.- N m EZ IrLRZOTTS, A HUNDRED 284.35 'l‘o 00“. majwhm will be m’mraa um“ ning‘ Aha-dud nut to come? 'l'hu gum”? mu may h bounty spy)”, .A Mamiynn to game? TM rosy Hp“, the lofly brow, The ban. um ban to mu now ? D whrn will to bro’o beau-g eye, ‘ )0"! plenum 111-He, and norrow’n nigh? A land: yen» to come? é hundred; em to one? ' ‘\' Whombayheu? when” l boner“ nu! ‘ ewe? . Who'll lhrouz [or gold thin crowded amt, A hundred years to coat? Who'fi {and this church with wllling (at. A kindred pm to cage! ‘ PllO. trembling In, Ind “tryout, _ .? And childhyod, with in heart cum“ Tho deb, the poor, on head ind leg-o ‘, What. will the mighty mining! bf?» v ' f" Wejllvwithin our (Hunk-u lie-p, , A hundred ymn bogome‘? A A 50 living non] for nl will wuep, ‘ A hundred your: to come i Bin other men our land» will till, And 9min then our Ill'cfll will fill, Whig“ ’ Al bl It The \ «.un npOni menu. v. in; the :J-‘ood of Stocficominues with unn lpued vigor. under the pressure of ahartl [om-crop and high pripu for all an Mimil many 0‘11" fee‘diug materials. M flaw! nun, oyCitenmtpr’, describ'ol hil Inn of ‘ Emu; chm unfollowsgf "We find mm, o.» 19in; I :50” of bullock: together {at ningl we, confirm pct build p6l- dierp 3 ushels' of ohlfl‘imixed with‘jud half 3 h ndred' [flight of pulpeq roolis, 'exdusive ff cake: of corn ; thus in tiny. iather more than 2 bushel; of ohnfi‘ueimejued with thug room; and given fit (W 0 feedn'. morning ad eve ning, mg! the remninder is given‘w 111 the Talkehtéq at the nimble of the d ‘ fey”, thus: We use the agonizing apps tun of Stanley of Peterborbugh, confining of a boiler in the centrv, i$ pvhich the , can) it generated; and finial? ll connectel pjpé 0): the left b’ll‘lld,[Wilh a largeJ iged 'iron receptacle {Tr “gaming ~ pip, and on the right lith aJnrge tub lined with cog/pom inevhich o.] mixed with mm in midainto - thii Adjoining this is § slate tnnk‘ot‘ s‘ flu to contain one‘food fax them 0' buttocks feeding. Into this tab] chnfl' about 0 foot deep, upon {cu lldles vizlp Ire thrown in state; this :- thoroughiy mixed chls, With a three-gnninesl fork, od‘d'olln firm; and lhis iirocrau is ' uqq‘l thcflate taxi}: in‘ hill, when crod' down for An bout or two he jag timh. Th! soup ig then (our: ntiréiy :Ibobrbod by the chain; which h “Rome pofyep'od and prepared Won-ready d , -. tion." ‘ —#--‘*9>- ~ ' AGRICULTURAL STATISE‘ICL. From {iiKCensus'Ruturna for l 60, which has only just. been pi-ihled, it up an that. the State of. Illinois produced 1 p hrguut \qnantiby of wheat mg! Indian c m of any- Stute in the, Unionfvii: 23.83]. bushel; of’wcbent. Ind 110,414,777 bushefif Indian corn. ' ; Pennsylvania prodfed (he had buckwhen. 5.4714388 ‘ usheln of , .lan 5.572024 0! the )‘uter. , New York produced the mo: toot. hay. Better and qhoeso. 5 Ohio prdduced the most. woo [1.607.027 pounds of ‘the forme 617 “Lions of the hum. ‘ Virginia produced ihe mmtflgbam’o. Ind Kentucky the next largest. quinnlit]; the . (ox-mel- 123.958.312‘ppund5, ”1+ 1.113 latter Cube 108,126,849 pounds. ' Miniuipri producgd the largest amount. of qouon. and Als‘oima the ex: iii-gag. qumtity: weiormeé 1.20250 bales anon pound-mob and thmlnitex 9 ,955 bald. ‘ South Carolin: pi‘éduced "i" most rice. sud Gear-git; the nextrlui-geat unmity :‘ the {armor 119,100,528 podna. la “go lunar 52,507.652 pounds“ ‘: ‘ r - j Louisianzfinoduced the man! my: and Incl-nos: 221 ,725 hohghead. 0‘! the former, nqd 13,413212 galidds or the pastor. I —~--—--9 . o————-——-- \ Al OvtnaL—On Friday niglfit lut, u elev oa o'clock, no loldien hand agniut the _ dom- o!’ Mr. John lell, on Pitt 111-get, ma de m‘uaea admiltlnce. Illeglng um they 1m: 1 . warrant to umch theTlquc, but being refund Admins): , they non—tiny ~would bum the floor hp: jail berm they could carry out. their unreal, Mr. Hall apadohil nppennco :nd donndod‘lh‘eir nukhurixy. This they which .to five, but nuempted to force their way into wthe hpnuvwhen pm of xkem received-n blow whicl lund him on the pavement: The “be: 0119th shot n Mr. Hell,{tiolng him no injury, Sumner," Ind both but 1 buly "mu—nu I I, ‘ on. A: tun. will act proofi 0t 'l'» enemy'- : “mm M to yum him auxin" midnighl nil on pnceinl «fluent—Garlic“ pm“. N Nance. , 50. A. W‘. BOWERSOX‘S ESTATE—Lou? In: of ndmininrnzion on thg auto or Ont-30' A. W. Bower-lax, law of Liberty town ‘hip, Adam: county, deceased, haying been wad 1.0 the undersigned, residing in Em: amt-burg Dim-Sat. Fuderiwk county. MIL, he hwy gins notice to All person: indebted to and tune to make immedinn payment, .nd'tbou bums; claim .gn‘mat th'e name to present. then: properly nutbeutioneg for ut flaunt. JOSEPH BYERsyAdm'x-n M 13118“. « ‘ Notice. 08X FLICKINGERS‘S ESTATE-Laue" of ndmiuiunzioa on the unto 0! John lit-linger, late of Btu-wick township, Adams county, astound, hnv’iug been named to‘ the nmhnigned, the first named residing in the «an township. Ind the lust named in Hamil ton township, they hereby give notice to all persoha indtbied to said can“: to make im llcdiutc payment: and those having chips min“ the suns co-prugnt them proher‘ly _ Mlhenticutei ior settlement. ‘ . _‘ GEORGE. FLICKLVGEBt ‘ ‘ . GBOfiGE LAUGH. ”.26, 18“. Gt’ ‘ fidminhmton. u Augtighneering. , ‘ MAID TB l 8,0! Stub“ township. ~ gag. aunt)!“ P... hi cowmnced ‘clmm. ml kg:- h-fiw fol w.” be a. a wil do 31‘; wigs“ minimum: in .u cute, d g“! by nod-mo inghia chug“. Thank!“ ”r I“ ~ 9:394} beltowad npomhiln, anqu‘ to seflm“! fir W * ism. :;.;%r”'~,;:si_ ' 5"“ - s'“ {BIOTUGB‘LPgS . 1., A: h M" “a.“ Elf “A ;...;; , - mum-.‘ug‘fifiid , figuubatumumu 'l‘."' ._ "~82 g , .. ‘ ' {manna ’ " f) .1. 'i- ~. 30119131 Jurors .' - 2.. ' Lancaster Book ‘Bindery. , to: Susan Conn, 3mm. In. on. 1 GEORGE “'xAx-r‘ » \ Q ; Hamiltonm—Robev: Watson. Daniel King. ‘ 1 V .‘J 9 0 {‘3 [N D 112,1 “mummy—Philip Doeuomdohn Chmmr. , »no nu: loo: dugumm, ‘ Funkm—Tib ruhm Hm; Jr., Pm: Kenning; Pia’ and . I.:AS§AS§ER, 3A;- ’ Con mun. ‘ * m Wald My, we a- Bétler~Joaepfi Wolf. Israel Brickcr.’B¢lomon lvrlptiun. executed in the most nubsunlhl Ind Omar, Samuel Eyster, John Bmm. vnpgron-d style). ~ Mnnlku—Andrgw. Bininger, Jenmiuh Tugh- ‘ ugnuns. I‘ tndynughj ganglciriudzi ?“c Bender. ,g‘i; 3:03;, 2:2, tiniesuixgtuzifgxrer .nxn—uur ,o. -..1, 4, ~ UxtardiSlmon magic”. 3. Kuhn. ‘Smnel ShocL, Esq., Columbia Bunk. . “firm” “°"‘°‘"" “h" M! p... 5%":33553; 2-2;; $518523; .. 3.... t.. l . , ,‘ .. r . . Freedom—Edward J. Plank, David Rhoda, Br. 'l‘. D. Carson, Esq" Bank of Gettysburg. Huntington~lohu E. Lena, Wm. B. Smyltn. Peter Hartin, s!!qu l’rotb'y Qannuzster co., Fl. Union—Phil”; Sinner, Peter Wolf. . )Geo. C. Hawthorn, Esq., Reiiater “ “ Burgh-m—Juob Kime, Thom“ Buwul. Geo. Whitson, Esq., Iluordcr Nunnlplenant—Audrcw Little. 1 April 15, 1861 Lnimore—Jue! Grielv. A Herrick bor.-Jobn Wuhan. X Tytone—Gvorge Stogk. ~ ‘ Cfiberland-Cumel’s Daughertyflno. Group. Im. 2, m 4 ' 1?,»18. Pickmz. sup CLOTHING. , ' * BAL‘HMORE 813., GETTYSBURG P «'Tm'c's CLOTHINGVSTURE, BALT. ST.' PICKING‘S cmmusa STORE, BALT. ST. grcxtxa's, CLOTHING STOREr‘BALT. S'l‘ chmn‘s chmNG STORE, BALT. ST. PIGKI\’G‘§ CLU’IHLVG smug, BALT. ST , ,c-REAT PLACE To BUY (momma, ‘GREAT PLAUEL To BUY CLOTHING, GREAT PLACE To BUY CLOTHING, GRFAT PLACE To BUT CLOTHING, » GMAT PLACE TO BUY CLOTHIA'G, . AT P. B. PICKING'S, A! r. 5. names, . AT P. B. PICKING'S,, . " AT Y. B. PloKmG's, - , v ? AT I'. ,n. Plasmas its BALTNOBE STaEéT, ' iN BALTWOIZE STREET, . . ,IN'BAmmoRE STREET, "INBALTIMDRE 38121:”. ‘ _ - Ix ammonia s EET,‘ usTTstURu“ PA. wring flock of FA4L_L ND WINTER GUUDS’jusl TECCWGJ. CaUrsnd quinine. : on. 3:; 131:4. “ -OMIS No Humbug. nunmsnvaa ST. ALWAYS AHEAD. C —-'rg:fs w” FUR B.ArI?9AISS.——JOHN L, uuL'IZWURTH hudjust turned from‘lhe Citynwilh the inrges} cu: mos: complete “sort mem. of HATS A‘SD CAPS, BOOTS AND‘snuss, um has beén brqugh'. to,“ {hii town since them". I fill mack i: not. only comple‘te, but in GOOD and CHEAP, embracing every variety ofßoou and Slum for Men and Buys, whilm‘the’Ladirs will find everything in their line, from the final. Gaiter luv the heaviest Shoe. Cblldren'l 811 ml 01 every descriytiun, iu great-variety. 4‘130, La‘ duel' Harp, tum quality. and Children's Hun, ofall stile: and prices. All". Trunks, Car pet Bum, Valxsen, Umbrellas. Glareafitock lugs, Tobncco, L'ignu,nnd Nation: at every fleacription. 2 fiDon't .forget the place. Chlmhersbnrg nreet, nppOsite zh- Lutllcrun Cb ll,_Geh_va lurg. Pa. 30115 L. HOLTfi'URTIL 50!. 21, lg“. u * - by a [galvan nod for Loode'n no oaks :1: soup. :fiicient Hire lot k is Laid fwluéh a bmfiug ilh Ih.- W > 61749 in -s§AZZéy€ , =3 epeated I. is cov -‘ 0 feed 131 E. Corner Tenth and Cheinutfsltllll, PHILADELPHIA, "g: ‘ ' unnftuu KASAGIBIINT o"! - - L. FA~I.ILBANKS,A.3L. {or the 1:51 tom-yen: ‘l'rincipal Ind chief b:- linua manner of Bunxr .9; Stan'rux'l Com me‘rchl Collage.‘ ’ 5‘ ~ ANUUEL BUSINESS COLLEGE. ' Conducted on a new Us”!!! or Aczhal Business Training. throygb the establishment of lcgitx mnle Office: and Cuunxiug-Honav, represent ing din‘v'reng dqparnmms 0! Trade and Cmfiv merco, sad 1‘ regular ank’~of Depout Ind il lue, giving HTS student. :11 the ndvnntngn m Actunl" practice, uni qualifying ‘him in the Ibor‘test possible tune and moss efl'eczive runn ner for ghe varioun duties‘and employmenu o . basins-v" life. ‘ _ E The Cam-so ofinltraction in tho Theoreficnr Dvpnrtmtm embm: Book-keeping, Com“ r tinl Cllcnhuiunl', Lean?" on Busing-s A 5135, Pcuummbip, C)u:me;ci_si Luv, Form, Como pondruce, (it. I V = ‘ ‘ t rye and hi former oats, pota- In life . " BUSINESS DEPARTMEX’T lbestuJent ante}: upon the Grlduming Course, which inclndqs a continuance in‘tho nbon studies. will: their pmcficnl applicntlon Ln 11l their dp‘llillw flelwill inxturn fill the-pos'in‘on ‘0! Accowmnt‘nnd Proprietol in the vanioul Department; of Wholeslle 3nd Retail ij'ade, Forwugding) Jobbing and Commission Elusi ness, Banking, Mapufnctunng, Mining, Strai boating, ML, and finally will not as Can ier. Book-keuper add Teller in the Bunk, in knoll of whicp positi’ol’n his previous knoilgedgo will be =put. to thexflxllut practicul teat. : I I nd lino; " and 568.- Thin luslituliun hire” to young men n ' er oua advantages um. possessed By any “fiber commercial-collageifl the St.\te._ 11. in pom plete in all its appointments lz'is thoionly Inutiluliou in the Slate conducted on alumni business principles. The course of infirm:- zlon is unsurpassed, and they be compie din about one half the time usually spent injflher inltitnuone, in consequence of an entirel I new nrn‘mgement, and the edoptlon of the} new practical system. ' ‘ ‘ Diplomas rewarded upon the completing of the Commercial Course. which ,embrncu ell except the higher new of Banking, [unfit-tut lgg, Rain-nudging, kc. - J Sendxfor a‘Qil-cullr. ‘- ‘ Feb. ‘l, lB¢3(.\\lom i ‘ A -. " ‘ C ‘I a, (I) ;/ I fly» O u. a sunxnmmn CHAIN o'9 ‘ . ‘ COMMERCIAL COLLEGES. sublinhgd in the following cries: . PHILDELPBIA, g S. 3, Corner of Scxenlh and Chesnut Sm, Row York, Brooklyn, Albany, Troy. Provi dence, Portland. Hartford, Burlington, Newark, Rochester, Buffalo. Tarauzo, «Clevellnd, Deg-cit, Chicngo, lil wnukee and St. Louis. Thorough theoretical and practical instruc uonm :1] branches pertaining to a finished Basin“: Education. ' . The Philadelphia College smnds first in the State, both in point of reputation Ind local Aduutagaa. The point aimed at is, to place Commercial Education {there it belongs—in " he front rank of useful instruction. To this end, a. most thorough course of business train ing in adopted and carefully enforced. under the personal supervision of competent. Pros fclsorg in the various departments. The most perfect. syaiem or practical training ever d?- vised has been put in Operation,:lnd I 5 su V. centrally carried outifi‘mfliug to atudents ud rnntngeésuch as have bitherm been consider !d posoiylo only in connection with Lhe conn ing-bong. After becoming proficient in the Science of Accounts, Penmanship, Commer. cial Cpluulnfions' and Commercial Law, tho student is odnnced to the Practical Depart ment, where he becomes an actual Book-keep or end garchanl; passes thrOug‘h the different. Houses; not: in turn us Teller. Cashier, to. leurnr the duties and responsibilities of each | office, and becomes thoroughly informed, not. lonly in the forml which are in universal .nse, l but in annoying the stairs of busineu with lysu-m And despntcb. ‘ Scholarships iuned at one point. are good, {or an unlimiud period, in the oiguueo Col lege- cor’prlling the “ eboin.” ' Drploxnu Ire unrated to those only who fulfillrthh proscribed conru of “tidy, no you the requisite cnmimlioa. ‘ For {firmer informmiou land for s drool". . Am} 1 « a ‘BRYANT, s'rnurox u 00., rob; 8,18 M. ly r, Philodelphio. - LOTHING L CLOTHING l—"Ploucy of ngw goods Jun opened. Also Boon, Shoes Hats. a. tad} chap u BBIXKBRKOFF'S RAKE’S PLANTATION BITTER-Smr Old Barnum Tonic. a 1):. R. HOBSER'S is sun. ,- 4 ,l ‘1 "LL 3WW GOODSk-A 006‘ y W: of F 01! ud Wm Ghad‘l u 5 up u m Elm-Lyn! A. at 5601'! £8933 ~~. Universal Clothes Wringer. ELF-MUD TING AND ADJUSTABLE, S , WIT COG~WHEEb REGULATOR.| ‘ nit lALI w ‘ BHIA Sgt BUEHLIE, . min-mmr PA. From innumn I: recommendllionl, WI Ember aha folio ng: ' ‘ eturimm Henry “73:11 Beocher.inlB6l. l run In”! y to spank in cm very high? "I. terms of the ‘ Universal Clothes Wringlr." The tux-dent part‘aof Uwasbinpday" work il,‘ in {y opiiion, Lb. wringing; and the inventor‘ of his machine may have the satisfaction of; feeling that be 1m chu'nged one of tho molt} toxhome pnru of Woumn’u-work into I veryg nnmczive 0911139111111?" The launch-es: look: upon it nun great Musing” I look upon it. u Imoug the most useful nruéles in'zho bong. Brooklyn. October, 1851 Price-$7 00. UR Rk'l‘d. \HI E, HUAUIIES, ANTS, BED F UGS, .\lUTlis l.\' FL‘RS, “'OULENS, kO, NSEUTS UN PLANTS, FUWLS, ANI MAL , Jun—Put up in 251'. 50c. and $1 00 B'):«S,130”ie:l and Flasks. S 3 and‘SS aiul {or Barns. PA :uc lssnmrmns, Jae. _ “‘ Only infallilde remedial knowu." “ l-‘rcu'Hum Pomons.” ' , “30m ugerOu-s lot‘ucH-mm Faunzly" “Rm co-n - 9v. uf h e-rl 1531': dm‘ ~. 'J‘Sn" ‘\'l- inf.“ iv‘ I'H-' -~ . '. IMO “51. x: .A:s-, ! .l 0‘ .-H null 31%; xluTin ‘o'”. 1,535. e IL.“ ‘Cua’inq s" mum .. m; and: bkx, ' mule and Fusk, be-ore .\un buy. m‘suams-s HENRY R.-COSTAB. WWWCIML Dran- 452 minnow”, N. Y. ”Sold byn-ll Wholesale lud Rum} Drug gisu in (ionysburg, Pu. Feb. 29, 1864. . . New G oeds !---Largo Stock ! :\ sncmx‘r TAILOR” 3 , ”I ~ muons & BRO. have jun rem-fwd from lhq cmes a bug! ngck ol good: for Gentlemen] wear, embracing A variety of 1 cwms, A ' C ASSIMERES, 5 YESTINGS, ' Cnsinota, Jeanl, km, with ‘maqy Othel: good! for uprinx and summer went. ‘ They are prepared to m} e up gnrmehu A! tho nborlest nnzice, nnd “like very best mu ner. The Fashion: are regularly received, and clothing made in any desiz‘ethyle. They :1. ways make nest fits, Whilgl their sewing inure to be mbauulial. ' They ask} cominnanco of’the publio'l pn lronwge, resolved by good I!qu and modem: charge} to earn it. E . Gettysburg, April 'l, X 862. ~ Noah Walker 8: C 0... CLorg:l B n s , . ‘ 1 WASHINGTON acmmxa, 65 A." 1" Burma“ Brunt, BALTIMORE, kg‘p contain, on hand t hue and well u sértedulkuk of :11 kinds of good: u I’denlte ‘- 1 pricu. . g .‘ THey lupply order. for. th in“ to the l’owen priced Ituélu, eilhor ready undo_or undo to unsure, to my part of tin country They keep also m emu-in stock of FURN~ ISBI’NG GOODS, embraciixg "er article of Gentlemon's Under-van. Also, MILITARY CLOTBS and every variety of Hiliury Trin- mingn, I! well n In ”sorted uoek cf READY 3! ‘HADE mmum uoo'ns Bnmmmge, Feb. 22. 1364: Piano Porter. mamas x. STIEFF, \ HAKCFACTQIKI O GRID”) AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES. Mnnutnctgry 103. 105 k 167 Franklin street Wueroogn, No. 7 North Liberty street. Constantly a large number of PIAXOS of my own Manufacture on hand, with the Full Iron Frame und Omr‘ntrung. Ever; 1135:":- met". \rnrmntcd for five years, with the privi lege oi'exchango wnbin twelve months i! am entirely satisfimmry. \ Wg‘econd-hand finne- tlwsyl on hand at price: trom $5O to $209. ‘ , Baltimore, Sept. 5, 1864. 1) 3m“ . Blacksmnmng. ‘ j HE undgrsigced would most rupectfnfly inform the public um he has commenced te 7 ‘ BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS, at Donner 5r Ziegler’s shop, 'in East Middle street, Gettysburg. where he will at. .11 times be prepared to do Blacksmithing work to Car riages, Buggies, Wagons, kc. That he knows how to do on jobs of the kind will not be qneo tianecg by those who have A knowledge of his long xperience at the business. Comern with your work, and you will be satisfied when you take it away—and for which he wiil ro cein Cosh or Cou'ntry Produce. ~ \ mu uomzwonra;\ Jun. 4, 186%. If , , iohn W. Timon. ASHIONABLE BA RBEB, North-can cor ? not of mo Dinmond, [Skun- door b I“! lelln'u not-LEMszfi-yabud PL, whsre bl; » - Notice. ‘munutinu n r ytoutu toll ,~ 'bminul in his linn. He has also excellent Iq- Eg‘ng.sg?m‘iga Slfga‘tftETéfin nuisance and will ensure utisfllction. Girl' Sim m . ,nfonu n' b oAd 331 lh'macall. (Dec. 3.1860. ‘ - "v -“' ‘3 99' m- “m' l _,, _. A-.. .__=.l-_.~ ~,-__ J"°,.l’¢n""d"l:’m‘- beg: (nosed «I‘m ‘2 , ’ ' “on e, In: mg m c sume‘pnge i _' Battle-field VIOWF. - TIN bushy gives action to all person: indelmd' FULL“ °' W’ Phptogrnphu: “"5 “fr to Mid_ estuq yo make immediateynymenl, g 35% .Bfitfle-field ._of geuysbul’tv 70"” ‘ 'und hon h-Nng chim- nguins: the nu: t 6 '9 eqcid film." ‘5“ 3"“‘1’11- “‘9 5““ F“ preach: chum erly-uthentlomd (cl-lame. publuhcd mu bomnfllhoixceluq‘; Gallery. meat. ~ ’ 355313111 WRWEBI I ‘I‘YWR-rsl‘gl'usfis, Gettnbnrz- | Dec. 29, 1864, u u ,um WM_ - . "a ~ -- 4 ‘ ’ om) pram-4m mum: am. fiawam mm: , w . 4.41;, ‘, “(2213‘ng Dru; Md". yuan an ‘» Bug'Y’W, “IfDr. ‘ le. c 711' ‘ ‘. ~ ' . ' ‘ . u v” W"‘,¢.fig ,_‘”,~_.‘?‘ 5/“? ,- .. l\;\~ j, ‘ ' if '\ 7la fl NM Al my Fur! wei'e nlfpnrchmed when Gold was at n much lower pxemium than at prelent, I am enaHed to dispose of them a: very ren lonnble prices. and I would‘therefore solici} I. call (mm my friends of Adams county Ind vi cinity. \ wntmember the name, number and urea“ JOHN FABEIRA, 718 ARC?! Street, abou 7th,‘iouth Ilde, * PHILADELPHIA. B‘] have no partner, nor connection with any other store in Plnlsdelpbin. Sept. 12, 1864. ‘ 5m ‘ ESTABLISIIiIBNT.--GEO.RECKENRODE FASHIUNABLE TAILOR. Map“ this method of informing his friend: and the public generally, that he has opened a Tailoring establishment in Baltimore street Gettysburg, (late Post Olfice,) near the Din.- mona, where in: is prepared to do all work in his line in the best manner, Mid to the intia~ faction of customers. He empioyn’nuno but fint clan hands, and receiving THE FASHIONS REGULA‘ELY, ho can warrant. fashionable fits nod um and substantial sewing. Ha asks a share of the public’l patronage, remixing to spare no ef fort to deserve it. Sis clmrges will always be found nil moderate u the timps will allow. Cutting and Repairing ‘done In. the abort"! notien. [Getty-burg, April 7, IBM. EORGE AR‘IOLD has just received fmm the city a large supply of CLOTHING, Menu and Buy" wear. consisting of I“ kind! of COATS, PANTS, VES'I'S. ‘ SHIRTS, DRAWERS, CRAYATS, - NECK I‘!!€S,_(iY.OYES, HOSIERY, kc. [May 2, 1664 - u t s 0 -;-~ A Im'e stack at moms, cusmaans, CASSINETS, mus, DiuLLIXGS. ~&c.,’&c., all of which will he sold“ as cheap as can be hand elsewhere. Gm us 1 on“, and “we can not please you in a. suit. ready mudc We will take your measure and make you up one in 51:01: notice. [May 30. 1864. Everhart's ‘3']l‘: ‘A RUN HOUSE, 1" count: a! “mum: a pix-zlxxux srmn, This House ie on a direct line between the Northern Central and Buitimorp und,ohio Rn“- rond Dupms. I'hus been refined uud com forlanly arranged for thekzunwnienco sud the emer‘punmenv of guests. sun at Work. ! f HF. uh‘lEerciimd coulluue- the r CARRIAGE-MAKING BCSYXESS, ' L\mcnuj. at ms 0H sum}, in East x fieugulhrg. . \lg made to order, and' ~ ‘\ REI’A‘IRIXG dune pram ply am} at .‘mrrst prit 6:. Tan firsz-mte \SPRXNG WAGUNS, Ind I sunmr; for me. \ .mcuu TRUXEL. = m- :rv e'. \ ". N WU“ T DHU} A§D~.\“x\RKEZTI' S’iORE.- Jua‘. owned “'61”: usaonmém 01 ‘ Drug» an .‘dzdh inn, \ ‘ 1 , Pale & Sled‘miuu, \ ', Lmium-ry, ‘\ Fancy Dry 6-) ds. . Cunfecli In. Grout-fen. a ‘ .\'Xmions, , J-‘nACCO, SEGARS, M 332“ Jan. 18, 1.864. \\ ‘F OUT Z ’ S ,\ ‘ ‘ CELEBRATE!) '\ gum amwattls‘ g’w'ders. \ These-Powder: will firength- K , entheStomnch ‘ ' and Intestines, _ cleanse them from ofiemire‘ . n mmter, And . 1‘ _,-. l. 25‘. . bring them to ._-. ;.-,.~'7 .yav;... _, 1-1:; .3 ' kin-:1 .7: 3:1. ahealthysme. "”" ’ They are n lure preventive of Lung Fever. and A certain remedy for all Diseases incident to the Horse, suchas Glan ders, Yellow “'ntcr. Dis— t e m p o r, F 0 11 n d e r , H o I v e I, Slatering, Coughs, Fe vors, Loss of Appetite and Vital Ener gy. k. In poor. low-s irited animals, it. but the most beneficial 035 a. The use ofthem improves the wind. strength ona the Appetiw, and gives to (he Uqrse a fine, smooth and glossy skin—thus 1112 rar ing the Ippeannue, vigor and spirit of thin nobl: animal. The property this Powder posszasa ln ll— era-in; the quantity of Milk in Cows, gim lt In Importance and velue which should place it in the hands of every person keeping 300'. By actual expeiiment it has prawn that it will inctease the quantity of Milk end Cream twenty per cent,, and make the Butler firm and Iweet. In fattening Cattle, lt gives them an appetite, loosens their hide end makes them thrive much timer. HOG 8 . 'lnsall D‘h of we win mac an ‘ 4:213" .'.— 00% 6{News in £{p‘93—‘s43‘; 1119' 1131, Liver, £33539 »- he, By pngfing , \‘r ~A ‘ i m!!! In!“ vapor ‘ 25 hum gninpegong? » ..‘* "j. , 0' n n 3 I" r‘ Ag»;'\. ' ' rel of Swill, ther ”9" .1’ A thou Dine-nu can be cured or entirely fina mml. By using time Powdm the 0g Cholatunbopnmwd. Price 26 on. per Paper, or 5 Papers for $l. ‘ mum: at WHOLESALE 0306 AND MEDKHNE DEPOT. ~ No; non-mm: St; Baltimore, 111. For Ssh by Dmggisu.ud Stow! throughout an United sum. For uh by A. D. Bnehler, Gettysburg; Lllghlin & Bushfield, Whecfing, Ya; C. 0. Bend" 3 Cow meburg; Johnson, Holloway \t Oowden, Phihdalpbia. x2107'. 28, 1884., 1y - El .\ Ladies’ Fancy Furs! {GEN E 51131. .A'S old um PUB HANG mY, No. Hi Street, “on 'BILAD’A.— 1 low in floro of m Importation mnfncture, one LARGEST and :EAUTH’ULu- I of FANCY for Ladies’ nnd :u'l wurfin the of Gem} Fur New Tailoring New Goods. BALTIMORE, MD s. A. ro‘U'rz & 13120., Cr= aim is vu icusc, low unhealthy ty, habits, to all. by rer be it: tmlilution, hit-en unto ‘ indeed, it [3, “ I will upon their tutu take orgnns it Attacks. lags. an produces tubercles, md finally Consumptioh; in the glands, nellings which btlppurate and be come ulccrous sores; in the Itoniheh nnd bowels, derangement: which produc indi gestion, dyspepsia, and liver eoniplaitfiy on the skin, eruptive Mt] cuL’tEeeus uflect‘um. These, 11l having the same origin, requ'm the same remedy. viz., purification and invigo n~ lion of the blond. Purify the blood, n (I there dangerous distemper: leave You. Wit feeble, foul. or Corrupted blood. yap cnnno have health; with that “life of the fle.~h" healthy, you cannot have acrot‘ulous thyme. -. - Ayer’a Bursapni'illa t is compounded from the most effectual anti dotes t int. medical science has diweovt-red fur this Lfllitfing distemper. and fur the L‘Ul'l: of the diuorders it entails. That it is far supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, is , known by all who have given it a trial. ’l‘lutt t it does combine \irtues truly cxtrsordinnry ‘. in their etl‘ect upon this class of complaints, ‘ is indisputably proven by the great multitude .. of publicly known and remarkable curcs it ! hunnude of the following diseases: King'g 1 Jul, or Glandular Swollmgs, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, ‘ R” In, Rose or St. Anthony'r Fire, 1 8 ERIE. Scald Head, Coughs from I tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White ‘ Swelling; Dehtltty, Dropsy. Nettralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and 8 hilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, FzgglaWeaknesmg nnd. indeed. the whole series of complaints Lint! arise from impurity of the blood. Minute rtports of individual case: may he found in Arum Alumni! Auumc, which is furnished to the druggis‘u for grutuitous digribution. wherein mlty be learned the directions for its “s9,llnd some of the remarkable cures which it has wide . when, all other remedies had failed to afford . h-licf. Those clues sre'.purpo>el_t litlkln. ‘ {tom all ccedonsof the country, in cult-r“ that every reader may lint-e uterus to homo \i one who can apt-uh to him ufiti u m llts from 3‘, person] experience. Scrolu'ht‘dcpn-«u tho I ’i’iui energies. and tluln lent-t“: it~ rietinn far ‘ more cubject to dimnsc and its futnl re=ults ‘1 than src healthy constitutions.‘ Hence it .1 tends to shorten, and doc-s greatly Flll'lltn, l! the avenge duration of human life. The ‘ rust importance of those consideration!» hrs ' lttl us to sptnd years in perfecting n ivmedy ' ' which in adequate to iu cure. 'l‘hi- vie now | Offer to the public under the nsme of At Liz's -' banummtu, although it is ('unlpo‘itd a! 5 ingredients, some of which moved the 1: st . of Sanapan‘L’a in slté’rntirc power. By it: I utdyou mny protect yourself than the auflcr- , ing Ind danger of three disorders. l’utgo out the foul corruption: tlmt rot and :1 mr tn the blood, purge out the cauu-n ot‘diu-use. and \lgoroun health will follow. Brits pecu liar virtue! this remedy nimuhites the vital functions, untl thus cape-ls thr- thucmpcru which lurk within the than: or Luut out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by manv compound: of Sammy-1.5:, thu: promised much and did nothing; but tlu-y will neither be act-rind nor‘tlitnppointed in this. Its \irtues lump butn provcn h} :thun dent trial, and there remains no «,ucatztm of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the ufliietinfi dist-urea it is intended to rcnch. Althongt under the same name, it i- it very drfiertnt txtcdluine from any tllllt‘t‘ whidn has been before the people. nnd is far more ef fectual than my other which hue net- been uvnlnble'tn them. 'm 'l‘llll rmo. Thirty years 3;!» l with in th\ Pulhmn try l‘lllnrull‘llllull, and g‘ l res‘ lvd lu Philirdt'phia. :tliil Di righk‘zn of lbl"; ritgv, "idem! l town; .\'.. J., n dictnncc of nine u took me \uo dayé in out therr. On I was ~pul>\:it bed, and there laidL wet-ks. 'lh'hl was my nrtive place, \ mill- Enroll? ll‘tfd nnd llntl divil Oi Conn Dr. Thornton. who nttr-nded my inthei his: illnrse. wn culled, And (Mr mt- om to fix up on :ill‘n'ra. lie had seen all my\ ily go Ihnt wry. n d thought l w" ttfgl._ Then I heard nilt remedial nowmilei the pnhli‘c. which clued me. It SPt‘lnl‘d to thwt ”could feel them penetrating my who 53 mm. \\ Tliiy Anon ripened the mutter oh my lungs, and ILWOtII-l spit nfl' morr‘uhun a pint oi nth-u -sire yellow 'mitter every \u‘uining. As soon as th'at‘lit-gnn to subside, my ough, rcu r. p «in, night), SW9.llS—-111l brgnn'to RAH: me, and my nppellite fir-Mme so great thnt lg wig with «lit: ficultb‘ I nuultl l-t-eu'lrot ea'tn; tun tutu h. I soon gained my strrnginnl lniiu. born gran - in: it) (led: worn-into. ur lilt‘h}"\ L‘JI'J l hm‘c enjoyed un-uterrupterl (good health lit-(“plug the liver and stomu-h healthy witulthe Fm; v ct'df'l‘ouic nnd Mztntlrnhe l‘ilis, as l nm of it bllitvlla tr'nipemmt'ltl. My weight is tht, llttfl rlrerl and twenty pounds. Un my rev very people would send iur me, (or and near, t me if their cusr‘ Wt'l'c like mine. For this p r posc l my prnl‘vuiomi Yl'xllS in the ln‘;e cl,- tier. Tue ronsumptivcs wish to we the um‘l. that makcs thesn nre'liciné, una nho mu cured ofronsumption tkv them. To make new lungs, is imposible; but cavities In the lung: null chronic ulcerations ofthe~bronleinl tubes can be. hunted. Suth cases urt- ilying houtly under the ordinary treatment of physu-innw. nnd just such are cured by the proper use i 1! ‘Schcnck's Pulmonit- Syrup, Seamed Toning \ A and .\hndrukc Pllln. I ‘, , l am now ‘nhcnl'hy man, with a large cavity 1“”: Al'tbft‘rlbt'r ill in the middle lobe oflthc right lung, the lower . "51’9“ “ng” 5" lobe very much hebftht-(l nnd complete nd- JOHN. 9- Cr", {o“}, Eff hesion of the pleum. The left lung is round, CODIIfltlnlt“? 0 III: ll‘|t Ind the upper lobe of the right lung is in n PMNMZO “II I“ V8530!- tolerably ninth) couditio , Tl“; grout run-,b' had lou why physicmns do notlkure _counumptioo' 511- 3, 1864. \ in they try to do too much: they give medi-l ” '7, « —” cine: to stop the rough, to stop chill, to stop Anthbr 81 night sweats, hectic fever, nml, by :0 doing, INTER HAT AXD fillol they dcnnge the Wlxnla digestive power, lock- ~‘Cuhean haviu; nssucinit ing up the secretion: rlnd eventually the pn- husiuus John S. Cruwlunl, ticnt sinks and die-r. After I make It cart-in] the interest: at John ('nlp, r examination or the pntient with the lieapirom- nounct’s to 'ht- citizens o‘wattyl eter, nnal find lungs enough leit to, cure, ldi. wthlit-gcmmlly, that the hiuiuci rect the patient hon to use the tlurn-e remediev. tinned it} the Old ' Stand on C, Remove the cause and they “ill all stop or street, by A. (‘OBEAN & (10., uh their own accord. No nuo can be cured of saintly keep on hand 5 large starl consumption, liver complaint, dy'bpepuiu, co. in the lion of g ‘ tnrrh. canker, ulcerated throat. holes: lb. SHOES, HATS, CAPS’, TRUNKH, , liver and stoninéh are mnd'h healthy. In Ntw' « CARPET BAG-‘1 05131"?le England this canker. chroniv cntarrh, ulcer“. and they willnlou continue the Mnnuii ed throat, elongation at ut'uht, is more prawn- Nine}. .' . .~_ , lt-nt thumin any other Seclllmfol lthe counbtry. b Frost they lan: upzrlr-nrlr in n)" lhl)!\ ’ "7W ”rm. ‘5 lre uentlv mum-db :nu llomc . “or. M, t r)" uteri cm~'e ms tmt it GOOd Thmgs from the Clty !‘ i You may qun ‘it out With cnuatic time and plea-Se the public, and will sell ('hrap lo‘. \ WE are rcceiting twice 9. week from titty again, and all they will get is temporary relic-L, , A. CUBE LY. ‘ city I Variety ot nrtleln luited to th‘,\Cnrrert the Itomnchnnd lner, and they will .l. 8. CRAWFORD wnntr of thin community, viz: Fresh nud Sill! henl up themselves. . a l Doing hntiurn under the name nml firm FISH, Home,’ Shoultlerl and Sides, Iluminy,l \Good nutrition is the remedy. it you have 5- cube-u E Co. . [Feb 8, l 8“. Beam.Sult,Appl'n,Potatorr,omnges,Lemons,'any. disease In any part of tLe body, it will “‘—' ..-. ~ ‘ -' ‘ " ‘ Confections, Toancos. mgura, oith' .manylremnjn there and docuy moro‘nnd more until" EStabl-iShed 185°- othcr articles in this line—nil receircd in the‘ you can get the stumnch in the condition to. OTICE 0i" REMOVAL. . best order, and Sold at the lowest pldfill. Gite , digest“l;;)od not! make new Hood to take the. N LA WRENCE D. DIETZ & 00., 111 e cull, in B.iltimor6 street, nearly opposite place 0 \ diseased mutter. This is the only respectfully hog lone ”notify their lrirudl, Fahnestocks’ store. {way to h‘ lcuities in the lung: and ulcerated customer! and the public generally; that they WANTED-Butter, Eggs, Lnrd, and 11l , l;rourhiul¾ Correct .the 'stomnch "Ind have removed from .\'o. la! Franklin mertLto other country produce—for which the highest _ liver, and nuture will do the healing. )luuy the commodious tour-Itnry \‘v'orehon'ee, ' cash price will he paid. ' persona have'finu idea (that certain medicines NO. 308 BALTIMORE STREET, SWEET POTATOES—heII quality, It love ' are great purifiersofthk’hloo-l. When blood ll between llownrd and Liberty. where they will est. living profits—always on hand. Alia, onpe dioeued incanuo: b purified; It 15 'u‘ia- for the future conduct‘tho Wholesale Ball- OYSTERS, fine and fresh—in the [hell or ened the glme his the disc-nun nmttcr in the neu. miely in‘ ' shocked. lien-mmnta and‘families «nuptial. "xystom; but got the Hlspxrotu-l in order, the Hosiery. Trimmings, STRICKHUUSER & \VISOTZKEY. llivcr und stomvch, nnd gm.- it. ,iIEJI) of hour-i _ Furnishing Goatlr. Gettysburg, Nil! 15; 1353- ' . ishing 100-l I' will {nine new blood, which will' l‘crlumery, Notions} v. take the place of that which is Illsedsed. l Sutioncry, Lntlery, . Bchem k'r Pulmonic Syrup ie one of the but; _ ‘ Toyl, the.l to. prqgmlons 0: iron in use, it in u. powerful to which they anite the “button of city and tonic of inelf, and when the Seaweed Tonic country purchuerr, feeling confident of their dislolres the mucus in the utouinch, end it in lbflfly to oiler inducement: in prices all; curried 03‘ by the aid of the~ Mandrake Pille, quality of Goods. 3 the Pulmonic Syrup is made into blood: This, Order. hy mail will receive prompt‘h‘e’l it the only way to cute consumption. "'1 tion. Address ennuot get u. good appetite, and food do" noti LAWREXCE D. DlE‘l‘Z & 00., digest, I cannot cure the pntieut. Never mind' 308 Baltimore Itreet’, Bultlmore. the qoughhremovebcthe cause 313 d ithwill mull March it, I 8“. ofitu-li'. is is t most trou e are wi ”" A “’7“ —‘“ ‘““ my patients It my rooms. They Ily, “Doco, ’ Portable Printing Moos. , tor, I feel htronger; [can eat; my uightcweou, OR the use L.‘ are better, and [feel better every troy; but: ,3 Flierchonu Ding m) cough it so had yet ;" and they are “ton-l 8"" Ind all bhlhm ished to hear me say that does not .tter, “d .rofcmoml non remove the cause and the cough will flop Ml who “5., to do their itself.‘ Scheuck's Seaweed crater 3 good 311-, a" prihtio ”My, petite in about nine days, when there is no tmd cheap! " Adlpe lung disease, unleu the liver is so congested x. ted ,0 the ’rinting oi that the Mand‘rlagle gill: clnot unlock the, .. houdbillq, Pbillhesdl, duct: of the git u or in that short space: . ~ ‘ . ...... .. mm». .... .. 2:55:233232‘3 :2:::::::-$‘:.::';itz‘;:: ofl'. Keep the lire:- lud stomach healthy and “MM . ho, to" "51d a», work then “b there il in! danger of consumption or In] cemtdllr 'Cireu’lfl not [M 8 coins! $lO 8 D 81! other disem. It in bud to toke cold when .h-M“ 6i: a"?!h 6““: P . GEXTS WANTED.—,TS sell the "25 CENT those crgonl are healthy. Those tho} on blllci Address "”1 'AD 138’ 211388 CD. A LEGALTEND’ER STATIONERY PACK. ouu, low spirited, dredryJeellflz nuptd, coated. 3, Fun.“ ~ Y “nd 35 mm,“ mg" , AGE.” Each Package contains 33 Songs, 2 tongue, poor appetite, uqrvonlfltounch full, . ~. ,- . a Bum In”. I:5 long“, of Music, 13 charts of Paper, 18 Envo- of wind, everything thnt is eaten 110111.037!” January 25 lb“ 1’ . ’ é - topufix Euler, 1 Pen. 1 Pen Holder, 1 Lead lose oi memory, try one bottle of SCHEMEK sl.—o——-—-~"‘ _ ' M ~Pencil, IDeQIE‘U?‘ Endenleeveo, l for Child's SEAWEBD TONlCnndong box classmates, , Albums! H 1, 3 Apron, .1 for Embroi errd Colin, 1 {or Chrit‘ ‘XANDItAKE ““13- “ “ only'n‘ 00” 01: mm. LBU )l Sll ‘ .‘i . ; :3, toning Babe, 2 tot; plurkiug LEM”, ”Usllcwfi ..dolhir egg 11901231343: :fiylw;flg : A ~ bl” ‘Bl ' i never be re puh'l Stet , wort muty o err 'tionl. il X' I _ r , .. g % unort nnd other information. Also, one beautiful and: “I“ "1’ “mm” “ ."wmh;..:t"a'§?filg%ll?h 'd' “:33:qu " nilple‘ 6! (entry. leenl'inducemeut: to one DON” "K" ‘ 8"" ‘s”3‘. " “fi- below cltyprloel. TYSO‘BMHEW“ 53mm, Send Stiuhp florfllrcnlsr. ‘ gun-... .lny-peroon thitoojoyc ordmuy hunk“ Doc.“ 5/ . ‘ ,1 7‘ a. . . 'z ' ‘- . " ' “Bullwm. ' lby.u§ag,_t§e Mpeedj'nuic hooligan”; , ”1&3: . . v‘. a. g , ‘ “mg-n. “mountainous, m.- flrintpegamunwmpg: thv dire-Wag» tit-tweed 9‘9”“ = June 13, :21. ly j ',. , to such a “filthy condition that they in. : ”.3 Min; to town. a. fig _ AYBR’S \CHERRY PECTORAL; The \Vorld’s Great ‘Ramedy for coughs, .Colds, Incxglent Com “sumguon, and for t e relief \of onsumptive gafients \ in advanced 5 ages \ of the disease. This hull bgcn so long used and so uni versally kn‘nwn, that we need do no murg ‘ than assure me public dmt its quality is kept up to the Magi: ever luu bet-n. and film: it may be relied gn\lo do all ix luv; ever done. hunted by \ DR. J. C: Ann! L ('O., . PM and Analytical Mama, \ Lovell. Mus. Sold by ill druggjm every where. WFor In!» by A. D» Buehler, Gettysburg, and dvalm generally. \\ - ' Au .8, 1864. cowl \ . , Cannon 8: Adam’s NEW mums WORKSEoruer of Bah!- . mare and EJSI Middle Ifreets. oppnaite the Court House. Gettysburg, \Pn —We are prepared to furnish Monumenli, 'qunbs. Head stones, Marble “mules, Sluhs fur Cnhinel Makers, and another work appertnifi"ng to our business. We will guarantee latistubtinn both I: to execution and who. Cull sud in our design! and Ipecimcus of work‘ \ Feb. 2, 1863.’_ n . \x Sheads 8; Buehler, BALI-IRS IN , -' COAL AND LUMBER, STOV E S . ; TIN-WARE, HULLOW-WARE, tO. —— nan .- SHUTTERS, BLINDS, 8A8“, ETO.‘ Corner of Culinle sud Railrond‘ Strecu, oppo site‘Euilmtd Depot, GETTYSBURG, PA. Nay 9, “364. New• Goods. AMESTO CK BROTHERS i Are conatnnny receiving choice and do lirtblc goods, from New York, Philndelphil and Baltimore. and are prepared to ofl'er GREAT. INDUCEHENTS to then nbom. purchasing. Bevin; selected with great carom-om the threelndiugmnrkeu, ”no public will look to Weir own interests by cumming our stock before buying elsewhere. Call It FAHNESTOCKS’ Kay 9, 1864. \ Red Front. ‘ g Hm peculiar Quint or "~ which M: an; lurk: "unions of :(mcn. It Queen or in by an en itiated mm x]. wherein women in lo xqsuin :e: in their :uon, md system to mrder Ind DR. SCHENOKK‘ OWN CASE; "Rum~ Lnonum Esau coxnur'rmx, And Imw hf: I‘ubnoux'c Syrup, Emmi Tonic, and ‘ Aland \ Pill: act on the System in my (bat Diuau, and the GREAT BUCQESS AWNG‘ IT I l ! 0 Y "I" 7 §‘ . I ‘\ ‘ , Kr. Th» above is :\ correctlikeueas ofDr‘ Schchck tnkeu many years ago, After he had recaver‘gd from Cumumplion; by a course of nil “ Scniscx'i Puonxlc SYRUP." The likenels, although 11 does no! represent him anything I|k€vfls bad as he mural the Wurst, yet. it. is in strong commit with the hfile and ngoronl looks of the Porlnit below, which is the true likenz-ss of him M the present time. The con trnit bétveen these two portraits in no great thnt Imin: wouid not believe tlfcm to he the same person. Y 2: there oreyhnndrcds of per wom,in and‘ around PhilL/dclphio, who will scognize both Zuni-trails to be true “presents ina. , When the first wns .lflkf‘ll be weighed ‘ pounds; at the pre‘aem time his weight is mounds. wa ‘x'unx “Linn-Eu m 1311 m. MEI IM \lnnh 30, '64 Inna sluzen of ran up 10 dir. Jnncph Pur \e 10 More!- \iles, whivh my arrival I , g * i" .I ’. 7 rs L‘ ‘. "‘ "E‘- ‘W? 'w-HA» Emily. 1 un [imam-o I "MINE“ my aid consumptivepntirnisnuwenju’inglood health. weighing nearly: 200 pouldl. mu conclude by raining three cnru I in" undo in New York,nnd which are all ailmol. and wish nay one who hole In} inlet-us in Ibo uncut to visit. them. Firs: is Mn. Panamanian then .1 No. 107 Ramon ”rest. my: hadron: called upon me at my rooms, 32‘ Bond “mi . nnd wished Inc to cull and no her. He at I could do no good; [hit ho had lied on [flu but medics! utendonoe, and, all ldd‘lbl vu . too far gone with Oonsnrnpilonito Mcured- - but she hnd heard or some great enrol] in‘ , rank, and he desired to gratify her wilheo.‘ I called, Ind found her lying confined $0 her bed in the Inst. stage of bronchi“ gononmp tion. and without doubl Inn-i hon died noon. 1 enmined her lungs, found boll branch!“ 1‘ tubes very much_nfl'ecled, but no “thin but 1 formed, her cough was very revere, tho up“. box wa‘s half full of thick pun. Pulls HO, legs swollen very much; Ind won. Hun I“. she had chronic dinrrhazn. Her bowls in] been moved eleven times that day. i midis" . (hnt she had lungs enough to be cord, but um lnis dinrriimn hnd been of long sanding. and her slomm-h was in Inch nn nicer-ted con- ’ diiion Ihat i was nil-nid nothing could be done. She insisted I should try and do who! I could for herv ohaen’ingthnl she could no‘ inn long in she condition she was in. nndl could not mnkoher any worse. I gave her first A doso \of my Mnndrnke Pills, and the Tonic end SJ rnp freely. That was on Tuesday, and by {he noxtSunduy the dinrrhmn Ins cnrried on; her nppetile had returned and she could sit. up in bud and cat. her dinner. She is now well, and g‘nve me A long ceriificnie, certified to by Hie lick". Dr. Bowling. Mrs Bn‘rlholomew, 83 We“ Fonpfilth ntrut, cum to "U mom: with a :umor on her “veg. She wn low-spirited, akin sull‘ow, tongue emf. ed, bowels ensure, no appetite, and full nul- - ing into the knew The mid tumor had been (unuing orag‘x‘fuufleen years. I gave her / S 3 rup, To ie a d Pilli. and told her to Ink. themjuu A lhe‘direciion: were printed. She came but k to my mums, 3'! Soul “reel. in rwu week‘, somewhat‘bflller; her tongue hm) n 9. gun :u Chum n lim\§|r6uull the edgu her' skin whitcr and her \eyel brighter, and th. tumor discharging very“ fl'enl-ive mluor, much faster than It hndwever d‘nebefufl. She key; gradually improving. and inmbom two muntbl she came up my room: vex‘i much highland, saying that the tumor hm] flgrly flopped run ning, and was healing up, an Nhuc eve.” duc- ‘ to: bud IQ'd her that. i'fit'cvcr healed i 4 would cause her death. I told her that the discus. hid millet! herxyarem, and mum wouli hrul Ihc ulcer up. ’ 1119- nre now hale ,nud bu. been for atom :1 Mn", and she in l haunt] mu] whim :\ wom In us you will find in «(guy's smik Sun :1 gimi for my one 10 cum in im-, nu I [aims L'rr'u puiuq to visit any one the! she h-z ~. 3- if fif’ythin: like hex c.lse.ln'lfl'i§s In gvv thuu m 4.0.1110 and sea mp. [ " \ Tuemcx}. mu- in Miss Sunfitlnl. from Shh, , ford, Conn. Mus. iinrlhohnmbw guy her down to see me. and. she hus Wen u‘cr since u: hci\ housr. Whg n nhr {iist gum" '0 my 1011"”,1’19 \~ was .t'uvlimxn u: nus-l Wt}! a harrum“; mugh, s‘, 1‘ E 3 ,4; gum. . :.1 1)} :u-i. lucimuvd Le] Lungs y, :1“ (hi: l'eflnl'omeh‘r, “3-1 :h aii my prucliu‘ liar-piound cue with one Lung so'lnr gum- .5111! he olhm iuug so sound. Icon! 1 Mil give m’fL-h c’ncnmugemul. I “much! Ith.: would din; put to my mloninhmcm the PM. manic 33 my. Scam-cert Touic.‘ Ind Mandrake I’m, an «mm-d to gm rim! to work. the lung i: nil inn-1M Can-r. luring :1 I'thm lru-gn u n gum‘u mg; gnnd nuptiufiino Aspirinnpd LBS quilted Mme (kitty rive pound. H] \V');IIL_ SLI- Int: sunm_cul‘l};n yet. which I du not think will lem‘e_her hr me Juno. lshwuhf Ilnnk .t . xvnuM h: Mgrertimrrntmsomv uni-rhyxdiwd phy-smi'm :0 risk ”wk my". mull-um!» .\lm St uheld. u; Any uf' mnu Mm huu born c ml hy nu mr‘Jwime. 'l'hn nrA hum-vuui in \. ‘7' York: hm llu' nlmvv U ru- q‘l .l-th-r mm 1‘ "i when} ‘myi 2! mt inc-4i." wt we migh- Mm: | I"}rl'—l')llh('\ m» mu) fi‘l-vhhl I .nc KIY'J‘,I\IJ‘ mz‘ I‘m mil "tn-I me win-r 1: hmi hurw Liw’ may L"! Mn}. \J. H. SI ”H.“ h, \i I‘ ,~ or mnnv dime. 111 mmiun. "in his work ’nm. 100. Dr J H. Mir m k (nu he inund x“ niu prln. 4M "m -.-. IVO. an Nurlh Mb 51mg. I’m-um uu. en r} H..mr-I:ry. Irom~v9 A. .\I uniil 3 I“. An ;_-":\. :uh‘iz-e. tr" of charm": ‘Jux mr u "and: a-xnmnmiun M: .qugn In M n .‘. Prl-v: o! Hm i'uhuunic hfixmp :wq Fin- Toniq-msb $1.33 per human: y: the ta 1 \ M uulrx-kv 'r'll‘nl :5 can h [Hr l-uh. m d «uh by "H arngguu and IL-J‘um ”(14, in: ‘ \ ’ IMB9 are .‘ur\ June - Dlsscluuon ”TVEREHH'r—Thrj(‘o-Igr'nlrshp g lulu en flu- lulm rmm‘ lung Nll thia J") by muluu'. rum-ml. —— mka In uur hxrnda anal Hm I uHio ‘M: l-.Eil'ndux! n‘u ya. llur 4'. “It stun; qud W(‘ :m‘nn [- “: indebted In us to c«l1 Lud {Jivmmh he Ire are ole-iron. ”Us? wnhpm driav. FPA been 0.1-,ll' . W 3: rMun- 1L \fol‘ {hellnnm . uuLi will :.e\ I Nq'lesl tlu mu Fimmvdwu M I 910 mu busl \ J ‘ Jam 30, 2854 .Al EXAV'WCRH'UHEA)’, Jl‘ll.\ ('I‘JJ'." Card. _ Tin]: dimmed ofhil in- Fe 1:! (‘l;bexuk Pulp Io ~ r’rspecllnlly uh the nth Ind nunnmrrd u M hcrr Bugfiuu mu] ‘ JUHN CL'H'. a.npq BUSHESS.—-A. . {l with him in wlni purclnmd (“lynx-Hull) In fl-urz and Hue «in be con- Imnher:burg will ('on v! Gouda, EEO MEM have can a ’fi‘ ‘ “$5.5: é‘
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers