRESENTBI fiv- nub-inc of Wuehu no) Jonlry promptly tended to. ‘ ‘ Data”, 04. ly <2 1”.le GOODS, Bonnou, when, M Nov Merl nd Bonnet ann in nuivd -- New York, cheap It III;- uuckl’, thui ‘ of RED‘IRONT. 828 70 254,540 17 79,298 30 5,725 23 144 31 Notice. 1005. Row J: Woods, Gimsmmo. V -‘ wa Aeuxsr man yams: When n say we will «11 good: n REDUCED PRICES we nun what weJay Ind will do it. Wo'kup con-mu, on had A Inge anon ment of HATS OF ALL STYLES, which will be laid cheapo: thu thy cin be bought elsewhere. Our ulorlment o! BOOTS AND SHOES for men, women Ind childxen, in made up of tho but qualifies Ind styles, Ind lold chnp. i Our stock comim i 1: part 0! 1— BATS, SEGARS, CAPS, TOBACCO. ; BOOTS, HANWEMHIEFSP ‘ SHOES, , BTOC (NOS, . { TRUNKS. ‘ GLOVES, , CARPET SACKS, WINDOW PAPER, GUI SHOES, WHIPB. ' BUFFALO SHOES, CORSETS. UNDERSHIBTS, POCKET BOOKS, ¢ VIOLINS, PURSES, VIOLIN BOWS, RAZORS, “ STRINGS, STRAPS, ACCORDIONS, POCKET KNIVES, COLLARS, SUSPENDERS, NECK-TIES, CORK BOLES, UMBRELLAS, lc., lc., tc.. h", to. ROW & WOODS. Jan. 2, ms Herbst’a Line. , HE undersigned would inform the public um. he in. still running a. line of FREIGHT ABS from Gettysburg to Baltimore every week. He is prepared to'convey Freight either Ily,in anyqninlily. Hewxlinllendnfdcaired, lo the making of purchases in the city, nnd de- Ichring the goods promptly at ngysburg.— 'il cm run to the Warehouso of J. H. Boule'y 203 North street, Baltimore. [in invites tho Attention of (no public to his line, snoring them thn he mil spare no aim: to accommo dnto nil who may pug-uni" him. i SAMUEL HERBST. HAY WANTED. Tho highelt price paid for good Timothy. Oct. 16, 1864. 55* , ‘ Globe Inn. YOIfi It, lIAB Tll DIAIOID, Eé’l‘ Y SBU RO, PA.—-The undersigned nld'moat respectfully inform hie nu leronl friends and the public generally. that he hu purchued tlmt long established and Well known Hotel, the “Globe‘lnn,” in York street, Gettysburg, and will spare no efi'ort to conduct it in e manner that will not detract from in former high reputation, Hie table vnll have the but the market can aflord—hll chambere are epaciout and cami‘ortahle—end’ he hee‘lald in for his bnra full stock 9! wines ‘ and liquors. There in large etnbling attached to the Hotel, which will be attended by atten tive hoetlerl. it will be his content endeavor to render the lullefl. eetisfnctian t 9 hie guests, 1 meklng hit home as near a home to them as pouible. He Mk: 9 share of the publip’a pe troaege, determined a: he is to deserve a large ‘ pnrt of it. Remember; the ”Globe Inn" is in York ltreet, hit our the Dimnond, or Public Square. SAMUEL WOLF. April 4, 1864. ‘ti ' ‘ _ New Establishment} OOTS. AND SHOES.-—The subscriber re- Ipecliully announces to the cutixenl of Gettysburg end the pnhlnc generally, that. he has opened 9 new BOOT AliD SHUE \ establishment, in Chnmbenburg street, I“ Genyehnrg, one door from the Drug Store of A. 0,. Buehler, where he in prepared to mnnnfncture Boole Ind Shoes of every_ de scription. Genilemen'a Boole and Shoes mnde in the most Inbltsnliel runner. Ladiel’wérk done-up'neally And upon the than”! notice. All kinds of repairing promptly attended‘ to. Our work will be found urong, neat-Ind cheep. We will guarantee our work to weer “am. I am determined to put. up better and chuper work than any other establishment in WWII, and would therefore solicit a there oi‘pnblic petronege. Cell and enmine our ,work And give an e trial. R. P. BRADEN. Jan. 2, mad. d » Great Attraction ’l‘ BRINRERHOFF’S CHEAP CLOTHING AND FUENISHING STORE, at the North sot Corner of the Dismond. The subrrriber is constantly in receipt of fresh goods from tho Eastern cities. Hi: stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING is one of the largest and most attractive,” well as the cheapest esmblishment of the kind in the country. You will then! find COATS. PANTS AND VESTS, made up in the most {uhlonobl’e styles, and of the best materials, of all sizes and prices, {or men and boys.— Gentlemeu'o turnishin; goods of every descrip tion, Wool Shirts, Muslin Shirts, Hickory Shiite and Merino Shirts, Merino, Wool .nnd Hotton Drnwus, Hosieiyof every description, Buck-skin, Merino and Cotton Gloves, Hand k’ekhiels, Neck Ties, Crsvsts, Linen ond l’npor Coll‘nrs, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes. Urn brellnl, Trunks. Valices, Carpet Rags, Clothes ond Shoo Brushes. Hnir ond Tooth Brushes, Shoo BlAcking. Pocket ond Dressing Combs, lvory Combs, Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Violins and Violin Strings, Soups and Perfumeries, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Smoking and Chewing Tobac co, Pipes, an extra quality ofSegnrs. in (not, his stock'embrnges everything nsuslly found in a first class furnishing store. I invite the attention ofall to dome lud see for themselves, os l on: doteimined to sell goods lower than any other establishmentin the country. Don’t forget the place. Corner of York street sud tho Dismvd. JACOB BRI-NKERHOFF. ’ {uly 4,, 864. ‘2, The Popular 7-30 Loan. HE, FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0? GET TYSBUBG has been designated a Deposi tary and Financial Agent of the Unload Sum, and will furnish tho popular ’7-30 Coupon Notes, free from all taxes, and cogvenible at maturity into 5-20 aix per cent..gold interest Bonds. Will also furnish 5-20 "kl 10-40 Bonds, one year Certificates and all olhar Gov ernmam securities. Will buy Gold and Silver, cash Coupons, and make collections promptly on all acceuible pointa._ GEO. ARNOLD, Cubicr.‘ \ “1177', , , , ‘ Provision Store. HE undersigned bu opened APROVISION STORE n. Gem-go Llnle'n old "and, in en Middle Itreet, Getty-burg; whore 111 will ulwayl keep on hind. for sale, BEEP, lUTTON, VEAL, PORK, ' POULTRY, APPLES, SWEET A-ND IRISH POTATOES, CABBAGE, BEETS, TURNIPS, With everything flu in the provilion line. He will no“ at urn-ll profiu, nd who no effort m pkeue. ht Cnule; Hogs, Sheep, Culvel, to, ruled, for which m: high"! price. will be psid. JOHN NORBEOK. Oct. 17, 1894. u New Warehouse. BUSBELS 0F GRAIN 00.090 WANTED,“ the new Grain Ind Produce ouu, in omm. urea, Idjoin ing Shendl & Buehler'n umblishment. The high": market prico will Always be pnid in out: {or a mum, of 1“ kinds, \ FLOUR, SEEDS, to. Alvql on had and (or uh,“ an luau.“ promo, GUANOS, ‘ SALT, FISH, ‘ GROOBBBS, ta, “chub ud nun. TRY UBl We than do our but to [in «thawing; I“ cues. ' i: IcCURDY & DIEHL. Getty-burg, Ihy I], 1863. I] . Revenue Stamps , I may danomiution fist-nay on- bud O and for lab M the flat Nation“ Burg} of Golly-11mg. 030. ARSOLD, ('auhiu. Gettnlnrg, Nov. 14, 1364. .' Ta: and mum Appeals.- ' a: Mnh‘aiomn of Adan! can" b.”- l Icm antic: um. they have fixed upon 1 o {elicit-(lanes urd pllcu for til-holding ‘o‘Tu “I lllury Apynh for 1865, 3,1 the nun] hotouglu um townlhlpl of Adam: can”, win And where “any will ernd to but uppuh. between the ham of 9 o'clock. A. IL, ands o’clock, P. 1,0! cub day,” follows : Eff3 For lountjoy townsflip. on Monday, the 23d of Junnuy next, -: the bone of lnnc Light ner, in lonmjoy mwnsbip. v For (In towmhip of Germany and the bar ough of Littleuown, on Tue-thy, the 24th of lanulry. It the honu of Georg: B. Ynnlis, in Unknown. For the townlhip of Union, on WFdlelday, the 25:5 of J-nuuy, u the home 0! Goon-3e B. Yantis, in Littlenown. For the lowuhip of Conowago, on Thu". day, the 28th of Jtnnnry, n: m. home ofJe John, in McSherryszowu. . For the township officnhtpleaunt. on Fri day, the 17th ofJnnntry, n the home 0”. E. Smith, It Mount Rock. For the town-hip of Strabnn, on Saturday, the 28th of Jinn-r], It the home ofJnco'b L. Gnu, in Hunteruovn. ' For the township of Oxfor‘d, on Monday, the 30d: of haunt-y, “the bone of Geo. Shun; in New Oslord. ,For the townlhip and borough of Benick, on Tuesday, the 315$ of January, at the house of Francis J. Wilaon, in Abhottstown. For the township 20f Hamilton, on Wedne» day, the In of February, at the house of Dan iel Becker, in East Berlin. ~ For the town-hip of Reading, on Thundny, the-2d of February, at the haul. of Robert M. Dicks, in Hampton. , . For the township of Huntington, on Friday, the 3d of February, at the house of In. Reed, in Peter-burg. For the township of Lttimora, on'S'ainrdny, the 4th of February. at the honae of Mn. Reed, in Pctersbnrg. Fol lb!- township ni Tyrone. on Monday; the 6th of February, at the housa 0! Allen M. Cook. in Ileidlcrlburg. - For the townahip of Menallen. on Tnead.ny, the 71h of February. at the home of Charles Myers, in Benderrvilie. For the township of Butler, on Wednesday, the Fth of February, at the house of Henry Harm", in Middletown. ' ' ‘ For the township of Franklin. on Thursday. the 9th pf Februury, at. the houn of Mn. Brough, nenr Hilllofn. For the township 'of Hamiltonian, nu lon dly, the 13m of Februny, II the home o‘A. Benchoof, in Fuirfield. » ‘ , ' > For the town-hip of Libengpm Tuesday, the 14m pr February, in la mu- xm, in Liberty township. For the townlhip or Freedom, on Wednes day, the lbth of Februnry, ei ‘lho house of Samuel Morl!z,in Freedom lownlhip. ' For the township of Cumberland, on Thurs day, ehe‘leth of February, at the house of Francin Bream, In Cumberland township. For the township of Highland. on Friday, the l'lth of February, at. the 11011le Fruncil Bream, in Cumserlend township.’ ‘ , For the borerzh ofGenyehuryhon Sntun'luy, the lath of February, It. 1h: Commilllonern' Oflice, in Getty-burg. _ ~ ‘ JACOB EPPLEMAPI, \ SAMUEL MARCH, , ABRAHAM KRISE, Conminlonen of Adam: county. Meat—J. I. Welter, Clerk. 0 ‘Dee.26,1864. td , ‘ 100.000 bush. Grain Wanted. YEW FIRK'AT THE h l OLD WAREHOUSE. WM. E. BIDDLE & CO. would inform the public that they have leased the Wan-hon" on the corner of Strauou urea nnd the Rail road, in Gettylburg, when they will carry on tha GRAIN AND PRODUCE BUSINESS, in nll its hmn‘ches. The highest prices will al wnyl be paid (or ‘ WHEAT, BYE, CORN, OATS, -_ CLOVER t TIMOTHY SEEDS, FLAXSEED, BUMAC, . HAY & STRAW; Dried Pruifl, Knu. Soup, Hans, Shoulder: and Sides, Potatoes, with ‘everylhlng elu in tlu country prodnco line. ‘ , 0N HAND, FOR SALE. ‘ Coleel, Sugu-o, Molina", Syrups,l‘ou, Spice. Salt, Cheese, Viuegu, Soda, Mustard, Sm‘ch, Brooms, Buckeu, Blucking, Btu-hen, So’gps, 1:. Also COAL OIL, Fish Oil, Tu, a . FISH of I” kin‘ds; NAILS AND SPIRES; Smoking Ind Chewing Tohscqoa. They are ulwnyl Ibie to lupply I fir". rue ll‘licl. o! FLOUR, with tho diluent {kinds of FEED. - ' ‘ Also, GROUND PLASTER, with GUANOS nd other fertilisers. WCOAL, by tho bushel,lon. or ctr lotd.‘ ‘ Their Cars run to Bnltimore sud junk twice a wcek, and they willbc happy to curry goodl either way at moderntq charges. Nurketmen, country merchant], And others, win find it to “heir advantage to patronize thin line. ‘ . They Mk a than “the pnblic'l custom-ad ' will warn no eflon to render “ti-[Action 10 all, seller: or buyers. - W3l. 3. RIDDLE t CO. Aug. 32, 1,964. tf .. 3' ' Hardware and Groceries. BE subscriber! 1?". just returned from the cities wil In immense luppl: of ARDWARE t GROCERI‘I'IB,I which theylnm ofl'ering at their old stand in Bnlnmoreru‘reel, st prices to suit. the timei.‘ Our Itock consist: In pm! of ~ . BUILDING MATERIALS, . CARPENTER’S TOOLS, ‘ BLACKSMLIH'S TOOLS, COACH FINDINGS SHOE FINDINGS,. ‘ ' CABINET MAKER'S TOOLS, HOUSEKEEPER’S FIXTURES, ALL KINDS OF IRON, kc. GROCEBIES OF ALL KINDS. OILS, ‘PIINS‘S; ML, kc. Thm isxno nn‘nclc included n flu leverul depuflmenu mentioned shove but whu can bu bud It this Store.— Every clm of Mechanics cun be accommodated but with tools Ind findingl,_nnd Housekeeper: on find every uticle in their line. Gin 110 I cull, “ha: are prepared to Hell as low (or club u Any u out. of the rily. 4 30M. 3. BANNER, DAVID ZIEGLEBL - Gettysburg, In] 16; 1364. New Bprmg Goods. ‘ - MALL PBOFITS t QUICK SALES, S . J . L.. 30E l C I would respectfully n; to tho citizen: of Get tylbnrg nd vicinity, nm In ll my receiving IV. hil nqre I splendid . STUCK 0F SERIRG GOODS. The stock concilu’in part of Fancy Ind staple DRY GOODS, of our; ductiption. sums. . . \ uoumous ' \ cmnmxé, _ \ DILAINBS, ‘ \ nonhuman, \ unccu, i \ LAWNS, _ _ ‘ _ (mucous, H '“ " '~ x g o! .11 1“ tin nod oholcou n In, {thick WI" M lold n RIOIS T 0 DEFY ({OIPETITION‘. ÜBXISHING GOODS . . of all Hndl, ‘ eluding Silk, Linen and Cohen Handkerchiofnklovu, Stockinp, kc. Also, 3 spin Kid anortnmn of BIBBONS, Lam ud Edgingi Umbrella Ind Pmlolh - ly am of wmrkpoons wili be found full tad compleu, and epitome" my My upon always getting good [9.de n the low": yuui. ble pricu. ‘ ‘\\ Gentlemen will find it‘go than «damage 1: cull and onmfino my “ocbof CLOTH, > ‘ ‘ V ,CASSI‘HEBES‘Qnd ’ ‘ STIXGS, or 111 thflu nd choicest n ta. luy 24, ll“. 3. SCHIOK. , Bale Crying. \. w. rumm continue. tho\budnnl . of SAM! CRYING, ud lollciu tho con tinued patronage of tho public. In. lamen unt enduvor to give uduf-ouon. Ch run manna. Ruidenco in Bmklnfldp “mt, Gonylbnrg. P. 8...!“ k A “round Aime-«r, and" tho Tu Lll of tho Unmd Stun. Nov. n, 1352. E but in" rcceikred a new nmrlmml of Queen-undo which n ipflu- the aquatic? bib-5:11. ' 1.5“ SCOTT £BOK. COTTOX GEMISJor'Iu and 5.5!. on be Ind chap u : SC!!! ('B. _ Dytpopgn. A can wumfino. Dy‘pcpu qu an rpm Syn-Ikm.- In. A comma: pain «arranging: “they! . o! the non-ck. ' i M. Flntnlencc Ind Acldiry. .- Jd. Costiveneu and Loan 0! App‘mq. 42h. Gloom and Dcprruion of Spiriu. sth. Dinrrhma. with griping. ‘ 6th. Pain in 3“ part: of the Spun. 7th. Conrumptive Sympwuu and Pllplw ‘ tion of the Heart. Bth. Cough, with Phlqgm. in the Thronv. ‘ 91b. Nervoul Aaoctionuué WM)! 1;: Sleep It nigh. _ ‘ lorh. Loss of Appetite and Vomiting. ‘ 11th. Diuineu, Dimnou or Vilion, nd 1 Lou of Sight. l2th. Headache and Staggering in inning, ‘ wlth (re-ZWeaLne-ah ML 1I f D i A Onto“ o :hoaun a mono y ~ ‘flml. have used Dr. Wish-71’s “mt m D; spepsin Pillunol one 0! than in. failed oi ‘< I perfect curb. \Va warrant a (an in "er, cme, no mazter if of twenty ycua' yrmfimrw ‘ Sold by all drugglus evvryniicre, and“ DP. Wishnn's (mire, No. Io .\‘. Second amt, Phlla‘drlphia, Pin. Ml exnmlunl‘mm and con aulmtionn ire. of abuse. Send turn circuln ;. ‘ Prlcq $1 per box. Sent by null. {up u? . chargo, on rpteipl of angry. ’ DYSPKPHA. DYSI’EPNA, DYL‘PEFSM i, liuuunn Hausa. or nl'An'djwan, Del.. lormt-rly ot'Old Cheater, Dcl.. db rertvfy that, lor hue year and n’hnlfl‘ sum-red etzrythlnr but denth from that nwtnl dlleuo thd D”, pepsin. My whole lyltem was mounted with wenkneu and nervous ilchility; I could Int: digest my food ; 111 Ale "en n cracker or tho oxnnllest nmonnt offend, ll would return Jult an stnllmredi'; l llccuml‘ :0 ttmiycln my bowels that I‘ould not llYI". n p¥sngl In lean than from {our nnd umn eight tiny-l; under thin immense rud‘cring, m): ni‘ud seemed an tirely to gin: wiry. I Ind dreadful liurrur and.“ ei'll forvhoding'. I thought everybody {mud}. me, and I hated everybody; I rnuhl not bur my husband nor my own chlldreli, everything nppelrt‘d to be honor stricken to me; I ind no Ambition tn do amtliing -,l 1011. all my lo" ol I'umlly Ind home: I would rundhle Ind wnn der from place to plme, hut coulll not he can? tented; fell. that l “‘s' uluumid Io hell, and thnt the nus no limu-n fur me, auulxu» ol ten tom ed to rummil suicide, en mar mu. my "ll 0 nervous ryntem dmtmieil, rm} aim. in, a: nd, Imm that nul‘ul coinplaiut, [mm-- 111, tint my friends thought hm: to line mo. placed in Dr. Klrkbrlde's llosplml. \Vtut Phil— adelphia; I remained than nim- we”, and thought I run 3 little better, but in a few day. my dreadful complulnt wns raging: n; bid u averg, Hearing of the wondertul cure: W." lormed by Dr. Wishnrt'r Grent .\vru. ritun Dyl p‘ep in Pi": and hls trontmoul l‘ur Dyspepllnl my urband culled on Dr. Wishmt nud Itutod ' my use to him. He said he hul‘nn doubt he wold cure.me. So in three dur- nut-r l t‘ll ed nnfl placed mysell‘under the Doctor”: treat ment, and in two weekn'l begun to digest my lood, And felt that my discus» “an fail: git-liar way, And 13bntluucd to recent for about thne months, In at the present limo l l'ltjuy pint lect htnlth of body and mind, and l nn‘nt slut sorely return my thank: to n mrrt-ifnl “ml And ~- Dr. Wluhnrt, and to his great Ameriiu Dya pepsin Pills and Ping Tree 'l‘nr mail flint. saved me from an Insane AS) luni nnJ grhlnn. ture grave. All person: uttering mt 20y:- chsin are 11. liberty to gall on me or wrlte, u am willing to do all the good 1 can Mun!- ferlng humanity. 31.12.4 an Baum}. Brandywme, Dol., formerly of Old Chest", , Del-ware county, Pa. ' f Dr. Wishurt's Ollice, No. lo North Second v, Itreet, Philadelphia. ‘ DISPEPSKAJ DYSPRPBJA Y Dr. Wislmrtt—l hue helm n éonstnnt inf- . ferer with Dyspepsia for the lust eightee yenn, during which time I cunnot any thst I ever enjoyed a perfectly well dny. There were times when flu symptoms were more nggrnno ted thanat other]. and then it seemed it wonlx! he a greot‘reiief'to die. i bad at nll~time| In unpleaslntfeeliniz in my hend, but‘lattorly my “flaring: In much increased tint [become 31. most unfit for bnsiness orony ind ;my mind was continually filled with gloomy thonghth fiend torehodings, and in attempted to change - their currenteby reading, at once it selection of icy coldness in connection with 1 dead weight, Is it were, rested upon my brain; Aldo, a feeling of sickness would occur 9t the stom nch, and greotpsin‘to my eyes, sccoupnnicd/ with which use the continual {ear chiming imy reason. i also experienced grout lull!- tnde, debillty and nervousness, which made It difiicult to Illkjiy day or sleep at night. l become nurse to society, and disposed only ts ,Icclusion, end having tried.thc skill or: numo her of eminent physicians of various schools finally came to the conclusion that, {or this disuse at my pnelent age (45 years) there wn. no cure in existence: But, through the inter feienco of Divine Providence, to whom I de— vontly ofi‘er my thanks, '1 nt last found is sove ‘ reign remedy in your Dyspepsia Pills and Tu iCordi-l, which seem to have effectually remov ed almost the lost trace of my lung list of nil. neat! and bad feeling, in their place health. plensnre Ind con trnent are my every day componions,, Jus )1. S‘AUIIRRI, , \ No. ‘53 North Second St., Philadelphia, Formerly pf Wopdbury, N. J A POSITIVE CURKFOR DYSPIPJIA. In: mu! )(3. Jon I. Incoox nu. No. 1028 Olive Sm: t, Thilndelphin, Jun. 226, 1563.} Dr. ,Wilhort—Sin—ll. irwitli mush plan lure that i In: now Able to inform you am, '0" the use of your grul. American Dynpepnin Pills, l have been entirely cnrcd of than no". distressing complaint, Dypcpeln; i had both grievouuly Imicted fur the int twenty-eight years, nnd for ien years of that time have not been lrée from its pnin oue week-n! n time. I luv. bad it in its worst form and havedrngpd on s most miserable existence—in puin day and night. Every kind of food that l m fill ed me with wind and pain, it. mattered not her light, or how lmllll the qunnmy. A continual belching was sure lo follow. i had no uppe tite for any kinds of meats whatever, and In; dintresn was :0 grant {or neverui months below Ilenrd oryour l‘illa, that. I frequemly fluid (or death. i had taken everything 1h“ I 5“ heard at for Dyspepsia, without. receiving my benefit; but on your Pills being recommended to gas by one who hnd beamenred by them; i. concluded to give them a trinl, nithon‘h [ hid no hill: in them. To my ulonllhment, l lound myself Petting flmr before i ind token one-fourth o A box, and, After taking hell 5 box, I am l and! mm, and can (at mag/(lung I with, uni enjoy I hearty meal three time: I def,' without inconvenience from anything i m or drink. Il‘you think proper. you are n. liborly tom-kc this public nml refer la me. I will cheerfully give all desirablennforuuwn to In; one who may cull on me. -. Yom, respectfully, Jon H. Duane», For ule u Dr. Wish-rm Medical begs,“ 10 North Second nreel, Phi -Iykh.2u—.~. Prico Ono Dollu per box. 3 t)5 “U. (re. of charge, on reocipt at price. ~ The above In t fur snug fit nun“: which um iron numb but. am his. .- nntimelx (nu. - )7. blue mound; of [emu Yb. yiph - aim. and drunk" the In" pnuribd'nd told an. Imam-,1 uying (ht the) in. never and or told u noggin. um can not . Intern! nitration. ‘ V i Puporod only by the halal-Solon ; DI. I“ 14 Wm -., _ I ‘ I ‘..., w; . L. - .... 3+ ‘m' ’v- E“ W *l‘ “:5 I ($3 ; f 3.1: ,3 1:; ~3‘ b “I" l: “lIHI . ‘ ‘mfi’a :fi . m i II 3“ a :1 0
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