ikV H .a I! 6 :~ '. mgltmssey “ - Th. Conant is pnblhfifl' hiery Manda] morning. by Hunt J . Stun, at $2 00 per mum if {hid strictly xx" unreal-$2 5Q pot nun if not paid in ndunce. No Iqution discontinued, unlo’u ,It tlu option of tlm publisher, until d! menses Ire paid. Ann nun-nus inserted at thin and nun, Jon Pnlxnxq done with nutneu ur‘d dlupuoh. Onxcu in South Baltimore «not, nelrly opposite thplen" 'l‘innlng nubli-hment‘ “fooling.“ Pnuflxa OPHCI" on the sign. YRMESSI’BNM. @ARM. D. McConaughy, TTORNEY AT LAW, (office one door was! A of Buchler'a drug and book storc,Cbgm ersburg unset.) Arron!" “(0.801.1ch you .EA-ruu up Prism”, Bounty Lnnd War nnts, Back-my suspended Claims, and~ all «her claims sgn'ulat the Government at. Wash !hg'on. D. 0.; also American94lxims in England‘ Lind Wumuu located and sold,or boughtgmd highest price: given. Agents engaged in lo crfing Warrants in lowmglmnoil and 01119} western States fi'Appl} to him pox-loudly or by lencr. - Gettysburg, Nov. 11, '53. ‘ P A. J. Cover. ~ - ATTORNEY 4T LAWJHI promptly “tend to Collectipnl and I“ other busineu en truued to him. Oflica between FuhncsMcks’ Ind Danna: & Ziqltr'u Stores. Baltimore «tr e‘ Gettylblrg, Pa. [Sept 1:, 1859 f Edwardß. Buehler. ATTORYEY AT LAW, will faithfully nnd promptlyutteud to‘nll buqiness entrusted to him. He 51mph the German language.— Offlze at the fame place, in South Bultimor’o street, near FornL-y'a drug store, and- nearly opposlto Dunner 6: Zie'gler's Itore. \ Gettysburg, March 29. J. 'C. Neély, TTORXEY AT I.;\“v\'.~—Purtionhr uten- A tiun I.3th to collucliun of Pensionl, aunt}, and link-pa}. Office in the S. E. earner of th- Diumunfi: . L WM $161391: “L; 4 Wm‘ A. Duncan, , V“ TTURN HY AT LAVA—Office in the North wel': corner orUcn re Square, Gettysburg, .. - 5 [ML 3,1559. u‘ Dr. J. W. G. O’Neal’s FFIL‘F. am] D‘xcivlwg. N. E. corner of Hal'- limure and High unfulfinur Presbyu-riun Cuurch, (Sellyshurg. l‘n.‘ _ ’ .. 50:. 30, law. If * Dr; D. s. Pefi‘erl “BOT I‘s H'WN, Adams I‘Uun y, (Immune! A (112 p'nmlrr up his prnfe~<iun In all Ha \n‘lnuhu. 5M “or.“ ruwpouluni imxle all puma; .m 1911 mm any old ump'diu‘ dis (lnn to can and romuh hum. . Ums, “564.. u‘ ‘ 4‘ .. , ..V ..._ _ , , '— 7 J. Lawrence 3111, M. D. 4* AS his offire one , ' l I (look It": “thew Lukhernn churl‘h in . Cfiumhrrgl vrg sum-L and opposite Pirking'a 911 w, wh Ire those wiqluin: to have an! [)Hltul (mug-inn pevn 12d urereéps‘ctffi‘d) invhcdto CAU Mus-turn. Dr=. Hornpr. lh-v. C. P. K? ‘31.“. [),l‘.-5’.11.‘.',. )5 Higher, I). 1)., Rev. r‘m'. )l Luzuhl. Jrof. \i.‘ L.Sucrer. . . warn-am Am! ”,5: A Adfims County “ UTE“; HI',I\‘SL'IMNUE‘AHIPANE -1 Inorganic; “Arch :8, 1351. ‘ ‘ Offit‘flfll frufileut—Genrzc Savage. W 0 l'rtu'Eku'—-i-, li. Rune“. Strl-rfnrjf—D. X. f‘mclnh r.‘ ‘ Trmmrtn—Um‘i-l H'ljro.:r§'. Hamlin Cu :4 WWl—Bub”; Hx-Currly. Jutlb Kinz, A 1 159.: ‘Hcinixdmxln'. - ‘ .‘lI-Mpft‘ hairy! Swnpe‘ (I. A‘: “Jih‘l‘f, K. 913M113: I ”ah Kllll, A. Hvlutulmau, 0.51::- Crv'lr". ~‘ it Than”. I. R. den'x. Squat! I) Mb I:- 11, 6.. G fi‘ymuun-k.’ll'u. B, Wilndl, Ti \. I’lcnaz. Wm H. \luUleuu. luim Whi fin-1. R. G. "-K‘u'wpuv. Jnhn i‘n'kinz. Abzl‘r. 5"14'11; John ('n‘ininghfin. .Uy-hi-l F 150“, {ll'4" 11. \hrallrlll, M. Elvin-[bench ' f “‘g‘flus Company i-I Hunted in it: opus flon‘s w the nought)- of Ad um. I: has hernia guzéustul npefiltluu 'ur mum (fun :i; fur-z, and in HM! z-I'rin-i {nu will all lapse-s and 'l - mm [mung-“i. hm—ing “Lao :6.qu purpl'ui mpxtxl m‘lloe Transurv. The cm puxy cmplm- no {gyms—nu husiuos! emg‘ (lune ‘ny Hu- ‘J m \zbn, wlm :IN‘ anmmHy Cid-t -cJ 3) [ho St wk'mi-lpra, Any [.erum desir’ng n ‘s{a=ulm-c i-qn 'npply_m lady of the :h‘n‘e n km 1‘! ‘vl um :I'r-z fur turthgr information: - *é" file {hm-x uliv: Culmumee‘mr'ts uuhe office/OTIIH' Campmx on the lust Wednesluy {n evouqnnulh. at 3, P. H. 1 Sept. 17, [81:8 ’l‘ H [,5 Removals, : * ‘HEllhdor.~imul.hein:lhe mnhufizcd penon‘ 1 m make r- muvnis' hm [hm- (in-en (ly'ne (cry, hopcs that Int-h us cqntemplntc the rcmral at the «inning of glam-4:651 rcLuivc: or ('rimfis will avail themsclfes of this Henson oftheyen- 96 have it dong; Removal: mm}: with prompheu p-lerznl Lmi', and up efi‘orr soured m planer," ' g ‘ [‘lil‘l'lll Tnonx Hugh 12:430. Keeper uf lhe (femur)- The Great Discovery F THEinni—inflnuimmory and Chronic O Rheumatism l‘nn be cured by using i. L. M‘HJJ'IR‘S CELIIBIIATED HHHUMA'I‘IC MIX TURE. ){il'ly prominent. citizens offihiq and he adjoining countiei, have testified '0 its great utility: IN «mucus in Iliicnmqtiesflec gimmha‘s been iliiih'rio unpurnlleledfl' any .pccific, iiitéoducéxl to [lie pliblic.; Prue 50 Menu per bottle. For sale by all druggiimnnd stogekaepcrs. Prcpxxredfiniy by H. L. )iLLER, “'boiesaie and Retail ruggiat, Egg. Begfin, Adams county, Pm, dealer in Drugs; Ghenicala, oils, Vanish, Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuf’s, bot cied Oils, Ensencei and Tinctuqes, Vindow Ginsu, Perfumety, Patent. Mcdicjnis, he, to. WA. D 4 Buchler. is the Apgefitajti jettys burg (or “ H. L. Millfi's’Celebruted ll'h'ugnntic Minute." [June “1'86“ if The Grocery Store X THE.“ Hll.L.—The nodal-signed would 0 respectfully inform the citizens otGeuys burg an? vicinity, that. he lma tnkenlhe old mind “an the Hill." in Baltimore Itret, Get tysburg, where he intends to hill? cmstamiy on Hood all kinds of GROCE ES—Sugxus, Cofl'ebs. Syrups ohnll kind-,Tobacci, Fish, Salt, #O., Ennbenwnre of all kinds,Frnits, Oils, And in fnc‘ oveuythingmsmlly land in 1 Grocery. Also, FBOUR & FEED at all kinds; ‘l} of which he intend: to sell low is be 10w ..ac.. Country produce taken in e’xclunge for £003! and the highestprice given. Hi mum-9 .1535!!! that, by agricc attention and an honest, deaire to pit-346,43 merit I share of while p... uonsgo. TRY HIM. J. 31;.10WE. Feb. :3, 1863. u —~ ‘ ..___-—~—-‘ _, - 7 Gram and Produoq I A'XG ukmdhe large and comedian ‘ E Warehouse recently qccifpiod ”Trank' enh, Esq" I I ; IN NEW OXFORD‘ gym prepared to pay the highut‘iiceu for' CH kinds of PRODUCE. Also, lell Kalle low- A "Imam-wane; COAL and ezommlss, o! Iver, deacription. '. :‘ _ , A. P. MYERS a: wwnmx. I" ngord, 11mg. 10, 1863. ..If ’~ ‘ _ Us» 3" (“1118 "' 911‘ . . A 'QLQ MEN, do not. allow you mother; A; your wives v‘o wear out. the} pre'cioue "an the old Wash-tub longs; bug like Inn men ind benefxgctora, present; Hem with u: E'XGELSIOR WASHER, Igd ‘ stud of {gowngjmi angstroms on wash ,dépend japan “(chekfn‘ [Bm will gregt yoq , frysox BR TREES, Gem-lbw, m 9‘1532?m4._;' 4 "“313“ " figmhwanm a? ’ magnify Enact-[givin » ~ V. Lh cs: ' fig? ,4' qr-‘:‘u.:_m?'m)v' ”gig” : ‘ Sl7 ‘1’!“ ‘firgfiw 5» fix a - if: -+‘~<~»- W' ’ "_:———————————— A . h ; . r i ’ _, s *“W‘W—“-*—'-——f“ a ‘I I“ ~,%,:wa . g if: ) r .l I I?” &zfi’# » ,I. o , 9 .2’ g- SI s‘! 2:3"); :I , 5%, i." ‘ V ,‘r ‘I 3%. 922‘ . ‘us. I.” j : .32: 3:5 :19, 4,4 , , , - , a, \ e - M. IM.’//4""7571*; JR “I; ,7: 4. "fix Ifg 24% \ f 4'3 f 14 t 1574 K :1; 4:: ‘4'; “K V ' .4 .v I \~ .4 \./ ». \ , ~ ‘ . . ‘ fi } jvx ) f I I >// (7 /> é . § ‘ u [/1 ' ‘ EMI 1111 B" ‘l5:. 'J. 'STAHLE é'7th‘ Year. Valuable Farm 'r pmmm SALE—The , anhscribérn‘ A olfer in Private Snla their valuable Farm, in Frgcalom township. Adnmn'connty, l’n., on the banks of Mars}: Creek, about 6 miles south (if Gem) shurg, adjoining lnnnls of Johnr )lc- Clary, \John- Bighnm, Limes Cunningham, and qthcrs. ‘The Farm contains 118 Acres, mom or less, having thereon erect- "J i Ed I one nnd a. half story BRICK 1315’ 7' EOUSE, Log Stable. With a math 53", Hl]; flilixigwell at water near ihe doo'r. . .3” $11.45 There is a first-rate Apple Orchard and :1 Va.- ricty of Peach trees on the premises. Jl‘here i! ahpnt 35 acres of good Timber-lund.lnd than! 20 acres of meadow. The land id of g ' d quality, and in a high state of cultiva -1%“ the greater portion ofit. having been re d; tly limcd. The harm is under good fencing, mill is convenientlylocnled to Mills, Churches, Schools, Markets, tel 41!. mll'be sold on ten.- sonable semis. WFor further pnrticulnra apply (5 H. P. BIGIIASI. v R.M.‘BIGHA3L ~._fi _ ,v, -V . Tressury ' Department. Dec. 5,1864. 6: Orncz or Com-noun: 0F nu: Gunman , WAEIHIUTON, Dec. 8. 1864. } HEREAS, by sutislncwry eviJencc pg ' seuled to the undersigned, it: hns b 11 made to appear that. “(TEE GETTYSBUBG iNATIUNAL BANK.” in the Borough of Gettys ihurq, in Lhe‘Cuumy 01 Adams, um! Sane of .I’eungivnuii, has been duly organized uud‘er, Fllnd nccu‘rdrng to, the requirements of the Act 'of Gongrcss entitled “An A 0: to provide a Na ‘tionnl Currency, secured hyn pledge of United ‘i‘tutcs Honda, and tavprdvide tor the Circuiu-, ition and rdemplion thereof,” Rpm-raved Juine “‘3. IB64,’nnd has commie with all the pro "i'isiuni, of said no! required'ito he con3piied with .Lfieinre rmnnlencing the b‘iusiucss‘of banking llumhr szud ncl: J ’ l; Now. - ghrreiore. I, HUGH MCCL'LLOCH, “Comptroller of the Currcnd‘v', do hereby certi éry um ‘wrun GLTTYSfiUgw NATIONAL HHXK.” in the Borough of Gettysburg, in the [County of Adnms, and Stalqot Pennsylvania, in authorized to commenre the business of 'hiukiug under ihe mt nforesni/fl. I ‘ i in testimony whereiif, wilnqssmy hand am‘ I» ,-_ sea] ofOf'fi-‘e, this; eighth day of D: ‘ I sun i-comher, "64. -‘ i ' ;‘l .(«3 umn McCI'LLOCH. i, ‘l' ‘1 Coxuplrpllcr oi the Curran. ‘ Dec. 19,;148G41 2111 1.. .7 L r , » .7 A. --,__, / "' L - ‘ . I , :‘ Rgglstc r’s Notice. c ‘ OTICE'is hereby given 1.9 all Le ntecsnnd ‘ other person; concerned, th: . _the At}. nnnidmtion Acccuuts hegeinnfter meuiiongd iu'ill bc prvsented m. tiip Urpim ’8 Court pf ‘ Adam el‘mnly, fqr coufitmntion v the 16th day on' MONDAY 1355,11 l l 0 o'clock, A. )1 , vizz' 1 120. The second and ti .- quberll M. Elliott} Admiu' . :TinP'ElllOU. deceased. . i 121.,4'1‘he first nnll fin account ol‘Jnme‘s Rwy-11, Administrator -f Dr. Jame; Llam illim, deceased. ’ ‘ I w 122. First nd finnl‘ncmunj of Sahins‘E. Gardner, oniqflhefucumxes of the lust ,mll and {es nmcnt f Cnnrnd Moul. dec'a. [‘23. The Erslmnd final account of Lydia Naulmue o the If. eculrixos ofzhe last will ,and («slamem of" nurad Maul, drcensed’l ‘ 124. First and 'nal nec'Clum. of Josiah’G. Albert, 'l‘rswme (ary ’l‘ruslee ol male-gar} bequeathpd w’Hlram Alert, in and by the will of J .n E. Albert, deceAsed. e;- hibiled by-B jumin‘llalnun. Administrag ‘tor of thee» to of Josiah C. Alpert, dec’d. ‘ j. // SAMUEL LILLY, Registerfl‘ 'Regisler‘s Office, Gellysburg,‘ ‘ ‘ Dec. {V3, “364. w! j ‘ _ “7A , —/ < ~‘ » - .--———-— . Election. , 1 lßS’l‘ 'NATIONArL ' BANK OF. gGETTYS-F F BUKG.—Notice‘ is hereby given to the block/Loki: s of the Fxrst Nn'innnl Bank of ingug‘sburéthnt 1131~ election fo’r Sevén Dix-en‘- tors; to sum one year, will be held at. the Banking Hdnse of {aid Institufion, on ICES; DAY, the 10:11 day ”NUARY, [BB5. ‘ ,_ , G . . ARNOLD, Cashier. ‘ 1 Dec. 12, 1804. 3: , ‘ ’ ; .. 7 V..__.A__-,, ‘Gettysbxnsg National Bank. I ‘_ Gyrn'sgzuna, Dec. 13, 1864. ‘ THE AN-NUALH‘ILECTIQN for nine Direcl ion of this Bank will be held at: the Banking House, on TUESDAY, the 10m day of \ASUARYJt-XL, at 1 o'clock, “L M. " T. D. CARSONXCnshicr. I ’Dec. 19,1864. td _ ' -M‘ ~«—-_..v,~—L ~_‘ _...—.—‘———~ ‘ P Nance. [IE Jrcaunt of tAmos Lefevcr, chnezt‘nta; of the Limestowu Railroad Company, has been filed in the Court of Common’,Plenso Adam; county, and will be‘ confirmed by th :zfid Upon-t, on the 16th dgly 0: JANUARY nexti un‘eus’cfiuse bashpwu to mé contrary. ‘ aft“ JACOB BUfiflEY, Proth'y. i. Dec} 19, 1864. to“ - \ Notice. ACHARIAR'EfiSBORN'S ESTATE—Let ters of_ndminiatmtion on the esmte of Zachariah A. Osborn, Inle‘ of Huntington town-4 ship, Adams county, deceased, having been granted'to Hie undersigned, residing‘ in {be same township, be hereby glvea nbtice to all person indebted to said eslye to make im mediate payment, and those having claim: ’nguinst the same to present them properly authenticated for settlement. FRANKLIN H. EBEBT‘, Adm‘r. ‘_ Dec. 19, 1834. 76: ...—l,: Fresh Arrival F WINTER Goons AT A. SCOTT t O SON’S.——We invite the attention of buy.‘ up to our stock at Winter Goods, which will‘ be lold cheap, consisfing o! ' LADIES’LDRESS GOODS, ‘ Shaw!s,'Clonking Cloths,‘etc., etc. For Men’- nnd Boys'wenr w: have Clqths, Ca’sshneres, Comings, matings, with a i‘ariety of Cotton adas, gm, &c.‘ Call and se . Novizs, 1884. AfiSCOTT k.SON. New Bakery ! NEWPORT a ZIEGLER, Mechanical Bak . “era, South Washington street, halt square from the Eagle Hotel, GETTYSBURG,Pa.—‘ Constantly on hand, the been «at BREALM CRACKERS, CAKES, PBETZELS, Bc. Bert sons wishing frésh Bread will be served ev‘eru morning, by leanng their names andresideuceli at the Bakery. Every effort made to pleat? Give us I. call! [April 20, '6B. t‘f r Revenue Stamps F any denomiqalion conmutly on band 0 and‘for sale It the First National Bank Of Gettysburg. ‘ GEO. KRNOLD, Cg'hieh Ge‘tys‘mrg, Row. 14, lg“. Sale Crymg. ‘ ‘ , W. FLEHMING continue the huginen A. OQSALE CRYING, and solicits 111; can tinny! 91506339 of €ll9 public. It is his con- Itnnt endmrér thigh: satiahctiou. Charger mOdOW' SWIM jun Buckinridge "mt, WM. . q‘ *' ‘ lysfgquglicennd éncfioqogr, nndcmh! Tax 1‘“ ’ihofinilgd Shun, ; ~ My ‘ 3"“ , ’' ‘ .. 1 ‘ eA ©EM©©RATH© A » to) mm wumm. |. Tax and Mflitary Apspeals. ‘ THE Commissioners of Adams c nnty here i by give notice that they have fixed upon the following times and places for the holding ‘of Tax and Military Appeals for 1365, in the several biroughs and, townships of Adam county, w eh nnd whfre they will nttengl t. hear appeals, between the hours of 9 o'cloc , A. AL, nnd 3 o’clock, P. IL, of each day as follows : - ' ‘ . - For Mountjoy township, on Hondsy, tn 23d of January next, at the house of Isaac ight- I nor. in..\lountjoy township. ‘ i ”For the township of Germanflnnd hebor- . i ough oi Littlestown, on Tuesdly, t 24th of l January. at the houswf George B. 'nntis, in i ' Littleitowa. ‘ ‘ . For the townehip of ilnienian -" ednesdny, , the 25th of January, st the ho eof George i B. Yeah, "I. Liltleetown. 1 For the township of Conow go, on Thurs ‘dafflhe 26th of January, it no house ofJer. John, in McSherryetdwn. i For the township of Mo; tpleasnnt, on _Fri day, the 27th ofJenunry, . the house efil. E. Smith, at Mount Rock. For the township ofS , abnn, on Saturday, the 28th of January, s the house of Jacob L. Grass, in Bunterstow . l F6r the lownship . (guru, on Honda], the !30'lh ot‘Jannnry, nt he use of Geo. Shane, ‘ in New Oxforfi. ' " : For the townsh' and borough of Berwick, ,on Tuesday, the at of January, at the house f of Fruncxs-J. W‘ son, in Abbottstown. For the tow hip of Hamilton, on Wednes do}. the lst 0 February, st the house at Don ; iel Becker, 1: East Berlin. | For the twoship ot Ren‘ding, on Thursday, 1 the 2d of ' ebrunry, at the house of Rupert )1. ' Dicks, in 'umptcn. 3 ' For t town hip of Huntington, on Friday, . the 31d fFebnEuy, at the house of Mrs. Reed, l ' in PM rsburg. ’ ‘ i Po the townhhip of Lntiniore, on Saturday, I the th of February, at the house of Mrs. Beech, [in etersburg. - - ' l I ‘or the townshipiof Tyrou‘e, on Monday, the f Qh of February, at the house 0! Allen 31.; ‘ ‘qok. in Ileidlersburg. i '5 For the township of Mendlen, on Tuesday, the 7th of February. at the house of Charles “yr-rs, in Beudersville. . . , For the township of Butler, on Wéflnesdny. the SHI of February, at the house (if Henry Hartztlj. in Middlelown. , , a For the townshipofi Franklin, on Thnrgday. the 9th of Februarylat the house of Mrs. Brough, neu_llilltbwn. A A - . v. : ‘nt. 1: . ‘the :r memio. a ’8 Court L d “Hownn ‘e, , I JAAUARE', For :he tow‘nship of Hamiltonban, on Mon day, :he IZ-l'lh of February, at the house of A. Benchoof, inj-‘uirfleld. . For the township of Liberty, on Tuesday, the 14th of February, at McDiru’s Mill, in Liberty township. For the township of Freedom, on Wednrs day, the 15a. of February, at he house of Samuel .\lorii7.,in Freedom lownshlp. For the township-of Cumberlnnd, on Thurs day, the ldth at February, at the house of Francis Bream, in Cumberland township. For the township of Highland, on Friday. the 17th of- Fehrunry. at the house of Frnncu Brain, in Cumberlnnd township. - > For the horoc'ghof Gettyslwry, on Smurdny, the [Bill of February, at *he Comniissionern' Ofiice, in Gettysburg. 4 JACOB EPPLEMAN, SAMUEL MARCH, ABRAHAM KRISE. ' . ' Commissioumof Adams county. Arrest—J. H. Walter, Clerk. 'Dcc. 26,1864. td General Jurors For Srrcui. Cocnrpfilosnn, Fm. 8711. Hamiltonian—Robert Watson. Daniel King. Gettysburg—Philip Doersom, John Chrismcr. Franklin—Abrnhnm Hart, Jr., Peter Ketpxnun, Conrad Thomas. - ‘ Butler—Josefh Wolf, Israel Wicker, Solomon' nX account (‘9? lmlor of Cathl- Orner, Samuel Eyater, John Bream: . . Mensllen—Andrcw‘Bininger, Jeremiah fiugb; , inbmgh, Daniel Arendt. Isnnq Bender. Reading—John Brough, of J. . ‘ ‘ I leord—Simou Slngleflgo. H.‘K‘nbn. Humilto‘n—Peter Boflhoins, John Hardy; Dan- iel Smith. ‘ , Freedom—Edward J. Plank, David Rhodes. Sr liuntingtonFJohn E. .1533, \\'m. B. Smysers. L'nio —Philip Sterner, Peter Wolf. Sn n—Jnceb Kime;‘l’bomas Bowers. ' mm zplennnt—Andrew Limé. . Latimornt-Joel Griest. Bcrwick bola—John Wilson Tyrone—George Stock Cumberlnqd—Gomel’a Dnugheflyflno. Group ‘ Jan. 2, 1364. A 7, OHN FLICKINGERS’S ESTATE—Letters of administration on the estate 01 John Fucking", int; of Berwick township, Adams cognty, deceased, having been granted (0 the undenigned, the int unmed residing in the lame township, and the last mined in Hamil ton township, they hereby give notice to all persons indebted to mid estate to make im mediate plymnnt, and those having claims :gainst the sync to present them properly nuthenticatef‘for settlement. ‘ 3" - GEORGE FLICKINGER, ‘ - GEORGE LAUGH-IJ Dec. 26, 1864. 6V" Administrators. OTICE is' Rubi-"given to Exicutors. Ada mininrators, Guardianl, Trustees, and all persons having Papers, Appointments, 4%., remaining in the office of the Clerk of xhe Courtl, wit! please lift them And pny the fees theroon, on or bebre the lat df February next, if they want to uve com. The papers are in the hand: of A. J. Cover, Esq. JOHN EXCHOLTZ. late Clerk, , Per 8. H. Excnouz, Deputy. Dec. 26,1864. 3: HE Annual Election for a. President and Twelve Hangers of the» Gettysburg Rail road, will be held at the office of the Company, iii the lecond story 0‘ the Passenger Depot, in the Borough of Gettysburg, on Moxon,rni 97: or Jam“, at 1 o’clock in the afternoon. At the same time and place there will be held the regular annual meeting of the Stockholders. DAVID WILLS, Sec’y. Dec. 26, 18:4. to ‘ctioneerlng. WEAR BIKER, of Strabsn township, Adams county, Pm, has cqmmenced ALE CRYING, and will be happy toutend to 3.1ch113 that may be made. Re will do his best to re rsatisfaccion in all cases, had will be em“ in his charges. Thankful for the outage already bestowed upon him, he asks that the public generally give him a trial. J Sept. 26. Gal C A ByDuPEOTOGBLPHS of distinguished individuals, including 3 nu u be: of but prominent Generals, sad the 0 € hero John L. Burns, for sale at the new: of the Excellior Gantry, Gongs”. " 2.. ‘ TYSO EOTHERS. 00mm owns. for in ”(mngi. be had the” u SGHICK'S. RY Dr. B. HORNEB’S Tonic and Aim-u- T m-e Povden. fir HORSES and CATTLE. figured and and only at hi; Drug Store. Jung )6 nu. GETTYSBUR¢, PA-, MONDAY, JAN- 9, 1885. Notice. Notice. Railroad Election. “nurn )4 “can AND WILL PIIVAIL." 1 (Minimum ADD-ll! to I'll nnou 0! mm comma. Jnxunr 1. 1365 KIND PATMNS: a Eighteen hundred and sixty-four, As you all know, in now no more. ‘ Last night he abook his hoary head, And took his place among the dead. When he mu gone our new friend clmo; A IlJppy New Year—cheerful name; When all are checrful, gay and tree, A As mortal man can ever be. greet you all this glorious morn, \ "film happy New Your song: I'm glad to find you all so well ;' . r you not happy 'l—Olll "dew tell!” Come. let us see what has been done In tlm panyear, which new is gone; Winn bloody )lars with reckless hand, Has auxin“;l with gore our lovely land. There’s U. $. Grant. at Richmond's door, ls knuyking now—has knockedmefore; Nr ughl seems to shake his mighty will—- Lee Heals no other friend so ill. I/ V JL Atlanta. fell nft’ many a fight, ' To runny came an endless night; But. truly blight in coming time, Will those brnvc raced: in Harry shine Frn'm Shenandoah? lovely r 310," “Victory" too came on the gnle, Hut shame was mix‘d—the burning brand Left ruin stark on every hand. A boldadx'nnce was that offiood’s, But Thomas sent him to the woo 15;, While from Snvhnnnh, nmzr the coast, Come lidings worthy ofloud boast. The news is bright—4w: will (hpse «hull of skill and blood \‘ouL-hsafe our needs,“ "Pew-e upon the {run cmx-Bition— '- 'lnel'niou"—nndllu Constitution? ’ Time'll to“. The‘ praphet's ninety days” Have came and gonv, )0! mrnnge smg §—' Dmn fnlhm‘s ”ruff—um» Abram“! More hc‘eds full “threw.- huudxcd mousnud more.” Of the events of sixty-four, .‘Cme «xviiirg th'm [how of yore, You duuhllc=s all do wcll remember, Thv great election in Nuwm‘war. ‘Tllc Shoddys chow old Abrnlmm, I To rule lh' ufluira 0! Uncle Sam; The Democrats chose “Lilué Mac," . To bring Iht: crring Rebels back. The greatxnmpfign was hot and long; limb! was quclled by might and wnng; , Democracy. the mumn’: >hivld, a \ Once more In Imus] was’ magic to yield; ' But still she liv'es; fl“ I figh' and strong, Prep trod m bmn- ltjmuLnud wrung: I’m-pared to save lhdL Nation‘s li'r; l'rq-nrcd to rnd {bk/s mortal girlie. \Vr‘rc Pightm‘n hundred mnmnud strong, Tn u noble CHHBP.9 all lgelong; (.‘unlonding hrzu'ely fur flié right, We‘ll ne'er \vnhtlxuw from sud: :1 fight. \ Democracy, the shield of the Nutxmfi The pride 0! [he hnuc and “I! free; In theé we will find our salvation, In then ever sate wesan be. Wherever thy hzmner is slrcaming', ,B.|.e lynuiny quail: nl thy feet, And Liberty's sun-light ‘5 beaming, In 'spleudor ofmnjL-sly swan. “'IIC‘III Liberty sounds her war rattle, Demnnding he:- right and her due, The first whmally to battle, Are the smfs ol Dcmocrucv true. Thick as the [em-es of the forest, Her brave song will rise on each plain, And strike until mu-h \‘lmlnl tyrant Lies dead on the soil he would slain. Democracy. we love thy bright bnnner, ' We'll strive m protect every stnr, We will benr thee 'pntuin'terl forever, We'll prolecl theél‘ in peace and in war. » Three times three then let us all give her, Let no foe her brightness e'er dim; Triumphamly her we’ll deliver, A: brightns she ever has been. . Pardon, I pray, this digression, 01' our town we now will speak: Yesmettyaburg—historic place, Where was heard the piercing Ibriek Here was a mighty battle fought, ‘ Here met the mighty 1193‘5; i We heard the dyin‘g groans of men, Their loud huzzns and bouts. . _ From Qhrlce one hundred Angry gun], The lurid flame burnt forlh, 7 And dealt destruction f'n'ns way To JOBS of South mad Nonh. We we]! rememlger those long dsyl, ”When many lhnnsandu tell; The deaf'ning cries, the canuoul’ roar, . These we remember hell. Then'Manjfn foe marchgd thro 1| the town, In dendlf “rife engaged ; ng‘ With angry look and an len frown, . They truly were enraged. 0n yonder hill the thousand: ileep, Whp fell to save our Slate; Their noble deed- long will we keep In hallowed mem’ry great. Our town 'lis true him not improved, A: much as we desirz; Yet we mun make nllo nnce for These days of war '0) din.» One word for Johnny of the “Star," For a brave man in he; He’s just the chap to go to war, 80 “fearless and free." Wuh brond-briu'smed but he italic wound, AI you an alwnyl see; But we must not inwh Hut man, So “fearless ind {m}: .K . Go on, then, Johnny of the “Star," Be bold l 8 you can be; VP: know than you a wimman no, So “fetrleu and free.” \ Go tell the boys to go to m} On lund and on the us; But you, brave Johnny, any it home, So “fem-lea and free." But now, kind Mandi, before I dose, Just let me of my though“ dispose, For you all know that we're “hard up," For “ramp John," comejll tbs opp. All kind! of weather will I come, A: heretofore I on have done, ' Nowfor my service come “shell out," ‘ And make me feel no proud and “out. Oh! when tho wintry “0m but: big; - And inning him um “and: sky ; When ice and sno‘w the earth enahroud, And ye around yuur hem-chateau crowdé And when the gentle Sputh wind blows, (Waning sweet odors {now the rote ; When birds the“ gilded plumnge wear, And music floats upon‘the air; Ilnnember men the Carrier Boy, Who with heart. full of blithesome joy, From week to week hiSIrOOISICPS head, And bringiyour ever-ielcome Mend. The “Conan," friends, is all 0. K, We bnu'e fulsebond night and day; For pence and Union we contend. And pray that coon-this wur may end Continue! then, your Marty nid, -_ See that your printer's hill impaid; Ten thousand thanks We-lhen will give, ‘ And pray that long you‘ all um) live. ‘ CA RRIER MESGEMLMWO WHEAT ROWING. ‘ FTha last number of'lhe Royal Agrirultu ral' Society’s Journhl contains Mehsrs. Lawn-s and Gilbert’s account of their long contmued experiments in wheat. growing, and the results. Man instalment toward elucidation of the guilt food question. we epitomise a few of the conclusions arrived at. Wheat. has. been grown on the same ‘land. without manure, _lor twenty.yenrs i‘n ‘gucceseiou. the land being of average wheat protlucing quality. The produce averaged for twenty yams was l6} bushels to-the new. The ctl‘ect of farm-yard manui-o, ap plied yearly, was an average of 321 bushels to the acre; and with urtificialngnnures. the average was 35} bushels; “considera bly more,” say the experimentalists, than the produce ofGreat Britain, wherf’wheut. is grown in the ordinary course of agricul ture in’x rotation. Mineral manures alone, applied in the soluble form. scarcely in crease the crop. whilehitmgenous manures do occasion an increahe; but the grentest increase takes place when these two kinds are combined. ‘ ~ ==l A III"! In lffizrle'cullurq’sn-One o." the spea kvrx nt n-recpnt meaty”; of" ngriculturists in New anqn, gave .the following direc tinqs (or taking trees from flux-series. 'llB um : , i "An enormous nmmlhnt of money is an nll'ully°lr-~lj to Iron put-chanson lrom rulle and— unakim‘ul tnktngLrp. Trees are torn up by the roots. u: it t. a trunk and b‘rnn che-s mare the one Lhm‘g nncessary. and the roots superfluous. 'l‘hgyropér way is to open '\ trunch nn (Huh 153119 of the tree with a cnmmrin ’qlmln, l.(qu}r_g (l 4: alga (award the (rm stun not to cross a rant. 'J‘llmg tranch es should bé far enough from the tree to avoid the main roots, and deep enough t'o go below :1). 0x00“; u. luprooi, which may be rut 011'. "fins lwing'done, the tree may be pulled up with its roots amine.” Mr. Lit-enln’a Christmas Jake—“ Tao Riel! to 11¢ I’l‘inted."f'l‘be New York [lsrald’s \Vnsli ington correspondent is responsible for the following: : At the Chrintmns reception given by Me. Lincoln luzl- Monday. the‘venernble Secre lafy of the Navy was in high feather, bout ing ofthe achievements ofthe South Atlan tic blockuding equudron in capturing Sn vn'nnah, while (llbO being kind enough to ncknnwhdge that lance: under Genernl Sherman had lend" the navy some not inconsiderable help! After Mr. Welles left the mom a general officer who was present —the heud of an important bureau—re marked that the patiiurchal Secretary of the Navy “seemed to consider the capture of Savannah altogether n naval triumph.” To this Mr. Liticoln fluuhed forth one of his magnificent jokes, tliere being only . this 01-jtction to its reproduction: that it was far lad rich to be printed. nnd can only be passed from mouth to mouth in the circles of the innermust initiated. llurrnr of Wan—Louis XIV, of France. hall a horror ofwnr. “I <lmllnever lorget,” he once ML]. “that fine speech of the king, my gnudfather, go the dauphin, my father, as they waikpd togeth—r after the battle of Fumenny (1745) on lhe field strewed with dead and dying, ‘Sce,’ mid Louis XIV, ‘wlun a victory cos!!! The.blood of" our e'nemiel in no less the blood of man. True glory. n 1! son, consists not in shedding. puhulaparing blood.’ ” It is a great. :3in that the 'kings, presidents pnd lemiug ntateamqn of the nations of the earth were not pa euod ofn holy a horror of war as wn L 033 XXV. ' How to be Cheerful.—A cheerful life must be a buhy one. And a busy life cannot well be othemise than cheerful. Frags do not crank in running water. Active minds are seldom‘troubled with gloomy forebodinga. They come up only tom the stagnant depths ofa spirit unstimd by generous im puiza or the blessed deceuities of honest toi . A . 8-.“ To be a woman of fashion is one of the easiest thing: in the world. .A late finite:- :hnl describes it: Buy everything 'o‘: don’t want, and pay for nothing you at; smile on all munkabut your hun gund ;be happy evpryw ‘ but at, home ; neglect your children Ind [“1119 ‘lnp-dogn; go to church every time you gain new drm.” swan???) bless me Wives! they fi“ onr'hives with liitle bees and honey. ’l‘hey emlife’l geeks, thry mend our socks. but don't ey spend the money? When we are lick they heal-us quick—that in. If the] love us; If not we the. and yet they cry, Ind raise tomb-Lanes above us.” “‘Peopla generally have I wrong idea ol'Jim Lane,ofKnnaas. - He is not 93 might bvsuppoeed a young. genteel, or Senator like man, but. a rough looking customere'a He swears like a trooper. talks low and vulgar—goes with his collarnnd shirt bosum operund looks like what he is—n leading mfijm, in a new country. fi'l'he New York Tribune sa‘ya: “We are now borrowing money in Efl'ucLat filly cents on the dollar. which comes 100 agar bankruptcy?) s pleasant subject of con umplnflon.’ a ”How to slufl I. goose: Cut a piece of hair from a Sky (other. Ind pend n. in I letter to a. coxcomb, telling him it. y. lock or; young lady who‘hu fillen’in 1- f“; with him. ‘ ' * WWhy is a washer-woman lila- grief? Becausé Ihefiringjmenghosoms. W‘Nohody in burL"-Abo Lincoln.— >MB {h with!!! Hid mph“, .‘ TWO DOLLARS A—YEAR. 1n pownmn 51119. A. i The unique idea of destroying Fort Filb er by theme of‘s powder ship exploded under the walls.origlnated. says the corres rondent of the Philadelphia Inquirer, in the ertile brnih of a populur Major General of Volunteers (Butler, probably.) The Louisi ana, a screw steamer built. in 1860. "M se‘ lected because of her likeness to e blockade runner. Her guns were taken out. but. the engines were left intact in order to enable her to steam to her destination. She wee loaded with two hundred and sixty tuns of powder. (582.400 pnuuds,) disposed as much as pomlde above the water line.— Snye the correspondent above mentioned : “On the floor of the berth deck the pawder was stowed in barrels with the heads out. On top of_these barrels were pile-«l lmgs of powder to the spur clack. tbs upptr ‘lier of bags being lofflumii-d. in the awful”; of the lugs opt-n. .On the uppex or spar deck were erected twn‘mblong 503‘? of hoardscovcr ed wkrrcnnmssend crammed with powder. The patent Gomez Whal reedy alluded to, was plug!!! on the‘, eck, l and run through the cargo or powder. in ‘ every direction. _The clock was setf to strike st forty minutes after being pul‘ in I motion.‘ , —-—»~ —— ~ - in... ~........... BHERMAN'B MARCH. [Correspondence of the :wa York World] Considered a: a rheatacle. the march of GPnernl Sherman's arm: aur’pahsed, in tome r-spectn,all:n trchelin history. The flames < ol‘n city lighte-l its Ll'ginlllng; deuolation which in one sense is sublime. murkad all it: progress to the sea. its cm! is a hunti ful ession—a city apared horn doom.— Unmertth smiling skin. cooled by airs balaly ”the breath ora northern summer, the Army of the West. slowly trunuforpting ritselt' into an army nfthe Enet. nicvcd lrum launset-to sunrise through a tori‘xtory lick ‘ in all things wherein the theories nl atatis- - iticinna have' declared it‘ poor. Food ‘in gardens, food in cellars. stock in fields. stock in barns. poultry overyWhe-re. appear ed in the distance, diauppenrud in thopres.“ ence, and wns'borne away upon the knap isncks and hayoncts of thou=nnrl~ uholdiou. ' 1A new El Dorado, too. was this heart of the .Sonth. Money—bright gnltl, nhminpsilver t—plucketl lrorn (Elmo's. and. stwkmnx and burial place: by the wayside, rnrivhod tho liuvadors. 'l‘he poldzer hns hir- whitnxf~tnil Heathers oi peacocks drmpttd and ocirrtiln itcd along lhe' moving columns from the lorests ol' infantryrnen and troopers. Jokes 'nnd laughter and 50:13:, and the thing of itheqweets of honey and sorghum. r ichd the weary tl‘fllnping, trampgng, over fieltla . and roads and bridges, through a month‘of Idays. The cavalry swept. the pathway of guerrillas: the clang of their hoofa and an hres resounrlml through the. glans to right,‘ Ito leftmml in the trout. {Swiltand terrible, land not always ju~t', were‘thn strokes of . 5 their arms, the work of their hamls. Pionv leer! along it marrh ordesolnilon forty miles in widthmnd three hundred mics in length, ‘ their labor was too swift to ho discrimina ;ting. The great army—over the landsand ‘into the dwellings of the poor and rich” lalxke, through towns and cities—like n iroaring wane, swept. nntl paused, reveled. and surged nn. In thoduy tune, the splen idor, the toil, the desolation oi the march; : in the nighttime, the brilliance, the gloom. ‘the music. the icy and the elumber of the icomp. Mnmoruhlethn muaie “that mocked jthe moon” of November nlonfil the mail of [Georgia; aometimcs n triump ant march, loometimes n gloriou= WallZ. again an old air [stirring the heart. alike to recollection and ito hope. Floating out from throats ofbnn ‘ to the ears of anltlqu in their blankets Ind 'genorals in their tents. these tunes hallow- , ed the days to all who listened. Sitting lbefore his tent. in the glow ofn camp fire one evening. (Jon. Sherman let his cigar go, - font to listen to an air ting. distant bond iwrts playing. The mmicl I ceased at last. i'l‘he General turned to one of his officers: “Send an orderly, to ink that bond to play .th‘at tune ngain.’ ‘A hith- while, and the band received the word. The tune In “'The Blue Junint'tJ’Lwith oxquisite varia ‘tions. The hand pl. yell! it, again. even more beautziully than ltfore. Again it ceased, and then. otf to th ,right, nearly I quarter of a mile away, the voices of some soldiers took it up with the words. The band, and sm! another band played 1 low \ accompaniment; camp after camp began singing; the music of“’l‘he Blue Juni‘ah” became, for a few minutes, the Oratorio of half an army. , . . Back, along the whole wide pnthwayo! this grand march from border to coat, the eye catchea glimpses of scenes whose-avast and poetic images an American, five year! ago, would have thought never could have been revived from the romantic put. Pio iures warm in fields and glam. and by the bank: ofrivers. A haltat high noon beside Millage—h hosieging nfhouaea by the troop. msoldiers emerging from the doorman anti back yards, bearing coverlids. Slate. poni ._. try and pigs—bee-hiues attache , honey in MOVEMENTS 1N CKNADA the hands andsmvnring the_foces of tho 'l‘h in tears enrolled in v riou3i3‘arta boys—hundredsnl'soluhexspokmghundrodn e W n . . ‘ a . of bayonet: in the corners ot. yards and gor ol' Canaggi'oroervwe-on the ”omm” are den-softer connc'tlci treuurethere andthero alreadyon the “1°" towards the. ”"5"“ a nhinrng. tinklmg prize, and shouting Ind pasta 't' which they note be ntanpno '_ scrambling. and n merry division of‘tho l‘he Butler Barracks and-the Mrssissagn spoils. In the background. women with Fort at the mouth of the Niagara nver are praying hands and beseeching “l”, unhoed to be occupied by the Toronto volunteer: ed. Night near a railroad depot—a roar of “n" two °°m,p““‘es °¢ the "Queen 3 0W“; fires—a shouting of-vcices—thouunda of ”"1 companies from W oocistock “,"d Beach- men ripping up tiesnnd rails, beating them, "”3 are 0”"9‘1 ”Lapmni" ‘ alunteers twisting them casting them down—axe- at from Montreal are to bostationed'al “md- work~the de'pot and building and wood s°” and m a“ PM“ °f the Pr°wnces "‘9 piles ablaze—m. picturesque and tumulmoui fiolunteer force- nroinuatermg and prepsr- scenery ol'savaW incea ht M aiurid gleam. ingi'or the duties assigned them of guarding The march bvfiin" «huffing columns. glit the frontier during the excitement incident tl’ring inn-kc! burr flowing fi "3. gene to the raid question. _ _ . . ral’s c.wuic;’lv:- ~. mm tr.un-. ~frnuglw‘s 'ln “1.6 meantime, (he “"1 nuthonti} .and thousands ol'neizrneain titereur, towel:- are taking “0“," measures ‘0 nrrest n 'ng over mwhr—n "Hm”! of love! field“. Borneo engaged in the outrage am. Alhanl. ,crossed by ,4”. me broken nova-anally 5;“, . ermont. Some partia have been demm' swamps mu p.‘.‘..:hcs ni inrust -zue distant ed by the police, on suspmion o! harm “no“ ”Tn“ r, n ..v L‘l "M Aixw‘ been engaged in thin outrqge on Amen herein by the ‘....,..:.__ .I.l?gm r. p min _ “Hum" but noauflicient [froofhns ye’bfien rfane Ewen"); out, for}; «iv-yr or inm‘ow « Gil”b't°d:‘° wnrmnt Wm", proceedings quickly blast-ii -—".L l tires. :1 n“ ’l~ madly; ngainsttbom under the authority 0f the voluhle wttl. quv‘it';‘|\-:-tilf'llr(ti‘g‘Jut‘rvtwi‘ Crown officers. The spirit mamt‘euted on Mr mlven.‘ “M n ”I'M the march film the part. of the Canadian oflicims has been t-i;ir kmltuvn ”W 1"“, '5 , _ of such a clnrncter as tojumly a behel th it ‘ Tho maul”. “A, 1 .15: “w." oi'cwfa ' they are actuated by n sincere and honeat fifex thron‘Zh Z ‘k”‘: hinrkaééi. “”69”“.- ‘- ‘deztre to preserve the peace between the of an -i~:-r.-cve:\'=v*‘. H N “Hm“. nn'tl Dim. "'0 countries; and " should-be m“ in a Card Lii‘nvnm "Bruin-I.lm.- "fume. and the kindred Spli‘lhon our part... Th“ 9'” pro- sound oi: him-v hunts’tzcar unxl fab—me -' "“9". "9 united "Po“ ”“3 qua-tron, no tents, a murmur with good cheer. grown” °“° m” deny, "“01”“ ”f “’9 uprising 0" silence a hunter train of him, i tnmbhng the people, and ”’9 enthusiasm “it which into bianlrets, snunber on allvtho field.— the volunteers are greeted on their way_to Clank, clonk through the hush, 9111038" occupy the post- to which thenuthorities me tor-est. go the cavalr‘ymen'c ‘labrue have detailed them. So for, "in "M 'm'j Their marches cease not at night; they go B'9 ““9“” 0‘ two companies of "‘9’ forth to discover. or to surprise. Before "Queen’a 0"?” the ’o’“ called out i'i the day they have sent a guerrilla SIR! composed entirely of volunteerl; anti this. headlong; they hove anticipated the an must “0" be forgotten or ovorlookeq m°" i With an illumination. 'l‘hent'mmauro’oool timnting the hold thafithu questionof and clear by mny ‘ clifl‘and wood. in”, g maintaining the‘tnviolobrhty of Canadian “naked and not ashamed/”i hundrnd'bl territory has upon the muons ottno Cana- diets bathemthin “IL. "um. Tueu‘cmh“ dian provincel. The bonltant influx of and arms "9 flung “hm tho; .. PW runaway negroujmo Conado for neural bodiel gloom and 31.13.}, W... y: ' years past, and the box-tier" which thinning Their 3193““ figs; “my "53%: 16* of population are hoop upon tho inch» “.1 M, while moving “ I 's‘ .9'' h, mat the PROP“: 1"“ ‘"M «my brunt obs-. 80 lit-I - mfg“ ’ zin‘thc cud-Mon 0‘ Max-won at an», th ’ ' t ‘ ' 3A, wh‘é-J . ' 7w; '3 ,“When three hundred and fifty yards fromihe beach.‘Cnptaln Rhind let so his anchor, set his fine clock-work in‘ motion, and fired the ship. He then placed his officers and men in the small bnat. entered her himself, and overhauled the line that led to the steamer Wilderness; all hands rulliug with a will on the rope gave the ittle heat 0 great impetus. and in a few moments alhrere safely on board the Wil derness. That steamer at once sped may at. the very top of her speed, and put thir teen miles between herself and the,‘shoro when the flash of the explpsion occurred. The clockwork was set in motion at mid night to run forty minutes. As the explo sion did not take place till twenty minutes before two. it. is evident. that the clock ar rangements were failures, and the burning vfood work of the ship yroduced the explo sion. ‘ "Fifteen minutes after twelve o'clock a fire was discovered on the beach. It seem ed from the fleet, like the steady giow ofn. calcium light. At times it dimmed, and anon brightened again. And many ‘ugain were the anxious conjectures. Had ’the rebels built the tine to lure the Louizidna within its glare, and then make her It {sir target for their guns; or was it the blaze of the powder-ship? ’l‘wenty minutes before two. and still the mysterious fire burned; it 'brightened; suddenly sparks were dis ‘ ccrnihlethen a sudden sheet oflurid flsme leaped out from the little“ fire in the hori zon. . * ‘ “A great mass of lu'rirl light spreading from a bright point ofjflre in the horizon . to the zenith, shaped lik‘e’sn out-spread l fan, the bundle resting far down the west egpdtorizcn, the periphery escaping from ‘2 nith, north and south: thus unfolding ohe-hslf the heavens in a hsleful glsro of ' lurid fire. For a minute this great glare tench“? Then it v‘snished and «11 was , pitch ark by comparison; and silent as I well as dark; thirty seconds after the dis appearance ofthe flash. and there followed ltwo clear, loud and distinct reports, not i louder than the report of thirty-two poun -Iders. With the reports there was It per fceptible concussion of the sir. Be it borne ln mind we were on the Atlantic and at ’ least twelve miles from the scene of explo i’sion, After the two reports followed the : reverent-anions. thundering down the beach ' from Fort Fisher southward, resembling I vollevs of muskctry tire. by entire corp dc ar | mac ate time. Down the beach the volleys g thundered, growing fainter, and st last «ly . ing in the distance. 4 7‘ln the glaring. fitful sheet of theburn ing mugs of powder wuseen ajet ofnpaque frngments. the wreck of what nu once the Louisiana. "Twenty minutes after thefiexplmion a dPnae cloud of powder smoke came floating to seaward, endforan hour lifterwardn the air was impregnated‘with the odor of burn~ ed gunpowder. . “The explosion of this large quantity of gunpowder did not produce the eflect gen erally anticipated. Fort. Fisher wu not. damaged, the‘gurrison wu nogparalyzed. “On thebeach above end_belqw,the fort, lie the stranded wreck! of nveml blockade runners; even the-e were not disturbed—w Some of these wrecks have their Imoke stacks and scape pipes “ending. “Even such frail appendages were not disturbed by the concussion that itl was hoped would shake down 1n elnbcu'ately constructed earthwork." 1' g ‘ . “mafiiumflhph alum been. W. on" mother poll“, th “Wilt" taken the alum, and an n tin. to wt “to 11m sihtlity of. attention ‘0! 1n lulu humming one of unions] honor, involving an necessity of an n?! 10mm. . ‘ ‘1! Sunni does not hinder in thin mud! uh. la: in all omen. the excito ment hn nlmdy reached its highn-t point. , nd now Will gt‘mlunlly nlmte. But it. in well for our pcnylu to know what is though! oflho matter in Canada. and who: [we-pam tionn no being undo to meet even pduiblo continual“. The Abolition preu win up on the people bi; Vulgar aimed: to passion and prejudice. ut when tmy had workod the lpell “ll not allayv the peoplo to no the fiend that lurks under the slim or. Theywould madly urge the “mini.- tntioninw a war with England. and aid still more to the debt, under which the na tion in tottering. xfby that. means they could minister to the ambition or cupitlity oftho few who ate ruling the runny by means 0! limnticism on the negro questim. And , this notion of the Abolition part} and pro“ j is not had upon teal opposition or hatred Hi) the British. for they have always hi?!) the must. willing and :tlijgct tnnls ul‘ Englinh' men and money. Exeter Hall has how their Mecca. and they have crouched .10 the ground at the guides! pur from the ,Brihsh lion.. But mm in wits them to l blu~tmx to nfl’bot afear tlmt. Brittgth influence ii: intetfrriug in beh.tlf at tthntltheru ,Conletlorncy. null Illnwm': raids to hnpre cipated upntx ua hum the (7 mtlm; nrnvin cos: and upon this munutmutv'l :‘nuis to attmppt a fraud and BWIHLIi-‘ wr- In" public séntiment and patriotism nt‘ttm .\‘urt.h.-—- To be sure these are the tricks ot'anmll poli. licians, but ditch nrqthe mm to whom are now confldod‘thn utt‘nim at this gnverqment :ult'l‘pcnple~ [Film nunun weaves foreign pntfinglmnenh under A'mlitiuu rule l I” he 8‘ marvel: and we {om- llm 0.1 u difficulty i 4 not the. most, ivH‘mtdele\ int:- cle in the 113th of om- continual. cohoord with other nntionfi. But. le-Pnll the {acute laid before the prnplp ; tlu-n they must take cure at their own business in their own way—Aye. NO. :1Z E 0 5k .w ",3. 320'." El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers