.-»< ‘ ‘ -9 my 2‘. I / EM Ii: mm; The present specnlstions about peace movements. which have been the subject of comment both in loyal and rebel newspa: peril, rest on a weak feundntion. it is safe to say that no person, either authorized or‘ unauthorized, has lathly left Wuhingwn forthe front on an errand of peace, or with' a view to consult the rebel authorities, con cerning the existing dificultieh. The World, of Tuesday, has an editorial on the “Delusive Expectations of Peace,” from which we ’tieem it preper to make the following extract. because of the vast smount of “food for reflection" which it contsins. It is beginning to be.senerally held that the negro is the only obstacle to peace. Whether it is worth while to keep up this terrible war among white mentor such a purpose—“to pay so much And get so little"-—iu subject which should engrou every mind. The Worldsaya: i The air .has been filled for‘aeveral dsiya with peace rumors; but we have no expect .“film that the commendable volunteer at} forts of the Messrs. Blair will 089" the Way tor responsible negotiations. .\ e are satis fied that neither the ndminiatretion not‘ the man" of the Republican pqty desire oi would accept of peace on any terms ahor't‘ ”—— 'of the complete abolition of slavery; and tlf ”Hr. Funnden, the Sect-entry of the, slavery musi fall, the South have no more {Presser-y, was. on Tuesday. again elected‘ 303“”;3,32"3?;L°‘Z:§‘$§h;;§’h$ll?ii ,to.the'lJmted States Senate 0" the “”1.” Mmrfwhiie, they have the advantage ofth MW.“ Home, ““1 3"" therefore soon ’9‘. chapter of occidents. Even ss-regards theiE ,tirs from his present position. humor has future .tranguility in the Vnion, if they in: i it that Senator Morgan, at New York, will , 331111333 r 308‘: ‘tlhzcéml‘tu‘hziikilb; 2:": ‘ o ' (C ) I'll? 1 3° mo the Treasury fiplgfmwf- It “‘lriedythe inbolitinn experiment snd'gmanci ”"os “M'- Secretnry SQ I'd “ desirous in pnted’th 'r own slsvesn~ It is Tar more con taking Hr. Morgan’s 13'!ch $0390.; a'atent wfih their futuri‘pesce end security because he MWffrom the nhelhi oti that the block population should be bound ’bon fl” 9““ branch should now‘bei‘f them by ties at gratitude, than be iri : li ’ ' ‘ —> ' tablet; for its freedom to their enemies. If held out ‘0 tiw/SQ‘FW' “ ‘79 ”low.“ M emancipation were followed by repatriation, able to play theme of the tiered Pacifism it would be a matter _of indiflerence: bujt Jot” to success, th'n country would‘give {‘B gisqflfithmyltiegme 0‘; lzllflclfilwglhfemaf - ' t ’ ‘ In 9&0“ ,in min 9 WI [l‘ re; him 5”“ credit 30".mf‘rw‘lfiflur to cut ownerls. it is of. vitiil concern (other? 'l'“ “poll"b‘l", “ ““5“ i” him m i that thahlack race shall not occupy a os - fin"! respects. tion of triumph over their beaten amfihd miliated mastery There would probably lbs no bounds to the insolence oflhe Degrees! , if they Tell that,li’ ‘rty ind been given the 'i l .in defiance of t e southern whites. lily , ‘strangers who m ul~l back them in the at-' sertlon of-tlu-ir l‘uil quality. if. therefor ,i the South are not: pm milled to come bac ': with slaveryi. theymill feel it necessary [their futuire quietmml <rcnri’ly to protrn t 1 lthe war and shrill-h slavery ‘themselve ;‘ and so "£O3? wearing it badge of‘perpetu l. I humiliatiq in tile presence ol'a race wh’i h : lhéy despise; . ' g '. ’7' i | This solid and' co’pent consixlcmtion powerfully supported by the possible reaul s oilemsnmpation as a rnesns’ o! indepen - enbe. The South know that while the gov iérnments of England-and France look wi h li‘nvor on their cause. therepugnnnce all e English and French people to slavery is n ,inpurmountahle obstacle to recognition. , i if], the South abolish slivery themselv 5| t ey remove this obstacle: replenish th ir ;armies;“and, [ll the» very least, they in y! lp‘rotrnct the wai- until the negro questi n Lia obsolete; when they will be able to , -i (cure; more satisfactory terms of peace lh n ’ 'they can get from -°thts administration ti ‘present. If the South 4am compelled 0 came back into the Union. they do n t! lwish the negro race to hold its liberty b s‘ federal guarantee in oppoaiuon to the will of the untold.~ We accordinglyedo not of pact peace until the emancipation expe i ment has fun itsoourse in the South: 'H'iid General McClelhi been elected, we should have had peace sogn after the 4th of March ; but "as it is. we mus “‘give homage: to {#s tune” and take the hancea lol'loreign ,“'. terventionnvhen the uth have freed rind i armed their slaves. . il l ; esscn nuuosshnvwsn. i l Washington his full of \peSce rumors 1 again on Wednesday. 'Jne wQNSLthe elf ct lthet Mr. Blair had arrived atfßi mend n, Monulnyxand’ soon after bad a conhulteti, n with (eff. Davis. Another, 'that G . Sin git-ton, of Illinois, had also gone to i'h ,mond on a [once mission. Another, at {the rebel Congress had adopted a pro ‘- , tion to appoint fifteen peace commissioners. (to meet the same number on our aide,)sild that Vice President Stephens,.ludge While, 0! Georgia. Messrs. Boyce bnd Orr, of 503:1: Carolina, Leech and Gilmore, of North , - ,olinn, Reeves, of Virginia, Smith and Sin gleton, of MississippLand others, had hie: named a, said com ission. Rumor ; 0 had it tlfit Gen. grant had teley-aph'ed that Alexander H. Stephens hsvl soliciied a passlthrbugh his lines to visitWashingt ‘ll. How much truth there may be‘in these reports we will not even ventukto gue‘u. God grant an early peace may be the restilt. It cannot come a day too soon. ‘ [ lßat whilst we hope, we have many fears, gndca‘n‘not better express them than by flying sffew extracts from an editorial‘iu the writer Thursday. Thatpaper says: We learn .from Washington, through it ‘wpr‘oojhy. no credit, the substance of the repeal whicth. Blsir bears to Richmond. it Is, ,th' t'if the South <will lay downéitn erm- andconmit to dcaéoldion of dam-y, ld scores shall be wiped out‘by 3‘ general am nesty.. The amnesty is _.very .well; but 63; 16M: authority can President Lincoln demand or Mr. Davis consent to, the abolition of slavery? Mr. Davis cannot abolish slavery by the confederate constitution, . for the double reason that the confederate consti« tution is‘a nullity, and that it makes no pretense of conferring such s power Hgt were valid. He cannot abolish slavery y ,his army after his army is disbanded. For 'opr government to ask him to abolish‘slsve ry is n sellislultifying absurdity. 1! '(mr government proposes abolition as a conditional pence, it should go with its proposition to the individual states, which lalone htrve jurisdiction over-the subject, ’encb for melt. But the government is not Lat tftr with the states. only with a combi ,nstion of individuals w.ch'h9s no‘shadogv ‘of lsgitimlSe governmental authority.— With what sense or consistency can it erect conditions of pace of parties with which it Lprot'esaesto be not at (or? * * _ i an. pincelnjn tut high and commanding position be My“ since his re election, on word to disregard the wishes of ultrs ii“ and make an open ofl’sr of peace on the sole condition of submission to the lConstitution. We regret that he insists on i abolition. and have no doubtyhntever they ’eneumbered with this condition. the new {mission 0! Mr. Blair will prove abortive.— A frank tender of the Constitution, free and ,simple, with a general amueaty if it be lan. cepteg. would. in the present posture of 19.5““: command the approbation of [the imsicrity of the people of both sections; and“ is deplorable that Mr. Linoolujhas neitherythe sense, courage, nor patriotism to outfit, ,If rejected by Mr._ Dex. it mid raise up against him a strong th orn party which gopld demolish his totter i-ns. Mu:- ' . ' . : ”3:12;;31 ": 2;... ‘LT'.:'; . :i_-_ !. J. ”Alli. IDH‘OS AND {IDPIQTOR azrrvsnyzq. 24. HOXD‘AY KORNIXG, JAN. 36, 1855 Butler 31mm Up l—Gen. Butler bu been "moved Iron; command, 3nd ordered to proceed to Lowdl, Mmcbuzetu. “ and to upon to the War Doplerent by 10310;.” ' The alumina ground: for depriving him ‘2 ,of bl! command are undoubtedly his rr—cent Wof Wilmington Ind Dutch Gap. gm 3 mounuip of dinnimctiop bu bielffic— / oumuhflnk uguimx him {or mqntha on ic wun! of Iheged illegal and Irhitrnry‘ uh. ,nltl, imprilonmenu and pupiathenu, It. u .pid Um m-uyV éueu of gigging Injuslj’ce haugome to fight, and rainy olhén gre 5 expected Lo b 9 deyolopad by hiljupgrle dun. Thu; end: Butler’l unfit-(xi career ~it 19w mb,copnlry impel 10. . 11. ord ‘ firm ww‘w 9° “3° xwmfiry rom flund of Bnfler’l corps. ‘ , ‘71:“ Ital-Img old Democratic quid mnn. Hon. J Imel Guthrie, bu been chalet; United Sum Sen-tor from Kentucky, in place of Kr. Powell, ‘fo‘g six years [toga the Anna! Hatch. ‘ ~ ===ial ‘Gov. Fonton has received nulhomy from {hi .\Vur Deputmont to organize in New York. untlér the lgst‘yfll of the Presi ,dqn‘t. flv‘e rogimenluyd aux deucbegoeom mic; of igfaptry. A similar 1»: ‘l' ti) Pennsylunin would 13;;er aid in‘filling the ,Stm’l gum. ‘ . ' ‘ === Impprlant Gram—An imporLant order has just been issued by Prnyoet Marshal Gene ul Fry. qnnoun'cing (Ell. under thoxeeent you" for Huge hugidlzea khgupmd troops, iuued on the wt. of Sn; wopth. .um 3mm. her "specified must actualiy be placed in the field. No organs are. therefore. to be bk lowed for sn‘y recruiu under this call who were in the Uxméd Sfatcs service at. the data above muntjuued. and a thorough 're ,viliop oftho quota of the Vll'inll districts pipuu now‘tuke plwo. ”It. in aid ~thnt‘ the flame older [m linqyboeln md'gfied, and n‘ey ,quotu wil; be made out. on the 31“ of J unguuy, 3110!!- in; qredih up to‘ghat time. ‘ ‘ 'lmmediately on Run an of Sawm xuh, Governor Andrew, nf “Wilmette, ,dcopttached agent- 10 thnfi city :9 recruit. blink loyalifin for the national army. to be mama to the quom of that. State. K's shen Inked permission f ‘m the Secretary .0! Wu m do so, which $9 cheerfully dc ,cbrded. Ind the docume ‘will arrive out Lbout the figme‘therfirsl squad in on its way so Wumth.—~Abolition paper. ‘ Wlm t gnarl exhibition of whingin éhhjpon the part of “loyal" Maintain-em! fiugfit'p‘gyh’y the bu}! - 3 "In Jndiana Ind .Ohio the whololquo to is expected“ handy to take the field in six nob. The Abolitionilu of Penn: pyluniuall: patriotism very well. but no nthqr no}: to volquq‘qxj. ' '"fhe Suie Convention of Mia-our? bu paused an ardintnoe Mlhbing ahvory‘ ,ip glut smg. ‘ = 1, . . ,g #11:} Tenneuea Inti-Ihnry reorgimi- Eldon eonnntiqn in bning I qtormy time. ,cnn iihoglgh“qupqzued of the most “105-1”. ,elcmonti.» The convention had to adjourn ,over night to squid § my. ' A #5lllO ‘mmél'lhat the Slate apth‘onities .ol' Goargipfiqenpplhd mflonf Sherman to some luck ingp the “Union, is mmndigted $1119" Amo‘utod I’m: Agent in fill-51;- .“Wv K « nixiugim out um ndicslAboliciop .‘illl‘fl‘ "WW!" underlain- Gen. fihemnn ginlthpponfidgncp ol the Adupiniltntigp, m ,hplis ‘p‘éytfr‘agliosl enough on the “up” qua-flan. a Band ofq Navy Agata-Mr. June: 8. When, Navy Agent a Philadelphia, {in mmqugl ,[rgxp his ofiice g: Ftidny. by ‘nrder of the Sect-nary of tngavy. Pay pum- A. E. Watson In: been lemponrily “Read in chm-go of the'ofi'apo. The came of Ith. 'lng pp ‘notget bqep made public. ‘Th‘o linen god and universally mum": gloor-kcepdrof the White 89956. gem-2w), called Edward, but. pybligly pinned Jimmy, who has been'in Ape office ‘ainfoo Andrew J ackson’g day, yru d}:- chu-god hi Mrs. Lincoln on Saturday week. 113:=131 4mg welpight of the Prhidenfini 919* 13cm oinv Rapuhlicu; frisnda made the wel kin rin‘g with howls of jnyous triumph ba ouuu “7.; Lincoln wu mlected and the m - mould be brqughfi.’ to In immediate ch)... But now when‘chu um Mr. Lin -0013.13“! for 300,000»! thou nun. Boyd men to ‘0 to the from ,und “fight is they vote," ’l!th ii a bowl Sfuuother kind. ”hi 1633'“: 10W humor: in Phil gdclphiu’qro tuning a movement. to com rpolgpungu MW: to any maroon in @012.” with white ~maple. The 6” up iulqnt "there is no Iccqutiug for miles.” doe-gum ii: m, use. Thank-59m fut-HIM @9150? m army‘s!” ‘1 WM” huboen genlenced 350 *memflt. Loni- {or nailing 39 V _ m 'Oteoflo'n. If ho had no. ”3%“ dnllm’ worth ha woufd mm ‘m Boner-L ~I=lll4le - v rotalt — WitelhettOM , n i 99; , v ' ‘ ‘ ‘ l . '\ ~ . nations or neon _ 4 ‘ . rut: our: won. in the» early port. or the week. it wss I'll-. 1 The most interesting portion of the Go'- mmfi‘fufig Fe-nois P. Blnir hsd opiivernor'sjlesugo is thu wherein he [ohm to ptsrted on‘o pew mission to Richmond-4 . the impending dru‘t for 300.060 more men. thtt‘s pm for‘the purpose bud been tent} The fact is oflcislly communicated thst the him by the rebel authorities. Butlstcrld‘iquotu of Pennsylvania. under this cell, is yioé. from Washington out I dsmper upon jwithin ouo_of sixty-men‘thauth—over on:- tho whole sfieir. and tho. sgnin chill tholfi/‘th o! the‘entixc number. As the Presi hopes of the people for on esr!y terminw ‘ deut’u Pmciomstion notes thut the draft is tiop‘to this senguimry struggle. Aoorrchi‘ordered chiefly to supply on alleged defi pop'dent 9! the Warid. writing on 'l‘uesduy. ' ciency in former calls. it surprises the Gov ssy}: 2 ernor. as it does erery citrzen. to learn Hut 5 Pennsylvania. which has sent into the ser ‘i rice during 1864, not less than 91,000 men, E including veteran volunteers rte-enlisted, ‘ should étill be in arrears to so large a num (ber. There must necemrily besomo egre gious urithmnticsi blunder in the Assign ‘msnt of the present quote; or else, on the Governor suggests, “ the men enlisted and mustered otter receiving the bounties ot‘ the localities to. which they were supposed to be credited, never reeched the army."— If the letter supposition be true, with whom roots the blsme? Certainly not with the loeol suthoritics. who, after fitting their several quotes by the payment of the most liberlt bonnties, and turning over their re cruits to the military authoritimof the Uni: ted States, dischsrged their full duty in the premises; _lf Federsi officers. at the Camps of Rendezvous or elsewhere, either through! loomplicity with so called “bounty iumpersffi or neglect of duty, ailowed.the men fol" whose service 1 munitlcent premium ,wss“ paid. to escape, surely that d‘ereliotion‘ shouid not be visited upon the districts which. After they hsd seen the men muster-J ed in. had no longer any control over then“! even if able and willing to watch “1213'! movements. ' ‘ / 1 . We are glad to see that the Legialslure .hsve given their attention to this import-‘ (not. subject. In the Senate. on Wednesday wee'k. a Committee mu appointed to consult with the President and Secretary of [Wet in regsrd to the manner infiwhich it was made to appear that so large n quota wns duo from Pennsylvnnis. During the debstel ion the question, Hr. Bigham. an Adminis»; *trstion Senator, Bllfied that “this quote wss‘ about doublewhnt should be, if properly calculated ;" and that “he had been in-' formed that in reality it was only a iittlel over 33,000,.” This statement, doubtless: upon good authority. made the necessity! for an investigation so apparent, that that {Committee was authorized without adu gl‘sonting voice. I ‘\Loyul”A editors even are beginning to see I thutTenn-ylvnnin is looked upon and treat ed ”1136 “willing horse." Rauch's Aboli ltion paper at Reading speaks out in u mun-i i pe‘r that Would be considered little short of treason. it‘ uttered by one of the proscribed l tt‘yvpperheadhy‘ press. He says : . i "There is a screw loose somewhere, and . wL «ant to know where it is, isnd whose ‘fault it is. j‘he people have patience, pit-1 ‘ triotiun..eaml thgwndure much (or the: w country’s sjnke. utthey demand. and will have. equal hnndldjuhice. The ellminis-i l tratitg: owes it to ituelf hot this great my}. itery e explained. '_lfwe\\tu Pennsylvamni lrsaiiy owe onu~hftli of lhe‘vnttre numbero called for, why, then, let us have the whys] rand the yherefores. and, ouhword for 1L! itho last man and the inst_dnihrr will be l’t'nrtltnoming to meet the just diurtnnds otl l the Governmont. But. If it should appear .that. good old faithful Peflzisytmniit isim-i ‘Eosed upon, either by design. or by the} lunderu oi officials. we feel sure in edXIHgl 'that the. peopLo wili in u nwst emphittic rmanner demand situplojustice.” \ Another Abolition paper says: 4 ""er rns House run Putts Tn: Mosr.‘ —This seems to be the "1311.” ofllthgbvv ernment with regard to ennsylvanin’n‘ quote in the last ‘call for 300,000 men.— The quota of the' State on therléth of Feb- a tunry next seems to be 02,000. which is 01-l Almost one-seventh of the entire North—u Pennsylvania has always been foremost in furnishing men and means to carry on thel war, but it looks now as though we are to be imposed noon. We hope that om! ple will see justice done. We wi net enrnestly protest uguinst any munifest' wrong.” ~ . ’ ‘ fiSince the above was/put in type, we tesrn from the Harrisburg Telegraph that no definite quote has yet been assigned tol Pennsylvania. by the suthoritiesVut Wssh~| ington, and coneeque'ntly the quotas of the' different districts have not been fixed. The ' boards of enrollment throughout the State hehevbeen notified to send on correct copies of th enrolirnent, with on account of hove for-me quotas have been filled, the creditsi oh the me, 4:12., unit the new quotes willi then be a igued. If the facts nress stated} by the Tel aph, the people of Pennsylu-‘ his will rejoi ; but Gov. Cut-tin no doubt’ we the qhoteht 66,999 upon nd'vioes from! Washington. \\ . l ; m (“990.0 9? must: I.” 8““ r 9299“ .w fimeum‘ £ nun on momma PAPER. We are pleued to otiee that. lion. 8. E. Anconl, member oranges: from Berk: county. he introduced 9 resolution looking to the removal of the duty on printing pm per. A similer efl‘art wu nude lest session by Hon. Wm. H. leler, vof Dauphin| but the shoddy majority, which seems to study mainly the interest of the speculetors, did not allow the duty to be removed ; end an. Democrat agein makes the proposition, we fenr the jobben will again prevail. Still there is hope. as we notike the! the Repub lican journlls are gettingitheir eyes open to the enormity of this texj; which lnnunlly rob: the press it?! the phblic of many‘mil liom of doll-n, or the lgnefit of manufac turers. The duty i 320 percent. (gold), and amounti to n prohibition,- ss no paper can be imported under it; no the government. is not only deprived of any revenue from this source, but lose: largely by the high price of the domestic article. We know of ,no 5003 reason why the duty Ihould notbo entirely removed : or et leait reduced to 5 low rite. Let Congrats do its duty on one sulject, at lent. 1315 NEW DRAFT. galore the election, when the Demoonu induct! that such a quagmire was impend ing and would bel’eeorted {.O immedintely the: November. it was vehegently denied by the leading supporters of M:._,Lineoln. It was denied by no less a person-go, nuong othen, than Provo“. Maribel Genenl Fry, who gave boil. the weight of his ofieial eon mdjction. The Bepnblictm branded it» p Mccwlkm lie. invented to alarm the poo- Rle, for political purposes. Ten: and ham <l;er of thousands of people believed this depégl, and fondly cherished the delusion tint. thin call for trOope hnd been made. They . ~ or unuleqeived. The drift he: come just qxnclly 533.133 Qamocnls predict ed it would cametiqu'nedifitoly efoet the election. when itpen hevgno egg: ”110501 fi'l‘mt .5" thounnd widow: no me w an Nina-. 1 lpw‘! 9f 9:.- .d-ivla- «in»: mule»: «nag an by pm: hi saucy-‘- 79°08“: ' " ‘ ‘ In th; same, on Wodnnday. Hr. Low! :7 intruiuqrd n supplement to the not reg ulofing thelmiiilin. He also ofi‘er‘ed I reso lptinn instructing the committee on the Judiciary to report. bill prohibiting our street reilwiy company from excluding lie-F you from, their an. Adopted—yea: 16. Abolitinniats, niya 13 Democrats. 1! than: {Abolitioniata continue in power much 1°”: get. tho mgr-q is destined to best the “top of the heap." Cannot the white men olPenn-i sylvwia no whither they are being drifts”: Mr. Bigham introduced 5 bill uxing (liV‘i-,E dead; of all banks organised under the Ne tionel Banking law. . l The Seunton then proceeded to the Hall of the Home, when an election was bold? {or Stete TMurér—Wm. E. Kemble (Ab-t olitioniat) receiving 79 votel, And Wm. V. MaGrath (Democrat) 47 votes. In the House, Mr. Pershing introducedn bill for the better assessment end collection; of taxes. 1 ’l , Mr. Mcdure introducedjoint mention)" relntivo to ineditl for enlistmente in tho; military mid mul uriice of the United States. i ' > Mr. Me to called up in tct changing ‘howenue n u certain crimind me from Adams to anklu‘n county—being that of the Commonwglth ugm'mt Rev. W. Y. Go:- wnlt. for fornication nnd‘ hmlu‘dy, on onih of Eliu‘J Wdter. LIN on: on Wild rl5 effort form change of venue otwalt’: eou'mel. tending. in made by - 6n Thursd‘py adjourned until - y) afternoon. and the House on med until tolizxorrow afternoon. nerry in on the Committee: on 7 Gwaluilies, Election Dmfricu. re Bilis; and MI. Mnnhlll on i and Mnnufacturen. Pensio ul' es. «in! Minesnnl Mmernli. —~——--.n._.—-.———A The Se'na this (Maud Friday ndjo Kr. m-su Pensiom an' and Compul Agriculturéi and Grutuit IOAD CATABTBOPHp. Jl collision occurred on the fennel Railroad. en Saturday l:ek. less than two miles south. ,the northern end of llyde’s cut. yertit-ularsgiven in the Gmue we {1 Friday night, the Erie Expres- IrExpres‘s, both going nortthQre fParkton by the running 03' of ihe, caused by the switch b'eing {As soon as the truck was clear tins proceeded on their journej', ’Expresa going ahead. All item lhe point above mentioned was hen the foreman: trnin came in liliqion with the York anal ch had left. York a short time a those in charge ofeith'er train, Ital and unaccountable mil-un . had no itlen that. the track was th train; were runnmg at their l speed. at. lent. The result. of l was, of course. a terrific wreck, 1 of the passenger Lrnin, which, lttest’ momentum. . ‘ed passenger train was comno xpress car, buggnge car, and . g cars. “The two former cars let?y demolished, and crushed lint nguishuhle mass. The con expren messengers. and the Liar. Thoma.a Grayhill, of Initi has killed. were in the baggage lime of the accident. ‘llow the rlécl with their lives is a miracle. :lor was somewhat cut about. the hnsmhle to ‘0 to his home, in ibut the expreumen were more in. and vgere uken to King’n_ J'k. . . , ‘ RAIL: A {rigllil Northern ~( morning we of York. at From the pi learn that o: and Elmira; detained Alf freight engil left open. | ed, both trq" the Elmira ’ well until 4 reached, "‘1 violent. col}! Height, wh prgvious. ‘ frdm some demandin ‘ not clear, usugl rate I Ihq collisim'r particularly; bad the groll The wreo sed of an'l eight pnsse I wore wmp‘ into an um; duclor, m baggsge ma more, who ' car M the t 1 three escnpi The couducl head, and \Blltimore ; fir‘riously b bdiel in Y 0 Th: next was texyibiyi up on thg ffi 25 feet. Ipl griph,of W? was killed, Several b 0; on 4119 fror‘ open, and d lated. i Both eng‘ jumping. 'J is severely‘ freight trail senger tni car, mostly‘flllod'with sol-lien, ismashed, nnd one and thrown an}, cars to the height of at least lthiscar one mm, (A. L. Updp— lkelbarre. a disohnrged lowing.) I!“ a large number "wounded.— as with corpses from the army, t. piatforms, &c.. were broken "ne of the bodies terrilfly muti- ineers and firemen escaped by ‘he dihpalcher of trains at York blamed fgr muting the local 3 before the survival of the pn ns. TARTLING RUMB- France arewgrézc {lu'Soulk on Jlarc' 4th. ~ ondence flcw York World} England an [Corre If swries‘iwhich Ire obtaining wide cur rency here 'are to be believed, there is. at least, real (longer to be apprehended of im terrention in our ofl‘sirs y England nnd Franco. It is known here. and it is said to have been known In the State Department for sevenl days, that“ England has been quietly orgdnizing a large force of men, to be held in lendiness for some important du ty. An order, moreover, is [mama to have been issued. perempllm'ly refusing have: of absence to the qflicers of stun-rd of Ma 6:? regiment: 0/ (ha Englizh army. and the recent marrelous promptness of the Canadian authorities in raising may, even at tho expense of an en forced dinfl. under the pretext ofnn nppre~ bended invnsion by the Fenians. is thought to point clearly to the fact that they hnd been instructed to seize the first opportuni ty of organising all available forces [or any emergency. . The recent notice of the abrogation of the reciprocity treaty. and the evideutdetermi nation of the government to push work with all possible buts upon the gunbonts intended for service in the northern lakes, is also noticed by those who are now watch ing the signs of the times with intense in terest. _ _ ‘ . Additional excitement has been awaken led by the~ important leading edltbl'lall in the Richmond Examiner and the Sentinel of the 2nd inst. These are believed to have been prompted by Louis Napoleon, and to ; have been put forward to prepare the mind {of the Southern peeple for the but hold l move of the rebel lengers. , I T hill the South in now harder pushed then It any previous time during ‘the war cannot be denied, and the unwillingness of Englnnd and France $0 ISO file Union re stored is well understood. Titty will um pemil 15(qu to be conquered. It is believ ed that. lbe progmmme will be in efi‘ect as follows: Nznice will be given. nicer the 4th ,0! March, Inn. England and France recog l nile Mr. Lincoln on President only of ( such State! no no represented in the electo in“ college, which is tantamount up n-ccog ,nilion o Confedenh independence. The . course hinted n b the Richmond papers in helium! toxhxvo Len adopted some time 'ninon. and she Confederate Sula luvs ul ‘mdy oflered themselves :- colonies of En ‘ghnd and Planes, or at. least at those , powers to mume I protectorate over them. I laJl‘here i- : momma“ on fool: umong some sympathefio ladies of Chicago to col ,lect lucid! ior I costly tilk ooverlet, to be upresoaled to President Lincoln. The Tum Jul“, mink: than ladies would be much , better emplbyod in consoling funda;for the shivering poqr in their midst. ‘ - “J? '65 60! '1 f; ' cmrrsnvan alumna- Annual 3», A BOLD-BLOOD” HERD“. \,,,,‘AE ‘? l 1 J? tflkmmlo’l (cf P 705481! and Dirmeflr-Tbfl} 0n Saturdny afternoon but I nun handy“: ~—;:-_~:::-_—-.s<= . -. «.1. -—_ 3:22:52 1 spdholden in the Gottyitgurg Rnllro-d Com- son I'. Vuuidlnn‘ on murdered et Centre -OFFICERS 0“ LDAB€U§§TK§~PRS pin: umnhled in anon-:1 tinting. inthe Sm- ulle. this county. under the funnel“ circul dent Judge, Hon. Robert J. Fiihvrf Wink. t‘mn building in this place, on hands; lut.-- plgncg'; v, mu a midi", end luring been It Judges, Klan. Druid Ziegler, Eon. fiufln-‘flhphefl sue-e. wee celled to the Choir, end It; home {..r some like, In regarded u . an". ka‘m . 3 “"5 . H Stflihqggolnted 3.0“"!- ‘R: McCurdy. ter. On the ulternoaninqaution three broth» ‘ Dleuict Attorney, Wm. A. Pu¢3flu3“l- } Erq., Seqneatratorknude his Anno‘nl Report, en “med finned. met v. u, “u". “I On. 33mm, Aden lit-hm. , ’ l which we: tend, indnmnxotlon, mooted. lt treville, end determlned W nrmthlw “a oh- Protlxonoury, Jncph ”“5." . l3' annexed. , l x ' tnlu the $3O which in pnld for (Min-ring e do- Regm" ’ Recorder, 8m“) LIH," ! Megan. June: J.Will|, 35l°m°5¥°Vefifind letter to the Puma! Hershel. V. in welt- Clenk of the Courts. Jim” J- Fink. 7 John Hooter were eppoiuted Judge! to In“! his home when the Rupert: “no.“ him 3. . TMW": “001’ Trold- {3: 3the annual election {or Pre-ideut end Direct?“ ‘ . m." wngon end “My plulng kl]: flopped Conmluionen, Jecoh EppelmnnlriSnmutl ‘ «.when the meeting edjourned. ‘ ixhelr hone “,‘d got out. One 01 then wilted Much, Abflh‘m grin 0‘ P. - 010%}, J- l The election in when held, end the fol-1 “R to v_ “a mid to him, “You In my pillow Welter. \ .‘ ‘ l A 2 “'3“ person: "'9 chosen : l or."\ V., who was A strong men, pushed Ru. Auditon, Joeeph‘H. Shun-u, Jo Bull,l Pruident,’Rohert leCurlly. ' ‘l'." ulde .‘md ““de on toverd hie hon”.— J”°Ph Borkee. ,3 ‘ ~ ’ Namfll, an' S'°P" Wm. Bittinner. ' Hownrd hope" then drew a. revolver, end t... Directors of the Poor, heal) I. linger,‘ W. WJ‘eylor. D. With, D. l-lyou, Aha-inn“ dellberete elm n‘ V.flrcd. 1'1“ mu ”A" George “um”, Juo. N. Grill. A Dunn Krise‘, Frederick Dirhl. Wm. Offline", . tend the\hody. v_ luKK'Ndn-‘hfl' up u. Superintendent 0! Common Schoo Enron. G. W. llcClellnn, 11:3. Stable, S. B. Buncll,’ Imm. ".1 hm, “Don’t shoot egnln, Rupert, t Sheely. ‘ ‘ \I i. i ”‘9' Diehl. , em dylng.” film Rupert: then carried Elihu County Surveyor, John 0. Brinke ‘E. l‘ A AflUAfififdltT. J to hit house. when hearted lo a fur mint... sunn‘a's SALES.—Sherl¢llebe§§hux§-z "In a; 8W: .2- an Guryobury Ru'lread 3352“““3” “\‘W' “‘1 “W". “W “W “n"! '0” “19 “HM“! PWP'm" 3““‘”.o"'PW"“G'"“'"‘ 7*" “mu" 'm‘l snch webellen i the hintory ofthio nut Peters, It Aleehnnlcevim, (Bl'egtovuE ,) 'viz: l the Hunorer Brunch Rellroed Company for ‘ heertleen ensure“; E“ “"3“.“ tandem-'- No. l', brick houee wlth lot. to Jodi; lest, nt ‘ (wanting the Gettylhurg Reilrond expired on . 'o' thc’nke of oh’tnln} ‘3O the Rupert sl,soo; So. I. motherboard“! hous ith lot,’ the let of April lut, and the manners ofthnt ‘were induod to Ihoot do?! n h'umn Mn: is to Elini‘Bthey, at $250; No. 3, lot sgeuble, ' {and pefemptorlly declined renewing It upon the presence 0! Bil-fife H}? hob". lt :” tofilin Rather,“ $247: No. 4, op on: lot, 1 any termet~ The; however consented tofurnluh l not neceunr'y however to no“ v. < The n“... to Daniel Let-cw, at $B5; No. 5, amt“: lot, 8} motif: power for two months longer to give ’ brothers could have "lie-ted “3,1“, I“ one “Y", ‘0 Daniel ”’9': I‘ 551- 3'; - éus more timénjo purchnbe englnn. For thle but lt h believed thnt they wanted to kill him. “10, P'oP'"! 0‘ 9“" u'f'nuxf} )lmnt- ‘ work we paid they! ‘0 cents for each mile run ' end they did kill him. We hope our hwmt‘: ”1'5"“ townhip, two acres 'nh‘%'l"°"' lby “'9". \‘x ‘ l flcm will see to it thet they Rupert-l en errant ”"ur ‘° 1““ L‘lwrenc'e, nt “52‘; “I’o 3! ‘cd tried end punished. ‘ tract oflnnd of Corneliue Broughnén Hun- l ‘ I". 33.8“,“ m. then m“ in ”P. '. have tington townllllpfivencrelwitb imprggements, land m“ the three ““9"“ 5." been ar ‘9-30h“ Biff? “‘32?“ >___~_. ;_ ‘ fluted and lodged in jn’ll tdlwllt their trial for ‘ E'The following gentlemen were“ elected murder.—~L‘arlila Volunteer. Director: of the Gettymnrg .\'ntional Bunk on 'l‘ueqday lan: George Swupe. Wm. l). llimei, Wm. llcSlferry. Hem-y ert, Wm. Yuurlz. )lur m Snmnon, Jnmee J. wmi, limo Kwdle buxylmwil H. Moner. ”This" foflowing gentlemen were elm-m) Direcrton of the Firit Natiorpnl Ban}: ofGeu) s. burg on Tunda; but: George Thronp. George Arnold, John Broughdohn Harm-r, D. “(fon nugby, lune Sndler, Jncob .\lusi‘clmnn. - am“ a rqgullr meeting 0! mg Gettysburg Beneficiul' Auociatiun. he” on Smurdny evening week. the [allowing ufl‘xrers wort- re elected for 1865 : President‘ R. J. Smhle ; ,Vice President, Henry Rupp; SeLfl‘kll’L K- G- Ilurper; Treuurer‘ J. B. Dune?“ The Sat-My mods at the Eagle How], on the fin: Smur day evening of each month—me muting hour! beinyflor December, January and February“! 6 o’clock, for March, April and “my at? 'l o’ckork, for June,July and August “8 o‘clock, and {or September, October and :(oveuxber M. 7 o‘clock. 2 ' WWI announce with rejzru that Wm. 5. Johns, ton of Mr. JnnmJohna, or Pete-fishing}, member of the Imm Rogl P. V, who was' wounded and taken prisoner a! the hn‘nle of tho Wilderness, and subsequently howled in Georgia, died “Annapolis, 31.1.. on Fr'rdny evening, Dec. 30th, aged 2731 an 6 miunlhl and 18 (113-5. 113: rennin WM hrongh‘ home by his mums, and inn-trod in the Lmhernn gran- firfi in Pehrshurg, on Thuridl] week. He lcxn as a wife and chihHo mourn lis curly his. He wu a gallant soldier, .nLd din-‘d a christian. ’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ SAD FAmrLY AFFl.lCTlO.\'S.——Sorornl slum“ drum occurred luv. meek, iu the Imu lly 0! Peter Levun. of Locust luwndnp, l‘ul. umhiu mum}. Un 'l‘hurad-Iy two ufhis «laugh ter» one near], gnmu lip, the other smaller, tuqk suddenly nil-k and in n almrt time were deiul. Un Saturday: hlu wife and anmh-r child were taken w ilh x-imilnr I’m-lune. which llkc wise proved fills] in a few hours. ’ The family of William nml Reberrn Earhart, in Korxh Codorul lownlhip,,¥6rk county, has been pginfully afflicted with dipiberil. ln we short niece of nineieen days, four or in. Sin children have been “up; into elerniq. . fi-The fnrm of tho late Joseph Riddle mmer, demand, in Liberty mans‘mp, vms gold smile like ago, In W. Ross While, Esq.— 211 acres, :1. $25 50 per Acre. ' Q‘Seveni weeks 120, "to foyehuses nine 08 u Niddlewwn, in Butler wwnihip, in one day. nnd on Wednesday lut threeflore were bed. The “nly fellown" were noon mama, h‘owever—not one or them ruining over mo mites—but. uill there ms the null! excite ment. unite, and {ln riding. A fox chase tho cook pluce‘ac )1 ummnlbnrg recentlyfiho fox linking toward: the South lounuin, and running :33. or eight miles be; fore being brought {a the duel. is is describ ed as hum: been a “hlgh old tune" likewise. COUNTRRFEITEBS,‘ AWESTEDA—ThurI d-y oflernoou- lasi two uoidiere nnmal' Smith end St. Chil- hired n hqru ind buggy from Mr.’ H. B. Ziegler "to iide'nround town for a few 1 hours," but not returning at the fluid time, Mr. Z. mode inquiry Ihd learned they ind pu ned n qlnhtity of counterfeit money on rei'erai penons, including I #lOO. greenhtck on In! John Treibler, a tnilorl "aiding on Eut Loinl ther street. and ihnt "L“ lul neon tho-y new] driving in the direciihn of Hnlrilbnxg. A: Chief Burger: of Cariillc. Mr. Ziegler immedi- Me telegraphed to the pixie! of Pollcc of Har- ; rhhurg, who soonifounjd the gentlemon “lpiurv , ging” around the hotels of mu pine, under the names of Captnin Wilcox and Lieutenlnt Benedict, and Irrelled ’gthem withou't. In] lrol— : his. 0:: their perrom'nl found quite lune amount 0! greenblckc.‘ They wen hroug . this piece on Fridly r‘uii Mu nowJ-ouding It; the “Snndntoue Home," where it i! expected] they will remain until Judge Gnhnm given them permiuion to go to Phil-hiphil.—C¢r- Ede Democrat. ” ‘ A VALUABLE OBOE—Tho value («Onion :1 a crop Ilnc. m. war hn puny (unused 3nd our human would do well to consider l! lg would not to worth their while to pny more altehtion to its cultqh. The following. from an exchnnge, will none to show hqw i 1 pp: “A farmer in Scott county; lon, nut Du enpon, Ind this yen one fine field of forty new. in onion, Ind the Hang. yield in believ ed to be 915 bushel» to the sen. A: thin wu lb: "Inn yield of carefully meuured por tion, the entire crop from the forty um will lhal be 35,0(0 bushell, and u onion: u. Dn unpou will sell for $1.48 a bushel. the yield 0! min-forty acre pnlch will In QMJSBx" “(the Cincinnmi Commercial publ‘lbes : report that Provost. Marsha Generll Fry bu decided dim. thou who provided nub-mules for three yarn, under the Inn draft, I" enti— flod to exemption bu! for one yur. The Con march-.1 pronouns: this a gun;- duilion, ma reflect-i severely upon the Provo“. llnhul‘for it. )Pldn mpl." would pronounce it I little worse than 1211110. 4 ‘ ¥ fid‘old i .i to hue been fonnd men, in null quantities neu- Bcnnington, .Vennont. lii-7:130 found In mu qngntitiu hen! wWe notic Ila-ft quite n number of town uy newspapers bun put. up ‘bo'u nun m'fl puma- in mud. . fivo «mu ~ lioufo‘fgqg mule” to 33"."!!! E Msswes; ° " [lowing had notice‘\ih January of the inleu (logo! that. Conn-any t 6 diuolve the coulrnct relafiul on the In of the following April, I mud: ere}; efl‘on to get (“Lacomotin built, humilhoul when. I could nut. get- promiler from locommlve lgujlden to flulu: one in leu than ll n'onllu. null-lieu only an condition that we neceuillu um“ Gin-eminent did um requére it u hen it mu done. 'l—‘ll-eg’ulkqd flu enormous lnl'l ol $30,000 for I lint-c 312: pu anger or freiglh engine of oulimu'v weight. I lhen went to lee Several second hand locomo tive: nnd finally bought two. Tlie one] pint! $2,500 for und have had inhomughly repaired and the gear/lug changed. For um olher I paid $5,000, nnd have ‘been running it tun tripe daily, with u few exception], line the first of June. This locomotive requires seine repnjn‘ uni re-n’odeling of her curing, an 1 think she will then do us good segvi‘ce. lbu‘e also had a passenger car (will, mud n hugglge 'car, constructed on the truck: of ope ofthe Company's frgjfibl clrl. IJniAug ttheur there have been ghoul 3,000 mum: on 31¢ mh inch, will “To"! URI" "0" ties purclmm’d and [MI in flII "NFL—g opportuniliu hr Sending "3 mom, and I. More I)? :quired and I M" cunlncled {or hope than in lunar; finish“ mesches 09 ”$13.5.” but lime grain :nmpdfiflf‘hmv an) t'hu: 5"" “I. (ha l'etfi'rmnuc” Of.‘ over “no road during the hgt year, The 1431- duty (km. “I‘l be “' “"memm u “'"h be: ml can! (mu-porutiuh hnl been com- , _ _ “2": . ' ‘ . pantively fight, and tho only increase in RECURDFN‘R I)EP.Da.—-The “_"°""M M frrighn bu barn in thc trunnpormlion lulu-31.3 P‘f‘W' hold-mg “"""“'"‘"l )de' !' “"9““. Dming the summer aha {all the rccoip}: lrom f.” ”N """‘"°‘" oh“ 5". 3‘5"“"15' "m"? passenger mm were hugely inereptd‘l, and 1 requires ““h— ‘ think we m'n ex 9“ to~ hlvan grlldtinl in" “All deeds {lnd convoynncu fur rm] mat. . y. P ‘ 1 Lib In Ibis I'ummonwwlth elmll Lo: "var-{M in crease I. "Md 0'" the “1"?" "r ""9 Ih‘e office Jar “roar-fin}! “co-ll in lhe mum! nun-rim): baring greatly ndum-edl ncreuue “-1,." m 9 “mag lie. mm.» air mind/J nn- 5' .12. the mm of lmnsporlilion both m p uengen . cteculiQn ol slu-h doc-‘4l.- mid runynum‘r - MLI r . h” u I. - ‘ en-n auuh drul unnl rnlnrrnmr "m, n arm-1N “"1 lm“ 1:": .m:" b M r' p tof‘ nsnmrmnummu he mug-ml”nun-Luv l "I?" We!“ aln 'E .\lpm n , 'ASH VUID uyninn mu #ubqunvnl pun-hm” ”“3 earnmgs Of’ ““3 Comp: 2' “"08 ”"3 3"" ' for M‘ .lunhle runalnlernunn, uplms m- h d-ulg ending “03.31, ”85. 'l' I exhibu lhmil the 9be H‘cordrd hrfure Ihr n-rnrdinz u! v-hr d M M “(u-l eunlngt of the ompgny taken from : ronvugnnce nmlrr whn-l. surfifu‘llln-quml pm. lhe books, lull there at nil! :1 portion of those: ' “11"” ‘s' mortgage allull Chm": . V earnings uzcollected. .There are hills any! (Thi' :5 a very Import“: name, nm! “’0" pundiug- M. 11.: (l tynburg, "-110?" ."dwoldinz unrecunled «feed: will we the inflpor. Northern Central Station, Ind (be last quzsr-l "n“ “l “Fink ““71“ "50'5“? wkhout PM”! m- {or mail transporulion has not '9". been [ dd“! paid. . 2. - The expenditure: (gre- clinified u ordinary? and extraordinary. There hm been name. mqney borrows! to pay. the extmordinlry ex- , Gonernl Shermun'u advnnoo mum! in «low. pauses!an when the bill: in a“ consent! Ind . \y'mofinx Immllw Sunmuh giver towards the accounts oflhe luau :nd Ihe Pout Ollie: . (Ithafl'iufl'g‘; A “"5? W": ‘gr ill: “a": D H . 'qrn yml in [raw «Inn. rem - Manna [Jinnmrlllre par 3?:3'5?’ p. 33, It ml}, lo Purl "JV“. and whllu one “mum ° “ “ an" a ' “”1"“ W the mdvu nurlh from llnrdresnlle, whim 10"“ l" “’9 p“! ’9’" = {place In: a cuntmlhytbo Confederates on r. _ , ' The road In: dune well darinqthq pnatyur, but will: maonnble crop. thin year the {:1 ceipu will much exceed thou oflbc lung yofir. _ . R. IcCunnv, Pmldcnu, I'. following an the «thing- I'- lhe s”qu lumps: fro. rnrlqu lohrcen Inqnlhly : ' _ 1884.. Pnu’ennn. Freight. fl'olnl. Jununry, 3146,31 711.09 um.» Frb'unry, ‘ 731,58 723.79 145‘}? Much, 193,60 ”LEO ~ 1875,60 April, - . low 2:73.43 ms,“ Sky, 9 "NJ! 2028,11 June. ~' u , 993.13 ¥ 1860,“ July, 1065,94 “9.51 ‘ 195,45 Anznlt, ‘ 1:09.03 914,95 3124.30 Sepumber, 1686,13 1099,11 2185,85 Ocmhe‘r, 1450,10 1253.35 2708.59- Norgmhcr, 1100.79 1103,23 2:71.07 December,‘ - 940,10 1236,92 2011,62 Trnnsponuion of the U 8. mnils. U. S. militnrj tun-portalion paid duripg your, Excursions, labor putting in private switch", to" Tot-I, The following an the monthly pr-nillmru for ordinary upon)". repair: or road, materi- Ila, crou tin, wood “dyaldillr, npnin of engmel ‘864. Jlnunry. Felmnry. lurch...“ Apri1,...... H1y,........ June... Ju1y........ August»... Se|-1ennber,......... 0ct0brr.................... - trump..." .......... December, (including hetry him {or wood “a mu-tieg)..........‘. ......u. ...»... .... "on. u-ul m l ,6: mm,“ Sultfiu of 89:;an Int! lath: n:0n10,...,.........u..................... mam .......‘....... 815,011.66 Tblal ..,. W Patch-5e of Loosmoflvq'flo. I. '. 33500.00 ‘n u _ No. 3,‘ ‘ no mo " “ I‘ll-eager Osr, sua,oa Building Baggage Car, 221,35 Porcine of ml: to: «Elk clash“. 368,4. Pnid on set. ul‘repainof gin No. I , 5500,00 Tout, - somwasT slosuis. mum Jn hand: a 1m unlo neut. Jnury 1. 18C, 3144 mm Burning: during the you ”o‘. $0,277.84 , ‘ muons-Ila". ‘ Distributed m Band-bol dmn.u per Audimy's upon, MM,” Swing! upeu'u‘,‘ 15,037,“ ‘ m: n ‘ as ‘ "’ - .1231. 41,571,» Bunncoo'ing on lon u pl! ‘3‘ ":0"!qu expend“, ”3“," “'JuluryCoun commences My 3-4 m. of no Mama upcnnd mu. will uh place at York to-moriow. , file-m. leSlm-ry nd lsnhll h“. on dunk! for Lexi-lain luau. . ‘Kx—Gmu/Inr Ths . iii-fit. m 2.“! “9°! M 99; mum“ : I=l ‘ . IMPORTANT T 0 .BUBSCBIBKRS.'—Sinn the 1-! of August, 1864, out mm!- of lubaerip~\ " tion have horn Tia DOLLARS ifpnid in Ed‘s-win, und vro DOLIAII nu hr" o.qu I! my; bf: paid. Those when“ and {n3 'mbuwu‘g mu Vind the 2111 m Jumn, can [mm the papa-r :1: our mun: urms. Afr" thu 1M- (flu ‘pubuiued mm win no mumu Alumnus fro. . ‘ 3 #145? NOTICE—Any: the In a! Febnmry, non-pay” upsuiloulmft h. "rich-n mmflw list. The mormoullprivn which we are colfipened to psi; for fl‘Qfiithing used in gating am the Connizu leave & no on)" recourse. The “mindfuln'tu corn. —~ --—~-——- ~ «I» <——--——.—— THE WAR NEWS. n»! m- uv'n nun "um i’l‘huraduy Int. anmhor iu' mnrchin; [mm ‘Hllllon Haul. Bah oolumm Ira mrmug ‘lxiWll'lll (iraimnu-vilfv. ‘thiny-lour miles {north nf Snvumfv ’l‘hvy mat-eh uhmg we Irondl bNWN-n t (- "a emu: and the nil mul. and the Unufedeihtes gradually nr Caren: beforeuwm, making but tec-ble ap ‘poolfinn. On Fruliy ”hut. New river mu crrmad, and the FPdnru! ulnnce mu fiflwl miles south of umhnmuilio. Whmlvr't cuVlh'y were imnxu-linafy'in from at Slur-1 mum’s troop. Then in 1 report llml on .Sund y Guhnmuvifla mu nonupiml. h is luwuty nulu mulhwul of Charlnlon. i Genenl Thoma, utter mulching lomh Ho Pulaski, Tennessee. twidenly cut 100-so fironl‘Nuhvillu M a bone; Item, lo 1h Toul , lumen river. and. turning mutant, much ed up it frank Chattanooga. Hi. object is unknn n. no:‘ him In- heen hard trom’ ‘ninco January 4th. Gvneril Hood hu mud. u rope". of the hum» of blaming.— ' He says be fast fifty view: a! cannon. but lib-t hi: [on in lulled and vuunded wu "null? lle lay: nothing abouirrimnerln— {Hood’s army iknow di-lribn! u rarinuu ,pouiu from F 1 ronce. Allhlml, IPll'lld “a Corinth, Miniuippi. He is gumilng' . tho nonhern pnm 0| those Shun—Ag! a] Friday. ' ~ ‘ 131113 UM 9oskas 144,247,84 I= Buffing: 55’ kaugut.‘-—Sayl the New A - buil‘y (lnd.) Lodger: ‘ any telugoe families in lhia vicinity are putting the cold weather now um no in miserable hoveln. bum by; placing rdl Ignitiu fang“. I 0 I: to nlold n lempofll'! Ihelur. Their aufi'vringi may be inn-gin ed when itil known that they are thinly und poorly and, um! mod. 0! them depim dent on clarity for the food which keep !hem IIIVO- ‘ A’nother of the elect: 0! this “cruel lII‘. ’ ' sums an 31 990,01 1241.94 1157,93 1692,63 no,“ 1011,90 1117,59 1279,33 "Mg,“ fi‘l‘ho cubic: of the Phihdclphis Cm. tom House, G. 1!. Allen. who in charged with the robbing of the viulf. waived l baring nnd- bu been cnmmiucd to prison in dobul‘ of $25,000 bail to nil hit trinl at the next term of court. in“ in under stood L 0 be a brother-in-lnw ol the Collector. -‘l‘here on quite 3 number 0! Abolition hu nbout this time who five-t am they would_ “now t a “rebel." no yum". Poor fools! Every body know,- ¢bnt ”they were within reach of the "Johnniu" “go only hing they would show would be their hund‘untznr-Bcuefom Watchman. $17,424,841 -1! in nidfim Old Ab. intends to bus theWhito Hon-grated Black. no til» the colors! his ten own-y conform to the Cut. 0! his supporters. '11» Mu Iu mgfllled by pm origin-l genhn. John W. Folney, who u to tuperintcnd‘thojob. ..Lumur [Malaya-ctr. 140,369,94 fix femle tenant. in Newport, while alt-kin: . carpet, fall cm of a window twenty-d in feet high. 82:. lny stunned {or I whit, but fizz-11, go} up; picked up the ogrpot. and went ghoul he: basin". ”A diuonnh'u you“ Indy um hufd Io um! tho otha dsy tint if n can «bed had him folloeo flu didn’t see why she couldn't bu. one. tn 1. . 5;.» min-k. to think an the mjority In than in“. right; j The! yet. not IO in tho 'nu‘tor of tho: 190 d, ud “uric bug: um; gem-d tim’uipeo. pm. nub. o! mum. in. hu -9;: moon anti-h} u. Wanda; 9h: pay 538 moths. ‘ ~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers