no I: ~~ ~~ ;. ‘‘ > The Octal,“ is published qvery Monday " so:ng by Hun J. Stun. st 82 00 pot : ‘ um I! puid 1:14on I: ovum—B2*” 9n unu- if not pnid in dance. 10. “MM discontinued. nnlcu at tho opfion of the publisher, until all arrange. are paid. ' ~ Aonénusuwn inserted u the usud run. Jon Pusnxc done with neatneu and dispatch. . ‘ ‘ Omen in South fialtimoro Itreet, nearly 'Oppmito Wamplcn‘ Tinning Eatubfinhment ‘ {‘(hlnun annxc Orncs" on the sign. I QEE§§§®X£L EAP‘DV J. C. Neely, TTORNEY AT LAW.—-Pnrticulnn Igua- A tion pmi-l to collection of Pennant, out], Ind Back-pay. 05:2 in the S. E. norner of the Dinmand. ‘ . Getlysbulg, Aplfl 6, 1863$‘~z\f Wm. A. Dfincan, _ TTOKNEY AT [HUI-"oscc in the North- A weal corner oTCenu-e Square,Geuy'-bn ‘ . n, —‘ [oa. 3,1859. :1 Public-Sale WIIABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. —(Jn I‘m-:51)”, this”: dnj of JANU . WA‘EY Inn, the anbscriger‘, intending to go D. McConaughy. ‘ : East; Will all u: Public ule, at his residence, ‘ infreedom tpw‘nsbl , Adams count 1 mile: ATPORNRY in. LAW' “an?“ dooéhwnt lifirom Morlu'i inverts}, on the mid {gaging to of llutbler a drug and boo flare, am. Mill‘ernownfihe following l’eriora'nl Property: hex-glam; urn-L) Ara-nun! no Souou-on you 1 HUHSB 5 mm; Cowl ‘ head of Young l’nnu no l’zxsmn. Bounty: Laud Wur- Cums 5:034 Sow. .3 51:36:: When: D‘rill f nnls, Hagk-p'ly suspended Clams, and all I Wire llny Ruh,‘%cnt Fun 'Hlan'ow Plough, L other cI-xlm'xngninu the GoverxlmenfintWMh- lFoddetL‘ til-r Rocknwny’Bu'ggy Carl-inge set‘ I ln;'un. D. 0.; nlioAmericanClnimsln Englnnq. rankings: “,1", Carriage Spre’tdeu Dolele ' Land Wurrnnlslocntednnd sold,orbought,and and Sifilé-tf’cei, I” ofyflaree (Jeni-I, Log “Kb“! 1m“, “"9“ Agent! flagged l" 10' ‘CliiidfCrowbur, Sledge. )luuock, Grniu Cru catmg wnrranta 1:: loan. "hm-1i: and other idlyfifinkfl, 76H“. Shovvls’, Wheat-arrow, ""“m 3‘4“" @ll2le to hm yum”!!! lGrinauonc. Cow (Signing, Bay, by the tan, tc. or b! ”n”- ' . 1L {Alsogflws‘ehold gamma Furnfiureni‘z? GellyisZa 50“ 71; 53-' - - _.. "2 pmfig .Tabl‘es, Brcnklait Table, Kitchen "" "‘“"“ " ‘'— . 9 ' 4‘:th Safe} 4 Beds'cadn, h e Looking, A' J‘ cover, E 161139: CHE: 3of Drawers! Camel;g Cupboard, TTO RVEY‘AT LAW‘W'" PPONPQY‘WE‘I i-Eighl-duy Bran Manta} Clock. Rocking (1m- A m Collection! Mid 5”, 0!!!" lmblnul cn- ldlx; 3 sets of Chairs, 2 Racking Chuirs, Queens ‘trus'od to him. Oillc.) between l’flhllfllOCl‘" ware, Tin-warn, largo Cuppe' Kettle, Iron Md 0 “mar .t Zitglvr‘s DVD-'6}. Baltimore ”"9” Ken)». Cuak Store, TonqutrStav‘c and Pipe, Ucugiburg. Pa. [Svjjl- 5.1555- .\’iuvpu'. Apple-bullet], Bnuel Chugu, .\len‘ * ‘~ , ' ‘ , .\'t-asrlx. Tabs 41 lot of Pine Lumberfn X6l. of Edward ‘l3. 3118111013 ' i(Yuk/l3:nvdng’lioardi Ind Posts, and a. great ‘ T‘l‘Oltfu'l-Z'l' \l‘ l. \‘.\’. will fulllfl‘ul}: nml =nl.\|v:r"nrlli-r :lflielu, 100 tedious to mention. A prnmplly ..noud [Uullbll3l||4‘dsl:llll'}l‘|9d - Wanna to (avenge A: 10 o'rlpbk; A. 11., m in“, m WWI” xlu- Hurmun lnngnlmirtw wl {am vim-{when naendunce will [:6 given‘ ”4;“. M H... .mm 5.. M, ... .\th many“ nvx?i_'rr.hejw‘udc knuvirgfiy— __ A U W__ x - IL.‘--.1. n-A-x I‘m-um"— dim: (ma, uu-i I:B}.er ”mm-(.- [mevr .\ In .1.“ s nthrl'. ‘ 'g nutfsvmrg, W Ar"1l L”. i =A J. 11. 3,. {‘ss. LsW ‘\ , “ ' Dr.. J Wfim’fiealts J 4 « : Dlssolution. ‘ I'l i- r. a» .U n I \-.. if Rumnor off-” 3.1. , ‘m-I titan nt‘.Slmtds k Ruchier having bun, () .1 “W: m. 1 n {‘l ..(L¢-:,,...-:u l‘fr’u.) “:ng TI pg {ligand consent, dissolvd, to $l3O If» ( u ..h, Hut! -. Al 4? l's.. " j ‘ ;.. OILJLF‘MS'Y 0" épril‘put, nonce il _\(.v'.'2\l_ 1 CL. 11' ‘. ’-"'=/—_ l I. ‘ ' Dr. D. 3.1% er,‘ H7lOl 1X91“; \. lx-'. mm” an o c' A Y'nc p I‘L:~:érni‘fl g putt-bin" m 21 "r ‘ .s Mun hy<. :HM uuu'll lung-mnf_-rll_\"||uiu u‘ll yum-1 -.m «ml n-L'n nu} um aumdlug die tnu‘! 10 1,.“ MM L'uzmh “nu. _ Lid. 3, :c:I.- 1f ..7. LaWrenchiiu, M. D.‘ ' ‘\‘~'hi mm- N ~11 ...,.,, 15.1 11.33: Agtfim 5;? ‘j ‘thcmn "14:er in 'm ’8 \b o!.nm."dtutg fun: th nmm‘iu- Pfrking'l in 'c. Wh. ‘ thou nt’dng‘m lu.:\\'PHln." Drum] 5 (‘pcfi hm fru‘mv} u't‘rr‘pF-‘thflyinutex!lo l ,4: “”s“?th Did. ”utnur. inn-fin [’.' F; :91) n‘ n ‘ll R. u - .lLluflmr, 11. D], Rev,r I'M' ‘1 Itguhi. frat. W LlStww-r.'_.<hui'.’..‘.‘urli',’.'.'AL N). , Di Adams County ' I'TUQ'IT H [{EIYSURASU 510,0.“ PAN Y.— B lucil‘qumlml “Ar-'ll US, 1551. 0! F 2! 1 '|.‘ . .",m.lrll—_3C" )Y‘KXL' 9a mum , L-n I'r.‘.~J{ni—..\. ii :qu-‘H. 'l ,~u-r...z.~,_n. .\. 51: Lhr. . A ‘ ‘i‘wl-"Jfr final} \U‘IM-H’. . ' . I'. n. -'. .‘g'tol'ul'zl'. Elcf'ur-Irrlm'nh }::~;v \».h-r_n it"u: v‘!..lvn _ A - e..;..._ n : \'. Run-El". n. I._ .3 I ' 11 .\'l k. L '! -.l.='/‘émnll..]). “I - \ L MM}! ' . n ' .1; f)("l.‘xa a}. 5 .\'4 :un‘lw L. \\ m‘.‘ 1?, Wi'nnn, H L Run“: .\’l ‘1 3“"!lzus'1l. John “”0!- {Jr‘l “1... ‘7 1 ."Jr - .H, lr-uu -'I- “Eng. .\ln-lr VIM {Lain m "11:1.k13h4..g. \‘nlle F. 53‘”, J . u.” w 1' ur‘hlh. ‘4" !.|-‘lr"m-nr:x ‘ nan “-uuzfnn i- “'an ' I" :ivngLn‘YJ “.3sl rn- m s 1-! 4.: \lvnll.’«,‘Av-«-va- iv 3.. ~. ...“: H ‘l4. - -.r.3.u .lrjg-vg‘f!‘ ii in vix .eluu, .1(-lm[‘;l~rn..‘ ' u “I? .\rfi' ‘fi =.~ ndfm pc- u..M.n-unnurun-; 1 1r 11dv'.{ run 5; Lou Lure _nul||:‘..l raft-N i'v Htfi‘rrc‘hl'uj-t. Th; LjhlL'v‘ {any (-unnL.l;-~ no Agvrur—mzh I‘m-71' Ni Mun; dn‘n: by :‘v- ‘-I n 241-53. «Um-110 Ilfidnflll" rim 1. .1 L»: 31).: find-film! ivr~, Any pormn .ln-sirmg in lunxr“. ICB van} x ml: ‘lO urifjnrghr Mung. . ..nv'l ‘.l m I {Ch :ur fufifigli‘ihflmhit-u. 'livy‘f‘u- Ely-ma:v~.(‘,.».nu:-~"f‘fii~ r?" '5 ..1. IE: 'o‘rififgi of thr (‘0 quit.” mug! 9:.” \\ qmruduy In F'fiéh 1': WM. w 4. l'. 3!. . I Nl-hf. H, |"'-" , ', “‘ ’ ”‘- “ L‘ c“ , ' ‘ ' Removals. , V . ' “YE'irlrtflrfignc-I:'m-mT'Jh :Hut-orin‘fg swung { to In IE1» rynuu-i: uh" I?“ ‘:!‘"" '1 m. - b'r}.hu;:l§&lhffl mph”... ane-nphtp tho r- mnwl m‘lhn ram-due hf dry-w gun-l 'rJ uh,“ ur :1“:an Wl“ll.7““Ud'mh’rT'voiflfi-Lew-1,1311);th-yaurm’ Imu- ix don":~ kwnumbhm-i» will: ; m "pun-q ...JHM: low, “1.1 nu‘efi'un frlnwi I‘. pl} If-J. .-' PICNIIP'I‘HQA', Kmpn nl Lhr "run-wry. _ \hr-‘b '1 2.3310 The Ereat stc‘qvery. w Tm: mph—Ammummy and ('hronac Q RhcumMia'n mn he curl-v 1 by usinqul L. M LIA”? S}:hl.lfillli.\TEl) HUEUHATLU MIX TURE. :Mkny prnmiucm utucus n! Lbif, and the ndjéining coumicu, have grained km its me.“ utility. [ls sn:;:‘°§l in lihéumnllc atrop tlbn‘i’, In" bcl'n hitherto unparalleled by uny afiecific, inlrodm-ccl to the public. Price 50 crms pep lmule. Fur 5:.10 by all «hugging and norekeepcrs. Prepared only by H. L. MILLER. Wholesale And R‘anil Druggist, En." Berlin, Adams county, Fm. doulvr‘in Drugs, Chemicals, Oils, Vandal), Spirits, Paints, Dye-stuffs, bot.- tlcd. .Oils. lawn" and Tinctures, ‘\inl}oW gl, , Perfumery,‘ ntcnt Medicines, &c., kc. ‘3‘ I). Bnehlrr is the Agent iu‘Gczyys bprg'lor,” H. L. Miller‘s Llwlvllmted Rheumufi’c Mixture.” {lung}, lgull (f g The Grocery Store I ,\' THE [IILL.~ Flm uuxh-raigwd‘iwnulnf 0 ”Hum: idly m' urn; Hzc viluvun 0- 0-2:};- hgr am: :i- Euny. mu. m but mkcu {in ..M uni] 1- [m ”m: H 1..." in linlum‘L Ekru‘t, Uri ‘i‘uuurg‘ wgcru lxn i-nmqs w Lamp unufla'qnlf— .o" mm :11 kimh or uu(wr.ums—_Su;;.u... ”om-3n. Syrupa of Ali,l‘ub.A-Auo. PM}, aw, Mu. llnrzhemnre of all kim‘n, Fru'm, um, Bnd in fact, r‘vmnhim; unuslly Inund in n (iron-17. Alan, 1- IMH’. Jr. FEED ul nil mm; a“ ul'which he inlru-ta lu scli low Lhtln- low rqt. ('u mlr; pm luv-3 {.1103 in exr'mugp f,”- gaod: qu Lhe mgr Ilia:- pnw ,z'nuu. {{e flamers himself that, by airiqt Mtfmtiun and gm lmnca: duke w plane, In mcrilm slmre of pufilic . flame. .Tnh' HUI. ‘i ‘J. 51. ROW)!“ my. 23, 135.1. d .r Grain and‘ Produce. ‘AVING liken (In: large and'fimznodious ‘ \quhouu xecefitly occupie’ by frank fiathfilsqq IN NEW OXF\ORD,, wo‘ an prep not! w my ”the highest prices for .21 made qt'Pauuccri. Mam sell at Lg": lon gsrprices, LUMBER, QQAL and GROCEIUES, of every dtlcripfion. A? . . . A. P. MYERSJ WIEBMANJK Nu Oxford, Aug. 10,1863. u‘ ‘ \ fbung Men > ND OLD max. do not NM: 76“ nether: 1A "4 your wives taint mu. their pyeciou mu hm‘fllo old Wu mb lol‘garéhux in mu my? henofacmn. present them with In EEC“ 108 WASHER, and Instead of frowns uni emu word: on mush days, _depe‘nd upon inchflrfnl fut-s willgreet you, ; ‘ TYSON worm-11:31 Gettysburg, Pu, the. H, 1863. .3 ,- , ; corn Wanted. . r ; .131 tax. .E.m,nu«ed at om‘wgn he” . for w‘h'xgh :hebizhuynmkot price “. 3“,». k McCflRbY A; mean. “an: I‘33,er LS. 1555, ‘ - a MIDI @7111; Year. r ‘ , wulLLgl L. new: lixluhcn filmir-ifAuuioneefi ‘ u") (mull!) ucs mm- lon. sumfls & BUEIILER.‘ i 2141). Ib,}E'3s. az‘ x 1 1“ 7 INTLIZ‘AHHANUEMEST—Oi: nnd afler I .“(‘nllu)'.To('(obL’l' 31st, 1264. I'usiengor Trams “ ill 1:- m; :Int srril e on the Gettysburg kniimud .1: furiowaz ‘ FIRST TEA IN “”1103“: (sulphur-g, a: 8, .\L \I., with puaeugeru 101- York, Harrfiburg, l’h‘!...h Ipm“ and (1.9 .\uth and Wax-L _ ‘ 2‘ Arriw M (Ec‘ltpbulg u: ..25. l'.‘ 11., with passengers Imm BJlumore, \‘urk and Harris uunz. . _ ~ ‘ SHCHND TRA inwili 'luvn -Gattysburg It 1.40,,1’. .\I ~wim PaSthgerl fol: meimore,’ Yorkinml llJrrirburg ‘> V . .\rrifc m. Gem :bm'gral 6 P. 11., with pu gvngrrs ”9]" York',’llnrriahurg, Philadelphia and the Numb and West. Oct. 31, 1864 9'; : award Assocxatxon. ’_ mm mLPHIA, PA.-—Uisenses or the ,f Kerr uE, Scmmul. ‘l'rinury and Sunni :._\ t-‘ms—m-w Mr] ‘relia le u‘eauurnt—iu re pongs a! the HOWARD SSUU‘ATIU)—-Bflal "H 3 mul iu aeuled Irma enn-lopez. Tree of El-vrge. ACCJPSS, Dr.‘J. SKILLL‘E UHI'GH 'I UN, Humlrd $33061 ”Job, No. 2 South Math .51le i. “Philndelphin, I'm. ‘ Am; 8, 1:124. ~ly ‘ i , s_‘ ‘ ‘ ‘x' I. K. 811 lufi‘er, ‘ “.’.\TCHM.\KI~.R & ‘.}£\\'El.ER,fin. 149 . North 51200)“) finer-t 5% rornL-r u! Quarry, PlinaAlmbzm Inn 5. Au a..'-wrlmcnt o! ‘ WATCHES, JEWELRYQSILVER .1 PLATED WAKE, vghuuutly on hand,“ K * SUH‘AHLE FUR “(ILIDAY PRESENTS! 'pg‘flrwiriug «1‘ Watches and Jewelry *‘rompuv .utende‘l to. ‘ IMO {rt-“I. S um wl I FARM of About 10') ucrv-s‘, iu (‘umberl x; ~ almAd townsifip. Apply to the undenign m; ”9 “ us: .\liddle mm. Gettysburg. r AUNARIADE.OSBORX'S ESTATE.-Let lj tors of ndnfinismrmn qn the estate of Znuhariuh E. ()thm, km.- of Huntington town shup, Adams county, decuséd, having bcen grpnu-d [0 11m “jlil'l'flignkd, Raiding in the same lOWHahip. h. hereby gives notice trail persnus indebted 3'o mid ankle to make im mediate panama, and {hose having claim: nguins? me name 10 present them ympcrly uuLL-e‘uxiualed ‘fijr seulemem. , ‘ ‘ f ' Adam; county, Pm; ~hu’ commenctd 5A 1 E GRYIXG. and will be happy mmend to all ‘ (Int ‘mny be nude. Mo mIL-do his best 4.0 rendqr satisfaction in all, calf“, and will he modgrale in hiychugei.‘ T 11; kfnl for the patrodnge-alrgndy Hestowga nponuizim, he nah [mm the? public KennaUy give him a trial; = 3 Sept. 2!). 6m . Fresh Arrival ‘ , F WINTER Goonsfu A. SCOTT I: SOX’S.—We invite the attention of buy: «ms to our stock .01 Winter Gouda, which wxll be sold they), conshling uf ' LKUIESVDRESS GOODS, Sharla, Cloaking Clothj, em, etc; For Mgn'l 1156,3031” wg‘ar we has :6 C}lo:‘h_q,Cnn-imeres, (‘bmiags, Veaéiugn, witw Stu-in, of Cotton vld("i.~&£‘., kg .L'aH and .s _ . sue. 28,1864. 4:500” & SON. .Johnkefloltzworth. \' addition to his Boot sad Shoe Store, has mgngnd the service! of an experienced §IIO.-mnker, md is now prepared to manufacg um: work ‘9 order and to mend :6 all kinds hf whiz-in; promptly. ' [Jam 2, 1865. ~ Lands! Lands! ‘iAl’T. R.‘CHTUTZHAN, hayingjust return: ed lrom snip Imm; West and all the LAND region: in qu’i‘xgrmt lablJ-inth, he waniNgfm-u the citizens bk Gen}- burg and its ricinfly, ghnc he is prepares], not. only to ‘ oficr OIL LANDS, but LANDS 0F EVERY DESCRIPTION. Persons visitinNan-isbnrg ; would «I» well co mall, 11 he will mink!) all in ! tormflifim li. CHRITZRAN. Jan. 2, 1865. tf “ \ G Am I) PHOTOGRAPHS a divlinguisl'ed individual", including a num lmr‘m our prominent Generals, and [he old hmumm L. Burul, {6r sale it the cosmic: o! the Excelsior Gallery, Gettysburg. VTYSOX BROTHERS.’ 088 BRANDY, WINEAXD waxsxgy, rm ‘ medicinnlyuponu duly, at the New Drug ‘ ‘ eqf ' - Dr- K. HORSBR. L. SCHIOK had just received 5 lm. 0! Q . cheap Looking Glass“ l RY Dr. R. HORNI-ZR'S Tonic and Allan ‘tifi‘iPode-ra, fO. HORSES sud CATTLE. Prepnred and sold only at his Drug Store. January 25 186‘. ' ‘ _ ' PICKIfiG hnuhe ago" sum-moat offlprbg , ma} Sumner Clothing in Imm. (J -' ‘ SACO, imw Rool, com‘ Burch. Riga-I6" as! Gelugn, for 181’ at Dr. vMNfiR'S ‘- Drufi Store. , - ' ’ , . B! H. J. STABLE. 'ngll. _uc‘c.oL‘-s ' ox‘thnding‘ .ween this mill umé.—- Hen) mHhe-fiquuvn} 'hr; hands 9f gin VofliN-r for‘ Gettysburg Railroad. IL HeCL‘RDY. Pres“. re. .2, MO4 :For Sale or Rent. ~ A, manmucxuean. '~——.9~—-—*——‘—§~‘ Notlce. ten. 2, 1.845 . I‘RASKLIS-H. EB‘BRT, Adm'r Doc-. 19, 1563. m. ’ ._ - ‘ Auctioneering. ’ I 10mm) TRIMMER, oflStx‘hbnn munship, A @EM.©RATH’© MID mmum wumma GETTYSBURG, 13A,”, MONiDAY, JAN- ‘jeo, 1865. POETRY. . Till: NEWSPAP'R . ~ .. nu u 9 nunm.‘ nun, an nu you it E=Ell Orpu um puuqmn‘phy. a: boy, Tu mur tho tau o! the in, I, boy, When-r it ho, < \ ~ nus In " m h], ' tad pip in flu-mt In], I] by. I'm from an éoutrhn And ennui. Ily b’y, Advoniumu, up: ad rhylp, ly boy, Mind 9'19 110: all nth, - ‘1 0! flylng "ports, _ , Wynn-bod II mph: Iran! my boy. Afflclél shit and who, my boy. ’ ‘ , M in“ In ch. edlwr’l oyu, my boy, - Jud logic It (Had. Thu {at “garland. ' ‘ ‘ To whtlu the world I: ”pun, my boy. ’ l , Bhltniu, nflntlon‘, rule-um boy, um. oer-pl to human and n , my boy, And lcngthy deb-u ~ Upag miter! a! mu, ‘ror rm bended folk: :4; pill“, my buy. ‘1‘!!- fund: 1: they 'Ogllld “My In. my boy, TM quibble And quirk. of lb. bu, my boy. . And "try wuel . y . A clever critique, ‘ On loan min; thuprlnl “u, my boy. The up of Jupihr’l lions, nyboy. ‘ '1‘)» mm“ of nomubody'l Ipoonl, m 1 boy, The lute of tho crvfl, Thu nyl-‘onht lona, 7‘ in»! tho wit at the public bdoonl, my boy 3- Lin of .u phvlicsl man. my boy. numbed by laminar-91115. my boy, rm you In vim surpri‘u, \Why my on din, Or “an Ihu duofdor um kills, my boy Who bu 'gol Ignrrlod. 14: than, my boy. Who tn: cut M In Hair bloom, my boy, _ mm bu had all-1h , annals narrow-Inland nrth, K And who tun-r- gm to ‘ho tomb, uiy boy The pricrnf mu. and grain. my boy, .DH’ECIM‘III to GI: and to draw. my 'boy, A mu 'Lwouhl uh nu £6O long In to}! you in long, A unmet oflll they main, my b6]. lIISCZLLAMT, 'Timas'ammoa In these days of Note. inventions, &e., it. would be “"5” for those who get them up to remember {he lessons of history. The tollowinu is Macaulay’l désoriplion of the famous Titus Cm'ea Plot, and the re sult of n: _ Yet was the ferment excited by this Alis covery—the French plot against Dtlnhy— slight. when compared with the commo tion'n Lirh arose when it was noiserl abrund that a glt'nl Pnplah pint had been detected. Ono-Tum: UJU‘S. aclergymnn of the church of England, had. hy his disorderly lite and hetermlox du’ctirine, drawn on hims-clt‘thn censure of hi- spirituhl pzufmriori-y hml l'C‘t n Compelled to ‘quit his hemfice, and had, ever rim-e. lvd- rm inl'nmous and wgv u". Isz. He Lad once lur-gfeesed himselt u Rn— man Cuholic, undrhad passed nometime on the continent in English colleges of the order of Jesus. In thesbsqfninnriee he had heard much wrld talk About the best mean: of bringing England back to the true church. From hints-thus furmnhz-d, he t-unaxructed u hideous romance, resem‘ bling nether the dream of a sick man than any transaction which ever. took place in the real world. The Pope, he said, had in trusted the,gnvemment of England to the Jesuits. The Jesuits had, by commissions under‘ the seal of their society; appointed Catholic clergyman, policemen and min men; to all the highest ofiices in (EM and state. The papist‘l lmd burned down London once. They had tried to burnrit. down again. They were at that moment planning a scheme for setting fire to all the “shipping in the Thames.\. They were to rise,“ a signal and massacre all their Pro testant neighbors; A French mmy was at the same time to land in’ Ireland. ‘All the loading gtate‘emen and divine: in England were to bemurdered. Three or foul-schemes hud been formed torusminnting‘ the king. Hogan Id be poisoned in his medicine. Ila wait to be shot'with silver bullets.‘ The public mind was so sure and exciteable that these lies readily found credit with the vulgar; and tivo events which speedily _took place led e‘ven some reflectin men to suspect tbnt the tale, though ezid’fntly dis torted and exaggerated, might have some fuund‘ntion. . i ‘ ‘ ,Edmund Coleman" 3 very busy and not very honest Roman éathalic intriguer, had been among the persona accused. Search was made for his papers. It was found that he had destroyed the greater part at them. But A, few which had elcnped, contained some passages which, to mind: strongly prepouseued. might seem to confirm the evidence of Oates. Those passages, indeed, alien candidly construed. appear to ex press little more than the hopes which the [matures of afl‘airs, ‘ the predictions of Charles, the still stronger predictions of James, and the‘relationa existing between the French and English conru,‘might nat urally excitein the mind ofaßon'ian Catho lic stronfly attached to' the interests of his church. But the country was notthen in clined to construe the-letters of papists candidlyynnd it was urged, with some Ihow of reason. that. if papers which had been phased over as unimportant were fill:- ed with matter so suspicioul, some great mystery of iniquity must have been con tained in those documents which had been carefully committed to the flames. The capital and the whole nation went mad with hatred and fear. The penal laws, which bed began to lose lomethmg of their edge, were sharpened anew. Ev erywherejustices were busieil in nearching houses and seizing papers. All the jails were filled with Pupiats. London had the ,\aspect of a city in a. state of sieve. The Rain hands were under arms ah night. Preparations were made for barricading the great thoroughafsres. “Patrols marched up 1 and down the street. Cannon were pleated round Whitehall. No citizen thought him aelfsafe unlesg he carried under hll cont a I smell fiz’aii loaded with lead to brain the Po pish examine. ‘3 ' The houses insisted that a guard should be placed in the vaults over which they sat. in order to secure thiefnngainet asecond Gunpowder Plot. A 1 their proceedings were at a piece with thin demand. I‘o Inch a temper had eighteen year; of tn'ugoverw ment brought the moat loyal Pkrtliement that had ever met in England. U ‘ Meanwhile, the courts of juuice, which , ought to be, in the midst. of political corn muttonl. can place: ot' refuge for the iono > cent of every wly, were disgraced,by ml: :/ }‘ )’ 1U \ ‘ f ' “/- ”rum 1: Ixam‘un mu. mun.” ~ der passions and fbuler corruption: than were' found even on the hustin s. The tale of Oates. though it had sufficed to con. l } . .__. "ll” ”16 "hob "alt". would not. “Mil. Bitter Dsnnncis ion of the System—An confirmed by other evidence, sufiice to de- Investigation Ordered. stroy the humblest’of thone whom he had __ 4 ' accused. For. by the old law of England, Wasnixcrozr. Jam”, 18. two witnesses sre necessary to establish s tlml’rsu'rmssns m "I: name. chsrge of treason. But the success of the Mr. Ganson, Dem. n Y., oflered the {Ol. first impmture prodiiced its natural conse- lowing resolution: " . quencea- In . few weeks be bad‘ been Resolved, That the Military Committee be "“9“ frompenury “4 obscurity ml“ and they her directed to ascertain lance, to power which made him th 4 ad snd repormlhuse as Bob“ “Fumble of rinces sud nobla, snd to notoriety such the number of ersons now confine] in the as has forlow and bird minds all the sttrao-l om Capitol "If Carroll prisons, when such tiveness-of 8"“?- He "‘5 “0‘ long "lh' persons were respectively arrested and con-‘ °“‘°°§d.l“t°” and ”7313: A gram} named fined. und'upon what charges their arrests C'm‘m ".110 th “med alivmg 1" 3001' Were made; whether any of such persons land by 2.0108. dugulsed '0 conventicles find are ofli’cet‘h of the army, and have been con then informing against “’9 preachers, led fined without a trial beyond the time in “19 "‘Y- Bedlofi. fl "fled swlndler, fOI' that respect prescribed by’lsw. or by the lowed; and soon from all ”10 “OH-€18; regulations in the military service ; -and gambling houses, ““1 spunging houses whetherany persons 40in prison‘sre confined 0’ London, falseflitnesms PM”d forth ‘0 without any written charges—made against "'9" 3"” "9° “'95, 0f Roman ,CfithOllC3-- them ; and whether there are any persons One came "”1 3 “o'7 about‘an army 9! now in said prisons who have not'hud any 30.000 men, ".110 were l 0 muster-in ”10 dlg' trial;' if to, report the names of such per 'g”i3° 0r pllgrlms 1“ CONN“. and ‘0 Hall sons. the time wheh they were arrested, thence ‘0 W iles.. Another bud been prom- and the alleged cuuseofarrest respectively; ised canoniiation and five hundred pounds and that the said committee 'be and are ‘0 mum" “‘9 ““34 A third hid stepped hereby authorized to‘scnd for persons and into an eating houhe in Convent gsrt en, papers. and had there heard it grant Roman Catho; The resolution was adopted. lio banker vow. in thefhenring of till the Mr. Stevens (Rep. Ya.) “I a subsequent 3099‘? and draweflyilo km the heretical 1)“ stage of the proceedings moved toreconsid rant, 0““- lh“ 11° might “0‘ be eclipsed er the vote. to alter the resolution sons to by his imitators. 900“ added 3 ““89 supple- instruct the committee to inquire into the merit to his original narrative. Ile “d.expediency.of tlieinquiryu _ ”“3 pro'entous impudence ‘0 affirm. “11°98 ! MLGanson said acaptuinTrom New York, “he“ lilting-p “’2“ he bed once 3000‘] be" who had been three years niid a half in the “Pd 5 door "me“ W“ W"- and bud tliere‘ service, had been in prison since the 27th overheard the" queen dad“? ”lul- “he 11351 of October last, and was altogether ignorant resolved 1-) giro her, consent to the nssatsi- lof the charges, if any, ,gum“ [mu- Ha «union of her husband. The vulgur believ- ' called on the prisoner on Saturday, and 9d it "Dd the “Elle“ magistrates pretended wns permitted to inquire into his care, but labs-hove, even such fictions us these. Thel in the presence of the turnkey. who u: be cliiel judges or the realm were corrupt, cru-I tween’ them. H.e held that to he a personal 01 and timid. The leaders of the country indignity. .. ‘ ' party encouraged ”19 »Pl'?Vfll“ng_dél“sl°n- l Mr. Stevens said he. was sorry the gentle- Tlle "105‘ respectable among them, indeed, man thought that wasn personal indignity. werothomsnlves so fur deluded its to believe‘ Buy, no doubt ”m turnkey l‘elt B pride in' 1"” 3“““9' part 0.1 the evidence 0f thel being seated between the two gentlemen. plot in be true. Such men in Sliiiltes'nury-i Mr. 6“an 01.59”“! that the resolution 9"“ Buckingham d‘W‘l’llN-‘S Pi‘fl‘tll'ed that; he had oflersd had the sanction oftlie chair the whole W 3“ 3 romance. Bi“ "JV!“ 3' mun oftlie Committee on Military affairs. romance which served lllt‘ll‘ turn,‘~nnd [o} Mr. Stevens—\"hy no: instruct the COIL!- Illt’lr sacral cons ‘ ' rrstlie death oi‘un in-i mittee to inquire into'tlis expediency of. nocc-m rii:in gave“ more iinuiéiness Minn , me mea‘sure? . l ll": death 0‘ ‘1 l‘fll'll'l‘l‘é'h The jl‘llesJ'NQ'l Mr. Ghnson-Jl‘he House is satisfied‘as to tcok ot' the fei‘llligsllht‘n ctiirimori tlirough« theiexpediency. ' ‘ , l out the nation uni] were encouraged by 5) Mr.stcvens—l am not. . ' the trench trimdulgo those feelings lVllllOllt; \Mr. Duis (ltcp., Md.)~ said it was the restraint. The mnltitudeopplauded 0 ties. rigm-of the Home, and, more tlinndliut. and lsls' corifclieiittes hootetiflnd F'elted the ' the duty of the House to Bfifl‘lllat the liber witnesses who al‘ll‘l‘fiWd 0" oimllof “'l9 80: l ty oftlz‘ecitizen was not union-fully violated. “N"h “ml “HO““W‘ “‘3!“ .l")' when the W 1" If personshnve been confined in prisfin be dlc‘ Ul'gu’lfl‘ “‘3“ lmonblmcuL l yond the period ailiowcd by law, the [louse rur SEQI‘Ek-ffllx YEARS AFTER- ! has the right to know it and apply the Some of these- uretchvs were ulremly lie-5 remedy. The immemm, from New York ‘ 5")"‘1 ”l" "“0“ ”l “11’1"" justice. BPIeG (Mr.tinnson) lihdxinstunced twocasos. The bad (llr‘ll‘lll his wlk‘keiliiL‘rlP_"\K'ltlipltl one ‘L‘w suspending thp writ ni’lmliong corpus Finn nl remorse or Eli-Ame. ‘Dugilnle hall ‘ was too much Ct ‘mmiited lo the dis fullrimul to ‘ll‘ grave. driven rigid, men creti’nn (3f the Proudpnl; 33'?! \ being will. by the l‘uriw ut‘ Pn evil conscience, “,3 low of the hind. "\ml‘“ be obeyed: tm'l Willi luu l 4:“! ii“ llnf-lm‘lllg those who; The law said, any Itenun‘xwhn shall be ar- l 1‘1”“ ""1"“! his “Cl 10 ml” “WHY Lord! rested under the order of the President, or 3“!- fi'ml ~‘ (“N'ilf‘u 3“”- ‘i‘fi'fl WEN “’3‘ of a military officer. may be held some Hl‘l “ 15-N- 1” ‘-- 1' lfl’i'l ‘4' 51‘1“", find with: time in confinement; but when arrested in his lust Um“? he lnl'l iuld his _iittendants§ rt'state where the courts were’hpe‘n, and no to throw him in a ditch like a dag. for thatl rebellion existed. the names if s’dcb PH" he was not tit to sletgi iii a Christian burial- . sons arrested must be ”pongd by the Sec grnuiul. Hut Uates and Dangerfield were' fetary ol'Stste or stun”, .ot‘ “I“. totho still within-the rmtch of the stern prince' Circuit, or District Gnu”y and nfter a grand whom 193?! had wronged. TWO “1115 Oflu'~jury shall have met, or after indictment, mum?” against him (05195).1e PRUWY‘ the persons detained shall tie discharged had been found by the Grand Jury of‘Mid-l unless primners of mm There were not it “7899!. I few Weeks her"!!! the death 0!. few prisoners in Maryland confined under Charles. SW“! If!“ “15 01053 0‘ the 9190“ circumstances siiriilirr to those mentioned, .tions the trial came OXI- l and who are held in custody by orler‘ofil -0“ the day in “midi he WM broughtto; legal commissions. Ila wanted the Com the b". Westminster “4” W 35 crowded; mittee on Military nfliiirh to spread the 'Wl‘h sl"“‘l‘"'°"': among whom were 91531.] truth before the people, and to ascertain “”103“ Catholics “E" '0 509 the misery. whether there is any law to ‘authorize the 3"“ humiliation 0f the.“ perseéuto A: confinement ofuny citizensiu tliejudgment iew years earlier; his short neck. hi legs; ofa military commission. ‘uneven as those of n badger. hEQforrheadl Mr. '00: (Demmnio) said he, with the ‘10“ “3 ”1‘“ 0” baboon. “is P‘" l 9 cheeks“ gentleman from Maryland; would enlarge ‘and his monstrous length oi ohinshsd been] the scope 0f the resolution. He would. lamiliar to all Who frequented the courts of! like to know whether the requirements‘of l“"- He had been the id°l 0‘ the ”9"03- the law were regarded. and whether lists of] Wherever 11° hid appeared, men had ,lm'l persons had been furnished to courts. or; covered their heads ‘0 him. “19“"? and whetherthe law this 3 dead letter, or wheth-l 03mm 0! "“5 “1383““ Of the realm b or even the legal departme ntJiSd endeavor ibee“ at hi. mercy. Times bild “0‘” chang- ed to set aside the law lor their own pur ed; and many who had formerly regsrdcdl poses. He [ind cost-Lin his own eye. out lhim '5 the deliverer Dr M“ country. “bud" only that of~Vullandighaim to which the ldered 1“: thesisht Of "1059 hideous features l gentlemanfrom Maryland had slluded. but 0“ "hill“ villainy seemed ‘0 b 9 written b! others. where the Secretary of the Treasury the‘hand 0‘ 90¢ _ _ . under some peculiar higher law‘, unknown “JV“ proved beyond sll fowbxhty 0‘ to the statute, had caused to be arrested dabt 1b“ “‘l’ man had. by “I“ testimo- men suspected of counterfeiting greenbacki .“Y deliberately murdered several sudllw or shinphtsters, and held them in theAOld Permm- He called "1 73m.“ the most! Capitol prison month alter month in the. eminent members 0f the parliament ,"hlch . sole order of the solicitor of the treasury, . had rewarded and extolled him, to give ew‘ without giving them right of trial. Was idence in his favor. Some of those whom . there no remedy for the “unifiwtbn of he had summoned absented themselves—.- l our own laws, or shall we not have s'n inqui- None of them said anything tending to his ry into these sbuses? .~ . vindication. One °f them, the .E‘fl.“ Mr. Coli'roth (Dem. Pa.) said that in his Huntingdon. bitterly reproache'd him With districtm brave officer who was wounded having deceived the houses, and drawn on and his limb amputated, was confined in them the guilt of shedding innocent blood. prison without charge! having been pre- He was convicted on both indictmeiits.— ferred against him. His offence, though, in 3 moral “Shh mu'r- Mr. Cox said he had not submitted his d" 0" “he “1°“ “ngvated kind. was, m remarks with any partissn view or to find the eye oflhe 13"» ““le a misdemeanor. fault. The law authorizing a suspension of The tribunal, however, was desirous to the writ of My)“; corpus was not passed with make his punishment more ”’3“ that 0! the concurrence of the Democratic mem felons or traitors. and not “‘le to put bers, but by the votes of Republicans. It him ‘0 death, but ‘0 P 1" him to death by was their law; they took the liberty of sus irightful torments. He was sentenced tolie pending the writ, but they qualified it in stripde ofhis clerical habits, to be pilloried such a way as to guard against undue and i" P 519“ Yard-V3 be led round Westminster irresponsible arrests. He appealed to gen llall,withnninscription dccluringhismfsmy flamenco the other side to sustain their over his head. to be pilloried again in front of own law, and not let it he a dead 19“". It the Royal Exchange, to, be whipped from was their duty to find out in whnt‘respccts Aldgste to Newgstemnd alter an interval ofl and by whom. the law had been broken. two days to be whipped from NeWgnte tok Mr. Gausoii said he had been cretlihly‘iu. Tyburn. Il'agitinstallprobnbility heshould formed of several other cases than those bone“ to survive ”1i“ horrible infliction, l which he had already mentioned. where he wss to be kept a close prisoner during civilians, as well as army otficer’s, were ille lifa- PM “In“ "W W" 11° W“ ‘0 be gally held in prison. He felt it to be his brought from his dungeon and “PM“! on duty to ofi‘erthe res‘olutiOn, especially when the pillory it: different parts of the capital. these prisons ”6 within speaking distance Thi‘i’lfimwmmnm “"5 “Wm“! °" of this hall. The House should have all ecuted.‘ the {sets in order to determine whether any furtherlegisistion is rr-quircd on the subject. He would not uiideilske to criticise the acts ol'any oftheoificers ofthe government. his desire being to discover whether there. are sbusea, and if so. to rectify them. 3 Mr. Eden (Dem. lil.) mid the gentlemsni had assumed its a fact that the persons 30‘ confined were illegally arrested and kept; there for a long time. contrary to law. If. the department deccrved censure, he was willing itshould be censured. There might. be some things in the cases not for the‘ courts to pass on. The resolution, as it now read, was a direct censure. although not so intended. Hence he had suggested an amendment. . I Mr. Kasai: (Rep., Iowa) added his testi mony to the propriety of the ln'Fsllgitthfl proposed. The time had arrived when it wuduo to tbq people at this rounti'y thft: Congress shou‘rl cumin» into the extent ’3' . . Graiuitous Printing.-—There is no mob thing as doing anything “gratuitously” m a printing oflice. Somebody must pay for merging that. I. dune. Non line can be m t it does no: cost something for unmg. Either‘tbg printer must do the whole or the advertiser pay hinhkre. The only qfition to be asked by the publisher is: V oin to pay money for the labor -, whnt ground has this party or individual to require me to pay for the promotion of m or his ob jects 2 ' i winder anger, speaking of thertime when he was boy, says it. Was the custom ofschool ‘chi! ran.“ you passed a school house. to make 1 bow. BM in these latter days I: you pus I school home, you mm keep your eye peeled or you Hinges a {5:03 hall or : byickpu an the lids you: a . . DEBATE IN THE HOUSE ON ARBI TRABY ARREBTS. TWO mums A-YLLR or the power exercise?! by the Secretary at War, especially, when, as he knew, anon der of the President to the Secretary of Wanfor a certain thing was met .with the reply: “I shln't do in” and when an ex planation was asked, he was met with the reply: "I don’t propose to argue the gues tion; I am responsible to the Presi out. and to him alone.” When a represe‘ntatire of the (people was metin that way, it con stitute no objection to him that the reso lution might be construed to' embody a cen sure on the department. He argued the adoption of the resolution for the reason that by a general order no inlurinution whatever could he obtained from the War Drpiirtmcnt, excepting from the secretary himselfor by his order. It’aome poor wo nun hits mid a sun killed. and desires infar~ nmtiun concerning him, it could not be obi (mind save in the way just mentioned.“ The cuiiiiiiittee should inquire how hi: the arhiii-ury ltttbita exttud. He would be the first to vote for the exculpation of tliq.sec~ . etary it he should be luuud innocentpx The army may tremble under his power‘ns absolute dictator. but Congress has a right to investigate When: the liberties ol‘ the people are concerned. Irin June lll‘;(_¥x)1f‘ll prisoners of war were exchanged, ti-ntn lrll to twenty thousand ofthem were left to perish in rebel pens, he found another rea son why the transactions of the War Depart ment should be investigated. Mr. Davis (Rep, Md.) said arrests were made by provost marshals almost without complaint, and at unjustifiable times. The American character was being broken down. Under the pressure of the war, investigation became necessary. Gentlemen had repeat edly applied to him toremedy the injustice. ‘Mr. Dawes (Reta, Mass.) remarked that the gentleman irons New York had said, to his knowledge; persons were illegally cen-_ fined, and the gentleman hereby asked for an examination in the facts. If he (Dawes had made such a. statement. and had aske‘r; for an examination, he should have been very much astonished ifit had been refused. He did not see what ground of objection could be urged. ‘ Mr. Garfield (Rep. 0.) desired that the investigation already commenced by the Committee on Military Affairs should be continued. Congress had passed ii-lsw for the summary dismissal of oflicers from the army, tor there were traitors in the army, antf this can enable them to be driven‘out. But it was iilleiward thought by the House of Representatives that the law might be safely repealed. This law was mischievous. For it' an aflicer could now be dismissed without trial, m'erely on recommendation of his superior officer, it had the tendency to make the subordinate a sycophant and toady. The Senate, however, had not yet acted upon the bill. It had always been the law that when an officer was arrested and had been confined for eight days; the charges against him must be put into his hands. As to the )prisoners. one man. is major, says he hnsbeen confined five months and has tried in vain to léaru for what cause he is detained. Swift vengeance has fallen upon him like‘n thunderbolt from it clear sky. Similarcuesarenumberlesa. Where one man, calling himself acolonel or agent of the War Dcpaitment, lays his hand on persons and thrusts them hto prison ; and the Victims are kept there until the same agent of the War Department. or some other power, releases them. If we are not men in our places, let the War Department do as it pleases. He did not say the War Department was responsible for‘t‘hese nbu sea or knew at them.’ But theyimight be traced to its subordinates. He made no accushtion. The business of the House was to see that the laws were respected, and to stand ‘np for men who had no friends at court. . ° The motion of Mr. Stevens to reconsider the vote by which Mr. Ganton'l resolutiup was passed was bid on the table by n was “136 yea: againbt 5 hays-71.119 latter being Mean. Cobb, Eck'léy, Mcßride, Spaulding, and Stevens. ’ \ ‘ - Adjourned. ‘ ~ ‘ mm 90mm or IMAGINATION. Alexandre Dumuv published Some time ago. in a daily Paris paper, a novels’n which the heroine, prosperous und, hapfzy. is as aniled by consumption. All the gradual sympwms were most. touchingly deacnbed, and the greenest interest wu'ieh. forum heroine: _ One day the Marquin do D4lomien «lied on him. “quat," mid her, “have you composed the end of the "my now being published in the— Y" "Of ooune.” ' " "Does the heroine die at the end 7" “Of course. dies nfconmmptiou. After such symptoms» I has described. how could she livé 2" ' "You will line to make her live. You ‘must change the cumin-9pm.? “I cannot.” r “You. you must ; for on your heroine'n life depends my daughtefll." "Your daugh let’s !” "You! ; aha has an the various Ivmptoms 01' uonnumpuon you have described ; and watches mnurnfully {or awry new number of your novel. reading her own fate in your heroine’l. Now. if you make your Heroine liva, my daughter, whose imagination Lu been deeply impreuaed, will live too. Come, a life to save is a femptntion —” “Not to be resisted.” Dumas changed his lut 01mph". His heroine recovered and was happy. About five years aflemavdn, Dumas met the'Marquis at a. puny. ’ “AM, Hymn 2" hi: chlztilned: “let m 9 fn£mducrv you m my dwghxcr; S'ml owes he: lile to you. Thme she is.” . ' “‘l‘hat tine, handsome womm.,gholooks liko Janine d’Ar‘c?” ' "Yen. Sim is married. and has had (our children." “And my novel. four edition-o,” “id Dumas ; "so we no quits.” ' 1% Shillnher, olthe Carpet Bxg. tells the following outrageous gun awry : ‘ Spea'kmg 10-day with a non 0L: gnu re. garding some gunning explain, Maid me a singular instance ofn gun banging fire, which, Were it. not for his well known vera city,l should feel dinposed 'to doubt. He had snapped his gun at». grey squirrel, and thewp bad exploded, and the piece not. going 'O3 he look it from his aneulder. lookezf down in the barrel ‘and saw_ the chargejuu sun-ling, when bringing gt to lns shoulder again, it wentofl' and killed the squirrel ..v—r-Hh...’ ..-—.—- ' I W‘Mr. Preside!” ' mud n memher of the Colored Penplm'fioiwinz Club. :1 rise to gi‘ up, and ain't. a 1M Imckmmi "bout cnmir'u' fnrwurll in 49. er-u'fl 0f tdefl‘hhun: far 'I iLJndn't :3an fur edmfit’hun; 2‘ ....%m haw bin, z» quorum, ”gamma: .\lr. l‘residgnl.’ _ : f ~ ’ 71““?"““"7 1*“??? ‘“ ‘ “ mm; min , __ mu «3 WARE” ‘.~_ * [lamb]: TruhnnL—i‘bo 'r. v n!“ Wand. Carter "I brought to er (‘m-swr. rm Thumdn' 01 Lul'eek. “r Wu 3 member of Co. E. 97th to imp-n! Hm mu. like mlny mnrg of our firuh- wimp”. film have been unfa‘flunntw l xm-rfh m In" tum taken primreu by vhx- n Lou, is I Had car. [ln wn Mrhn‘ul hv- tho enamv, rm tho James river. in Amml 'uzf. Mid mm «km m Buchmmnl. and ('mnh'und iq on! M’Tfllfl'r prisons. With I numb»: 0! (MM. 116 w“. paroled, and reached A 1 unpnlil on the mm. "His brotherl’ntriok Cm‘U-r. hf Won 01.... tar. and hi: bro(her-h.~lmx, Jam [‘nnupr. receiving. telegram that ho had uri‘lvrd, infmedintely hurled 05‘ to we himdms they wen too late, duth hadlnlrendy claimed him. ‘ Mr. Carter mys‘llmt tho fight: he (hero rimmed, would lichen mummy”: heart. Men; brave men. who had gone out 10 pro. tect (ht-fir country mre mm Harv-«l, a cn‘xlizvd couutry, 311”ou (a ‘tleuth. ‘glho ‘ man wnlo n 9 (hm. "Huang but but)”, s"} n b?! m tint!) on them. that tiny pryumfled w the Appearance" nl' r'Nf“(-lu[| yhmlsnthpig ' lumy hands ran-uniting Imw clvuncaith a cmmh-nnng‘o w “ild lacking «34" frighten you at thew nppro.lch. Um. of tlm’w hun ‘dred that had arrived, nearly two lmn‘drefi ‘ had died. He saw seventy-one lying dead in one building. sntl while he was having :he body of 'his brolbcy removed. nino< other: d‘x‘vhl. ,M’Pu n PM Hrmhor “-13 eru' primnrlér‘e nugwd {37l4\ux1d‘~lwfuraho diell In) would Nut “9i '1: TU.—>Hr?n.r'l, _\ ‘ Here is a pibtuse'oliorrnr Ihnt ought {a touch the heart of flint. ’l‘h'a, allegation is that our Inga taken prisoners, Ire lam/a! to dcatleHnittters but little whether death results from nmrvntion or «Hume» on true!- cd in the'yrmm homes. The queuyoq is, can i! be «mull-(H Hil pan the re pdnli lnlilv routs upnnrlhme who téhsu oxidan gmd thwrrquigemems ufchililt‘d dul . Nb. 19 It is pmr-ntln Ilm hie-Kory ol' lhxs christian war. 111% the sxclmngo uf :priwnen, or mllur the refusal hf nu oxolénngg, luv lha ulnlmritlee. l‘ingvd on u (‘lnh-llwl about; tho prw nigger—”w South n-mrndil’vg fnr an e‘xclmngv of wlulu men fnr 'ss-hitv-men. the Nunh rlun.lquli‘y:g that captured slaw-I ' slnoul-l lu-‘wcugnEzr-l us mm) to white mm: in PXrlmuge. It is‘nn: “will; our while at present, (3; «Moms the lane and gain lo eitllt-l:nl«lo lJ\‘ Il‘lu puint in Mun. HIP cimse- ‘ quuur‘n mnyl M uxh tn l-nmfl b-th Hillel” mlh hurnbl.‘ lu.h..|;;y, l'ur umnllm the exchange 0! prisom-rs W.o~1llllrt‘l_\"llll)end’ ed. Sicknean n‘nd m‘ortaluy nnmug prison: era on bow sides increased th kin-l 1 an ex tent, than at ofspurious lvunmmlv noizml the authorities, and for unnn- km All}: glwv bar‘s been exchanging (lull mun, and lIJCIL as are likely to die on thew u wv. great care being taken that no man film” 1... Fxcllhng ed from either side thax‘hnn ény chlmog ’o‘» living. Whether this ”Inlll’lllt'4~(lf humanl ty qriginatod qulh or South iv’imnmtoriul. To send man away from h‘oshimlum nuoh conditiqn, is as barbarous no lo ker‘p than; till they got 10.- ' I « ; Prisoneru‘in our common ijl‘H have no choice of food; much less 'n jarmy pruon'l. Both parties feed accnrdiuk to ~ circum stances, and (fair comparimn mlght all well for neilher. f l - It was a favorite theory ntitha .‘lhrth at the commencement of the War, to "Itmc the South out In three months.” The idea and policy is still in vogqg. iorden to our General! to burn and destroy all Southern property wherever found, have been obeyod‘ withfeurfu‘l' alecrity. According to a lute mrnt made by Liam. Mutinrrl‘, agent for the‘ exchange of prisoneru, there; are filly-five, thousand northern soldiers 1 held by th. 50th an prisonerl. At Andersonvillg/ alone, fourteen thousand hnvje been buried within the last nine month. How than} 'of tirese fourte‘ n thousand might have be’en living now, if fixeexchnnge of prisoners had not been bloc ed by the "intelligent con tmbpnd.’s and how many more of the fifty fire thousandwill perish for,wnnt of food. if Grunt, Sheridan, Hunter, Sherman, Kil pntrick.,and 00., succeed in destroying tho ability of‘the South to feed them, in mutter for speculation. These men volunteered and gave their services freely. and hove done their‘dgfitto‘Whe government” faith fully, and. t ough they may not be comic]- ered of no much immrtance. by the a . thorities, as negroe‘l. they have a right to portion of the pure and protection of th authorities. If the authoritieu wil ‘ not grant this, they should be held no nli¢‘\ ble. Exchange the prisoners; bring out. . our own man to recruit, and let the Snu thernera o to a starving ;Sonth.— Wu! Chum Jqftraouian. ‘ ' j ‘ m ABEfiflbi: cnfifibEXaAmsr THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. The New York Tribuhe prbfrsxeo to feel especially disgusted with the Roman C-lflh olic clerfy becauie they do pot give hair day: an nights to preaching, the “3 pet" of negro equality. It in deserted tha nth. Catholic clergy are especially “diilo, ll," giving little or notupportlo the nu.- 'l‘heir crime. therefore, appears to be flat they have ‘not advised brotheén to rhed tho’ blood of brotlten, but hlV¢ persilted'hin pro-citing according to J‘ohut Brbwn. For these heinous otfeoces they 3am arraigned before the bar of public opinfion by no icon a saint than. Mr. Horace Greeley, whbso ps~' per has been for veers the organ of all the _infidel‘, free—love Fourieriter in the Country. From all that We know, we lodge that tho Catholic clergy are eminently deserving of‘ Greeley’s fiuw. We cnnnotccnceivc how any clergyman who! in these deposits" ‘ days. preachen the simple gospel of Christ,- cun expect excmgtion iron: either denuncig ntion or nbuso. at to fall down and wor lhip the Biack Idol is trelson in the light oftha insane followers of 'firnpartill {ro6 dam.” So for or our information extendn. the Catholic cle‘rfiy have kept themlclm remuknbly fgee rbm nll connection with the war, and the questions it has ruined.— Tbey have simply confined themselves to the religious and spiritual interests of the people under their charge. nml left politic! u questions tobe decided in another Irena. This the Tribune deed not like. It wants the Catholic cathedrals to resound every Sun-lay with violent declnmolioua in fuv'm' of negro equality. It would l:ke to see the clergy proclaiming Wendell Plitllipi’,.doc triueof'whemblime mingling ol‘ the moot ;" in. word, it all: them to mark. Henry Ward Beecher at their model, And ming ling profanity, wit and butfliouory with on: cred thingé, turn the house of God into on Ethiopian Concert [Ltltl , I It is not probable that he Catholic clergy mll consent to gruttl‘y .\1 r. Jim-ole: in this respect. llowevo idriv l'mtwtunts may dilli'r with themin\mtny I‘minu, yet we know that thousands have il'l'i their respect for the Cttholic Church vmtly increant-d mice the commencement of the WM‘, In-t. it. it said, that rtfi'cr helm-u mre little so' many (continuato it i‘mrn Protestant rm'w cco. People from l-iicl. (Alytilt‘ eternal ding dong oi brutal war iulrninntiom, nutut..l._v set-k some church where Iha spam is calm‘ ed uni the heart etevntnl by the neuiulatnt glowing‘hutnanit} -l.ut pt I \ «do: the peach: ‘ Sui teachings ui L‘hrx-t. Buhthe Catlmi‘lr Church have committed unpnrdomrhle sm; in the eyes ofult nuc Putnam, in not any— porting tvnh all their might the present war, and just #0 won as the Puritan no. his way out of it, let the Catuohc Church, beware. Once got tho‘Abolitionlaboratory~ g for the munulnctum of licsitfl’ma} ulwwn the Catholic Cuur-cflhnng the monstrot‘h falsehood: about ”:5 yer 'VI' 53 we?“ 1! eclipsed. The Abélitibgn'istn‘ raving-Tong been threatening to light “Pottery" u soon as théy get nu ol "slavery! and at the law tor. they now my. is dead. th‘cy originally ,sustr yeum'ntahmr Wen us or 1. mr P‘ :1! cruszidv. thicw-y’s uni?» the lows: 5’5“ tr, arouse lus speckled cgltoru.tu’ltam;- Dug Bank. ' M ‘ - -« »-—~“."'*":"~".T‘ 2'1"»,- . 59mm wan; geeglgyggflflflu' been inn-"wed lg)” dwfifimbt Brooklyn. 9:011 _¢.-'!W§sffl¥§. QC.” V. . ' ' ’.Z‘.'""v".-'3."" ‘5" ". E
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers