n In: - Term e. El \ m commit in {Kinda "91:1 Monday morning by But! J. Suns. u $2 00 p" nnumn if paid strictly m mums—s 2 EM for Innum if hm paid. in gdvqnoo. No lubmi-ption discontinued. unless It flu option of the publisher, uqtil all "rune: fine paid. 3 ~ Anna-nun“: inserted all! theusunl nus. Jol Pumma done with neam'eas and Wl2. ‘ E ‘‘« - *‘Onlcl’in South Baltimofie shah newly 1 opposite Wamplers' Tinniné Establishmeht I —“Coulm.n I’Mxnzuc Ornbr." on the sign. 1 . ‘_PR®?E§§§®E§AE’§®£§KB& Edward B. Bmehler, TTORNEY AT LAW, will faithfully and promptly attend to all htlfiihess entrulted to him. He speaks the Germn‘n language.— Ofliu :t the same place, in fifutb Baltimore strict, near Forney’ldrug I. re, snd neatly oppositc banner is Ziegler'l slot-2.. Gettysburg, Muréh 20g, ’ J. C. NeelL',» , TTORNEY AT LAW.~ articular “ten-- A tion mid to colleclil 1 of Pensinns, :hiuuty, and Buck-pay. U cc in the s; E. can“: of thc Dilmond. - Gettysburg, April 6. 'Wm? M TTOBNEY AT ' welt corner of L , \ D. M 1 TTOEXEY AT goorlwesf A a! nnehm’; d‘ .orc,Chnm-. :erabnrg urcet'.) A‘ Manon Fol l‘nn‘xrn no Plum Land Wim rum, Buck-pay st 13,. and 'nif other rlnims ngnim n! at Wmhol inq'ou. D. 6,; also L. d 1 England. 1 Land Warrnn‘nhmmed .. aonghtmpd‘ bighrqt pril‘e! givnn. (\genri 'engndged In ’4l-. caning warrants in lowfig, Illinois Lnnd adm wutnrn Sunk: WM’FLX 2‘ him personally .or Ly letter. , , I ‘ ‘ (fienyshurg, Nov. ‘2l, '33. ' , l A. J. Covef, Trbnvxiwwr LA\v.w.lx‘prompuy mend A m 'UUHIH'Ihg-ll“ \nd a” nlfex‘ busincss en- In, eJ to hi n lmic-a bclw l"! P‘n!nno§tt:xk'§' an 1 l) L mm «2 Zxcgler's Slows. Enlu'umn- ereeL .Ur-uyqburg, PA. r 655]”. 5. ”1.9. I: Dr. J .‘i‘W. C. O Neal’s W -‘ FH‘H: .lui 'lwc‘hng. N . vupLu'nf‘flil/i/ SI 0 Hum: .md [£llqu filrc€}£,"B‘”l’l.Bslo)L|[ifi/ LbrAwb,Gc:l_s=b"'l. In. r y ‘ ,m.-. M, may 1! , ’ a ,g , p/ ‘ ..7 A .. Dr. D. S. Pa er. 7 n 12‘101‘1‘3’1Q“ \'. .\n'xouu'a L' u'x y. cnriiinxmfl' 1- 3.4 i' 4.3“- ..r n ‘ Lafiq-viuu n. 3.1 Us “L 1 .u bin “vi inmil “:ng :‘,.l2y«l.nxu- all ~:prr~mzi All cvid‘ u... m." u. . any muffin ‘l'.- P: m i Al m-g‘ u. m:u.L my?! 1 on. J, 1:141. Ll' 1 a 1 J. Lauren-ca H: 1 IA“ Ind 01h!" 'Me = (“'3' ;_ «Junr‘a'cu'. (:1 the :Z_._ ' J u’lnrn': chur'ln m "5‘ I ‘l‘ I .zfihc-J 1m urnu‘. nnd o| bh 'r, uh -re thus" v ishmgt I~puu mn prim-mm] .nPrcapu n- iL'Lfn'RHVr'V“ Dru. H {lr u': ). !) ..’{c. I} L. 15.11:] F 01‘ '1 J urn‘w‘. .‘ru’, \1 {1.3 > h "’_'~l-.l'.u AHA] H, ,3: l ‘ ‘ : A'laias Cal , ITTUAL HRH {.\'s‘tmx! ‘BI Yncu’rpornlngl M.&('h ‘lB L 02-31 me —-CM.' 'l’". M3] .I’ -' .‘4'rdt‘n‘w—ll.,\.l‘nllh!x r ,1 ’ljuvn'ufr—hmwi ““‘l‘ulfv " I" ‘n. - ’V.‘ H”‘r'A.—"ln'l'-zl | '5l- throne Km: 8 l’ir'\ 1] n-mrluu .u. l!’l((,’dl‘¢!_ .' n» :v- .\ fag-u Y M, J; h HULL ‘\ 7 § l-‘m warm-1‘" r'll' ‘52 '17:! 1-.- v, .'l:h =1 lurhy'n' il \ " 1,. $- .Ihm "llnnl'ulmm LV‘lxr "l‘rll. ‘1 I-fii'h BEIM =1 * pay-Thu (' unruly i- lxmi huh: [a 1415' 1' mm LI .\‘hmc k‘lW‘D‘JJ‘q: up vim. luv-“m -2114:! in I‘h-x wi‘u’ luv-I -..;.1 I' ‘ " 5-: 1 “211‘ gm pv'u-H‘u u », I; =ME 1' ”J." ("n‘l‘n (1 mr- H ‘ ll.» 'h I My; 1"! hr l'I“ Skm k‘ml lr'l' 11l [w [Miro u-u my“ (I), [ll IAI \f mnqus mrhu-Hu-N (‘9? 1‘2.» JH 'r'lih | l‘muvnig olhe oftht’ (‘umyn‘n' my lh in (-\'v-r\ Ynxml‘x. «ll,‘i'.‘l. 50L“. '37. (“'l3. - ‘ i] w‘m v 1 . \n ‘ Removal: V ‘HEundord:nc-l.);eifiuthe l to make rmnm'flt into E Mr} ,hopes that leh :u cqmem DL'fllc remains uf ulécé-Hfi-i re} will and] flmmgclvoe oh iasvi hurt it done. Romuuis mmlr -—l.erma lqw, and no 05011 3.} 5 Pl“. Keeper‘ March 12, '6O The Great Dis F THE AGEm-Inflasmx‘.‘ my and ('hrnnic 0 Rheumatifi'n run he 1; .by uaing u. [,_ MILLER'S (lELF.RR.}TED H EI'JIATIC \HX TL RH, .\hny )iruminLn! citiv c‘ns M thifi, um] rm- adjoinilvg ’rovxnriea. ,lmv maimed L 0 it‘s gram. utility. ha Hiccups; in Rbeumaxiv ai‘cc gums. hM horn hilhvrvfi: unaruijriw| by any i-ch-il'u', inlruduvnd tofijhe public. fit" 50 . cents per bottle. For s-n‘l‘qby nll drug s'jand “elorekeepers. PMpui-ed only yH. L. MILLER, Wholesale and Reta“ Dru' ix, Eu: Berlin, - Adams county. Pu.,denlerin ‘ rugs, Ch ~micnis, Oils, Varnish, Spirits, Paint , [)yeqtufl'i, bog, fled Oils, Essen-es and Ti ctnres;,window Ginsu, Perfumery. Patent No icineg, km, kc. WA. I). Burhicr‘ is the sAgent in Getty!- » burg fnr " H. L. .\iiilur‘s Cele rated Rhcm'nnic Minute." [5 nu 3,1861. tf The Grocery istore 3: THE ”HAL—Tim utfldcrsigned would 0 respcr'hxlly inform the- itizr’ns ol Gfiflyl" burg and 'vjicinity', that he'hju when the old 11mm] “on the Hill." in llaltimoré street, G“: ijflburg, wluzre he intends Lol keep constantly on hand all kinds of GROCEmHSS-fb‘ugars, Cofl‘ees, Syrups of all kinds, Tobacco, Fish, Bull, &c., Earthenware of IlLkiDdgFruits, Oils, and in fact everything usually mund in I Granary. Also. FLOUR ll: FEED 0! all lands; fill of which he intends to sell low as the low eat. ~Counlry produce taken in exchxuge fur uods an; the highest print given. He firmer: fiimself that, by s:riut attention and an honest desire to please, to merit 9: sh_ _of public pn ' Manage. TRY 11m. ‘ J Si. ROWE. Feb. 23, 1863. :r . \ , Gral nd‘ Produce. AVING «ken he largo ad‘commodiom H Win 39 3e cenlly occupied by Frank Hersh,Esq., ‘ . IN\ NEW OXFOR‘D, In are prepared m pay the highést prices fnr all kinds of PRODUCE. Also, sell at the low, est prices, LUMBELI, CUM. and-GROCERIES, ofefrry description. v ' A. P. MYERS k WIERMAK. Ihr Oxford, 1. 10, {863. (r g Young Nen ND OLD MEN. do not allow‘yonr mowers IA" and youljwivcs to wen out their precious. he: over tho-‘0!!! Wnsb‘gub longer,§ut like trno men and benefactors, present thorn win; 311 EXCELSIOR WASHEQN and msmd of {mug and cross words .01: mm: days, depend‘ upon it, cheerful (no: «ii! greet you. TYSON BBO'NlERS,‘Gettysburg. Pu. ‘ D»: 14, 1363 f . 74!. C‘orn Warned- ’ a ans L‘Nmzfiaa canted. M- on: Wm ,‘ gages!“ which ss3;ng mun: pie. ”and. L ll: .‘BDE‘t-Dlfiflh- 1 Gaming. AW“”{ 13%. . A ‘ll t 1 8. 1 ‘ Quarterly Report F THE FIRST NATIONAL‘ BANK OF LO GETTYSBUHG. rendered on the mom i'mg of the hit. )Londny of Junuag, being lhp _2nd day ol|Jnnuary, 1865: " Notelnnd bills disboumed, . ’ $99,350 33 Furniture and Fix'ulcs, : l 700 09 Current c-xpt—nreg, ~ - 1,.'_>37 I! Remittance; and nil-er ch- itmn, 500 25 .\'imh Nuiannl Batik, New fork, '39:? Fin! Nancy‘s! Bank, Pini'ladefiwhin, 6,18 8 Due from other Banks, \ ' ‘ Ermheu McKim, I a . \ U. 5. Bond: depajitod wixh I'. § Trans. 10 scuff circulating nom, U9B. Bonds, Lanful‘mnney, 4 Total, { - the North :cuylhnrg, 85:). it Capimlnpek paid in, x $lOO,OOO 0p ‘iurplus mud! ‘ ' * ‘445 39 Circul‘g limes rec‘d from Comptroller,67,soo 0 lndividpal deposits, . 79,296 3 L‘ s. c foam, 5,725 2. Dividuxa unpaid. ‘ ’ H 4 3 ‘ Dar 1: Mlawing Banks. ' First Nn’liunal Bunk of Hanover, 966 2 lnlercst,§c., .‘ . 462 7 ‘ Tum. , .5 ~ ‘ 254,540 1 I, (.HORGEK ARNOLD. (‘nflfier or the Fir , .\'.uionnl .Bnnk of (Jug-59w; do . solemn! w ear that tbn“ubove st 3cm"?! in 11-};ng I!) has: ofug' know’ledge unmet er. 5 . ”' “GEOKGXQHYRNQLD, CIIB’INI‘. Wasmnia, y\; ——‘ ' (30qu of Adan/15* ’\ ‘ . r/Swnrn and snbscrx’Uc-d hefnr_e\me :bin 2d any og'JununfiiSGS. A. J. COVER, J. l’. 3 Jan. 9, 1365. ‘3'. - - \ ‘_ Store Stand x {FUR Rim", on thg Lin‘csqu Rnfigjnd. 4 IMlv-s {ram Hunuvex and 3% mil Imm ‘Lntlevan‘ Timfllouse is 4012:: 1,.3-12 \. and U'l‘le i 1 houn- rq‘acm for A flux‘ly', nnd’n‘gfiod ran-re zoo-n, fiy‘d off “9.11;!” draw?” hp! ’Msxlli’lg—‘no otherflufe wunih “-3; miles—‘l; x} «1.22 welded ,x‘uumrv. Tz-i: Hand is in l'n'm‘ 3 tmmship, Adams ("ocnty, «New; :11ch is :usmlch they: :Ind our} thing can‘- ,r'cfx:iut. BusteMun'giyg-Qn the Iv. "I Aprig gn‘exz. :7 3, 5 ‘ _ LBR-jflgfll SELL. ‘ \- Jnu.9,1366. 31*, u ‘ 1 . 24 L ‘-»-———+ _,mzLSa&o— or Rent. \ I’, M; J} .-‘-«-. Q“ got-m- puking: THVIQ-m) Dunlvl 1th”) I’llV’il-‘IHO rm r. Hm. l'.. I"; 4.43%. 1;. 1)., Img. éf ~finite!“ about»! sores. in Cumher ‘ L Im.nl,.tewn§‘ilp. A& to UV underng‘n ed, m Wes: .\liddie stream Icky-25mg. FREDERICK “ERR. my - ‘E (‘OMPASL— 185i. it Notice. \ . _\(‘HARLU‘II‘LQSI)ORS‘S‘ESTATE.~Lo-‘ {Z lime or n’xhnimslmtit-n on the nude :1 'l. (clurinh 'E. 051 mm, late 0! lidmlington tow 1 lll‘ll. .\dmn=_cmmly. dock-239d. hm‘iug bee grunt m the uuamigueq; mining in [l| «mm tun-whip. In" hfrvhy gkgs route (0 n p'Tz’HW iudv'ned >m SAM estate ‘0 make 11'. {pie-finn- pagmmtprnd thone‘ hnNQ-g‘ clnin ag-ninsv [lie same to present thcm‘mmper xlq'lhcmu-Med for sotllemclfi.\' ' ‘ i ‘ ‘ FRAXIx'LL'i'iI: EBERT, Aam'r.' , Decay", 1:114. m is r : r 4: J.,,•0t, A. B’lexlfl’r R. 413.6". I) ‘4l. ‘r-hrn‘ Imel “"542. Wit-”n, “"5. .Eyl-n Whi- vs -‘.m.r. 3.1 m; ~ ' _ 7.Auctioneerlng; whim :. t-MJ' )”-11.an’1‘m.\,l\u’.r:.or.~'unbnn:nwnshi Input-m ' I» :Hnms'coumy.‘ l':\.. has co’mmenc M “1‘1" "WV,“ SALE‘CRYIXG. an‘d 'will be hip" tnmtend . [I 1““. "“s‘" '" ‘nll calls Hut may bc‘madv. Ilywill d 0 11 ' 'f‘m "‘ .‘"""‘g -be~t 1.0 render s.l.isfilczion in all cases,-n ‘H'Lm-‘a x‘nrl ex— “1” m. moderzfic in his élmrges. Thank? H B's: "1:0 "1:" 1"“. for fife putrunngv already Leaxnwed hpbu bi: =“\- 1““ (1’11“ 3hr: nbki that. lhe pu~bkic genernlly gife him i h... ...... ”-1.11“: . ”[Bl. ~ * ‘ Sept» 26\ 6'll r-r‘fimc 20:; " 21:". ';p(-{gmlv lu‘rll In; “’l3 cf Ul9 ulmvp “if-’TWJHHH. vce:r«'-.lLthe firhl§vgduqui 's‘ Fresh Arnval ~ F mxnzn Qoqos AT A. soon 0 SOS:S.—“’e iinvite themttenlion of‘bu pr: 10 our szorkint Winter Goods. which w ‘be W clump, consisting ol _ V LUHES’ DRESS GOODS, Shawls. Cloaking 0101115. elm. etc. For Me )md Buys' weur~ we hue Clulhs. Cnssiu‘wr Comings, Vesungs, \\ xlh‘ :\ vnriely of 00110 mle=. ML, kc. Cull Ind see. .\o\'. 28,1864. A. SCOTT 8: SON. I uthurfzcd p 610“ ' \cr firm-n l‘umce ‘plale t'ue rmxmnl Larirewr lrwmlc son oi‘lhe‘gvr-ur to c with pnu‘flxtuu; r 94 In No we. [Ell THURS. , John B. HoltzWorth, N addilian to his Rum and Shoe Stare, h 1 engaged me seryices of ‘ap experienc bnovmaker,mul is now prrpnred to mnnufn lure work to _order and to attend In all kin of repairing prompfly. ' [Jun.- 2. 115%. If the Crmoxery overy E. & H. ‘l‘. Anthony 8: 00., ANUFA‘CTUKERS 0F PHOTOGRAPH DIMATERIALS, «mount; um rum 5:»: BROADWAY; xi 32—sz nfidgjon to o Imin bueiness 9! ‘l’howgmphir- M‘neriah, are Headquarters for the: fnllowing, viz: STEflHOSCOPES ESTERBOSUOPIC VIEW 0! these we have an immeusé assortme ‘ including Wm- Scenes, American 531 d Forei- Citiea and Landacapes.‘Groupu, Sgatnnry, & km; Map, erolving Stereoscofieh, (fur pub] or private exhibition. Our Catalogue will « sent. to any address‘on rem-fin oflSLamp. PHOTOGRAPHIS ALBUMSA—We were t first to introduce these into .the United Sm and we mlpufnc ro immense quantities ‘ great. variety," nailing in price from 50 can to s§o each. Our ALBUMS have the reput Lion ofbbing sign-rib: In bounty and durabil ty to any othcrs.‘ They will be (out. by mui tree, on rcceip! of price. ‘ {Q'Fiue .mma made to order.“ I ~On'r'Cntnlaxue now embraces bier FIW Tauusuo difiere 33133:” (m which at ditionn are contjdgflly ing made) uf Ear truita 61 EminentAAmeYicnna, ML, viz: abou 100 Major-Generals, 55W; Suleiman, 200 Brig.-Genernls, l 130*Divineg, 275 Colqnels. 125 Azimuth, 100 LiP' ~Colonel! 40 Ahiats. «00 Lien‘tholonelp, x. \ ‘, 250 Other Ofliura, 126 Sage, 75 Nay; omen}, _ 59 PrgmnentWom 15’.‘ Premium Foreign Portxaiu, 3,000 copies of Work: of Art, including r productions of the most celebrned Ehgmjv‘ing Paintings, Statues, kc. Catalogues gent a receipt of Sump. An order for One Doze Pictures from dur Catalogue will be filled ( “lift-calm of $l.BO, Ind sens by mail, Fr“. Photognpheu my; other! ordering 5:004: C‘ 0- 0. till please remit twentyfive per «up. of the amount with theinord‘er. ,_\‘ ma: a“. T. ”mow a: co., 1 1 Xanufactnren ‘of Phptographic {cu-rith - 501 Broadway. New York. -£‘Thb priceq and quality of our goods. “an“ Mil Lo satisfy. [Scan H, 1884.. 9’ C”;- ‘1; D P‘3 6-150 (3 B. Al’ 11713 ofdininguial-ad individuals, incln‘ding unmix ber otour prominon'. Genenla, gnu the old hero John L. Burns, for sale at tbs connmr b 1 the Excelsior Gallery, Gettysburg. , v ‘ TYSOK BROTHERS.' um: BRANDY, WINE AND WHXSKEY, so, ’ mulicunl purgnsel on!y,attbe New Dnjg .. ore of Dr. R. HOP-NEE. . ‘ L. Sumo: Im. jut mum a m p 9 . chap Looking Glam. ‘ 4 NY Df. R. HOBNER’SBgonic and Alteri ‘ fit. PovdeuflorxHO 38 wt] CATTL . rep-rod hi gold‘uly “MI Drug Slate. '- 1 Juyauyfli g 8“. ~ if" 13 ,1 ’ B! H. J. STABLE. Jun. 2. 1865 cum an‘ocmrns A lEM©©RATH© AND FAMULY mmwfl PIE‘E’RYO mm In nut A sum. LII. in but I may—o! hnrul; ~ Ono I. up," u» odur “9:lqu Up tad down an hHI our conn- In; "Go in," main—“nib your um." Barbed pne- an vhlp at pin-an; Yuuthrul folly [m- I luck. 3 Manhood ma. than: it hit lemurs, “Ln ’ora rip, thorn tough “out." {"8171 ! Gun 3" an mm "'1! pocket, ‘l'n till Huh m can b. lent; Thur Ema—whip In tech: ; > ' "Gan Handgun" ’01:: I 08." asp 7p ,000 op :50 09 fl 0n mommy rod to lay, ' “Prim." I; around In Lolho’l «an; “An" In lon, old, “army; ' urn um prom "- one-hot: mu." "A "10:: on, non qua manly; . Be. lad mam. I- 111- pen ; h ' “chh bum," Alum rudy, . f. A‘(lln‘c n "—1301“: In: nuineo. 1 ‘ A inn m. o» nuns. 3 vor any, ’ 4 l‘ '1 us; ‘ “ who", ' ‘ V o, ‘ .1‘ x , | 254,540 1 It’s I:3lwa MD n 1110ng In my brother mm om'c But “(I Huh 1’" cm for my Ilh 7oz w- life-king my hum 'm ha. in 1 Imm" I at: (w and lum’l \ Thu 1’" prlu 111 belonging thou ; If: n landfill o’ um: (run: the Ind 51' my bl , From [ln bmt o' m- lnud thitl lo". And won’t ch. pm Min 1::- «uh» gm. Win}: be log: the bun prount 1 bring! And-won't mm b. flm'n Frog: (Humane 0! anti, In the than!” a! the Mama! lprin‘? \ Och. Erin Huh?" 5 fho’ it‘l puun‘ In bl, .ll'l n Musing I but: on your gimp, And your limunmmflnd mum! I will no In my from, Tm I crou w my chantry met no". Ml 3 BELLkN Y WEBMAIDS ‘\_ ' .\’.xxt‘tn being a bride th-self, every‘gonrl ckzn' swung/vlO fik’US to he n bride’s Ikfiri. gW< dlnckmugm hv a lnrgn pro pfx l‘inn uflhc-bloomingsex to he contagious. npd‘lmCh to the Credit nf_thei_r courngn. . fair spinsm-s are not at all afraid of cvh‘h fing it.\\ Prrhnps the moot-y that the 0172': (inn is cr‘ . ' ' ‘ ‘ ' I Cyrtnin‘ loud to suits ol lief that might g: 13 (h Bi'iuesm; young ' be, for ‘cisely 2r! convenfi 'mnxd yt ll'ibf’._ 1’ treat. {in wands [q 7r.‘ec't;.=z=n: 1 “tund b} 1 that sin 1 lo the rmher ‘ _S9)V€‘S'W' “the "try .and us‘ : ing tbm lsomeum‘ ishoulrl 5! {respond ,emeilin; ! nuptial [neverthl ; bridegrr J‘mgile fiobody ‘ All sym‘ mentrnlc . groomcl iglns: of his nerv ily—as x u are. old I Brides lin Mini 2incjpiel I to that lit sholll lured.” a.a rm , v susmined an: supported as the law'of nup - tiul pretenses directs. Let, us ho e they . may not be disippointed.— Valley gamble}. _~..—.__ ~—" - ... ' ‘ HOW TO ENLIST SOLDIERS IN The reader must pi’clure 2 “out, big-bel fled, short-haired recruiting officer, with A ‘blue cap, brunt) stifi‘ fljonuspiece. a short awprd, blue uniform asize too small. and a my! customer from ”faderlund,” with wood eri shoes and a longtniled grey coat. The officer was after recruits for I German regi ment“ and thus went. for his susceptible countrymen : » "Lg: dare. Hans, be dat-yon f” K “YEW.” V _ "Come mit me to be I. sojer mun." “Nair. !Il ‘ > ‘ “prl come, it be so nice." "hein! } gets shoots." , “Nix! Py tam, it is better“ good; It be Coon all do 7110. You inlia§ mic me you sensing}? hundred 911 m bounfish." “Yaw. And in the morning ven to tram pests, dat is do gurnel’a gomplimentsjo come and get your Ichmpp} mic bib.” "So ?" ' "Yaw. And putty soon, bime. by. trum peut. again, and duh ieh de gurnel'u gompli~ ments to come eat some sour-krout un nu; sage mic him, py tum." “Sc. mynheer I" ', ‘ ‘Yaw, dat ilh 10. Den purly soon, bimgfi by. der trum pests, and dutiab the gurnel’l gourp'limenta to ride mit him in der car riage to see your now or your Karma.— . And den you ride: mi: him all overdo city, and no costs you one tam cent. And r,blnle by de trum pears, and dat iah the gur- Mel’s gomphmenu to come and ochmoke a .blpe um. him} And den bime by. purty soon, right. away (is trum pests like de tuy ml, and dat is!) de gumel’s gomplimenta to I come and git your neiu hundred tollars ‘ bou‘ngish, Itmks, but I guess not, py turn." "thl So 300'. f" - , ‘ _ "Y-nw } And den der General (and. dyer Breaide‘nt. shakes bends wit you, and you ‘ gut. kroul. mu. der eßrecidsm’u vrow and shust live like one fighting rooster, py (Am 1 lAnd den in} lime wile ygu uy der Brui , den! boon» njce rpm, And you gem anoth er hundred collars nountish. And der Break dent makes one grand General mit. your puny soon 1 gum, but I tiuk not. You 50 mn me 7” ! “Ya" I” , \ A ’ . , .I 9 WA very poor - Eh“ flue!) hei: $0 31‘ $7,000,000, ' _ , - qt./ GETTYSBURG, PA., MONDAY, JAN- 28, 186 DUTCH. ii: in Cinoimufi mnoin Europe of “um: 13 Iran" 4n gnu. PBVAIL." [,NIII tho La Cm (Win) Duncan] HOW TO MODERATE THE WEATHER. “Come, Brick—shut up your sanctum and jump in with us for a wee ride.” Thus in clarion. tones spoke Lawrence. and we obeyed, for it was the first sleigh ride of the season. It was a roomy sleigh. Seats tor‘ four. And there was "Take Notice” or “N. BI" Hatcher 'and "Johnny Roach," whose name it is Jimmy Carrow, and Law rence, who drove. and the itemizer hereof. ’Twsscold. Oh nol So we bundled. Mid‘ furs and wrappers. ears niufiled. hand: gloved and a glass thing with a hole in it, we started. Stopped st. Spier’s to steal a lemon. Very ni :lemon. but alittle tart! Drove- around/€39"). Fine town. like city. Like it with great mucuness. May become possessor by purchase. We can’t stealit. Good sleighing. Fine horses. So chit pilgrims_behind them. Buy gliding vehicle. Warm robes, but very chilly day. We glide along with some rapidness.‘ We turned a corner and drove with much ve heniency in tats trail of the north pole or star!l ‘The p at star is a rather bright pun ' Went to North La Crosse. tStopped at Jo’s. Jo had giaiter. Jo had nutmeg. Nice eggs those nutni eggs. We ’pounded a geniiil liquid from those glass things. Have we a Bourbon among us 1’ Guess not 1 Geninl liquid fell in five masses. Sent in roinl’orcementsinshspeotloafsugnr. Emp tied in mildly: of hot water. Sugar and wa-‘ ter fought with great spirit. Filled in some nutmeg. Deliciousto the nostrils. Chased‘ ‘Nfielumps of sugar around with iispoonw B essed are the penceniakers. Phui‘ed int some lemon peel. We appeal to you. teni~l perance render; if’tvs“ss not good. All iin-l bibed. "Ho!" and it'vunishnth. More at" the some kind: Weather began to model rate. All got in. Drove qutin the coun try. came back. Too cold up north for tine blood like ours. Stripped at Jo’s. Jo‘ keeps hot water, sugar and nutm eggiLL Duplicated drinks. Very cold_ Whefle went in. Quite moderate when We came out I . Very changeable is the weather thisl full! First cold and then! bnjrnyl \Ve‘ whipped the plus: Thing. Rode hack to snumum.- Replenished the brittle. reser-I voir. ‘l’mebl-l whisky. Tun dollars a gal-l ion. Must pay the revenue. you kino’w l ' Sinrtwl again. Weather 'pint 'euitingl: ' ' 'ritsl thetnßeck‘ .nn who liv‘etli below] hat “‘Jlt‘!‘ iind nut’ "fwudflulil. \\ eath \lnderate-d the wezith science to moderate what do you unit it 7 augment“: l rusp,’,shghtly. ’l ‘ i. scld tiro ounces O!‘ lit? Makes :ilFth‘! d! Weather mmlefl .u' moderatxon with; :h sugar in the firstl (OlllPr‘ calculation—l‘- IR hasia. ‘llud {girl Vrather very in _ -l and wnlls ofhis small} ttle from heat! We; . 'l‘nesleighslippedf :nnding still. but wet weather 'mll afi'eotl irmind four times 501 Did you ever driv'e; ? It’s nice. ~. ‘ t too good.. Couldnftt we on the edge of itn‘ defiant! we went dowjn -how was the skating: int the horses can 'hey traveled swiftly. while we were trying 9 walked halfa mile» when fieighlng atter/ "neck It helpsdiges i sleigh. Novensalwl 1e: saw such roe/(is. was ten feet fro'rn’thel up got in the track l ind hnd shoved the‘ lett.‘ Ila mun-dopft; he’d better/ta ke his _ M{at other don’t. want his mil fencqlom down he’d,bener have a board fence! And if that other man ex pects us fio chase a r 931 cow five times around his woodpile with‘pne sleigh, and four men in from. of cwo horses in a. cutter and then not. Catch the cowibe’eaold. Very moderate weatlmy. 'Valuable ro cipe for melting the weather: Suga’rl Lemon! Water! Nutmeg putyl Try ILI We got. home! Weather so moderate we dispensed with hat. overcoat. muffler, mit iens, gloves, overshoes and glass thing With' aholeinit. Felt'sleepy. Camemsanctum, somebody had broken in. Large desk‘had bee rolled to me ocher end of the moral Side‘bbard was botiom side up! Stove unturned Mound ! Centre lablereversedl Case of birds all changed places. Dumb bells, foils, short. swords and revolvers all in convention on the floor.'Picturee of George Wuhiuglun, Edward Everett, Doug lu, ll winking at, us. Never dare leave them chug? in sanctum alone again! P. S.—- he wanker was not quite as moderate next morning! Another of Mr. Lincoln’s “ Joke:.”-—Black- Wood’s Magazine has the following story, purporting to be original with Mr. Lincoln: “Happens that befare Virginia Beceded,| committee of gentlemen waited upon him to see if something could not be done to avoid the impending catnstroghe. It was just after the taking of Fort umter. nnd Lincoln’s having called out 75,000 men to coerce the South. ‘But what would you have me do 2’ said Mr. Lincoln. ‘Mr. Pres. ident.’ replied one of the deputation, ‘I would beg you to lend me your finger and thumb for five minutes,’ meaning, 01 course, that he ‘winkhed to write something that should allaygthe prevailing excitement.— But Mr. Lincoln did not choose to under stand him. ‘My finger and thumb!’ he re peated—‘my finger and thumb! ' What would you do with them? Blow your nqse?’ The deputation retired in _disgust, and Virginia seceded.” ' '_ V Saver ErauL—Coxitn‘bnted to the Ameri can Agricultural by' M. S. Baldwinr Cut, cabbage fine. sprinkle with brown sugar at the rate 0141133. to the ban-£3Bl. Leave out 3312, which may be added suit. the taste when used. Plxce itiu nbnrrel and pound down well uthe filling proceeds. It should be pressed so tight. that the juice shall o‘ov er the cnbbaga. It will be fit. for use in 10 to 15 dxyfi, ’ sync"! Scott is not the oldest. nge nlin “I florid. A London writer my: Lord Confirm!” is entitled to flat dl5- tinmivm;3 " ' . r" a men STORY. i Some time since. when Jackaon'connty was in its infancy. and the nat' is were governed by hiws by them enacte%nd en forced at will. there was acharacte among them known as fiddling Joe. 'lffiis man Joe was a character well knowr’q’among the “cane bitere" as being devoid-C i‘ fear, particularly upon the sulu'ect g future punishment, being the ofi'spring rough, though Christian parentl. I?! The Methodist Church, with its usual~ care for those who are unable or ufiwilling to employ ministers cr purchafie 135019: for the dissemination ofChrietian truth; among them, sent a mmeinnary to furnishithe in habitanu with 43mm and preach the Gos~ pel for their benefit. . On a bright Sabbath morning. in the pleasant month of May. the minister in passing from one appointment to another. came upon the aforesaid Joe. sitting Hdll‘lde a log, playing theinvonte tn 3 of'"Snap ~Sud: over the Fence.” to hi‘itire satis faction and that of "Old Rm,“ ' who wag ged'hie. tail in appreciation of bin master’s endeavors. The minister approached, and quietly addressed the fiddler : ' "My friend. are you not. aware that: you - -""doing wrnnz—tbnt- you are violating the teachings of the Bible by playing your fiddle today?” _ ' , “Well, I dun’no," eaid Joe. “Then let me inform you. my friend. that you will be called to‘account for this violation of the ordinance of the Bible at the day of Judgment.” Joe (excitedly)—“Hnld on there. pnraon. you have hit on the" very thing I want to ask you about. I want to know. is there but one,day of Judgment?” ' ‘ v.“ ‘ ,my friend, there is to be.llut one day y, when all men are to bejuclged a‘c cording to the deeds done in the body.” ! ‘ Joe. (resuming his favorite pastime‘.) “Well, old lmss. you can pass on. I am safe enough it' there ’aint but onc_day of Judgment, 'for there's an old cook-eyed Judge for the County Courtinltheee parts, who has the brown~ critters. and will die just afore me, andgl’m ready to swear that his case will take up that day,sure." - The person, ofct‘tune, paused on. ' —- «—-1 w» -——-———— , A STRONG SVPPOSITIQN. Some years sin'de. just after the Maine L'qunr Law lmd been introduced into Mae; snchuseus. a case of scHin Jiquoxy “yis brought. before the Baton goliue Co/u'rt, and tha‘DJl-ts'rct Am'u’rkey appeared p 0 rus erqte the nnuvr. 1 He culled-an yhég‘uht ed “customex” t. ' the mam]. alum who‘ would know a rugjug "at high”, and wuh him. ‘held the folldwm: colloquy :u “Mr Sargent. wisre‘ryou ever in henjamén Kimball’e bur rnnm f” . / ‘ “Y”, sil,“ ansflerod the w/iineslz_ “Did yéu see any quuor Were 1’” “No, sir-r." I -“Di-i you see anything containing liquor: than!” ~ ’ ‘ “th as I know‘gffl' ,~ _ “Did you see tiny decanters or tumblers there f" J / ' l . "Na, sir." fj‘,‘ ' I ”Dld you see any barrels or kegs-there?" ! “Yes. I saw some kegs there.” ! “Ah, yes.” (otufltingly urged the lawyer.) 3 “you dzd. than] sq‘e lnme kegs? Now sir. ; 101 l tbcjury filmt there was in (how kegs.” J “I don't. know; Imm look in.” I “Yes, sin,’ but where there no marks up. lon the nu’tsule?‘ no tickets, or labels; or ‘wriling of some kind 2” ! ffiYes; well, more was; I eromher it i mean ;/I new l‘shonld have forgotten it. if you Lntln’t put me in mind.” ’ "o’, yes,~3ou do remember: jun state, than, sir, Before you forget, what. tlierg was wy’lttcn or pfiinttfigl." /“IL was difi‘erefht on all of ’em—nane of /em had it alikei” “Wall, sit, tell us what it said on the. first one you saw s’" . ' ! “Well. I mushy forget neow, but I be lieve it mid gin on the first. ’un." ' “Gin! Then, sir. I guess we can find out what. thorn was in those kegs, if you didn’t 1601: in. Now, I‘ir, tell us whst it said on the next one." 1 l - I'Well, on the hut one innit] Ben. Kim ; ball. but [didn’t :llppou Ben. Kimball was in : side the! keg !” I, g ‘ Verdict-{or the defendant, Ind the court udjoumed. ' 3A Cincinnati merchant and hiswife —fond of practiqaljnkm—reoemly entered into a wager by which the one who should first he wld by the other. was to submit. to a penalty imposed by the triumplmpt plrty. For some dnvs both were' equally vigilant, and every attempt at a joke failed. One evening, as iho couple were about. to attend a party givon by some friendl, the lm‘ly complained‘of induposition, and the hus band went ofittoprocure a carriage. While he was gone. a negro woman of the wife’s size and height was bundled up in her cloak and fun. and when the carriage came took her place bestde the husband, Wllh a thick veil drnwn over her face. 0n roach ing‘his destination he led his supposed wife intg the ho'use amid the other guests, when lifting the veil he discovered_ the “Hell.” The next day the discomfiued husband submitted lo the penalty and wheeled a bar rel of flour through several ef the principal streets to his own door. [O‘Hara is g specimen of modern tran scendenteliem. and 1 capital like off there upon. The ,Shinlual Harbmgcr lucidly says : n “In the twelfth hour of the glory of God, the life of God, the Bord. in God, the Holy Procedure shall crown the Triune Creator with the disclosive illumination. Then shall the creation in its efi‘ulgence, above the divine eeraphine snae into the disclo sure in one comprehensive rev olvinggnlaxy of supreme creaLed teatitude." To which the Cayuga Ulntflcarnedly re spends: “Then zha'll blackhendixmmthejeokaui. eel dome of disclosure procedure-above the all fired leather fungus of Peter Nip ninnygo, the great gnoeeberry grinder. rise into the dome discloeive until co-eqnal, co extensive end conglomerated lumuxea into one grand comprehensive mux, shall 53- limilute into nothing. and dimlve like 3 bob-tailed pussy can after the space where her tail wee.” _ a-The rabid “loyalty" of shoddy may find nn excellent rebuke in these words of Jefferson: “and let. us reflect that having banished from onrlnnd that religious intol erance under which mankind go long byed and mflevgd, We have yet gained little ihve countenan‘ce political Intolerance 0.3 des ponio. as wicked, and Capable of an bitter and ,bloody persecutions.” x 'Mnjur Gama-3| Sickira and at! fl‘infled {or Cilitomln on Friday. ‘ ' =I Passage-arming Between Messrs. Cox. .and Stevens-Jim Imttcr’s‘Teathai-s" Most Efl‘ectually “Pinched.” in the House of Representatives at Wash ii‘gtonpon Tliurvdiiy. a immigo-nt-nrnis took place lit-tween :Ir‘. Cw, tit tiiiin,:inil the m. . .prcsz-ntntive o no Liinrns‘tr‘r district. Mr. THE NEGRO EQUALITY‘QUESTION- lStevriia. ltwilibe seen from iherernrtwhick" . The negro equality movement is one of is published in l‘ull below. tlistithegaltnnh l the boldest and most oilensivo humbugs l little champion oi Democracy cnmii of?“ l that, wag eve]- guempmll to be Palmed upon l (lt'cided victor in tho contest .\'llh lilit Védc ,an intelligent and decent -peopl(-. With lrable antagonist. -"l‘ho lnttnr'n’ "fciithéi~s"' i the _exception olp few ornck-brnined‘en- thP Mon inns: rfi'r‘ctuslly “plucked :" l thusmsts. and harmless old women. no one The Home rislnlved itselfinto Cummittco \of the whole gang who are shouting, “Up of the Whole on tho stiitc of the Union on I with the black man to a full level with the I the Preslddlll!s anti”) u'lL‘Silue, wlian‘Mr. ( white racc.” cares n rush what becomes of‘Cresswoll. of Muryia'nd, m vie u s‘pcrch ' Sambo. or his posterity; .In the New Erg- lagaiuat slavery. which he characterised in! iiand States. whence comes the foul~etrcam [an unmitigated svil, to be talented for a .of Abolition ”treason and fanaticism. ths itimnonly. . ‘ condition or the black is no lwttil' i‘uan itl Mr. Stevens-aid ulthouuh the President's l was halfn century agin, socially. iiiorullytor >iiieiis‘iipo was brief. it ll'l‘lit“! a subject or iintnllectunlly. lie is still the ”hem-r ‘of the utmmt inmmtanr‘r. not only to first wood and drawor of water” to the supprior , nutionfibut to tho whole family of man.:~' white nice; and although laws h‘svi- been iige w'ai mi! extravagant when he declared passed enlarging his sphere of political nc- ;‘ \HI-ii “Jai- the most important and beat tion, still, custom and habit and one.“ ntgasngc cr‘juiniunican ii to Uiiiigresl for the not the fixed and unrupcniable law“; ol‘ na- ‘laxts-txlv reads. 4 _ i “ ‘ llll‘0.krpplllnlllllllfiolll[)li‘iceflndpoi‘dilln.l “L 0-K. (\DN’L. Ohio.) 'uid I 3 fins In :ill' the Western States. in which Now t‘ouc‘i‘n‘d by tlie‘hlirnmt upiu-nlm tho é'lntle- Englanrl‘jnfluencn predominates. [lie_ on]. niiiii i‘n‘the nnniit of (iiifl and humanity. to orcd man is barred lr'om even on approach lint-1‘1“)? We MIC‘TI‘UU "l' l»: . .~ - "vi“ "7-" ' to the rights and privilnges of the white 'Hc‘ (li‘ziml‘lm’thc mmn ‘ "I z - Vi ll vf mur-' race. And incur own State whatlias been . cy. to nypui' to Ulk’ ‘gnnnnw I-v lJ help to done by the Abolitionists'An Fir-Vito mid Mnyihe rti'uéiifn ij‘hlnogl unvl iraturwponcc; improve the black man? They lltH‘t‘ttglln- instead of hospital-tinmind-x trim-s, mourn, ted this question for political purpos'va. and "ML BIN ‘li‘filllhim substitute with WHO“. muda speeches to this class.\and exhibited 'un-i union. Sui-h s"lililv‘l- 111-h. liring ru transparencies calculated to urchin and im . pronch. This side of tho Hume: has her-n llama their passions: hutdo Small. and Bed- roprnnched to-duy by tho puniloiniui from. fordr'nnd other streota‘tell gdiflEmlJJ-amrLMnrylnnd (Mr. Crom).mi\i mu gentle os to the capacity‘of tho negrqjor n lqu .man ”om Pennnylvanin. fib;§,’gvcos.)— participation in the social\snd politiciil nf-’ Tho-epithets of the cam i'nilzu nl'o\~.~u«[iplivd.‘ {airs of the nation, from phat they ‘did ‘becuuso wo endeavor {titnniac iii-hoe. Yul; twenty years ago? More than this, has the while the gontlen'mn l‘mih‘ l'v n-vmhynnia is ' action of the Abolition party diminished. luainghis epithefsofcoppoi‘tn-ml .‘ID ‘ti-z-iior, in truth andreality. the feeling of animus-1 1 see on thobthor side ni‘nlm H“ e‘tho ity and prejudice betwéén the tacos? Dis- editor pf the Tribune, Mr. (ii-\ylny. u. [i an " cord from the consideration ofthisqué‘stion ing wit 1 members as to run “infra mvlim 3:; ‘ the surface exhibitions for political éii'oct, l'l'hat editor, in his issue at y‘t~sti\l'llny, mg 4.. and-then say in what Way is thenegro man , that filempi} 1)? made r'll’.l""“'\‘i M 103“. - of 1865 a whit better off, or astep nehrer to .a‘ a Christian petite wa aEF-huuml nim social and intellectual actuality than he was ceitnin what the r els will o.‘ ‘\ ‘ in 1825’? fling, the spread of Abolition ‘Mr. Stevens—4 do not ngrne wi‘ iLMr. principles’ in the _la’nd opened wider the Greeley, thouglrl ’bblleyfi hun'tn he pa~ field of inbound enterprise for the colored trial. , K ' man! No one will pretend that it hns.— Mr. Cox-Yet&ou deflnllilt‘i‘ the (.‘iii no 7 Each movement of the 'Abolition‘party too [convention—Mo ellflfl. and my ”Wig“ ‘ivnrd’s forcing the negro upon A level with ‘Mr. Pendletoir, by odious ivnrils o sayink the/white man, has produced the same re- lwhat tho PRUIO', Mr. Greeley, published \. suit, a deeper degradation for the inferior ‘yjeSterdny. I ask to have the article read‘i nice; audit will bego to the 6nd of time. lfor the instruction 0! the other side. But what do people my.” the patriotism The Clerk read the 'article in the New ofapni-ty which is willing to make‘ this tyork Trim“ on the Blair embassy. ~ question of negro equality one of the prom- MY. Cox inquwed. why does not [‘9 gon inent items in any nrgotintlon for the re- ‘tlemim denounce Mr. (”‘3“le for saying . turn of the revolied States iothe old Union? [olll' "ll!“ we have "id? l “8 i 5 “Mil! an Whilo the popular heart of the nation is outspoken. yet he dare not drnouncp tho beating for an early return to the old Union “19010? Or New YOTk. who Is in MN! 10" all“. under which all men. Without reference in ' Lincoln. 1 am. not prepared to say t at color, were protected in all their caustitn- Dwilri“ time to peace oncept on iliohu- ' tionnl rights. um Aiioiiiionisisnre willing sis of independnnce. But. as Mr. Greeley to impcde the car of peace. and continue 'L'BY'v PM” 1“ no harm ilmrylnll- A million the esturnnlis of blood And coinage, by mm In the North believe that an attempt thrusting prominently into the question .Woumesult .ln peace and Union. The" the disgusting feature of. negro equality. sent '3" Mks 95 to «give up our views 0‘ Will men 'alvvnys be mad “Ed" this ques- the State and municipal control ovnr dc» {ionFAg‘f < - ’lmestic matteis. nn‘l clinny our form of ‘SOVt‘l‘llmenl by 'o'ng funllic ii‘mrn'imrnt .Ibnllshlng slnvery. l appi-hi’ in him Erato itry to make peace and bring tho South iback to the unn'mended Constitution. If you faithwe on this side may then consider the question unde‘r new lights. I do not my woman vote for it. But let the gentle man make an honest eflbrt,foi peane.l Give upmathing he des'iresof vengeance; ‘ his notions ofnrgro equality- I i, Mr. Stevens—l do not believe in nbgro equality. . ‘ \ » , . Mr. Cox—Does not the gentleman be.- lieve all men were created equal i ‘ Hr..Btevons—Equal before the hut. Mr. Cox—Black and white equal horny; the law. Then qiva up that, and instead of your” pagan ix ens of vengeance, follow Greeley’s advice. Be civilized and Cliris~ tinn, and seek to know authoritatively at least what the South will do. No harm can come from the trial. . Send the gentle: man, Mr. Blair, and his ion,ywho now nits in ‘this'llouae. to, confer, no doubt. on‘tliil mntte'r. to Richmond, or tha gentlomm from Pennsylvania himwlf. _' Mr. ‘Stevens—Thisy Would not lam. coma-back. Mr. Cox—The persuasivoness of the gem ' tlomen. his appeals to God and humanity, coulrl not be resisted. At least, make tho trial. If it fails, you will secure unity in the North. One million seven hundred and fifty thousand voters who Igree with in ask this trial. Mr. Greeley asks for it. I will offer n resolution in his langusge, and when in order. try to geta vote on it. Tho resolution isms follows ; Wniaiisss, The Country hills with mini. festazions of patriotic joy and confratulss tions the victories recently achieve by our brave armies; and, Where/11' The rrcognized‘ object of war.'nt lea among civilized stud Christian nntions, is an honorable and sstxslact peace. and that, although we do not kno that the insurgents tire propiirn-l :" Lg wt toany terms ol piii-itication iii .: on; .w ornment either would or shot)" i «ii-«in ad ceptable, yet as there can be no pnv‘isiiole; harm resulting from BSC'H'LJlnlng precisel what they are ieady to do. and in order til ruluie the imputation [hilt tho Administra llUn con'omplntea With sutisfac'ion a com tinuunco of fluslllltied, for theirdvn salmon, uuy ground of more punctilio. tin-tor any other reason than because itki compelled by an absorbing regard for the fiery ends of its existence; unvl. whereas, an establishad and rightlully conwituted government. combatting an armed. nienaCinu rebellion, should strain every nerve to ovo.coxne, is: the earliest moment. the resistance iten counters, and should not inc-rely welcomr», , but seek sntistnctory‘. hofi'lfl'l'f informnl, as surances that its end has been attained; therefore. , * ; l Resolved. That in the prewnt hourohic-V tory. which ought to be the hour or mqna- - niinity, and before any notion be taken to change the Constitution of the United States, it is eminently the duty of thorns dent, on the basis of the present rightlully, constituted government. to send or rooeivo commissioners or ngtnla With a. riev'r' to uni tional pacificntion and tranquility, or by some other hation il means known to oiyjt ized and Christinn nations secure the ocul tion of hostilities and the Union of the State. ~ ‘ ” Tho committee then my, and. the {louse adjourned. . We are not about treating our readers to s dissertation on this king of the serpent species—fur from it. Bitit is our purpose to direct their attention to a huge serpent, of vastly more dangerous characteristics, and one which wrll engulf in its capocious maw. if not speedily destroyed, the liberties of the American people. We allude to'the great Anaconda of Abolitionisn). than which n more deadly enemy to our free in stitutions has never existed. In its fie structive career it has successively [Wal lowed the Federal party, the Whig party, the Anti-Masonic party. the Temperance party. the Know Nothing party, the Repub lican party. and a score of other political pnrties and isms of lesser note and more circumscribed infldenee; and it is now en ged in the laudable work of sepernting.‘the federal Union and swallowing it by piece menl'. It hit: slaughtered myrisds of our fellow-citizens. and made widow's and’or phsns by tens of thousands. it has sad dled the country with a debt, the magni tude of which exceeds the power of num bers to cslculste,’snd which will rest as an incubus upon us and our posterity to the latest generation. It has engenrlered‘heart burnings and bitterness, discord and con tention in every neighborhood of our wide ly-extended domain. Brother has been arrayed sgainst brother, father against sen, and even christian churches- have been torn and distracted, and the Saviour of men set aside by his professed ministers to make room for this new god of.their idola try. Such has been the (instructive career of thishuge monster—this terrible serpent -—who only had his counterpart in the Garden of Eden. and whose baloi'ul influ ence there brought “(tenth into the world and all our woos." . This in but a feeble picture of the slimy Ind poisonous trail of this modern monster of infidelity'nnd crime. O-n there nothing be_ done to stay his range” Are the American people so for demented. as that no danger. however imminent, can aroma tin-m from‘their lethnrgyl II this Great. A‘micondu to go on unopposed and unob nrucled In his horrid career of d“!olfl'_Z-‘n and dent-hf IsLhPrPnOAmr’Tlcutx Hmcu‘m to'encounter and slay the vile monster. exe lhelast veetige oi Constitutional liberty is crushed beneath the weight of his ponder ous folds? We pause for a reply, and Ebfl“ resume the subject more at our leisure. Our object at this time is met-elf to direct. the attention of good men ofnl pin-tins to the terrible condition into which we have been plunged by this Demon of Abolition ism With which the Nation is cursed. The remedy will snggr‘st itseyo awry right thinkiug, unprejudtccd .miutln—Lmrttr I 'ztelltgericer. This body met in Columbus, Ohio, on the 3d inst.l and proceeded to the discus sion of the various topics connected with this interest. The experlence of seven] gentlem‘en gromng the Surge mu reli-' zed. Mr. Branch stated that he had pro duced two hundred ‘gallona of moluses from one acre of cane. which he sold for $1.25 per gallon. He also produced abouctthiny-five bushels'ol cune‘aeod to the act-e, 'whlch he sold [at $2,!5 per bmhel, making 11‘:- recezpta 8320 per acre. Mr. Branch belfeves the Sarge thé\gnou profita ble variety to plant. 5543 It In outed Lbu the one could be nib ed “about the same expenses: can. Th. graudd abogld be carefully prepared, :3 the seéd planted about ball" an inch (£23, and carsl‘ully culnivuted until {our in'éin‘i hi b. / . Eur. Wréqn, of Harrow counly. raised on huh an acre. an: hundred ma Elmer. gnl lam of In)! 45rd. for wmcu no go! 31.10 9}” gnlluu’. which 531:; the ladder. 4%., b'w’ds'ofl ‘ mm $l9O 50. \ I uf‘ulsmg,’&o'., $55 2 1 TWO DOLLARS mug ...I\TO. is. THE GREAT ANACONDA. SDRGHUM CONVENTION. Inviog a char mm or ‘1“ 50. eqiui to $220 00 [ntnctm‘ . . 1 .1: wag though “at 95 prr Mm nu I fur animus of the upon» '4' gamut/mg tn acre un-J getting i! w H:— uni. Cane mny be kept for main; without'h jury. “promoted from Llu- min ma no, oitlurhy being Ihockml in the 621-: ur 023. red in open nhedn. It is rcgixJ-‘d an hour: not to ctr!) the cane whiz-h ,_. (n b 9 “oqu until tnkcn from the nhmh tribe wazlwl. It is consider-OJ men wife. lmwavrr. to al ow (he bladvs Lo min: «9.) m tank-123m stripping. Some prilo" m sirip xbn‘lpladrs from the cane before It“ work ed, though inhrge operations this N n )f {ll'3l'l‘3l prncu cable. One of the best h’n’-iiil (I 1 01' 53’1- npa on‘exhibition mu maria from uane um had neither been stripped not tumult- About thinly simples of Inga: and syrur were on exhibition. The qcn vonlmn reso - ved to hold it: next lessnon in Cincinnati. S'"Wnr is the Ind. of ‘barbarimfn Napoleon Ramparts. - , 1“ A "Put. togetlwr all Gigi” or Itbo, agég Ind places, ‘and Ihey not‘oome ”um the mischief: of one tampnfgn,”- Pol! ‘ 1 gJl‘he more I um}! thsfibfldm‘w. um I convinawl cluhryinn-xhq of?» {upper-co mic anything Why“.— a :1 “mam-2cm .» w .43; 4“?!” "Remutrx gfiaf naming”; r,‘ my” me: for“. 3 “wafi ~ sin-'l9 am of hum-m m ‘ 04,515,. p . HEW 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers